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Markov Cybernetics of Living Matter Mir 1987

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The book discusses cybernetics and its applications to various areas of biology, psychology and medicine.

Some of the topics discussed include biology, genetics, evolution, living systems, autowaves, theoretical biology, information theory, control sciences, complexity of living systems, integrity of life, brain and intelligence.

The book takes a cybernetics approach and examines living matter by looking at its multiple functions, basis of brain reliability, limits of psychics modeling, and mathematical methods in psychology.


of Living ^
Matter: E™.™,
Editor I.M. MAKAROV / \ ^ 1 I

of Living

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H. M. ManapoBa
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of Living
Matter: Nature,
Corresponding Member
of the USSR Academy of

Compiled by V. D. Pekells

Translated from the Russian

by V. I. Kisin


First published 1987

Ha O M AU UCKO M A3blK e

Printed in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

© Mir Publishers, 1987


Preface. Yu. A. Ovchinnikov 7

Note from the Compiler. V. D. Pekelis 10

I. Biology and Information 23

Biology Today 23
Basic Tendencies in Physico-Chemical Biology. Yu. A. Ovchin­
nikov 23
Genetics, Evolution, and Theoretical Biology. N. V. Timo-
feev-Resovsky 33
Transition to Constructing Living Systems. A. A. Baev 41
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding. G. R. Ivanitskyt
V. I. Krinsky, and 0. A. Mornev 52

Cybernetics' Standpoint 75
Cybernetics Approach to Theoretical Biology. A. A. Lyapunov 75
Information Tneory and Evolution. M. V. Volkenshtein 83
Control Sciences and the Harvest. Yu. M. Svirezhev 94

II. The Complexity of Living Systems 105

Integrity of Life 105
On Systematic and Integral Nature of Man. V. G. Afanasyev 105
The Contribution of Psychology to Systems Research of Man.
B. F. Lomov 115

Brain and Intelligence 127

Natural Intelligence versus Artificial Intelligence: The Phi­
losophical View. P . K. Anokhin 127
On Reliability of the Brain. A . B . Kogan 142
6 Contents

Novel Aspects 154

Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation. V. N. Reushkin 154
Searching Activity, Sleep, and Stability of the Organism.
V. S. Rotenberg 183
On Man's “Third State”. V. /. Klimova 195

III. Difficulties on the Road to Truth 203

Science and New Information 203
Road to Truth (on the scientific method of cognitionf.
A. B . Migdal and E. V. Netesova 203
The Dynamics of New Truths in Biological Sciences. S. E. Shnol 217
On New Knowledge in Biological Studies. B. V. Biryukov 229
Criteria of Existence and Conflicting Situations in Science.
D. I. Dubrovsky 237

New Horizons in Cognition 244

The Physical Fields of Biological Objects. Yu. V. Gulyaev
and E. E. Godik 244
Man’s Magnetic Fields. V. L . Vvedensky and V. /. Ozhogin 25
Radio Freguency Emission of Human Body and Medical Diag­
nostics. V. S. Troitsky 266

Several Problems in Psychology 276

The Psychology of Cognition and Cybernetics. B. M. Velich-
kovsky 276
Subconsciousness and Superconsciousness. P. V. Simonov 292
The Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology.
B . F. Lomov 307

The Organism and Age 325

Ageing and Old Age. V. /. Klimova 325
Extension of Human Life: The Biological Dimension and Expe­
rimentation. V. V. Frolkis and Kh. K. Muradyan 336
Overhaul of Man. V. D. Pekelis 352
About The Authors 361

The breathtaking discoveries of today’s biology not only

revolutionize our view of the living matter but also make
a profound impact on medicine, agriculture, and a number
of manufacturing industries. Had the ideas and methods of
cybernetics not been taken over by the biological theory and
its applications, these discoveries would, however, be in­
Control science, theory of large-scale systems, informa­
tion theory, studies of data transmission systems and com­
munication channels in the living matter coupled with the
ideas and techniques coming from chemistry, physics, and
mathematics shape the biological science of today. All of
its numerous '‘narrow”, “specialized”, or “traditional” fields
have experienced a profound impact of cybernetics; its
heuristic fruitfulness, now indispensable for biology, is
obvious in all of them.
Extensive utilization of experimental methods, simula­
tion studies, and systems analysis promoted biology to the
rank of exact science. Some people have probably forgotten
that biology used to be a descriptive discipline.
The successes scored by this science are impressive and
widely acclaimed. For illustration, I will take up my own
line of research, physico-chemical biology.
Soviet scientists have significantly contributed to un­
raveling the basic mechanisms of storage and expression of
genetic information, to discovering the laws of regulation
8 Yu. A. Ovchinnikov

and energy supply in a living cell, and to studying the struc­

ture and chemical synthesis of substances.
Genetic engineering which came into existence about ten
years ago has been fruitfully developing in the USSR. This
new science makes it possible to change in a purposeful way
the machinery of inheritance, to “design the living matter”.
Biotechnological processes are utilized in the manufacture
of medical drugs, foodstuffs, and fodder. A major task for
our science today is to expand and deepen basic research and
to make its findings work in practical fields. +
The humanitarian nature of today’s biology should by no
means be overlooked. It is essential for science as an entity
and especially for genetics and psychophysiology and for
research on the structure and functioning of the brain.
Narrowly specialized researchers who, by force of tradi­
tion, explore the unknown by advancing along their cherished
“rut”, usually find themselves in a cul-de-sac. They may ob­
viate this predicament when they study something less com­
plicated but in trying to solve the mysteries of Man the
scientist should deliver the attack in the most interdisciplin­
ary fashion. For this reason the “cybernetics of the living
matter” cannot be treated apart from various aspects of its
application to studies of man.
Every scientist is aware of the pressing need in compre­
hensive studies of man. Even if a far cry from approaching
the answers, every step forward must be thoroughly report­
The vital importance of every research project in this
field, particularly those of Soviet scientists, cannot be over­
Man will remain a mystery unless certain basic problems
are resolved, problems of such magnitude that scientists of
the whole world pull their efforts together to attack them.
The reader will recall that human thought developed most
Preface 9

successfully whenever the new knowledge was jointly shared

and comprehended.
This collection of papers addresses a wide range of read­
ers. The title of the book is hardly surprising. The import­
ance of cybernetics approaches to biology has been widely
appreciated in the last decades and found overwhelmingly
fruitful. I believe that this book reporting the cybernetics-
aided findings of Soviet researchers in diverse biological
fields will give the reader a wider view of this science.
Academician Yu. A. Ovchinnikov,
Vice-President of the USSR Academy
of Sciences
Note from the Compiler

This collection of papers, as the reader will see from its

title, “Cybernetics of Living Matter: Nature, Man, Infor­
mation”, dwells upon the fields of biological cybernetics and
data processing in physiological systems. This choice is
explained in the Preface and in the opening article written
by a leading Soviet authority in biology AcSdemician
Yu. A. Ovchinnikov, Vice-President of the USSR Academy
of Sciences: “The scope of interests and problems in today’s
biology is extremely wide: from elementary processes in
a living cell to the development of the entire organism, to
its interaction with other organisms and the environment
in the ecological system. Today’s biology is rapidly evolv­
ing branch of science, rich in exciting problems and pros­
pects, commanding an army of enthusiasts, and armed with
the most advanced techniques and equipment. Biology holds
key positions in solving the global problems mankind con­
fronts, be it the battle against fatal disease, the food crisis,
or the pollution of the environment”.
It was long ago that cybernetics “took note” of biology
while mathematical exploration of biology has a still longer
history. Enhanced by the intersection of various fields of
knowledge, penetration of mathematics into biology was
especially vigorous during the last two or three decades.
For a long time biology has been influenced by new ideas
of physics and chemistry. The reader will recall the once
sensational “What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Liv-
Note from the Compiler 11

ing Cell” by E. Schrodinger, “The Kinetic Fundamentals of

Molecular Biology” by a group of scientists, and “Molecules
and Life” by M. V. Volkenshtein, Corresponding Member
of the USSR Academy of Sciences, one of the contributors to
this collection, to understand that in treating various issues
in biophysics, biochemistry, and molecular biology prob­
lems arise which are akin to those in theoretical physics
and chemistry. Application of physical and chemical find­
ings to biological research naturally results in a mathemat­
ical way of thinking and in the use of techniques borrowed
from informatics and cybernetics. Today biological stud­
ies are unthinkable without mathematical tools, control
theory, and information theoretic concepts.
It is a remarkable fact that biology has been not only
a field of application for cybernetics where the potential
of new theories was tested but also an aid in making new
discoveries. Biology has proved very helpful in artificial
intelligence, pattern recognition, robotics, and other fields
of research. The complexity of such phenomena as the func­
tioning of the brain, interactions in biological communities,
adaptability, reproducibility, survival of living organisms,
and their high reliability called for more sophisticated
mathematical models and new control procedures. Thus
search for mathematical modeling of reproduction processes
culminated in the theory of self-reproducing automata.
A complete list of cybernetic applications to biology would
he impressive by its mere size. We will name just a few:
studies of principles underlying the control of physiological
processes in an organism as an entity; analysis of control
and regulation mechanisms in physiological systems such
as hlood circulation, respiration, and exchange of matter
and energy; systematic representation and mathematical
mod(ding of evolutionary processes; studies of control and
data processing mechanisms in embryogenesis and growth
12 V. D. Pekelis

of the organism; studies of reliability in living nature;

various levels of studying the oscillatory process as a major
principle embodied in the organization of biological systems;
analysis of the behaviour of living beings in various environ­
ments; unraveling the mechanisms of the brain functioning;
and development and manufacture of biotechnical assemblies
which would act as live organs.
Cybernetically, the most challenging lines of research
are the control mechanisms and data processing in living
beings and possible applications of information-theoretic me­
thods to studying the functioning of human sensory organs,
nervous system, and behaviour.
Of course, a small book cannot cover all these aspects.
The reader will find in it several enlightening articles on
controversial issues. Some of the articleg*provide overviews of
their fields while others describe specific research projects.
In addition to a survey of general trends in physico­
chemical biology made by Academician Yu. A. Ovchinni­
kov, this collection includes an article reporting an applied
study, “Autowaves: an interdisciplinary finding”. In this
article a merger of physico-chemical and informatics ap­
proaches to biological phenomena is shown to give rise to
a new line of research which results in the discovery of
fascinating world.
The new classical research of A. A. Lyapunov, Correspond­
ing Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, on a cybernet­
ic approach to theoretical biology is followed up in the col­
lection by Yu. M. Svirezhev’s article “Control sciences and
the harvest” in which he tried to demonstrate the use of
“non-conventional” tools in agriculture which is viewed as
an inhomogeneous complex system consisting of energetic,
economic, ecological, and informational components. He
proposes a technique for determining the conditions under
which the system will operate in an optimal way.
Note from the Compiler 13

The much-discussed and ever-relevant issue, the evolu­

tionary theory, is viewed from different standpoints by
N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky in his “Genetics, evolution, and
theoretical biology” and M. V. Volkenshtein in his “Informa­
tion theory and evolution”. The former shows that a bet­
ter understanding of the evolution largely depends on the
development of a general theory of biology and the latter
concentrates on the value of information in biological struc­
tures in the course of evolution. Both authors analyze a
variety of complex scientific data on this very important
Academician B. S. Sokolov argues in his review “A half
century of thinking in biology” of A. A. Lyubishchev’s
book “On ways to systematize the evolution of organisms”
that the discouraging fact in some biological fields such
as the evolutionary theory is excess, rather than shortage,
of various ideas. Indeed, biology abounds in various des­
criptions, observations, experimental results, and models.
This flow of information cannot be handled by the avail­
able processing tools. The overriding need of biology is
now to evaluate the “product” supplied to the information
“market”. For this reason, according to B. S. Sokolov, cri­
ticism has a major role to play. This criticism “manifests it­
self in different ways and on different levels, from the pro­
cedures of specific research projects to philosophic interpre­
tation of scientific activity as a whole”.
In this contexts the parts of this collection “Science and
new information” and “New horizons in cognition” should
be approached. The articles under these headings range from
reports of the concrete findings to philosophical and metho­
dological approaches to some issues. The former kind is re­
presented by the article “Man’s magnetic fields” by
V. L. Vvedensky and V. I. Ozhogin who demonstrate how
the measurements made by super-sensitive magnetic instru-
14 V. D. Pekelis

merits facilitate medical diagnostics and the studies of

human brain.
Yu. V. Gulyaev and E. E. Godik, the authors of the article
“The physical fields of biological objects”, report a series
of profound investigations accomplished by most advanced
experimental methods, using precise physical instruments
interfaced with computers. This work is being carried out
now at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics
of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
The complexity of topics discussed in this collection made
it imperative to include philosophical-and-methodoligical
articles. These are grouped under a general heading “Science
and New Information”. The first article there, by A. M. Mig-
dal, full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and
Ye. V. Netesova, “Road to truth (on the scientific method
of cognition)” discusses the differences between scientific
and unscientific treatment of the phenomena in the world
around us, between what is true and what is not in science.
D. I. Dubrovsky (“Criteria of existence and conflicting
situations in science”) analyzes from the materialistic point
of view the criteria of existence and inexistence. In terms
of knowledge and ignorance (we know that we know; we
know that we do not know; we do not know that we do not
know; which reminds of a biological catchword, from false
knowledge to true ignorance) the author tries to analyze
philosophically what is possible and what is not in science
as far as informatics and cybernetics are concerned.
B. V. Biryukov (“On new knowledge in biological studies”)
defines scientific, pre-scientific, and unscientific sensations.
The scientific process is analyzed by S. E. Shnol. His
article “The dynamics of new truths in biological sciences”
unravels the causes for delayed recognition of some disco­
With all their variety the articles in this collection pursue
Note from the Compiler 15

the theme of the functioning of living matter and informa­

tion, or data processing and cybernetic aspects of biology.
It is because many areas remain unexplored and problems
unresolved that the truth and falsity in science and sensa­
tional findings had to be discussed.
As biology employs data-processing methods on an ever
increasing scale, new results are obtained and, which is
equally important, well-known fact., are viewed from new
standpoints. The ever-growing cooperation of cybernetics and
biology facilitates the development of non-conventional ap­
proaches. Numerous new mathematical systems serve purely
biological purposes.
The application of informatics to living nature has yield­
ed certain negative results valuable in the sense that certain
things were found impossible. Thus the functioning of the
whole cannot be studied in a number of cases until “full”
knowledge of its components is available. The super-com­
plex living systems incorporate two-way links which cannot
be found unless the functioning of the components has been
explored both “horizontally” and “vertically”.
The data processing approach is very promising; thus far
it has helped determine new aspects in the functioning of
complex living systems.
In the articles of this collection man is viewed as a com­
plex system. In studying man, every discipline should main­
tain its specific features and at the same time recognize the
interaction of various fields of knowledge and the complex­
ities of comprehensive studies. The awareness of this aspect
is obvious in all articles of the collection and helps the au­
thors either to answer questions or to pose new questions.
Karl Marx foresaw comprehensive studies of man. He
said: “Natural science will in time incorporate into itself
the science of man, just as the science of man will incorpo­
rate into itself natural science: these will be one science”.
16 V. D. Pekelis

Indeed, now man is being studied by philosophers and socio­

logists, specialists in ethics and pedagogy, physiologists
and medical scientists, and many other scientists.
Quite naturally, all the aspects of these studies could not
be treated in the framework of several Parts of this collec­
tion. The authors, however, tried to raise most interesting
In the context of the technological revolution and its
consequences man becomes the strategic goal of cognition.
This is what the article “On systemic, integral nature of
man” is about. Its author V. G. Afanasyev, full member of
the USSR Academy of Sciences, is one of the founders and
a most active protagonist of systems research in the Soviet
Union. He has made an important contribution to research
on the philosophical dimension of the systemic character
of nature and society.
Man is said in his article to be not only the “centre”,
or “focal point” of a social system but also a biological being
which is a mobile self-controlled integral system, a concen­
tration not only of social relationships but also of the object­
ive world in the variety of its manifestations. In fact, man
organically combines all laws of the universe, mechanical,
physical, chemical, biological, and social, the latter being
dominant and system-generating.
Marx also said that man is a part of nature. But Marx
and Engels provided a profound understanding of man’s
dependence on nature and the social significance of that
dependence. Marx wrote of human nature as a totality of
his life powers. This essential formulation is in no way in
conflict with another Marx’s formula, that man is a totality
of all social relationships.
A sound informatics-and-biological approach organically
combines physico-chemical tools, a biological statement of
the problem, and cybernetic ideas. In this way a new step
Note from the Compiler 17

is made towards understanding the phenomenon of life in

the cognition of man and adds to the hierarchy of models
which provide an insight into the super-complex systems
of intelligent living beings.
The article “Transition to constructing living systems”
is worthy of special attention. Its author, A. A. Baev, full
member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, is active in mo­
lecular biology and genetic engineering. He demonstrates
that with the advent of genetic engineering the experiment­
al biology entered a new stage of development which can
be regarded as very promising. The author comes to a con­
clusion that the concepts of information, coding, control,
and feedback and of the entire control engineering methodo­
logy have enhanced the treatment of numerous conventional
biological issues and, which seems especially significant,
have been instrumental in restating some issues (such as
decoding of the genetic information), and in resolving com­
plex problems in genetic engineering.
Although its achievements are still modest, the promise
of genetic engineering in the designing of living beings is
such, notes Baev, that one has to restrain one’s imagina­
tion in forecasting the future successes.
The Part “Brain and Intelligence” in this collection includ­
es a slightly abridged version of a widely-known article
by P. K. Anokhin, full member of the USSR Academy of
Sciences, a Lenin Prize laureate, “Natural intelligence ver­
sus artificial intelligence: the philosophical view” which still
remains relevant. The author tries to show the limits of
modeling the mind and the potential of developing artifi­
cial intelligence.
Speaking of the cognition of the brain, its functional
mechanisms, and molecular nature, Anokhin subtly leads
the reader to a conclusion that the techniques of brain acti­
vities should be employed in designing artificial intelli-
18 V. D. Pekelis

gence. The highlight of the article is in that the evolution

of neurophysiological mechanisms suggests the systemic
nature of their formation aimed at predictive reflection of
the events in the environment. In characterizing the “func­
tional systems”, Anokhin indicates the difficulties inherent
in a direct application of neurophysiological findings to
control hardware.
Reliability of the brain is the subject of A. B. Kogan’s
article. An attractive feature of his article is the stringent
boundary of his research.
Another Part of the collection, “Novel Aspects”, reports
interesting results in studies of biorhythms by V. N. Reush-
kin and of the biology of sleep by V. S. Rotenberg. In his
article “Diurnal rhythms and adaptation”, Reushkin reports
that studies of nearly-diurnal rhythms have experimentally
shown that if an exogenic Signal which invokes an anxiety
response (in H. Selye’s terminology) is repeated daily, then
an expectation response is generated. This response, the
author believes, improves the stability of the organism to
a similar signal and improves its adaptability. Analysis
of nearly-diurnal rhythms gives a clue to an individual’s
health and makes it possible to predict illness.
Sleep is known to be widely interpreted as a factor en­
hancing adaptation to the environment. A new explanation
of this adaptive significance of sleep is offered in the article
“Searching activity, sleep and stability of the organism”
written by V. S. Rotenberg. His own research, V. V. Arshav­
sky’s experimentation, and analysis of the extensive litera­
ture on the subject have led Rotenberg to a conclusion that
a kind of information-seeking activity takes place in one’s
sleep. This activity offsets the biologically harmful ef­
fects of abandoning the search for necessary solutions in
wakefulness. This mechanism may be regarded as a kind of
feedback model which connects in one loop the psycholog-
Note from the Compiler 19

ical state of a personality, the physiological parameters, and

the biochemical processes in the organism.
The same Part of the collection includes an article by
V. I. Klimova “On man’s third state”. The organism’s state
when one is “neither healthy nor sick” is viewed in the light
of data processing principles applied to medicine and bio­
logy. An increasing amount of attention is given to “the
third state” because, unfortunately, too many people stay
in it for too long.
Several articles discuss psychological fields such as the
psychology of cognition, subconsciousness and supercon-
sciousness, and some problems of engineering psychology.
Cybernetic techniques make it possible to study psycholo­
gical processes in conjunction with physical, biological, and
social phenomena, to find some common features, and to de­
monstrate the specifics of psychology itself.
Cybernetic tools have a major role to play in psychologic­
al research. New industrial processes and automatic systems
make quite sophisticated requirements to man. Psychology
has therefore to rely ever more heavily on mathematical
modeling and computers. Although psychological processes
cannot be downgraded to physical and physiological ones,
this new line of research, especially in experimentation,
can boast of significant breakthroughs.
The cognition psychology has made important conclusions
from the study of mentality and behavioural studies in gene­
ral psychology and kindred disciplines and then started
theoretical and experimental analysis of mental processes.
This new line of research deals with the construction of
the perceived pattern, the forms and structure of human
knowledge, and the relationship of automatic and conscious­
ly controlled cognitive processes. Numerous models of
perception, attention, memory, and thinking processes are
now available. On the other hand, certain difficulties arise
20 V. D. Pekelis

from overestimation of the similarity between the functional

structure of cognitive processes in man and the data proces­
sing structure in computers.
In his article B. M. Velichkovsky analyzes the history,
problems, and promise of the cognitive psychology; he
believes that the approaches which neglect the complex,
systemic qualities of the mind have an essentially limited
The complexity of the sphere of the unconscious in human
mind is the subject of the article “Subconsciousness and su­
perconsciousness” by P. V. Simonov, Corresponding Member
of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The latest findings of
basic research suggest that there are several levels of cons­
ciousness, in particular, of superconsciousness which follows
its own rules; that man is not fully aware of the needs which
dictate his actions; and that consciousness, subconsciousness,
and superconsciousness interact in a certain way. The basic
conclusion of the article is that a materialistic solution to
the most urgent problems in science of man cannot be ob­
tained unless the most important functions of unconscious­
ness processes are recognized and these processes are classi­
fied into sub- afid superconscious ones which are essentially
“The principle of active operator in engineering psycho­
logy” is described by B. F. Lomov, Corresponding Member
of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who convincingly shows
that the operator in a man-machine system cannot necessar­
ily be described as a mere communication channel. He
illustrates his point with reference to a “pilot-aircraft”
system which is very sensitive to the weak points in data
exchange between its components.
The final Part of the book is “The Organism and Age”.
This topic has never been more relevant. The Earth popu­
lation is known to “age”. In 1950 a mere 200 million people,
Note from the Compiler 21

or 7.7 per cent of the world population, were older than 60.
In 25 years there were 350 million of them, or 8.5 per cent.
Every day 200,000 persons reach this age. The twentieth
century is quite justly referred to as the age of increasingly
long life.
Demographers say that very soon the average life span will
grow to 85 or even 90 years. The UN forecast predicts this
too. Within the time span of 75 years, from 1950 to 2025,
the number of people over 60 is expected to grow five-fold
and of people over 80, seven-fold. Consequently, whereas in
1950 only one of every twelve people was over 60, in 2025
this will be true of one of every seven inhabitants of the
In the Soviet Union, where the average life span is very
high, over 70 years, about three million people were recently
reported to be older than 80, of which 300,000 older than
90, and over 20,000 older than 100. Whereas in 1941 there
were only 200,000 old-age pensioners, in 1982 there were
35,000,000 of them. By 1990 the country’s population
is expected to include nearly 50 million old and very
The articles in this Part of the collection are, however,
by no means concerned with the demographic aspects of this
phenomenon. Rather, they discuss the physiological aspects,
the working of the genetic program which the organism
abides by. Is the self-regulating system of life faultless? What
are the errors in life control function? And how does the
organism counter these errors? What is very important, is
it possible for man to know the genetic program and amend
nature by skilful interference so as to make the old age active
and healthy?
The contributions to this Part of the collection describe
a comprehensive approach to studies of the old age, the most
interesting experimentation in the Gerontology Institute
22 V. D. Pekelis

of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and the nearly realistic

“overhaul of man” in the future.
The few articles on the cybernetics of life can by no means
exhaust all the topics in this field. This collection will
hopefully serve a more modest purpose of giving the reader
a taste of advanced biocybernetic and physiological model­
ing, and of psychological studies.
V. Pekelis
I. Biology and Information

Biology Today

Basic Tendencies
in Physico-Chemical Biology
It is not unusual to hear or read that the 21st century will
be the Age of Biology. This promise is certainly debatable
because it assigns secondary importance to truly momentous
achievements in physics, mathematics, and chemistry, in
engineering and in other fields of knowledge; nevertheless,
it would be difficult to argue against the salient fact, namely,
that the recent discoveries and accomplishments of biology
are revolutionary in spirit and epochal in their scale and
The scope of interests and problems in today’s biology
is extremely wide: from elementary processes in the living
cell to the development of the entire organism, to its in­
teraction with other organisms and the environment in the
ecological system. Today’s biology is a rapidly evolving
branch of science, rich in exciting problems and prospects,
commanding an army of enthusiasts, and armed with the
most advanced techniques and equipment. Biology holds key
positions in solving the global problems mankind confronts,
be it the battle against fatal disease, the food crisis, or the
pollution of the environment.
Biology is progressing very rapidly, but the rate at which
one of its disciplines is moving ahead is incomparably high.
This discipline, which matured in the 1950s, is the physico­
chemical biology.
24 Yu. A. Ovchinnikov

The “Visiting Card”

of Physico-Chemical Biology
The birth and development of this branch of the biological
science inaugurates a new era in the investigation of living
matter. This event, being one of the most remarkable in
the history of natural sciences in this century, is in the
spectacular penetration of the ideas and techniques of phys­
ics, chemistry, mathematics, cybernetics, and other such
fields into biology. This swift breakthrough into the world
of fascinating biological structures and giant molecules
with their unique properties was possible due to the superior
power of human mind and the tremendous potential of
modern technical means.
Physico-chemical biology is perhaps the first scientific
discipline in which man recognized for the first time the
unique dynamic architecture of the higher form of matter
and was able to shed light on the extraordinary mechanisms
that serve to ensure high efficiency, precise coupling, self­
regulation, and reliability of the living cell systems and of
the entire organism. A new qualitatively different stage has
begun in our materialistic interpretation of the living nature,
even though nature only partly unveiled its mysteries. This
is the stage of direct analysis of the most profound biolog­
ical processes.
The era of physico-chemical biology is characterized by
the development and rapid progress of a family of inter­
related scientific disciplines which draw upon the accumulat­
ed experience and employ the achievements of all modern
branches of science.
The writing on the “visiting card” of physico-chemical
biology is the union of biochemistry and biophysics, molecu­
lar biology and biological chemistry; indeed, physico-che­
mical biology came to life as an interdisciplinary science at
Basic Tendencies in Physico-Chemical Biology 25

the hottest points of contact between these four disci­

The rapid progress of the science studying the living matter
was brought about by the joint effort of the sciences deal­
ing with the physico-chemical life-sustaining processes. The
world of biological molecules, both small and gigantic,
evolves as a self-consistent system with clear-cut distribu­
tion of roles played by individual subsystems and elements
and with dynamic relations between information, physio­
logical, and functional processes. Today’s biology is already
able to explain such immensely complicated life-sustaining
phenomena as transfer of hereditary information, release
and transformation of energy, transport of compounds and
ions, propagation of nervous impulse, and many others.
The explanations it supplies meet the niost stringent criteria
imposed by physics and chemistry.

Learning the Structure to Know

the Function

One of the central problems of physico-chemical biology is

to decipher the structures of biologically significant com­
pounds which participate in biochemical transformations
within cells. Indeed, the capacity to carry out a specific
biological function was encoded by evolution into the struc­
ture of biologically active substances. The way to compre­
hending the living matter is to find out its structure. This
path is full of thorns, it demands time and devotion, so­
phisticated methods and equipment. Actually, all efforts
and expenses are justified because the deciphering of a
structure paves the way to understanding most complex
phenomena and events, and the mechanisms that make
them possible. Suffice it to recall the epochal significance
26 Yu. A. Ovchinnikov

for molecular biology of the deciphering of the double-helix

structure of the deoxyribonucleic acid molecule (DNA),
or of the determination of the amino acid sequence of insulin
which was the starting point for the work on protein struc­
Scientists are attracted to various levels of the structural
organization of the living matter, but mostly to the structu­
re and spatial arrangement of biologically important mo­
lecules and the mechanisms of formation of molecular com­
plexes and ensembles. We obviously need to know how these
structures change in time, i.e. to know the dynamic para­
meters and to have a precise kinematic description. Finally,
it is necessary to discern the relationship between the struc­
ture and the biological function it represents. These prob­
lems cannot be solved unless the researchers mastered the
whole spectrum of structural analysis techniques which of­
ten involve a cybernetics approach to problem description,
complete automation of the experiment, and employment of
a computer. Structural analysis invariably calls for months
or years of intense labor; the romantic world of daring hy­
potheses becomes accessible only after the obtained concrete
data have been decoded, and when imagination is fuelled
and steered by the results supplied by physics and chemistry.
In fact, the scope and sophistication of structural analysis
characterize the maturity of physico-chemical biology, the
basic truth, and the reliability of its concepts and conclu­
By now the primary structure (the amino acid sequence)
of hundreds of simple and complex proteins has been deter­
mined by the joint effort of scientists in a large number of
countries. These very important biopolymers are responsible
for all principal functions of organisms. Soviet scientists
significantly contributed to “uncovering” protein structures.
Notably, one of the first deciphered structures of ribonucleic
Basic Tendencies in Physico-Chemical Biology 27

acids (RNA) (that of valine) was determined in the USSR.

The improvement of express analysis techniques for deci­
phering the nucleotide sequence of DNA, leading to a steady
determination of DNA structures is another complex and
difficult task. At present we know the sequences of a number
of large DNA fragments (of several thousands of nucleotides
each) and of several viral DNA molecules. For example, the
Shemyakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and the In­
stitute of Molecular Biology of the USSR Academy of Scienc­
es reported the nucleotide sequence of an important regula­
tory fragment of the DNA of one of bacteriofages. The length
of this fragment was about 1300 pairs of nucleotides.
The work on deciphering DNA structures unravelled a
good deal of surprising results in the mechanisms of record­
ing and transmitting information in biological processes.
For example, it was found that genes do not necessarily form
a sequence: one fragment may belong to several overlapping
genes. Furthermore, a sequence of nucleotides in DNA
genes is not necessarily a continuous code for the sequence of
amino acids in a protein, since parts of the sequence that
codes for the protein can be separated and found in different
parts of DNA.
The flux of information on DNA structures remains vigor­
ous and keeps filling more and more pages in the Book of
In this connection we should praise the substantial achieve­
ments in the study of the spatial structure of biopolymers
and bioregulators. The structures of a large number of
biologically important compounds have been deciphered by
using X-ray structural analysis, nuclear magnetic resonan­
ce, UV and IR spectroscopy, and other modern high-pre­
cision techniques.
28 Yu. A. Ovchinnikov

Genetic Engineering Revisited

The problems of genetics, which is defined as the science
of inheritance and variability, are among the best investigat­
ed problems in physico-chemical biology. It is a well-known
fact nowadays that the “genealogical tree” of each organism
is written into a giant DNA molecule as a specific sequence
of nucleotides. Relatively short messenger RNA molecules
are synthesized on the DNA matrix; the process is catalyzed
by enzymes. Special organelles of cells, called ribosomes,
make use of these RNA sequences to assemble the appropria­
te proteins. Each property of a living system corresponds to
a specific protein.
Soviet scientists made a very significant contribution to
the study of the mechanisms of storing and transmitting
the inherited information. Thus they discovered important
features in the structure of the genetic machinery of micro­
organisms and some higher organisms, analyzed in detail
the mechanism of RNA synthesis, and discovered informo-
somes, i.e., the complexes of messenger RNA and proteins;
now the structure and functions of ribosomes are being
studied, and techniques for isolating individual genes v^jjrked
The physico-chemical approach in genetics opens new
vistas for medicine, agriculture, and other applied fields.
The greatest asset of modern genetics is the creation of
genetic engineering some ten years ago. Now ^scientists at­
tempt to restructure the genetic machinery in the desired
way, so as to design new genetic systems.
Is there a point in “playing” with this “biological erector
set?” There certainly is, and an important one.
The methods of genetic engineering make it possible to
decipher and clearly demonstrate the arrangement and the
mechanisms of functioning of the genetic apparatus of cells,
Basic Tendencies in Physico-Chemical Biology 29

and to specify the function of each gene. Of no less import­

ance is the feasibility of creating in the future “tailored”
organisms with properties ordered by the scientist (e.g.
useful microorganisms), eliminating the inherited “defects”
of plants and animals, and assisting in the treatment of
hereditary diseases of man.
Gloomy predictions for genetic engineering were voiced
in the West. This attitude stems from the threat of growing,
unintentionally, agents dangerous for man, as a result of
manipulations with genes of microorganisms.
Indeed, the highest skill and profound understanding of
a problem are not sufficient for experiments in molecular
genetics; the experiment must be run under certain strictly
controlled and monitored conditions. Stringent guidelines
for the genetic engineering research were enacted in a num­
ber of countries, including the USSR. If these constraints are
met, the safety of the personnel and the environment are
guaranteed. The objections raised aim at social and ethical
aspects rather than scientific ones. It would be hardly pos­
sible or useful to fence in the development of genetic engi­
neering; rather, it should be made to improve the life of

“Nervous Impulse” and “Ion Channel”

Physico-chemical approaches have recently proved to be
fruitful in such fields as studies of the nervous system and
higher nervous activity, and the analysis of immunity, i.e.,
in studying the processes in which informational aspects play
an important role. In the USSR this field is studied within
the framework of two all-Union programs, “Nervous Im­
pulse” and “Ion Channel”, which are coordinated by the
Interdisciplinary Science Council on the Problems of Phys-
30 Yu. A. Ovchinnikov

ico-Chemical Biology and Biotechnology sponsored by the

USSR State Committee on Science and Technology and the
Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. This research
comprises the study of biological membranes. Membranes
surround a living cell, its compartments and its organelles,
and create there the conditions different from those in the
ambient medium. Membranes are mostly built of lipids and
proteins; among the functions important for the organism,
biological membranes are responsible for the transport of
nutrients and ions into cells and out of them. Membranes
confront and identify foreign agents, viruses, and drugs,
sense the signals coming from the environment, and serve
to release and transform energy. They participate in the
transmission of nervous impulses, in the formation of res­
ponses to hormones, in creating intercellular contacts, and
in numerous other processes.
The electrical and chemical membrane mechanisms res­
ponsible for the generation and propagation of nervous
excitation have been unravelled, and specific regulators of
nervous impulse transmission discovered. As a result, meth­
ods of treating various mental and nervous system disorders
were suggested. Toxins secreted by snakes, scorpions, and
some sea organisms, capable of very selective interaction
with the most sensitive parts of nervous systems, seem to
be very promising objects for such studies.
Unique compounds, called neuropeptides, were recently
discovered in the brain of animals and man. These substanc­
es can function as regulators of sleep and memory, can cause
and releave the sensation of pain, fear, alarm, etc. Rela­
tively simple chemical compounds thus participate in very
complicated manifestations of the higher nervous activity,
supplementing the electrophysiological mechanisms of inhi­
bition, excitation, and recognition. Some of these compounds
have been isolated in pure form, their structures were estab-
Basic Tendencies in Physico-Chemical Biology 31

lished, and they were even synthesized in laboratories.

These “chemical” aspects of brain functioning, which made
a good number of older concepts obsolete, deserve greater
attention on the part of neurophysiology which is too often
“anchored” to traditional interpretations.

The recent decade witnessed a sort of “boom” caused by the
advent of the modern biotechnology. A highly mobile, ef­
ficient, and compact branch of industry has grown on the
latest achievements of biological sciences, using, above all,
the methods of genetic and cell engineering.
Biotechnology is a field intensively persued in the USSR;
the basic economic guidelines for 1981-1990 specially under­
line the importance of biotechnological methods for national
* Let us consider several examples of the potentials of bio­
First, biotechnology can produce industrially such unique
bioregulators, previously unavailable, as insulin, interferon,
growth hormone, etc., for medicine and agriculture.
Severe forms of diabetes, which affect tens of millions
of people on the globe, are treated with insulin of animal
origin. Since the animal and human insulins have somewhat
different structure, the patients often suffer from severe
allergic reaction to the “foreign” substance.
Attempts to synthesize human insulin had to be abandon­
ed for reasons of prohibitive cost. The solution to the prob­
lem was recently indicated by genetic engineering. The in­
sulin gene was isolated from a human cell. This gene was
inserted into the DNA of conventional colon bacillus, E. coli,
so that the fermentation tanks of biotechnological plants
32 Yu. A. Ovchinnikov

became sources of the unique human insulin. Preparations

of this “microbial” insulin are now being studied by medi­
cal practitioners in a number of countries, including the
Interferon is an even more spectacular example. Inter­
ferons are natural antiviral proteins which are produced
by an organism in response to a viral infection. In pure form
these proteins are practically inaccessible. The best source of
human interferon is donors’ blood. Actually, patients suf­
fering from viral infections require so much interferon that
this amount would be impossible to obtain even if all people
of the Earth became donors.
A different approach had to be found. As with insulin,
scientists turned to the “DNA industry” and cell engineering.
Interferon genes were isolated in laboratories of a number
of countries, including the USSR, and pioneer experiments
on “inserting” it into E. coli were carried out successfully.
The stage of direct chemico-enzymatic synthesis of the gene
of human interferon has been completed in this country, and
first batches were manufactured on an industrial scale.
Work on deciphering, isolation, and transplantation of
nitrogen fixation genes is also very promising. Some micro­
organisms, such as nodule bacteria, are capable of digest­
ing atmospheric nitrogen when in symbiosis with certain
plants (notably, leguminous plants). If it were possible to
transplant genes of this type into the genetic apparatus of
other microorganisms and cereal crops, the problem of nitro-
geneous fertilizers would be largely alleviated, producing
a virtual revolution in agricultural production. This line
of research is pursued at a number of research centers, in­
cluding the USSR Academy center in Pushchino.
Techniques available to modern science make it possible
to cultivate in special nutritional media not only popula­
tions of microorganisms but also those of plant and animal
Genetics, Evolution, and Theoretical Biology 33

cells. A complete plant can be grown, and biomass compris­

ing all components of a mature plant organism obtained,
from a single plant cell under appropriate conditions.
Physico-chemical biology and biotechnology are two close­
ly interrelated areas of modern biology, being its growth
points and its horizons. It would not be an exaggeration to
say that today the state of the art in biology and biotechno­
logy determines, to a great extent, the scientific and tech­
nological potential of our country. Our achievements in this
field are truly impressive.

Genetics, Evolution,
and Theoretical Biology
All* entirely new approach came to replace in the 20th cen­
tury the former physical picture of the world, the picture
which is in fact embodied in the familiar Laplacian determi­
nism philosophically “adapted” in the Auguste Comte’s po­
sitivism. The current outlook has not been “officially chris­
tened” yet, and we refer to it as the quantum-relativistic
standpoint, since it rests on the modern quantum theory and
theory of relativity.
Imagine the absolute Laplace-Comte determinism: every
tiniest motion is prescribed by some “world’s formula” that
we are unable to use either owing to our ignorance or for
a lack of data. Correspondingly, neither the freedom of con­
science nor-the freedom of opinion exist:*indeed, any possib­
le correct proposition is already contained in that formula.
It would be quite silly to write a paper; suffice it to request
34 N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky

a mathematician to derive from the general formula (and

several thousands of auxiliary formulas which help to use
the main one) the statements that the present article offers
to the reader.
Determinism of this sort essentially renders any practical
activity meaningless. Indeed, the society need not formulate
any objectives, since everything had been recognized and
predetermined by the universal formula. Obviously, man
has no place in such a world.
The new physical picture of the world is radically dif­
ferent: it does not preclude the freedom to plan our indivi­
dual, collective, social, political and economic activities,
and also the freedom of conscience. This picture is one of
the main achievements of natural sciences in this century,
even if it is not recognized as such by everybody. The main
achievement of biology was the development of genetics.
* * *

Genetics was born in the 20th century as a belated though

vital link in the mechanism of evolution that the genius
of Charles Darwin discerned more than a hundred years
ago. Darwin indeed saw the principle of Election in nature,
and this succeeded in laying the foundations of evolution
theory. Darwin clearly stated in the title of his most im­
portant treatise, “On the Origin of Species through Natural
Selection”, that the way to construct the theory is to apply
the principle of natural selection to some “individual varia­
bility”, i.e., to a nondirected statistical process involving
equally well the most general and the most specific tiny
details of living organisms. In fact, that was what Darwin
Unfortunately, nothing was known in Darwin’s time about
the elementary material for selection. There was practically
Genetics, Evolution, and Theoretical Biology 35

no cytology, chromosomes were unknown, and the principal

paper of Mendel was published later than Darwin’s book.
It looked as if Darwin’s titanic research had no foundations:
the theory of evolution rested on an uncertain variability
of quite unknown nature.
Mendel’s genetic rules were rediscovered at the end of the
19th and the beginning of the 20th century, in five different
countries and with 19 different objects. All speculations
about the spurious origin of these observations were, there­
fore, silenced and Mendel’s mechanism of heredity emerged
as a general law of nature. Time was right for starting the
construction of evolution theory.
In this connection we should recall the illustrious school
of American cytologists created by E. B. Wilson (it was
the best among the German, British, and American scientific
schools) whose scientists completed the first step of studying
the cytology of meiosis, that is, of the maturation of sex
cells, and the cytology of fertilization. In 1902 Wilson pub­
lished in S c i e n c e a short note where he drew the attention
of the scientific community to the observation of his col-.
leagues W. S. Sutton and C. E. McClung. Namely, they found
that meiosis and fertilization were nothing else but a cyto-
logical confirmation of Mendel’s brilliant hypothesis on
hereditary factors and gametic purity.
There is a similarity in Darwin’s and Mendel’s scientific
fates. In contrast to frequently expressed incorrect opinion,
Darwin was not the author of the concept of evolution, which
had been expressed much earlier by Aristotle, Linnaeus, and
many other predecessors. His genius was in that he was the
first to discover the principle of natural selection, a natural
mechanism for the evolution of living things with time.
Likewise, Mendel’s genius was not in discovering the law
of heredity, although this opinion is frequent and incorrect.
Before Mendel’s work, these laws were known to some pract-
36 N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky

ising selectionists. His genius was in conducting, for the

first time in experimental biology, a set of well-conceived
experiments, exactly evaluating the results obtained, and
formulating the gametic purity hypothesis. The result was
a clear and unassailable interpretation of the data obtained
in the experiments with pea plants.
Evidently, Mendel’s work and especially Darwin’s ana­
lysis can serve as a foundation of the future edifice of the
theoretical biology.
* * *

At present, we are not yet equipped with a theoretical

biology as compared to theoretical physics. The discipline
which is sometimes referred to as such has been known since
the 19th century as general biology. Textbooks on general
biology, which later became classic, were written at the
onset of this century. Those books were “General Biology”
by M. Hartmann and “General Zoology” by A. Kuhn in
Germany, a number of monographs by J.B.S. Haldane and
J. S. Huxley in Britain, and an excellent treatise “Biolog­
ical Foundations of Zoology” by Vladimir Shimkevich in
this country. None of these books are obsolete today (wrong
are those who think Darwin is out-of-dat#, actually, read­
ing “On the Origin of Species” today is of greater use to every
biologist than a booklet about Darwin’s work even if it
has been written only half a year ago). Later L. Ya. Blyakher
published an extremely good textbook of general biology,
and C. Villee’s “Biology”, translated into many languages,
proved to be extremely successful in recent decades.
Theoretical biology does not exist—or did not exist until
very recently—because we failed to find (at least until very
recently) the general natural biological principles that would
be comparable with the principles reigning in physics ever
Genetics, Evolution, and Theoretical Biology 37

since the 18th century. Apparently, only two such general

principles can be identified at present in biology.
The first such principle (it has been known for more than
a century) is undoubtedly that of natural selection. Time
and again arguments flare up on whether this Darwinian
principle is valid or needs replacement, but the doubts never
stand up to serious scrutiny. “Normal” biologists do not
fight about natural selection. Perhaps, only mathematicians
not steeped in biology can accept, and try to prove, that
evolving nature could do without natural selection.
Biology has at its disposal another general natural prin­
ciple, even though it is less well known so far than the prin­
ciple of natural selection.
It became clear at the end of 1920s and the beginning of
1930s that whenever living things reproduce, creating their
likes, we invariably find the replication of molecules. This
understanding was achieved by Max Delbriick and later
by Paul Dirac (one of the members of the famous Copenhagen
club of physicists and mathematicians clustered around
Niels Bohr) on the basis of the physico-chemical model of
chromosomes and genes developed by N. K. Koltsov. In
contrast to crystal growth, which also involves the replica­
tion of molecules, the process unique to living matter is cal­
led r e d u p l i c a t i o n . One of the main manifestations of life is
the growth in the number of elementary individuals, rather
than in the mass of the living matter. In this process and
elementary living being assembles its like and rejects it,
thus launching into the world a new individual. Reproduc­
tion is not an adequate term for this process, reduplication
being a much better one.
After the advent of genetics in the 20th century it became
clear that all organisms are subject to 3 spontaneous mu­
tational process, that mutations are inherited, and that re­
duplication passes them on to subsequent generations. In
38 N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky

our discussions with Delbriick and Dirac about the possible

formulation of a general biological principle revealed in
this process, we came upon a phrase which seems to be very
convenient, namely, c o n v a r i a n t r e d u p l i c a t i o n , or reduplica­
tion of living entities which includes inherited variations.
It became clear that convariant reduplication of discretely
organized codes of genetic information is likely to represent
the second general biological natural principle.
So far this formulation is neither sufficiently rigorous
no quite pe feet. Nevertheless, even at this stage it is evi­
dent that two general biological natural principles are estab­
lished. One is the natural selection, and the other can be
christened, in a tentative fashion, the principle of convar­
iant reduplication of discrete codes of hereditary informa­
tion which is transferred from generation to generation.

* * *

In my opinion, it is justifiable to offer for discussion an

additional biological phenomenon which is very promising
from the standpoint of formulating a third biological prin­
ciple. This phenomenon concerns the problem of so-called
p r o g r e s s iv e e v o l u t i o n .
As a concept, progressive evolution still lacks not only
a rigorous or exact, but even a minimally acceptable, rea­
sonable, logical definition. So far biologists did not deign
to put in words what progressive evolution is.
I think, the question is, whether the natural selection
operating for a long time necessarily results in progressive
evolution or not. Here, a full-size mathematical problem
arises in biology. Until now biology gained very little from
most of mathematical biology, or biological mathematics.
In fact, skillful manipulation of mathematical formulas
Genetics, Evolution, and Theoretical Biology 39

fails to add to a profound understanding of the core of bio­

logical processes.
I recall an interesting illustration. At the end of 1920s
and the beginning of 1930s I took part in the development
of the fundamentals of the modern physico-chemical form
of the interpretation given to the principles of hit, target,
and amplifier in radiobiology. A group of scientists at the
German Institute of Metal Physics was interested at the
time in applying mathematics to radiology. About 20 short
papers were published, each containing about 20 formulas
that were hardly comprehensible to biologists. I was partly
responsible for attracting to this work first Max Delbriick,
a student of M. Born and N. Bohr, who was originally a
“pure” physicist and mathematician, and later Werner Hei­
senberg. After roughly a year of meetings of our colloquium,
we achieved profound understanding of phenomena and of
the description of processes, so that in subsequent publica­
tions the number of formulas dropped from 20-25 to 2-3.
JThe famous French mathematician Henri Poincare once
said—and later I heard Bohr say the same—that if a scien­
tist does not understand a problem, he writes numerous for­
mulas, but when he reaches understanding, at best two for­
mulas are retained.
I believe that the problem of whether the natural selec­
tion, which has an eternity to do its job, necessarily re­
sults in progressive evolution (we prefer to think that it
does) can be solved by an outstanding mathematician, or a
group of outstanding mathematicians, who are at the same
lime true philosophers. It seems that special mathematical
methods have to be found, which would give a more or less
definite answer to the question formulated above. The an­
swer may equip us with a third natural principle which could
be employed for developing the theoretical biology. I had
played an active role in formulating the second principle.
40 N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky

As for the third one, no one of the contemporary scientists

seems capable of giving a serious answer to the question
about inevitability of progressive evolution in the course
of natural selection.
* * *

Before handing this problem to mathematicians, biolo­

gists first have to give a definition of progressive evolution,
and second, to clarify whether different types of evolution
are possible. Evolution on our planet followed different
paths. Thus, it led to the mechanism of the higher nervous
activity typical of man, but it also produced a fascinating
organization of social insects. Life on the Earth could be
very different if the evolutionary victors, and in a certain
sense “kings of beasts”, were these insects. For example, the
notions of morality and heroism would be meaningless: a
bee that stings and thereby perishes is not a hero because
it was meant to behave in this manner and equipped with
special tools and weapons. Neither would there form those
notions of ethics and those sublime categories which exist
and will exist as long as the Earth is populated by people
having a freedom to choose and a freedom to make decisions.
We, biologists, stand in need of formulating (defining)
a number of concepts that are involved in the formulation
of the general natural principles which are required for deve­
loping theoretical biology. This done, we will enter the
period of elaborating most diverse general schemes for con­
structing a theoretical biology which would be something
above mere “general biology”.
Future will show whether additional general biological
principles (on top of the three named above) are necessary.
Nevertheless, the evaluation of the theory of evolution
promises to become the first task of theoretical biology.
When this job is done, biologists will be able to single out
Transition to Constructing Living Systems 41

and understand what conditions and what additional factors

channel and shape the progressive evolution which is the
product of natural selection.

Transition to Constructing
Living System s
The interpretation of traditional problems in biology became
more enlightening when the concepts of information, encod­
ing, control, and feedback were used, and the philosophy
of cybernetics as a whole was applied to biological systems.
An even more significant factor was the formulation and
solution of new problems, such as the deciphering of the
genetic code.
The ideas of control engineering constitute an important
component of research programs and methods in modern
biology. Besides, observation lost the status of the predomi­
nant channel of gaining biological knowledge. Experiment
found its way into biology, although sometimes it creates
only very approximate models of actual situations. Biology,
this traditionally descriptive science, was transformed into
an experimental science.
One of the most stunning discoveries, which led to the
advent of a discipline called g e n e t i c e n g i n e e r i n g , was the
product of experiment. This new branch of molecular bio­
logy opened up totally unexpected vistas in studying here­
ditary effects, but at the same time it led to numerous de­
bates on whether the outcome of genetic-engineering re­
search will be a blessing or a bane.
42 A. A. Baev

Genetic engineering aims at assembling man-made genetic

structures, and ultimately, at growing organisms endowed
with novel hereditary properties. This research turned ex­
perimental biologists for the first time into designers of
living systems, who control the genetic information accord­
ing to a predetermined program.
The dream of Middle Ages was to synthesize a homunculus,
or a tiny artificial human being. Alchemists relied on black
magic. We live in a different age, and connect our hopes
only with moderate potentials of experimental biology. Ac­
cordingly, we impose limits on our dreams. Nevertheless,
genetics engineers will soon grow, beyond doubt, into the
shoes of chemical synthesis specialists who left a long time
ago a variety of compounds prepared by nature and created
a huge kingdom of man-made organic compounds.
The achievements of genetic engineering are still modest,
especially in comparison with the outlined research pro­
grams, and yet they are very impressive. Indeed, they show
that contemporary biology is no longer satisfied with inter­
preting, or reflecting, the surrounding world of living things
and man as its component; biology turns into a practical
tool for changing this world in order to better satisfy the
needs of population.

Lessons of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering can be defined as a system of experi­
mental techniques which make it possible to assemble in
vitro artificial genetic structure in the form of so-called re­
combinant (hybrid) molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid
A living cell is essentially a tiny chemical plant whose
technological process is dictated by a hereditary program
Transition to Constructing Living Systems 43

written into one of its nucleic acids, namely, DNA. Physical­

ly and functionally, the program consists of blocks, or genes,
each of which controls the synthesis of a specific product
(typically, of a protein) and the execution of a specific
function which is controlled by this product. The introduc­
tion of new genetic information into the cell by recombinant
DNA molecules changes the “inherited features”, so that
the experimenter obtains the organism adjusted to a specific
It is an extremely complicated job to identify the required
genes in DNA molecules (which are huge even in the simplest
organisms) and then extract and assemble them into a func­
tioning structure. Tools suitable for this work are very subtle.
These are enzymes designed by nature and contained in
living cells. Some enzymes (called restriction endonucleases,
or r e s tr ic ta s e s ) “cut” DNA molecules at very specific sites
into longer or shorter segments, and enzymes (called l i g a -
se s) join them into a single chain. The synthesis of artifi­
cial genetic structures became a feasible task after such
ferments were isolated from cells and purified.
In outlining the chain of events leading to the rise of
genetic engineering, it is necessary to emphasize that it
did not spring Aphrodite-like from the foam and did not in­
troduce either a new approach to biological phenomena, or
new cognitive ideas, or the need to throw out the traditional
set of concepts (meaning current concepts, not those pre­
valent in 1940s). The understanding of inheritance mechan­
ics and the problems of this field remained the same but the
possibility of penetrating deep into the phenomena was dras­
tically enhanced. It was as if the key to a locked door was
found, and the research was free to advance. This does not
mean, however, that new technology brought nothing new;
on the contrary, completely unexpected discoveries were
made at the very outset.
44 A. A. Baev

It was established that higher organisms, yeasts, and some

bacteria have mosaic genes, i.e. genes which code for a
specific protein but are interrupted by inserted segments
(introns) which are not related to this protein. As a result
of this structure of genes (quite typical for all higher orga­
nisms), the cell is the scene for the so-called processing which
before this discovery was completely unknown. When the
genetic information is realized, the gene is first copied (to­
gether with all inserted segments and informative sequences).
This copy is called the precursors RNA (RNA stands for
ribonucleic acid). Special enzymes then “cut out” all in­
serted segments and join the informative sequence into a
“mature” messenger RNA. The corresponding protein is
synthesized on this “edited” RNA molecule.
As the next step, the nature of transposons of bacteria
(mobile genetic structures) and of mobile elements of higher
organisms was established. These are the two most impor­
tant results of recent years. The discoveries that the nearest
future may bring can hardly be predicted. But we can be
sure that discoveries are inevitable, and that they may
force upon us the need to revise some firmly established
Can genetic engineering be used to create new organisms?
This is a typical question. We have already answered it in
the affirmative, but some qualifications are necessary. Cur­
rently experimenter manipulates with relatively small
amount of information. Even if this amount were considerab­
ly increased, the information carried by artificially synthe­
sized structures could not be organized so as to produce a
completely new organism.
So far our picture of the structural foundations of genetic
control is very incomplete. Only a limited number of genes
can be introduced into a bacterium, whose genetic status
is thereby changed to a rather limited extent. However,
Transition to Constructing Living Systems 45

the possibility of introducing into a cell an alien informa­

tion belonging to a different species, even a different type,
changes the situation drastically. An E. coli bacillus carrying
active human genes is definitely a new organism.
A feature typical of genetic engineering is that the re­
production of some key genetic processes in the laboratory
was realized at the molecular level. A function entrusted
by nature to an organism as a whole has been turned in labo­
ratory conditions into an operation carried out at the level
of a cell or a molecule. Experimenters treat genes without
any mystic aura; for them a gene is a fragment of DNA
either isolated from natural systems or synthesized in vitro.
The recombination, or arrangement of genes into a new se­
quence, takes place in a glass tube, according to the choice
and wishes of the experimenter. The role of the usually all-
powerful random factors is then so constrained that becomes
virtually negligible; the goal-directed activity of the scien­
tist, his professionalism, his art turn into major factors.
This intrusion into a formerly forbidden field cannot
help impressing the community greatly, all the more so
because we witness the very first steps of genetic engineer­
ing and thus could not get accustomed to its fascinating

Genetic Engineering and

Technological Revolution

The readers will remember that man employs biological pro­

cesses since time immemorial, for instance, for fermentation
in producing bread, wine, beer, and other kinds of food.
In fact, this was biotechnology mastered empirically a long
time ago.
46 A. A. Baev

Science, above all microbiology, grew to form the founda­

tion of biotechnology in this century, or rather in its second
half. Some achievements of biotechnology at this second
stage of development are fairly well known. They include
the production of fodder proteins from petroleum using
yeasts, and the utilization of microorganisms for “extracting”
enzymes, pharmaceutical products, vitamins, and so forth.
It is less well known that plant cells serve to generate the
active component of ginseng and some other physiologically
active compounds.
The rapid progress of genetic and cell engineering gave
shape to what is now called “modern biotechnology”. This
field is based on some fundamental results recently obtained
mostly in the physico-chemical branch of biology.
An exceptionally important role played by genetic engi­
neering in biotechnology follows from the unique method
it offers for obtaining the required microorganisms and com­
pounds, namely, the colonization of the microbial cell by
the appropriate genes. If the genetic structure introduced into
the microorganism becomes stable, this method becomes
efficient and cost-effective. Despite the similarity of the
elementary biological processes in the original organism and
in the organism modified by genetic engineering, the genetic-
engineering manipulations may result in final products that
differ from the natural output compounds. Sometimes, na­
ture has no analogs of the designed compounds.
The new biotechnology has another extremely important
Until very recently the isolation of natural mutants was
the only way genetics could use to enhance the productivity
of microorganisms. Among the set of mutants, only the
strains with useful properties were selected. However, the
natural frequency of mutation is extremely low, about one
individual in ten million. Besides, the properties of mutants
Transition to Constructing Living Systems 47

are very seldom better than those of the predecessors. Ge­

netic engineering designs mutants according to a precon­
ceived plan and a chosen objective. Here lie both the speci­
ficity and the advantage.
The possibility, at least in principle, of producing com­
pletely new types of plants is already a reality for genetic
engineering. It is not yet clear, though, to what extent its
methods will be effective for “designing” new breeds of farm
animals. But even this prospect seems to be realistic, be­
cause part of the genes introduced into cells of animals were
experimentally shown to be functionally active.
The next generation of protective measures for agricultural
plants is also an important subject for research. We mean
the development of compounds which are found in nature
and which control the behaviour of insects; such are the
sexual attractants, or pheromones, which are analogous to
the juvenile hormone. These substances can disorient pests,
disturb the normal course of their development, and even
completely eradicate them when combined with other com­
pounds. The advantages of the new plant protection methods
are especially clear in comparison with fairly toxic and
long-lived insecticides which have been employed in agri­
culture in the last decades.
To date the most advanced branch of biotechnology is
the microbiological industry. Its objective is well-defined:
to achieve exclusively industrial production of fodders and
of physiologically active substances, and in the future, of
human food as well. Mankind will not terminate the tradi­
tional agricultural production but will supplement it with
the microbiological one. This combination can supply high­
er-quality food than currently available, and at lower
Genetic engineering opens unlimited possibilities for
the cooperation of biology and medicine. One of the uewer
48 A. A. Baev

problems is the treatment of hereditary metabolic disorders

by transplanting to the patient his own cells carrying heal­
thy genes. Obviously, only monogenic metabolic deficien­
cies are meant. Of course, considerable experimental search
is needed for solving such a complex problem. It is clear
even now, that cell transplantation has a number of advan­
tages over the conventional transplantation. Namely,
it is possible to obtain a viable cell from the patient, trans­
form it, and transplant into it any gene of the same spe­
The new biotechnology is responsible for giving birth to
an unusual branch of pharmaceutical industry: the “DNA
industry”, which makes use of the processes based on genetic
engineering technology. The method of recombinant DNA
proved its unparalleled potential for the industrial produc­
tion of medically important substances, such as human in­
sulin, human growth hormone, vaccine against virus hepa­
titis, human interferon, and some others.
The hope of producing diverse substances of considerable
medical and commercial value by the above-described tech­
niques is becoming increasingly more realistic. Numerous
obstacles undoubtedly lie on the way to converting the labo­
ratory procedures into technologically and economically
attractive processes, but earlier experience points to the pos­
sibility of overcoming them.
Such is the current stage in biotechnology which defi­
nitely manifests all signs of future growth. The next stage of
development, even more ingenious and promising, is taking
shape now. At this stage two mutually enriching lines of
research are pursued: the study of the mechanisms of biolo­
gical reactions, on one hand, and modeling these reactions
in order to synthesize simpler physico-chemical analogs, on
the other.
Transition to Constructing Living Systems 49

Genetic Engineering and Social Atmosphere

Situations which arise when new scientific ideas are inject­
ed into the social texture and into social practice may be
very dramatic. A brief history of genetic engineering is
quite instructive, even though it is not unique in this res­
Once it was born, genetic engineering immediately attract­
ed the attention of scientists, press, and general public, but
not by virtue of its scientific achievements (which at the
beginning was very modest) but for reasons of quite differ­
ent nature. The issue was raised about the potential danger
to mankind and environment, about the ethical and bio­
logical admissibility of a crude intrusion of man into na­
ture’s order.
The opinion that genetic engineering is a threat to society
is rather widespread. What are the signs of danger attribut­
ed to recombinant DNA? First, it is assumed that the im­
planted alien genetic information may transform innocuous
microorganisms (such as intestinal bacilli, E. coli) into
pathogenic organisms. Second, microorganisms containing
recombinant DNA are assumed to be able to acquire unpre­
dictable ecological advantages and to shift the equilibrium
of microbial populations in the environment.
The first of these options seems hardly probable because
even though pathogenic microorganisms are harmful to man,
they are perfect creations in their own right, rather than
a nature’s bungled job. Breakdown of ecological equilib­
rium appears more probable. Indeed, mankind proved very
“proficient” in this respect, having disrupted, for example,
the nitrogen balance and having introduced in the environ­
ment large amounts of pesticides which are required for
the agricultural production but are fraught with harmful
effects on the environment. Finally, it was conjectured that
4 —0913
50 A. A. Baev

microorganisms with implanted genes of some physiologic­

ally active substance, such as insulin, may colonize the gas­
trointestinal tract and result in treatment-resistant patholo­
gical states. In the long run, these apprehensions proved
to be unfounded.
The hypothesis of the threat of recombinant DNA was
mostly generated in the American scientific community.
These scientists published during the Gordon Conference in
1973 a sort of a manifesto which declared the potential danger
of “hand-made” DNA and argued for a moratorium, i.e.
temporary halt in all recombinant DNA research until the
real issues become clear. Very soon, a campaign against the
hypothetical menace of recombinant DNA was organized in
the USA. Sensation-hungry press, radio, and TV immedi­
ately got into the act, so the stand taken by the scientists
was given good publicity. That was the start.
Let us emphasize that the anti-genetic-engineering cam­
paign was running strong only in the USA. In all other coun­
tries, including socialist countries, the reaction was more
restrained and balanced.
Later the American scientists broke into several groups.
Some went on with their campaign as relentlessly as before.
Others changed their attitude and engaged in concrete in­
vestigations aimed at assessing the danger posed by recombi­
nant DNA.
The campaign has been terminated by now. Two factors
contributed to this change: first, no experimental proof
was obtained of accidentally arising danger of recombinant
DNA, and second, genetic engineering proved its promise of
the possibility of industrial application (outlined above).
This argument was decisive for dropping the idea of rigid
control in genetic engineering and ceasing to exaggerate the
It is important, nevertheless, to evaluate the extent to
Transition to Constructing Living Systems 51

which science is prepared to face the dangers involved in

recombinant DNA if it is proved to be harmful or grows to
be dangerous in the future. The experience accumulated in
working with pathogenic organisms for more than a century
conclusively supports the argument that science is adequate-
ly equipped with knowledge and techniques for protecting
the personnel, the population, and the environment. It
must be recognized that the initially voiced apprehension
was exaggerated. Obviously, this does not mean that the
research and, to an even greater extent, industrial-scale ge­
netic-engineering technology can proceed without strict
control and monitoring. A reasonable, sober assessment of
the positive aspects and possible dangers of genetic engineer­
ing were predominant in the USSR from the outset.

Concluding Remarks
The advent of genetic engineering inaugurated a new phase
in the evolution of experimental biology: its creative phase.
Indeed, the biologist can now act as a creative personality,
rather than a passive observer. As genetic engineering ela­
borates and refines its tools, the role it plays will undoubt­
edly increase; moreover, important unexpected break­
throughs in the understanding of the structure and function­
ing of the genetic system may occur in the nearest future.
Both genetic engineering and the whole family of biolo­
gical disciplines usually joined under the title “physico­
chemical biology” are looking into the future with confi­
dence. The world of artificial genetic structures will gain
the status of a legitimate child of science and technology,
as the world of man-made compounds, synthesized by organ­
ic chemistry, did some time ago. We believe that the collect­
ive wisdom of mankind will prevent any antihuman uses
of genetic engineering.
52 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

In a wider context, the future of physico-chemical biology

will be decided by man’s attitude to his environment. Should
original nature be destroyed by man’s activities and the re­
sultant anthropogenic environment prove to be very differ­
ent from, sometimes, even opposing, the natural environ­
ment, then physico-chemical biology will turn into one of
the main tools of reconstructing the surrounding world.
If man follows the “habitual” path of preserving the natural
habitat, physico-chemical biology will be successful in
protecting the completeness and richness of the environment.
Whichever of these two paths is taken by man in the nearest
future, physico-chemical biology will serve him faithfully
regardless of circumstances.

An Interdisciplinary Finding
Autowaves (“self-sustained waves”) is a generalizing con­
cept that was introduced into the field of waves and oscilla­
tions for putting in order the experimental data and theoret­
ical notions about the mechanisms of some important pro­
cesses observed in biology, chemistry, and physics.
The simplest example of what nowadays is referred to as
autowaves is the combustion wave. The advancing fire wall
of a forest fire is familiar to mankind from time immemorial.
However, it was found only recently that the propagation
of autowaves governs such dissimilar processes as transmis­
sion of information in living organisms, contractions of the
cardiac muscle, initial stages of morphogenesis in some pri-
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 53

mitive organisms, processes of activation of catalysts em­

ployed in chemical industry, and many others.
The interest in studying autowave propagation is stimulat­
ed by the following important fact: the breakdown of regu­
lar modes of propagation and the interaction of autowaves
result in disorganization and chaos in systems controlled
by such waves. Thus, disturbances of this type may lead
to grave cardiac arrhythmias.
The reason for separating autowaves into a special class
of oscillatory processes is their clear-cut distinction from
other types of waves known in science, e.g., electromagnetic
and mechanical waves in liquids, gases, and solids. We know
that wave motions in liquids are excited if certain energy
is spent on the creation in the medium of the initial pertur­
bation which then propagates as a wave. In the final count,
this wave propagates owing to large-scale mechanical mo­
tions, obeying of course, the law of energy conservation.
Consequently, the wave initiated by an external perturba­
tion requires no additional energy for its propagation. This
situation is naturally realized when we throw a pebble into
the still waters of the lake: a part of the kinetic energy of
the pebble is converted into the energy of the initial pertur­
bation during that short moment when the stone breaks the
surface of the water. If the lake is shallow, the ripples still
run out while the stone is already at rest on the bottom.
The laws of propagation and interaction of wave pertur­
bations in such media (conservative media) are especially
simple in the case of low-amplitude sine waves. Such waves
go unobstructed through one another, their interaction being
reduced to algebraic summation of oscillations at each point
of the medium (the superposition principle). This behaviour
explains, among other things, the formation of classical in­
terference patterns, i.e., a moire pattern composed of os­
cillating region (at the points where the amplitudes add up)
54 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

and quiet region (at the points where the amplitudes sub­
tract) of the medium (Fig. la). The same fundamental su­
perposition principle leads to the other two characteristic
properties of waves: reflection from obstacles and boundaries,
and diffraction (propagation around obstacles).
The energy of the initial perturbation is indeed conserved
in conservative media, but these media are not convenient
for transmitting signals over large distances: in two- and
three-dimensional media the energy density decreases as
the distance to the source increases, and the shape of the
signal is distorted by dispersion, i.e., the velocities of pro­
pagation are different for different spectral components of
the signal.
All of the above-listed properties are modified in an un­
expected manner as we go from waves in conservative media
to autowaves. The table below shows that the only property
common for the two types of waves is diffraction.

Fig. 1. Interaction between waves emitted by two sources

(a) interference of waves on the surface of water; (b) autowaves in an active me­
dium do not interfere (colliding autowaves are seen not to propagate through
each other &s in Fig. la, but to annihilate)
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 55

Property Waves Autowaves

Conservation of energy +
Conservation of amplitude and waveform — +
Reflection from obstacles + —
Annihilation +
Interference +
Diffraction + +

Note. “Plus” sign indicates the presence of a property, while Uminus” indica­
tes its absence.

What then is the autowave?

By definition, autowaves are waves propagating through
active media, i.e., media with distributed energy resources.
The simplest example of an active medium is the miner’s
safety fuse. Here the energy (chemical energy) is stored in
the powder core, and the autowave is the combustion front
travelling along the fuse. As the wave propagates, the sub­
stance of the core transforms from the stable high-energy state
(unburnt powder) to the low-energy state (ash and gases left
behind the combustion front). Part of the energy released
within the combustion region is dissipated, while the other
part is consumed for priming the burning of the consecutive
adjacent elements of the still intact segment of the fuse.
The above example makes clear the following general de­
finition: autowaves are self-sustained signals which initiate
the processes of local release of stored energy which is con­
sumed to initiate similar processes in adjacent regions.
Autowave propagation resembles relay races: the signal
is reproduced at each point of the medium and therefore
travels through the medium without attenuation or distor-
56 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Momev

tion. The energy stored in the medium is not conserved in

the process but is consumed for sustaining the signal; this
explains the first two properties in the table. It is also clear
why two colliding autowaves annihilate each other; indeed,
the zone behind the wavefront of the travelling autowave in
which the transition from high- to low-energy state takes
place is the “burnt-out” zone (for the safety fuse, burnt-out
in the literal sense of this word) where this transition has
been completed. The oncoming autowave cannot penetrate
into this zone, and thus two colliding waves annihilate each
other (Fig. 16). The impossibility of either interference or
reflection from boundaries and obstacles is explained by
similar arguments. As for the wave deflection around ob­
stacles, i.e., the diffraction, autowaves are fully capable of
it. This diffraction is explained here just as it is in optics,
i.e., by Huygens’ principle. The Huygens’ principle for
autowaves is formulated as follows: each point of the me­
dium, reached at a given moment by the wave front, becomes
the source of elementary circular autowaves; with anni­
hilation taken into account, the envelope of elementary
waves gives the position of the travelling wavefront at the
next moment of time. This behaviour is illustrated in
Fig. 2 which shows a standard construction according to
the Huygens’ principle (Fig. 2 a ) and demonstrates how the
autowave front follows a curved boundary of the medium
(Fig. 26).
So far we gave only one example of an autowave: flame-
front propagating through a combustible medium and con­
verting this medium irreversibly into its “burnt-out” state.
The so-called recuperating active media, in which slow pro­
cesses convert the medium from the low-energy state (after
the passage of the wave) to the original state, have more in­
teresting properties. An important phenomenon is observed
in such media: the formation of local self-sustained sources
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 57

(generators) of waves of the revolving vortices type which

completely change the regime in the active medium. The
nature and spectacular properties of such vortices will be
described a little later. Let us begin with three examples of
recuperating active media: a burner with slow-supply wicks,
a chemically active medium, and a cardiac muscle. It will


4 4 9
Fig. 2. Diffraction of autowaves
(a) Huygens* construction; (b) autowave follows the
boundary of the active medium (successive posi­
4 4
tions of the wave front are marked with numbers) t t
be clear that the laws governing the propagation and inter­
action of autowaves in active media are independent of the
specific physical realization.
Imagine a burner designed as follows. Strips of asbestos
are inserted into holes drilled close to one another in a me­
tal plate, the neighboring strips being in contact. The lower
ends of asbestos strips are immersed into a batch of thick
oil. Asbestos is nonflammable but serves as a wick when
impregnated with oil. The rate of burning of the oil-impreg­
nated asbestos wick is higher than the fuel supply rate. The
flame will therefore soon die out. Later, diffusion will re­
new the oil content in the wick, burning can be restarted,
and the cycle will resume. The wick can thus be in one of
three states: burning; pause (refractory period) during which
oil saturates asbestos; and the quiescent state in which the
wick is ready to burn. If we ignite one of the wicks of our
58 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

demonstration burner, it will ignite the neighboring wick.

The first wick will soon burn out (oil will be used up) but
the flame front will propagate further on. This is an elegant
way of creating a recuperating active medium: in contrast
to the safety fuse, each element (wick) can flame up not
once but an indefinite number of times. Note that the flame
can be initiated not only by an external source but also by
the travelling flame of the autowave. This is achieved if the
sequence of wicks is closed into a ring; the flame then goes
in a circle. If wicks fill a two-dimensional plane, a revolving
fire vortex (a spiral combustion wave) is formed.
A chemical active medium was prepared by A. M. Zha-
botinsky and A. N. Zaikin in 1970. It was a thin layer of a
liquid in which the Belousov reaction occurs. In contrast
to the majority of known oxidation reactions which pro­
ceed until one of the substrates (oxidizer or reducer) is used
up, in this reaction a strong inhibitor is released which sup­
presses the reaction after only a small fraction of reagents
is consumed. The inhibitor is then removed by slow proces­
ses, and the reaction can be restarted. This chemical medium
is therefore active and recuperating, and the self-sustained
oxidation wave can travel through it repeatedly, until sub­
strate resources (“fuel”) are used up. The Belousov reaction
consumes about 1 per cent of the substrates per cycle, so
that the oxidation wave can pass through the liquid about
100 times. In principle, the mechanism of oxidation waves
is the same as that of combustion waves (burning is a parti­
cular case of oxidation): excited (“burning”) elements of the
medium excite (“ignite”) neighboring elements.
Of course, the most interesting among active media are
those created by nature. The best known example is the
nerve fiber. The impulse propagating along the fiber is actual­
ly an autowave, namely, an electrochemical wave of tran­
sition between two states: the quiescent state in which the
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 59

potential difference across the membrane of the fiber is

high (about —0.1 V) and the active state in which the po­
tential difference is low (about 0.02 V). When a nervous im­
pulse is sent, energy is successively released at each point
of the membrane; its source is the stored energy of nonequilib­
rium concentrations of potassium and sodium ions on both
sides of the membrane. Each nervous impulse has standard
(for each cell) amplitude, length, and shape.
In addition to one-dimensional active media (nerve fibers),
there exist two- and three-dimensional media composed of
excitable cells which function as nerve fibers do.
Examples of such media are the brain and the spinal cord,
nonstriated-muscle walls of intestines, womb and bladder,
and also the cardiac muscle. Autowaves travelling through
them have the same nature as waves in nerve fibers, differ­
ing only in impulse length and propagation velocity; how­
ever, they play very different roles in life-sustaining pro­
cesses. The impulse travelling along a nerve fiber transmits
information while the excitation wave propagating, say,
through the heart triggers a cascade of biochemical proces­
ses which initiate the contraction of the cardiac muscle;
the regime of contraction immediately changes in response
to any change in the propagation of autowaves.
Populations of differentiating cells which exchange che­
mical signals, the retina of the eye, ecological systems, a
number of electrochemical systems, and some others are
also recuperating active media.
A fact of decisive importance is that the principles go­
verning the functioning of all active media (physical, che­
mical, and biological alike) are found to be identical and
can be described in terms of a language that avoids the spe­
cificities of a medium.
An active medium is invariably a two-level system that
can occupy one of two essentially different states: a high-
60 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

Fig. 3. Local sources of auto­

waves in chemically active me­
(a), (b) spiral waves revolving in a
simply connected medium, (“rever­
berator”) (a), and around a non-exci-
table element of the medium (b); (c)
source of concentric waves

energy and a low-energy states. When an autowave advances,

the medium elements at the wavefront drop from the high-
energy to the low-energy level. The energy released in this
transition is consumed for triggering the same transition in
the medium directly contiguous to the wavefront.
The simplest active media (nonrecuperating media) remain
at the low-energy level after the transition, so that no repeat­
ed propagation of the wave is possible (e.g., the miner’s fuse,
or phase transition waves). In recuperating active media
an autowave can propagate an indefinite number of times
because slow processes of energy pumping return each ele­
ment of the medium to its high-energy level.
In the case of the burner with low fuel-supply wicks the
high energy level corresponds to wicks saturated with fuel,
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 61

and the low energy level, to the wicks with fuel exhausted
(but fuel is stored in the jar into which the ends of wicks
are dipped). The high-energy state of excitable cells cor­
responds to a large difference between the potentials of
the inner and outer sides of the membrane (—0.1 V), and
the low-energy state, to a small potential difference (0.02 V).
Elements of the medium are usually non-excitable until the
process returning the system to the high-energy state is
completed; the corresponding time interval is called the
refractory time (this term came from the physiology of ex­
citable cells).
Let us explain how revolving vortices, the so-called rever­
berators, arise in active media. We have already mentioned
that reverberators are the most important wave sources:
the introduction of reverberators into an active medium
can entirely change the mode in which it functions.
Figures 3, 4, and 5 give photographs of reverberators in
active media of different types.

Fig. 4. Autowaves in atrium

(a) electric excitation wave triggering the normal contractions of healthy heart;
(b) rotation of the autowave during paroxysmal tachycardia (M. A. Allessie,
K I. M. Bonke, F. J. G. Schopman). Heavy lines trace autowave fronts; numbers
give time (in milliseconds) elapsed after the wave was started
62 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

Fig. 5. Spiral autowaves formed in the process of differentiation of

slime mold cells (G. Gerisch)

Reverberators are naturally arising in inhomogeneous me­

dia in which wavefronts break (rupture) in the course of
propagation. Because of the discontinuity (Fig. 6a), quies­
cent regions of the medium lie not only ahead of the wave-
front but also on the side, in the vicinity of the point 0.
As a result, at the next instant the autowave moves upward
but also sideways, penetrating into the region to the right
of 0; Huygens’ construction clearly shows how this happens
(Fig. 6b). The envelope of elementary circular waves on the
segment A B is clearly a straight line (the wave front has
Autowaves: An Interdiscfplinary Finding 63

been displaced, as predicted, upwards), while at the seg­

ment B C D it is an arc of a circle which terminates at the
lateral boundary of the refractory zone at a point D . The
incipient spiral is already apparent; finally it will coil into
a reverberator.
Note that as time goes, the circular segment B C D expands,
making the point D slide along the lateral boundary of the
refractory zone towards the upward-moving back side of the
wavefront, until they meet at a point O' (Fig. 6c). The se­
cond stage in the evolution of the reverberator spiral be­
gins at this moment. The refractory “train” of the autowave
to the left of 0' moves upward, while the wavefront immedi­
ately to the right of this point moves downward; hence, a
discontinuity appears in the neighborhood of 0' right after
the formation of the configuration shown in Fig. 6c. This
discontinuity is immediately filled up by the wavefront
revolving around O', by analogy to what we described above
(see Fig. 6a, b). As a result, a complete turn of the spiral is
formed after some time (Fig. 6d). As these processes are
repeated, a reverberator with a greater number of wave
turns is formed (see Fig. 3a or 9d).
A reverberator is a fascinating wave source: it can sur­
vive in a “stand-by” medium having no elements producing

Fig. 6. Huygens1 construction at a discontinuity of the autowave

propagating in an active medium (I. S. Balakhovsky)
Arrows indicate the direction of wave propagation; a revolving spiral autowave,
or reverberator, is finally produced
64 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

self-sustained oscillations. Furthermore, not being anchored

to a geometrical feature of the medium (it is merely a revolv­
ing wave!), it can migrate in the medium.
A spiral wave revolving around an obstacle (see Fig. 3b)
has similar properties, but in contrast to a reverberator it is
anchored to the inhomogeneity at which it was born, and
thus cannot migrate. Another type of source of autowaves
is a source emitting concentric waves (see Fig. 3 c ) ; such
are self-sustained oscillators of the active medium, surround­
ed by nonoscillatory elements.
Speaking of the properties of local sources of autowaves,
we must not forget such a characteristic of a source as its
topological charge. A source of circular waves (see Fig. 3c)
is assigned zero topological charge. The topological charge
of reverberators, however, equals the number of revolving
spiral waves that form the vortex. In addition to vortices
formed of a single helix (see Fig. 3a), “multibranch” reverbe­
rators are found to be possible; these vortices consist of
several “branches” each of which is a helix revolving around
the common center in the same direction. Photographs of
,such reverberators remind, to some extent, one of the pho­
tographs of galaxies. Compare a photograph of the M 101
galaxy from the Ursa Major constellation (Fig. 7) with multi-
branch reverberators in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction
(Fig. 8).
By definition, the topological charge of a reverberator
equals the number of its branches taken with a “plus” or
“minus” sign, depending on whether the vortex revolves
clockwise or counterclockwise. The topological charge of a
multiple-branch spiral wave revolving around an obstacle
is defined similarly. If a medium contains several local sourc­
es of autowaves of various types, it is justifiable to speak of
the net topological charge equal to the algebraic sum of
topological charges of all sources. The following conservation
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 65

law always holds in experiments: interactions between local

sources of autowaves do not change the net topological char­
ge of the system (Fig. 9).
The mode of oscillation in an active medium containing
several sources of autowaves is dictated by interaction pro­
cesses. The source with the highest frequency suppresses
all other sources, owing to mutual annihilation of waves.
Among all local sources of autowaves, the highest frequency
is found to be that of the reverberator. Consequently, it

Fig. 7. Photograph of spiral galaxy M101 in the Ursa Major con­

66 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

Fig. 8. Reverberators with various values of topological charge

forces its rhythm on the whole medium, suppressing, among

other sources, all concentric-wave sources (Fig. 10).
Another important property of reverberators is that they
can proliferate. We have already mentioned that a reverbera­
tor “coils around” a discontinuity “inflicted” by an inhomo­
geneity of the medium. If at least one reverberator is creat­
ed in an inhomogeneous medium, the autowaves it sends
out are broken on inhomogeneities, thus generating new
vortices, etc. As a result of this cascade process the whole
medium finally gets filled up with segments of revolving
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 67

spiral waves; the resulting chaotic pattern resembles a well-

developed small-scale turbulence.
These two properties of reverberators produce disorgani­
zation of the normal functioning of biological systems. Is

Fig. 9. Conservation of topological charge in vortex decay in the

Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction
(a) two vortices with opposite topological charges (the net topological charge
N = 0); (b) a droplet of reaction inhibitor was added at the vortex center (seen
as a dark spot); (c) vortices are destroyed, leaving behind a circular wave with
the same topological charge (N = 0); (d) through (/) the same procedure cannot
destroy a single vortex (the topological charge iV = 1 is conserved)
68 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

Fig. 10. Annihilation of a source of concentric waves by reverberators

As a result of annihilation by oncoming reverberator waves, none of the con­
centric waves is closed (reverberators have higher frequency); note that the next
reverberator wave front will reach the source of concentric waves

it possible to prevent such failures and thus control rever­

berators’ functioning? It is found that a reverberator can al­
ways be “muscled out” of the active medium by sending a
high-frequency sequence of autowaves generated by an ex­
ternal source. Such waves make the reverberator drift in the
direction of wave propagation (Fig. 11). This phenomenon
can be utilized for “blowing” the reverberator toward the
medium boundary: the vortex decays because autowaves are
not reflected at the boundaries of the medium.
Let us consider examples of how different modes of auto-
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 69

Fig. 11. Control of the location of a reverberator in an active medium

(a) a high-frequency train of waves is sent onto the reverberator (from below);
(5) the reverberator is transformed into two closely spaced discontinuities drifting
upwards and to the right (c); (d) after the source of high-frequency waves is swit­
ched off, the reverberator is restored at a new location

wave propagation and the interaction between wave sources

affect the functioning of some biological systems.
We begin with the work of the cardiac muscle. Under nor­
mal conditions the contractions of this muscle are controlled
by a special source of excitation waves, the so-called sino­
atrial node. This node is a group of excitable cells located in
the right auricle and functioning in the self-sustained mode.
Approximately once a second the sinoatrial node emits a
circular excitation autowave (see Fig. 4a). The wave propa­
gates through the auricles to the ventricles, causing synchron­
ized contractions of these chambers.
The regularity of heart’s contractions is disrupted, if
autonomous vortex sources of autowaves (reverberators)
are produced in it for one reason or other. Reverberators
suppress the normal activity of the sinoatrial node and
disrupt the regular rhythm of heart’s contractions. It has
been shown recently that this phenomenon is indeed observed
in paroxysmal tachycardia, which is a severe cardiac arrhyth­
mia caused by the circulation of a spiral excitation wave
(see Fig. 46).
Avalanch-like proliferation of reverberators in nonhomo-
geneous regions of cardiac tissue results in another severe
form of pathology, namely, the ventricular fibrillation,
70 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

in which the synchronism of contractions of individual myo­

cardial cells is lost, and the heart turns from a living pump
into a chaotically jerking muscle bag unable to pump blood;
this effect is a cardiac analog of the turbulent autowave
mode in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction.
Reverberators arise not only in the cardiac muscle. As
early as in 1944 a study of epilepsy revealed the so-called
spreading cortical depression (SD), or the wave of slow shift
of the intercellular electric potential of neurons in the cere­
bral cortex. In the norm all cortical neurons exchange nervous
impulses: the mind functions through the interaction be­
tween neurons. As a SD wave travels through the nervous
tissue, the neurons first undergo an intensive discharge and
then cease their activity, so that the functioning of the cor­
tex is suppressed. A train of SD waves is a typical response
to a powerful salvo of neuron discharges* which may be
caused either by external causes (electric or chemical dis­
turbance) or by purely internal ones (as may happen in
an epileptic fit). The series may sometimes last for several
hours. One of the mechanisms responsible for such a long
train of SD waves is their reverberation.
This mechanism was recently confirmed in elegant experi­
ments on chicken’s retina. Retina is in fact a piece of the
brain located at the periphery; it is capable of sustaining
SD waves as the neuron tissue of the cortex is. These waves
modify the properties of the retina so that reverberators
(when they arise) can be photographed (Fig. 12).

* It is assumed that the SD effect is attributable to the accumula­

tion of an excess of potassium ions in intercellular spaces; neurons are
supposed to eject the ions in the course of intensive generation of im­
pulses. The normal level of ion concentration is restored by energy-
consumed ion pumps of the living cells which pump potassium back
into the neurons.
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 71

Fig. 12. Spiral autowaves in the chicken retina

It is noteworthy that in some cases reverberators assist

in the creation of order in the initially disordered medium
instead of generating “chaos” in it. This effect is observed
in populations of slime mold (D i c t y o s t e l i u m d is c o id e u m ) so­
cial amebas, presenting an instructive biological illustra­
tion of the self-organizing system.
The slime mold is a system which can exist, depending o n
72 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

the external conditions, either as independently surviving

single-cell amebas or as a single multicellular organism. If
the medium is sufficiently rich in food, amebas live and
feed independently without forming a coherent common
organism. A sharp metamorphosis occurs when the food store
is depleted. Then some amebas which have crossed the
“hunger threshold” begin sending control signals into the
medium, by periodically ejecting portions of cyclic adenos­
ine monophosphate (cAMP) which acts as a chemical signal
substance. When the cAMP “danger signal” diffuses through
the medium and is detected by the receptors of other amebas,
the latter turn round and start moving along the cAMP
gradient, secreting it as they move. At the final stage of
this process the whole population crawls together, individual
amebas join up and form a single multicellular organism
called plasmodium. This organism has rudimentary loco­
motion organs and starts moving in search of food (perform­
ing this faster than an individual ameba would). Having
located a food store, the plasmodium “breaks down” into
free amebas which resume their individual existence. If
the plasmodium fails to find food, the reproduction pro­
gram takes over, ensuring the survival of the species: the
plasmodium differentiates and forms a fruit body, that is,
a stem at the end of which spores grow in a special bag.
After maturation, the fruit body bursts and the spores scat­
ter around in order to live through unfavorable conditions
and produce a new population of amebas.
It is readily noticed that in the course of cAMP genera­
tion the amebic population as a whole behaves as an active
medium in which each ameba, detecting cAMP molecules
and secreting in response new portions of cAMP into the
surrounding medium, acts as an active element reproducing
the “danger signal”. In this context the cAMP concentration
waves are nothing less than autowaves for which (as for any
Autowaves: An Interdisciplinary Finding 73

autowaves of other types) all the above-described modes,

including vortex modes, are possible. Vortices are observed
in the structure of motion of migrating amebas (see Fig. 5).
Here again revolving reverberator vortices are the fast­
est of all local sources of autowaves, because autowave sour­
ces have identical properties in all active media, and all
other sources are, therefore, suppressed. When a reverbera­
tor is formed, the amebas crawl precisely toward its center,
and there the fruit body develops! This is an example how
nature uses reverberators for building up a structure in ex­
treme conditions.
The fact that autowaves propagating through various
active media have common features and identical character­
istics of local wave sources (with the mechanisms generat­
ing these sources, the interaction between them, and their
proliferation being identical and independent of the speci­
ficities of the medium) offers a unique possibility to extend
the laws established for autowave behaviour in an active
medium to a broad class of media of a different physical
nature. This was indeed the case when revolving vortices
(reverberators) were discovered: they were predicted by
theoreticians who analyzed mathematical models of pro­
pagation of excitation waves in the cardiac muscle, and were
later experimentally produced in a chemical active medium.
Still later reverberators were found in independent expe­
riments with heart, with populations of slime mold amebas,
and with chicken’s retina.
Nowadays a transfer of ideas and results from one scien­
tific discipline to another has become an effective working
tool for research into autowaves. There is much to be gained
by a consistent application of this principle. The results ob­
tained in the studies of autowaves on the cardiac muscle,
in the work on arrhythmia mechanisms and methods of
controlling them are extremely important because they
74 G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, 0. A. Mornev

directly address the life-and-death aspects of human exist­

ence. The organizing role of autowaves in morpho- and
embryogenesis processes is not less interesting, as dealing
with two central problems of biology; indeed, it is well
known now that the propagating and “frozen” autowaves
(the latter are also called dissipative structures) play a de­
cisive role in shaping processes not only for D i c t y o s t e l i u m
d is c o id e u m amebas but also for more complex organisms,
even vertebrates.
Another pressing need arising in biology is the study of
autowaves governing the propagation of epidemics, ecolog­
ical invasions, and destabilization of biogeocenoses. The
practical importance of solving the problems they entail
is self-evident.
Cybernetics’ Standpoint

Cybernetics Approach
to Theoretical Biology
Biology, as we know it, has accumulated vast amounts of
empirical data concerning the description of structure of
living organisms, their ensembles, and life-sustaining pro­
cesses. In each biological discipline, the reigning stand­
points and objectives dictate the way to systematize the
relevant information. At the same time, the effort aimed at
systematizing the biological data as a whole from a uni­
fied theoretical point of view is clearly inadequate. This si­
tuation is probably caused by the copiousness of the data, on
one hand, and by insufficient theoretical understanding, on
the other.
Nevertheless, some attempts are worth making at the
moment. The fact is that cybernetics opens up new theoret­
ical possibilities and contains a promise that fresh unifying
concepts will arise in biology.
The aim of the physico-chemical approach to biology is
to reveal the elementary life processes and to study them
within the framework of the physico-chemical standpoint.
The goal of the cybernetics approach to biology is to form a
holistic understanding of life processes using the knowledge
of the structure of organisms and the elementary life proces­
ses. A synthesis of these two approaches may, hopefully,
lead to the birth of unified theoretical biology.
As a first step, we need to define the domain to be con­
sidered and to formulate clearly the problem and the basic
76 A. A. Lyapunov

In the present paper we intend to outline a cybernetics

approach to analyzing life phenomena.
1. Empirical natural sciences accumulate factual data
and offer its primary systematization. The theoretical
branch rearranges the data into a coherent whole and looks
for general laws reigning in nature and revealed in the data.
The mathematical branch constructs model objects obeying
similar laws and studies their behaviour.
The completeness with which the basic laws of a field of
knowledge have been revealed is found by comparing the
functioning of these models with real systems.
This is how the experimental, theoretical, and mathemat­
ical branches of natural sciences are interrelated.
In the case of biology, the empirical branch is very well
developed, the theoretical branch is much less so, while the
mathematical branch appears to date as a collection of loose­
ly related particular theories.
2. For the systematization of the empirical biological
data in biology, it is necessary to work out a unified stand­
point, equally essential for all biological disciplines. The
biochemical, or bioenergetic, concept, based on treating
the physico-chemical processes which make up the founda­
tion of life, can serve as this unifying standpoint. Another
possible approach is offered by cybernetics. This approach
requires the study of control systems in living beings and
of the control processes necessary to sustain life. In the
future, these approaches will permit the construction of the
mathematical models of life processes; a synthesis of the
two will prove to be most fruitful achievement.
3. Specialized control processes constitute an essential
feature of life-sustaining processes. The main characteristic
of the former is that the transfer of small masses or small
portions of energy results in processes which transfer or
convert much greater amounts of energy or mass.
Cybernetics Approach to Theoretical Biology 77

The purpose of cybernetics (or rather, control engineering)

is to analyze control processes and the structure of control
systems by mathematical tools, so that it is quite natural
to make use of this science for studying the control of life-
sustaining processes.
In what follows we shall operate with a system of exact
concepts introduced by control engineering, namely, i n f o r ­
m a t i o n , c o n tr o l s y s t e m , e l e m e n t a r y a c t , s i g n a l , and c o m m u n i ­
c a tio n c h a n n e l.
4. Control via information transfer constitutes a compo­
nent of any life-sustaining activity; in fact, control can
be said to constitute the characteristic attribute of life in
the broad sense of the word. The possible counterargument
that control is widely used in industry is groundless because
machines are designed by people, i.e., by living beings en­
dowed with conscience.
5. Let us attempt to give a definition of life proper. Note
that so far biology was unable to define the terms “alive”,
“life”, and “life-sustaining process”. This situation does not
involve any difficulties for the descriptive biology, but
creates extreme complications for theoretical biology, and
even more so, for mathematical biology.
6. We propose to choose a set of phenomena which is
broader than that of phenomena of life, but one which is
well defined, and also to take the set of the branches of
knowledge which study this chosen set of phenomena. Mak­
ing use of some accurately described attributes, we will try
to single out from this set those which are identifiable as
manifestations of life. At the same time, we shall define
the set of biological disciplines.
7. We begin with considering distinct states of matter
and those fields of natural science which study these states.
A state of matter can be described if we choose spatial and
temporal scales and a set of physico-chemical characters -
78 A. A. Lyapunov

tics. This set of characteristics must satisfy the condition of

sufficient completeness. Unfortunately, it is hardly possib­
le now to list the necessary characteristics. This list must
include mass, total energy, free energy, chemical composi­
tion (in terms of elements, especially in terms of stable groups
of atoms, or individual chemical compounds), and possibly
the magnetic and electrical characteristics of bodies. Dif­
ferent combinations of the said characteristics may be
necessary for particular problems. All these characteristics
must be defined for a part of the analyzed substance within
a randomly positioned sphere which is entirely buried in the
substance to be analyzed. The law describing the distribu­
tion of positions of this sphere must be prescribed in advan­
ce. Very often the center of the sphere is supposed to have
constant distribution density everywhere in the admissible
8. We are mostly interested in the mean values and var­
iances of the chosen characteristics. Let us identify the
substances which are characterized by relatively low varianc­
es at a given mean value of the characteristic. We refer to
these substances as homogeneous. Note that the homogeneity
of a substance essentially depends on the diameter of the
chosen spheres. The variance of characteristics increases
with decreasing diameter in any substance.
9. Now we consider the variation of the characteristics
of the material studied in time. We are interested in mate­
rials which differ from other materials by a higher stability
of their characteristics as functions of time. Consequently,
it is necessary to choose a unit time, and to study how the
chosen characteristics vary within one unit of time.
Materials whose average characteristics remain almost
constant in time as compared with those of other materials
(having close values of the same characteristics) will be
referred to as relatively stable.
Cybernetics Approach to Theoretical Biology 79

10. In general, the stability increases with increasing

diameter of the spheres used to determine the characteristics.
If the fates of different parts of a material are random and
mutually independent, it is possible, under some very ge­
neral assumptions, to find the relation between geometric
size and stability. Of interest are the cases in which the
stability of large aggregations proves to be higher than pre­
dicted by the theory. The material is then said to have enhanc­
ed stability.
11. Two sorts of factors influence the stability of a sub­
stance. Stability may result from unusually favourable ex­
ternal conditions, such as preservation or thermostating.
Such situations are of no interest here. Another type of sus­
taining the stability is traced back to the internal response
of the substance to external factors, which tends to maintain
the equilibrium. Response of this type is said to be preserv­
ing. Materials of interest for us are those which have preserv­
ing responses.
12. Preserving responses arise when the substance re­
ceives the information on the external factor, processes this
information, and generates new information, namely, a
physical system of signals which trigger an internal restruc­
turing of this substance, such that the main characteristics of
the substance are preserved.
13. Both the input and the output information are en­
coded in a finite number of discrete signals which are al­
lowed to assume a finite number of distinct values. Each
signal is realized either by a specific physical process or by
a specific state of a material object.
Carriers of signals change in the course of data processing.
Systems of signals of one type are thereby transformed from
one code into another.
14. The data is processed by a device of discrete nature,
called c o n t r o l s y s t e m . A control system is composed of indi-
80 A. A. Lyapunov

vidual elements connected by communication channels.

Some of the elements act as inputs and some as outputs.
The function of communication channels is to transmit
signals. The elements receive, process, store, and yield sig­
nals. The device used to store the data is called the memory.
In most cases data is stored either in cyclic combinations
(loops) of elements and communication channels in which
signals circulate or in elements which are capable of occupy­
ing several stable states and of going from one another in
response to the input signals.
In general, the way in which an element processes the
signal is dictated by the type of this element of control
system and by the state which it occupies.
15. Information stored in the control system is encoded
in the discrete states of a finite number of discrete compo­
nents of this control system, so that each of these compo­
nents occupies one of a finite number of allowed states;
in other words, the information is stored as a text of finite
length, written in an alphabet consisting of a finite number
of symbols.
The way in which the incoming data is processed is essen­
tially a function of the information stored in the memory of
the control system.
16. The control system, whose function is to generate
preserving responses to various external stimuli, receives
information on these stimuli, splits it into components, and
compares them with the information stored in the system.
The output information is composed in correspondence with
the results of this comparison. The flexibility of the con­
trol system depends, therefore, on the amount of information
stored in the memory.
17. Hereafter we will be interested in a substance which
is homogeneous only on a sufficiently large scale, is rela-
Cybernetics Approach to Theoretical Biology 81

lively stable, has enhanced stability, and possesses a control

system which generates preserving responses.
Now we need to analyze how information can be stored in
such control systems.
18. External factors are classified by characteristic time.
For instance, there are external factors due to the motion
of surrounding bodies with a velocity of the order of several
meters per second, external factors due to weather fluctua­
tions, diurnal and seasonal external factors, and finally, pe­
rennial factors.
The response time of preserving response must be match­
ed with the characteristic time of external factors. This con­
straint imposes certain conditions on the response time of
control systems, for example, on the time of information
retrieval from memory.
19. In general, the diversity of external factors is con­
siderable. Responses are less diverse, because the same
response is often a preserving one with respect to more than
one type of stimulus; nevertheless, in some cases this diver­
sity is also substantial. One immediate consequence is the
large amount of stored information. Hence, the control
system must have large data storage. We conclude that the
control system is capable of responding to the multitude of
external factors if its memory operates with a large number
of material carriers of information symbols.
20. The environment thus imposes two types of require­
ments on the control system and its memory, namely, sufficient­
ly short response time and storage of a large amount of data.
Obviously, it is not easy to meet these contradictory re­
quirements simultaneously. The difficulties are partly
alleviated by the fact that these requirements are to some
extent anticorrelated.
The diversity of the fastest external factors (among those
which cause preserving responses) is relatively poor. The
82 A. A. Lyapunov

longer the characteristic time, the richer the spectrum of

external factors.
We conclude that the requirements formulated above can
be met by a set of control systems some of which are slower
but have larger memory, while others are faster but have
smaller memory. In reality this set of control systems will
have dissimilar physical mechanisms of storing and trans­
mitting the data, different anticorrelated ratios of computa­
tional speed and memory size, and different physical prin­
ciples of operation.
21. Note that each response involves an actuator, or
actuators, having certain power and mass. On the whole the
efficiency of functioning is the higher, the greater the masses,
power, and energy of the actuators. The concentration of
energy stored in actuators is necessarily limited. Hence,
to improve the efficiency of the whole, it is important that
the control system has a relatively small volume.
The information carriers must, therefore, be very small.
22. Let us discuss in more detail the control systems which
generate preserving responses and at the same time meet
the severest constraints on the geometric size of the carriers
of information symbols. The storage of data in the control
system’s memory must be extremely reliable, otherwise the
information cannot maintain the stability of the whole. At
the same time, structures formed by a small number of non­
interacting molecules can never be stable, in view of, for
example, thermal motions. Stable materials serving as in­
formation carriers can, therefore, be either macroscopic (in
this case their stability is caused by statistic factors) or
monomolecular, or crystalline, but in the last case the in­
formation carrier is the type of crystal lattice composed of
identical periodically arranged unit cells. This mode of
information storage entails very high redundancy, and thus
cannot be economical in volume utilization.
Information Theory and Evolution 83

23. The substance we single out is, therefore, bounded

and homogeneous, relatively stable, has enhanced stability,
produces preserving responses, and incorporates a control
system which generates these responses and uses information
encoded and stored in monomolecular carriers.
We refer to this substance as living matter.
In short, life can be defined as the highly stable state of
a substance which generates preserving responses dictated
by information encoded in the states of individual molecules.

Information Theory and Evolution

The concept of information appeared in physics in the con­
text of developing the foundations of statistical mechanics,
although the term itself was not yet used. The relation be­
tween entropy and the probability for a system to occupy a
state, established by Boltzmann, implies the relation be­
tween entropy and the amount of information. Entropy is
a quantitative measure of the lack of information about the
system. The basic propositions of statistical mechanics are
derivable from the canonical information theory developed
by Shannon and some other scientists in the context of the
problems of communication theory. The equivalence of
entropy and the amount of information was first pointed out
by Szilard; in fact, this equivalence indicates a simple con­
servation law: for a given probability distribution of state
occupancy, the sum of microscopic information and entropy
is constant and equal to the maximal obtainable informa­
tion or to the maximal entropy of the system.
Obviously, both entropy and information must be expres­
sed in the same units, such as bits or units of energy divided
by temperature. Increased information entails decreased
6 *
84 M. V. Volkenshtein

entropy, and vice versa. Here both quantitites are treated

The equivalence of information and entropy is no more
surprising than the equivalence of mass and energy implied
by Einstein formula
m = c ~ 2E ,

where c = 3 x 1010 cm/s is the velocity of light; 1 erg is

equivalent to a mass of 10”21 g. Likewise, 1 bit of informa­
tion is equivalent to k In 2 = 10 ~16 erg/K of entropy, which
is a very small amount of entropy (A; = 1.38 x 10“18 erg/K
is Boltzmann’s constant).
The message of this equivalence is that new information
is obtained “at a price” of increased entropy (in a different
part of the system). No information can be obtained about
the state of an adiabatically isolated system. In other words,
some energy must be dissipated. The minimum energy con­
sumption per one bit of information obtained is k T In 2,
where T is the absolute temperature.
We speak of obtaining information without seeking for
the profound implications of this process. The capabilities
of information receptors are very limited in the standard
canonical information theory used for developing the foun­
dations of statistical mechanics or for solving problems in
communication systems. A receptor can only distinguish be­
tween distinct states and between letters in a message.
This is an obvious advantage of the canonical theory. When
solving a problem dealing with the number of telegrams that
can be transmitted through a communication channel, the
content of the messages is ignored.
Physics is based on receiving information, i.e. on meas­
urements. Only quantities that are measurable in principle
carry a physical meaning and contain information. We
are justified in using the canonical theory when analyzing
Information Theory and Evolution 85

measurements only as long as we disregard their conse­

quences. These aspects were thoroughly analyzed by R. P. Pop-
lavsky [1].
Using the canonical theory, Brillouin was able to solve
a subtle physical problem concerning the functioning of the
demon of Maxwell.
The canonical information theory is thus an inseparable
part of physics. Nevertheless, this theory does not cover re­
ception, memorizing, and generation of information. In
fact, these are the processes that are essential for biology.
In his posthumous monograph [21, I. I. Shmalgauzen
for the first time attempted to convert Darwin’s work into
a theory in terms of the canonical information theory. He
introduced the feedforward and feedback channels through
which the genetic and phenotypic information is transferred,
and discussed the rules of encoding and transforming the
biological information. This new language of the theory of
evolution is substantive and has a pragmatic significance
in that it further develops and clarifies its basic concepts.
Suffice it to quote the following passage: “The entire mecha­
nism of natural selection can be presented in terms of infor­
mation theory as the transformation of feedback information,
which is transmitted phenotypically at the level of the orga­
nization of individuals as complete systems, to the heredi­
tary information which is transmitted at the molecular level
of organization through chromosomes”.
Shmalgauzen also pioneered in this work the argument
that “the current information theory has no techniques avail­
able to it for evaluating the quality of information, although
this factor is often of decisive importance in biology. When
an organism receives information from the environment,
first of all it evaluates this information from the stand­
point of its quality...”.
This statement is irrefutable. The quality, meaning, con-
86 M. V. Volkenshtein

tent, or value of information have indeed become the object

of study in biophysics.
Let us accept the term “value of information”. Obviously,
this concept can be defined only in connection with the re­
ception of information because a measure of this value is
given by the consequences of the reception of this informa­
tion by the organism. Hence, an analysis of the value of infor­
mation must begin with an analysis of reception.
The reception of information, and hence, its storage, is
a process which is in principle irreversible; it is realized
when the initial state of the receptor is unstable and the
receptor switches to a new, relatively stable state. The de­
finition of the quality of information involves a concept
of the level of reception. This concept is related, among
other factors, to the amount of information stored earlier
(the thesaurus of the receptor).
Reception signifies that information has been irreversibly
memorized. Information can be lost (forgotten), but it can­
not be channeled back.
As a result of the extremely nonequilibrium nature of
the process of reception, triggered phenomena, similar to
phase transitions, take place; such processes are especially
important in biology. The processes are such that very small
amounts of information cause substantial, macroscopic
events. For instance, one bit of information carried by a
change of traffic lights from red to green triggers changes in
traffic flow.
In the case of reception and storing the incoming informa­
tion, the equivalence of information to entropy is far from
obvious. At the same time, these processes are evidently
real physical phenomena calling for further analysis. In my
opinion, the difficulties encountered in this field by thermo­
dynamics are of principal nature, and follow from the dif­
ficulties in dealing with irreversible processes involving
Information Theory and Evolution 87

long-term memory, i.e., processes with very long (practically

infinite) relaxation time (relaxation time is the time ne­
cessary to reach equilibrium). What are entropy and thermo­
dynamical probability in these conditions? Alas, the phys­
ics of such irreversible processes has not been developed yet,
despite some substantive efforts.
This is also true for another phenomenon which is of ut­
most importance for biology, the generation of new infor­
mation. The creation of new information is the act of memo­
rizing the outcome of random selection. Phenomena of this
type are abundant in evolution. Sexual reproduction is equi­
valent to storing the outcome of a random event, namely, the
formation of a new genotype as a result of recombination of
the parent genomes. This event is indeed random (and hence,
somewhat free) because no law dictates that the offspring
should be born to this particular pair of individuals.
Incidentally, the generation of new information by crea­
tive activities, such as writing poetry, also proceeds in the
manner of making a random choice (i.e. free choice) to
Here again we encounter an irreversible process which is
difficult to interpret in terms of thermodynamics.
Information thus has two, and only two, aspects that di­
rectly concern physics. The first aspect is the amount of in­
formation in equilibrium; the second one is the value of in­
formation, directly related to the process of reception and
memorizing. No physical theory of these processes has been
developed so far. It is clear, nevertheless, that this is a job
for physics, and solely physics.
Regardless of the future theory, we can accept, with re­
servations, a conditional definition of the value of informa­
tion as the degree of its non-redundancy or independence [31.
Redundant or repeated information is of no value for the
receptor. The protagonists of Jules Verne’s C a p t a i n G r a n t ' s
88 M. V. Volkenshtein

C h i l d r e n successfully reconstruct almost the entire text of

the message extracted from a bottle, even though quite a
few letters are washed off. Hence, these letters were redun­
dant; in contrast, non-redundant, irreplaceable letters have
high value.
With this definition of the value of information, we come
to a conclusion that in the course of biological development
(ontogenesis and phylogenesis) the value of information, and
hence, its irreplaceability, increase. The former factor is
evidenced by the transformation of presumptive rudiments
into determinative ones in the course of embryogenesis, and
also by the phenomenon of recapitulation. The latter factor
is found in the event in which new species arise from com­
mon ancestors as a result of biological divergence. Numerous
examples could be added to these two. The essential feature
is that the value of information changes in the manner of
phase transition.
If evolution enhances the value of information, there are
reasons to believe that a similar effect takes place at the
molecular level. A conditional scale of the values of amino
acid residues in proteins can be composed in terms of re­
sidue replaceability. Using this scale, it is possible to show
that the total value of amino acid residues in cytochrome
c was indeed increasing through the evolutionary tree both
for mammals and for birds. This means that mutation-
caused replacements substitute less valuable residues for
more valuable ones. In fact, no such relationship was found
in the case of hemoglobins: evolution resulted in random
These results agree with Kimura’s neutral evolution theory
which holds that at the molecular level the evolution mostly
proceeds in a neutral, random manner. Numerous replace­
ments of nucleotides in DNA or of amino acid residues in
proteins do not feel the pressure of natural selection which
Information Theory and Evolution 89

acts at the phenotype level. Kimura’s theory is well support­

ed by evidence. Its physical meaning reduces to a non-single-
valued, degenerate correspondence of the primary protein
structure, which is genetically encoded, and the spatial
structure which is responsible for the biological function
of the protein. In spite of the statements of some scientists,
the neutralism theory in no way stands in opposition to
Darwin’s theory.
Nevertheless, different proteins hehave quite dissimilar­
ly. A more ancient and universal protein, the cytochrome c,
is less subject to mutations than a younger protein, hemo­
globin. This explains why the roughly manifested trend of
increased irreplaceability of amino acid residues is observed
for cytochrome c but not for hemoglobin. In this sense, the
protein evolution goes “from Kimura to Darwin”, from neu­
tralism to selectionism.
It was shown that the evolutionary enhancement of pro­
tein value requires that there be a stock of residues with
low value, i.e., with high replaceability.
The principle of evolutionary growth in the complexity
of biological systems was discussed in the literature in
recent years. The complexity concept needed a rigorous de­
finition. Such a definition was given by Kolmogorov: the
complexity of an object is the minimal number of binary
digits, encoding the information on this object, sufficient
for reproduction (decoding). In other words, the complexity
is the length, measured in bits of information, of the short­
est program generating the message about the object.
In order to ascertain that a given sequence of digits is
complex (i.e., random), it is necessary to prove Jthat no
shorter program is possible for generating this sequence.
This statement cannot be proved in view of Godel’s theorem,
and the proof calls for a system of greater complexity.
We should emphasize at this point that science invariably
90 M. V. Volkenshtein

aims at discovering the minimal program which generates

(explains) the set of facts available for analysis: this is the
familiar Occam’s razor. Thus, Newton’s law of gravitation
explains both the fall of an apple and the motion of planets.
However, Godel’s theorem does not permit a proof of the
minimality in terms of logic. This is why science is impossib­
le without intuition. Mandelshtam used to say that the
Schrodinger equation was the result of guess, not of inference.
The most complex systems in nature are individual liv­
ing organisms, man’s organism among them. Each living
being is unique, and cannot be presented by a shorter pro­
gram. In this sense, “nobody is replaceable”. This statement
holds also for man’s creative output, the pieces of literature
and art.
However, each organism is more than just an individual.
It represents a kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
and species. This is a very real hierarchy, and its discovery
constituted one of the greatest events in the history of scien­
ce. The complexity is obviously increasing from kingdom to
species. Within each taxon, “nothing is irreplaceable”: all
representatives of a given species are interchangeable, and
are described by the same minimal program.
Let us turn to evolution. Usually, although not always,
complexity increases in the course of phylogenesis. For
instance, the transition to the parasitic existence signifies
simplification, not greater complexity.
The concept of complexity is relative. A bull’s brain is
a fantastically complex system for the biologist who needs
hundreds and thousands of bits for its description, but a
butcher needs at most 5 bits, since brain is merely one of
about thirty edible parts of bull’s body.
We have to deal with different levels of data reception,
with the relativity in the value of information. We find
that complexity is equivalent to irreplaceability, or to non-
Information Theory and Evolution 91

redundancy at a given level of reception. What is irreplacea­

ble, is complex. The impossibility of a further minimization
of a program which generates a complex message signifies
that the program is irreplaceable. Both the information
value and complexity increase in the direction from kingdom
to species and reach a maximum in the individual. Never­
theless, the concept of the value of information is richer than
that of complexity. The complexity refers to an object as
a whole, while the value is inherent in each individual ele­
ment of the object. The complexity characterizes the struc­
ture, while the value represents the function as well.
Consider the evolutionary simplification, which occurs in
the evolution of vertebrates too. In four families of deep-
sea anglerfishes (iC a u l o p h r y n i d a e , C e r a t i d a e , N e o c e r a t i d a e ,
L i n o p h r y n i d a e ) the relations between sexes are very peculiar.
The male, which is much smaller than the female fish (a
C e r a t i s h o l b o e l l i female is more than 1 m long, while a male
may be as short as 15 mm!), penetrates the skin of the fe­
male, after which its jaws, eyes, and intestines undergo
reduction, so that it ultimately transforms into an append­
age producing the sperm. The simplification is indeed dras­
tic, but its outcome in these specific ecological environ­
ments is the enhancement, not decrease, of the value.
The principle of value enhancement is independent of
natural selection. Nevertheless, its formulation deliberately
emphasizes the inherent directivity, or irreversibility, of
biological evolution.
An increasing value entails an enhanced ability of a bio­
logical system to extract valuable information. This ability is
especially well developed in higher animals whose sensory
organs specialize in information selection. The frog responds
only to moving insects, the bat operates its sonar and res­
ponds only to reflected signals, not to direct ones. The se­
lection of valuable information forms the foundation of
92 M. V. Volkenshtein

man’s creative activities. This selection requires no addi­

tional energy consumption, and one bit of information is
obtained at a cost independent of its value.
Natural selection means that phenotypes are subjected
to comparative evaluation in terms of a given ecological
niche, i.e., it is a search for optimal value. The situation
can be elucidated by an analogy to chess.
At the initial position a chess player selects from among
20 possible moves. In reality no one with even a minimum
skill searches among all these moves (“all mutations”) but
analyzes at most five or six possibilities. The number of
possible moves increases with each move, but the choice nar­
rows down still more. Each move creates a new “ecological
environment” on the chess board. The role of mutation is
played by the opponent’s move. Once a game of chess was di­
rected into a certain path, it cannot be drastically redirect­
ed. The game is irreversible; the moves cannot be retracted.
Here lies the analogy to evolution, which is invariably a one­
way, or channelled process. Terrestrial vertebrates have four
limbs because their ancestors, Late Devonian C r o s s o p t e r -
y g i i bony fishes, had four corresponding fins.
Chess suggests another, more interesting analogy. Accord­
ing to Steinitz’s theory, the game must follow the positional
strategy, striving to accumulate small advantages. Once
the advantages grew sufficiently large, the player was to
seek a combinational, resolute path to victory. The nontri­
viality of this theory, which was supported by Lasker’s
detailed logical arguments, lies in the following feature:
if the positional gains are not used for advantage, at the right
moment, they vanish. Lasker wrote: “The combinational
and positional strategies of a chess master are complemen­
tary. A combination serves to invalidate false values, and
the positional game is aimed at solidifying and utilizing
the true values” [41.
Information Theory and Evolution 93

Lasker regarded chess as a model of “life’s struggle”.

He did not notice that chess offered a model of natural se­
lection and struggle for survival: the accumulation of small
advantages is similar to microevolution, and the transition
to a combination is like macroevolution, or phase transi­
tion. One of the basic problems in evolution theory is the
reducibility of macroevolution to microevolution. The above
arguments are very similar to the concepts of idioadapta-
tions and aromorphoses introduced by Severtsov [5].
The terminology used by chess players is in itself an in­
dication of the analogy. Botvinnik wrote: “Euwe was able
to adapt himself to a situation arising in a game... An ana­
lysis of ‘adaptive evaluations’ in a game of chess will lead
to the rise of the perfect chess robot” [61.
The directivity of evolution is imposed by both exogeneous
and endogeneous factors. The exogeneous factors are the
ecosystem and natural selection. The endogeneous factors
stem from the program of ontogenetic development incor­
porated in each organism; this program imposes rigid bounds
on the evolutionary diversity. The problems of evolution
are inseparable from those of ontogenesis, and the interrela­
tion of ontogenesis and phylogenesis can, in fact must, be
considered in the framework of information value concepts.
The notion of the value, or irreplaceability of information
is a fundamental one. Note that the “technology” of biological
evolution differs from the man-made technology. We tend
to construct machines from mutually replaceable parts, com­
posing sets of spare parts. For any organism more perfect
than a hydra or sponge, the decisive factor is irreplaceabil­
ity at all levels, up to the immunological level in higher
vertebrates. The rejection of “block technology” and “spare
parts”, giving up the capability of regeneration, is the price
for the sophisticated holistic organization, for the well-
developed nervous system.
94 Yu. M. Svirezhev

1. IIonjiaBCKHu P. II. TepMOflHHaMHKa HH<J>opMai*iioHHbix npoueccoB.
M.: Hayna, 1981.
2. IIlMajibray3eH H. H. Kn6epHeTHHecKne Bonpocu 6nojioriin. Hobo-
ch6hpck: HayKa, 1968.
3. B ojibK eH iuT eH H M. B. Bno(J)H3HKa. M.: HayKa, 1981.
4. Jlacnep 3. yneCuuK m axM aT H O H nrpu. M.: Ou3nyAbmypa u m y -
pu3M, 1937.
5. CeBepuoB A. H. rjiaBHwe HanpaBJieHHH aBOJiKmuoHHoro nponecca.
M.: M3fl-B0 M ry, 1967.
6. Botbuhhhk M. M. Ot iiiaxMaTHCTa k MaiiiHHe. M.: &u3Kyjibmypa
u cnopm, 1979.

Control Sciences and the Harvest

This article is an attempt to approach the problem from
different angles, e.g., that of engineers and ecologists, and
pose some questions which can hardly be answered in un­
ambiguous terms.
Until recently the agriculturists did not need mathemat­
ics other than ordinary statistics and design of experiment.
It is curious, however, buj, it were the needs of agriculture
that gave an impetus to exploring these mathematical fields.
Thus Ronald Fisher, one of the founders of today’s statistics
and experimental design theory, had closely cooperated for
years with selectionists at Rothamstead experimental sta­
tion in Britain.
Control engineering, optimization principles, and comput­
er control were originally applied in manufacturing indu­
stries and greatly enhanced the productivity of labor. Agri­
culture was initially left out, probably for two reasons: (1)
Control Sciences and the Harvest 95

unlike industrial processes, biological systems cannot be

easily described in formal mathematical terms, and (2)
owing to its ancient origin agriculture is more conservative
and so tends to preserve its centuries-old practices. But the
growing needs called for dramatic changes.
This was the case when mineral fertilizers were intro­
duced in the middle of the 19th century. At that time
J. Liebig approached the stepping up of agricultural pro­
duction as a problem in engineering, and formulated a typ­
ical control-science-like principle of limiting, factors. Known
today as the “bottleneck” (critical path), this principle is
widely applied to process control and economy management.

Agriculture Viewed by Engineering.

Harvest Programming
An engineer may regard agriculture (in the narrow sense of
the word, i.e., crop growing) as obtaining a product with
the use of some mineral* raw materials and solar energy with
a certain efficiency. The principal technology is photosynthe­
sis. The process is controlled by varying the input flow of
the raw material; the output, the harvest, is maximized in
actual environmental conditions by optimizing control.
This, roughly, is a definition of the “harvest programming”
A process cannot be controlled, however, unless its model
is available. In our case a green plant or a vegetation po­
pulation has to be modeled. Let us consider Rachko’s model.
The growth of a hypothetical plant is described as the
dynamics of the biomasses of its leaves, stalk, and roots.
The exogenous variables (factors) are the photosynthetically
active radiation (PAR), the air temperature, the water sup­
ply in the environment, the carbon dioxide content in the
ambient air, and the concentration of mineral elements
96 Yu. M. Svirezhev

(nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and sodium) in the soil.

The internal variables are the biomasses of leaves, stalk, and
roots and the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, cal­
cium, and sodium inside the plant. In a very crude form the
conceptual diagram of this model is shown in Fig. 13. The
flows of substance and energy are represented as solid lines,
thick and thin, respectively, and control data transmission
links, as dashed lines.
When carbon dioxide and nutrients are available and
the temperature is right, the PAR-initiated photosynthesis

Fig. 13. Conceptual diagram of a plant model

Pi = p4 are the C 02 concentration, PAR, water potential, and temperature,
respectively; P is a vector with components p, = p4; xx = x3 are the biomasses
of leaves, stalk, and roots, respectively; X is a vector with components xx = ay,
1, 2—energy and substance flows; .?—data flow; 4—flow regulator; 5—respiration
Control Sciences and the Harvest 97

produces new organic substances which are distributed in all

organs of the plant. Simultaneously the energy for sustain­
ing the life processes in the plant (such as the transport of
the substances, biochemical processes, etc.) is released
through the oxidation of these substances in respiration.
The rate of these processes is dictated by the biomasses and
geometry of the plant organs and by the exogenous varia­
bles. Besides, the plant has its own control mechanisms such
as stomatal transpiration and distribution of the assimi-
lants. Many of these mechanisms remain little explored and
so the model loop is closed by using either empirical func­
tions or general biological considerations which are formulat­
ed as some maximum principle such as adaptation. On the
other hand, the dependence of photosynthesis on PAR, on
availability of water, and on the concentration of nutrients
has been thoroughly explored and can be readily integrated
into the model.
Many variables and functions in the model have specific
values only for specific plants. This is especially impor­
tant in determining the geometric characteristics of an in­
dividual plant or a population. Thus the PAR distribution
is dependent on the sowing geometry, i.e., a population
variable, more than on the plant geometry.
The choice of specific values is the stage of model identi­
fication at which it is adjusted for controlling a specific crop.
At subsequent stages the optimal control of the agricultural
system is sought by varying the dynamics of watering, ferti­
lization, etc. under specified environmental conditions
beyond human control, such as ambient temperature and
This approach has been used in the Computing Center of
the USSR Academy of Sciences by R. Saidulloev and
A. M. Tarko who developed a cotton growth model. Thus,
numerous computer experiments suggest that periodic water-
98 Yu. M. Svirezhev

ing results in better harvests than continuous watering

Now, a question may arise, why bother with a model
which cannot recognize all the factors when an optimal com­
bination of control parameters can be obtained by experi­
mental design? First, every experimental run would require
an inadmissibly large surface and so would be costly and
take too much time. Second, in experiment the exogenous
conditions could not be monitored as closely as, for instance,
in petrochemical synthesis where the response follows in a
matter of seconds and the entire process is observable.
Simulation methods are therefore preferable.
In the Netherlands models of wheat and corn growth have
been experimentally tested. In the USSR harvest program­
ming is the subject of vigorous research by E. P. Galyamin,
R. A. Poluektov, Yu. K. Ross, and 0. D. Sidorenko.

Agricultural Viewed by an Ecologist.

Monoculture or Agrocenosis?

An approach in which agriculture is viewed as a kind of

manufacturing industry, the plant as a kind of machine,
and the harvest control as an engineering task is legitimate
at a certain stage because it results in a sharp increase of
farming production. However, a price should be paid for
this increase. The production cost estimated in terms of
total energy and mineral inputs expressed in energy units
per ton of wheat has increased 50-fold during the last
100 years.
In this sense the highly industrialized US agriculture
is 250 times costlier than the traditional agriculture of
South-East Asia. Programmed harvesting on a larger scale
would be still more expensive because a price would have
Control Sciences and the Harvest 99

to be paid for both the indispensible information on the

system state and for control itself, i.e., for maintaining the
system at the computed optimal level.
At this point the desire to obtain maximal productivity
is in conflict with the maximal stability requirement made
by nature to every bilogical community, be it population
or biocenosis.
One ecological indicator of the community’s stability is
its variety. This is essentially a measure of the amount of
information describing the community. The stability in
face of environmental variations increases with the number
of species having different characteristics. On the other hand,
the productivity of a community is maximized when all
the individual characteristics are made to approach some
optimal value. In this way, however, the variety is reduced.
Monoculture is ideally optimal but also absolutely unstable
because there is no variety in it. It is human control that
keeps monoculture stable.
The evolution of natural communities increases their
variety. The community pays for it by increased energy dis­
sipation. Any exploitation such as collection of a harvest
and removal of some biomass from the community reduces
the dissipation, and, consequently, the stability.
So, harvesting should be discontinued if stability is to be
maximized and if it provides a maximal harvest the com­
munity is absolutely unstable. From this point of view the
agrotechnology of high yield crops is but stabilization of the
unstable monoculture population.
A compromise should probably be sought whereby mono­
culture is replaced by an agrocenosis (agroecosystem), a man­
made community whose structure would be fairly similar to
that of natural communities and whose stability would be
largely maintained by inherent ecological regulatory mecha­
nisms rather than a flow of man-supplied energy.
100 Yu. M. Svirezhev

Development of ecologically optimal agricultural struc­

tures is today on the agenda of mankind.
Let us consider a modeled case study.

Theory of Trophic Chains.

Harvest versus Stability
Let us start with some statistics. According to various
estimates, about one third of the entire US harvest is lost

Fig. 14. Trophic chain of an agro­

Q—resource arrival; 1-3—chain levels

to pests, chiefly insects. The direct pest control costs

amount to about 2,000,000 dollars annually. What are the
environmental consequences of this combat?
Control Sciences and the Harvest 101

Figure 14 shows the trophic chain of any crop. The new

trophic level is that of pests, such as the cotton-worms; it is
followed by the parasites or predators of these pests, such
as various ichneumon flies. The resources are mineral ferti­
lizers Q . The harvest would seem to increase with Q as

Fig. 15. Harvest as a typical

function of fertilization
shown in Fig. 15. However, larger Q do not necessarily
improve the harvest. The trophic chains are found to be
discrete, or resource-quantized. Indeed, there are critical
values <?*, Q * , Q *, «tc. such that if Q < ()*, then only
a chain of length 1 is stable; if Q \ < Q < (?*, of length 2 ;
if #2 < Q < (?*> °f length <?, etc. (Fig. 16). In the first case
the agroecosystem consists of plants alone, the amount of
insect pests causing a negligible damage to the biomass of
the useful species.. Increased fertilization in this interval
naturally increases the vegetation biomass, or the harvest.
However, as soon as Q exceeds Q J\ the chain length is equal
to 2 and includes pests as well as the crops. Further increase
of fertilization results in a dramatic increase in the amount
of pests. The real yield falls because the increased yield
maintains an increased amount of pests, Fig. 17. This situa­
tion continues until Q exceeds Q%. Then the chain length
is 3 and pest predators grow in number and suppress the
pest population, thus improving the harvest,
0 Q,* Qj* Q* Q

Fig. 16. Length of the trophic chain as a function of resource arrival

R—resource; 1-3— levels of the trophic chain

Fig. 17. Income from real harvest as a function of fertilization

of these
l —without chemical or biological pest control methods; £—with the use
methods; Q* and Q?—critical boundaries
Control Sciences and the Harvest 103

In effect, the dependence of the harvest on fertilization

is not as straight forward as might seem at first glance.
Highly productive monoculture seems to be an ideal but
what actually realizes in nature is an agroecosystem, a biolo­
gical community of many populations; the structure com­
plexity increases with the increase in the energy and re­
source input flux. If nature has “a goal”, then it is in con­
flict with human goals.
The harvest can be increased either by moving Q \ towards
higher Q or by decreasing Q *. In the former case the death
rate of the pests has to be increased, for instance by using
pesticides. In the latter case, the biological method of
pest control is employed whereby pest predators are nurtured
at special “farms” and set loose on the fields. Inevitably,
these approaches require both energy and resources for crea­
tion and maintenance of a new stable community structure.

Agroecosystems Analyzed Ecoenergetically

The study of energy flows in ecosystems is a major method

of ecological research which is obviously valuable in analyz­
ing agricultural systems.
In developed Western economies energy studies of agroeco­
systems were triggered by the energy crisis of the 1970s. In
this approach an agricultural system is treated as a system
transforming an energy input into an energy output. The
transformation efficiency which is the ratio of the resource
inflow to the farm product is now widely used in compara­
tive analysis of various agricultural sectors and entire agro-
The input flow of man-supplied energy is made up of direct
and indirect energy inputs. The former are fuel for field­
work, power and fossil fuel for heating the greenhouses and
104 Yu. M. Svirezhev

farms, for drying grain, transportation, etc. The latter are

mineral fertilizers and pesticides, installations and machine­
ry, irrigation, amelioration, and other infrastructure costs
(indirect energy inputs are also expressed in energy units).
The transformation efficiency varies widely from sector to
sector. Thus its maximum in crop farming is 0.3 (recall that
the solar energy is neglected); in livestock breeding it may be
as high as 5 and in fowl farms, 10. This signifies that while
one crop product unit costs 0.2 to 0.3 artificial energy units,
in fowl farms it costs 10 units. For agriculture as a whole
this index ranges from 1.5 to 3. In particular, it was 1.45 in
France in 1970 and 2.9 in England in 1968.
This index can be reduced in two ways. One is a more
efficient utilization of the resource influx, e.g., replacement
of gasoline by diesel fuel, reduced tilling, etc. In 1973-
1983 the energy consumption in the US farms has been
reduced in this way by 17 per cent.
The other approach is the utilization of wastes such as
straw and manure as energy sources and in fertilizer pro­
duction. The EEC countries intended to increase the utiliza­
tion of biomass for energy to 2.5-3 per cent of the total
energy consumption (equivalent to 30 to 40 million tons of
oil) by 1985 and to 7.5 to 10 per cent by the year 2000.
The energy consumption analysis may provide an estimate
of new technologies and their characteristic energy flows.
* * *

To summarize, since agriculture is a complex large-scale

system which may behave in a counter-intuitive way, simple
solutions will hardly work. Nevertheless, their analysis by
systems research techniques in the light of general ecological
principles may prove useful.
I I. The Complexity of Living Systems

Integrity of Life

On System atic and

Integral Nature of Man
Man is the “center” or “focus” of any social system. But what
is the essence, or nature, of man himself? Is he an “element”
of social formations or is he a complex, multifaceted system
Back in the last century Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
rejected the cult of an abstract man, man in general, man
outside human history. In their eyes man was part of a his­
torically specific social entity such as a social formation or
social alliance, e.g., class or nation. Man is always a link
in the system of social relations. Marx wrote: “But the
human essence is no abstraction inherent in each single
individual. In its reality it is the ensemble of social rela­
tions” [1].
This does not imply denial of the biological in man. The
social in man has not emerged and developed “overnight” or
from nothing. It developed from certain biological features.
Even now when man is clearly a social being, he also remains
a biological being. Man is a biosocial system.
Biologically, man is a representative of the phylum of
Chordata, the subphylum of Vertebrata, the class of Mammals,
the order of Primata, and the family of Hominidae. As
a biological being he is a mobile, self-controlled integral
system. In Pavlov’s words an organism is “a highly self­
regulating, self-maintaining, restoring, correcting, and even
106 V. G. Afanasyev

self-perfecting system” [21. In this biological sense, man’s

components are cells, tissues, organs, and systems of organs
which perform specific functions in the organism.
Biologically man changes much slower than socially.
H o m o s a p i e n s is believed to exist for 40,000 to 50,000 years.
Man’s biology has no noticeably changed over this enormous
period in the history of human society. His brain has not
expanded, his heart pumps blood where it used to and the
blood flow has not increased much. The senses and chiefly
emotions remain generally as they were millenia ago. What
changes fast is man's social nature. The personality of
a slave and a slave-owner, the serf and the feudal lord, the
worker and the bourgeois, and, finally, the socialist per­
sonality are the nodal points in the human social history
from slavery through feudalism through capitalism to
socialism covering “mere” several thousand years.
The biological factor is not, however, decisive. No doubt
that the biological or the hereditary-biological traits have
a significant role to play in the development of social and
psychological qualities in man, but this role is not and
cannot be fatalistic. The biological is merely a prerequisite
for the making of man and for the development of his
qualities, characteristics, and abilities, all shaped by
social factors.
Man is a component of a multitude of systems. He is a mem­
ber of his family and working team, of his class, and of his
nation; he is a citizen of a certain country. He is a com­
ponent of economic, political, and cultural systems. It is
these systems rather than man as an individual that shape
the social qualities. The decisive role in the formation of
social qualities is played by the working, or productive
activity. Engels noted that in a sense work created man.
Work is embodied in the organization of a human body.
A man is a man not because he consists of organs, tissues,
On Systemic and Integral Nature of Man 107

and cells, breathes with his lungs, and his children feed on
mother’s milk but because he is capable of working, think­
ing, and speaking, making tools with which he changes his
environment, or nature, and in his working activities he
enters into social relationships with other human beings.
What is more, many biological (anatomical and physiolo­
gical) features of man such as the vertical gait, the shape of
his skull, and the structure of his face result from his social
life. The biological and social are inseparable in man but
the human proper has social origins. “... the essence of
a personality is not”, as Marx said, “its abstract physical
character, but its s o c i a l q u a l i t y ...” [1].
A personality is described by its social, rather than biolo­
gical qualities. It embodies certain social functions but in
performing them it displays its own features such as the
character, will, interests, needs, intelligence, knowledge,
consciousness and self-consciousness, value orientation, and
Therefore, psychological features such as the character,
temperament, will, sentiments, reason, habits, desires, etc.
are inevitable components of the personality [3]. They show
the way in which a person performs his social functions
(role), what his physical and creative potential are, what is
lacking in this personality for acting more effectively, wheth­
er the personality outgrew the framework of his functions,
and whether a person should be used for performing a more
sophisticated and important role.
Man acquires human characteristics in the course of his
life, activity, learning, and work in a world transformed by
numerous human generations, rather than he has them since
his birth.
The behaviour of animals and their interaction with the
environment are known to be programmed chiefly by the ge­
netic information which is transmitted from generation to
108 V. G. Afanasyev

generation. The living nature has not done much to assist

the exchange of information acquired during the lifetime,
except for the direct imitation, chiefly by the younger gene­
ration, and for a very primitive exchange of signals warning
of danger or any other change in the environment. The social
life makes quite different requirements to the information
exchange. Social, rather than hereditary information, is of
decisive importance. Superindividual acquisition, storage,
and transmission of data from generation to generation
(vertical data flows) and data exchange within one generation
(horizontal data flows) guide the behavior of an individual.
“H o m o s a p i e n s is unique in that, in contrast to animals,
this species has, in addition to a genetic program, a con­
sciousness-generated program which dictates his evolution in
every subsequent generation. This additional program can
be referred to as the social heritage programs” [4].
This social heritage is, above all, the information embo­
died in working tools and other objects of this second nature,
and stored in documents (books, newspapers, magazines,
archives, etc.), works of art, including fiction, and in oral
form. Because it inherits the achievements of production
and socio-political and spiritual life of earlier generations,
every new generation does not have to start everything anew
both in cognition and in practice.
The decisive factor in the making of man, his qualities,
characteristics, and abilities is the environment comprising
things and events. This environment makes man what he is.
Man, however, cannot act on his own in this world.
Man interacts with the world through relationships with
other people, those who still are and those who are no more
on the “world scene”. The more sophisticated man’s relation­
ships with the world and other people, the richer his inner
world and the more varied his activities.
Social, above all, economic relations and communication
On Systemic and Integral Nature of Man 109

with other people (direct with the contemporaries and indi­

rect, through production, socio-political, and spiritual expe­
rience, stored in social information, with earlier genera­
tions) are the decisive personality-shaping factors. Marx and
Engels wrote: “Hence it certainly follows that the develop­
ment of an individual is determined by the development of
all the others with whom he is directly or indirectly associat­
ed, and that the different generations of individuals entering
into relation with one another are connected with one
another, that the physical existence of the later generations
inherits the productive forces and forms of intercourse
accumulated by their predecessors, their own mutual rela­
tions being determined thereby. In short, it is clear that
development takes place and that the history of a single
individual cannot possibly be separated from the history of
preceding or contemporary individuals but is determined by
this history” [11.
Individual development from birth to death makes a per­
sonality human, in that it shapes those specifically human
features that have been acquired by H o m o s a p i e n s in the
course of the socio-historic evolution, and contributes to
further expansion and sophistication of these qualities.
In effect, man is a social being, while the natural, or
biological, features in him are only prerequisities for the
realization of his social essence. This essence is dictated,
first of all, by the social environment, the society where man
lives and develops. The environment shapes his activities,
features, and qualities.
These social (in a broad sense) and psychological features
combined with biological qualities are the components of
a personality as an integral system*. The overriding compo-
* Jan Szczepanski, the Polish sociologist, refers to these compo­
nents as biogenic, psychogenic, and sociogenic; their mutual adapta­
tion and conjugation make a personality.
110 V. G. Afanasyev

nents are the economic qualities and the economic acti­

The specific interaction of these components creates the
personality structure and the manifestation of these features
and qualities in one’s activities. In their unity, interaction,
functioning, coordination and subordination these com­
ponents add up to a personality as an entity, an integral
Man is thus a specific integral unit. Marx wrote: “Man,
much as he may therefore be a p a r t i c u l a r individual (and it is
precisely his particularity which makes him an individual
and a real i n d i v i d u a l social being), is just as much the t o t a l i ­
t y ... as a totality of human manifestations of life” [1].
The wholeness of a personality is thus seen as the unity of
various activities in his life, each being but a specific expres­
sion of a certain social relationship, a product of a social
group. In its totality, or unity, life is the product and expres­
sion of the totality and variety of social relationships that tie
the personality with other people. In this sense, the essence
of a personality is a condensation of social relationships.
Man is also a replica or a condensation of the entire objec­
tively existing world in all the variety of its manifestations.
Man organically combines all laws of existence, mechanical,
physical, chemical, biological, and social, the latter being
• “Man’s nature is a system of two subsystems, the organism
and the personality, which are closely intertwined and in­
fluence each other. The unity of these subsystems is provided
by the activity of the central nervous system, notably, the
brain” [5].
The basic factor of wholeness and the systemic nature of
man is his economic life. Another, subjective, mechanism of
wholeness is his consciousness and self-consciousness, his
control of himself, and language as a communication tool.
On Systemic and Integral Nature of Man 111

The collective, or systemic, nature of the economic life

and work, consciousness and language, should be emphasized.
A specific personality has been seen to be a product of
the social environment, of the social system. But then, why
is there such a variety of human individualities in the
same environment, the same society; why does a personality
not acquire all the traits of the social environment to the
same degree?
First, this environment is inhomogeneous. It always incor­
porates the core of today, remnants of the past, and nuclei of
the future. Remnants of the old capitalist society continue
to exist in the socialist society during the entire period of
evolution to a communist society. The inhomogeneous envi­
ronment acts on man in different, probably opposing, direc­
tions. Even though the decisive influence is exerted by the
prevailing social relationships, man may be effected by rela­
tionships of the past and so develop qualities incompatible
with the requirements of the society. This is one of the causes
of the survivals of the past in the behavior and conscious­
ness of man in the socialist society. With the triumph of
new economic relationships, full economic equality, and
social uniformity this factor will be eliminated.
No society or social environment where a personality lives
and develops is insulated from other societies having their
own socio-economic systems and cultures. Thus, today the
socialist and capitalist societies coexist. The mass media
enhance penetration of bourgeois ideas incompatible with the
socialist world. The policy makers and ideologists of the
bourgeois world do their utmost to revive bourgeois preju­
dices and habits in the members of the socialist society. This is
another reason why the activities and mentality of some in­
dividuals are incompatible with the demands of the society.
There is, however, more to the variety of personalities
than the difference between people of advanced and back-
112 V. G. Afanasyev

ward views. Among either we can find different characters,

inclinations, and tastes.
The most important cause of the variety is that every
individuality is also shaped in the micro-environment of the
family, school, by the workmates, etc. This micro-environ­
ment is a sort of interface where the economic and social rela­
tions and the spiritual life of the society are modified. The
variety of the empirical circumstances which combine into
a micro-environment is infinite; similar (in terms of the
general social environment) personalities therefore show
infinite variations and shades which cannot be explained out
of the context of these empirical circumstances. If the
micro-environment fits the societal environment and “works”
in the same direction, then the personality acquires the fea­
tures and relationships of the larger environment, and be­
comes their representative, adherent, and defender. If, how­
ever, the micro-environment for some reasons (remnants of
the past, backward or misled people) “acts” in a direction
opposing that of the society momentum, then the perso­
nality acquires features which are in contradiction with
the social needs.
In socialist countries the means of production are owned
by the people, the chief feature of human relations is mutual
help, and the prevailing ideology is Marxism-Leninism. This
medium in itself instills high social, moral, and intellectual
qualities in a personality. But a specific personality may
work among people who failed to develop friendly and com­
radely relationships or live in a family whose mentality is
that of private owners and whose members are religious or
act unethically. This immediate environment acts as a bar­
rier between the personality and the society at large
[ 61.
For these reasons the empirical circumstances of the life
of a specific personality have to be thoroughly studied; the
On Systemic and Integral Nature of Man 113

micro-environment may have to be changed and made to

work in unison with the larger social environment.
Man creates society by his labor, political activity, will,
and reason, and the impact of his actions increases with
social progress.
All people cannot be equally active; the degree of parti­
cipation in the life of a society does not depend exclusively
on the empirical circumstances, or the micro-environment
alone; it is also a function of the hereditary features, the
anatomophysiological, and psychological properties inherit­
ed from the ancestors, of personal experience, of education,
and of intellectual and other qualities. The personality
does not merely reflect the impact of the social environment
but makes a selection among the incoming information
according to his interests, needs, and objectives.
In short, the specific micro-environment, the specific
historical experience taking an impact on the personality’s
character, the specific hereditary abilities, the degree of
participation, and selection of the knowledge incoming from
the society and micro-environment are the reasons why differ­
ent personalities do not necessarily acquire all the quali­
ties of the social whole or to the same degree. These reasons
also explain the difference between personalities in behavior­
al patterns and in combinations of these patterns. These
differences are thus both in the list of components and in
the ranking of components.
A personality as an integral system is dynamic. It changes
as the society, or social environment, does. Some features
in the personalities behavior wither, some develop and con­
solidate, and some are acquired anew as the personality de­
velops. Those features are shed first of all that were generated
by the conditions of the bygone years and those are acquired
and consolidate that fit the new society and new historical
conditions. Thus, in the construction of socialist and com-
114 V. G. Afanasyev

munist societies the features of a personality of the capitalist

society wither away and those of a personality of a commu­
nist society are acquired.
Every personality is an integrity in that its manifesta­
tions are intertwined rather than isolated and add up to a hu­
man individuality as a separate, relatively independent
unit. The wholeness and strength of links between manifesta­
tions of the personality and different in different historical
conditions and depend, in a final analysis, on the social
whole (such as formation or class) of which they are members.
As society progresses, the incomplete disharmonic wholeness
torn apart by conflicts, for which the society of antagonistic
classes is to blame, will be gradually replaced by a truly
harmonic wholeness of a truly free personality. This whole­
ness will be complete under communism, the highest type of
social wholeness.

1. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels. Collected Works, Progress Publishers,
Moscow, 1975, 1976, Vol. 3, 5.
2. IlaBJioB H. II. IlojiHoe co6paime connHeHun. M.: H3a-bo AH CCCP,
1951, t . 3, kh. 2.
3. KoBajieB A. T. ncnxojiorHH jiiihhocth. 3-e H3A* M.: IIpocBemeHHe,
KoBajieB A. T. Kojijickthb h coiuiajibHO-ncHxojiorHHecKHe npo6jie-
mm pyKOBOflCTBa. M.: IIojiHTH3flaT, 1978.
4. flyCHHHH H. n. OHJiocotftcKHe h coiuiajibHHe acneKTH reHeTiiKH
H e JiO B e K a . JKypH. Bonpocu $ua,oco$uu, 1971, N° 1.
5. npo 6;ieMbi cncTeMHoro noaxofla b ncuxuaTpHH. Pnrai^ Hay^ra. 06-
mecTBO HeBponaTOJioroB, ncnxnaTpoB n HenpoxHpyproB
JIaTBCCP, 1977.
6. Cmhphob T. JI. CoBeTCKnn HeJiOBen. M.: nojiHTH3AaT, 1980.
Contribution of Psychology to Systems Research of Man 115

The Contribution of Psychology

to System s Research of Man
As the revolution in science and technology gains speed, the
sciences, as well as the humanities, place an ever increasing
emphasis on man and tend to joint their efforts in compre­
hensive studies of him. Psychologists stand much to gain
from this integration in that they may acquire new tools for
studying man as a multifaceted phenomenon, possibly in
cooperation with researchers in other fields.
Although science of man relies to an ever growing extent
on systems research techniques, this unique species whose
life is a unity of natural and social laws is worthy of specific
research tools.
As noted years ago by B.G. Ananyev and other outstanding
Soviet psychologists, the basic social and natural sciences
and application fields such as medicine, pedagogy, and tech­
nology may significantly contribute to studies of man.
In social sciences man is the most important component
of any social system as the universal embodiment of the
social quality, the main productive force, the protagonist
of history, the personality, and the chief actor of the edu­
cation process.
Natural sciences study man, H o m o s a p i e n s , as a product
of biological evolution, as a genetically programmed indi­
vidual with his own inherent variation range, as an organism
which is a component of the environment, and in many other
aspects and dimensions.
In medicine, man is the chief object of research and prac­
tice whose health must be maintained and diseases treated
in an increasingly complicated natural and man-made envi-
116 B. F. Lomov

ronments. Pedagogy looks for better ways to train and edu­

cate man as a useful member of society. Psychologists work to
make the training more effective and set up a psychological
service in shools. Technology strives to adapt monitoring,
communication, and control systems to man’s potential and
to develop tools which would take over some human functions
in various processes.
In effect, the need in accurate and comprehensive know­
ledge of man, his potential, his features, and laws of nature
dictating his making, results from the very logic of scien­
tific progress. What is equally important, better knowledge
of man is indispensible in many industries if the producti­
vity is to be stepped up, new technology introduced, the per­
formance of the economy improved, and education and health
services made more sophisticated.
Economists, engineers, production managers, educators,
physicians, and propagandists are increasingly aware of the
need to recognize and put the human factors to efficient use.
Unfortunately, some fields of human research are lagging
and some are in pitiable state. Thus, anthropology, literally
science of man, has failed to enter into a dialog with other
disciplines or make a worthwhile contribution to compre­
hensive studies of man. Meanwhile, if many large problems
of the future are to be resolved, sciences of man are no less
important than sciences of nature or of society.
Every researcher of man may have to look for data and tools
in a related field. But he may be disappointed because the
field he turns to is not so well-advanced. Thus psychologists
frequently need the aid from genetics, human physiology,
or applied sociology but do not find the desired data in the
mountains of the literature. This may very well be true of
biologists and sociologists who hope to draw on psychologi­
cal findings. (I do not wish to settle the scores but merely
state the facts as I see them.)
Contribution of Psychology to Systems Research of Man 117

The necessity of using a systems approach in studies of man

and in “ranking” the relevant knowledge is thus obvious.
The body of fairly reliable knowledge of man in various
sciences is rather impressive but a complete or logically
consistent picture cannot be pieced together. What emerges
thus far is an unbalanced mosaic with large “white spots”.
Isles of knowledge are separated by wide and deep gulfs of
ignorance which tend to attract the peddlers of pseudo­
In the USSR V.M. Bekhterev who made a remarkable con­
tribution to science of man called for a comprehensive ap­
proach when psychology was at its formative stage. Later
B.G. Ananyev and many other researchers, achieved a sig­
nificant progress along this line.
Scientific findings concerning man have to be merged in
many, occasionally unexpected fields. A recent conference on
engineering psychology discussed, in particular, the legal
aspects of a human error in controlling advanced man-ma­
chine processes and found that certain regulations on inad­
vertent transgression of law were outdated. In cooperation
with the engineers and managers the psychologists have to
make a good job of professional orientation, for only few are
capable of, for instance, flying airplanes or flight control.
Immanuil Kant was awed by two phenomena, the starry
sky and the moral law inside man. I would add another mag-
nificient phenomenon, the making of man.
Psychology has still, much to do in this field. Neverthe­
less, it already attracts new young talents; furthermore,
social and natural scientists, engineers, and medical resear­
chers improve their performance when their studies have
a psycological dimension.
According to Jean Piaget, the eminent psychologist of this
century, psychology is continuously at the crossroads be­
tween sociology and physiology. This uncomfortable posi-
118 B. F. Lomov

tion offers, however, an advantage in that psychology tends

to act as the interface of natural and social sciences, at least
as far as studies of man are concerned.
Today man is studied by a ramified and expanding set
of disciplines and lines of research. The differentiation of
sciences of man, as of any other sciences, is generally a legi­
tim ate and desirable process. Every discipline stores its
own kind of data. Each, however, is concerned with a specific
part or aspect of the object or phenomenon and may lose
sight of the entity. This is especially true of sciences of man.
What should be constantly remembered is that genetic or
physiological, psychological or sociological findings increa­
se the knowledge of the same object, man as an entity.
Indeed, the human organism or its parts such as the head,
arms, or heart do not have special compartments responsible
for materializing what the various sciences have discovered.
Man and his organs and features are integrated in multi­
farious links and relationships with reality but he lives and
acts as an entity. In two pages of his “Capital” Karl Marx
describes the involvement of “the natural forces of man’s
body” (arms, legs, head, and fingers) in the process of labor;
psychological properties such as “the workman’s will... in
steady consonance with his purpose. This means close
attention...” and, finally, the ability to foresee the result
of labor: “... the architect raises his structure in his imagi­
nation before he erects it in reality.”
In my view, integration of knowledge from various scien­
ces, natural and social, basic and applied, becomes a burn­
ing need.
Man as an object of scientific research is a most compli­
cated system and his features and qualities are as various
as his linksand relationships with the environment.
According to the philosophers, there are three kinds of
qualities: structural, or dictated by the structure of the
Contribution of Psychology to Systems Research of Man 119

object; functional, or following from the functions of the

object; and systemic, or attributable to the fact that the
object is part of a system.
Sciences of man study all the three kinds. On the other
hand, where the specific features of these three kinds are
not understood, serious errors occur and research may find
itself in a cul-de-sac. This was the case of phrenology which
tried to trace the psychological properties of man to the
structure of his brain allegedly dictated by the skull shape.
This is also the case of the attempts to relate the temper,
character, and even Weltanschauung with the shape of the
body or its various organs.
The relation of human qualities and innate specifics of
organisms is not a simple matter and at this point we do
not know for sure how to study or systematize these rela­
Functional psychological features of an individual may
probably be classified into a pyramide of first-, second-,
and higher-order characteristics. This remains, however,
a rather general idea; besides, such classification can hardly
be made by psychology alone without cooperation with hu­
man biology as a whole, i.e., physiology, genetics, etc.,
and with social sciences.
Systems properties, discovered by Karl Marx, are most
complicated qualitative features. This discovery was thor­
oughly analyzed by V.P. Kuzmin in his book. “The Systems
Principle in Karl Marx’s Theory and Methodology”. Being
integral, these qualities cannot be observed directly and
singled out unless those systems where man is incorporated
and whose laws he abides by are analyzed.
In sciences of man two such systems are obvious, “man and
society” and “man and environment”. There would be no need
in proving here that the basic relationships between man
and the world are those which make him an element of the
120 B. F. Lomov

social system. Rather, a reminder is often that man is a na­

tural being as well as a social phenomenon.
Before Karl Marx, society was usually regarded as a sto­
chastic product of individual activities. Objective laws of
social evolution, if mentioned at all, were treated either
idealistically or mechanistically. For the first time in the
history of science Marx viewed the evolution of human socie­
ty as an objective process. That was why Engels and Lenin
compared Marx’s contribution to social sciences with that
of Charles Darwin to biology.
Marxism has developed a consistent theory of social
relationships. For the purposes of this discussion one point
in it is important. Some researchers regard social relation­
ships as a thing outside the specific people, a force exogenous
for people. For an individual, however, society is not merely
an environment. His relations with society are not those of
an organism with the environment. Therefore finding the
mechanism by which man is integrated into the system of
social relationships as an active subject would be a scientific
breakthrough in understanding, in particular, his behavior.
In this context man should be regarded as the main com­
ponent of any social system and a representative of the system­
ic quality of the society.
Social sciences are hardly capable of assessing on their
own the social qualities of man as products of his being
part of society. In my view, psychological sciences, notably
social, historical, and pedagogical sciences, ethical psy­
chology, and psychology of personality may provide indis-
pensible help in this research.
A uniform treatment and ranking of human properties,
from structural to systemic, is out of the question unless
various sciences join their efforts. Reaching this goal would,
I believe, be as significant for sciences of man as the
periodic table is for chemistry.
Contribution oi i'sycuuiug> io systems Research of Man 121

Research of relationships between man an the environ­

ment would be very important for the analysis of his
systemic qualities. His very origin makes it impossible for
man to shed his animal-like characteristics. In his theory of
historical development of society Karl Marx noted that man
was a corporeal, live, sensious being full of natural forces.
But what are the natural forces and the physical organi­
zation of individuals? These questions are chiefly for natural
sciences to answer. Here, as in social sciences, various lines
of research may be explored because man’s relationships
with nature are as complicated as those with society.
For a long time the emphasis in studying this system was
placed on the structure and functions of the human organism,
or in the words of V.I. Vernadsky, the organisms-type or­
ganization of the living matter was singled out. But, accord­
ing to Vernadsky, there are at least four levels of this orga­
nization: organism, population and species, biocenosis,
and biosphere. The levels of the population and species
and of the biocenosis have been given much less attention
than the organism level. The relations of man, mankind,
and the biosphere received still less attention.
I would not even try to classify the levels and aspects of
the man-nature links. What is certain is that they are
multi-dimensional and that various ranks of human features
such as structural, functional and systemic are involved in
man’s relationships with nature.
The relationship between social and biologial characteris­
tics in man cannot be the same on all levels of human life, at
all stages of human development, or in phylo- and onto­
Although there is a general consensus that man’s nature is
the product of history and that the biological laws in the
evolution of man act indirectly as social laws, these formula­
tions have not been presented as rigorous scientific findings.
122 B. F. Lomov

The so-called biosocial problem is still discussed in very

abstract terms. The extreme complexity of the problem is
aggravated by loose statements of specific tasks, the infant
stage of many disciplines, etc.
Psychology which might significantly contribute to this
and related fields is largely underestimated. True, this field
is now in vogue but what I mean is that the essentially
psychological problems in evolution of sciences are not neces­
sarily recognized as such and the approaches are not very
sound. Many, if not most fields in the psychological science
have to be explored by using the data of both natural and
social sciences.
In this sense, I believe, the need in a comprehensive
approach to the personality becomes obvious. The personality
is a central concept in psychology. The findings in this field
are helpful to sciences and technologies as well as to the
The features of a personality are also systemic. Unlike
some bourgeois psychologists who derive the social from the
psychological (societal features from those of small groups
and these from the features of individuals), Marxism asserts
that the understanding of society gives an insight into a per­
sonality. The features of a personality depend on its social
identity. The emotional pattern of individual is understood
in the context of the multidimensional dynamic space of so­
cial relations where he lives; in effect, its life in society
has to be visualized. In studying its emotions numerous
questions have to be answered such as what are the motivat­
ing forces of the personality’s activities? In whose interests
does it act? What is the social significance of its behavior?
On the whole, the study of the personality and its evolu­
tion is like a tone-rich musical theme in which no bounds
can be imposed on the combinations, reiteration, and ampli­
fication of tones.
Contribution of Psychology to Systems Research of Man 123

Nearly all existing concepts of the personality emphasize

the purpose as the system-shaping and mentality-dictating
feature. In global terms the purpose is the ratio of the soci­
ety’s rewards for the personality’s contribution to it. The
components of the purpose are the motivational sphere
and objectives.
When one’s activity ceases, the motivation may continue
in another. Consequently, the motivation-activity link is
mobile. The motivational sphere of the personality is dyna­
mic and the dominating motivations add up to the core
of the personality. Every period in man’s life culminates
in a restructuring of the motivational sphere, in differen­
tiation and integration of the motivations, and in shifting
the conscious-to-unconscious ratio.
The struggle of the motivations cannot be understood
unless analyzed in the social context.
At least equally interesting is the sphere of abilities,
a set of an individual’s psychological features which make
him capable of acquiring fairly easily certain skills or
achieving certain objectives. Even so, at any given time
society “invites” a specific kind of abilities. It is in this
light that imitation, rivalry, or cooperation should be
evaluated as factors enhancing or thwarting man’s abilities.
Man realizes his abilities in a specific socio-historical
context. Ideally, everyone would exert all his abilities
for the benefit of society and be rewarded accordingly.
In studying the patterns of and conditions for the deve­
lopment of abilities, the psychologist cannot do without
cooperation with natural sciences and also with pedagogy,
sociology, and medicine. The abilities were once believed
to be inborn and invariable features of a person. Neither
training nor education in the broadest sense nor the social
conditions could allegedly have any impact on the develop­
ment of abilities.
124 B. F. Lomov

This theory was refuted. Then the opposite view prevailed,

that any ability can be nurtured by proper education. At
a still later stage the abilities were believed to generate
and develop in social activity from some innate anatomical
and physiological capacities which can express them­
selves in different ways depending on the social environ­
The relation between the inherent features and abilities
was said to be multivalued in that similar innate capacities
may evolve into different abilities, and dissimilar capaci­
ties, into similar abilities.
But what then are these capacities? What is their struc­
ture and the dynamics of maturing? To answer these ques­
tions, psychology needs the aid of biological sciences, above
all, physiology and genetics. Thus social sciences could ob­
jectively analyze the human environment while natural
sciences could provide an insight into the physical prere­
quisites for the development of abilities.
This kind of aid is essential even in narrower research
such as the studies of perception or eye movement. We in the
Institute of Psychology studied eye movements in newborn
infants and found that the basic types of movement at this
earliest stage of ontogeny are the same as in adults. Now we
expect the geneticists and physiologists to help us determine
whether these movements are genetically built-in.
Development of man is a major research field where the
efforts are concentrated on the human organism and the per­
sonality, the former being the subject of biological sciences
and the latter, of social sciences. Both characterize an
individual as a representative of the H o m o s a p i e n s species
and a member of society. The personality is described in
terms of a set of social qualities. Detailed descriptions of
human anatomy or of the physiological processes inside the
human organism cannot provide an understanding of a per-
Contribution of Psychology to Systems Research of Man 12.r>

sonality’s qualities much in the same way that the value of

a commodity cannot be understood, in the words of Karl
Marx, if social laws are neglected.
Education processes would improve if we knew more about
the development of a human individual. Unfortunately, no
integral picture is available thus far. Dualist ideas of man are
quite widespread in this field of research.
The development of an individual is, however, a process
incorporating the development of a personality, development
of an organism, and psychological development which are
but scientific abstractions designed to describe the same
multifaceted process. In this field the importance of psycho­
logy as an integrating science for all kinds of research of man
cannot be overestimated. We in the Institute of Psychology
study man himself, his psychic qualities and features, his
perception of self, his interaction with other individuals
and the entire society, and his various links with the natural
environment and the man-made environment which is conti­
nuously and on an increasing scale enriched with new ele­
The Institute of Psychology conducts comprehensive theo­
retical, experimental, and applied research. If these research
efforts are visualized as a building, then its upper stories
are occupied by the philosophical and methodological
research and the studies of man’s development processes in
the framework of social relationships. The psychologists on
that floor combine their efforts with those of philosophers
and sociologists, historians and lawyers, ethnographers and
economists (economic psychology is a rapidly expanding
interdisciplinary field of research now).
A lower storey is taken up by operational research of
human activities and of human communication processes.
There the psychologists interact with scientists from many
applied fields, notably technical and medical, and are direct-
126 B. F. Lomov

ly involved in the training of pilots, flight controllers,

physicians, and engineers.
The storey further down is concerned with psychic proces­
ses such as perception, memory, and thinking, in particular,
operational and creative thinking. These stories are not
isolated. We found that groups solve some intellectual tasks
much better than individuals. Thus in joint visual search the
effectiveness of problem solving improves with the teamwork
of the partners and the quality of communication (not neces­
sarily verbal) between them. Joint reproduction of a topo­
graphical map or a verse is more complete and accurate
than the sum of individual perceptions. Man makes a better
use of his own memory if he assumes that other people have
also memorized part of the picture or text.
Equally enlightening is research into stress phenomena
where socio-psychological, personal, and neurophysical deter­
minants are intertwined.
The ground floor is taken up by research into the neuro-
physical fundamentals of psychic phenomena. The systems
approach as a general methodological principle is employed
in studying the activities of the brain.
Comprehensive studies of man at the Institute of Psycho­
logy of the USSR Academy of Sciences have culminated in
findings that are useful to other fields of research. Numerous
results are helpful to society and individuals even now. The
potential of society of man is infinite as is that of H o m o
s a p ie n s .
Brain and Intelligence

Natural Intelligence versus

Artificial Intelligence:
The Philosophical View
Research in the brain, in its fundamental mechanisms, and
in its molecular structure is probably the most challenging
scientific field. This research is expected to culminate in
reasonable brain control and in using the laws of its func­
tioning to design various machinery which would accelerate
the technological revolution.
In response to a question, whether highly sophisticated
intelligent machines would be able to enslave man, Norbert
Wiener, the pioneer in cybernetics, said somewhat ironically
that if this happened at all, man would be to blame.
However important the field is, application of the find­
ings of basic research in brain activities to control engineer­
ing encounters formidable difficulties for lack of fairly
complete models of artificial intelligence which would be
consistent with state-of-art knowledge of brain activity
in natural conditions.
Natural versus artificial intelligence is also a field of
research where various philosophical questions have to be
answered. Indeed, the thesis of materialistic philosophy that
matter is primary and mind is secondary establishes a histor­
ic relationship between these phenomena since we know that
an inorganic world had existed long before life started
on this planet and so the intelligence has to reflect the laws
of the inorganic world and comply with them. If so, all
128 P. K. Anokhin

the properties of intelligence had to evolve from the preced­

ing organic forms and, consequently, be capable of dealing
with objects of the outside world.
To put it differently, natural intelligence (in primitive
form, animal intelligence, and in higher form, human intel­
ligence) is operated by objectively cognizable processes
and mechanisms.
It is obvious that intelligent devices cannot be designed
unless a fairly solid “conceptual bridge” has been construct­
ed for man to put the available knowledge of brain operation
to the most efficient use.

Most Important Feature of Intelligence

In designing artificial intelligence the researchers found

it necessary to define the intelligence and its features so as
to make cooperation between neurophysiologists, psycholo­
gists, and engineers enabling them to embody these features
in models and hardware.
McCulloch succeeded in developing a neuron network be­
cause he had identified some logical patterns in brain activi­
ties and used them in designing an image-recognizing and
“thinking” machinery. Since then artificial intelligence
became a field extensively explored by neurocyberneticians
rather than neurophysiologists who preserved the “reflectory”
mentality of the classical neurophysiology that gave no clue
to understanding the specifics of intellectual activity. As
a result, neurophysiological propertes of intelligence remain
a chartless field. Consequently, contacts between psycholo­
gists, neurophysiologists, and control engineers are scarce.
Researchers in artificial intelligence have, however, scored
significant successes in studying precisely those brain
properties which were left out by physiologists.
Natural Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence 129

P.A.P. Moran was probably the first control engineer to

come to a conclusion that intelligence cannot be understood
and an intelligent machine cannot be developed if that ma­
chine is incapable of prediction. The predicting ability is
what makes all the difference between the human brain and
most sophisticated computing hardware.
According to Pavlov, the conditioned reflex is predictive.
Our analysis has revealed that the conditioned reflex incor­
porates a mechanism evaluating the ensuing situation by,
or analyzing the result of, the response.
Neurophysiological research, however, ignores this mecha­
nism because the dominating understanding of the nervous
system activity, the principle of a reflex arch, leaves no
room for the prediction.
Indeed, the nervous excitation caused by stimulation of
some receptor is transmitted, according to the reflection
theory, through every point of the reflex arch. Prediction,
on the other hand, assumes “running ahead” of the excitation;
as noted by A. Uttley, the processes and physiological mecha­
nisms which are not supposed to make their presence felt
before the final stage of the reflectory action are certainly
there from the very beginning.
The computer of the control mechanism can continuously
calculate for every pre-tested control motion the probability
that it will lead to the goal. Uttley thus emphasized the
guiding importance of the goal for all the actions which
accelerate the events.
The value of the goal and prediction has been most thor­
oughly discussed by Fogel, Owens, and Walsh. In defining
the “artificial intelligence” they try to find the characteris­
tic feature which would be common for both natural and
artificial intelligences. They are perfectly right when they
concentrate on the logic of the mechanisms which add up to
the intelligence rather than on the subtlety, accuracy, and
9 —0913
130 P. K. Anokhin

speed of performing specific activities. The foremost among

these mechanisms are the decision making and prediction,
or goal formulation, mechanisms.
This definition of intelligence encompasses the most
sophisticated forms of behavioral activity such as goal formu­
lation, decision making, and prediction. Unfortunately, the
important and characteristic factors are merely listed rather
than presented in a logical relationship or sequence which
would firmly tie them up in a systems determinism.
Indeed, in that definition, as in many others, the goal
is something given in advance, and a chain of behavioral
acts is only to lead to the goal. But how did the goal come
into existence? What factors and processes have contributed
to its emergence and made it a mechanism which directs the
specific strivings of the organism?
Similar questions could be posed about decision making.
What are the factors that compel the organism to choose
a particular option? In making a decision the process of choos­
ing an option, most suitable for the situation, is continuo­
usly at work. But in what way does this proceed? What
neurophysiological mechanisms dictate the choice of a single
behavioral “degree of freedom” from millions of possibili­
These questions are usually studied separately rather than
as a logical sequence which forms a behavioral act; consequen­
tly, correctly identified factors of natural intelligence such
as prediction, goal, and decision making remain isolated
fragments that do not integrate into intellectual functioning.
The chief weakness of research in basic specific characteri­
stics of the natural and artificial intelligence at this stage can
be identified as lack of a model which would incorporate all
the stages in the generation of intellectual acts. Such a model
should obviously represent also the neurophysiological mecha­
nisms of every step of intellectual processes.
Natural Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence 131

Brain models such as “predicting” hardware were expect­

ed to lead to significant breakthroughs. For such models to
respond reasonably to future phenomena they should have
such properties and mechanisms as an acceptor of response
results which would enable formulating the goal of the beha­
vior, predict the result, and continuously monitor and com­
pare the result and the goal. These are exactly the properties
that are lacking in every existing model of the brain, or arti­
ficial intelligence. A model which would satisfy the research­
er cannot obviously be built unless neurophysiological
data are used for continuous updating of the model.
In studies of biological systems any behavioral act is
assumed to culminate in an action, the useful result not being
included into the process as a physiological category in its
own right. This is precisely the cause of the tragic misun­
derstanding between neurophysiologists and psychologists.
For the latter the goal and decision making are essential
factors in studies of intellectual processes.

The Functional System as a Logical Model

of Artificial Intelligence

Neurophysiology tends to isolate individual mechanisms of

the brain for experimenting and studying their properties.
This analytical tool commonly used in many biological sci­
ences has yielded impressive results but is only useful at the
stage of data accumulation and in preparation for broad
All functions of the organism, notably the functioning of
the nervous system, are logically integral and so the under­
standing of their biological significance depends on the
“ultimate synthesis” which would show the actual contribu­
tion of every mechanism to the whole.
132 P. K. Anokhin

When many years ago we studied compensation of disturb­

ed functions we came to a conclusion that all the factors of
activity such as memory, emotions, and the goal make an or­
ganic unity which alone can restore the function. Because this
unity was systemic we termed it the f u n c t i o n a l s y s t e m . This
is a complete machinery responsible for the activity of any
living organism and consisting of numerous mechanisms
which act together to ensure logical and physiological
generation of a behavioral act.
The functional system overcomes the weaknesses of earlier
intelligence models. As noted above, most researchers regard
the decision-making mechanism as primary and existing
in advance of all other processes involved in an intellectual
act. This approach cannot satisfy an impartial thinker, for
decision making should be preceded by very complicated
processing of multifarious data.
We referred to this stage of an intellectual act as a f f e r e n t
s y n t h e s i s because during that synthesis the brain simulta­
neously processes most various data arriving in the central
nervous system from the outer and inner worlds. Numerous
excitations are synthesized at this pre-decision stage. As
the entire behavioral act, this stage is dictated by the emo­
tion or motivation prevalent at that time and is represented
as an urge or need, as the psychologist would say. This domi­
nating excitation, as shown in experiments with sim­
ple needs such as hunger, thirst, or sexual desire, is capable
of retrieving from numerous synaptic formations of the
brain whatever was related in the past with the satisfaction
of, or release from, a particular need, prevalent at the time.
As the excitation propagates through the brain neurons,
other excitations are triggered by the totality of environ­
mental factors.
Consequently, as confirmed by experimentation, in every
neuron of the brain cortex excitations of three different
Natural Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence 133

sources are simultaneously processed, namely, internal

excitation resultant from formation of a prevailing motiva­
tion; external excitations caused by the environmental situa­
tion; and memory excitations triggered by both the motiva­
tion and the current situational afferentation. It is only by
simultaneously processing these excitations and comparing
their combinations with the past experience that the orga­
nism is able to make a decision leading to a useful result.
Experimental research suggests that all these excitations
and sometimes also a triggering factor such as a conditional
signal have to arrive simultaneously at the same neuron or,
to be more precise, at each of the millions of neurons.
At the pre-decision, or afferent synthesis, stage the over­
riding question is answered whenever a behavioral act is
formed, namely, what useful result has to be obtained in
this particular situation and with this combination of exci­
Only consistent research of this stage can lead to a strin­
gently deterministic explanation of the decision making
process. Indeed, micro-electrode studies of some cortex
neurons have revealed that the initial data is processed
with the aid of numerous dynamic mechanisms which biolo­
gically generate a decision, most appropriate in a given situa­
tion, and ensure its most faithful execution. Thus the activat­
ing mechanisms of the subcortical area (such as the
hypothalamus and the reticular formations) look after the
establishment of an association and extraction of informa­
tion from the memory. The same activating excitations
significantly increase various abilities of nervous elements in
the brain cortex, in particular, the ability to have various
excitations converge on them. Another ability is the am­
plification of excitation reverberations between the cortex
and subcortical areas, which results in the most productive
synthesis for the purposes of decision making.
134 P. K. Anokhin

Neurophysiological Aspects
of Decision Making
An insight into this important synthetic process in intelec-
tual activities is enhanced by viewing an individual neuron
and millions of neurons as units which have an infinite
number of degrees of freedom in the sense that neurons are
capable of generating various configurations of nervous
The total number of the degrees of freedom in the brain
would need a 9,500,000 km of tape to be recorded. This is the
“keyboard” where hundreds of millions of “tunes”, or beha­
vioral and intellectual acts, are played.
At any given time the brain and organism have a virtually
infinite number of degrees of freedom. If all of them were to
be put in action at once, the behavior of the organism would
be monstrously chaotic. Reasonable behavior of man and
animals would be out of the question without constraining
this variety. Consequently, decision making is essentially
the choice of one degree of freedom that meets the demands
of the situation in the most adequate way. It is thus
required to determine how the brain makes the choice from
thousands of millions of degrees of freedom so as to obtain
a useful effect in the situation at hand.
A careful study of the general sheme in which the key
mechanisms of the functional system operate reveals that the
decision making is aimed at producing the result which would
be most consistent with the prevailing motivation. The ob­
servations of the latest years prove, however, that at the
stage of afferent synthesis not only the general afferent
features of the environmental situation but also the attribu­
tes of the results that have earlier been obtained in similar
motivational and emotional states are retrieved from the
Natural Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence 135

To put it differently, the brain possesses a striking ability

not only to recognize particular features of events but also
to evaluate the utility of the results obtained earlier in
similar situations. The past results can be successively
extracted from the memory and compared with the needs
of the current situation until the prevailing motivation is
quite compatible with one of the past results. This search
for the remembered results and comparison with the need of
the current moment seems to be one of the most remarkable
abilities of the brain.
Generated in the emotional structures of the brain (hypo­
thalamus, the limbic system and the reticular formation),
motivational excitation involves those brain structures which
store the results of different satisfactions of this moti­
vation in the past.
Thus, the appetite state exists when the lateral hypothala­
mic nucleus is continuously stimulated by “hungry” blood.
Assending into the cerebral cortex, this excitation mobilizes
elements of the experience with this particular motivation.
The individual searches through the possibilities of quench­
ing this excitation in the situation at hand. To put it plainly,
the individual thinks of the place where he could have
something to eat; he may say that he will not go to a parti­
cular restaurant where “the food is poor”.
What is then the neurophysiological significance of this
decision? Searching through all possible ways to quench
the food motivation, the individual extracts from his memo­
ry, in addition to the information on a past visit to that
restaurant, the results of that visit, or recalls the food
and his sensations in eating it. Under the effect of the pre­
vailing motivation the recollection process includes prac­
tically the entire functional system, including the mecha­
nism of evaluating the result.
What is especially striking here is that the intelligence
136 P. K. Anokhin

combines in a harmonious way the most important neurophy­

siological factors that are needed to make a decision (e.g.,
hunger or situation) and the entire variety of the past
experience in satisfaction of the food motivation. This
interaction system seems to have very little in common with
the actual brain structure. But every element of our intellec­
tual activity relies on a quite specific neurophysiological
The decision making thus seems to result from the preced­
ing afferent synthesis where all past results of actions and
all past evaluations of these results are retrieved from the
memory and examined in the light of the current prevail­
ing motivation. It is for this decisive stage that the reverbe­
ration process is needed so that the entire memory is searched.
Decision making is therefore a procedure whose result is cho­
sen as the most adequate for the current situation, following
the evaluation of “stored” results.
Neurophysiologically this process obviously amounts to
continuous scanning of various results, the prevaling moti­
vation being a benchmark. In some of our experiments
corticohypothalamic reverberation was quite vivid.

The Action Result Acceptor

In this Section we will proceed analyzing a neurophysiolo­
gical mechanism which provides an explanation of the
miracles of human psyche such as the goal, prediction,
error, memory, and expectation. All of them are found to
have the same neurophysiological core which comes into
existence at the time of decisionmaking (or somewhat later).
It is the neurophysiological prediction mechanism which we
earlier referred to as the action result acceptor. What are the
nature and functions of this mechanism?
Natural Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence 137

In searching through all the features of the past results

and comparing them with the current prevailing motivation,
this mechanism accumulates all the afferent attributes of
the final result to which the decision is to lead.
Thus, if a decision has been made to take a glass from the
table, the acceptor which is generated at that time knows all
the relevant features of the glass such as its appearance,
weight, tactile specifics, temperature, etc. The purpose of
this mechanism which runs ahead of the action and predicts
the properties of the future result is to obtain all the data
on the parameters of the action once this action is completed.
It is precisely at this time that the result which was pre­
dicted in the acceptor is compared with the actual
At the time when two excitation complexes are compared
the nervous system monitors the action just performed. If
the comparison reveals that the predicted parameters in the
acceptor of the future result coincide with the actually
obtained parameters, the action ends, and its result is
“endorsed” and used in the generation of the subsequent beha­
vioral stage. If the results do not coincide, then the differ­
ence triggers the designing and choosing of a new, more
accurate program of actions leading to the desired re­
Since our behavior is virtually a continuum of major and
minor results, the nervous system performs such comparisons
continuously. Even such activities of little consequence as
opening the door to the staircase, going downstairs, taking
a bus, etc. are subjected to evaluations after which the
subsequent goals are formulated. Even such activities can be
subdivided into smaller ones such as setting foot on the
first step, on the next step, etc. The nervous system should
receive information of every small result and this informa­
tion is processed in the appropriate acceptor. In response
138 P. K. Anokhin

to every minor difference between the prediction and the

result (e.g., the individual stumbles) the brain instantly
chooses a new motion.
This brief description of the mechanism explains its na­
me. The Latin a c c e p t a r e means both “receive” and “approve”,
and the two meanings are reflected in the functions of the
action result acceptor.
What is then the significance of this mechanism in the
intellectual functions of man and animals and what is the
value of this approach in the development of artificial intel­
ligence? First of all this is a result-forecasting mechanism.
The action result acceptor is also a goal machinery because
in all our actions the achievement of a result is conducive
to a specified goal. The goal as we understand it in our
experiments is not something given in advance but is prepar­
ed by a complicated operation of the nervous system at the
stage of afferent synthesis. The goal can therefore be defined
as a psychological concept in the language of neurophysical
mechanisms and objectively existing causal links between
the processes occurring in the brain.
The analysis of prediction and goal formulation brings
to the fore the philosophic aspect of research in intelligence
and its treatment in terms of the functional system.
Until very recently we did not try to resolve the following
paradox: every thinking person is well aware that he formu­
lates the goal to achieve “something” long before he materia­
lizes that “something”. But the brain physiology did not have
tools to explain the mechanisms whereby the brain speci­
fies a “goal” for man and can predict its realization.
Once neurophysiological patterns shaping the higher func­
tions of the intelligence were discovered, the thinking in
this field has radically changed. The field is now being
successfully explored and true intelligence modeling beco­
mes an increasingly feasible proposition. The concept of
Natural Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence 139

a functional system encompasses all basic mechanisms of

natural intelligence.
In electrophysiological experiments any new component
can be introduced into and removed from the action result
acceptor (this is referred to as acceptor enrichment), which
significantly increases our potential of influencing the hu­
man intellectual activity such as learning.

Evolution of Basic
Intelligence Characteristics

At this point a question arises, are the above-described

basic mechanisms specific only to higher animals or even
to man alone? This is a basic question closely related to
other questions such as: do animals possess intelligence?
and when and in what animals does it emerge in the process
of evolution?
Fogel and others tried to develop an evolutionary model of
artificial intelligence which was to improve its main pro­
perties via the sophistication of primitive mechanisms
through a chain of “generations”. Note, though, that in mo­
deling the experience is generalized in a somewhat different
way than in evolution.
Before answering these questions, one basic finding of
many years of research has to be formulated. None of the
above properties of brain activities which are regarded as
characteristic features of intelligence emerged abruptly,
upon crossing some evolutionary frontier before which it
did not exist.
All these properties were incipient when life began, and
even at that time they were integrated in the dynamic
physiological architecture. Furthermore, they were a condi­
tion s i n e q u a n o n in the development of living beings.
140 P; K. Anokhin

This may seem strange because intelligence has for ever

been described as an outstanding feature of the living matter,
inherent in at least the most sophisticated representatives of
the animal kingdom.
This problem is resolved when we imagine the way in which
intelligence came into being. Let us take up for illustra­
tion the prediction of events or results of an activity per­
formed by a specific functional system.
Under what external and internal conditions is prediction
possible? Prediction is made possible, first of all, because
the sequence of events about which a prediction is made
has occurred many times in the past. Our intelligence
predicts that an evening will follow the day and this will
be followed by a night just because this sequence has been
occurring for millions of years.
At this point it will be useful to forget for a moment the
specific neurophysiological processes and mechanisms and
turn our attention to more general reasoning.
The space-time continuum of motion of matter is, as noted
by Planck, an absolute law of the universe which had existed
long before life began on the earth. Life, or living beings,
had to be compatible with this law if they were to survive.
This compatibility, or reflection of the world’s time —
space structure in the living beings became a prerequisite of
The application of this reasoning to biological phenomena
suggested a principle of predictive reflection of a sequence
of actual events by the brain. This reflection is an inherent
property of protoplasmic processes even in primitive animals
for which, for instance, seasonal changes have invariably
occurred for millions of years.
Scores of instances of the striking accuracy with which
living organisms adapt to the patterns of the inorganic
world can be recalled.
Natural Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence 141

In effect, the discovery of the conditioned reflex by

Pavlov was essentially the discovery of the predictive ref­
lection of the external world in a highly specialized sub­
strate which is the nervous system. Indeed, salive secretes
in a dog in response to a bell not because the bell will have
to be digested but because food to be digested will arrive.
Consequently, repetition of a sequence of certain external
events creates a chain of easier responses which can be
triggered by a certain nervous signal; then the chemical reac­
tion of the protoplasm propagates through the nervous system
ahead of the external events, as if in a miner’s fuse.
“Prediction” as a phenomenon of an isolated intellectual
act is thus historically deeply rooted. At the higher evolu­
tionary stage the nervous system became the organ of this
anticipating process and made such processes hundreds of
times faster and more accurate; it is for this reason that
we can make an almost fantastic voyage into the future in
response to a signal from the external world.
The evolution which started with primitive protoplasmic
“prediction” has improved this process in material phenome­
na inside the brain to such a degree that the brain now
combines in its functioning the past, the present, and the
This is not wishful imagination of a neurophysiologist.
Implanted microelectrodes reveal that some neurons subject­
ed to stimulation make use of the experience for simultane­
ous generation of processes which combine the features of
the results which will not be received until some time in the
future. We refer to these brain cells as “neurons of three
time domains”.
Afferent synthesis culminates, as noted above, in making
a decision which is the outcome of search through possible
results that are organically related in the past to a given
motivation. In this way the nervous system models the pro-
142 A. B. Kogan

perties of an anticipated useful result, the goal, which

has triggered, and for which has developed, the afferent
* * *

The basic properties of natural and artificial intelligences

will never be understood unless neurophysiology rearms itself
with new ideology and develops new tools and methodologies.
The first and foremost need is to use the systems approach
which would make it possible to study the highest forms of
brain activity such as decision making, goal pursuance,
and prediction.
The concept of a functional system will bring science
closer to resolving some mysteries of intelligence.

1. Fogel L., Owens A., Walsh M. Artificial Intelligence through Si­
mulated Evolution. J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1966.

On R eliability of the Brain

All living beings can to a surprising degree adapt to most
various, even extraordinary or extreme situations. A strik­
ing example of this purposeful self-control is the high
reliability of the brain, a major subject of research in cy­
bernetics which tries to employ certain features of the
brain functioning in industrial hardware.
The millenia-long evolution made the human brain a very
effective and highly reliable data processing and control
On Reliability of the Brain 143

system which goes on functioning even when injuries disable

millions of nervous cells. The case of Phineas Gage, a road
master whose skull was pierced by an iron rod and who
maintained his mental abilities, is widely known. Louis
Pasteur continued fruitful research and made significant
discoveries even when almost half of his brain ceased func­
tioning after a stroke.
Experiments with animals confirm the surprising struc­
tural reliability of the brain. Rats in which about 40 per
cent of cortex has been removed do not show any memory
disturbances in acquired behavioral skills. Pavlov referred
to the unique ability of the brain to withstand injuries as
mechanical immunity. Recalling that, according to some
neurophysiologists, 100,000 nervous cells die in one’s
brain every day, the ability of the brain to function is
This ability of the brain can hardly be explained in the
framework of the reliability theory developed for machinery.
The characteristics such as longevity, maintainability, and
failure-free operation are inapplicable to biological sys­
tems. The longevity criterion makes no sense because thou­
sands of elements die daily but the system carries on. The
maintainability criterion does not work, not simply because
the successes in transplantation have not extended to brain
structure, but also because even if brain could recuperate
physically as damaged skin does, this would occur gradually
through tissue restoration, but not as fast as was observed
after brain injuries. Finally, the widely spread concept of
the mean time between failures would imply a failure of the
brain as a result of exhaustion or disease; these are, how­
ever, the exogenous operating conditions rather than proper­
ties of the brain. True, if the mean time between failures
were to imply the statistics of correct and erroneous decisions,
a certain insight into the reliability of the brain activity
144 A. B. Kogan

would be provided. This characteristic would not, however,

work in all situations.
The conventional approaches are not enlightening as far
as the brain is concerned because the nervous system does
not obey the well-known rule that the reliability decreases
as the number of active elements increases. The opposite
is true, the simple spinal reflexes where as few as hundreds
of thousands of nervous cells are involved are less stable to
injuries than the cerebral cortex which consists of billions
of neurons and so would be expected to fail continually.
The high reliability of the brain can hardly be explained
as replacement of failed elements or areas by their stand-bys,
by analogy with “cold” and “hot” redundancies in hardware.
With the tremendous variety of the functions performed by
the nervous mechanisms of the brain, multiple redundancy
would have resulted in a quite fantastic size of the sys­
This reasoning suggests that the brain is made reliable by
mechanisms which are dissimilar to those in technical sys­
tems. This is probably the explanation of the failure of numer­
ous attempts aimed at using technological tools to develop
super-sophisticated data processing and control systems
which would reproduce the logical activity as reliably as the
brain ensures reasonable behavior in a highly variable
environment during the entire lifetime of the organism.
Indeed, as far back as in 1943 W. McCulloch and W. Pitts
theorized that superposition of logical operations such as
disjunction, conjunction, negation, etc. by the rules of the
Boolean algebra in “formal neurons” could result in a system
which would imitate any intellectual activity, provided
that this activity is unambiguously described in some
(natural or formal) language. In implementation, however,
technical problems grow as a snowball with system’s complex­
ity and build up, in the words of A.I. Berg, full member
On Reliability of the Brain 145

of the USSR Academy of Sciences a “reliability barrier” to

further sophistication.
What is then the true explanation of the reliability of
the brain, a system which consists of billions of parts and
faultlessly operates through the human lifetime? The most
natural explanation seems to be that nature has found a way
to bypass the law of inverse dependence of the reliability
on the number of active elements, especially because this
law implies that every element performs its own specific
function. Living beings, however, are highly adaptable and
continuously change through probabilistic rather than
deterministic functioning. These facts have led D. Smith
and S. Davidson to a paradoxical conclusion that living
systems increase their reliability by reducing the specificity
of behavior of their elements. An increasing number of
researchers believe that the mechanisms of nervous activity
are stochastic, their organization statistical, and the neuro­
dynamic reactions probabilistic. What is more, a consistent
deterministic approach would call for individual descrip­
tions of billions of neurons in every act of the nervous activity,
which is out of the question.
The physiological processes involved in the brain activi­
ties, especially central inhibition, self-regulating and self­
controlling [1], have a great role to play in ensuring the
high brain reliability.
The protective inhibition prevents the overloading of the
cortex cells of the brain and maintains their optimal state;
sleeping inhibition makes periodic rest possible: coordina­
tion inhibition switches the impulse flows to new paths when
functioning of the old ones deteriorates.
Another way to improve the functioning reliability of the
brain is to use its latent potential such as the redundancy of
the working elements which manifests itself, in particular,
in multiple links between the neurons and between the
146 A. B. Kogan

centers so that weariness is avoided by alternating these

links. Another kind of latent potential is the duplication of
the signal paths (thus, in arbitrary movements the commands
to the skeletal muscles are transmitted through both
direct and intersecting downward-bound fiber bundles from
the cortex through subcortical layers and the spine). The
paths of signals from sensory organs to higher parts of the
brain are also duplicated. While the functions in the nervous
system are highly centralized, the nervous centers are
relatively autonomous and preserve the ability to perform
their functions even when the links with the higher nervous
structures (with which these centers make up a multilevel
system implementing complex activities) are severed.
Especially important is the ability of the higher brain
layers to restructure the existing and form new conditional
links in order to offset structural and functional disturban­
Some research findings suggest that the mechanism of clo­
sure of conditional links is such that the brain organization
ensures reliable functioning even when the brain is injured.
Thus, the maintenance of the conditioned visual-motor ref­
lex in a cat whose brain has been dissected many times bet­
ween the visual and the motor zones is explained if the
conditional link is closed by a process involving the entire
cortex rather than through a single excitation “bridge”.
Figure 18 shows a possible circuit in which numerous condi­
tional links are generated in every micro-area of the cortex
between cells which transmit the signal of conditioned sti­
mulus into its projection zone and the output cells of this
zone which transmit signals into the subcortical structures
of that unconditioned reflex which was responsible for the
formation of the conditioned reflex [2].
There is much evidence that in the evolution of living
multi-element systems nature overcame the “reliability bar-
On R e lia b ilit y o f th e B r a in 147

rier” by using redundancy in the mechanisms of statistical

functioning and a variable structure so as to make sure that
failure of some elements is not fatal. This mechanism of
reliability in nervous activity has been experimentally
confirmed and described in the framework of probabilistic

Fig. 18. Multiple closure

of temporary links in the
cerebral cortex ensuring
reliable conditioned reflex
action even when direct
cortical links are severed
The dashed lines denote clo­
sure, and solid lines show sig­
nal transmission paths in con­
ditioned reflexes in response
to visual and muscular stimu­

and statistical organization of the brain [3]. The properties

of this organization manifest themselves on every level of
the hierarchy of nervous activities.
Even on the subcellular level the statistics of the set of
molecular reactions in biochemical cycles and the dynamics
of microstructures reliably ensure a high degree of optimi­
zation of energy transformations which are behind the func­
tioning of the nervous system. For this reason the neurons
can hardly be described as “unreliable elements” of which
a reliable system is built [41. A major element in making
the neuron reliable by maintaining its optimal operation is
self-regulation of metabolism through which the nervous
148 A. B. Kogan

cell has sufficient energy supply for its functioning [51.

Another very important mechanism is the exhaustion-pre­
venting alternation of activity and rest, in particular, the
wakefulness—sleep cycle, the various phases of which are
behind the rhythms of the metabolic neuron—glya inter­
action as evidence by metabolic activities [61.
We have considered the probabilistic statistical organiza­
tion of the working mosaic of elementary neuron networks in
the cortex responding to sensory stimuli. In contrast to
machinery where every part performs the invariable func­
tion and all links with other parts are unchangeable, neurons
in a nervous network act in elementary ensembles which per­
form their functions in a statistical way. For this reason the
organism functioning is but little dependent on the state of
individual cells. What is more, the increasing number of
elements arranged in this way improves the statistical
credibility of the functions, though at the price of high degree
of structural redundancy (as is obvious in the case of evolu­
tion from the spinal cord to higher layers of the brain).
Statisticity as a condition for reliable functioning of
neuron ensembles is supplemented with the probabilistic
nature of neuron cell involvement into different ensembles.
Neurons, whose reactions are most variable, make up a mo­
bile reserve constantly prepared for compensatory restructur­
ing should some neurons fail. Thus, lengthy simultaneous
observations of several nervous cells reacting to many repea­
ting stimuli detect a kind of “shift operation” [71. Figure 19
shows the results of one such experiment. Following a se­
quence of ten stimulation signals (light flashes at intervals of
10 s) neighboring neurons 1 and 2 alternatively increase
and decrease their responses, and when neuron 2 ceases
operation, its partner 1 steps it up.
In the activity of the brain as a system, an elementary
neuron ensemble in the mosaic which encodes some features
On Reliability of the Brain 149

Fig. 19. The dynamics of pulse responses of three simultaneously

monitored neurons in the visual cortex of a rat to repeated light sti­
n is the sequential number of light flashes following at intervals of 10 s; N is
the number of impulses in the neuron response to a light flash; l and 2 are neigh­
boring neurons, and 3 is a neuron 300 pm away from them

of the stimulus acts as a functional unit whose activity and

the very structure are largely dictated by the goal functions
of the system. The inter-neuron links are continuously re­
structured in order to change the kind of functional trans­
formations of the input signals and of the actuating outputs.
In the model of an adaptive ensemble of Fig. 20, neuron-like
elements subjected to specific stimuli continuously vary
their activation thresholds and link weights. As a result the
input signals undergo various functional transformations.
150 A. B. Kogan

Fig. 20. A model of dynamic neuron ensemble restructuring which

makes the functions fit the system tasks
X and y denote input and output signals; e are randomizing factors; Q are criteria
specified by the system goal functions, and I is an adder

When some signals in the set of input signals are capable of

producing output signals that meet the criteria of the sys­
tem goal functions, the ensemble “clicks” as an adequately
functioning part of the system. The action of the system,
however, changes the situation again and so the input signals
change, the former functional transformations prove inade­
quate, and the search is repeated until the optimal structure
of the functional units is found in the system.
This self-organization mechanism in which the functional
units of a neurodynamic system pursue the system goals ma­
kes the adaptation to a changing situation very reliable.
The probabilistic processes leading to formation of condition­
al links [8] make it possible to use different paths in order
to reach the goal of activities performed by a behavior sys­
tem. Thus, a complex motor action repeatedly performed by
an athlete with striking precision is found to result every
time from somewhat different combinations of muscular
contractions but lead to the optimal result.
On the level of the brain acting as an integral system,
reliability of performing higher intellectual functions large-
On Reliability of the Brain 151

ly depends on the resilience and interchangeability of the

system mechanisms. This is precisely why reasonable behavi­
or continues if some sensory systems fail, for other systems
act as backups. The blind and deaf have been reported to
develop sophisticated psyche and some of them are known as
writers. In the education of deaf and blind children the brain
is made to perform reliably in intellectual tasks through com­
pensation of some sensory functions by others [9].
Indeed, even though the visual and auditory reception is
disabled and so the links with the environment are scarce,
(a) (b)

Fig. 21. Distribution of activity

in higher sensory system of the
brain in a deaf and blind (a) and
in a normal subject (b)

the skin and muscular analyzer is trained to act for speech

communication and helps to educate a full-fledged personal­
ity. An insight into the restructuring of nervous mechanisms
in the higher areas of the brain is obtained by studying its
electrical activity which reflects to some extent the per­
formance of the cortical parts of the sensory systems. Fi­
gure 21 shows the results of observing the electrophysical
indicators of the nervous processes in basic analyzing struc­
tures of the cortex in Nataliya K., a deaf and blind Moscow
University student and, for comparison, in a normal subject
Vitaly D. The causal dependence on the activity of one struc­
ture on that of another (shown as arrows in Fig. 21) was stu­
died. Areas where three or more causal actions converge are
shown as circles. In Vitaly D. the activities of the occipital
152 A. B. K o g a n

lobe where the vision centres are located dominates while

in Nataliya K. the leading role has been taken over by the
parietal parts because she perceives the world through tac­
tile and muscular sensory systems which effectively and
reliably compensate for the lack of the apparently irre­
placeable vision and hearing.
In the complex hierarchy of the brain threre are specific
reliability mechanisms on every level. On the other hand, on
all the levels the reliability is ensured by redundancy so
that the functions are implemented statistically; the ele­
ments are multifunctional and can take over from one anoth­
er. The structural redundancy is supplemented with vari­
ous functional redundancies, in particular, redundancy of the
messages. Even partial reproduction of these abilities in
hardware would result in highly reliable and adaptable data
processing and control systems of variable structure.


1. AcpaTHH 3 . A . , C hm ohob II. B . Ha,ne>KHOCTb M03ra. M .: H 3 a -b o

A H CCCP, 1963.
2 . KoraH A . B . 0 CTpyKType 3aMHKaTe;ibHoro annapaT a ycjioBHbix pe<j>-
jieKCOB.— TKypH. B u c u i . u e p e . d e s i m ., 1 9 6 1 , t . I I , Bbin. 4 .
3 . K o r a H A . B . B e p o H T H O C T H O -C T a T n n e c K H H n p i i H i u m n e n p o H H O H o p -
r a H H 3 a u ,H H < j> y H K iu iO H a jib H b ix chctcm M 0 3 r a . — f l o n j i . A H C C C P,
1 9 6 4 , t . 1 5 4 , JVo 5.
4 . N e u m a n n J . v o n , P r o b a b i li s t i c L o g ic . C a lifo r n ia I n s t , o f T e c h n o ­
lo g y , 1952.
5. E<{>hmob B . H ., Pbi6aK H . A . MofleJinpoBaHne HenpoHHux cnmajiOB
c cnrHajibHO-3HepreTHHecKHMH B3anMOfleHCTBHHMH.— B k h .: npo6-
jieMH ncKyccTBeHHoro HHTeJiJieKTa. 3jincTa: M3a-bo KajiMHKCKoro
yH-Ta, 1979.
6. OeJibflMaH T. JI., OeAopeHKO I \ M., TycaTHHCKHn B. H. CnHTe3 6eJi-
Ka b KpynHMx nnpaMHAHbix HenpoHax nopu b o BpeMH napa/joK-
cajibHOH $a3bi CHa.— U,umoAozufiy 1980, t , 22, JNft 5.
On Reliability of the Brain 153

7. T aM 6neB A. 3. 0 M O K H enpoH H ux B 3 aH M O O T H O in eH H H x b 3 p n T e Jib -

hoh nope M 0 3 r a Kpucu npn H o p M a jib H o ii u a n n jie n T H H e c K O H a K T H B -
hoctii: ABTope<|). ahc........kbha* 6hoji. Hayn. Poctob n / J \ : Poctob-
CKHH yH-T, 1971.
8. MeHHitKHM fl. H., TpyGaneB B. B. HmjjopMaAHH h npo6jieMU bu -
crneH HepBHOM fleHTeJibHOCTu: BepoHTHOCTb h ycjiOBHUH pe^Jienc.
JI.: MeAnitHHa, 1974.
9. MemepnKOB A. M. CjienorjiyxoHeMue agth: Pa3BHTne ncnxHKii b npo-
Aecce <J)opMnpoBaHHH noBeAeHHH. M.: I l e d a e o s u K a , 1974.
Novel A spects

Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation

Some Remarks on Circadian Rhythms
Certain disorders in the organism are first indicated by
changes in the diurnal rhythms. These changes are helpful in
the early diagnosis of some diseases and in their treatment.
Let us agree on the biorhythmological terminology. Even
the specialized literature uses some of the terms, such as
“diurnal rhythm” and “circadian rhythm”, in an extremely
vague manner. By “diurnal rhythm” we imply variations of
any parameter during 24 hours. “Circadian rhythms” are
variations with a period of about 24 hours.
There are two explanations of circadian rhythms: endogen­
ic and exogenic.
In the former the functioning of the living organism is
assumed to evolve subjected to constant cyclic variations of
geoheliophysical parameters caused by the rotation of the
Earth around its axis, which is believed to be the main
factor in the development and genetic continuation of the
mechanism of diurnal rhythms and in determining the diurn­
al oscillation of the organism’s parameters.
The main argument of the exogenic theory is that circadi­
an rhythms originate and persist due to external forces which
destabilize the systems of the organism but these tend to
regain their equilibrium. The specific external forces res­
ponsible for these changes, however, proved hard to detect.
Some researchers went as far as to suggest some cosmic for­
ces unknown to modern astrophysics.
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 155

Though experimental data was abundant, two mutually

exclusive approaches persisted. It seemed for some time that
a more elaborate experiment would resolve the problem.
Animals were exposed for different periods to either continu­
ous illumination or darkness. After some time, a rhythm with
a period of approximately 24 hours was observed in the ani­
mals. Why “approximately”? The period was longer or short­
er than that, but practically never equal to exactly 24
hours. Hence, its name “circadian” is borrowed from the Latin
c i r c u m which means around, approximately.
Circadian rhythms under such conditions supported the
endogenic theory. The experiments, however, were said to
have ignored the temperature and barometric pressure, which
also vary with a period of 24 hours. So, conditions were
created in which these parameters remained constant. A new
counter-argument, however, was put forward: circadian
variations of the Earth’s magnetic field were ignored, etc.
Finally, the experiments were conducted under what might
seem to be ideal conditions: the animals were housed in
deep caves and mines. The same results were obtained.
This refuted all arguments against the endogenic interpre­
tation of circadian rhythms.
In discussing circadian rhythms, one has to differentiate
between the words “appear” and “are revealed”. They imply
conceptually different approaches to the origin of circadian
rhythms. If a rhythm is said to “appear”, this means that it
does not exist under normal conditions, but appears when
subjected to certain factors. If a rhythm is “revealed”, this
means that it has always been present, but was simply
masked by some spurious oscillations which, combined with
circadian rhythms, can be observed only by suppressing
background interference. Since the causes of these variations
are innumerable, the variety of daily rhythms may be
156 V. N. Reushkin

There is one more point of interest here. Experimental

conditions are not the only factor affecting the period of
circadian rhythms. Nocturnal-habit animals were found to
have a period of circadian rhythms, at constant illumination,
of over 24 hours, while diurnal animals manifest shorter
periods. Conversely, in constant darkness the former have
a period shorter than 24 hours, while the latter, longer than
that. The available explanations are not convincing. We,
too, leave this question unanswered for the time being.

Why Can’t We Find a Biological Clock?

Since circadian rhythms are endogenic, one can assume that
animals have a biological clock — a pacemaker. Theoretical­
ly this may be some endocrine organ, or even a small group of
CNS cells. The search for the biological clock has been
unsuccessful for a long time. But eventually sensational
news was announced. The biological clock was allegedly
found. The daily rhythm of the motor activity of a cock­
roach was found to be dictated by a conglomarate of ner­
vous cells located in a subpharyngeal nervous formation (sub-
pharyngeal ganglion). This news revived the hope that the
clock in vertebrate animals would, in time, be found too.
There were repeated reports on detecting biological clocks.
All of them, however, were subsequently refuted. The mis­
understandings were usually caused by the fact that the iso­
lation of some elements of the neuro-endocrine system eli­
minated the diurnal rhythms. This was sometimes interpret­
ed as an indication of the precise location of the biological
clock. Some time after the surgery, however, the diurnal
rhythm returned to normal. This led to the suggestion that
vertebrate animals may have several clocks. In other words,
a living organism has pacemakers which are either totally
independent of, or depend very little on, one another. More-
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 157

over, under normal conditions, the diurnal rhythm is deter­

mined by a specific clock. If the clock is isolated or removed,
its function is delegated to other clocks which either have not
been involved or their influence has not been previously
dominating. This is how the multioscillatory theory of bio­
rhythms originated. Without appealing to the achievements
of advanced biochemistry, no other explanation of the
phenomenon is acceptable.
Until recently there was a single opinion on the secretory
funcion of the endocrine glands. It was believed that the or­
ganism strived to maintain the required level of hormones
in the blood, notably that of the adrenocortical hormone.
External factors cause a gradual rise in the hormone con­
centration which can persist for a long period of time, espe­
cially when the organism is exposed to intensive and conti­
nuous stressors. The concentration of the adrenocortical
hormone in the blood increases to a certain level and stays
there for some time. When it drops dramatically, the ani­
mal dies.
The secretion of one hormone was found to be regulated
by different mechanisms. Thus the basal hormone level in
the blood and a sudden (pulsed) hormone discharge are cont­
rolled by different mechanisms.
Some data are now appearing to the effect that different
diseases disturb either the pulsing secretion mechanism,
or the basal one, but not both simultaneously.
These regulatory mechanisms are involved in the forma­
tion of diurnal rhythms to different degrees. The leading
role belongs to the impulse system which regulates the se­
cretory activity of the endocrine glands.
Now we come across another point of interest. It seems
quite natural that an organism responds to an impulsive
exposure by a pulsed reaction. Its intensity can vary jump-
wise or gradually.
158 V. N. Reushkin

What response can we expect of the organism under such

conditions? The study of the diurnal rhythm which is res­
tructured by various stressors has shown that the response
( R ) is the most intensive at the beginning and at the end
of the effect (Fig. 22). Neither the nature of the exposure
nor the way its intensity (X ) varies are significant. In the

Fig. 22. Pulsed (a), jump-

wise (b) and gradual (c)
application of external
stimuli and organism res­
ponse to these stimuli
Solid curves plot the intensity
X of the external stimulus;
dashed curves show the orga­
nism response R

jumpwise variation of the latter, the response of the organism

coincides with the beginning and the end of the jump. If the
intensity of the exposure increases gradually, a pulsed
response is observed when a certain threshold is achieved.
A similar threshold is observed with a gradual decrease of
the intensity. If the exposure lasts for more than 24 hours,
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 159

then a repeated pulsed response of the organism is observed

24 hours after the exposure has begun.
These regularities are manifested by various parameters.
It should be emphasized that the leading role in the forma­
tion of the daily stereotype is played by the impulse mecha­
nism which regulates the secretory activity of the endocrine
glands, whereas the impulse response of the organism coin­
cides with the beginning and the end of the exposure. Hence,
the same signal, for instance switching the light on and off,
is treated as two independent actions.
What is gained by such a response? The results of the fol­
lowing experiment will help us to answer this question.

Anticipation Response

Equal single doses of a poison were administered to three

groups of animals according to the following schedule:
1st group — once a day, 2nd — twice a week, and 3rd —
once a week.
Common sense tells us that the animals given poison every
day would die first, since the total dosage during one week
exceeds the dosage administered to animals of the other two
groups by a factor of 3.5 and 7, respectively.
The results proved to be quite different. The animals gi­
ven poison every day lived longer. Only when the poison
was administered together with antibiotics were the expected
results received: the animals given poison every day died
first, and those given poison once a week were the last to die,
i.e., the life duration depended on the total dosage of poison.
There results seem to be paradoxical, but let us see what
is behind it all.
All stressors cause different changes in the organism; the
cumulative effect was termed by H. Selye as “stress respon-
160 V. N. Reushkin

se”. In the experiments our attention was drawn to the fact

that a new series of changes occurred 24 hours after the initi­
al stress response in the organism of an animal, and this turn­
ed out to be common for all animals, including man. The
changes were directly dependent on the form and intensity
of the factor causing stress response.
Further studies have shown that the stress response is but
an initial step in a multi-step process which makes the or­
ganism immune to the given factor. To put it differently,
the organism prepares itself for a repeated exposure in 24
hours. This is why the second stage of the organism’s respon­
se to an exposure is called an “anticipation response”.
How can the organism improve its resistance against re­
peated exposure? First, an organism can use its functional
reserves, but this would imply a certain overstrain compared
to normal conditions. Second, structural transformations
also take place. If, for instance, the exposure destroys cells
or intercellular structures in some organs and tissues, the
organism sees its primary goal not only in their maximal re­
storation by the time of a repeated exposure, but also in
creating some “safety margin”.
In repelling attacks of the environment, the organisms of
all animals, including man, experience first a stress respon­
se, and in 24 hours, a response of anticipation. If an expo­
sure occurs at 24-hour intervals the stress response caused by
it on the second day is generated against the background of
the anticipation response. Consequently, we experience a
mixture of stress and anticipation responses.
The recuperation processes characteristic of the anticipa­
tion response gradually reduce the changes which take pla­
ce during the stress response. During the anticipation res­
ponse, the proportion of functional and structural compo­
nents also change gradually: during the first days the res­
ponse amounts merely to increasing the activity and capa-
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 161

city of the organs and tissues involved in the organism’s adap­

tation, while during subsequent stages structural trans­
formations come into play.
Depending on the intensity of the exposure, all responses
of an organism can be said to proceed through three differ­
ent stages. During the first stage, the adaptation process
occurs mainly due to an increase in the functional activity
of the organs and tissues affected by the given factor. No
essential structural modifications take place. This is how
the organism responds to a weak exposure. When the inten­
sity is increased, the anticipation response proceeds to its
second stage, the stage when the adaptation occurs mainly
through structural reconstructions which enhance the po­
tentials of the organism (this is, incidentally, how the orga­
nism is trained to overcome physical and chemical stres­
sors). When the intensity of the exposure is increased fur­
ther the third stage of the response begins. Structural trans­
formations can no longer help the organs and tissues which
are now greatly overstrained. This, however, cannot last
long. Exhaustion of the compensatory mechanisms leads to
the development of diseases which eventually cause death.
An organism’s adaptability is essentially affected not
only by the intensity of the exposure but also by its periodi­
city. Thus, monkeys subjected to electric shock at irregular
times of the day (heterorhythmic stimulation) developed
neuroses rather quickly. This did not happen if the electric
stimulation was performed at the same time every day.
Much evidence of this kind can be cited. Whatever a hete­
rorhythmic stimulus, the changes it causes in the organism
are invariably more profound. According to clinical and
experimental data, even weak stimuli of this kind or even
frequent disturbances of the daily stereotype exhaust the
nervous system.
Without dwelling upon the reasons (many of which rema-
162 V. N. Reushkin

unclear), note only that the anticipation response appears

24 hours after the initial exposure, while the period needed
to prepare for the next shock is as short as 1.5-3 hours (de­
pending on the type and intensity of the stressor). This is
why frequent violations of the daily schedule, or events
which occur at arbitrary intervals, lead to diseases very
much like those caused by high-intensity stressors. The res­
tructuring which occurs during the anticipation response does
not create the required adaptation, in some cases because
of the high intensity of the stressor, in others because of the
constant mismatch between the time of the low-intensity
stressor and the build-up of the anticipation response.
The time limitations of the anticipation response also ex­
plain the results of studies on the impact that physical stra­
in has on the muscule-skeletal system. The best results are
achieved by regular daily training of a certain intensity and
duration. An increase of either the intensity or duration of
the training lowers the efficiency dramatically. This can be
easily explained if we know how the anticipation response is
formed. The intensity of training should be such that no
changes exceeding the second stage of the anticipation res­
ponse occur. This being the case, the structural modifica­
tions fully support the normal activity of the organism. A
higher intensity of training causes changes which induce a
response amounting to the third stage of the anticipation res­
ponse. Many systems are overstrained. The training duration
is optimal if it coincides with the time of formation of the an­
ticipation response. If the training session is extended, the
period of physical strain goes beyond that of the anticipa­
tion response. In this case, the organism has to fully utilize
its functional reserves.
Irregularity of the training also impairs the organism’s
efficiency, and the reason for that is quite obvious: the anti­
cipation response fades quickly. The new structural elements
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation i g ;j

are destroyed and the functional activity suppressed. AI hides

who believe that the longer and harder the training, the
better, are obviously misled. This might be the reason for the
“highly skilled athlete syndrome”.
Thus, the anticipation response concentrates mainly on
purposeful transformations which are connected with increas­
ing amounts of newly synthesized proteins. This finding
has been confirmed experimentally.
Administration of substances which prohibit protein
synthesis leaves the organism unprotected from any strong
physical or chemical stressors. Antibiotics are also among
the substances which inhibit protein synthesis. In light of
this, the above experiment does not seem paradoxical any
longer: animals which received the poison every day lived
longer, although they received amounts exceeding those giv­
en to animals once or twice a week, because the regularly
induced anticipation response adapted the organism by train
ing it. However, when antibiotics were administered, the
anticipation response was inhibited and the life expectation
depended only on the total poison dosage, and thus the ani­
mals of this group died first.
An even more striking picture was revealed in a study of
the damaging effect of ionizing radiation. With an interval
between irradiations equal to 24 hours, the damage caused
by radiation reduces dramatically. If it is less or more than
24 hours, the inflicted damage is significantly greater. Si­
milar results were obtained with different species by many
researchers. The absence of a plausible explanation suggested
a conclusion that it was nothing but an artifact, i.e., distor­
tions caused by some procedural or other errors made during
the experiment. However, the experimental data turned out
to be even more surprising. A radiation dose of 7 gRh was
administered to animals, some of whom had been given a do­
se of 2 gRh 24 hours earlier. Unexpectedly, again most of
164 V. N. Reushkin

the animals twice subjected to radiation survived (about

90 per cent), whereas most of the animals in the other group
died (only about 30 per cent survived). With an increase
in the first dose of radiation, more animals among those ir­
radiated twice died, and the mortality rate in this group ex­
ceeded that of the group subjected to radiation one time.
This fact suggests that an initial irradiation by a 2 gRh
dose stimulates the formation of the second stage in the anti­
cipation response, hence a repeated irradiation of the orga­
nism during the activation of the functional reserves and
specific structural transformations causes a reduced effect.
These phenomena may help oncologists who constantly
have to choose between the need to increase the therapeutic
dose of radiation and the danger posed by radiation sick­
It should be specially emphasized that the anticipation
response is specific i.e., it is formed in response to a specific
stressor and enhances the organism resistance only to that
particular type of stimulation. Moreover, an exposure of
the experimental animals to some other stressors 24 hours
before irradiation greatly impaired their resistance to the
ionizing radiation. Why? This question remains to be ans­

Specificity of Reactions Caused

by Stress Factors
Academician P. K. Anokhin in his theory of functional sys­
tems treated a living organism as a multi-purpose system
which pursues its different goals by combining its subsys­
tems in different ways. Such a system acquires specific pro­
perties which are different from the principles and proper­
ties of its subsystems. In other words, the same elements are
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 165

used every time to obtain a new system for performing

a specific task. It is the nature of the tack that determines
what elements interact and in what manner. “Elements”
here imply all kinds of structures, from intercellular forma­
tions to organs and tissues. All these elements belonging to
different levels are coordinated mainly by the neuro-endo-
crine system.
All organs and tissues and their intercellular formations
participate in various systems which form in response to va­
rious stressors. The demands placed on each of the elements
and on the mode of their interaction are constantly changing.
This may serve as an explanation of the reduced resistance
of animals to radiation if the anticipation response was gene­
rated as a reaction against a qualitatively different stressor.
However, there are some exceptions to this general rule.
An organism can adjust to a certain stressor while simulta­
neously enhancing its resistance to another, quite different
one. This is what we call cross adaptation.
It has been discovered, for instance, that physical exer­
cises enhance the organism’s resistance to both high and low
ambient temperatures.
An organism exposed to physical loads and low tempera­
tures has to generate more energy, which in the case of physi­
cal activity is spent on muscular efforts and in the case of
low temperatures, on heat generation. In both situations,
mitochondria (functioning like power stations in the orga­
nism) form the core element which has to meet higher re­
Cross adaptation to physical exercises and high temperature
is explained differently. A rise in the body temperature r e -
suiting from physical exercises forces the organism to speed
up its heat exchange. An elevated ambient temperature,
however, causes the same reaction. Hence, an improvement
of the heat-exchange mechanisms involved in physical exer-
166 V. N. Reushkin

cises enhances at the same time the resistance to high tem­

It is not surprising, therefore, that organisms adapted to
high ambient temperatures do not show increased resistance
to low temperatures, and vice versa, because deviations of
the ambient temperature from the norm activate protective
mechanisms depending on the direction (sign) of the devia­
To put it differently, in either case the organism responds
“specifically”. The very term “specific” implies that there are
nonspecific reactions as well, i.e., the organism reacts in
exactly the same way to various types of influences. Hans
Selye used this assumption as a vital component of his adap­
tation syndrome theory which can be presented briefly as
follows: all irritants (stress factors, or stressors) activate
the pituitary body which secretes adrenocorticotropic hor­
mone which in turn stimulates the secretion by the adrenal
gland of the corticosteroid hormones. The corticosteroids
in turn affect the organs and tissues thereby increasing the
organism’s resistance to various stressors. Such responses
are now called “stress reactions”.
Several decades after the adaptation theory was proposed
and its proponents outnumbered its opponents, it seemed
that the theory itself was complete, and only the finishing
touches must be added. This, however, could not be done for
a rather long time because a new question arose: how non­
specific were stress reactions? We faced a dramatic situa­
tion. On the one hand, much evidence has been reported re­
cently to the effect that each stressor causes quite specific
changes in organs and tissues thereby confirming the speci­
ficity of stress reactions.
The search for nontrivial solutions began. Information
theory, mostly its technique of encoding and decoding, prov­
ed to be of much help here.
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 167

The evolutionary process, from the synthesis of the first

organic molecules to highly organized systems such as repre­
sentatives of the animal world today, was made possible
due to the constant accumulation of negentropy, i.e., through
the constant self-perfection of structures and functions as
a result of processing energy and information coming from
the environment. It was also in the course of evolution that
higher organisms acquired a system of sensitive analyzers
which helped them to function optimally in the constantly
changing environment. The organism seems to be wasteful
with regard to information which should promote the rapid
and reliable restructuring of functions to meet the changing
requirements. Indeed, abundant information on external
disturbances as received by highly specialized receptors is
used to produce a nonspecific response of the pituitary-adre­
nal system.
In the framework of the information theory, any relation­
ship can be presented as a channel transmitting a coded mes­
sage from the source of information to the user (target).
The encoding and decoding units have to ensure that the con­
tent of the transmitted and received message is identical.
Note that even when an optimal channel is used, only part
of the data fed into it is transmitted, and no manipulations
with the data can increase this amount.
We can assume, therefore, that information on various
environmental changes received by highly specialized recep­
tors is encoded to be transmitted further to the user organs.
This data, however, is depreciated during the process of
transmission as a result of nonspecific reactions of the pitui­
tary-adrenal system. It is not quite clear in what way the
information is restored by the user organs making stress
reactions specific. There are two alternatives: either the
lost information is somehow restored by the target organ or
a specific signal depending on the stressor is encoded by ele-
168 V. N. Reushkin

ments of the neuro-endocrine system. This signal is then re­

ceived by the respective organs and systems of the organism.
Since it is impossible to restore the information without
violating the rules of its transmission, let us discuss the way
this specific signal is coded.
As established recently, all endocrine organs are more or
less involved in stress reactions. Qualitatively different
stressors make their impact in different ways, thereby deter­
mining the quantity and priority of the hormones discharged
into the blood. The knowledge accumulated so far leads us
to the conclusion that the specificity of responses can be at­
tributed to the variation of the hormone levels, their quanti­
tative combinations, and the sequence in which the mem­
branes are connected to the receptors.
There are extensive data showing that one can achieve
various effects in the target organs by merely varying the
harmonic concentration. Furthermore, the effect of most hor­
mones is modified by other hormones. For instance, inter­
cellular hydrocortizon reduces the synthesis of proteins and
accelerates their decay. In the presence of insulin, however,
the same hormone increases the synthesis of proteins redu­
cing at the same time their decay.

The Daily Set of Stressors

During a 24-hour period an organism is subjected to differ­
ent stressors and responds by specific reactions. Such stres­
sors include physical exercises, eating, variations in lighting
conditions, ambient temperature, barometric pressure, etc.
They follow in a certain sequence in the form of specific im­
pulses. A specific anticipation response to each of them de­
velops in the organism.
Obviously a specific sequence of stressors encountered by
the organism during a 24-hour period causes a similar se-
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 169

quence of anticipation responses. Since the anticipation res­

ponses are generated in advance, their succession and the
time intervals between them are programmed accordingly.
It seems reasonable to speak not of isolated stressors but of
their total effect. Thus, a program for the organism’s life
for the coming 24 hours is formed on the basis of the entire
ensemble of daily stressors.
The adaptation to a disturbance of the daily stereotype
caused by a change in the daily regime (as is the case, for ex­
ample, when a plane takes us across several time zones)
depends on the time shift. If the difference between departure
and arrival time does not exceed 2 to 3 hours, the shift is
not interpreted by the organism as something new. Prac­
tically none of the stressors goes beyond the respective anti­
cipation responses, and the adaptation occurs by their syn­
chronous shift in time. The stereotype stabilizes fairly quick­
ly. Transformations involved produce the least stress in the
organism. With a time difference over 3 hours, the compo­
nents of the daily regime go beyond the respective anticipa­
tion responses and the organism reacts to all stressors as new
The anticipation response of the organism has been found
to be more prompt and complete when caused by an event
that is more significant for the organism. A less signifi­
cant event causes a less complete anticipation response.
Three or more responses cannot be generated simultaneous­
This is obvious since it is highly improbable that several
modifications occur simultaneously in a cell to ensure reli­
ably its resistance to several different stressors acting at
once. Consequently, the organism, in full compliance with
Anokhin’s theory of functional systems, determines the ef­
fects most relevant for it, i.e., those causing the most essen­
tial disturbances in the organism, and “starts” generating
170 V. N. Reushkin

the specific anticipation response to compensate for the dis­

Significance of a factor for the organism is a subjective
notion depending on a number of circumstances. For nocturn­
al animals, for instance, the most meaningful is the tran­
sition from darkness to light, while for diurnal animals it is
vice versa, from light to darkness. This is quite natural sin­
ce the animals which have adapted in the course of evolu­
tion to a nocturnal life-style are helpless in the daylight,
while those adapted to a diurnal life are lost at night. This
is absolutety true of man, too. Any one who happens to be
in the dusky forest before sunset feels a certain alarm which is
not experienced at daybreak with the same amount of light.
The significance of one and the same factor depends also
on its correlation in time with other stressors. Animals, for
instance, are rather susceptible to changing light conditions,
and especially to a change from light to darkness. Another
stressor, though acting a bit differently, is food. If rats are
fed at the onset of darkness, i.e., when changing from sleep
to active life, they adapt rather readily to these conditions.
Feeding in the daytime, however, is something abnormal
and rate cannot get accustomed to it. Moreover, if access to
the feeding bin is limited to 1-2 hours, the animals die in
several weeks.
To recapitulate, the combination of diurnal stressors not
invoked by evotulion reduces dramatically the adaptability
of an organism. One can hardly expect any good from arbit­
rary violations of the habitual mode of life.

Circadian Rhythms Revisited

What are the mechanisms underlying circadian rhythms?
I began my search for an answer to this question by analy­
zing the varied concentration of inorganic ions (potassium,
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 171

sodium, chloride, manganese, etc.) in the ra t’s organs. The

animals were kept under different conditions and subjected
to stressors. There was a stage in the study when I believed
that the results obtained in the experiments could have for­
med the basis for a reference table of the changes occurring
in the electrolyte concentration in small laboratory animals.
However, the diagrams (there were about one hundred of
them) did not reveal any circadian rhythms. The results were
so confusing and contradictory that they could not be in­
terpreted at the time.
The situation was resolved by computerized data process­
ing in order to represent a periodic function of any complex
form by a sum of several sines (harmonics). This processing
decomposed the diurnal curves into several simple harmonic
components (Fig. 23). One of them had a period of approxi-

Fig. 23. Decomposition of a complicated periodic function (a) into

harmonic components (6, c)
172 V. N. Reushkin

mately 24 hours, i.e., it was a circadian harmonic compo­

nent, exactly what we mean by “circadian variations”.
Several relationships catch the eye. Animals which have
been kept under stable conditions for a long time do not
show any significant circadian variations, i.e. well-adapted
animals do not have circadian rhythms. How about the nu­
merous results confirming the opposite conclusion? There is
something wrong here, and we still have to clarify the
There is a circadian rhythm, but it can be detected only
in poorly adapted animals, i.e., an increase in the circadian
rhythms is observed in animals which are not yet well adapt­
ed to certain conditions, and also in those subjected to a
stressor a day earlier. It is interesting to note that the more
intensive the stressor, the greater the amplitude of circadi­
an rhythms.
Circadian rhythms are not found in healthy and well
adapted animals. A reduction in the organism’s adaptability
caused by some stressor or a disturbed diurnal stereotype
leads to the generation of circadian rhythms.
A higher amplitude of circadian rhythms becomes parti­
cularly clear during transition processes. When a well-adapt­
ed organism is placed in a new environment, the diurnal
rhythms start to be gradually restructured till a new diurn­
al rhythm which meets the new conditions is formed, i.e.,
a new diurnal stereotype is generated.
During such transition processes, the amplitude of cir­
cadian variations gradually grows, reaches its maximum and
starts dropping. Along with the increase of the amplitude
of circadian variations, the variations of smaller periods gra­
dually fade. The circadian rhythm, so to say, extinguishes
them. As the organism becomes more adapted, the reduction
in the amplitude of the circadian variations is accomplished
by gradually increasing variations typical of a new diurnal
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 173

The growth rate and the maximal amplitude of circadian

rhythms depend on a number of factors, and in particular,
on the intensity of external factors. With a higher intensity
the amplitude grows more quickly. A similar dependence is
observed in the generation of a new diurnal stereotype. The
organism under such conditions gets accustomed to the new
situation sooner, but at a greater expense to the regulatory
This can be observed when studying the diurnal rhythm
for any given parameter. The organism’s state is character­
ized, however, by more than one parameter. We decided to
see what would happen to those parameters if animals were
exposed to different conditions. It turned out that the adap­
tation under conditions of different diurnal complexes of
stressors occurred via an increase in the amplitude of cir­
cadian variations of various parameters. In other words,
each stressor induces a specific reaction of the organism, sin­
ce different systems respond to qualitatively different stres­
sors. This manifests itself in a higher amplitude of circadian
variations in diurnal rhythms of quite specific combinations
of parameters; this accounts for the specificity of the orga­
nism’s responses.
Quite unexpectedly one more point of contact was reveal­
ed, that between two of the most challenging issues of bio­
logy today, diurnal rhythms and the specificity of stress
The same systems have different functional potentials in
different organisms. We cannot hope to find two persons
who are in absolutely identical states of health. Consequent­
ly, the compensatory potentials of a system in each organism
are unique and limited. The functional load technique wide­
ly used in sports medicine confirms this assumption.
The same stressor causes varying degree of increasing
amplitudes of circadian variations in different individuals
174 V. N. Reushkin

(a greater increase is observed in a system with a smaller

safety margin). A similar picture is observed within one or­
ganism. This permits us to reveal the weak points of each
individual and compare the degree of resistance of the same
systems in different individuals. Clinically, an interesting
perspective opens up.
It is time to summarize what information we have so far.
First, well-adapted healthy organisms manifest practical­
ly no circadian rhythms.
Second, an increase in the circadian variation amplitude
depends on the state of organism’s health and on the inten­
sity of the stressor.
Third, during the adaptation to a new stressor or during
the disturbance of the existing diurnal stereotype the cir­
cadian variation amplitude gradually increases, reaches its
maximum, and then slowly decreases. Each parameter has
its own growth rate and maximal amplitude of the circadi­
an variation.
Fourth, in the organism’s responses, each type of stressors
has a respective combination of amplitudes of the circadian
The above conclusions obtained from the experimental
data permitted us to reject the psychological cliche and re­
cognize that circadian rhythm was not a normal rhythm,
but on the contrary, an evidence of the abnormal state of
the organism. The larger the amplitude the closer the organism
comes to a catastrophe. A circadian rhythm characterizes
the degree of the organism’s inadaptability, which can be
caused not only by external (exogenic) stressors, but also by
internal (endogenic) factors.
This may naturally invoke counter-arguments which are
also supported by experimental data. There were repeated
efforts, for instance, to understand the variations during 24
hours in the pattern of resistance to x-ray radiation of small
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 175

laboratory animals. They were irradiated at regular inter­

vals during 24 hours. The number of deaths was counted in
each group after irradiation. This practically always yield­
ed a good, if not perfect, circadian rhythm. When, how­
ever, the experiments used strain animals, i.e., those coming
from common ancestors (deviations from the average popula­
tion characteristics, i.e., heterogeneity, are lower in such

Fig. 24. Distribution of

deaths of animals after irra­
diation at different times of
Solid curves represent non-strain
animals, dashed curves represent
strain animals; Tt and T2 mark
the transition from light to dark­ 0 T,- T2 2 4 1, h
ness and from darkness to light,
respectively (b)

animals in comparison with non-strain ones), the circadian

rhythm was replaced by a two-peaked curve, i.e., there were
two peaks in the mortality rate. Moreover, it turned out
that if in the experiments the non-strain animals were also
kept longer in darkness (their period of activity was prolong­
ed) (Fig. 24), two mortality peaks were also obtained.
How can we explain such results? To this end, we have
to bear in mind the anticipation response and the fact that
external factors are interpreted by the organism as impulses.
Switching the light on and off are perceived by the organism
as two impulses, and the adaptation to them is facilitated
by the anticipation responses generated to both switching
176 V. N. Reushkin

the light on and to switching it off. The organism’s resistan­

ce to other factors is thereby reduced, including that to x-ray
radiation. The highest mortality rate coincides with the
transition period from light to darkness and back. Since the
heterogeneity of non-strain animals is very high (which caus­
es the variations in the experimental data), well-pronounc­
ed circadian rhythms result. If the interval between the im­
pulses (transitions) is made longer, the rhythm disappears.
Obviously, in this case we are dealing not with circadian
rhythms but with variations obeying the Gaussian law, or
the normal distribution of the probability theory. Similar
situations are observed in the study of finer diurnal periodic
processes such as the variation in the number of different
blood cells, the intensity of cell division in various organs,
One more unresolved question: why does the period of cir­
cadian rhythms fluctuate around 24 hours? To understand
the reason, one has to consider a very interesting endocrine
organ, namely, the epiphysis. Although its existence has
been known for a long time, the final role of the epiphysis is
not yet clear. It is noteworthy that anatomically it is treat­
ed as an organ of vision. In lower vertebrates the epiphysis
has retained its eye-like state. Hence, it is believed that epi­
physis receives information on external lighting via the or­
gans of vision and acts as a component of the biological clock
It has been established that the epiphysis secretes sub­
stances which can either speed up or slow down the function­
ing of biological clocks. This can be done by varying the
activity of certain components of the neuro-endocrine sys­
tem. The secretion of some substances increases in the pre­
sence of light, while the secretion of others increases in the
darkness. Moreover, substances which slow down the biolo­
gical clocks are secreted in nocturnal animals during the day-
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 177

time, while in diurnal animals they are secreted at night. This

is why the period of circadian oscillations sometimes slight­
ly exceeds 24 hours in nocturnal animals in constant light­
ing, and in diurnal animals in constant darkness. The cir­
cadian oscillation period can be shortened by reversing the
conditions: keeping the nocturnal animals in darkness and
the diurnal animals in constantly lighted conditions. Under
these conditions, increased secretion of substances which
accelerate the biological clock is observed in all animals,
and the period of the circadian rhythm is shortened to less
than 24 hours.

What Will Cybernetics Say?

Let us return to circadian oscillations. How can we explain

the regularities observed? Let us first take a look at the theo-

Fig. 25. Schematic diagram

of a two-level automatic con­
trol system
P—plant; MCU—main control
unit; CUA—control unit for adap­
tation; X and F denote exoge-
neous factors

ry of computer-aided control. To be more precise, we look at

adaptive control systems (ACS).
In the diagram of an adaptive control system (Fig. 25),
one can see that the main control unit (MCU) and the plant
178 V. N. Reushkin

(P) form the main control loop of the system. Negative feed­
back in biological systems generates self-oscillation proces­
ses in the main loop (first regulation level). Information from
the main loop elements and about stressors is fed to the cont­
rol unit for adaptation (CUA), thereby forming a second AGS
loon at. the adaptive monitoring level. Depending on the de­
viation from the optimal mode, the MCU is subjected to a
stimulus in an effort to eliminate the deviations caused by
variations of the external conditions or properties of the
main loop.
It is unlikely that the simplified concept of interaction
between the two levels of regulation is used in biological
systems, since not just one but a multitude of MCUs are sub­
jected to the regulatory effect of the CUA. Still, a regulation
system of practically any parameter can be presented with
some reservations as a two-level adaptive control system.
Consider, for instance, a system ensuring the required in­
tercellular concentration of electrolytes. In this case the
control plant is the specific electrolyte concentration requir­
ed in the given case. Membranes play the role of MCUs.
Their functional state determines the intensity of ion trans­
fer as a function of the concentration gradient. The function­
al state of the membranes, in turn, depends on the intercel­
lular ion concentration. This feedback closes the first level
in the regulation of the electrolyte concentration in the cells
of organs and tissues. In general, the neuro-endocrine sys­
tem plays the role of CUA. Its regulatory effect determines
to a large extent the functional state of the cellular mem­
branes. A change in the electrolyte concentration in the blood
results in the changes in the functional state of the neuro­
endocrine system. This feedback closes the adaptive (se­
cond) control loop.
The neuro-endocrine system has to control simultaneously
a multitude of first-level systems, because even within a
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 179

cell many micro- and macro-elements require this. Since

each cell fulfills several functions, in each case there should
be an optimal concentration of not one/but several electro­
lytes. The organism has many organs and tissues and even
within a single organ the cells differ according to their func­
Consequently, the neuro-endocrine system (CUA) should
simultaneously monitor many interacting systems of the
first (basic) level (MCU).
Since we have the control unit of adaptation and many
interacting first-level systems, the distinction should be
made between vertical and horizontal links. A vertical link
implies a regulatory effect of the second level exerted on the
first level, whereas a horizontal link means the mutual ef­
fect that the first-level systems have on each other.
Complex multi-level systems can be preserved only if there
is an “optimal” degree of interconnection for all elements
of the same level. An increased dependence between the first-
level elements ensures expedient solutions of the problems
they face. However, the cost which has to be paid for this
is the tendency of the entire multi-level system to disintegra­
te. The strengthening of such links is justified only when the
system is not subjected to any stressors. When greater de­
mands are placed on the whole system and the first level
cannot cope with its tasks, the second level is activated: the
strength of the vertical links increases, while that of the
horizontal ones decreases. Note that the strength of the ver­
tical links increases steeper when the first-level control sys­
tems are less stable. The limited potentials of the first-level
systems cause an earlier intervention of the control unit for
Within certain limits, each MCU of the first level is given
a certain freedom which is limited only by the mutual in­
fluence of the elements, i.e., the system is free of the regula-
180 V. N. Reushkin

tory effect of the CUA. This situation is retained until the

state of one or several first-level elements does not go be­
yond the limits set for each of them. This can be the case when
an organism has to meet increased demands. In such cases,
self-regulatory processes involve the upper level (CUA).
The stiffness of the vertical link grows as the intensity of
the stressor increases. The mutual influence of the first-lev­
el elements reduces simultaneously., i.e., the horizontal
link weakens. The regulatory role of the second level is main­
tained until the functioning of each MCU is brought back
within its original boundaries.
How is all this related to diurnal rhythms? In organisms
without serious MCU failures, i.e., in healthy well-adapted
organisms the pattern of diurnal variations of each parame­
ter is strictly individual.
This behavior stems from specific features of the oscilla­
tion processes of each first-level^ element (MCU). CUAs of
poorly adapted individuals are united by the neuro-endo-
crine system, which is revealed in the larger amplitudes of
circadian oscillations and their phase synchronization. Both
depend on the intensity of the stressor, or rather, the degree
of the non-adaptability of the organism.
What is the physiological meaning of the increase and
synchronization of the circadian oscillation amplitude?
We have already mentioned that the anticipation response
is the basis of any adaptation process. At that juncture,
however, we failed to understand the mechanisms of its for­
mation. It is only now that we can do so.
Any stressor thus causes shifts in an organism, these
shifts manifesting themselves in the deviations of some pa­
rameters. Each form of stimulation has a specific combina­
tion of these parameters. All the deviations going beyond
a certain threshold, however, must be suppressed. This is
achieved by the organism’s preparation for a repeated expo-
Diurnal Rhythms and Adaptation 181

sure in advance: if an exposure leads to a suppression of a

function, activity of this function will increase in 24 hours.
The compensatory increase occurs only for the time during
which the anticipation response is formed. This is how the
oscillations are formed with a period of approximately 24
hours. If the stressor causes an increase of a parameter, we
observe the reversed situation, i.e., the phase of a given
circadian rhythm is opposite to the previous one.
The organism’s response to any external stimulation is a
systemic reaction involving the variation of a multitude of
parameters. Hence, one should speak not of a single oscil­
lation process, but of an integrated oscillation system, whose
state is determined by a host of many time-dependent para­
meters. Various factors involve different parts of that oscil­
latory system. As the intensity of the stressor increases, a
large part of the organism is affected and the organism’s
response involves a larger number of oscillators. An oscil­
latory system of this type can be described in terms of forces
of interaction between oscillators, and an optimal princip­
le of description can be found. This principle is similar to
the condition of minimum of potential energy in physics.
The interaction between different oscillators can be describ­
ed by a field of forces. In this case, the system perturbed by
the exposure tends to decrease the potential of the field of
A specific anticipation response is thus formed by increas­
ing the circadian oscillation amplitude in diurnal rhythms
of some parameters, owing to the active intervention of the
neuro-endocrine system in the control process. Each stres­
sor induces a unique combination of parameters whose diurn­
al rhythms show differing increases of the circadian oscilla­
tion amplitude, i.e., each combination of these parameters
is taken care of by a specific component of the oscillation
182 V. N. Reushkin

The growing compensation of the shifts caused by the giv­

en stressor weakens the verticaL link. The oscillator system
consisting of many interacting oscillators evolves so as to
reduce the potential of the field of force. Namely, the cir­
cadian rhythm amplitudes gradually decrease and new varia­
tions with shorter periods appear. By the way, another inter­
esting point in biorhythmology deals with the processes of
formation of these new variations and with the role they play
in the search for optimal forms of the organism-environment
interaction. Finally, the diurnal rhythm of each parameter
has a unique pattern.
This interpretation of the adaptation processes is supported
by experimental data.

Circadian Rhythms and Health

Let us use our imagination here. We will use the amplitude

of circadian rhythms as a strating point.
A person is constantly subjected to different external sti­
muli which affect virtually all functional systems. Conse­
quently, we may choose several parameters which are easy
to measure and are representative of the system’s status, and
monitor their variation durig 24 hours. Since the circadian
variation amplitude increases as the functional potentials
of the organism’s systems decrease, there is a possibility that
we can detect the weakest of the systems long before the
clinical symptoms of a disease appear. This is attractive
since to date a diagnosis can be made only after clinical symp­
toms are clearly pronounced. The biorhythmological ap­
proach helps with the diagnosis before an actual disease has
appeared but the functional reserves of a system in the orga­
nism are already impaired. This is primarily true of the
cardio-vascular system and, specifically, helps to prevent
Searching Activity, Sleep, and Stability of Organism 183

myocardial infarctions. To prevent the clinical stage, one

can undergo full prophylactic treatment which is much
more efficient and less costly than post-infarct treatment.
Assume that a patient wants to know the state of his
health. It is precisely the health, not illness that we want to
evaluate now, before some latent forms of pathological dis­
turbances appear. Sensors are used to obtain information on
the functioning of the organism (in a number of cases contact
sensors are not necessary, since it is already possible to mo­
nitor some information by remote means); the data is fed
to a computer from a distance. Mathematical processing
identifies the systems in which the amplitude of circadian
oscillations has increased. Having learnt which system is
in need of correction, the physician may give qualified re­
commendations on the optimal life-style to the patient.
This is not merely wishful thinking. Almost all individual
components of the above picture are known to have been im­
plemented in practice.

Searching Activity, Sleep,

and Stability of the Organism
The effect of various types of behavior on and their emotion­
al significance for the stability (resistance) of the organism
in face of harmful factors and diseases is a major field of
research in today’s physiology and medicine. The increas­
ing fraction of psychosomatic diseases (and there is strong
evidence that malignant tumors are also psychosomatic)
in the total incidence of diseases compels the researchers to
look for most general behavioral and psychic factors which
184 V. S. Rotenberg

make the organism vulnerable. In recent years stress, notab­

ly emotional stress, has been regarded as the most important
factor of this kind. In stress the adaptation mechanisms are
strained by adverse sensations such as anger, anguish, anxie­
ty, fear, and depression.
Any adverse emotion is known to be traceable to an unsa­
tisfied longing. But while animals are hindered only by the
environment in satisfying their “egoistical” desires, man is
often hindered by inculcated inhibitions and prohibitions.
An emotional stress on most occasions originates from con­
flict of two equally strong but irreconcilable drives. Accord­
ing to the adherents of the so-called psychosomatic school
in medicine, this conflict prevents satisfaction of urgent
needs and causes stress, entailing ulcer, hypertension, angi­
na pectoris, and many other ailments which may also result
from various factors causing emotional stress such as sudden
danger or death of a loved one.
Stress does not, however, necessarily reduce the resistan­
ce of the organism or causes ailments. Following the classic­
al definition given by H. Selye, stress is a non-specific
response of the organism to any demand (stressor) and this
response is designed to overcome the new difficulties and to
adapt the organism to changing circumstances. In a broad
sense, stress is an ever-present component of life which can
under certain circumstances increase the resistance to dis­
ease-causing factors.
When and how does the beneficial effect of stress end and
the adverse effect begin is one of the most controversial ques­
tions in the entire concept. H. Selye has posited a three-
phase response to any stressor:
— alarm, a reaction reflecting mobilization of all resour­
ces of the organism;
— resistance, when the mobilization helps to overcome
the effects of the stress without any noticeable damage to
Searching Activity, Sleep, and Stability of Organism 185

one’s health (in this phase the organism is even more stable
than it was before the stress);
— exhaustion, a phase in which the struggle that took
too long or was too intense reduces the organism adaptabi­
lity and thus makes various diseases possible.
H. Selye believed that these phases succeeded in an order­
ly way.
This explanation seems self-contradictory. Indeed, how
can an extension of the state of the increased resistivity ab­
ruptly change to exhaustion? Unless some qualitative change
occurs, the beneficial effect seems to change perhaps para­
doxically to its opposite, especially so because it is still
unknown what substance is depleted under stress.
The Selye explanation also contradicts numerous observa­
tions. Emotional stress may continue for a long time and be
very intense, as in calamities and wars, but the number of
serious diseases in people engaged in hard work or war ac­
tivities was even found to decrease.
It is especially surprising that many survivors of the Nazi
concentration camps who prior to incarceration had expe­
rienced various psychosomatic diseases showed no signs of
them at the time of liberation (even after the extensive stress
and inhuman conditions) but the diseases resumed shortly
after the liberation.
On the other hand, somatic and psychic diseases may be­
gin once the goal (the desired position or realization of crea­
tive work) is achieved if a new important goal is not set.
This was the case of Martin Eden of Jack London’s novel.
In such cases of the “achievement syndrome” there is no stress
in the usual sense and no reasons for any negative emotions.
But prolonged and intensive struggle, even punctuated with
occasional failures, (which amounts to the classical stress
model) usually helps to maintain the physical health.
Thus, it is obvious that neither extensive stress as such
186 V. S. Rotenberg

nor the sign, negative or positive, of the dominating emo­

tion determine the strength of resistance. In one of his la­
test books H. Selye emphasized that even the greatest au­
thorities in the field did not know why the “stress of crushed
hopes” is much more likely to cause sickness than physical
overstrain would [11.
The conventional approaches fail to explain these pheno­
mena because they treat the organism as a passive object of
stressors. Man and animal remain, however, active under
stress; the intensity of this activity may prove to determine
more than anything else the degree of the system stabi­
This conjecture was borne out in the experiments with rats
and rabbits that were carried out by V. V. Arshavsky, the
physiologist, and myself. The zones of the brain that generate
positive and negative emotions were electrically stimu­
lated. Since the now classical research of J. Olds [2], known
are brain areas whose stimulation makes the animal show,
according to the experimenter’s design, anxiety, fear, or
aggressive behavior combined with the desire to avoid this
stimulation; the stimulation of some other points invokes a
desire to experience the pleasant sensation again. Thus, if
the animal is trained to keep the “pleasure” points in its
brain stimulated by pressing a pedal, the animal may press
the pedal at a rate of 100 times per minute, forget the food,
and ignore its mate. This phenomenon is known as selfsti­
The irritation of “displeasure” zones may result in differ­
ent types of behavior. Some animals react aggressively by
biting and scratching the cage, attacking any objects within
their reach or breaking from the cage or tearing off the ele­
ctrodes in order to stop the stimulation. Such active aggres­
sive or escaping behavior is referred to as actively defensive
behavior. Some animals show passively defensive behavior.
Searching Activity, Sleep, and Stability of Organism 187

They make no attempt to discontinue the displeasure, do

not leave the farthest corner of the cage but are emotionally
upset. Their hair stands on end, the heart beat accelerates
and becomes unsteady, the arterial pressure varies, and other
signs show the animal’s fear. In human terms the rats act as
if they expect an imminent disaster.
In other cases the passively defensive behavior is seen as
“lifeless” prostration on the floor with the same objective
signs of the emotional state. This behavior may be referred
to as the surrender pattern. Actively and passively defen­
sive behaviors are also observed in various animals in which
natural stresses were invoked; for instance, a cat sees a dog
in dangerous proximity for a long time; or the animal is
placed in a tight cage; or an animal is subjected to frequent
undeserved punishment by painful electric shocks. For man
analogous situations would be exposure to extreme condi­
tions or a conflict between incompatible desires.
Both behavioral patterns were found in our experiments
to have opposite impacts on the artificially induced patho­
logical states. Numerous human ailments were simulated
in animals: epilepsy was experimentally induced by strong
and frequent audio irritations or by small amounts of cramp­
invoking substances applied to the cortex; anaphylactic
shock and other allergic states caused by injection of alien
protein into the blood or abdominal cavity; disruption of the
heart rate by injection of certain drugs into the blood; a
Parkinsonism-like syndrome which followed intramuscular
injection of neuroleptics (drugs used in treatment of psycho­
tic diseases and causing muscular constraint and tremor as
side effects), etc.
Self-stimulation and actively defensive behavior (aggres­
sion and escape) shortly before the pathological states retard
their development and make them less pronounced, epilep-
tical convulsions do not start, heart arrhythmia and aller-
188 V. S. Rotenberg

gic edema are delayed and made less intensive whereas pas­
sively defensive behavior which precedes these states or oc­
curs against their background increases all pathological
patterns and may result in the animal’s death.
Similar results were obtained in other laboratories and
with other models. I. I. Vainshtein andP. V. Simonov show­
ed that actively defensive behavior inhibits, and passive
defensive behavior accelerates the experimentally induced
myocardial infarction [31. M. M. Kozlovskaya found that
passively defensive behavior may result in stable increase of
the arterial pressure [4]. US researchers found that in a hope­
less situation which facilitated passively defensive behavior,
animals developed ulcers; furthermore, artificially implanted
malignant tumors grew when the animal acted passively
whereas actively defensive behavior, even under heavy
stress, even unsuccessful, resulted in rejection of the tumor
These findings are in good agreement with clinical data
that development of somatic diseases in man is often pre­
ceded by passivity and depression.
What do then such various behaviors as escaping, aggres­
sion, and self-stimulation have in common and in what way
are they the opposite of passively defensive behavior? What
is the reason for the same positive effect of the organism’s
It is not the “sign” of prevalent emotions, for both active­
ly and passively defensive behaviors are associated with ne­
gative emotions. Neither is this the nature of vegetative
changes, because the same sympathetic system is engaged in
both kinds of behavior. Extensive muscular activity is not
in itself responsible for the increased stability. Indeed, when
the animals learned to inhibit their movements to avoid ele­
ctric shock, ulcers were not found to develop in the gastroin­
testinal tract. On the other hand, when the animal was sub-
Searching Activity, Sleep, and Stability of Organism 189

jected to electric shock regardless of its behavior, the ulcera­

tion positively correlated with movement intensity.
Our analysis suggests that self-stimulation and actively
defensive behavior differ from passively defensive behavior
in that they incorporate search, namely an activity aimed at
changing either the situation or the attitude towards it.
The results of this activity cannot be predicted but are used
in subsequent analysis. Search is obvious in aggression and
escaping when an attempt is made to overcome the stressing
situation but success is by no means certain. In man the
search manifests itself as planning or fantasizing or other
kinds of psychic activity.
Passively defensive behavior amounts to giving up
search when the situation is not to the subject’s liking. In man
this is the state of depression and hopelessness or a feeling of
insecurity. Clinical observations confirm that many soma­
tic diseases develop against this background.
These findings on search activities are also confirmed by
the observation that the animals which tend to show active­
ly defensive behavior under stress behave in an investigati­
ve and searching way to a larger extent than those which
behave passively and defensively under stress.
Search and abandonment of search may also be observed
in situations which do not lead to unpleasant emotions. The
animal may continuously seek to reexperience the pleasur­
able sensations which is equivalent to self-stimulation. An
individual who has achieved an objective and is satisfied
with the situation can either set another objective (as is the
case in creative activities) or stop striving. But it is precise­
ly in the latter case that the Martin Eden syndrome develops.
If, on the other hand, the individual attacks new, even very
involved, problems, his health is preserved, even though
he may experience failures.
Consequently, the main factor which influences the orga-
190 V. S. Rotenberg

nism’s stability is the nature of the behavior, the presence

or otherwise of searching activity, rather than the “sign”
of emotions. Unpleasant sensations which act as incentives
of search are preferable to inaction. Stable positive emotions
do not arise without searching activities. Cessation of
search results in inability to satisfy the need and gives rise
to the associated unpleasant sensations. If the need in
search has not been formulated at the proper time, the low
intensity of search does not necessarily entail negative sen­
sations but the subject remains very vulnerable to various
harmful stressors.
Searching activities are inborn and biologically benefi­
cial but are not realized unless the training is correct. The
need in search and the ability to search are formed at the
earliest stages of individual development. Systematic fai­
lures at these stages (encounters with unsurmountable prob­
lems) result in reduced searching activities and, in adults,
total cessation of search. The search may also be given up
when the negative results of unsuccessful search become more
significant and traumatic for the subject than failure in
achieving the goal.
Even under extensive stress the stability stage is not ne­
cessarily followed by exhaustion; the latter probably does
not set in before search is abandoned.
Cessation of search being harmful and dangerous for the
organism, nature has devised protective mechanisms, of
which rapid, paradoxical, sleep is the most important.
The night sleep is known to consist of several cycles,
each starting with a slow phase and endihg in a rapid phase.
In the latter phase rapid eye movements (REM) are record­
ed, the tonus is reduced, the encephallogram is very much
like that in wakefulness. Waking up from REM sleep, the
subjects usually remember their dreams. The deep slow sleep
(when slow eye movements, or SEM, are recorded) pre-
Searching Activity, Sleep, and Stability of Organism 191

vails in first cycles while REM sleep dominates the final

cycles. In higher animals the sleep pattern is essentially the
same. Our own research and the analysis of the findings of
others suggest that searching activity occurs during REM
sleep in order to compensate for the cessation of search in
the wakefulness prior to sleep and in order to restore the abi­
lity to continue the search after the awakeping.
Many facts support this point of view.
When neurotic anxiety and depression make a subject
discontinue all search, the need in REM sleep becomes more
urgent. The time before the first episode of REM sleep is
reduced and its duration in the first cycles increases. Follow­
ing a passively defensive response to a natural stressor
situation or to direct stimulation of brain structures, the
REM-to-SEM sleep ratio increases.
The depressants such as reserpin and neuroleptics increase
the duration of REM sleep while the antidepressants, dras­
tically decrease it.
When the searching behavior is intensified in the wakeful
state, be it actively defensive behavior or self-stimulation
or highly creative activity, REM sleep is not needed so ur­
gently and so the time to its first episode increases and its
duration decreases.
In all animals whose searching behavior in wakefulness
shows the characteristic theta-rhythm of the hippocampal
brain structure, this rhythm is also recorded during REM
sleep; the more pronounced this rhythm in wakefulness,
the less pronounced it is in REM sleep, and vice versa.
Other arguments in favor of this mechanism are the find­
ings of M. Jouvet and A. Morrisson, who studied the beha­
vior of animals in which the brain zones controlling the
weakening of tonus at this stage of sleep were destroyed. The
animals acted as participants of their own dreams; they got
up, sniffed and looked around with their eyes closed, ran
192 V. S. Rotenberg

short stretches and jumped in imitation of pursuing inexist-

ent prey or escaping inexistent danger. Both Jouvet and
Morrisson emphasize the pronounced searching component
in this behavior. In private communication to this author
Morrisson has described results confirming this role of REM
sleep in restoring the searching activity.
Searching activity and inaction are incompatible. There­
fore increased searching activity in wakefulness or during
dreams facilitates overcoming the consequences of inaction.
REM sleep makes the decisive contribution to maintaining
physical and mental health. Many researchers noted that
depriving the subjects of REM sleep by repeated interrup­
tions results in increased neurotic anxiety. If REM sleep is
disturbed and fails to perform its functions, the subjects de­
velop various pathologies. Indeed, in some psychosomatic
patients the number of dreams is below normal and the vege­
tative activation is less pronounced.
The length of REM sleep during the night and the inten­
sity of activities in the subject’s dreams may probably give
an insight into the subject’s health and the quality of his
emotional state in wakefulness.
In conclusion let us discuss some possible biochemical
mechanisms of searching activity. There is strong evidence
that its extent depends upon the amount of biologically ac­
tive catecholamines, notably noradrenaline, in the brain
and also upon the sensitivity of some brain structures to
these substances. The passively defensive behavior and so­
matic disturbances in laboratory-invoked stress do not start
in the animals unless the brain catecholamine level has been
reduced. If drugs prevent this reduction, the stress-immuni­
ty increases and it is more difficult to compel the animal
to halt searching activities.
The data on the interdependence of REM sleep and the
catecholamine system is very inconsistent. What is certain,
Searching Activity, Sleep, and Stability of Organism 193

however, is that the dependence is nonlinear. When this

system is very active the rapid phase diminishes. A mild
reduction of this activity entails an extension of this phase,
but a pronounced reduction leads to inhibition of this phase.
Many contradictions are overcome by accepting the follow­
ing hypothesis.
1. The catecholamine exchange in the brain proceeds dif­
ferently when search is under way and when it is abandoned.
The faster the catecholamine consumption in search, the
faster the synthesis. The searching activity probably dic­
tates the type of catecholaminergic neurons or prevents
the inhibition by an enzyme which regulates the synthesis.
This model resembles positive feedback, namely, the con­
sumption of catecholamines, which act as the “fuel” for
searching, is more than offset and there is no need in other
replenishment mechanisms.
2. If search is given up, this positive feedback is disrupt­
ed. The catecholamine consumption ceases to stimulate
the synthesis; the normal exchange is restored through
“compensating” search in REM sleep which, like any other
search, accelerates the synthesis.
This hypothetical mechanism accounts for the differen­
ce between the two ways of search termination, i.e., unpro­
ductive anxiety and depression. The anxiety reflects the
continuing depletion of the catecholamine stores in the brain;
the depression results from depletion below a certain
3. The searching behavior is “triggered” by a certain initi­
al level of the catecholamine concentration below which
searching is out of the question in both wakefulness and
REM sleep. In natural conditions the search probably
halts before this level falls to a critical value and so by the
time sleep sets in the level stays above that critical value
and compensating search is feasible in REM sleep. On the
194 V. S. Rotenberg

other hand, in falling asleep the individual temporarily ex­

tricates himself from the situation which made him halt the
search because the brain catecholamines were in short supply.
This extrication facilitates the restoring function of REM sleep.
If, however, extensive inaction reduces the catecholami­
ne level below the critical threshold, the “triggering” of
compensating search in REM sleep is impossible. This is
the reason behind the nonlinear dependence of the activity
of the catecholamine system on REM sleep, nonlinear in the
sense that with high activity (pronounced search in wakeful­
ness) the need in REM sleep decreases; with moderate reduc­
tion of the activity the need in REM sleep is increased;
in the case of inaction the functional potential of the most
rapid phase of sleep is depleted. In other words, brain cate­
cholamines are essential for REM sleep to perform its func­
tions, while REM sleep facilitates the resumption of search­
In effect, the mechanism of search activity explains within
the framework of one feedback mechanism the changes occur-
ing in the organism on very different levels, from the psy­
chological to the biochemical, and sheds a new light on
many old problems.
1. Selye H. Stress without Distress. J. B. Lippincott, 1974.
2. Olds J. Drives and reinforcements: Behavior studies of hypothala­
mic functions. Raven Press, New York, 1977.
3. BaH H iuTeim M. M ., Ciimohob II. B . 3MOH,noHajibHLie CTpyKTypu
M03r a n c e p flu a . M .: H a y n a , 1 9 7 9 .
4 . BajibflMaH A. B., Ko3jioBCKaa M. M., M egBefleB o.
c . p e ryjiHi;HH
aMoi^HOHajibHoro CTpecca {jmpMOKOJionmcKHMH n p en a p a ia M H . M.:
Meflinuma, 1979.
5. Seligman M. E. P. Learned helplessness and life-span development.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Life-Course
Reserves of Human Development, 16-21 Sept. 1982, West Berlin.
Max Planck Inst. West Berlin, 1982.
On Man’s “Third State1 195

On Man’s “Third S tate”

As far as data processing in medico-biological applications
is concerned, man’s “third state”, when he is neither heal­
thy nor sick, is inseparable from the large-scale system
made up by man and his health.
This approach makes it possible to view man from both
“inside” and “outside”; to unravel the intricacies of his fit­
ting the environment; and to detect the dynamic constancy
of the organism’s instabilities and the harmony of its con­
stant mobility. Health as a field of research is not divided
into components that are to be treated by specialized discip­
lines. Rather, different flows merge, what is discovered and
understood by different sciences is synthesized; the entire
variety of functions, structures, and links make a large-scale
system of man and his health.
Any large-scale system possesses four basic qualities [1].
(1) It is a most complicated set of interconnected elements.
Thus man’s health depends on the interaction, mutual cau­
sality, and interrelationship of various elements and factors.
(2) Any large-scale system interacts with its environment.
Man’s health is inseparable from the environmental condi­
tions which make beneficial or adverse impacts on him.
(3) Any large-scale system is a component of a larger sys­
tem. Thus man’s health depends on a more complicated sys­
tem which is society; it is obviously an integral part of
life on the earth and probably in the universe.
(4) The elements of a large-scale system are lower-order
systems. The “third state” is one of subsystems of the “man’s
health” system.
Much attention is given now to the “third state” because
too many people stay in it for months and years.
196 V. I. Klimova

Neither Health, Nor Sickness

Health and sickness are opposite states of the organism, and

can be described in quantitative terms. But it would be a
great mistake to think that man is either in the one or in
the other state at any given time. Health and sickness are
more like two ends of the spectrum rather than two polari­
ties. This uncertainty when no sickness is obvious but the
individual is not in good health is referred to as “the third
state”. In all its various forms the feedbacks are disturbed
either in the functioning of the organism’s internal systems
or in the interaction of internal structures and the environ­
There are several kinds of “the third state”.
In one the organism is healthy but functions in a changed
state which is normal for the specific period. Such are the
puberty period in adolescents when the organism takes on
additional endocrine and nervous loads; mother’s pre- and
post-natal periods; and healthy old age. In all of them devia­
tion from normalcy is normal.
In all these instances the restructuring of feedbacks is
triggered by changes in the interaction of intra-organism
Another kind is adaptation, which may take a fairly long
time, to extreme environmental conditions such as those in
polar, tropical, arid or wet regions. A similar pattern
is observed when people acquire new skills or have to work
in new environments or take on increased committments
which require added physical or, more often, nervous strain.
Old feedbacks are restructured and new ones are built in
response to changes in the environment.
An individual who has not adapted to the environment,
natural or industrial, is twice the loser, for he (or she) exerts
more efforts than the other for the same kind of work but can-
On Man’s “Third State1 197

not work efficiently. For this reason a reduction of the num­

ber of people in “the third state” may increase the labor effi­
All these cases are either inevitable or dictated by circum­
stances. Some, quite a few, people, however, choose the third
state. They gradually drift from health to sickness. These
are, in particular, all smokers and drinkers who break the
interaction of the organism’s systems and elements by impos­
ing a pathological mode of life where the internal data
transmission paths are changed.
In all events, “the third state” is adaptation whereby new
outputs are generated in response to new inputs. If the res­
ponse takes too long, if the organism is “inflexible”, “the
third state” is very likely to start.
Adaptability is a form of stability; the physiological me­
chanisms are stable in that they work to achieve normalcy.
They comply with the wisest law of nature, the law of self-
regulation. Deviation from the normal pattern is the reason
for the interactions to return to normalcy. This return is
made possible by the wide safety margin of the living be­
ings in which the sum of all actions returning the organism
to normalcy is larger than the sum of all deflecting actions.
In Pavlov’s words, “The human organism is to the high­
est degree a self-regulating system, which directs, main­
tains, restores, and even improves itself” [21.

Centuries-Trained Duet
Food may be largely responsible for “the third state”. Its
contribution is enormous in that it is the source of vital sup­
ply for (1) growth and restoration; (2) energy storing; (3)
regulation of processes by biologically active substances.
Recently the immunity was also found to depend on the
food quality.
198 V. 1. Klimova

Exchange of matter with the environment is essential

for the organism. Undernourishment or overnourishment
are bound to have a harmful effect on the organism regula­
It is because of its great significance for life that food may
be responsible for man’s entering the third state. There are
several intertwined reasons for this.
One of them may be referred to as evolutionary.
In his book “The Part Played by Labour in the Transition
from Ape to Man” Engels noted the importance of the che­
mical composition of food [3]. He described the entry of var­
ious substances into the organism as “the chemical condi­
tions” for the process of the making of man. Stable chemical
environment used to exist for millions of years and has abrupt­
ly changed within the lifetime of two or three generations.
Over the last ten decades or so the amount of natural food
in people’s diet has fallen dramatically.
Another reason may be referred to as energetic.
Food is the fuel from which the organism obtains the ener­
gy. Therefore, the nutritional value is defined as the
amount of heat in calories obtained by burning the foodstuff.
The more man works, or the more physical effort he exerts,
the more calories he burns.
But the human organism is not merely an “oven” to be
filled with any fuel. Dietologists emphasize the need in a
balanced, various nutrition. It is conceivable that foodstuffs
transmit signals which are essential for regulation of the
In cybernetics all physical bodies contain information
which reflects the measure of the variety, or complexity, of
their internal structure [4]. This information is referred to
as structural. Why not measure the difference in the comp­
lexity of the chemical structure of the foodstuffs? It would
be only fair to assume that the information content of the
On Man’s “Third State1 199

foodstuffs is very important for their consumers. Conse­

quently the structural information may be a general charac­
teristic of food in the same way that energy is.
In this light the “nutritional” information may be useful
and harmful, insufficient, redundant, or optimal.
Another possible cause of “the third state” is shortage of
physical exercises.
The all-important contribution of body movements to
generation and expansion of adaptability in living beings is
widely known. Man needs muscular, as well as intellectual,
activity. During the evolutionary period the optimal ratio
of energy arriving with food to energy utilized in physical
activity was optimized. Furthermore, the brain is by no
means indifferent to exercise or its absence. The data proces­
sing and control “center” is accustomed to receiving and
processing signals from the muscle. If this information is
in short supply, the brain activity is also reduced.
If it does not exert physical efforts to its utmost capabili­
ty, an organism withers. What happens is again the disrup­
tion of the links which regulate the life support. This situa­
tion is conducive to “the third state”.

Sleep and Dreams

Since “the third state” may stem from disorders in the most
important functions of the organism it is not surprising that
the sleeping habits and the balancing of the wakefulness-
sleep cycle have a certain bearing on this state.
The five well-known phases of sleep and the four thresh­
olds of its depth may be roughly classified into deep sleep
and paradoxical sleep.
The surprising thing about paradoxical sleep is that the
individual is unconscious while the brain is engaged in vi-
200 V. I. Klimova

gorous activity; the muscles are completely relaxed while

the metabolism is intensified. Every 80 to 90 minutes deep
sleep alternates with paradoxical sleep. The first paradoxical
period is the shortest, about nine minutes. Later in the night
such periods become longer and may take as much as 30
minutes before the awakening. These periods total one hour
and a half to two hours.
Dreams occur during paradoxical sleep.
Dreams are experienced by everyone. Although some peo­
ple forget them they are essential in life support. This con­
clusion was suggested by numerous experiments in which
the subjects were awakened when their eye movements in­
dicated that paradoxical sleep began. If people were depriv­
ed of this phase of sleep they become irritable, restless,
and incapable of concentrating on any particular thought.
By their general indisposition the subjects remind of people
in “the third state”.
Some findings of this kind of research are challenging and
intriguing. During the night the dreams are like variations
of a theme. The shortest dream is like an overture and re­
flects, on most occasions, what the subject thought when
awake, and contains the themes of subsequent dreams. The
second and third dreams are usually about the past but their
emotional coloring is dictated by the present in that the
events in the dream are accompanied with relatively recent
sensations. The fourth dream is, as a rule, a preview of the
future where some wish is fulfilled. The fifth, the last in
the night, is a composition of fragments of the previous
dreams which are, in a way, summarized.
The dreams may be black-and-white or multicolored. The
latter is, on most occasions, the case of more emotionally
motivated people while the former, of “the rationalists”.
The dreams thus seem to be consistent with the mentality
and activities of the subject. Thus the artists who deal with
On Man’s “Third State1 201

colors tend to have multicolored dreams. Quiet well-tem­

pered people tend to have dreams in cold tones, indigo, blue,
and green. Red in their dreams is a signal of anxiety.
The relationship, in terms of data processing, between
wakefulness and sleep, which is obvious in day-to-day life
and is confirmed in scientific experiments, proves that sleep
performs an adaptive function. There are, however, several
interpretations of that function.
According to the data processing concept [51, the brain
needs a break in its activity. In sleep it disconnects from
the environment to process the information it has received
during the wakefulness. Dreams then rank the actual events
by importance.
When one is asleep the brain continues the thinking pro­
cess. The information is rearranged, the signals are stored
in memory, the important data is transferred from short-term
to. long-term memory. As no new information arrives in
sleep, the memorization of the accumulated data is enhanced.
Another interpretation is the so-called search hypothesis
which combines in a cybernetic mechanism the emotional
type of human behavior, man’s ability to withstand nervous
strain, and sleep [61. During paradoxical sleep a search is
believed to take place. It offsets the biologically adverse
consequences resulting from indecision in wakefulness when
some individuals behave passively in response to emotional
disturbances. In one’s sleep the brain looks for a solution.
This theory is supported by strong evidence. As mentioned
above, if they are awakened during paradoxical sleep, heal­
thy individuals grow worried and restless. Another fact is
the dependence of the duration of this phase on the psychic
state and behavior in wakefulness. If an individual is active,
the paradoxical phase is stronger.
This dependence is confirmed by observations of people
who need little sleep and those who need a lot of it. The for-
202 V. I. Klimova

mer feel and work well after five to six hours of sleep while
the latter need at least nine hours. The former are vigorous
people who willingly meet challenges and do not concentrate
on displeasing experiences. The latter are emotionally very
sensitive and need long sleep to prevent anxieties and de­
pression take root in their consciousness and disturb their
mental health.
The search for a decision or a resolution of conflicts in
one’s sleep is performed by “reexamination” of the actual
situations in one’s dreams. If the opposing motivations
“reconcile” in the language of dreams, the conditions leading
to restlessness or wear cease to exist and normalcy is main­
tained. When more time is available for the “negotiations”
in one’s dreams, the chances for constructive solutions in­
In any case, sleep is known to be an important factor in
man’s health and, consequently, in overcoming “the third
In effect, if “the third state” is viewed as a lower ranking
system in the complex system of man’s health, the data pro­
cessing models give an insight into the most important links
in control of the organism’s functioning.

1. Chestnut H. Systems Engineering Tools. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1965.
2. IlaBJiOB H. n . nojmoe coGpamie couiiHeHnn. M.: Hayna, 1951,
t . 3, kh . 2.
3. Marx K., Engels F. Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Mos­
cow, 1975, 1976.
4 . E p e x M a H M . II. MeJioBen n 6nojioriiuecKii a K T i iB H u e B e n j e c T B a .
2 - e H3fl. M.: Hayna, 1980.
5. Befin A. M. Tpn TpeTii >kii3hii . M.: 3naime, 1979.
6. PoTeHoepr B. C. A^aiiTiiBHan ^yuKujin CHa. M.: Hayna, 1982.
III. Difficulties
on the Road to Truth

Science and New Information

Road to Truth (on the scientific

method of cognition)


What is truth? This question always has been and always
will be fascinating mankind. Countless answers were given to
this question. In fact, they were all indirect: Truth was por­
trayed as a greater friend than even Plato himself; some
looked for it in wine, and others at well’s bottom; the illus­
trious and cruel Pontius Pilate, who mastered all the wis­
dom of the antiquity, condescendingly put this question to
a beggar philosopher whose lot was to die a cruel death;
Leo Tolstoy tried to find the answer all his life... Can it be
that the purport of the question lies in the infinite search
for the answer?
Our purpose here is much more modest. We are going to
discuss one particular case, namely, that of the objective
scientific truth which can be discovered and which every
one must learn to recognize and not to confuse with lies and
Misconceptions are exceptionally long-lived; the attrac­
tiveness of the mysterious and the unusual, a thirst for mi­
racles are inherent in human nature. Our nature hardly
changes with time: as early as in the 16th century Montaigne
explained how miracles were born. His words are as relevant
204 A. B. Migdal, E. V. Netesova

now as they were four centuries ago: “Now the first that are
embrued with the beginning of strangenesse, comming to
publish their history, finde by the oppositions made against
them, where the difficulty of perswasion lodgeth; and goe
about with some false patch, to botch up those places.
Besides that, I n s i t a h o m i n i b u s l i b i d i n e a l e n d i d e i n d u s t r i a
r u m o r e s : M e n h a v i n g a n a t u r a l l d e s ir e to n o u r is h r e p o r t s . We
naturally make it a matter of conscience, to restore what
hath been lent us, without some usury and accession of out
encrease. A p a r t i c u l a r e r r o u r d o th f i r s t b r e e d e a p u b l i k e e r r o u r :
And when his turn commeth, A p u b l i k e e r r o u r b e g e t t e t h a
p a r t i c u l a r e r r o u r . So goeth all this vast frame, from hand to
hand, in such sort that the further-abiding testimonie, is
better instructed of it, than the nearest: and the last infor­
med, better perswaded than the first” [1].
Nowadays the flood of information brings to us numerous
nonverified facts and rumours. Pseudoscientific speculations
cannot be banned, lest they gain the attractiveness of a for­
bidden fruit; but they can be fought by popularizing the
true science.
One is able to find his way in the seas of modern scientific
ideas only through mastering the scientific method of cog­
nition which is the subject of this paper. The accumulated
experience of science-popularizing lectures and discussions,
as well as the lessons of letters sent in response to paper
articles and TV talks indicate that people having little to do
with science, and even some journalists writing about science,
do understand scientific ideas but are quite hazy about the
scientific method which is the only tool for perceiving the
objectives of science.
The question of whether one can regard as true what he sees
with his own eyes troubled man ever since the most ancient
time. After numerous experiments the sages despaired of
overcoming the monstrous contradictions in witnesses’ acco-
Road to Truth 205

unts, and at last chose to abandon all attempts to find out

anything; they declared that nothing could be stated irre­
futably, even that “snow is white” (because “if I declare it to
be black, nobody will be able to disprove this statement”),
nothing could be understood, and whatever was considered
true might prove to be a lie. This dreary philosophy had re­
markable longevity, despite the ridicule addressed to it by
the foremost thinkers believing in the all-powerful human
mind: the problem of comprehensibility of the world and of
the reliability of knowledge remained as a menacing obstacle
for the incipient natural sciences.
The scientific method of cognition matured only at the
beginning of the 17th century and ever since it formed a firm
basis for the progress of sciences. The scientific method is
the compass which enables us to find among thousands of
paths the only road that leads to truth.
This road begins in keeping with the tradition, i.e., by
forking out into three paths. One path leads to what cer­
tainly exists, another to what cannot be. It is thus necessary
to delineate the domain of the certain from the domain of
the impossible. This can be done owing to the stability of
scientific achievements.
Science is stable in that new results do not cancel older
ones: neither relativity nor quantum theory invalidate clas­
sical mechanics or classical electrodynamics; the new geo­
metry predicted by Einstein’s theory of gravitation and veri­
fied by observations does not invalidate the old Euclidean
geometry. One of the fundamental methodological principles
of science, namely, the correspondence principle, states: a
new theory must convert into the old one under conditions
in which the latter was established. The new theory defines
these conditions more rigorously, establishing the bounds on
the applicability of the older theory.
The stability of science, i.e., irrefutability of thoroughly
206 A. B. Migdal, E. V. Netesova

verified laws, makes it possible to relegate to the domain of

the certain all that cannot be refuted whatever the turn in
the evolution of science.
We know that the Earth is round, that the law of energy
conservation cannot be crudely violated, that no material
object can move at a velocity exceeding the speed of light...
This certainty of knowledge is the basis on which physicists
found their sceptical attitude toward the possibility of mov­
ing a material object by “a spiritual force”, i.e., be teleki­
nesis. Should it be possible, the tiny roulette ball would
invariably stop at a lucky number since it would be control­
led by the strong will of the gambler, and the lightest objects
with which physicists work would follow the most fantastic
trajectories imposed by the experimenter burning with a
desire to make a discovery.
However, scientists are attracted not by these roads to the
certain and to the impossible; science conducts its search on
the third, middle road which passes through the region of
possible but unknown, bounded by the certain and the for­
Consequently, while refusing to accept tne possibility of
“willing” a material object to move in space, physicists avoid
categorical statements when somebody mentions communi­
cation from one mind to another through some known or yet
unknown fields, provided any other contact between the in­
ductor and the recipient is suppressed (something given a
captivating name “telepathy”). When a specialist says that
so far no scientific proof of telepathy is known, he means
that in spite of numerous attempts, no reliable experiments
were carried out that would exclude all alternative explana­
tions and provide reproducible results with conclusive sta­
tistics. Hypnosis requires a contact between people, so that
neither is it subsumed under the definition of telepathy nor
its existence is proved.
Road to Truth 207

Science would only gain from an unbiased study of such

phenomena as telepathy: not from attempts to prove or dis­
prove it, but from thorough analysis of all possible types of
interaction between people, beginning with physical fields
surrounding man. No doubt that a reader of science-popula­
rizing articles will immediately recall the “biofield” called
forth to explain all sorts of miracles. However, let us spe­
cify our terminology: we shall define biofield as a field not
detectable by physical instruments and produced only by
living beings, perhaps only by beings endowed with reason.
Physical fields generated by human body are not different
from fields generated by other sources. For instance, electric
fields around a man and around a condenser are virtually
identical. These fields were a subject of scrutiny over a consi­
derable time. It is clear that these fields are appreciable only
in the closest proximity to human body, being very weak even
at a distance of several meters and hopelessly disappear in
the sea of noise fields at a distance of a kilometer or more.
The transmission of thought or images over considerable dis­
tances by means of physical fields is thus impossible, un­
less some yet unknown biofields are involved.
Recently a research program aimed at studying all physi­
cal fields surrounding a human body was started by modern
experimental techniques, using the most accurate physical
instruments. Thus, a Corresponding Member of the USSR
Academy of Sciences Yu. V. Gulyaev and E. E. Godik,
D. Sc., conduct such a research program at the Laboratory of
Biomedical Radioelectronics of the Institute of Radio Engi­
neering and Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
The work is done at such level that hardly any physical
field will escape the scrutiny of scientists.
As for the biofield, it stands in contradiction with the
expectations of modern biophysics, and so far there is no
ground for believing in its reality. All serious attempts to
208 A. B. Migdal, E. V. Netesova

confirm the existence of biofields have failed. Nevertheless,

the search for biofields, guided by scientific method, may
prove to be very valuable, even if the main result is nega­
The road is thus chosen, and we move along the path of
the unexplored, i.e., of the possible but not yet discovered.
It is very important to separate unhesitatingly the most
elegant, the most romantic, even the most plausible guesses
from proven statements. Science needs this approach as
much as criminal law does: the former in order not to be
smothered by, superstitions, the latter in order not to lend
support to lawlessness.
The jurists of Ancient Rome based their verdicts on the
presumption of innocence: the accused was considered inno­
cent until his guilt was proved. Likewise, scientists cannot
be held responsible for the lack of explanation of strange and
incomprehensible phenomena until romantics prove that
these phenomena are real. Before asking a physicist why, in
contradiction with accepted knowledge, do flying saucers
move at a speed greater than the speed of light, it is necessa­
ry to prove that a flying saucer is a material object and not
a sunbeam.
In all contingencies, and especially on the road to scien­
tific truth, the best advice will be given by a special­
The ultimate professionalism is one of the basic require­
ments to a person devoted to science. Is this statement true to
facts? Indeed, it is common knowledge that Ampere and
Faraday had no special education, Volta studied at a Jesuit
school, Joule was a brewer, Copernicus, Helmholtz and
Mayer were doctors, Avogadro, Lavoisier, and Fermat were
lawyers... Even in our time, when each field of science is
extremely specialized, many such examples can be found.
In literature the situation is obvious: a writer with special
Road to Truth 209

education is a rarity. However, these examples lead to a

misconception which complicates the issue of professionalism
and dilettantism. It is a misconception indeed, because peo­
ple citing these examples from history of science tend to for­
get that all of the above-enumerated “dilettanti” achieved
success only after having grown into the most knowledgeable
specialists in the new fields, having mastered the secrets
of the new professions, i.e., having re-educated them­
The ideas that pass the test of time were invariably conceiv­
ed by professionals. The scientific intuition itself gets shap­
ed only through hard professional work.
Our road to scientific truth will be facilitated if in du­
bious cases we turn to the opinion of specialists. Having lis­
tened to the stories about Philippine healers who dip an
unwashed hand into the patient’s belly and pull out the
appendix, after which no trace is left on the body, we put a
question to a surgeon and find out that tissue regeneration
takes seven days and that a miraculous regeneration within a
second is sheer baloney. The surgeon will advise us to ask a
conjurer; a top-grade conjurer will cut a woman into pieces
before our very eyes and then assemble her anew leaving no
traces. “No traces” means “no cuts”! Questions about flying
saucers must, therefore, be addressed to specialists in atmos­
pheric optics, questions about the Loch Ness monster to
zoologists and oceanologists, just as in cases of faulty wiring
we invite an electrician and just as toothache drives us to a
In certain areas of human activities, the common sense is
of paramount importance. Here a layman can sometimes
take issue with a professional. Is it possible that dilettante
suggests an original design prompted not by knowledge but
by intuition, by a vague association that the specialist over­
looked? Yes, of course, a man whose legs got numb in an
210 A. B. Migdal, E. V. Netesova

airplane may invent a new, comfortable shape of a seat for

air travel. But he will suggest new plane design only after
having learnt, in the course of work, all professional subtle­
ties, the laws of aerodynamics, physics, chemistry, engineer­
ing, and technology, i.e., after he becomes a highly skilled
specialist, even if he does not notice it.
The probability for an uninformed to come up with a pro­
found scientific idea is as low as the probability to jump
into your boots off a bell tower. Perhaps, science is helped
by science fiction? Was the fairy-tale flying carpet helpful
to designing a modern liner? Likewise, was engineer Ga­
rin’s hyperboloid a help to the developers of the laser? There
is also another idea which, unfortunately, is encountered
quite frequently on the pages of current science-popularizing
magazines: isn’t it possible to find the principles of, say,
relativity in ancient myths?
First-class science fiction has other aims to prompt scien­
tists. Alexis Tolstoy was quite indifferent to laser design,
he was thinking about the behaviour of a man who got hold
of such a powerful weapon. Science fiction is a phenomenon
of culture, not a method of seeking scientific truth, and this
is perfectly clear to the best SF writers.
The flying carpet is a triviality prompted by actual life
whose cues are never straightforward. Karel Capek had this
to say about the relationship: “An aircraft no more resem­
bles a bird than a torpedo resembles a trout. Should man set
out to design and construct a flying bird, I bet that his
creation would not fly. No doubt, man did want to fly as
birds do, but he achieved it by devising something else:
propeller design. In order to swim underwater as a fish, man
had to invent the internal combustion engine and ship’s
screw, instead of imitating the fins of a fish. ...This is
what makes inventions so unpredictable and so paradoxical”
[2J. The flying carpet is a marvel of human fantasy, a bird is
Road to Truth 211

a marvel of nature, and the giant aerobus is a marvel created

by human hands and human reason.
If the theory of relativity is reduced to a sagacious state­
ment “everything in this world is relative”, then supportive
phrases can obviously be found anywhere, beginning with
Iliad and ending with kid’s counting-out rhymes'. Something
that was later confirmed by the development of science can
always be angled out of the sea of vague and fortuitous sta­
tements. In fact, a general idea becomes valuable for science
only when it is supported by scientific arguments. As for
these arguments, they are the realm of professionals.
Experts are readily, and mostly unjustifiably, accused
of being too limited, incapable of discovering the unexpected.
This, however, is true only with respect to mediocre specia­
lists. Those who are at the frontlines of science cannot allow
prejudice to influence them. They are indeed restricted by
what they know but to a reasonable extent: a scientist steps
beyond the accepted concepts only when the new outlook
does not contradict the established facts. Dilettanti do not
have to comply with the facts because, among other things,
they are unaware of these facts. They are completely un­
biased, resembling a baby for whom the complexities of the
surrounding world are nonexistent.
A condescending and contemptuous attitude towards spe­
cialists is akin to another regrettable but widespread pheno­
menon, encountered even among specialists: the tendency to
disparage a genius.
The most certain way to degrade a personality is to soil
his creation. Writers, composers, artists, scientists are accus­
ed of borrowings, as if it is possible to create something
from nothing; the authorship of Shakespear’s sonnets and
tragedies is attributed to most various people, including
Queen Elisabeth; “Requiem” is said to have been written
not by Mozart but by his pupil... How tormented were Gali-
212 A. B. Migdal, E. V. Netesova

leo, Pushkin, Wagner, Boltzmann, Lobachevski; what mo­

ral cost was it to Einstein to defend himself from foolish
cavilling and accusations... People “in the know” do not
leave great creators in peace even after their death. A handful
of physicists still hold that relativity was created before
Einstein by Henri Poincare. Their only excuse may be the
argument that they hardly realize how physical theories are
The great French mathematician Henri Poincare and the
young Einstein sent their papers for publication in 1905,
almost simultaneously, so that Einstein could not know any­
thing about the yet unpublished Poincare’s paper. Further­
more, the 24-year-old expert of the Bern Patent Bureau, head
of a family, who was pondering relatiyity while taking out
for a walk a perambulator with his child, knew nothing even
about the work of the Dutch physicist H. A. Lorentz, publish­
ed in 1904; Poincare’s paper was a continuation of Lorentz’s
Poincare’s paper which enormously affected the whole of
theoretical physics, dealt only with electrodynamics, just
as Lorentz’s paper did. The point lies, though, not even in
the priority angle. Lorentz and Poincare did obtain almost
all important relations of relativity, but the meaning of
these relations, their applicability to all phenomena in na­
ture became clear only after the dramatic change in conven­
tional concepts of space and time that Einstein introduced.
This is the most important element of relativity. Physics is
not so much the formulas as the interpretation of formulas.
Those who write about science must remember, whether
they write a popularizing article, a philosophical essay,
or a biographical novel, that disrespect to the heroic achieve­
ments of human mind may infect young scientists at the
start of their creative life with cynicism that will render
stillborn their craving for discovery.
Road to Truth 213

Einstein’s picture of science was: “This is a drama, a dra­

ma of ideas”. Writers, playwriters, scriptwriters frequently
forget it or, perhaps, are simply unaware of this facet. Mov­
ies and books too often describe for us the events external
to the life of a scientist. Did you ever try to narrate exactly
the events in a Dostoevski’s novel, say, “Idiot” or “Karama­
zov Brothers”? The whirlwind of events, a most complicated
plot remains almost unnoticed by the reader, so much they
are upstaged by the overpowering drama of ideas. When re­
telling the novel, you retell ideas, not the plot. Events are
necessary to the author only for presenting an idea in a new
light, in a new context... For example, the plot of a good
movie, “Nine days of one year” would boil down in retelling
to saying that one scientist died because he disregarded
safety rules, and the other came down with a serious
illness having first spoiled the life of an attractive
A life devoted to science need not be sacrificed for making
a discovery, unless this discovery may save mankind from
a terrible disease or a direct threat of extinction. In an
extreme case a doctor may test a plague vaccine on him­
self, at a risk of dying of this horrible disease, but in nor­
mal conditions a scientist must regard his life as society’s
asset, which may prove to be instrumental in leading to fu­
ture discoveries. We should not expect that a scientist will
rush into the reactor and make a discovery. He is a bad
aircraft designer who botches the undercarriage design in
the hope that valiant pilots will be able to crash-land the
plane on its belly.
We anticipate a “such-are-the-rules-of-the-game” counter­
argument. A story about a physicist who decided to stay
within a reactor in order to witness a nuclear reaction is
much more entertaining than a story about a man who locks
himself in a study and writes night and day numerous ab-
214 A. B. Migdal, E. V. Netesova

struse formulas. One can only narrate about this protagonist

how he confused salt with sugar, or how he carried the spoon
past his mouth. To describe how a scientist is born anew,
lives, and dies many times together with each new idea is
very difficult because the writer has to understand how an
idea is born, lives, and dies.
To popularize science is a necessary, noble, but extremely
demanding task. The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard
wrote: “Christians talk to God. Philistines talk about God.”
This beautiful mystic proposition will help to draw a paral­
lel. Two types of science popularization are possible. The
first, which brings easy success, is simple, effective, and
more frequently encountered; it amounts to speaking about
science-related topics, about practical applications of scien­
ce. The second is to speak about science, and is achieved
only by true masters.
To single out the quintessence of an idea is a task for an
expert scientist. Unfortunately, specialists often regard such
work as a waste of time, and their time is precious. Actually,
this work is helping not only the readers but the scientists
themselves as well. In contrast to art, in science a profound
idea only gains from a simplification.
A writer popularizing science must act as a translator, a
conductor, an intermediary between a scientific idea and a
non-scientific reader. Even if the author is a specialist and
thus knows what he is writing about, his popularizing will
not avoid difficulties. One of the obstacles are the multiva­
luedness of concepts and the paucity of our very rich langu­
age. Numerous hues of meaning, inherent in a word, result in
repeated distortions, and the discussion unexpectedly chan­
ges emphasis. Let us take the definition of the word “jump”
in the Soviet Encyclopaedic Dictionary: “Drastic change in
the evolution, qualitative transformation of an object as a
result of quantitative changes.” If? however, a scientist says
Road (to Truth 215

that nature manifests no jumps, this means that all proces­

ses are continuous in time, and even quantum jumps (e.g.,
jumps of electrons from one orbit to another) proceed con­
tinuously; being very small, they are practically unnoticea-
ble. Only a reasonable idealization allows us to speak of jumps
in nature because experiments yield separated points to
which a curve is fitted in the belief that physical processes
are continuous. But an interlocutor for whom “jump” has a
philosophical meaning (i.e., a jump in concepts, not in
physical quantities) objects, overlooking an unintentional
overstatement: “a revolution is a jump, the pioneer space
flight of man is a jump...” This is obviously only one exam­
ple out of many: there are numerous concepts which in a
stereotype conscience are immediately transposed into a
different field, thus producing doubts and a suspicious atti­
tude towards science.
Owing to this confusion of concepts, even a conscientious­
ly written popularizing article can produce a distorted pic­
ture. This is all the more true for numerous publications delv­
ing into strange and incomprehensible phenomena. Aglaya,
one of the protagonists in Dostoevski’s “Idiot”, declares that
a lie becomes significantly more plausible if the liar adds to
it something absolutely unbelievable. For instance, we may
read that a plane flying through the infamous Bermuda tri­
angle towards Miami disappeared from radar screens for
ten minutes, neither the passengers nor the crew having no­
ticed anything strange. A wary reader is not impressed: “Fault-
y radar...” However, when he is told a deadly detail—all
clocks and watches in the plane were later found to be ten
minutes behind true time—he begins to doubt his disbelief
no matter how sceptical he was.
Do dubious, speculative articles deserve being printed?
Yes, they do, but on the condition that they be accompanied
by a comment, written by a qualified specialist: dubious
216 A. B. Migdal, E. V. Netesova

statements must be countered with a positive program of

disseminating true knowledge.
We conclude, therefore, that the road to scientific truth
is gained by strictly separating the domains of the certain
and the impossible, relying on expert opinion, and distin­
guishing between guesses and proven statements.
The main tool of the scientific method is the experiment.
Truth is established by conducting a scientific experiment
yielding repeatable results and supported by independent
experiments of other scientists. This requirement of repeat­
ability and reproducibility of results is the s i n e q u a n o n
of science.
Specific problems of a specific science dictate the pecu­
liarities of experiments. An astronomical experiment con­
sists in choosing the place, time, and method of observa­
tion in a special way. Mathematicians make plausible hypo­
theses, i.e., experiments which are subsequently transformed
into proofs. Experiments required in biology and psychology
are often not quantitative but qualitative; nevertheless,
such experiments can reveal the degree of generality of rela­
tionships, and from this a law. The experiment is not obser­
vation, it is a pressing question addressed to nature and
assuming that an unambiguous yes-or-no answer is pos­
“To me, one thrilling falsehood’s dearer
than hosts of uninspiring truths...”
These Pushkin’s lines are frequently quoted in talking to
scientists. Pushkin, however, chose the word “lowly” for
these truths as the most correct one. His pithy phrase is
aimed at such cliche statements as “charity begins at home”,
“a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”, etc. In con­
trast, the truths that enrich our understanding of nature
run as a clear stream through a turbid jumble of false mi­
The Dynamics of New Truths in Biological Sciences 217

In the spirit of the rule recommended above, let us turn

to an expert for an opinion; and who is a better judge in a
debate about truth than Dostoevski whose entire life was a
search for truth: “...truth, and above all truth in its purest
state, is the most poetic thing in the world; more than that
even, nothing that the smart human mind could concoct or
conjure up is as fantastic as truth...”

1. de Montaigne M. Essayes, London, 1890.
2. tlaneK K. Co6p. coh.: B 5-th t ., M.: Xyflo>KecTBeHHaH jnrrepaTypa.
1958, t . I.

The Dynamics of New Truths

in Biological Sciences
As in other sciences, recognition of new biological knowled­
ge has been a complicated process occasionally taking unex­
pected and tortuous twists. The facts and ideas which dis­
prove the existing views are usually ignored and remain
unexplored for a long time. A delay may be very costly
for science and its application. It is enough to mention belat­
ed recognition of the role played by nucleic acids in the
transfer of hereditary information, the membrane mecha­
nism of cell excitation, and the modeling of biological pro­
cesses in cybernetics.
Let us try to understand what is behind these delays.
218 S. E. Shnol

The Classical and Stochastic Determinism

in Biology
The Newtonian mechanics instilled in all sciences the “clas­
sical determinism” which implied unambiguous causal links
between natural phenomena. For the sciences of late 18th
and early 19th centuries this view was constructive because
it supported rationalism (from Latin r a t i o , reason) which
asserted that reason could master the laws of nature, in
particular, reveal the causal links between natural pheno­
Lamarckism was an outgrowth of the classical determi­
nism; it considered biological evolution as the outcome of
certain causes; the inheritance of features was believed to be
directly influenced by exercising (or not exercising) an organ
(mechanolamarckism) or by the desire to perform a given
function (psycholamarckism). This theory was constructive
in its time in that various biological phenomena could be
viewed from the same angle while basic principles could be
experimentally tested. The Lamarckian rationalism support­
ed the belief in the potential of human reason. This accounts
for the survival of the theory long after it was made hopeless­
ly obsolete by Darwin’s theory which in turn resulted from
profound changes in the general scientific paradigm.
The probability theory came into existence in the late
18th and early 19th centuries. It predicted the consequences,
such as the mean, variance, etc., of a set of random events,
or causes; the accuracy of this prediction increasing with
the number of these events. While in the classical determi­
nism the consequences become more certain and predictable
as the number of their causes decreases, in the stochastic
determinism the consequences are predicted more accurately
as the number of their random causes increases.
The Dynamics of New Truths in Biological Sciences 219

Darwin’s theory explains the natural phenomena in terms

of stochastic determinism. Indeed, the set of random events
in the interaction of living beings with one another and
the environment results in natural selection whose certainty
increases with the number of elementary events in the sys­
tem. By 1859, when “The Origin of Species” was published,
the scientific community had embraced the ideas of sto­
chastic determinism. That was the reason why Darwinism
was recognized so widely and so fast and caused such reso­
Changes of general scientific concepts make an impact on
various fields of science.
Stochastic determinism was the very core of Wiener’s
“cybernetics”, the science which tackles most various prob­
lems in the “probabilistic universe” where life is a major
component. Cybernetics also brought to *the fore the ancient
concept of atomism, or discreteness. Other founding fathers
of this new science of control and information processing,
notably John von Neumann, emphasized the discrete mathe­
matical tools of cybernetics which were amplified with the
advent of digital computers.
Incidentally, the discreteness had been incorporated into
the general scientific picture of the world after 1900 when
Planck discovered energy quanta.
Had the idea of discreteness been digested earlier, sci­
ences, especially biology, would have grown faster. The theory
of evolution could not develop unless the carriers of heredi­
tary information were discrete, because, otherwise, as shown
by F. Jenkine, every new trait, resultant from non-determi-
nistic variability, would be dissolved in subsequent genera­
tions and gradually fade away. This thought was a nightmare
for Darwin. But in 1865 Mendel published his now famous
paper which showed that the genes, discrete carriers of traits,
did not fractionalize and so Jenkine’s objection was re-
220 S. E. Shnol

futed. But because a discrete inheritance mechanism was

difficult to visualize, Darwin did not accept Mendelism and
could not overcome the problems of his own theory. It was
not until 1901 when Planck’s discovery became widely known
that Mendel’s finding were “resuscitated” by H. DeVries in the
Netherlands, C. Correns in Germany, and E. von Tschermak
in Austria. The marriage of theory of natural selection to
the genetic theory whereby discrete genes encoded the traits
to be inherited brought to life the today’s genetics, mole­
cular biology, and their agricultural and medical applica­

Proteins versus Nucleic Acids

The discovery of protoplasma was a major breakthrough of
the last century’s biology. The substance of all cells, pro­
toplasma, was regarded as the life substance. The term
“living protoplasma” was widely used. Protoplasma was
found to be similar to the albumen of milk, eggs, and blood
[1] as far as coagulation was concerned. The albumen-like
substance was conjectured to be the chief component of pro­
toplasms and its existence was life. This “living” substance
was referred to as protein, which means the primary or the
initial, to emphasize the fact that it was not a “plain” egg-
white. The discussion of these discoveries by Engels is wide­
ly known.
Proteins were firmly established in the scientific paradigm
of the 20th century. However, a semantic misunderstanding
occurred. The different terms in Russian and German became
synonims and in English only “protein” remained. Early
in this century proteins were found to be polypeptides, i.e.,
polycondensates of amino acids. Consequently, peptides were
believed to be “responsible” for life and all life manifestations
The Dynamics of New Truths in Biological Sciences 221

to be the consequences of specific properties of polypep­

Today proteins are viewed as major components of proto-
plasma but they are not the proteins in the original sense.
Protoplasma includes also other biochemical components
such as nucleic acids, lipides, and polysaccharides without
which life is impossible. Much effort was needed to prove
that proteins were irreducible to albimen-like substances and
that the term “living proteins” was a misnomer. The story
of determining the bioinformational function of nucleic
acids is especially dramatic.
After nucleic acids were discovered by F. Miescher in
1868-71, they were studied chiefly by chemists. The biolo­
gical significance of nuclei acids was underestimated; in
particular, they were regarded as supporting structures in
the chromatine of the chromosomes. On the other hand,
E. Fischer and others found that the combinatorial diversity
of amino acid sequences in the polypeptide chain was practi­
cally unlimited. This was in good agreement with the “pro­
teinic” function of albumen-like substances. Consequently,
the mechanism of hereditary reproduction of traits was reduc­
ed to molecular mechanisms of reproducing, or copying, the
unique sequences of amino acids in polypeptide chains.
A. A. Kolli was the first to realize this in 1893. N. K. Kolt­
sov tried to unravel this mechanism in general form in
1927 [2]. He did not think that a sequence of monomers such
as amino acids could be reproduced in a polymer chain by a
purely kinetic mechanism such as attachment of a specific
amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain which would
have to proceed much faster than attachment of other amino
acids. Kinetic mechanisms alone would result in frequent
errors. Koltsov proposed that a sequence of monomers could
be reproduced in polymer chains via matrix replication.
In this theory the growth of a polymer chain is similar to
222 S. E. Shnol

crystallization. Free monomer molecules specifically adsorb

on the existing “parent” polymer chains, and then inter-
monomer bonds form.
Koltsov’s discovery was a great impetus to further develop­
ment of biology. The structure and replication of deoxyri­
bonucleic acid (DNA) molecules were decoded; protein was
found to be synthesized through translation of genetic infor­
mation during the synthesis of polypeptide chains in comp­
liance with the nucleotide sequence in the molecule of the
matrix ribonucleic acid. This principle helped explain the
molecular nature of inheritance, variability, and reproduc­
tion. It was incorporated into the fundamentals of a new
science, molecular biology. However, Koltsov himself failed
to overcome the traditional view that protein, rather than
nucleic acids, was the carrier of genetic information. It
took about 15 years for the importance of nucleic acids to
be recognized. Even when 0. Avery and his co-workers
found in 1942 that the pneumococci transforming factor in
Griffits’ experiments of 1927 was DNA, this finding was
held in doubt because it was in conflict with the belief that
protein was the core of life.
The misinterpretation of the terms “protein” and albumen
also held back the evaluation of the significance of lipopro­
tein membranes, still another major component of the cell.
The “living protein” concept seemed incompatible with the
role that the interface played in life processes. Consequently,
scientists found it difficult to view biological membranes as
structures that produced the nonuniform distributions of
the ions in the cell-environment system, cell excitation,
and generation of nervous impulses until A. Hodgkin and
E. Hucksley’s experiments [3] with giant axons of squids
demonstrated beyond any doubt that the ion gradient and
excitation propagation in the nerve were indeed dictated
by the functions of nervous membranes. The temporary
The Dynamics of New Truths in Biological Sciences 223

“triumph” of the sorption theory served only to retard re­

search in the biochemistry and physics of biological mem­

On the Kinetics of Oscillatory Chemical

and Biological Reactions
Oscillatory processes are extremely important in the life of
various organisms. Thus, they set the pace of the “biological
clock”, many kinds of movement (flight muscles in insects,
the heart beat, and bowels movement), and interaction of
species in biocenoses. In chemistry oscillatory operating mo­
des provide an insight into the kinetic mechanisms of nu­
merous reactions. Oscillatory processes in “active biological
and chemical environments” result in autowaves [4].
The history of research in self-sustained processes also illus­
trates the delays in acceptance of new scientific truths.
The theoretical possibility of self-sustained processes in
chemical and biological homogeneous reactions was proved
in 1910 by A. Lotka who described the interaction between
two kinds of organisms or molecules with damped oscillations
of the interaction and reactant concentration rates. Periodic
oscillations in heterogeneous physico-chemical systems had
been discovered in late 19th century by R. Liesegang. The
insoluble salt periodically precipitated when one of the reac­
tants diffused in a two-dimensional space filled with another
reactant (Liesegang ring). These phenomena were later ob­
served in various physico-chemical systems. In particular,
these phenomena account for the concentric patterns in some
minerals such as agate, malachite, and jasper. In single­
phase, or homogeneous, solutions, however, oscillatory mo­
des could not be experimentally observed for a long time.
True, in 1914-17 attempts were made to detect them in enzy-
224 S. E. Shnol

matic reactions; later P. P. Lazarev pointed to a possible

important role of biochemical oscillatory reactions in phy­
siological processes; no research of this kind was, however,
carried out at that time.
A consensus gradually formed that oscillations of the
reaction rate (of concentration, or of the states of the react­
ants) in homogeneous systems were in conflict with the
statistical physics. Indeed, with the immense number, 1012-
1020, of reacting molecules the probability that all or a
noticeable part of them are in one state out of a number of
possible states at the same time is practically zero. The only
weak point in this reasoning was application of equilibrium
thermodynamics to an obviously non-equilibrium system.
Nevertheless, the impossibility of periodic modes in homo­
geneous system became “increasingly evident”. In 1941
D. A. Frank-Kamenetsky who published profound results on
periodic modes of chemical reactions [5] observed such modes
in carbon oxidization processes (“cold flames”) but he was
not sure that the observed oscillations were feasible in r.
system which was certain to be homogeneous. “Cold flame”
experiments involved heat transfer and convective fluxes
of substances caused by interaction with the reactor walls.
Nevertheless, Frank-Kamenetsky noted the possibility of os­
cillatory conditions in completely homogeneous systems.
In 1951 B. P. Belousov discovered a homogeneous periodic
reaction in which citric acid was oxidized by bromate, with
cerium ions as catalyst in a sulphuric acid medium. In this
very illustrative and easily reproducible reaction the color
of the reaction mixture alternated between yellow and color­
less or (when an iron-phenantrolene complex was added)
between red and blue.
However, two versions of his article were rejected by two
journals because such oscillatory modes “were theoretically
impossible”. It was not until 1959 that an abstract of his
The Dynamics of New Truths in Biological Sciences 225

paper was published. After that his findings triggered exten­

sive theoretical and experimental research. In 1980
B. P. Belousov, A. M. Zhabotinsky, A. N. Zaikin,
V. I. Krinsky, and G. R. Ivanitsky were awarded a Lenin
prize for the discovery of a new class of self-sustained wave
(and oscillatory) processes.
The strength of bias and consensus is such that the expe­
rimenters notice only those results which fit their views.
B. Chance, the well-known biochemist-biophysicist, showed
in Moscow University in 1963 a slide of the curve, of a phos-
phofructosokinase reaction where the periodicity was obvi­
ous. In response to my question Chance said that he did not
see any periodicity and that only instability of the recording
system was obvious. A discussion followed and he agreed
that oscillatory modes were “quite legitimate” in homogene­
ous biochemical reactions.
Even in this “innocuous” case the research was held back
for 10 to 15 years.

Reproducibility of Experimental Results

and “Paradoxical” Observations

The progress of science is retarded to a significant degree

by the impact of prevailing views on the processing and in­
terpretation of the experimental data.
In this century the probabilistic picture of the world has
taken root in the minds of scientists. Early in the century
the methods of statistical treatment of measurement results
were developed, a statistical theory of mass processes was
worked out, applications of the probability theory proved
quite successful, the experiment design theory and a host
of probabilistic theories and concepts sprang into existence,
including Shannon’s information theory and approaches to
1 5 -0 9 1 3
226 S. E. Shnol

the notions of the meaning and value of “information units”.

This “probabilistic view of the world”, however, proved to be
a mixed blessing.
Indeed, in compliance with the stochastic approach only
reports on reproducible phenomena are regarded as credible.
Very rare events and phenomena occur, however, which the
observer (unlike the experimenter) cannot influence. The re­
ports on such events can prove erroneous. But they can also
be truthful. Some phenomena cannot be reproduced just be­
cause their characteristic time does not coincide with the expe­
rimenter’s life span. Therefore it is the duty of scientists
to take note and carefully record such rare “irreproducible”
events for posterity regardless of their “strangeness” or “pa­
In the probabilistic approach it is a standard practice to
“reject”, i.e., to neglect and even not to record the measure­
ment results which differ from the average, or mean, values
by more than 3a, where a is the standard deviation from
the mean. Consequently, in numerous experiments the data
which may be quite valuable are neglected. In graphical
representation of the results the curves leave out points
representing large deviations.
The same attitude is obvious in smoothing the results,
which is, in fact, an illegitimate approximation of the re­
sults by smooth monotone functions. In effect, the most
important specifics of the process are frequently disregarded.
Indeed, thorough analysis of the “scatter” of measurements
is now a burning necessity. Still, irregular deviations from
the mean are, as a rule, classified as experimental errors.
The error of the method is thereby increased. The fluctuations
of measured values with root-mean-square amplitude over
three to four per cent may be caused by physical factors of
extraterrestrial origin or by the internal state of the object.
Such is the case of the characteristic discrete distribution of
The Dynamics of New Truths in Biological Sciences 227

the measurement results and the characteristic spectrum of

the actual fluctuations [6].
In determining such a spectrum the tenets of stochastic de­
terminism have to be overcome; indeed, the regular (repro­
ducible!) shape of such a fluctuation spectrum is not observ­
ed unless the number of measurements is not very large.
When this number is high, the modulation by low frequency
fluctuations causes the spectrum discreteness to deteriorate
and the spectrum becomes increasingly similar to smooth
Gaussian and Poisson distributions.
Stochastic determinism makes it psychologically difficult
to see the truth of reports that a system (chemical, physical,
or biological) responds to factors (stimuli) whose energy is
below the average thermal energy k T . Such reports are re­
jected as a priori false because these perturbations are suppos­
ed to dissipate within a very short time.
This widely spread belief is, however, a fallacy because
the frequency response of the perturbation is neglected. The
perturbation energy has to be compared with the amplitude,
or the probability density, of this frequency in the Boltz­
mann distribution rather than with k T . As a rule, the expe­
riments are concerned with the action of superequilibrium
intensities of sound or radio waves. It is therefore required
only to ascertain whether selective (resonance) energy absorp­
tion occurs at this frequency. Resonance absorption, espe­
cially in the low frequency range has for a long time been
regarded unreal for biochemical (biophysical) systems. Re­
cently, however, conditions for high-Q resonance at tens
or hundreds of Hertz have been found quite feasible in nu­
merous biochemical processes [7]. A. P. Sarvazyan discover­
ed the possibility of resonance absorption and of the effect
of low-frequency sounds in biological objects [8].
Similar psychological barriers had to be overcome in stu­
dies of the effect of weak low-frequency magnetic fields on
1 5*
228 S. E. Shnol

chemical and biological systems. Recent papers have demon­

strated that there are no theoretical points of principle which
would make such effects impossible. What is needed now is
reliable, in this case reproducible, experimental data.
Consequently, the k T criterion is in many cases used falla­
ciously because the researchers blindly follow the traditions
of the probabilistic approach. Recently the guidelines of
the stochastic determinism according to which the stochastic
behavior of observed phenomena is dictated by the summa­
tion of a set of independent, “disordered” even have been
radically revised.
The probabilistic approach has undoubtedly been helpful
in medicine. Indeed, mean statistical characteristics give
an insight into the origin and spread of diseases, the effect
of drugs, etc. They cannot, however, describe an individual
patient. What is more, the smoothing, approximation by
monotone functions, neglect of possible discreteness (inho­
mogeneity of the sample, and rejection of extreme points)
tend to produce results utterly inapplicable to specific crises.
1. UlaMiiH A. H. X HMHHecKHH CHHTe3 6eJiKa. M.: Hayna, 1969.
2. K ojibijob H. K. OpraHH3au,HH KJieTKH. M.; JI.: EHOMe,n;rH3, 1936.
3. Hodgkin A. L. The Conduction of the Nervous Impulse. Liverpool
University Press, 1964.
4. }Ka6oTHHCKHH A. M. KoHiteHTpau,noHHue aBTOKOJie6aHHH. M.:
Hayna, 1974 (see also “Autowaves: an interdisciplinary finding” by
G. R. Ivanitsky, V. I. Krinsky, and 0. A. Mornev, in this collec­
5. OpaHK-KaMeHeitKHH A. KimeTHKa cjiojkhhx p eaK u n n . — Ycnexu
XUMUUj 1941, T. 10.
6. Ill ho jib C. 3., KojioM6eT B. A., MBaHOBa H. II., EpimnHa T. H.
MaKpocKomiuecKne (frjiyKTyaitun — o6mee cbohctbo b o a h u x pac-
cneKTpajibHUH aHaJiH3 MaKpocKonnuecKiix (JmyKTyamm.— Buo$u-
auna, 1980, t . 25.
On New Knowledge in Biological Studies 229

7. Ha 3 apeHK0 B. I\, Ccjibkob E. E. ABTOKOJie6aHHH b otkputoh 6no-

XHMHuecKon peaKU.Hn c cy6cTpaTHUM ymeTeHueM.— Buo$u3una ,
1981, t. 26.
8. CapBa3 HH A. IT. Cneiui<j)HHecKHc MexaHH3MU 6nojiormecKoro flen-
ctbiih HMnyjibCHoro yjibTpa3ByKa, CBH3aHHwe c fliiHaMHKOH 6 iiojio-
rHHecKoii cncTeM.— B kh .: MojienyjiHpHaH n KJieTO^Han 6 ho(J)H3h-
Ka. M.: Hayna, 1976.

On New Knowledge
in Biological Studies
The birth of new scientific information is a laborious, dialec­
tic process. Darwin’s theory of evolution, one of the most
important scientific discoveries of all times, also brought
about unscientific “scum” such as blind application of biolo­
gical laws to human society and to the internal world of a
human personality. Cybernetics aroused a lot of interest
because of its biological and psychological applications.
Some proselytes of this science of control and data proces­
sing in complex systems spoke of the advent of “thinking
machines” and contributed to the making of an atmosphere
of sensation around cybernetics. The progress of genetics,
neurophysiology, and neuropsychology was equally diffi­
cult. The opinions and views in these fields were so conflict­
ing and some of the phenomena so unexpected that many
biocybernetic, neurological and psychophysical results made
What is then sensation in science and what are its basic
A sensation in science is a report of a real or apparent
scientific or technological achievement which seems to be
230 B. V. Biryukov

very important and entirely new for the general public as

well as for the scientific community. A sensation holds a
promise of solving a great “mystery” in cognition, of a
breakthrough towards the unknown, of a departure from the
established knowledge. But as everybody would agree, the
word “sensation” has negative overtones in the estimation
of a scientific event. Why is it so?
Before answering this question, one should note an inevi­
table feature of all sensations, be they scientific or not. A
sensation has to do with man, his environment, life, inter­
ests, needs, and expectations. The sociologists find that
the potential consumers of goods or services respond to ad­
vertisements when these somehow strike a sensitive cord in
the human soul. A scientific, technological, or industrial
innovation may remain known only to a narrow world of
specialists unless people at large become aware of its impor­
More than a century ago N. I. Kibalchich, a Russian en­
gineer and revolutionary, put forward an idea of a jet en­
gine; somewhat later Tsiolkovsky wrote of space exploration
by using jet propulsion. The reports did not create a sensa­
tion. At that time aviation came to the fore. Flights across
the English channel, across the Atlantic Ocean, and to the
North pole were what made sensations; the outer space seem­
ed too remote to be interesting. The situation changed ra­
dically when the first satellite was launched, when Yuri
Gagarin flew in space, and when, in fulfilment of Jules Ver­
ne and G. H. Well’s prophecies astronauts landed on the
Moon. To date significant achievements of the space science
and technology are quite capable of making a sensation.
Today philosophers, fiction writers, aestheticians, and
engineers as well as mathematicians and logicians discuss
the famous Godel’s theorems on the limitations of logico-
mathematical formalization. But did many mathematicians
On New Knowledge in Biological Studies 231

knew of these theorems in 1930s or ’40s? Just a few dozens

even heard of them because the significance of this discove­
ry for human cognition, not excluding mathematics, and
for “the human world” was uncertain. Mathematicians have
proved another theorem, so what? The situation changed dra­
matically when cybernetics and computers arrived on the
scene. Godel’s theorems were found to have a direct bearing
on logical and computer modeling of intellectual processes,
and hence, on the automation of many widespread kinds of
mental activities. Clerks, engineers, designers, etc. expected
an imminent invasion of intelligence “amplifiers” into their
life. Non-mathematical statements of Godel’s theorems be­
came very popular.
As far as the expansion of human knowledge and skills is
concerned, there are three kinds of sensation, namely, un­
scientific, pre-scientific, and scientific. The negative impli­
cation of the term “sensation” (“scientific sensation”) is at­
tributable to the fact that sensations may prove unscientific,
created by what is referred to as “pseudoscience”.
When is a sensational report, even coached in a scientific
language, unscientific? It is when it is in conflict with estab­
lished important facts and laws. Some readers will remem­
ber the stir in popular press around the so-called Dean en­
gine which boiled down to perpetual motion. Much noise was
made by the “discovery” of Professor 0. B. Lepeshinskaya
who detected birth of living matter from lifeless matter, or,
in scientific terms, formation of living cells from non-cel-
lular components. The reports were sensational because of
their promise. Indeed, it would be nice to have an engine
which does not consume energy or to see the genesis of life.
These “breakthroughs” proved to be illusory, and specialists
knew it all along, because they were incompatible with the
scientifically proved physical and biological laws of nature.
Pre-scientific sensations are different. This term naturally
232 B. V. Biryukov

sticks to reports of data collected by scientifically sound

methods and agreeing with the laws of nature but being at
the crossroads of knowledge in that they may be refuted by
subsequent theoretical and experimental research. Scienti­
fic search which is widely reported as pre-scientific sensa­
tion is useful no matter whether it is successful or not.
This case is illustrated by the so-called astrobiology which
was vigorously explored in the “pre-space” 20th century by
G. A. Tikhov, a Corresponding Member of the USSR Acade­
my of Sciences. The sensational reports of research on life
manifestations on other planets*- in particular Mars, were
rejected first by “earth” and later by “space-based” science.
Still, the methods worked out by that team were in a sense
predecessors of today’s space biology.
Finally, a sensation is scientific if the reported results fit
the existing picture of the world, albeit after its transforma­
tion in the light of the results. All significant achievements
of cognition which have a direct impact on human life in
time become sensational without negative implications.
This was the case of the theory of relativity, the discovery
of atomic energy and ways to release and utilize it, and in­
deed of all important stages in space exploration.
The boundaries between the three kinds of sensation are,
of course, relative. The opinions of scientists may differ
and quite legitimate results may be occasionally classified
as “pseudoscience”. This happened to mathematical intuition-
ism which was dismissed as a “curiosity” by a group of
French mathematicians known under the pen-name of Nico­
las Bourbaki.
In a popular book by a physicist in this country the para­
dox of a village barber who is told to shave whoever does
not shave himself (and so the question is, should he shave
himself) was dismissed as “rubbish”. What the author did
not know was that a similar paradox rewarded in logico-
On New Knowledge in Biological Studies 233

mathematical terms was used by Godel in proving his now

famous theorems. The proposed “elimination” of this para­
dox by stating that such a barber could not exist is merely a
repetition of a well-known way to solve logical antinomies.
The pre-scientific cannot on many occasions be separated
from the scientific until after much time elapses after the
first sensational reports. Signals coming from the outer spa­
ce were for some time believed to be messages from extrater­
restrial civilizations but later found to have natural ori­
gins. But who can say for sure that some of such signals will
never turn out to be artifacts of extraterrestrial civilization?
Scientific news makes a sensation either when an old problem
is restated in a challenging way or when an outstanding pro­
blem is resolved. The latter is the case of some hypnosis phe­
nomena, autogenic training, and physical fields generated
by a living organism [1].
Indeed, it would be naive to think that all “mysteries”
of life have been resolved by science. Neither scientists nor
laymen think so. This is why real but unexplained pheno­
mena arouse so much interest among general public.
Because the relevant processes are difficult to understand
the methodological aspects of evaluating the reports on re­
search in the bioinformation and bioenergy fields have to be
discussed in some detail.
The sensations in these fields are prescientific or scientific
ones, foreshadowing possible significant discoveries.
First of all, the “foundation” of the “building” of reality,
especially the living nature, has the property of reflection.
Various physical fields of which science does not yet know
much are generated by the activities of the living matter in
response to exogenous signals. For instance, a better under­
standing of the homing of birds and other animals would ex­
pand our knowledge of the property of reflection as an attri­
bute of nature in its entirety. Some forms of reflection may
234 B. V. Biryukov

be unknown to science. The quantum physics may yet con­

tribute to detecting and exploring these forms.
A major factor to be reckoned with is the active function­
ing of consciousness, mind, and generally the living mat­
ter. Emphasized in Karl Marx’s “Theses on Feuerbach”,
this principle was reformulated in Lenin’s “Philosophical
notebooks”: “Not only does man’s consciousness reflect the
objective world, but it also creates it.” The principle of ac­
tive functioning of the living matter sheds light on numerous
phenomena such as relation with the characteristics and
states of persons involved in relevant experiments; for the
very atmosphere of the cognitive process, insofar as it is
created by people as personalities, as doers, cannot fail to
get reflected on the structures of those physical fields that
emanate from the living matter.
Cognition is retrieval of data from the environment. But
in reflecting the world man also brings data into it in the
course of his productive and cultural activities. But, is
more “intimate”, and so less noticeable, introduction of
new information into the environment possible? In the light
of the latest data on the variety of physical fields of the
living matter and their dependence on the physical
state of the human participant a positive answer may be
If it proves feasible, the concept of the “controlling” func­
tion of the conscience will have to be revised, in particu­
lar, as far as the theory of the second signal system and the
semiotic views of sign systems as tools governing the human
behavior are concerned. Indeed, in both cases the word, this
“signal of signals”, is assumed to perform a data processing
and control function owing to a certain meaning it triggers
rather than to its material form, such as sound oscilla­
tions, or to the representation of sound in some material
On New Knowledge in Biological Studies 235

The word acts, in effect, as a tool for displaying the men­

tal states which are brought about by neurodynamic pro­
cesses. In autogenic training and hypnosis the speech and
thinking act as controllers of some aspects of physiological
processes. Some psychologists believe that any biological
function can be influenced by a meaningful word.
Let us also recall Lenin’s thesis of the relativity of the
difference between the material and the ideal outside the
scope of the basic philosophical question. The attempts to
model the generation of various physical fields such as ele­
ctrostatic, magnetic, thermal, etc. which interact in mental
activity may prove to be outside this scope. These, at the
moment rather weak, attempts rely on the tools of the quan­
tum mechanics which is regarded as a reflection of both the
physical reality and the consciousness which interacts with
this reality.
Since the cognitive picture of the world cannot ever be
complete its exploration will continue as long as science is
alive. Hence, new findings in complex data processing phe­
nomena in living systems should by no means be overlook­
A question is often asked, should not a “new physics” be
deleloped to interprete these phenomena. The researchers
have not come to a consensus but most of them believe that
there is no need in postulating it; this viewpoint is reflect­
ed in the articles of this collection. The interaction of the
physical and mental phenomena (at least in the domain now
explored by science) can be successfully tackled by today’s
experimental physics in conjunction with cybernetics, in­
formatics, neurophysiology, and psychology. The tools of
the information theory may prove helpful in evaluating the
throughput of the channels created by the interacting phy­
sical fields of the living matter; neurophysiology and psy­
chology may provide an insight into the dependence of the
236 B. V. Biryukov

data-processing activities on the functioning of the right

hemisphere. At least some of the information generated by
living systems is known to be pictorial and fragmentary rath­
er than logical and so does not readily yield to study­
On the other hand, further progress of physics, in parti­
cular, discoveries of yet unknown forms of energy or infor­
mation and an extension of physical laws (which would in­
corporate the familiar laws as particular cases) may pro­
vide new cognition tools.
Another methodological aspect is the simple versus com­
plex relation. Some data processing phenomena in the living
nature may prove to be beyond the “complexity threshold”
in the sense of John von Neumann [2]. Many researchers be­
lieve that “large” subtly functioning systems can, thanks to
the interaction of their subsystems, possess an immanent
consciousness or its analogs as an inherent functioning tool
to reflect the reality and to exercise antientropic influence
on the environment and themselves. This fascinating assump­
tion, which is akin to that of the existence of intelligence
in the outer space, can be neither confirmed nor refuted to­

1. See the articles “Man’s magnetic fields” by V. L. Vvedensky and
V. I. Ozhogin and “The physical fields of biological objects” by
Yu. V. Gulyaev and E. E. Godik in this collection.
2. See also: Eepr A. M., EnpioKOB E. B. IIo3HaHiie cjio>khhx chctcm
ii npo6;ieMa HeTpaH3HTHBH0CTii HayHHoro o6T»HCHeHHH.— B kh .:
Onjioco(J)CKo-MeTOAOJiorHHecKne ocHOBamiH cucTeMHbix uccjieflOBa-
hhh . CiicTeMHHH aHajin3 h cncTeMHoe MOflejmpoBaHue. M.: Hayna,
Criteria of Existence and Conflicting Situations 237

Criteria of Existence and

Conflicting Situations in Science

Reference to authorities has proved to be a poor way to
close down or solve scientific problems; in particular, this
is true of data processing in living systems. It is a typical
situation. Some scientists demand the unconditioned “wind­
ing up” of a particular project, not bothering about a discus­
sion, while others insist on going ahead with it.
Voting is not a good way, either, to arrive at the truth.
What is needed is a philosophical methodological analysis
so as to understand by what criteria a phenomenon is believ­
ed to exist or not to exist.
Whoever says that a phenomenon does or does not exist is
guided by some criteria of existence which are often used in­
tuitively, without giving a thought to their justification.
Significant theoretical difficulties in determining these cri­
teria should, at least, be recognized by those who want to
approach the problem in a truly scientific way.
Numerous phenomena are acknowledged by practically
everybody but have not been explained in scientific terms.
Nobody would deny that in many cases one’s mood and feel­
ings about ourselves can be understood from the expression
of one’s eyes. But no scientific explanation of what changes
“the expression of one’s eyes” is available. Another example of
the same phenomenon is the ability of the yogi to control
their vegetative functions. The miraculous abilities of peo­
ple who competed with an electronic computer in the calcu­
lation rate, or of Shereshevsky with his eidetic memory (de­
scribed in “A little book on large memory” by the well-known
238 D. I. Dubrovsky

psychologist A. R. Luriya) or of the geniuses of science and

art are no less understandable.
These surprising facts remain unexplained but have never
been in doubt, probably not so much because they are on re­
cord but because they do not contradict the scientific fun­
Let us discuss briefly the criteria which are explicitly or
implicitly used in admitting or denying the existence of pu­
tative phenomena.
In natural sciences such criteria are the laws of physics
but they can also be philosophical fundamentals which fol­
low from the historic experience of cognition and common
In many cases several criteria have to be concurrently em­
ployed. In some cases the relative values of criteria are differ­
ent and this may hinder the decision making. Thus common
sense may be in conflict with the latest scientific theories.
In particular, common sense cannot, at least today, compre­
hend singularity, the key notion of today’s cosmology.
Similar conflicts, albeit not so acute, may arise between
scientific and philosophical principles, the latter being
much more permissive. The science of the 19th century knew
nothing of electrons or quasars, the principles of the classi­
cal physics did not allow for the existence of virtual parti­
cles or “black holes” but the inexhaustibility of the matter,
the historism and dialectics of the course of cognition ad­
mitted the existence of yet unknown material structures and
interactions. Philosophy is aware that the existing knowled­
ge is limited and thus stimulates its expansion. The laws and
principles of specific sciences such as physics, chemistry,
biology, etc., while acting as existence criteria, cannot by
themselves dictate the final judgement, especially as far as
inexistence is concerned. A physicist who says that his scien­
ce cannot admit the existence of a phenomenon is not nece-
Criteria of Existence and Conflicting Situations 239

ssarily right, either logically or methodologically. A scien­

tific and physico-mathematical screening is certainly useful
and necessary but the category net of this filter is histori­
cally limited. In addition, two more factors should be re­
First, the criteria may be interpreted in different ways, as
are descriptions of the phenomena themselves. One such cri­
terion may be the gravitation law which applies to every
physical object on the earth and in its environs. But this
does not imply that any unknown object suspended in mid-air
is a mirage. In the same way the inconsistence of the observed
phenomena with a fundamental physical law may be refuted.
Second, a set of criteria or postulates, chiefly philosophi­
cal and scientific have to be adopted, rather than a single
one. What is important, this set is bound to be incomplete
because of the historically limited knowledge, and in agree­
ment with the principles of materialistic dialectics which
leaves room for creative innovations in nature, human culture,
and individual consciousness.
In this light, at least in numerous cases, the decisions on
the existence or otherwise of phenomena recorded (or assum­
ed) by someone else are merely probabilistic. Then, because
cognition is historically limited, it would be more reason­
able to admit some probability of their existence*.
In general, there are three possible kinds of answers to
the question, whether a phenomenon exists.
1. The answer is unambiguous. My desk exists, the ele­
ctron exists, the centaurus does not.

* Some topics, such as the relation of empirical and theoretical

knowledge, or of the subjective and inter-subjective, the observed and
introspective, the sensual and rational, the phenomenon of faith,
and methodological aspects in studies of mental phenomena are very
important for the analysis of the existence problem; however, they
go beyond the scope of this article.
240 D. I. Dubrovsky

2. There is a certain probability that the phenomenon

does or does not exist. Thus, it is very probable that there
are biochemical factors capable of curbing and then elimi­
nating malignant tumors; it is probable that there are yet
unknown ways to encode and transmit data; the putative
snowman most probably does not exist.
3. Finally, in some cases no unambiguous answer is possib­
le because the alternatives are equiprobable. Such is the
question, can reasonable beings capable of withstanding a ra­
diation dose of 10,000 R and a temperature of 10,000°C
exist in the universe? Such questions are not necessarily
pointless for they may help to expand our knowledge.
Every thinking human being, and the entire mankind,
find themselves simultaneously in three cognitive situations:
(1) We know that we know, for instance, that everyone has a
heart or that E = m c 2\ (2) We know that we do not know, for
instance, we know that malignant hyperthermia must be
caused by some factors but we do not know what they are;
(3) We do not know that we do not know. Thus, ancient
Greeks knew nothing of viruses or nuclear reactions and were
unaware of this ignorance. Recognition of this possibility is
extremely important in the analysis of existence criteria.
Consequently, both in the environment and in our mind
there is something we are unaware of which can manifest
itself as weak symptoms, be observed, statistically processed
and amplified so that the situation may change from the
third to the second case. In empirical studies, or those scien­
tific fields such as psychology where the theoretical knowled­
ge is not unambiguously systematized, a phenomenon may
be discovered which cannot be explained in terms of fami­
liar phenomena and needs clear-cut description and under­
standing in terms of the principles and fundamentals of the
In human psychology and interpersonal communication
Criteria of Existence and Conflicting Situations 241

numerous various phenomena cannot be convincingly explain­

ed and so fall into the second and third cases.
In some cases of interpersonal communication we do not
know what we do not know because the information carrier
is uncertain. We do not know the physical equivalent of the
“expression of the eyes”. The inability to identify the physical
process which acts as the information carrier cannot justi­
fy a denial of the fact of data transmission.
It is important to specify at this point, in what sense we
do not know the data carrier. Every medium is the code; a
description of the carrier is essentially a description of the
code. The comprehension of the message implies that the
code has been understood, consciously or otherwise. The
latter is very important in communication. The “expression
of the eyes”, the meaning of the tone, and the grimaces are
comprehended instantaneously. The essence of words in the
mother language is understood, as it were, directly, without
analyzing the sounds and phonemes. Consequently, know­
ledge of the information carrier implies conscious reflec­
tion of certain coding and of specific physical, chemical, spa­
tial, and other properties of the information carrier in a spe­
cific self-organizing system.
In effect, different things may be unknown. These may be
either the entire class of physical phenomena, their combi­
nations, interconnections, and ranking which act as the car­
rier (code) for the specific self-organizing system or it may
be some objectively existing but yet unknown physical
phenomena that exercise control.
True, the list of discovered physical laws is obviously in­
complete and a “conflict” is possible, as was the case of nu­
merous optical phenomena that once “were in conflict” with
the laws of the classical mechanics. (Overcoming these “con­
flicts” is the most challenging creative aspect in physical
1 6 -0 9 1 3
242 D. I. Dubrovsky

At this point we come to grips with the old and torment­

ing question of the ratio of the mental and the physical.
The age-old vulgar-materialistic answer is that the psycho­
logical phenomena are merely a variety of bodily physical
processes (recall the ill-famed “The brain emanates a thought
as the liver secretes bile”). This answer is refuted by the
Marxist philosophy and leads specific researches into a dead­
end by ignoring the specifics, in terms of contents and val­
ues, of mental phenomena.
The psychophysical and psychophysiological problems re­
levant in this context have been thoroughly analyzed else­
where [1-3]. In this article one important fact must be not­
ed. The mental is a variety of data processing rather than
of physical phenomena. The qualitative difference between
them is in the invariance of the information with respect to
the physical properties of its carrier in the sense that although
information does not exist outside or without its mate­
rial carrier and the latter possesses certain physical proper­
ties, the same information can be embodied in, and trans­
mitted by, physically different media, or be encoded in
most different ways. To put it differently, information per
se (in terms of its contents or value) is independent of the
energy and other physical properties of the medium. (Thus,
the message ‘This is an oak tree’ can be transmitted in dif­
ferent languages, by different graphical, acoustic, and other
signals. The mass and energy of these signals may vary but
the information remains the same.) Consequently, the laws
of data transmission in themselves cannot account for all
the aspects of data transmission.
The physical existence criteria cannot obviously be ex­
tended to all other fields of knowledge (or of the reality),
notably psychology and social phenomena. Thus in physics
and in natural history the chief requirement to an experi­
ment is repeatability. This principle is not, however, the
Criteria of Existence and Conflicting Situations 243

necessary existence criterion in the humanities. In history

the repeatability acquires a different significance. Julius
Caesar lived just once. What I experienced tonight will not
necessarily happen again. What I can do now I will not be
able to do in twenty minutes from now but will probably be
able to do tomorrow. For this reason the requirement of re­
peatability of an experiment or of observation is not uni­
versal or all-important.
A thorough Marxist methodological analysis of situations
where we are and where we are not aware of our ignorance
is a major factor in creative development of science.

1. fly6poBCKHH H.ricHXHHecKHe HBJieHHH h M03r. M .: H a y n a , 1 9 7 1 .
2. /],y6poBCKHH J \. M. MH<I>opMaijHH, co3HaHiie, M03r. M.: Bucrnan
inKOJia, 1 9 8 0 .
3. /JyOpoBCKHH fl,. H. IlpoOjieMa iifleajibHoro. M.: Mhicjib, 1983.

New Horizons in Cognition

The Physical Fields

of Biological Objects


Physical fields are generated by any living being. Their dis­

tribution in space and variations with time contain im­
portant biological information which could be used, in par­
ticular, in medical diagnostics. What are these fields?
As a physical body, any biological object must be a
source of equilibrium electromagnetic radiation. For a body
whose temperature is around 300 K this thermal radiation
peaks in the infrared range. For instance, man emits over
10 mW from every square centimeter of his body, or a total
of over 100 W. This radiation propagates far since it falls
into the transparence “window” of the atmospheric 8-14 p,m
Our subject will be the possible transmission of data re­
flecting the functioning of the internal organs rather than the
electromagnetic radiation from biological objects per se.
In particular, the infra-red radiation is modulated by the
physical processes which dictate the distribution and dyna­
mics of the surface temperature.
Another channel (another wavelength band) is the micro-
wave thermal radiation which contains data on the tempera­
ture and rhythms of human internal organs. In the decime­
ter wavelength range signals from a depth of five to ten cen­
timeters are detected. At shorter wavelengths this depth
decreases but the spatial resolution improves.
The Physical Fields of Biological Objects 245

Fairly complicated digital processing of thermal radiation

images obtained at different wavelengths provides a three-
dimensional distribution of the temperature deep inside a
living creature.
Electric fields of frequencies below 1 Hz are generated,
as a rule, by electrochemical (above all, transmembrane)
potentials which reflect the functioning of various organs and
systems such as the heart, the stomach, etc. Unfortunately,
the highly conducting tissues effectively shield the internal
sources of low-frequency fields. This effect hinders solution
of inverse problems, namely, determining the sources of such
fields from measurement of the electric potential close to
the body surface.
At the same frequencies the magnetic fields should be ob­
served that are generated by currents, accompanying the
physiological processes, in the conducting tissues. Unlike
electrical fields, magnetic fields are not shielded by the liv­
ing tissues. Consequently, the sources of magnetic fields
can be localized more accurately. This is especially helpful
in studies of the brain activities. This promising technique
of medical diagnostics is now widely used throughout the
At higher frequencies, namely, in the optical, near infra­
red, and near ultraviolet ranges bioluminescence signals at­
tributable to biochemical reactions inside the organism may
be expected. This weak luminescence facilitates the moni­
toring of biochemical processes.
The human organism is transparent to acoustic waves of
frequencies up to several MHz. Therefore it would be very
enlightening to study the acoustic signals coming from deep
inside the organism. In these studies the organism is moni­
tored in the infrasound range and important data are obtain­
ed on the mechanical functioning of the internal organs,
muscles, etc. The high frequency acoustic signals, including
246 Yu. V. Gulyaev, E. E. Godik

noise, can be produced by various sources on the cellular

and molecular levels. Localization of such sources with
high spatial resolution would be an important breakthrough
because the wavelength of acoustic signals is much shorter
than that of electromagnetic radiation of the same frequen­
Equally important are measurements of the composition
and the physico-chemical characteristics of the environ­
ment. The living being disturbs the environment by chang­
ing its gaseous and aerosol composition, ion concentration,
conductivity, dielectric constant, and refractive index.
Methodologically, the studies of physical fields around
living beings are very similar to passive remote sensing of
earth, the atmosphere, etc. These methods have become very
sophisticated and provide very significant data on the struc­
ture and functioning of their objects.
Biological objects are, however, substantially different
from conventional physical objects. The state of living be­
ings is essentially nonstationary. Therefore the picture of
their physical fields cannot be studied without reference to
the fast varying psychophysiological state of the organism;
consequently, the physiologists have to monitor various
physiological as well as physical parameters. Besides, any
living being is a dynamic self-regulating system and so the
picture of its physical fields should represent the character­
istics of homeostatic control systems which could not be
studied without close cooperation with physiologists.
Because of these differences the hardware has to meet cer­
tain requirements. The nonstationarity calls for simultane­
ous recording of the signals through several channels by
using electrophysiological monitoring. Matrix or scanning
antennas have to be used in every channel if the spatial struc­
ture of the field is to be obtained. The hardware must be
fast enough to record the signals reflecting the changing sta-
The Physical Fields of Biological Objects 247

te of the object. Practically every channel must be care­

fully screened from noise.
We did not try to develop essentially new hardware; in­
stead we employed the state-of-art remote-sensing techno­
logy in studies of living beings. The primary objective was
to develop the procedure of such studies. As a rule, the hard­
ware has to be modified and some elements have to be deve­
loped anew by incorporating the new elements of semiconduct­
ing, superconducting, photoemission, etc. sensors of phy­
sical fields.
The hardware for studies of electric fields generated by
living beings is now available. In an electrically screened
room (Faraday cage) the ECG is remotely recorded from the
subject’s hand kept at a distance of 10 cm from the antenna
which acts as a potential probe.
The so-called ballistograms are recorded from a distance
of up to 2 m. The action of internal organs such as the lungs
and the heart makes the thorax vibrate in a certain mechani­
cal rhythm. As a result, the static charge always present on
the body surface generates appreciable electric signals in the
potential probe.
Our hardware remotely records much weaker signals such
as the muscle microtremor (myogram), and the surface char­
ge field variations due to the variations of the electrical pa­
rameters of the skin. In cooperation with medical resear­
chers we study the possibility of using these signals for re­
mote medical diagnostics.
A thermographic imager and an image microprocessor are
integrated in hardware which monitors IR radiation in the
3-5 and 8-14 [Lim bands. This hardware yields thermograms
with grades of 0.05 K.
In medicine thermograms are usually compared with re­
ference patterns so as to diagnose pathology from deflec­
tions. Our approach was different. Because a living being
248 Yu. V. Gulyaev, E. E. Godik

is, as noted above, a self-regulating system, the image obtain­

ed through any channel should contain data on the cont­
rol systems. The temperature of a living being is a parame­
ter which is regulated by homeostatic systems. Our objec­
tive was to detect the manifestations and to determine the
characteristics of these systems in the 3D structure of the
thermogram and its time variations. We expected that, fol­
lowing the heating or cooling of a body area, the temperatu­
re would return to the original value with an overshoot, cha­
racteristic of servo systems. The digital processing programs
yielded temperature relaxation plots for any of the 128 x
X 128 points of the thermograms and detected areas of iden­
tical dynamics. The thermogram of a man was indeed found
to include areas representing active control as well as those
where the temperature relaxed monotonically.
Even at this early stage of research the points or areas
which behave identically can be assigned certain functional
parameters such as the characteristic time constant and the
error signal. Changes in such descriptions reflect changes in
the homeostatic control systems and will be useful in early
medical diagnosis.
At present the variations of hand temperature with a pe­
riod of about two minutes, and face temperature variations
at the respiration rate are among the signals recorded in the
IR range.
As for other ranges, highly sensitive instruments have been
developed which register very weak bioluminescence in the
visual range. The system includes a photon counter and a
camera screened from external light. It records the lumines­
cence of the oral cavity, the skin of the face, hands, etc.
The metabolism-induced environmental changes are also
monitored by IR imagers (thermovisors). Using a filter
which is transparent only in the waveband of the luminescen­
ce of carbon dioxide molecules the exhaled gas was visuali-
The Physical Fields of Biological Objects 249

zed by its thermal radiation. With other filters, water vapor

and other gases can be visualized. Furthermore, hardware
has been developed for recording the variations in air condu­
ctivity around a living being.
Radiometric systems operating at wavelengths of 18,
10, and 3 cm have been tested with various types of contact
antennas. Temperature variations of 0.1 K are detectable.
These systems make it possible to monitor thermal radiation
of human intestines, including the stomach. Thermographic
imagers operating on other wavelengths are now under de­
velopment in order to obtain thermographic profiles of tis­
Experimental models have been developed for detecting
acoustic signals at frequencies up to 100 kHz. Hardware for
magnetic field measurements is being assembled.
Computers, special-purpose microprocessors, and a network
of peripherals are integrated into an experiment design and
data processing system which collects data, filters out the
noise, restores the actual structure of the fields (or elimi­
nates the distortions introduced by the sensors), analyses the
dynamics in field generation and the inter-channel correla­
tions (above all, it searches for correlation between physical
channels and electrophysiological indicators). The most im­
portant and involved objective is, however, to study the fea­
sibility of obtaining a 3D image of (thermal, magnetic, ele­
ctrical, and acoustic) field sources.
At a later stage the sensitivity of living beings to biologi­
cal and geophysical fields will be studied. But first the cha­
racteristics of fields have to be known which adequately re­
present biological objects. For physicists this is much more
difficult than the study of physical fields because a living
being acts as a very complex receiving system. This re­
search cannot be carried out without close cooperation with
biophysicists and psychophysiologists.
250 V. L. Vvedensky, V. I. Ozhogin

Research in physical fields around living beings is unthink­

able unless physiologists, biophysicists, psychologists, and
medical scientists join their efforts with instrument engi­
Currently the Institute of Radio Engineering and Ele­
ctronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences is engaged in
joint research with a team of physiologists and psychophysio­
logists of the First Moscow Medical Institute and the Re­
search Institute of Normal Physiology of the Academy of Me­
dical Sciences. We also cooperate with the Institute of High­
er Nervous Activity of the Academy of Sciences, Moscow
University, Radiophysical Research Institute in Gorky, and
numerous medical institutions.
The research is supervised by N. D. Devyatkov and
Yu. B. Kobzaryov, full members of the Academy of Scien­

Man’s Magnetic Fields

In late 1960s the progress of the physics of superconductors
culminated in the development of a semiconducting quan­
tum interference device, SQUID, an instrument whose ope­
ration is based on purely quantum phenomena such as the
J osephson effect and interference of the wave functions of ele­
ctron pairs in a superconducting ring containing a J osephson
junction. A SQUID is the sensitive element of magnetome­
ters which measure the magnetic field and, consequently,
physical quantities such as electric current, magnetic suscep­
tibility, displacement of magnetics, etc. The sensitivity of
these instruments is at least 1,000 times better than that of
Man’s Magnetic Fields 251

the best non-superconducting magnetometers. To maintain

the superconducting state, which survives only at very low tem­
peratures, the SQUID is placed in a Dewar flask with liquid
helium. If the walls of the flask are metallic, the currents
generated there distort the magnetic fields of sources outside
the vessel. Special composite glass-plastic Dewar flasks
have been recently developed where the SQUID or its input
unit, made of superconducting wire (the so-called magnetic
flux transformer), are within one centimeter from the outer
wall and record undistorted magnetic field produced by out­
side sources at room temperature.
SQUID magnetometers were very soon employed in mea­
surements of the magnetic fields generated by living orga­
nisms, above all, man. The analysis of these weak fields be­
came a new line of research known as biomagnetism in cont­
rast to magnetobiology which was concerned with the effect
of strong magnetic fields on biological processes. Biomagne-
tic signals are very weak and their measurement is not a
simple matter, chiefly because of the high level of magne­
tic noise in our environment (see Fig. 26).
The most radical way of eliminating the noise is to use a
fairly large room where the noise is reduced by magnetic
shielding. For the subtlest biomagnetic brain research the
noise should be reduced to one millionth of its usual value,
which is done by using multilayer walls of a magnetically
soft ferromagnetic alloy such as Permalloy. A shielded room
is costly and only the largest scientific centers can afford it.
There are less than ten such rooms in the world.
Magnetic noise is mostly generated by chaotic oscillations
(fluctuations) of the earth magnetic field and industrial ele­
ctrical units. In locations far away from strong anomalies
and electric machinery the magnetic field does fluctuate
with time but is spatially homogeneous and does not change
much over distances comparable with the dimensions of a
252 V. L. Vvedensky, V. I. Ozhogin

human body. The body-generated magnetic fields weaken

fast with the distance from the organism. In effect, the ex­
ternal fields, albeit much stronger, have a lower gradient
(i.e., the rate of change with the distance from the object)
than biomagnetic fields do.
A SQUID receiver is made sensitive only to the gradient
and is referred to as a gradiometer. When the external (noi-

Fig. 26. Typical magni­

tude and frequency spec­
tra of biomagnetic signals
and noise in the environ­
l —earth field; 2, 3—geomag­
netic and urban noises, res­
pectively; 4—noise of the
io~2 n r 2 i 10 io2 io3 t, Hz mains; 5—SQUID sensitivity

se) fields have noticeable gradients, the second spatial deri­

vative of the magnetic field inductance has to be measured.
Such an instrument is a second-order gradiometer which can
be used in conventional laboratories. Still, “magnetically
quiet” environment is preferable and some research teams
work in nonmagnetic buildings in the countryside.
Man's Magnetic Fields 253

Vigorous biomagnetic research is under way by using both

techniques. There is a wide variety of biomagnetic phe­
nomena and in different cases different degrees of noise sup­
pression are admissible.

The Nature of Biomagnetic Fields

The magnetic fields of a living organism may be generated
by three kinds of sources. First, these are ion currents re­
sulting from the electrical activity of cellular membranes
(chiefly of muscular and nervous cells). Another kind of
source are minute ferromagnetic particles that found their
way or were deliberately introduced int_ the organism. These
two kinds generate their inherent fields. The superimpo­
sition of an external magnetic field reveals the differences in
the magnetic susceptibility of different organs since they
perturb the applied field.
In the latter two cases the magnetic field is not accompa­
nied with an electric field; for this reason only magneto-
metric methods can be used in the studies of magnetic par­
ticles in the organism and of the magnetic properties of va­
rious organs. In fact, biocurrents also redistribute the ele­
ctrical potentials on the body surface. Charts of these poten­
tials have for a long time been used in research and medical
practice (ECGs, EEGs, etc.). Their magnetic analogs, i.e.,
magnetocardiography and magnetoencephalography, which
record signals from the same electrical processes in the or­
ganism, might be expected to provide practically the same
data on the organs. But, as follows from the theory of ele­
ctromagnetic phenomena, the shape of the source of current
in a conducting medium (viz. the organism) and the inhomo­
geneity of this medium have different effects on the distri­
bution of magnetic and electric fields. Some kinds of bio-
254 V. L. Vvedensky, V. I. Ozhogin

electric activity manifest themselves chiefly in the electric

field and produce a weak magnetic field while for others the
picture is reversed. Thus, there are many processes which
would be better observed magnetographically.
Magnetography does not require a contact with the ob­
ject; consequently, measurements can be taken, e.g., through
a bandage. This is convenient and, which is more impor­
tant, is an essential advantage over electrical methods be­
cause the spots where electrodes are placed on the skin may be­
come sources of slowly changing contact potentials. Such
parasitic noise does not occur in magnetographic methods.
As a result, magnetography ensures reliable results in stu­
dies of slow processes (with characteristic time of several
tens of minutes).
Magnetic fields fall off steeply with the distance from the
source because they are generated by relatively strong cur­
rents in the operating organ itself whereas the surface poten­
tials, by weaker and “widely spread” currents in the skin. For
this reason magnetography provides more accurate localiza­
tion of the bioelectrically active spot.
Finally, additional useful data can be obtained because
the inductance of the magnetic field as a vector is characte­
rized by the direction, as well as the magnitude.
Electro- and magnetographic methods do not compete.
On the contrary, their combination provides the most com­
plete information possible on the processes. In some cases
the one and in some, the other method is preferable.


The heart is the most powerful source of electric and mag­

netic fields in the organism; magnetocardiography had exist­
ed long before SQUID was developed. But it was not be-
Man’s Magnetic Fields 255

fore SQUID magnetometers were widely applied that magne­

tocardiograms (MCGs) equalled electrocardiograms (ECGs)
in clarity. They are very much alike but heart disturbances
have different effects on electrical and magnetic measure­
ments. In many laboratories of the world the data are now
being accumulated for subsequent classification of changes
in MCGs caused by heart troubles.
The advantages of magnetography are most obvious when
slowly changing and, even more so, constant signals are to

Fig. 27. Magneto- and electrocardiogram of fetus in the womb

F—fetus’ heart signals; M—mother’s heart signals

be recorded. It was magnetography that first detected con­

tinuous “alarm currents” signalling the clot of the coronary
artery in dogs.
Another serious success scored by magnetocardiography
is the observation of the fetus MCG (Fig. 27). The clear-cut
localization of the magnetic field in the vicinity of the sour­
ce makes it possible to distinguish the fetus signals from the
stronger signals of the mother’s heart whereas electrical
signals are largely mixed up because of the spatial spreading
of the surface ECG currents.
Magnetography also measures the characteristics of the
blood flow in the heart. In a small external magnetic field
the periodic ejection of blood generates an alternating mag-
256 V. L. Vvedensky, V. I. Ozhogin

netic signal which is indicative of the flowrate and velocity

of the moving liquid.
A new line of research in magnetography, high resolution
MCGs, is similar to neuromagnetic measurements which
will be discussed below. This technique ensures a more
“thorough” study of those intervals in the heart cycle during
which the muscle is quiet and the researcher can measure
weak magnetic signals which accompany the nervous impul­
ses propagating in the heart. These signals were found to be
invariable for about 20 cycles, then to change the shape sligh­
tly and maintain the new shape for the subsequent five
to ten cycles, etc. This data may hold a clue to the under­
standing of nervous processes in the heart.

Ferromagnetic Particles in the Organism

The skin and the organism of most people, notably those

engaged in metal processing industries, contain small ferro­
magnetic particles whose magnetic fields may handicap
high-sensitivity biomagnetic measurements. These distur­
bances can be eliminated by demagnetizating the particles
in the external ac field of decreasing amplitude. On the oth­
er hand, the fields of ferromagnetic particles can be enhanc­
ed by magnetization in a fairly large constant field. Then
the measurements can be taken even by less sensitive in­
struments, especially when the concentration of ferromagnet­
ic particles in the organism is high. Thus, conventional (fer-
roprobe) magnetometers are used in determining the amount
of iron dust in the lungs of welders.
SQUID magnetometers detect minute amounts of para­
magnetic (whose magnetization is significantly weaker) as
well as ferromagnetic impurities. The high sensitivity of
the method may be useful for many diagnostic purposes.
Man’s Magnetic Fields 257

SQUID magnetometers detect the magnetic signals of iron

microparticles which found their way into the stomach with
food; in this way fresh and digested foodstuffs can be distin­
guished. Besides, measurements of the magnetic field distri­
bution around the human torso following inhalation of inno­
cuous Fe30 4 magnetite make it possible to observe the spots
where dust settles preferably in the lungs, or to find the rate
of its natural removal (which was found to be slower in
smokers). In this way the stagnation spots (inflammations)
can be detected and the results of physical factors (ultra­
sonic, irradiation, VHF heating, or a variable magnetic
field) on the dust particles may give a clue to the nature of
pathological changes in the spot. In fact, any organ penet­
rable by magnetic particles can be studied in this way. Thus,
the oscillatory movements of the eyes (tremor and saccades)
and of the middle ear are detected by fixing a tiny ferromag­
netic particle in the desired spot and recording its move­
ments which cause variations of the magnetic field.

The Magnetic Fields of Internal Organs,

Skin Muscles and Eyes

Magnetic manifestations of the biological activities have

been noticed in many organs of living organisms. Fields,
either continuous or oscillating with a period of several mi­
nutes, are typical of the human stomach, the shape of the
signal explicitly depending on the stomach state. This find­
ing may be applied to diagnosis of stomach troubles.
Magnetic fields of dc currents were found to be generated
in the skin when the hair is touched. Electrographic detec­
tion is made very difficult by parasitic potentials in the
spots where the electrodes are fixed and by the pressure they
exert on the skin.
258 V. L. Vvedensky, V. I. Ozhogin

The magnetic fields resulting from contraction of human

skeletal muscles have also been measured. A record of these
fields as a function of time is referred to as a magnetomyo­
gram, MMG. In addition to the high frequency components
(10-150 Hz), which are also recorded electromyographically,
a slowly varying MMG component is found to be generate-
by contraction or slight massaging of the muscle. Such magr
netic field is characteristic of leg muscles; it may last foe
about an hour. The currents which generate these fields ar-
believed to play a major role in the regeneration of the extred
mities, in particular, in curing broken bones.
The eye is known to be a source of a fairly strong electri­
cal field because the action of the retina induces a potential
of up to 0.01 V between its forward and rear parts. As a
result, an electrical current flows in the surrounding tissues;
its magnetic field can be monitored as a magnetooculogram
(MOG), due to eye motion and as a magnetoretinorgam,
MRG, due to variation of the retina illumination. It was al­
so found that in the eye the magnetic field induction is sig­
nificantly higher than that of the brain (see Fig. 26). There­
fore the configuration and other characteristics of these
fields should be known before starting magnetographic stu­
dies of the brain, in particular, of visual perception.

Neuromagnetic Fields

The functioning of the brain, which remains largely a myste­

ry, produces both electric and magnetic fields. The strongest
signals are generated by spontaneous rhythmical activity of
the brain. Electroencephalography has been helpful in clas­
sifying these rhytms and associating them with the func­
tional brain states such as wakefulness, various phases of
the sleep and pathologies such as epileptic fits.
Man’s Magnetic Fields 259

Electro- and magnetoencephalograms (EEGs and MEGs)

have been found to be very different. Certain rhythms are
seen only in the former and some, in the latter while ECGs
and MCGs are very much alike. For this reason SQUID
magnetometers are especially promising in brain studies.
Many important results have been obtained by such tech­
The differences between EEGs and MEGs are not neces­
sarily obvious. Thus, in the alpha rhythm, i.e, in 8 to 12 Hz
oscillations which are characteristic of wakefulness in a
calm state with the subject’s eyes closed, the magnetic and
electric fields appear simultaneously (Fig. 28) and their am­
plitudes are correlated, that is, a subject who produces a
larger electrical alpha-rhythm signal also generates a larg­
er magnetic signal. True, no such unambiguous relation
was found in patients whose rhythmic activities are disturb­
In comparing the electro- and magnetoencephalograms it
should be remembered that unlike other organs the brain is
practically encapsulated in a bone tissue whose electrical
conductance is much lower than that of the skin and the
brain itself. Besides, the natural orifices of the skull make the
paths of electric currents more complicated. As a result,
the pattern of potentials on the surface of a human head is
a complex superposition of spatial distributions of signals
from fairly distant sources inside the brain. The magnetic
sensor, however, chiefly responds to stronger currents in the
region of bioelectrical activity, which are, and this is also
very important, specifically oriented relative to the SQUID
magnetometer input coil. The advantage of magnetographic
methods lies in recording the signals undisturbed by other
activities and coming from a specific source inside the brain.
This aspect is most interesting for research and diagnosis
purposes. Thus, magnetographic studies of epileptic patients
260 V. L. Vvedensky, V. I. Ozhogin

revealed the sources of pathological activities in the brain

while EEGs sometimes failed to show the characteristic spec­
trum of epilepsy.
The advantages of magnetic techniques are most obvious
in studies of brain responses to various tactile, visual, and
acoustic signals. In many laboratories around the world
these so-called e v o k e d m a g n e t i c f i e l d s (EFs) have been found

Instrumental noise Eyes closed Eyes closed Eyes closed


Eyes opened Eyes opened

40 /iV

Fig. 28. Distribution of the alpha-rhythm magnetic field around a

human head and the alpha-rhythm representation on magneto- and
The brain activity with the subject’s eyes closed, and its suppression when the
eyes are opened, are obvious
Man’s Magnetic Fields 261

to be rather simply structured and to be used for localiza­

tion of the source of biological activity in the brain cortex.
Some EF sources can be fairly accurately modeled by a cur­
rent dipole, or a miniature battery with the poles close to
one another. The dipole position, its depth inside the brain,
direction and magnitude (the product of the current density

Fig. 29. Current dipole and its

magnetic field (concentric arrows)
forming when the little finger on
the right hand is electrically sti­
Projection zones of sensitvie receptors:
l —leg; 2—torso; s—arm; 4—wrist; 5—
hand; 6—little finger; 7—thumb; 8—
face; 9 - lips; 10— tongue

by the active volume) can be determined magnetographical-

ly. In response to visual stimulation a current dipole is form­
ed in the occipital part, and to an acoustic stimulation, in
the temporal part of the head. Stimulation of the little fin­
ger on the right hand causes the formation of a dipole nor­
mal to the central fissure in the left hemisphere (Fig. 29).
This dipole is in the projection zone of sensory receptors as­
sociated with various parts of the body, exactly where the
neurosurgeons detected the “representation” of the little
finger. Magnetography detects without surgery the exact
spot in the cortex where the data from sensory organs arrive
to be processed. Thus, the current dipole associated with the
262 V. L. Vvedensky, V. I. Ozhogin

little finger is two centimeters above that associated with

the thumb. Magnetic techniques will hopefully confirm or
determine the position of other functional centers, something
which EEGs certainly cannot do.
The relatively simple shape of some EFs makes possible
reliable neurophysiological experiments. For example, the
brain magnetic fields generated in response to a periodic
pattern of dark and light strips (grating) on the oscilloscope
screen were studied. This kind of stimulation in studies of
visual perception is quite widespread and follows from the
advanced theories on pattern perception. The amplitude of
the magnetic signal in response to such stimulation has been
found to be twenty times that in response to a single flash.
Displaying such a pattern periodically (eight to twenty
times per second), the time of signal propagation along ner­
vous paths from the eye to a specific point in the cortex can
be determined by measuring the delay time of the magnetic
Signal propagation is not a passive process. The informa­
tion is processed in different parts of the brain and this “ac­
tive” delay time t may explain the nature of this processing.
The delay time increases with the density of the pattern, or
with the pattern “wave number” N measured in the number of
lines per degree of the field of view (Fig. 30). This implies
that the brain responds faster to a stimulus if the frag­
ments are larger. This finding is, however, true only if the
frequencies of the grating display are below 20 Hz; at higher
frequencies the signal processing mechanism is quite differ­
ent and the delay time is independent of N . The same boun­
dary frequency was also found in signal propagation from
tactile stimuli.
The measurements of magnetic responses to a visual sti­
mulus and comparison of the characteristics of this response
with the conventional stop-watch studies of man’s response
Man’s Magnetic Fields 263

to a grating pattern made it possible to divide the response

time t T into two components, the signal analysis time (which
depends on the pattern periodicity) and the actuating impul­
se transmission time. Comparison of the scales on the right

Fig. 30. Delay time of magnetic brain response (left-hand scale, dis­
crete marks) and full time of human response (right-hand scale, solid
curves) as functions of the stimulus density in terms of the number N
of lines per degree of the field of view
264 V. L. Vvedensky, V. I. Ozhogin

and on the left in Fig. 30 shows that the transmission time

amounts to about 110 ms, whatever the stimulus.'
The measurements of the active EF delay time made it
possible to compare the response time of brain hemispheres
exposed to a visual stimulus. The brain is linked with the
visual sensors in a way different from links with other sens­
es. The left hemisphere receives signals from the right half
of the field of view of both eyes and the right hemisphere,
from the left half. In most individuals the delay time is the
same for both hemispheres but in some the difference between
the delay times in the hemispheres was as large as 0.1 s.
This finding may prove to be clinically valuable, for instan­
ce in early diagnosis of sclerosis.
The magnetic hardware localizes with increasing precision
the current dipoles associated with specific kinds of nervous
activity of the brain and differentiates the signals. The active
area in the cortex was found to move 1 cm into the so-called
Sylvian fissure as the pitch of the sound increased from 200
to 5,000 Hz; when the frequency changed smoothly, the
gradualness of the movement was observable.
Accurate measurement of the nervous activity region ac­
companying the stimulation of a specific sensory organ
makes it possible to draw maps, “somatotopic” for tactile
stimulation, “tonotopic” for audio stimulation, and “retino-
topic” for vision.
These maps may facilitate the understanding of data pro­
cessing in the brain and the staging of more involved neuro­
physiological experiments with healthy subjects without
much inconvenience to them. Since we have been dealing
thus far with the simplest manifestations of nervous activi­
ty and since more complicated processes in the brain that
are also mapped magnetographically will most probably be
highly individualized, these contactless magnetometric
methods seem to be very promising.
Man’s Magnetic Fields 265

Magnetography penetrates beyond the cortex to deeper

brain structures and studies processes more involved than
responses to excitation of the organs of senses. Magnetic
fields have been measured that appear when man is about to
act. The source, again dipole-like, forms one second ( s ic )
in advance of, say, a leg movement; it is located in the vi­
cinity of the hippocamp, region below the cortical hemis­
pheres. When the individual intends to move his right leg
the dipole is turned 45° leftwards, and when he is to move
his left leg, rightwards.
There are two reasons why most manifestations of neuro-
magnetic activity are describable by a current dipole. First,
this kind of excitation seems to be characteristic of those
relatively simple nervous processes which were reported in
first papers on biomagnetism. More involved neurophysio­
logical phenomena are probably controlled by a more involv­
ed system of magnetic sources. Second, with the existing
SQUID magnetometers the detection of even a dipole source
is a very complicated process and studies of more involved
processes are technically very difficult. Fortunately, super-
sensitive magnetometry has not exhausted its potential. New
SQUID manufacturing technologies in the microelectronic
industry, development of compact cryogenic hardware, and
the increasing power of advanced computers ensure increas­
ingly extensive use of SQUID magnetometry in studies of
the human brain.
A set of about one hundred sensitive elements simultane­
ously monitoring the magnetic fields at various points aro­
und a human head is now quite a realistic proposition. Com­
puter processing of such data will yield a map of field sour­
ces distributed in the entire brain. Such a system is very
much like the existing computerized X-ray and NMR tomo­
graphies, the former providing a full picture of distribution
of matter density in the brain using the data on X-ray ab-
266 V. S. Troitsky

sorption and the latter, the distribution of certain chemical

substances. In the future the magnetic methods may yield
a three-dimensional picture of the electric activity of the
Magnetic studies of the brain have been under way only a
few years but even the first findings show the immense po­
tential of this method. Biomagnetism has not only become a
major field of the biological science but it also blazed the
trail for other applications of supersensitive magnetometry.
Together with the transistor and the laser, the SQUID
demonstrates the utility of quantum mechanisms whose
brainchildren they are and which once seemed so abstract.

Radio Frequency Em ission

of Human Body and Medical
D iagnostics
All bodies whose temperature exceeds absolute zero are
known to emit electromagnetic radiation in the entire wave­
length band. The intensity of this radiation, usually referr­
ed to as thermal, is described by the Planck radiation for­
For not very low temperatures and rf radiation intensity
is strictly proportional to the body temperature and its
emissivity. If the latter is known, the body temperature
can be determined indirectly by remote measurements.
Such methods are extensively employed in the visual range
to measure high temperatures in industrial processes and
Radio Frequency Emission of Human Body 267

in astrophysics. The temperature can now be measured inside

media that are transparent to radio waves. In this way the
temperature distribution in the solar plasma is determined.
The shorter the wavelength of the solar rf radiation, the
deeper the layers are whose temperature can be measured (in
fact, tens of thousands of kilometers). This property of ra­
dio frequencies has also been used in measuring the tempera­
ture conditions in the upper crust of the Moon. There, unlike
the plasma atmosphere of the Sun, longer waves are obtained
from larger depths. Radio frequency measurements at dif­
ferent wavelengths, from centimeters to meters, have reveal­
ed that Moon’s depths are hot. The lunar radio frequency
spectra in a wide range of frequencies can also provide an
insight into all the physico-chemical parameters of the mat­
ter in the upper crust (up to the depth of ten meters) of the
Moon. The findings of the remote sensing of the upper layers,
the properties of its substances, and the temperature condi­
tions obtained in 1967 were confirmed by direct examination
of lunar samples and measurements on the Moon itself. These
studies reflect the general principle: the multiband ele­
ctromagnetic radiation generally reveals the properties of
the emitting bodies.
In astrophysics remote studies of objective are a necessity
because direct measurements are out of the question. In
recent years, however, remote techniques have been applied
even in the cases where the objects were quite accessible.
One impressive example of this is remote sampling of natu­
ral formations on our planet, in particular of its mineral re­
sources. The electromagnetic radiation supplies data on the
properties of the Earth’s surface (dry land and oceans), the
atmospheric parameters, and the status of farmland. By
measuring the spectrum of the natural atmospheric radiation
from satellites or from the surface of the Earth, it is possible
to determine the meteorological parameters such as the tern-
268 V. S. Troitsky

perature, pressure, and humidity as functions of altitude,

the integral water content of the clouds, etc. The principle
of multiband remote measurement of such parameters is the
same that was used in lunar studies: the radiation at differ­
ent frequencies is received and analyzed, and the values
of the parameters are calculated for different altitudes.
A logical extension of this research was the studying of
the thermal rf emission (the natural rf noise) of biological
objects, primarily the human body and its various systems
and organs. Now, the temperature of internal organs is mea­
sured in this way in man and animals.
This research was encouraged by medicine which now prac­
tises on an increasing scale the methods of tissue cooling and
heating. It is therefore important to monitor, for instance,
the temperature inside a cancerous tumor when it is destroy­
ed by heating. The methods whereby the temperature of
internal organs can be measured remotely without affecting
the living tissue are obviously very promising. The overall
temperature of human body has long since been a major in­
dicator of sickness. Many diseases such as local inflamma­
tions manifest themselves in changes of the temperature of
certain parts or organs. In a healthy organism certain tem­
perature distribution is maintained in different organs and
systems. Thus, the brain has a temperature of 38 °G while
the forearm muscle, only 36.6 °C.
Malignant tumors increase the tissue temperature by
1.2 °C while blood circulation disturbances decrease it.
The temperature response of an organ to drug treatment
is also diagnostically significant in that its malfunctions
can be detected.
For these reasons physicians, biologists, and biophysicists
show a tremendous interest in using this contactless, painless,
and harmless method of measuring the temperatures deep
inside man and animals.
Radio Frequency Emission of Human Body 269

* * *

Remote measurement of human body temperature in the

IR band has now reached considerable sophistication. This
radiation has a wavelength of about 10 microns; it escapes
from a depth no greater than 0.1 mm, and thus shows the
temperature only in that skin layer. In this method the so-
called skin brightness temperature is measured which, how­
ever, is somewhat different from the actual value. This tech­
nique gives merely a “topographic” picture of the body sur­
face temperature which is weakly, if at all, related to the
temperature of internal organs.
The heat radiation in the centimeter and decimeter wave­
length range arrives from fairly deep layers and its intensity
is unambiguously related to the temperature of the radiating
areas. By measuring the intensity, the temperature at a cer­
tain depth inside the body can be estimated. This depth
depends on the electric properties of the medium such as the
dielectric constant and conductivity.
The radiation of the human body in the centimeter and
decimeter ranges was measured in the early days of radioas­
tronomy in late 1940s and early 1950s by using the radio­
meters developed in the Radiophysic Research Institute,
NIRFI, in Gorky for radioastronomic purposes. The radio­
meter sensed a hand brought close to its antenna (to the open
end of a waveguide). The thermal radiation of the hand in
the rf range indicated a temperature which was much high­
er than that of the environment. The medical potential of
the method was not understood at that time, however; what
is more, no hardware was available for accurate measure­
ment of a weak rf signal against the background of electron­
ics’ noise.
The first experiment which demonstrated the feasibility
of measuring the temperature deep inside the human body
270 V. S. Troitsky

was carried out in Sweden in 1972. A radiometer antenna

probe was fixed to the skin above the stomach area and the rf
intensity was recorded at a wavelength of 30 cm; then the
subject drank some cold water, and the intensity immedi­
ately dropped with the temperature inside the stomach. This
experiment showed that what was recorded was indeed rf
radiation at X = 30 cm from deep inside the body, possibly
from the stomach. The conventional radiometer used in the
experiment could, however, only detect changes in the local
temperature rather than measure it.
The first attempt to measure the temperature deep inside
the human body for medical purposes was made at Mas­
sachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1976. A conven­
tional X = 10 cm radiometer detected the radio frequency
radiation from mammary glands of women patients in order
to see whether early cancer diagnosis can be performed in
this way. The antenna was in contact with the skin and the
temperature difference between the two glands was measur­
ed. As mentioned above, the temperature of a cancer-strick­
en organ is higher. The task was simplified because for
diagnostic purposes only the difference between the gland
temperatures rather than the absolute values had to be mea­
sured. Still, the difference drowned in measurement errors
and significant statistics was needed to make a final conclu­
The basic difficulty was that at the interface of two media
such as the body and the air some of the radiation is reflected
back. The same is true for the body—antenna interface. If
as little as one per cent of the radiation is reflected back,
the error in temperature measurements may amount to
The reflection is reduced by tuning the antenna to match
it to the medium. If, however, the mismatches of the two
antennae for the two glands differ by as little as 0.5 per
Radio Frequency Emission of Human Body 271

cent, the corresponding measured difference between the

glands is 1.5°C. This is inadmissible because the entire tem­
perature range of all organs and parts of the human body
lies within the 32 to 40°C interval and the temperature vari­
ation in any particular area never exceeds ± (2 to 3) °C.
Consequently, for the method to work the measurement
precision should be at least ±0.1°C. The MIT experimenters
failed to achieve this mark.
Similar research was started almost simultaneously in
France and in the USSR, in NIRFI, Gorky, and in the Insti­
tute of Applied Physics (IPF) of the Academy of Sciences.
The NIRFI researchers achieved the desired precision of the
contact method and developed a radiothermometer operat­
ing at a wavelength of 32 cm. The IPF team measured the
temperature difference by a conventional radiometer in the
millimeter range in the Gorky Institute of Traumatology
and Orthopedics.
This success was made possible, above all, by ideal match­
ing of the antenna and the body. But even if this is achiev­
ed for a certain part of the body, in another area the match­
ing conditions may be violated because the dielectric pro­
perties of the tissues vary in a fairly wide range.
The US researchers tried to overcome this problem by tun­
ing the antenna every time to the local properties of the
tissues or by measuring and using in the computations the
radiation reflection coefficient on the body-antenna inter­
face. The desired precision was not achieved, however. We
approached this problem from a different angle. A special-
purpose radiometer was developed in which all input ele­
ments of the circuit were in thermodynamic equilibrium at
about the average human body temperature assumed equal
to 36°C. The part of the signal which had been lost because
of the incomplete matching was compensated for by the in­
put noise associated with a temperature approximately
272 V. S. Troitsky

equal to the body temperature, reflected by the antenna. The

error due to mismatch never exceeded 0.2°C.
The absolute reference source was salty water heated to a
precisely measured temperature.
The radiometers were operational on various wavelengths
and ensured highly accurate temperature measurements.
Similar results were obtained by French researchers; their
radiometers are in use in some Parisian clinics.
VHF tests of human tissues taken recently in several
countries have revealed that electromagnetically the tis­
sues fall into two distinct groups. In the one the dielectric
constant is large, 60 to 80, and the decay of electromagnetic
waves is very much like that in physiological saline solu­
tion; in the other the dielectric constant is small, five to six,
and the decay is relatively low, equal to that of distilled
water. The former group includes water-rich muscle tissues,
the brain, and blood, which act as dielectrics at wavelengths
shorter than 70 cm and as semiconductors at longer wave-
lengths. The latter includes fat and bone tissues containing
little water; for them the dielectric-semiconductor boundary
lies at a wavelength of 150 cm.
Radiation damping is usually described in terms of the
depth from which the radiation arrives at the skin surface
being attenuated by a factor of 2.73. This is what is called
the penetration depth because at this depth a wave propagat­
ing inwards from the skin surface would be attenuated to
the same degree. The penetration depth can be measured in
laboratory by an external rf generator.
In tissue the wavelength is much shorter than that of
the same radiation in the air (by a factor of about eight for
the first group of tissues). For wavelengths shorter than
30 cm the penetration depth in a muscular tissue has been
found to be approximately half the wavelength in the same
tissue and in the fat tissue the penetration depth is two thirds
Radio Frequency Emission of Human Body 273

the wavelength in the same tissue. For a wavelength of

30 cm this gives 1.5 and 7.0 cm, respectively.
As noted above, it is desirable to channel all radiation ar­
riving from inside the tissue into the antenna. This can be
done by placing the antenna subcutaneously but the same
result can be obtained in a painless way by applying to the
skin a dielectric whose dielectric constant is equal to that
of the body, and placing an antenna inside the dielectric.
A rather crude but true picture of what is going on inside
that part of the body is obtained in this way. Because the
antenna is inside the dielectric and responds to a wave
whose wavelength is a fraction of what it would be in the
air, the size of the antenna is reduced by the same factor.
Consequently, the maximal resolution, or the minimal pos­
sible linear dimension of the surface area which is covered
by the antenna and under which the temperature is measur­
ed, is only four centimeters for the 30 cm wavelength (usu­
ally the antenna probe has a dimension equal to the radia­
tion wavelength in the muscular tissue). Consequently, the
radiometer measures the average body temperature inside a
cylinder whose base is equal to the area of the antenna and
the height (say, for measuring the temperature of the muscu­
lar tissue) is about half the wavelength in the antenna, i.e.,
it equals the penetration depth.
The depth at which the temperature measurement is
taken is increased by increasing the wavelength. However,
the resolution deteriorates fast.
An optimal compromise of the penetration depth and the
resolution is probably achieved in the 30-cm wavelength.
The antenna is still small but the measurements can be
taken three to four centimeters deep in muscles and 12
to 15 cm deep in fat.

274 V. S. Troitsky

* * *

The 30-cm radiometer developed in NIRFI has been in

use for years in the clinic of the Kirov Medical Institute in
Gorky for medical diagnosis. In the clinic of nervous dis­
eases A. V. Gustov, Ye. P. Semyonova, and V. D. Troshin
have studied over 300 patients and hundreds of healthy sub­
jects in an effort to unravel the thermal pattern of the brain
and the effect of diseases on them; in particular, an impres­
sive amount of data has been collected on temperature dis­
tribution in human body and the effect of blood circulation
and various internal diseases on it.
The radiometric method has been found effective in stu­
dies of temperature fields affected by various factors, in
particular by diseases. The radiometer is obviously a promis­
ing tool in biophysical research, for instance, in studying
the energy transformation processes in an organism.
By measuring at several frequencies at once we obtain
the temperature profile in the tissue. In a near future such
multifrequency radiometers (which make it possible to
“see” the temperature distribution in the desired part of
the human body) will be extensively used in locating spots
of increased or decreased temperature. Such a radiometer
can be rightfully described as a radiothermograph because
by moving the antenna over the body the three-dimensional
distribution of the temperature inside the entire organism
will be obtained.
The advanced electronics makes it possible to have a ra­
diothermograph integrated with a microprocessor which
could be held in one’s palm and be capable of instantaneous
data processing and displaying the temperature readings
at specified depths after a two- or three-second contact
with the body. Mass monitoring of people and animals can
be organized in this way. Medical researchers will have
Radio Frequency Emission of Human Body 275

to find an accessible spot indicative of the general body

By using wavelengths of 1.5 to 2 meters the depth of
probing could be increased 2 to 2.5-fold, albeit at a price
of a poorer resolution.
Using decameter, kilometer, and still longer wavelengths
may now seem fantastic but may hold a promise if the
moderate deterioration of the resolving power is achieved.
At these wavelengths the electromagnetic radiation emit­
ted inside the human body could be measured at any depth.
If all the wavelengths, from millimeters to kilometers,
could be used, a system could be developed capable of taking
the average temperatures in a layer of the desired depth
or of the entire skin surface or, finally, of the entire body
volume. This temperature “cross-section” will give a good
quantitative picture of energy-transformation processes
inside the body and will facilitate studies of the impact
of various factors, such as the physical strain, on these
A range of methods will hopefully be forthcoming shortly
in which the natural radiation of a living organism in
a wide range of wavelengths will be measured for research
and diagnostic purposes. The now available radiometers
will be widely applied in medico-biological studies and
in medical practice. Studies of rf emission and rf noise in
living beings will develop into a new scientific discipline.

1 H*
Several Problems in Psychology

The Psychology of Cognition

and Cybernetics
The advent of cybernetics, or control engineering, has
made a tremendous impact on psychology. Since early
1960s psychology concentrates on information acquisition,
storage and utilization by man rather than the animal
behavior and learning processes. Cognitive psychology
came to existence [1] and gradually expanded its field from
cognitive processes in the narrow sense (perception, atten­
tion, memory, thinking, and interpretation) to motivation,
emotions, and even motorics because in all these areas
the importance of human knowledge of man and his envi­
ronment became obvious.
On the other hand, physiologists and psychologists such
as P. K. Anokhin, N. A. Bernstein, and W. Kohler made
significant contributions to the making of cybernetics.
From the outset, logic was regarded as analysis of human
thinking. In mid-19th century J. S. Mill and G. Boole
were convinced that their logic systems described the laws
of human thinking (“An Investigation of the Laws of Thought
on which are Founded the Mathematical Logic and Proba­
bilities” was the title of the latter’s book published in
1854 describing the binary algebra which bears Boole’s
name). Thinking, speech, and intelligence are mentioned
albeit often irrelevantly, in numerous current papers. This
article will outline the history of changes in the analogies
drawn between man and machine in the cognitive psycho­
logy itself.
The Psychology of Cognition and Cybernetics 277

Human Being as a Communication Channel

The first control engineering tool adopted by psychology
was probably the statistical communication theory, more
specifically, the formal way to estimate the amount of
data in a message. In this light man was viewed as a com­
munication channel with a finite throughput.
The new approach was almost identical with the studies
of man’s psychophysical potential by the engineering psy­
chology during World War II. The information theory
seemed to many psychologists to be a general-purpose tool,
a kind of Laplacian “world formula” which was to provide
a uniform explanation of various psychological phenomena
(mostly known to psychologists since late 19th century)
such as the impossibility to memorize and reproduce more
than five to seven unrelated objects shown for a short time
(letters, numbers, syllables or words); selectivity of atten­
tion, or impossibility to perceive equally effectively two
different messages; oscillations of attention, or impossi­
bility to follow some object, such as the target on the radar
screen with undiminished “vigilance”; psychological refrac­
toriness, or delay of a motoric response to a stimulus which
follows a preceding one in less than 0.25 s.
Probably the most remarkable fact of this kind was the
retardation of choice when the number of options and thus
the signal uncertainty increased. Back in 1885 J. Merkel
found that the response time was linearly dependent on the
logarithm of the number of possible stimuli. The same result
was obtained in early 1950s by W. Hick who attributed
this to the dependence of the response time R T on the
average amount of data

RT = a + bH ,
278 B. M. Velichkovsky

where a is a parameter specified by the time of data trans­

mission at the channel input and output, b is a quantity
inversely proportional to the channel throughout, and H
is the average amount of data to be determined from formu­
lae of the statistical communication theory. This relation
known as Hick’s law remains true no matter how the amount
of data is varied, which may be by varying the number of
options, or of the absolute probabilities for the same number
of options, or by introducing various conditional proba­
bilities of signal sequences.
D. E. Broadbent, a disciple of the well-known British
psychologist Sir Frederick Bartlett and a student of infor­
mational constraints on memory and attention, published
in 1954 an article “A Mechanical Model for Human Atten­
tion and Immediate Memory” where he pioneered in describ­
ing attention as an all-or-none filter of sensory data at
the input to the readily accessible memory treated as the
central channel whose throughput is limited. Later the
same ideas were extended in a book [2].
Papers on psychology viewed by the statistical commu­
nication theory were abundant in late 1950s and early
1960s. At that time, however, it was obvious that the in­
formation-theoretic approach failed to live up to the pro­
mise of changing the conceptual tools of psychology in the
way that Galilean or Copernican theories changed phy­
First, the laws had to be amended by numerous addenda
and qualifications which recognized the factors of signi­
ficance, purposefulness, and likelihood of various situa­
tions. In those years the most important problem faced
by the engineering psychology was the relation of signals
to the subject’s responses. The speed of response was found
to increase when an acoustic signal from the right had to
be responded to with the right hand. This effect could be
The Psychology of Cognition and Cybernetics 279

explained by tracing the propagation of data along the

anatomical channels, from the right ear to the left cerebral
hemisphere which governs chiefly the right part of the
body. This explanation is, however, questionable. If the
subject is asked to cross his arms, then his left-hand res­
ponse to signals from the right becomes faster. The im­
mediate spatial proximity of the signals and responses is
thus essential. Therefore, the researcher has to determine
how the environment, the signals, and the body circuits
are represented (mapped) in the human mind.
The choice (response) time determined in subsequent
researches did not fit Hick’s law. The parameters of result­
ant formulae proved different for various types and com­
binations of signals and responses. In some cases, espe­
cially for natural sequences of signals and responses, no
clear-cut dependence of response time on the data influx
was found. The interpretation of these facts in terms of
the Hick’s law leads to a fallacious conclusion that “human
throughput” is infinite. These studies confirm that human
adaptability is nearly infinite. In one experiment, which
took five months, there were over 45,000 trials but the
response time continued to decrease.
Short-term memory was found to be constrained in the
subjective arrangement of the knowledge in “pieces” whose
sizes increase with learning, rather than in terms of data
measured in bits. In the same way, a combination of sen­
sory attributes, which in logical terms does not change the
uncertainty of the signals, significantly improves the
throughput. In the case of single-dimensional signals which
vary only in color, brightness, or size the subject can trans­
mit 2.75 bits, which are equivalent to unmistaken recogni­
tion and classification of about seven stimuli. If all the
three features vary in a fully correlated (redundant) way
so that in formal terms there is just one dimension, the
280 B. M. Velichkovsky

amount of data increases to 4.11 bits, which is equivalent

to the recognition of 17 stimuli.
The understanding that man is not a passive communi­
cation channel and actively “processes the data” by build­
ing internal models, or representations, of the environment
signified the advent of cognitive psychology proper in
place of mere data processing. The cognition processes
were regarded in the light of their consistence with the
functional architecture of the computer.

The Computer Metaphor

This approach opened new vistas for psychology. W. Wundt,
the founder of experimental psychology, and his contempo­
raries assumed that conservation of energy called for string­
ent psychophysical parallels. However, a computer which
consumes very little energy is capable of controlling huge
machinery. Even though it would be difficult to uncover
the actual processes behind some psychic activities such
as perception of Rembrandt’s masterpieces, a flowchart
of cognition can be easily imagined which describes the
data processing in a computer and culminates in a proper
The extensive use of computers and the computer me­
taphor left yawning gaps in explanations of the mental
functions. Thus, learning which takes hours, days, and
years rather than milliseconds or seconds was initially
disregarded. The fact is that first-generation computers
could not learn because their potential was rigidly pre­
scribed by the architecture and software; rather, they suc­
cessively processed digital symbols and the active processor
was separated from passive external memory. Data could
not be handled outside the processor where the memory
The Psychology of Cognition and Cybernetics 281

was very small. Passive memory was, in contrast, much

larger and contained both the data and encoded processing
routines. Accordingly, similar features were detected in
human cognitive activity.
Numerous experiments established the decisive role of
repetition for long-term memorization of verbal or easily
verbalizable knowledge. If, once the subject sees it, some
task should be performed which requires saying internally
certain words (e.g., subtracting three from a fairly large
number), the probability of correct reproduction approaches
zero after 10 to 20 seconds. G. Sperling and then other
researchers came to a conclusion that after a short display
visual information is retained for about one third of a se­
cond as a relatively complete sensory pattern, an “icon”,
following which it disappears or is transformed into another,
most probably, verbal representation. The assumption that
repetition is essential for the data to be stored in long­
term memory became known as tin “verbal loop hypothe­
All these findings were explained in early 1970s in mo­
dels which consisted of three sequential data processing
units: sensory registers (“iconic” or “very short-term visual”
memory); primary memory (short-term memory of limited
size where data are retained through repetition); and secon­
dary memory (long-term semantic memory where the amount
of passively stored knowledge is immense). Such a model
is easily seen to represent the architecture of a computer
and be at the same time quite conventional, for primary
and secondary memories were differentiated by psycholo­
gists as far back as in late 19th century. They believed that
continuous retainment of representations and ideas within
the consciousness sphere was primary memory while re­
peated return of the representations into the consciousness
following some interval was secondary memory. Conse-
282 B. M. Velichkovsky

quently, primary, or short-term memory, is a remarkable

formation which has much in common with consciousness,
a communication channel, and a computer processor.
However, data were coming that structural models, such
as the one above, were not as general as they were thought
to be. In particular, in the case of data arranged by objects,
as is the case with picture slides, a purely perceptive des­
cription which does not require verbal encoding may prove
quite long-term. Verbal encoding has the advantage of
relative accessibility for arbitrary reproduction and com­
munication. In other situations, however, active visual
and evaluating emotional forms of memory may be chiefly
used, as in the recognition of objects, landscapes, faces,
and tones of the voice and in the transfer and sophistica­
tion of various know-how, from reading to cycling skills.
Memorization in such tasks is essential because it facili­
tates detection, adjustment, and revival of earlier develop­
ed systems of psychological operations.
Individual strategies of tackling cognitive tasks were
found to be surprisingly diverse. The explanation of data
processing by man within the framework of even a large
block diagram looked like description of a statistically
average family: a husband, a wife, and 2.5 children. In
typical psycholinguistic task the subjects test the sentences
which describe a three-dimensional scene. The subjects
were assumed to tackle such tasks by employing verbal
encoding and short-term memory. However, the correlation
of solutions with other tests of verbal intelligence rarely
exceeded 0.4. Experimental analysis showed that those
tasks could be performed, in addition to comparing two
verbal descriptions, by transforming the sentence itself into
a three-dimensional model and then comparing the model
with the scene. The subjects control arbitrarily the use
of various forms in which knowledge can be represented,
The Psychology of Cognition and Cybernetics 283

even though as people become older the probability of ob­

taining a solution by the latter strategy is reduced.
The subsequent modifications of structural models of
cognitive processes became so cumbersome that the expla­
natory power was lost. The growth in the number of models
which could possibly be distinguished by factor analysis
got out of hand; hard scientific facts were acquired at
a much more modest rate. Two or three decades ago, when
concepts were borrowed on a wide scale from computing
technology, theory of servos, mathematics, the statistical
theory of communication, and structural linguistics, the
relative unambiguity of these concepts in their original
fields was believed to ensure their equally stringent use
in psychology and to have a disciplinary effect, whenever
necessary, on the psychologists themselves. These hopes
proved futile. Thus, the once uniform m n e m a , the substance
of memory, decomposed into scores of units filled in with
various “attributes”, “markers”, “patterns”, “names”, “tags”,
“first- and second-order isomorphisms”, “holograms”, “no­
des”, “surface and deep structures”, “traces”, “vignettes”,
etc. G. Claxton described this situation in the following
way: “We are like the inhabitants of thousands of little
islands, all in the same part of the ocean, yet totally out
of touch with each other. Each has evolved a different
culture, different ways of doing things, different languages
to talk about what they do. Occasionally inhabitants of
one island may spot their neighbors jumping up and down
and issuing strange cries; but it makes no sense, so they
ignore it” [31.
A most hotly debated issue in today’s cognition theory
is whether the representations employed in thinking pro­
cesses are analogous or propositional, i.e. whether the pat­
terns are “picture-like” or they are logical propositions.
This debate is traceable to the existence of two kinds of
284 B. M. Velichkovsky

computers. The debate is as far from settlement as ever and

becomes so esoteric that people would have to “read each
other’s minds” for mutual understanding. What is enlight­
ening is that the points of view in this debate correlate
with the specifics of visual perception of the participants
and with their professional backgrounds; the adherents of
the picture metaphor tend to represent the humanities and
those of the propositional representation, mathematics,
programming languages, and neurophysiology.
The arbitrariness of models is the most serious handicap
of cognitive psychology, especially so because psychological
experimentation is not a very accurate tool in checking theo­
ries. As a result, the population of formal models grew over
the last decades much faster than the rate of their testing.
Besides, arbitrary interpretations do not require any re­
search. To put it differently, formal modeling for the sake
of modeling was allowed to continue unabated.

The Computational Approach: Cognitive

Psychology or Cognitive Science?
Some authors assert that any psychological theory should
be explicitly developed as a computer program. The pro­
tagonists of this approach tend to go even farther. They
feel that the psychological processes should be literally
understood as computing processes, in fact as manipula­
tion of abstract symbols. These researchers seem to be
fascinated by the potential of computers.
This approach came into existence with cognitive psycho­
logy and was regarded for some time as its integral part
but its key objective has always been computer simulation
of various cognition processes. The approach was obviously
enhanced by the advent in mid-1950s of advanced program-
The Psychology of Cognition and Cybernetics 285

ming languages, by research in artificial intelligence, and

by the resultant avalanche of programs simulating problem
solution. The most important landmarks of today seem
to be the development of integral robots and vision systems
incorporating elements of artificial intelligence and the
consensus that knowledge may be represented in memory
as operations, or procedural knowledge, as well as static
structures of the data-base, or declarative knowledge.
This new stage of research which interfaces the cogni­
tion psychology and control engineering was launched in
early 1970s by papers summarizing the results of computer
simulation of proving geometrical theorems, solving cryp­
toarithmetic problems, and chess programming. The funda­
mental assumption was that cognitive processes were com­
puting processes and the basic conclusion was that they
were arranged as productions, or as a system of condition-
operation connectives. This model of thinking was believed
to function so as to balance the data arriving from the
environment (“external memory”) with that generated by
the production. As a result the characteristically human
unpredictability of behavior was simulated.
In recent years attempts have been made to replace cog­
nitive psychology with a “cognitive science” which would
combine the empirical knowledge of psychological labora­
tories with the theoretical findings of computer vision,
theory of interactive systems, and artificial intelligence.
The objective of the computing approach is to develop
programs which would perform the functions of human
cognitive activities, above all, intelligence. Control engi­
neering tried, however, to supplement rather than imitate
the human potential. What the computer does easily may
be a difficult chore for man. On the other hand, certain
activities are beyond the computer’s reach. Thus, maa likes
cutting through the fallacies of fuzzily stated problems.
286 B. M. Velichkovsky

Interesting results are obtained when such peculiarities

are taken into account. V. S. Pereverzev-Orlov has deve­
loped an interactive Doctor’s Assistant system which sum­
marizes the views of many physicians on the symptoms of
some diseases. A dialog of a doctor and a computer results
in a diagnosis. In this system the specific and the abstract
aspects of intelligence are separated; the former remaining
in the physician’s mind and the latter existing as a program.
Unfortunately, meaningful recognition of psychological
data is a rare occasion in the computing approach. Its
followers are usually convinced that all forms of human
knowledge are reducible to predicates of a hypothetical
“language of the thought” which is essentially very much
like the computer autocode.

The Systems Research Strategy

The creation of a new scientific discipline which would

recognize and incorporate the interface between control
engineering and the cognition psychology could undoubt­
edly accelerate to an even higher degree the research on
acquisition, storage, generation, and utilization of know­
ledge by man. It is important, however, that the “cognitive
science” not become an “artificial science” ignoring the
significance of social factors in the development and the
laws of the human brain functioning. The field of research
should be expanded to incorporate kindred disciplines such
as the children and adult psychology, social psychology,
neuropsychology and neurophysiology, linguistics, etc. Me­
moirs of historical figures of the past may also prove help­
The researchers who developed a technique to rank the
goals of statesman [4] have modeled the specifics of think-
The Psychology of Cognition and Cybernetics 287

ing in various, notably critical, situations. This is a pio­

neering attempt to model the evaluation of the situation
and choice of the ,behavior strategy in actual conditions.
The data of kindred disciplines, if properly used, could
significantly reduce the arbitrariness in explaining the
findings of experimental psychology. In the framework of
the systems approach to psychology such integration should
result in identification of invariant laws of mental life
and express the conceptual tools in mathematical terms [5].
Some lines of psychological research emphasize the logical
fundamentals of human cognition (e.g., “the operational
concept of intelligence” in the works of J. Piaget, the Swiss
psychologist) but most psychologists are critical of the
view that there are no qualitative differences between
various forms of representing the knowledge of self and
the environment. It is difficult to believe, for instance,
that even very simple reasoning can in actual conditions
proceed by the rules of formal logic alone. Some varieties
of non-conventional logic systems that allow for the speci­
fic features of human action, in particular, its purposeful­
ness (“intentionality”) may prove very successful.
To describe in most general terms the structure of the
human cognitive sphere in the light of psychological find­
ings and cybernetic ideas, an impressive amount of rela­
tively specialized procedural knowledge would have to be
assumed. This knowledge is generated as a result of auto­
mating the practical and cognitive actions under typical
conditions such as reading typical texts with their graphic­
al, statistical, and semantic specifics.
The cognitive automatisms are always ready for action.
When the situation they are prepared for arises (e.g., when
a familiar word appears in the field of view), they perform
independently of (sometimes in conflict with) the arbitrary
intentions and without the mind being aware. Besides, since
288 B. M. Veliclikovsky

th e au to m atic processing is perform ed by subsystem s, or

m odules, th e ir a c tiv ity has no im pact at all on the operation
of th e p arallel subsystem s. T he au to m atism s o u tlin e the
spectrum of possible in te rp re ta tio n s of a situ a tio n and ways
to behave in it. T his m akes all the difference betw een the
au to m atism s and the processes of com prehension w hich are
to lim it th e degrees of freedom of possible in te rp re ta tio n s
to a single (at th e tim e) u nderstanding w hich explains
in th e sim p lest possible term s the m axim al am ount of d a ta
id en tified by th e cognitive m odules.
V arious psychological disciplines are in possession of
num erous facts w hich provide a detailed picture of this
p rocedural level in the organization of hum an consciousness.
W e w ill lim it ourselves to th e neuropsychological d ata.
T he speech processes and aw areness are w idely believed
to be controlled chiefly by the left cerebral hem isphere
w hile com plex perceptions, for instance of faces or m usical
pieces, and sp a tia l o rien ta tio n , by the rig h t hem isphere.
W hen some cen tral stru ctu re s of the brain are injured, gaps,
so-called scotom as, occur in th e v isu al field. E ven though
th ey do not perceive it, the subjects correctly d irect th e ir
eyes a t the object in the scotom a zone, are capable of p o in t­
ing th eir finger at it, and, according to indirect evidence,
can ap p ro x im a te ly d eterm ine w hat the object is intended
for. B u t when he is told to describe w hat he sees, th e p a tie n t
fails to recognize the object. In one injury of neuropsycho­
logical m echanism s, phonernatic dyslexia, the p a tie n ts
cannot read a u x ilia ry and re la tiv e ly rare w ords w hile
freq u en tly used words are m isread. T hus, B elgium is read
as H o llan d and north as east. One p a tie n t who was shown
a card w ith the given nam e of her husband said after a m i­
n u te ’s pause, “Looks like a necktie, like th a t of m y h u s­
b a n d ’s”.
W hereas co gnitive au to m atism s act as flow charts of ac ti-
The Psychology of Cognition and Cybernetics 289

vities, comprehension acts as conceptualization of these

flowcharts in which relatively independent cognitive modu­
les are integrated into a more or less complex semantical
network. The conceptualization transforms the procedural
forms of knowledge into procedural declarative structures,
declarative in the sense that they are described as symbols
(characters) and can be used in various communication
processes (or be declared). The knowledge is conceptualized
as speech develops and, therefore, has social origins. Accord­
ing to L. S. Vygotski and J. Piaget, it is the representation
of knowledge as characters that makes human thinking
possible. Before them P. Janet showed that the “symbolic
function” alone made it possible for man to keep track of
two opposing “activities”, for instance to treat a part as
such, never losing sight of the whole, be aware of the direct
and figurative significance of a phenomenon, etc.
A major role in conceptualization of knowledge is played
by the so-called primary concepts which act as links between
the three basic spheres of human knowledge, procedural,
pictorial, and verbal. Primary concepts such as a table or
a dog represent, first, the habitual images of such objects
and, second, determine the relevant behavioral patterns.
Furthermore, these words find their way into a child’s
vocabulary earlier than words denoting concepts of higher
or lower ranks in the conceptual hierarchy (such a “furni­
ture”, “mammal”, or “sheep dog”) do. Children do not con­
sciously process their experiences and so cannot control
their behavior until they possess conceptual tools for mental
modeling of the experiences. The ability of orientation and
movement in an environment is developed long before the
child becomes able to imagine and express that environ­
ment in a symbolic (verbal or pictorial) form. Conceptual
structures seem to form the “space” where the subject’s
thought can act.
290 B. M. Velichkovsky

In addition to conceptual structures that identify a con­

cept with a semantic class and express the relations of this
concept with other representatives of that class, there are
higher-rank structures, which are operations determining
and transforming the relations between concepts, including
relations between concepts of different classes. These oper­
ations may be referred to as cognitive metaprocedures.
Some of them, such as formation and mental rotation of
images, make it possible to utilize pictorial components
of conceptual structures while others, such as reproduction
and reasoning, to utilize chiefly or exclusively verbal struc­
tures, still others (such as orientation and search for analo­
gies) are more universal. The latter probably add up to
what is known as general intelligence.
A most general classification of metaprocedures would
amount to separating the heuristics of thinking from se­
mantic syntactical rules. The latter lead to a practically
infinite number of propositional representations which
include empirical knowledge and convictions whose truth
value is not contained in the organization itself of basic
conceptual structures such as the proposition that a dog
is an animal. The heuristics of thinking which is widely
known from research in artificial intelligence as well as
from psychological studies includes the termination of
intellectual activity so as to avoid vicious circles. An exam­
ple of this is the psychological reaction to questions such
as, Who shaves the barber who shaves whoever does not
shave himself?
The metaprocedures dictate the strategy and tactics of
thinking processes which on every occasion proceed against
the background and to the accompaniment of emotional
states which are as dynamic as, but more comprehensive
than, the thinking processes themselves. By changing with
the weakening and restoration of conscious observations,
The Psychology of Cognition and Cybernetics 291

emotions control to a tremendous extent the cognitive

activity. Indeed, any situation where the available know­
ledge and habits are insufficient for making a decision
induces strain and anxiety. Decision making which takes
much intellectual effort and a lot of time is out of the
question unless will power is sufficient and motivation is
stable. If the problem is resolved, the satisfaction, pride,
and triumph may announce this even before the truth or
it is confirmed by consistent rational analysis [6]. The
significance of this “esthetic heuristics” has been the subject
of many papers (recall Richard Feynman’s remark that
“truth is recognizable by its beauty”). The integration of
emotional states into conscious control explains their
bearing on the intellectual organization of the personality.
When anxiety turns into panic, joy into ecstasy, and anger
into fury, both the conscious control and the affect-intel­
ligence interaction are lost.
Research on cognitive mechanisms has been influenced
by all basic evolutionary phases of cybernetics. The fruitful
dialog between psychology and cybernetics has just begun.
A science of cognition which would integrate cybernetics
and psychology will not emerge until some time in the
future. The two sciences can cooperate now in numerous
fields, above all in what can be, somewhat paradoxically,
referred to as “natural artificial intelligence”.

H3flaTejn>CTBO M ry, 1982.
2. Broadbent D. E. Perception and communication. Academic Press,
London, 1958.
3. Claxton G. Cognitive psychology: A suitable case for what sort of
treatment? In: Cognitive psychology. G. Claxton, Ed. Routledge,
London, 1980.
19 *
292 P. V. Simonov

4. JlynoB B. E., CepreeB B. M. OntiT mo^cjihpobbhhh MtiuijieHHH

HCTopnHecKHX ACHTeJieH. B KHiire: Bonpocu Kn6epHeTiiKii. JIornKa
paccy>«AeHHH h ee Mo^eJinpoBauiie. II o a peA- A- A. nocneJioBa. M.:
BMHHTM, 1983.
5. JIomob E. O. MeTOAOJiornHecKiie n TeopeTiinecKiie npo6jieMbi iich-
xojioniH. M.: Hayna, 1984.
6. TiixoMiipoB 0 . K. IIciixojioriiH MhiuiJieHiiH. M.: ll3AaTeJibCTB0 MTY,

and Superconsciousness
Any discussion of what human mind cannot comprehend
would be pointless and unproductive until the sphere of
consciousness is identified. The physiologists who con­
centrate on the higher nervous activity believe that the
process of comprehending and the possibility of communi­
cating the acquired knowledge to other members of society
are two aspects of the same phenomenon. To recognize
something is to acquire the potential to communicate this
knowledge to another, not necessarily in words, for jestures,
drawings, or melodies may also do the job. Incidentally,
it is only in this way that the doctor decides whether the
patient is conscious and whether his consciousness is normal
or has pathologically changed.
According to the latest findings, to recognize an external
stimulus, the gnostical zones of the neocortex have to com­
municate with the motoric speech area in the left (in right-
hand) hemisphere. The classical research of A. R. Luriya
[1], the discovery of unconscious conditioned responses by
G. V. Gershuni [21, R. Sperry’s studies (for which he was
Subconsciousness and Superconsciousness 293

awarded a Nobel prize) of split-brain patients, and the

subsequent research of E. A. Kostandov, V. P. Deglin,
N. N. Bragina, T. A. Dobrokhotova, and others [3] were
very important breakthroughs in basic neurophysiological
research of human consciousness.
The identification of the consciousness makes it possible
to separate what man recognizes and what he does not
recognize in the brain activity. If a subject lists parts of
a picture and some time later names those that he did not
mention in the first description, unconscious perception
and involuntary memory have obviously been at work. The
millenia of human history suggest that there is a difference
between the military science and the art of war. There is
something in military activities that can be formulated as
rules and something that cannot be taught. The art of war,
like any other art, has a certain technology and know-how
at its disposal but some element in the art of military leaders
cannot be formalized and transferred to others as a rational
decision because what the leader is aware of is only this
decision, the culmination of a creative process.
In the immense sphere of the psychologically unrecogniz­
able at least two groups of phenomena have to be distinguish­
ed. The one includes whatever was recognizable or could
be recognizable to a certain degree. First of all these are
habits which became automatic and so unrecognizable as
such, and motivational conflicts which have been squeezed
out of the conscious sphere and cannot be detected without
special psychiatric techniques. These phenomena will,
following established traditions, be referred to as the sub­
The subconscious includes deeply rooted social rules
which are felt as the “voice of conscience”, the “call of the
heart”, the “sense of duty”. The assimilation of exogenous
social rules makes them unexpectedly imperative. “The
294 P. V. Simonov

court of men can be easily despised” wrote the great Rus­

sian poet Alexander Pushkin, “one’s own judgment can by
no means be despised”. “Conscience is what stops me al­
though nobody is looking and I can’t be found out”
(V. C. Korolenko). “Conscience is the memory of society
digested by one person” (Leo Tolstoy). The interpersonal
origin of conscience is felt in the word itself which implies
shared knowledge.
Freudian “super-Ego”, obviously different from biological
urges, stays entirely in the sphere of subconsciousness and
cannot be viewed as an analog of superconsciousness which
will be discussed below*
The subconscious also includes those intuitive actions
which do not generate new information but make use of
only the available information. A good physician may
diagnose a patient at a single glance but is not necessarily
able to explain what features in the patient’s appearance
led him to the conclusion. Likewise, the pianist has long
since ceased to think of the action of each finger.
The earlier experience such as a set of motoric habits,
knowledge of symptoms, rules of social behavior, etc. is
not the sole channel which feeds the subconsciousness.
There is also a direct path, uncontrolled by the conscious­
ness. This is imitational behavior. Indeed, the example set
by adults and children of the same age shapes the child’s
personality more than explanations of the utility and social
values of various activities.
In the course of evolution subconsciousness developed
as a means to protect the consciousness from overloading.
* According to Freud, “super-Ego” represents in the individual’s
psychology the requirements and taboos of society. A conflict between
biological urges (“It”) and the censorship of “super-Ego” activates the
mechanisms of psychological protection. If these are ineffectual, neu­
rotic diseases develop.
Subconsciousness and Superconsciousness 295

Be it the motoric habits of a pianist, driver, athlete, etc.

which can be successfully implemented without participa­
tion of the consciousness or a motivational conflict, the
subconsciousness provides a protection from stresses.
Subconsciousness stands guard of what has been thoroughly
assimilated, be it an automatic habit or a social rule. Con­
servatism is a most characteristic feature of subconscious­
ness. It makes individually acquired habits (conditioned
reflexes) as imperative and as rigid as unconditioned reflex­
es. Thus some manifestations of the unrecognizable seem
inborn. Such are grammatical structures which a child
masters through imitation long before he is made aware
of them at grammar lessons. The similarity of the sub­
conscious and the inborn is reflected in the everyday meta­
phors such as “the class instinct” and “the voice of blood”.
Another variety of the unrecognizable will be referred
to, following Konstantin Stanislavsky and M. G. Yaro-
shevsky [4], as superconsciousness. Stanislavsky used this
term in conjunction with super- and super-super-objective
of the creative process. We have used it in our earlier pa­
pers [5].
The functioning of the super-consciousness which generates
new information by recombining the traces of impressions
of the outside world is not controlled by a conscious act of
will. Consciousness receives only the results of this acti­
vity [61.
Superconsciousness covers the initial stages of any creat­
ive activity such as the generation of hypotheses, guesses,
and inspiration. Subconsciousness protects consciousness
from overworking; the unconsciousness of creative intuition
is protection from premature interference by consciousness
or from undue pressure of the experience. Without this
protection, common sense, the obviousness of directly
observed facts, and dogmatism of deeply rooted rules would
296 P. V. Simonov

strangle the ugly ducklings of bold assumptions or incisive

thinking before they turned into beautiful swans of disco­
veries and breakthroughs. This is the reason why discour-
sive thinking is entrusted with the essential function of
problem statement to the cognitive mind and with secon­
dary selection of hypotheses that are generated by super-
consciousness, first by logical evaluation and then through
experimental, industrial, and social practice.
The action of the superconsciousness and the conscious­
ness in creative processes is comparable with the functions
of variation and selection in the “creative activity of natu­
re”, notably in biological and cultural evolution. The simi­
larity of the advent of new forms of life and the creative
activity of an individual brain was noted, e.g., by K. A. Ti-
miryazev in 1901, W. Russel in 1973, R. Dawkins in 1977,
M. V. Volkenshtein in 1980. This list is far from being
exhaustive. The authors disagree sharply on the way this
“evolutionary approach” is implemented. Thus, Popper’s
proposal [7] that his mechanism of hypothesis should re­
place Pavlov’s conditioned reflexes is quite unacceptable,
especially so because Pavlov himself noted the similarity
of the generalization stages to the development of scientific
thinking “which, first, obtains a more constant and accurate
link and then rejects spurious links” [8].
There is much more to superconsciousness than mere
generation of a “mental mutation”, or random recombina­
tion of the traces stored in memory. By some laws, unknown
to us, superconsciousness performs primary selection of the
recombinations and submits to consciousness only those
that with some probability agree with the reality [9].
This makes all the difference between the “craziest ideas”
of a scientist, on one hand, and the pathological fantasizing
in mental patients and the phantasmagoria of dreams, on
the other.
Subconsciousness and Superconsciousness 297

Today’s neurophysiology knows numerous mechanisms

that can close the temporal links in one’s brain between the
traces (engrams) of earlier impressions; the agreement or
otherwise of these engrams with the reality is not verified
until a later comparison with the reality. These mechanisms
which have been discussed elsewhere [10] include A. A. Ukh-
tomsky’s principle of the dominant. The superconsciousness
(creative intuition) has been found to work for the satis­
faction of the urge which is stably dominant in the subject’s
hierarchy of motivations.
In the same way that imitational behavior can address
the subconsciousness without being monitored by rational
thinking, children’s games are major tools to train and
expand the superconsciousness. Free of utilitary and socially
prestigious (until a certain age) goals, the game has a pur­
pose and a value of its own which facilitate the tackling
of unselfish creative activities. It is motivated by cognition
and the urge to acquire knowledge, habits, and skills which
will not be needed until later in one’s life. These two urges
nurture the action of the child’s superconsciousness and
make every child a visionary, a pioneer, and a discoverer.
As one grows older, the urge to know more has to compete
with vital and social needs while the superconsciousness
has to divert to serving a broad spectrum of most various
motivations. It is not a mere coincidence that truly great
minds maintain, as has been repeatedly noted since long
ago, some childish trains.
E. L. Feinberg has thoroughly studied the difference
between intuitive conjecture, or generation of hypotheses,
and intuitive discovery of the truth which does not require
formal logical proof [11] as in the case of a scientist who
feels that enough experiments have been staged or a judge
who finds that sufficient evidence of guilt (or innocence)
has been submitted. Recall that a judge has to make his
298 P. V. Simonov

decision in compliance with his “convictions”, the amount

of proof never being prescribed. The law incorporates an
intuitive “spirit” as well as the discoursive “letter”. We
feel that the common denominator in the genesis of the two
kinds of intuitions is the shortage of data, necessary and
sufficient for a logically consistent behavior. In the case
of conjecture these data have to be found in the course of
verification. In the case of directly “seeing” the right solu­
tion this information is essentially unobtainable, for there
is no way to decide how many experiments have to be
staged or where the court should draw the line in examining
the evidence.
The phenomenon of the latter kind of intuition is another
argument in favor of the term “superconsciousness”. Indeed,
discoursive thinking supplies information for decision
making, submits a set of formalizable proofs to the con­
sciousness, but a final decision is made intuitively and can­
not be formalized.
The recombinational activity of the superconsciousness
is fueled by both the processed conscientious experience
and the reserves of the subconsciousness. Nonetheless, it
incorporates something undoubtedly “superior to” the con­
sciousness proper. This something lies in the essentially
new information which does not follow directly from earlier
impressions. The force which triggers the activity of the
superconsciousness and guides this activity is the dominat­
ing urge. Experiments show that when uncertain visual
symbols are submitted to the subject, the number of asso­
ciations with food grows as the subject becomes hungrier.
This experiment illustrates the innate motivational con­
straints that are imposed on the subconsciousness. Intuition
is not a caleidoscope or a random game; from the outset
it is bounded by the kind of the dominating urge and the
amount of accumulated knowledge. Without the broadest
Subconsciousness and Superconsciousness 299

possible knowledge of chemical elements no generation of

ideas would culminate in the discovery of the periodic law.
While the positive function of the superconsciousness is
in generating new knowledge, its negative function is in
overcoming the existing generally accepted ways of think­
ing.* The most illustrative example of this function is the
sense of humor expressed as laughter. Laughter is spon­
taneous; there is no need to understand logically why some­
thing is funny. Laughter as a positive emotion results
every time from the difference between the forecast and
the currently available data, this data rejecting, or dashing
the forecast. Such is the structure of a good party joke.
Humor is motivated by the quest for cognition and the
desire to save effort. The incisive thought solves a logical
problem in an unexpected short-cut. Humor is the triumph
of new knowledge over imperfect and cumbersome, obsolete
standards. Marx said that in laughing mankind says fare­
well to its past. Additional motivations, such as biological
or social, add tinges to humor and makes it good natured
or malicious or conceited or clever or stupid or carefree,
thus making it “the surest hallmark of one’s soul” as Dostoev­
ski said.
Because people comprehend their motives only partially,
the apparent conflict of the objective determinism in human
behavior and the subjectively sensed freedom of choice is
resolved. Baruch Spinoza was shrewd enough to see that
dialectics of behavior. According to him, people think
themselves free for the sole reason that they are aware of
their own acts but not of their causes. The actions of a parti­
cular man are determined by his hereditary traits and the
environment, primarily social. Science does not know of
any other factor. On the other hand, the entire ethics and
above all the personal responsibility are based, according
to Hegel, on the unconditional recognition of absolutely
300 P. V. Simonov

free will. Abandonment of freedom of choice would be

a catastrophe of any ethical system and morality.
The sense of freedom and the ensuring personal responsi­
bility follow from comprehensive repetitive analysis of the
consequences of one’s actions, so that the final choice is
more sound [121. The actual motivational dominant which
directs the action (“the behavior vector”, in Ukhtomsky’s
works) is the integral of the prevailing urge which is stably
dominant in the hierarchy of motivations in a specific
personality (the life dominant or the super-super-objective,
according to Stanislavsky) and the situational dominant.
For instance, the actual danger to one’s life triggers the
situational dominant of self-preservation which may be
in conflict with the life dominant, or the socially determin­
ed need to be consistent with certain ethical patterns.
The consciousness, as a rule in conjunction with the sub­
consciousness, accesses from memory and “visualizes” the
consequences of the subject’s actions. Furthermore, the
conflict of motivations involves the mechanisms of will,
the need to overcome the obstruction on the way to the
chief objective, this obstruction being the self-preservation
instinct. Every urge generates its own emotions whose
competition will be seen by the subject as the struggle of
fear and the sense of duty, shame of being pusillanimous,
etc. This struggle of motivations culminates either in
escape or in a courageous stand.
In this example personal responsibility and personal
freedom of choice jointly inhibit impulsive actions in
response to the current situation, gain time for evaluating
the possible consequences and thus strengthen the domi­
nating need which is capable of countering the situationally
dominant fear.
In effect, it is not consciousness by itself or will power
by itself that dictates the action but rather their ability
Subconsciousness and Superconsciousness 301

to strengthen or weaken this or that competing urge. This

strengthening is implemented through the mechanism of
emotions which have been shown above to depend not only
on the strength of the urge but also on the estimate of the
probability that it will be satisfied [10]. The urge which
has become dominant (the actual dominant) will then direct
the action of the intuition (superconsciousness) in search
of an optimal creative solution of the problem which would
satisfy that dominating urge.
Careful analysis of the memoirs of the best Soviet Air
Force pilots in World War II reveals that instantaneous
decisions unexpected by the enemy were taken not in fear
or in fury but in an emotionally beneficial state of striving
to win the “game”, even though one’s own life was at stake.
In other words, components of the ideal creative cognitive
urge were involved.
When the prevalent urge (the life dominant) is so strong
that the situational dominants are suppressed, it immedi­
ately mobilizes the reserves of the subconsciousness and uses
the activities of the superconsciousness for its satisfaction.
The motivations are practically not in conflict and the
prevalent urge is directly transformed into an actual domi­
nant. In the case of heroic self-sacrificing actions when they
rush to help without thinking, people are driven either by
the “biological” parent instinct or by altruistic urges of
a more complex social origin.
The formation of an actual dominant may prove a diffi­
cult task when the prevalent and situational dominants are
in conflict and of approximately equal strength. Such
conflicts are described in many classical works of fiction.
On the other hand, the absence of an actual dominant (as
in the case of a pensioner or a retiree) creates a heavy stress
for many. Equally sorry consequences result from lack of
a life dominant, when the individual becomes a plaything
302 P. V. Simonov

of situational dominants, as are misbehaving adolescents,

alcoholics, and drug addicts. What is significant is that
such an individual is not, as a rule, aware of the true cause
of his defeated state and provides most various excuses
for wasting his life.
We have compared above the interaction of the conscious­
ness, and the superconsciousness with that of selection and
unpredictable variability in biological evolution. What we
have in mind is not an analogy but a universal principle
of any development which manifests itself in the “nature’s
creation” (origination of new species), in the creative activity
of an individual, and in the evolution of the culture. There
is no question of “transferring” the biological laws to socially
determined mentality or the history of human civilization.
Science has repeatedly come across similar universal prin­
ciples. Such are the regulatory functions of feedback which
are at work in the blood pressure regulation (even in bio­
chemical processes) and in industrial process control. No
“transfer” occurs but the fact is that the rules of control
theory are generally applicable.
The same is true of the dynamics of the origination of
the new, be it in philogenesis or in the individual (scienti­
fic, technical, artistic) creative activity of man or in the
history of culture. To become a reality, the new needs four
components: (1) an evolving population, (2) unpredictable
variability of the evolving material, (3) selection, and
(4) fixation (through heredity in the broad sense of the
In human creative activity the corresponding four com­
ponents are:
1) the subject’s experience (what he learns both from
his contemporaries and from the preceding generations);
2) the activity of superconsciousness (intuition), or such
transformations and recombinations of the traces (engrams)
Subconsciousness and Superconsciousness 303

of earlier impressions whose consistence or inconsistence

with the reality is not established until later;
3) the activity of consciousness which subjects the hypo­
theses (acting as “mental mutations”) first to logical selec­
tion and then to experimental industrial or social test­
4) fixation of selection results in the individual’s memory
and in the cultural heritage of human generations.
In the case of civilizations the entire culture experiences
an evolution but the new element (an idea, discovery,
invention, ethical rule, etc.) originates in an individual
material organ, i.e., the brain of a creative individual,
rather than in an abstract interpersonal or superpersonal
space. Likewise, although in biological evolution the
entity is a population, the selection operates through indi­
viduals. The unpredictability of a discovery and the pro­
tection of the “mental mutagenesis” and “mental recombi­
nations” from the interference of the consciousness and
will are a s i n e q u a n o n of development, much in the same
way that the mutations have to be unpredictable if the
biological evolution is to proceed. Complete formaliza-
bility and arbitrariness of the original stages of creative
work would make it impossible and spell the end of deve­
lopment of the civilization.
For illustration, let us assume that genetic engineering
and a sophisticated education system have enabled society
to foster “ideal people”. They would be ideal, however,
only in our today’s, inevitably limited, view that history
will make obsolete. “The ideally programmed” people
might prove very vulnerable if the future makes demands
that are now unforeseeable. Fortunately, in the psycho­
physiology of creative work we come across one of nature’s
prohibitions which can be overcome no more than the
energy conservation laws and the complementarity prin-
304 P. V. Simonov

ciple can. All the endeavors to formalize and program

creative activities remind of “research” in perpetual motion.
The superconsciousness is nurtured on the memories of
experience which is stored in the consciousness and partly
recorded in the subconsciousness, and hence cannot generate
a hypothesis which would be completely “independent” of
that experience. No genius of the primitive society could
arrive at the theory of relativity. The genius is on many
occasions ahead of his time but only to a degree. In other
words, mankind attacks only those problems which it is
more or less ready to solve. This is another case of unpre­
dictable non-randomness of “mental mutations”. On the
other hand, society evolves via the world-changing activi­
ties of specific personalities, through the activity of their
superconsciousness where scientific and technological disco­
veries, new ethical rules, and concepts of works of art are
generated. A purely individual breakthrough in technology
grows into an industrial revolution which changes the
production relations. Thus, the higher nervous "activity of
man centered on his vital (“biological”), social, and ideal
(creative and cognitive) needs becomes, in the words of
Vernadsky, a tremendous planetary and cosmic force among
other natural forces [131.
,Let us formulate several conclusions.
1. The higher nervous (mental) activity of man proceeds
on three levels: the consciousness, the subconsciousness,
and the superconsciousness.
The consciousness processes the transferable knowledge
that can become the legacy of other members of society.
Numerous studies of the functional asymmetry of the brain
have revealed that the external stimuli or events in the
internal life of the subject remain unrecognized unless the
speech zones of the cortex are involved. In creative activi­
ties it is the consciousness that formulates the question
Subconsciousness and Superconsciousness 305

to be answered and submits it to the mind which explores

the reality.
The subconsciousness digests whatever was or can be
comprehended under certain conditions. These are habits
which become automatic, built-in social rules, and moti­
vational conflicts displeasing for the subject. The sub-
consciousness protects the consciousness from overwork and
mental overstrain.
The activity of the superconsciousness (creative intuition)
manifests itself as the initial stages of creative activities
which are not monitored by the consciousness or will, so
as to protect the nascent hypotheses (“mental mutations
and recombinations”) from the conservatism of the conscious­
ness and from the undue pressure of earlier experience.
The consciousness has to select these hypotheses by logical
analysis and by practice in the broad sense. Neurophysio-
logically, the superconsciousness transforms and recombines
the traces (engrams) in the subject’s memory, and closes
new temporal links whose consistency or otherwise with
the reality will be tested later.
2. The superconsciousness operates so as to satisfy the
dominating need which dictates the direction of the “mental
mutagenesis”. Consequently, the “mental mutations” are
essentially unpredictable but not spurious. Another chan­
neling factor is the subject’s experience stored in his con­
sciousness and subconsciousness.
3. The recognition of the fact that the subject is not
fully aware of his motivations resolves the apparent conflict
between the objective determinism of human behavior (which
is dictated by one’s hereditary characteristics, education,
and social environment) and the subjective freedom of
choice. This sense of freedom is a very valuable achieve­
ment which makes the subject feel personal responsibility
for, and analyze and forecast the consequences of his actions.
2 0- 0913
306 P. V. Simonov

The retrieval of relevant information from the depths of

memory amplifies the urge which is stably dominating
in the hierarchy of motives in the personality and so enables
this urge to withstand the test of situational dominants,
or urges which are brought to the surface by the current
4. In human creative activities the interaction of the
superconsciousness and the consciousness is the manifesta­
tion of the universal mechanism whereby the new is gene­
rated in the biological evolution and in cultural develop­
ment. As an evolving population generates new traits
through selection of individuals the culture inherits from
earlier generations those ideas, discoveries, and social
rules that originated in the minds of specific explorers
and pioneers.
5. The conscious activity alone can account for neither
the dialectics of the determinism and freedom of choice,
nor the mechanisms of creative activities, nor the actual
history of culture. Only the recognition of the importance
of psychologically incomprehensible and the separation of
sub- and super-consciousness will lead to sound answers
to burning questions in the science of man.

1. JlypHH A. P. BHCume KopnoBue (JyHKiuin HeJioBeKa. M.: H3fla-
TejibCTBo M ry , 1962.
2. TepmyHH I \ B., KoweBHHKOB B. A., MapyceBa A. M., Hhcto-
BHH JI. A. 0 6 0 C0 6 eHH0 CTHX 06pa30BaHHH BpeMeHHHX CBH3eU
Ha HeomymaeMue 3ByKOBwe pa3^pa>KeHHH y HeJioBena. BwAAemeub
SKcnepuMeumaAbuou SuoAoeuu u xedui^unu. T. 26, N2 3, 1948.
3. Epanm a H. H., flo6poxoTOBa T. A. OyHKiuKmaJibHue accnMeT-
pmi HeJioBeKa. M.: Meflimima, 1981. (0 cnenHajiH3auHH h nap-
hoh pa6oTe nojiyuiapim M03ra ^eJiOBeKa).
4. HpomeBCKHH M. T. KaTeropnajibHan peryjiniuiH HayHHOH flen-
TeJibHOCTH. Bonpocbi (fiuAocofjhiu, JST® 11, 1973.
Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology 307

5. Chmohob II. B. Bticman HepBHan fleHTeJibHOCTb HeJiOBena: McrniBa-

UH0HH0-3M0n,H0HajibHtie acneKTU. M.: Hayna, 1975. Chmohob n . B.
KaTeropHH co3HaHHH, noflco3HaHHH n CBepx co3HaHHH b TBOpne-
T5 hjihch: MeijHHepe6a, 1978, t . 2. Chmohob II. B. Bmoijho-
HajibHUH M03r. M.: Hayna, 1981.
6. J. Hadamard. An Assay on the Psychology of Invention in the
Mathematical Field. Princeton, 1945.
7. Popper K., Eccles G. The Self and its Brain. New York, 1977.
8. IlaBJioB M. II. ^BaflijaTHJieTHHH oeht o6i>eKTHBHoro H3yneHHH
BbicmeH HepBHOH fleHTeJibHOCTH (noBefleHHfl) hchbothux. M.: Hay-
na, 1973.
9. Chmohob II. B. BMOi^noHajibHoe B036y>KAeHHe h «ncnxHHecKHH
MyTareHe3».— B kh.: Btopoh CHMnoanyM no npo6jieMe «HeJioBeK
h MamnHa»: Te3. aokji. m.: HaynH.-TexH. o6mecTBO paflHOTexHH-
kh h 3JieKTpocBH3H hm. A. C. IIonoBa, 1966.
10. Chmohob II. B. 3Mon,HOHajibHUH M03r. M.: Hayna, 1981.
11. Oaira6epr E. JI. KnOepHeTHKa, norHKa, ncnyccTBO. M.: Pa^no h
CBH3L, 1981.
12. Chmohob II. B. AeTePMHHH3M H CBo6ofla Bbi6opa.— B kh.: Moto-
AOjioriiHecKHe npoOneMU <J)H3HOJioriiH Bbicmen HepBHOH fleHTeJib-
hocth. M.: Hayna, 1982.
13. BepHaACKHH B. II. BuoreoxiiMiiHecKiie onepKH. M.; JI.: H3AaT6Jib-
ctbo AH CCCP, 1940.

The Principle of Active Operator

in Engineering Psychology
The engineers do their best to ensure that the instruments
show all the data necessary for efficient control of the
machinery. The operator will not, however, perceive this
data correctly unless the laws of perception, concentration,
memory, thinking, and the dynamics of human psychologic­
al states are recognized in developing the instrumentation
20 *
308 B. F. Lomov

because otherwise the control system is susceptible to human

errors. The human factor should obviously be incorporated
into the design from the earliest stages. This is what the
engineering psychology*, which studies the data exchange
between man and machine, is about.

Anthropocentric Approach to Analysis

of the Man-Machine System

Once the man-machine system was viewed in the following

general terms. All the changes in the process were picked
up by sensors whose signals were fed into the instruments
which were observed by man who decoded the instrumental
readings and responded accordingly. The signal resulting
from the operator’s action was fed into the process and
changed its state. The new state generated new signals,
etc. In this picture man was regarded as a rather unsophis­
ticated element whose activity could be described behav-
ioristically in terms of stimulus and response. The goal
was to make man “fit” the loop of the control system. The
operator was described either as a frequency filter or as
a linear low-frequency amplifier. Some researchers tried
to determine his “input” or “output” characteristics, more
specifically, their magnitudes which were assumed to be
independent of the actual work.
That was the machinocentric approach in which simpli­
fication of labor was the chief way to make machinery and
man compatible. Methodologically that approach followed
the Taylor system which was embodied in the belt conveyor
processes early in this century. The approach did yield
* Engineering psychology is an important part of ergonomics,
which also includes physiology, anthropometry, and some other dis­
Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology 309

some useful findings in particular areas such as the optimal

size and shape of the scale, most readable shapes of letters
and numbers; generally, those results had a bearing on the
specifics of perception rather than the entire totality of
factors influencing control of actual machinery.
As engineering psychological research gained pace, the
narrow scope of the machinocentric approach became more
and more obvious. What worked in the experiment was
not necessarily confirmed in practice. In determining man’s
“throughput”, or rate of data processing, man was regarded
as a communication channel. But man’s throughput is
influenced by his motivation, emotional state, stamina,
skill and numerous other “variables”. Man displays the
entire variety of human characteristics even when acting
as a system element. If so, studies of man as an operator
should give way to studies of the operator as man.
This reasoning has resulted in reassessing the man-ma­
chine system. A new, anthropocentric approach was worked
out in which the man-machine interaction was viewed as
the relations between the subject and his tools. In this
approach, which was adopted in the Soviet engineering
psychology from the outset, the chief element in the descrip­
tion of the system was man’s activity as the basic compo­
nent of the control process whose structure and objectives
dominated all other elements of the system.
In this anthropocentric approach the man-machine sys­
tem is assumed to act in the following way. Man has to
make the process change the state or to maintain the desired
state of the process despite exogenous perturbations. The
available data help man visualize the image of the desired
state. In receiving the signals from the data representation
system man estimates the current state of the process,
compares it with the image, analyses the possible actions,
makes a decision, and performs a control action which
310 B. F. Lomov

changes the state of the process. The information on this

change is communicated to the operator. He estimates the
situation at hand to see whether the goal has been reached
and either does or does not perform a new control action.
In this sequence man remains an element of the system
but this element organizes the entire system and makes the
system act towards the goal which he has set. It is man
who sets the goal and particular subgoals, performs the
control actions, and evaluates their results. The machinery
of any kind remains man’s tool.
For illustration let us take up the pilot-aircraft system
which has been explored by the engineering psychology
more than any other system. In this system all the disad­
vantages of disordered data exchange had been most obvious,
which compelled the engineers to turn to psychologists for
help in the early days of supersonic flight. The pilot controls
a complex system, moves with it, and experiences the
physical consequences of changing the environmental para­
meters. The pilot interacts with the aircraft directly through
vestibular, muscular, and other sensations which may
provide auxiliary and sometimes even basic data on the
flight conditions. 4
However, there is more to the specific features of the
system. The degree to which the data processing and control
functions are automated may change significantly in flight;
if the automatic units fail, the pilot has to take over im­
mediately. For these reasons the pilot-aircraft system is an
unusually convenient model for studying the effect of
automation on the activity of the human operator in auto­
matic and manually controlled flight, and the dependence
of flight efficiency and reliability on this activity.
The most important finding was that because of automat­
ic units the participation of man is reduced in the most
detrimental way. In manual control the pilot pulls the
Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology 311

levers but also receives a continuous flux of muscular

impulses which, together with the visual signals, inform
him of the way the aircraft behaves and of the results of
his actions. When automatic units take over, the pilot’s
motion analyzer remains inactive. What happens is sensory
starvation of the complex neurodynamic system which
compares, predicts, and generates corrective actions; the
feedback mechanism ceases to be all-important and man is
no longer prepared to perform effectively his basic function,
which is to back up control in automatically controlled
After a half hour in an automatically controlled flight
it takes the pilot ten times longer to detect significant
deflections in the instrumental readings than after a half
hour in a manually controlled flight. This happens because
the motion analyzer has been switched off.
In manually controlled flight the control is continuously
dependent on data processing by the pilot. This process is
an integral part of the sensomotoric actions which become
unconsciously automatic with experience. In automatic
control the monitoring of instrumental readings becomes
a new activity which has to be controlled by an act of will
through specifying a new objective. When decisions have
to be made instantly this deautomation of automatic res­
ponses is fraught with danger.
Piloting has become so complicated that automatic units
have become a necessity. At the landing phase the pilot
used to monitor continuously five or six flight variables
moving his eyes from one instrument to another as fast
as 200 times a minute while at the same time performing
numerous routine calculations. He has been relieved from
this hard and error-prone work by integrated flight direc­
tors through which the airborne computer sends commands
to him. Everything is okay as long as the automatic system
312 B. F. Lomov

is faultless. But imagine that the computer has failed and

the director readings are faulty and contradict the readings
of conventional flight instruments which are nearby. The
pilot, however, cannot tear his eyes off the director panel.
He is fascinated by his automatic supervisor, fascinated
because he has lost sight of his goal. In manual control
he was to maintain the agreement of the actual parameters
and the set points. Now his objective is to maintain the
desired readings of the director. The image of the flight
which used to control the pilot’s actions has changed beyond
recognition and he has ceased to be the active element of
the system. This role has been taken over by the director
The pilot ultimately understands that he has been misled.
But precious seconds have been lost for correctly assessing
the situation. The pilot has to exert enormous efforts to
restore psychologically that degree of active participation
which is essential for manual control to be efficient.
It is quite natural that control functions are taken over
by automatic hardware during complex stages of the flight.
But is the reduction of the pilot’s participation inevitable?
Could the shortage of information which is responsible for
this reduction be compensated for? A fault in the system
must by all means be signaled but the choice of this signal
should be preceded by thorough psychological studies.
Two options of such emergency signaling were studied
in a simulator. In one an instrument on a special panel
lighted up to refer the pilot to a particular instrument
which was to be used to control the flight manually. In the
other the lights went on in the instruments by which the
flight could be controlled in such emergency. The latter
option proved more effective. The informational value of
both options was the same but the time elapsed before the
pilot started to act was different. An analysis of the pilot’s
Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology 313

eye movements has revealed that in the former case he

moves his eyes first to the director and only then to the
manual control panel. While he does so, the manual control
instrument (having a finite response time) is still silent.
A delay prevents it from displaying data which would
guide the pilot. Consequently, instead of waiting for that
data to be displayed, the pilot, as if failing to believe his
eyes, turns to the panel, looks at other instruments, and
then tries to resume control, not purposefully but tenta­
tively, as if testing the validity of the signal. If anyth­
ing, at this stage the deflection from the right path only
The situation is quite different when the failure signal
is combined with useful data. The searching movements of
the pilot’s eyes are minimal and he makes just one third
of the tentative movements of the former option. What is
more, in the latter option the need in additional informa­
tion is not so acute, the signal is comprehended faster and
better, and the strain in transfer from monitoring to control
is eased. The pilot does not perform erratic movements
but lets the situation clear up. He does not make a decision
before misalignment signals are displayed for him. Thus,
the combination of two signals in one indicator improves
the pilot’s alertness and the reliability of his action.
The degree of his participation is adequate for his func­
The pilot’s involvement is equally useful in autopilot
flight. Thanks to the automatic hardware the pilot is not
so deeply immersed in tasks of manual control but nothing
important escapes his attention. He may cease scanning
the instrument panel for relatively long intervals but neither
the piloting nor other tasks such as search for objects on
the earth suffer. The pilot’s preparedness to shift to manual
control is not reduced because the structure of the data
314 B. F. Lomov

exchange in the pilot-aircraft system is nearly the same

as in manual control. The periodic correction of the auto­
pilot facilitates maintaining the neurodynamic visual-
proprioceptive links* that are essential for starting the
control actions, and preserves that alertness of the organism
which is necessary to participate in the process and which
A. A Ukhtomsky so properly referred to as o p e r a t i v e i n a c ­
tio n .
This state has been studied in numerous experiments.
During the entire “joint” flight the pilots have been found
to maintain a high degree of “muscular vigilance”. The
motion analyzer was continuously prepared for action.
The perception of the instrumental readings was stable:
the sequence and frequency of eye movements from instru­
ment to instrument at the sixtieth minute of the flight
were exactly as at the tenth minute. The following experi­
ment confirms that the eye movements are indicative of
the general intensity of psychic processes, above all per­
ception and attention. At the 30th minute the experiment­
ers introduced failures into the speed indicator without
informing the pilot. All pilots detected changes in instru­
mental readings within five seconds. When failures were
introduced in full^ automatic flight, they were not detect­
ed until after as much as 160 seconds.
The alertness of an individual who is a stand-by element
in a man-machine system may be improved by proper
training. If the operator does not have a clear idea of the
operation of automatic hardware he may be either too
cautious and try to manage without it even when it can
obviously be useful or, be overconfident of its infallibility.

* Proprioceptors are end formations of sensitive nervous fibers in

skeletal muscles, tendons, and joint bursa; they are stimulated in
contraction, straining or extension of the muscles.
Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology 315

The inability to appreciate the potential of the hardware,

especially in situations which have not been envisaged in
the program, makes the operator unsure of himself, overly
strained, and prematurely tired.
N. D. Zavalova and V. A. Ponomarenko, psychologists
who had been studying the pilot-aircraft interaction for
years, tried to improve the pilot’s alertness in a “training”
experiment. The formation of an integral director signal
was explained to the pilot; the relative independence of
the director index readings and the sensor readings was
demonstrated; the attributes of computer or autopilot
failures were studied. The pilots were asked to detect and
recognize various failures of these units and, wherever
possible, to continue using unfailed elements of the auto­
matic hardware in control. This training dispelled the
notion which was about to take root in the minds of some
personnel that the hardware only simplified the work.
This training also made the pilots confident that in emer­
gency they could take over the control. Once they knew
how the automatic control system operated, the pilots
succeeded in differentiating various failures and, rather
than disconnecting the hardware in response to any fault
as they used to do before, tried to make use of the unfailed
elements in the cases of partial failures. This training
helped increase the accuracy of certain maneuvers with
failed hardware by a factor of one and a half to three.

The Principle of Active Operator

Numerous experiments led Soviet engineering psychologists
to a principle of active operator whereby, rather than
becoming a passive attachment to the machine, man is
kept active although his functions are partially transferred
316 B. F. Lomov

to automatic hardware. This principle is a natural exten­

sion of the anthropocentric approach to the man-machine
system which, in contrast to the machinocentric approach,
is not designed to simplify work but to make the technology
better adapted to man.
The wider the application of the principle, the better
the system performance. No matter how psychologically
effective the failure signaling is, the performance is not
improved unless the operator knows the trends in the pro­
cess behavior and is somewhat ahead of the events.
This principle and the anthropocentric approach in
general will obviously triumph when every man-machine
system is designed in the closest possible cooperation of the
engineer and the psychologist. Today the psychologist on
most occasions acts as an advisor in developing a new
system or in modifying an old one. But even when the
psychologist is a coauthor, his role boils down to optimiz­
ing the maintenance procedures. The original design is
amended, sometimes very substantially, by engineers who
know of the principles of engineering psychology, but this
activity is only a step towards design because the machine
remains the cenfer of the design effort. The psychologist
must design the activity of the man who will operate that
machinery in the way that the engineer designs the machin­
ery and its functioning. What is more, the machinery
itself must be developed with an awareness of the design
of this activity and of the conditions under which this
activity is to be performed. There is no other way to obtain
an optimal interaction of the operator and the machine
and, consequently, to ensure the reliability and efficacy
of the system.
Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology 317

Towards a Theory
of the Operators Activity

Engineering psychology began with studying the “input”

and “output” characteristics of the human operator, from
analyzing mental functions, properties, and states which
somehow or other manifest themselves in the operator’s
activity, and from solving particular problems and giving
specific advice. The engineering psychology has grown to
the development of the principles and methods of designing
the activity of a human operator. These principles have
not taken shape but we will describe, albeit briefly, the
fundamentals of their development. These fundamentals
are provided by the theory of the operator’s activity which
evolves from the experience of the engineering psychology
and the concepts of general psychology, the labor psycho­
logy, physiology, control engineering, and some other
disciplines. This theory is developed by using the methods
of systems analysis.
Any activity is motivated by specific considerations and
has to be goal-directed. The relation of the motivation to
the goal is a kind of vector defining the direction and the
intensity of the activity. The motivation represents both
the individual’s feelings about his activity and the needs
of society; it has a direct impact on his state of mind and
his ability to work. The combination of motivations dictates
the period during which the individual gets accustomed
to his activity, the stability during the stage which is
referred to as “the final dash”, and the nature of selectivity
in perception, memory, and thinking. The individual regards
the motivation as a force which acts on him personally and
as a direct cause of his activity; the goal to him is a state
or an event which is inexistent now but will be the culmin-
318 B. F. Lomov

ation of his activity, in effect is an image in the broad sense

of the word.
The laws and mechanisms whereby the image of the goal
is formed are a central subject of research both in psychology
and in neurophysiology. These sciences have for a long
time been using notions such as anticipation, extrapolation,
pattern and plan, anticipatory acceptor, model of the
desired future, etc. The best of such terms is, in our opinion,
Anokhin’s “predicting reflection” which is generic for the
above terms. In analyzing the operator’s activity the engineer­
ing psychology heavily relies on the physiology of activity,
a field to which P.K. Anokhin has greatly contributed. In
1935, long before the advent of control engineering, he
discovered afferentation, a mechanism which compares the
results of the action with the desired goal, and attributed
to this mechanism a major role in the behavioral act. The
principle of active operator and other concepts of the engi­
neering psychology fit well Anokhin’s theory of a functional
system which is a closed-loop physiological entity where
feedback information on the success of a particular adaptive
action flows continuously. In studying the activity of a
human operator this theory acts as a conceptual bridge
between psychology and neurophysiology.
There are different forms of predicting reflection. The
most important of them are forecasting (or anticipation, or
extrapolation), which is most obvious when the operator
has to continuously correct the process (as shown by
V.M. Vodlozerov and myself in the case of an individual
engaged in tracking activity), and goal formation. The
achievement of a goal is thus a process rather than a single
act. The goal is “decomposed” into a chain of partial goals.
Each of them is achieved by performing a certain action.
In some cases every subsequent action is prepared by a
preceding one. In others, when the operator has to solve
Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology 319

several problems concurrently, a direct logical connection

between the actions does not necessarily exist.
In short, different systems of actions may have different
structures. In every case the operator has to keep in mind
the image of the goal but in many man-machine systems he
cannot do without various aids. The choice of the pictorial,
symbolic, or command form of the aid is dictated by the
specifics of the operator’s activity.
The operator receives almost all current information from
data display systems. The comprehension of this data
proceeds in at least two stages: (1) perception of physical
phenomena acting as data carriers such as combinations
of light spots in the display or position of the indicator on
the scale and (2) decoding of the signals and subsequent
visualization of the process, or building of a conceptual
While the first stage has been fairly well-explored in
psychology and psychophysiology, the second has not.
The conceptual model includes both transformed signals
perceived at a particular instant and the individual’s experi­
ence, knowledge, and skills. This dynamic synthesis of
traces of memory and perception becomes an image with
all its inherent features. It is general, schematic, and pano­
ramic. The empirical psychology used to regard images as
“shadows of perception”. This view has been disproved. In
image formation accidental features are eliminated whereas
general, most stable, features remain. On the other hand,
man isolates those elements of the object or situation that
he believes to be most informative. An image is not a detailed
subjective picture of the reality; it is rather a scheme where
a maximum of information is carried by a minimum of
elements. Finally, a conceptual model contains an image
of the entire situation, all the conditions and circumstances
making the environment of the object or the process rather
320 B. F. Lomov

than an image of an object or process. What is more, the

entire panorama of simultaneously visualized interrelated
elements is represented in the model as an entity.
What is a conceptual model in real life? For a pilot it
is the “image of the flight”. Some pilots who are aware of
the value of a mental image (conceptual model) of a flight
train themselves by performing a maneuver or recovering
from a maneuver with their eyes closed and then check
their action against the instrument readings. This kind
of training makes the flight image stable, simplifies the
piloting, and builds up the pilot’s confidence.
An activity has been said to materialize in a sequence
of actions subordinated to a common goal or interrelated
in some other way. This interrelationship is impossible
unless the individual has a plan of activities which, like
the goal, is visualized in advance. The performance depends
on the planning quality. Thus, in the most elementary case
the beginner operators act “by reference points”. The actions
are performed in response to signals; if the signals are
random and frequent, the activity is strained and erroneous.
In such cases the operator has no clear-cut plan; rather,
he is led by the events. The operation is somewhat better
when the work follows a strict but unduly rigid plan. Every­
thing is fine as long as nothing unusual happens, but emer­
gencies make such plans totally ineffective. The best way to
plan is to develop an overall strategy without unnecessary
detail so as to enable the operator to change the nature
and sequence of actions when the circumstances change.
When he sets a goal or a subgoal, builds a conceptual
model or performs actions, the operator makes decisions.
Decisions are made in looking for ways out of an uncertain
situation and in an elementary sensory process of signal
detection. Rather than by the sensitivity of the analyzers,
the process is dictated by the criterion which the operator
Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology 321

chooses depending on the task, the evaluation of the task,

and the skill.
To make a decision is to choose one of several options.
The most complicated parts of this process are mental
manipulation of the images and' determination of the way
to act. First the operator identifies the uncertain situation,
then generates several options, then evaluates the options,
and finally chooses one which, in his view, leads to the
desired results. Depending on the relationship between the
option generation and evaluation processes there are five
types of decisions: impulsive (the option is taken without
evaluation); risky (the option is evaluated only partially);
balanced (the option generation and evaluation are well-
balanced); cautious (the evaluation partly suppresses the
generation); and inert (the generation is suppressed and
so becomes ponderous and uncertain). The extreme types
of decisions, impulsive and inert, are most ineffectual; the
best are those where risk is balanced with caution, where a
kind of “cautious daring’7 is shown.
There are numerous classifications of decisions in psychol­
ogy: the one above is most suitable for the operator’s activity.
In addition to types, decisions are classified by the ways
they are made. Thus, the analysis of the pilot's behavior
when the autopilot has failed identifies four such ways:
(1) once the signal (e.g., of the aircraft roll) arrives, the
pilot takes the necessary action with a delay of three to
five seconds; (2) on receiving the signal, the pilot examines
the instrumental panel and takes the action after a delay
totaling 20 seconds; (3) the pilot examines the panel and
makes tentative pulls at the levers, the delay taking as
long as 50 seconds; (4) the pilot acts by trial and error,
performing tentative, often chaotic and erroneous actions
increasing the delay to 180 seconds.
In the first case the pilot makes a decision instantly, the
322 B. F. Lomov

process being purely mental. In the second case the process

is also mental but the pilot needs additional data to gener­
ate and evaluate the options. In the third and fourth cases
the options are checked by trials as well as mentally; even
the option generation needs support from motoric action.
The choice of the way in which the decisions are made
depends on the skill and the conceptual model. The better
the situation modeling, the faster and the more effective
the decision. This signifies that the techniques of submitting
the data to the operator should be developed so as to allow
for decision making as well as perception. On one hand,
the better the process and the environment are represented,
the more probable is a right and timely decision. On the
other hand, the amount of data may prove unwieldy. The
designers must strike a balance between the two extremes.
Both theoretically and practically this is quite feasible.
In some cases the operator is aided by computers which
advise him on determining the sequences and amounts of
the cfata. There are also special-purpose units which tell
the operator where to look for data needed to make a decision
in emergency.
Once a decision is made, the operator acts. The actions
have of course been classified too, but we will only emphasize
that each moment the action should adequately match the
object, tools, and conditions of work because the data on
them are contained in human mind and the emerging reflec­
tion is the controller of action. This controller may act at
the level of senses and perceptions, at the level of images,
or at the level of speech and thinking processes which possess
the highest degree of abstraction and generalization. In
actual work these three levels interact; only their priorities
change to suit the object, tools, and conditions of work.
In the operator’s mind the data on the current state of
the object and on the results of his actions are reflected as
Principle of Active Operator in Engineering Psychology 323

a subjective image. This image is operational in that it

is intended for correct and fast performance of jobs. It is
an ideal specialized reflection of the object, a reflection
which forms as the operator acts. It is subordinated to the
operator’s goal; in psychology it is referred to as an operation­
al image.
The operational image is an extension of the goal image
and the conceptual model. It overcomes their “misalign­
ment”. The operational image changes with every action
conducive to the goal. The feedback signals on the results
of actions update the image. Shaped as the data are acquired
and processed, the operational image, being a sort of mobile
conceptual model during the attainment of the goal, shapes,
in its turn, the course of the process and the way it runs.
The time and accuracy of performing the actions depend
on the professional experience. The actions that have been
brought to high perfection, performed easily and fast, with
the best result and with the least effort, are skills, which
are the most valuable aids and “automatic” components of
conscious activity.
Motoric habits are best explored in psychology. They are
controlled by motoric structures which integrate individual
motions into one whole. Skilled personnel perform a sequence
of particular motions as one complex motion, accurately
and economically: unless one is familiar with the synthesis
of this sequence in the course of training, one cannot imagine
the welter of adaptive motions which accompany the essen­
tial movements and disappear gradually as the skill takes
Another major feature of motoric skills is the increasing
ability to choose from the flow of signals those which have
to do with a given motoric task. In addition to a motoric
structure, a sensory structure, or, to be more precise, a
senso-motoric structure develops which acts as the mechan-
324 B. F. Lomov

ism governing any skill. The operation of the analyzer is

resequenced. First the most important function in the regula­
tion of motions is performed by visual signals; then, as the
training proceeds, tactile and proprioceptive signals, or
those from the muscles, tendons, and the vestibular appara­
tus, come to the fore. The feedback function is taken over
by the motion analyzer. The reason is simple: the length
of the “control” cycle in such an “inner” loop is half or one
third that of the “outer” cycle.
Once the inner loop sets in, the operator concentrates
more on the result of the entire action rather than on his
own motions. The priorities of the control levels also change.
The motions are controlled by sensory-perceptive, rather
than by speech and thinking, processes; the thinking is
engaged in overall monitoring and tasks more appropriate
for it. The skill may seem to be uncontrolled by the mind.
Psychologists have for a long time been studying the
formation of skills. They want to know more about the
interaction of old and new skills and to understand which
elements of th j old skills are helpful and which are not in
acquiring new skills. The results of studies are summarized
in advice to be used in the training of operators.
The theory of operator's activity has not yet taken shape
but its general outline is visible as is the conceptual frame­
work which, by analogy with the ideas of Anokhin, Bern­
stein, and their followers, may be referred to as the psychol­
ogy of activity. Such a science is the engineering psychology
of today which addresses itself to practice, to technological
progress, and to its protagonist, the working man.
The Organism and Age

A geing and Old Age

The very fact that some people remain active in old age
confirms that ageing can be biologically optimized and
extension of life is a realistic possibility.
The longest life on record was lived by Thomas Parr who
was believed to be 152 years and more than nine months
when he died in 1635. The autopsy performed by William
Harvey, the great British surgeon, confirmed that age.
More than three centuries later this record was broken by
Shirali Fizoli ogly Mislimov, an Azerbaijan peasant, who
was reportedly born in 1805 and died in 1973 at the age of
167 years.
When Matayo Achoungo of Kenya died in December 1976
at the age of 132 all Kenyan newspapers published obituaries
and the funeral, attended by scores of his children, 125 grand­
children, and thousands of mourners, was televized live.
In 1980 Zanati Mishaal, an Egyptian fellah, celebrated
the 105th anniversary of his wedding. He was 130 then and
the oldest citizen of his country. His youngest son was 72.
Zanati Mishaal had been ill just once in his life, when he
was 120.
There are also some less verifiable reports of long life.
Jean Tairele was born in Dijon, France, in 1684. He
enlisted in the army at the age of sixteen. He was given
captaincy by Louis XVI in 1777 and dismissed by Napoleon
after more than a century of service at the age of 118 years.
Tairele died in 1827 when he was 143.
326 V. I. Klimova

Zoltan Petrage, a Hungarian, reportedly died when he

was 186; Zaro Aga, a Turk, when he was 156; Medjid Agaev
of this country lived more than 140 years. Mahmed Ayubu
of Iran said he was born in 1790. In 1970 he was 180; he
had married the last time 20 years before. He had 170 grand­
children. This longevity is so unusual, even sensational,
that we understand why gerontologists are cautious in
evaluating such reports. The scientists of the Gerontology
Institute of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR,
Kiev, who compared the possible life spans of various ani­
mals and physiological and functional parameters agreed
that the maximal human life span is 115-120 years.
The «age of the comparatively large group of people who
are said to be around 100 is not therefore biologically in
According to the 1970 census, in the USSR 2,998 men
and 11,087 women were 100-104, 110 men and 229 women
were 120 and more, and the long-livers totaled 19,304.
Only one person in 10,000 has a chance to live to that age.
This is the so-called species age which is dictated by the
genetic program.
Indeed, some species live for hours, some for scores of
years, and some for centuries. Some representatives of every
species die very early and some very late for their species.
The reason for early death is easy to find. Why some
people manage to live for an unusually long time remains
a mystery. The natural life span of man has not been deter­
mined, either.
Studies of long-livers may help understand this mystery.
Who are the long-livers? Are they just lucky or specifically
talented people? Or are they record breakers? All of them
have undoubtedly succeeded in optimal “investment” of
their health; their organisms perform self-regulation with
utmost precision on every level.
Ageing and Old Age 327

Similarity of Variety

As might be expected, the long-livers are very different.

They have led different kinds of life, have different habits,
affections, and inclinations. Scientists, however, want to
know more about the reasons behind their long life.
Consequently, it is very important to know where the
very old live, what their diet is, what their life style is,
whether they are often sick, and what their inherited
features are.
The geography of long-livers is most varied. The very
old are Daghestanians and Abkhazians, Latvians and Evenks;
they live in the middle of Soviet Europe, in the Western
Siberia, and in Central Asia. They live in Iran, Turkey,
India, Japan, Latin America, and Africa.
There is no uniformity in their diet. Some of them, e.g.,
Mme Simone, 105, a French writer, say they have never
observed any special diet. The national cuisine may give
a better insight than the testimony of individuals. The
age-old Abkhazian food includes maize gruel, cheese (chiefly
of the goat milk), much vegetables and fruits but nearly
no animal fats, little fish or meat, a limited amount of salt
and sugar. On the other hand, the Azerbaidjanians consume
much meat and fat. The diet of the Evenks is quite different.
It includes venison, animal fat, fish, a little of vegetables,
and wild berries.
The diet of the old in Moscow and Leningrad is in most
cases conventional. The old in the Vilcabamba valley in
Ecuador consume as little as 1,200 calories every day. Their
diet includes about 40 g of protein, 12 to 20 g of fats, and
200 to 260 g of carbohydrates. The proteins and fats are
chiefly vegetative, the amount of animal proteins never
exceeding 10 g a day.
328 V. I. Klimova

Cornaro, the Italian who advocated the view that the way
to long life is through eating little food and reducing the
metabolism to a minimum, ate as little as 300 g of hard
food and drank 400 g of liquid a day. In 1558 he published
a book “Reasoning on temperate life”. He lived more than
100 years and was always in good mood.
True, very old invariably cut the consumption of meat,
sugar, and piquant and fat foodstuffs while increasing the
consumption of sour milk, vegetables, and fruits. But this
diet is also characteristic of the middle aged. True, every
long-liver has his or her preferences but their diet is chiefly
conventional. Among the very old are peasants, workers,
scientists, journalists, and writers. Consequently, they
lead different kinds of life.
Sometimes the answers to questions about the secrets of
the life style leading to a very old age are unambiguous.
Another centenarian, George Klobuscher of USA, attributes
his old age to cycling which he has been practicing for
83 years every day in any weather.
On most occasions the answer is not so certain.
Philip Wright Whitcomb, who worked for 64 years as a
journalist, entered Kansas University when he was well-
advanced in years and graduated from it at the age of 89.
He wrote on many subjects ranging from tourism to economic
reforms. His life was by no means quiet. He believes that
he owes his good health and an alert mind to a reasonable
view of himself. Since he was 12 he went in for various
sports and scored a measure of success in football, rugby,
basketball, running, rowing, and boxing. He never ceased
pursuing his hobby which is studying various philosophical
schools. What is very important, he never drank liquors or
smoked, and avoided medical drugs.
History, if nothing else, changed much in the life of the
oldest inhabitant of this planet, Shirali Mislimov. Hard,
Ageing and Old Age 329

poorly rewarded work for a landlord, injustices, continuous

threat of undeserved punishment changed to the work of a
shepherd, which requires patience and stamina and is very
important for his collective farm. A big family made it
necessary for him to work hard and be patient and just. In
response to questions he said that he had never been in
a hurry, and never hurried to live. He worked with his
hands for almost 150 years. He said that people should
work and eat what is necessary for health.
Even when very old he went for long strolls. He did not
eat beef or mutton, liked chicken soup, cheese, and sour
In response to a question, what kind of life had helped
him to keep healthy, alert, and capable of useful work
Academician A.A. Mikhailov, the director of Pulkovo
observatory (he died in 1983 when he was 90) said, “I did
nothing for this but then I did nothing harmful to my
health... I simply led a life which helped to achieve an
active old age. I never smoked or drank; I slept at least
eight hours every day... I think that my life in the country­
side for the last 26 years was also helpful. My old age seems
to result from many favorable circumstances which out­
weighed many negative effects”.
The negative effects were the hereditary features, of which
gerontologists always take note. His mother died of tuber­
culosis at the age of 29 and his father, of angina pectoris
at the age of 65. In his youth the scientist suffered from
Some of the long livers come from families in which nobody
reached an old age but most of them have children who are
also very old. Thus, Miguel Carpio, the oldest inhabitant
of the Vilcabamba valley, was 123 and his daughter was 98.
Micaela Quezada was over 100 when her elder sister died
at the age of 107 and her 12 brothers were around 90 years old.
330 V. I. Klimova

With all the differences between the lives they lead the
long-livers as a rule avoid liquors, do not smoke, eat with
moderation, and appreciate physical efforts, good sleep,
and fresh air.
The characteristic features of the long-livers are better
revealed by studies of very old people in various ethnic
Very old are to be found everywhere but in some places
their percentage is higher. Sizable numbers of them are
concentrated only in several places.
Long-livers are numerous in some valleys in the Andes
at an altitude of 1,500 m. In Vilcabamba nine out of the
819 inhabitants were over 100 in 1971. There are many very
old people among the ethnic Scots and Irish in Kentucky,
USA. They are numerous in the Hunza mountains in Paki­
stan. Their percentage is very high in the Caucasus. According
to the 1970 census, with a population amounting to just
seven per cent of the USSR’s total, the Caucasus accounted
for 16 per cent of long livers and 35 per cent of all cente­
In the USSR the percentage of very old is also high in the
Evenkian National Area, in some parts of Tajikistan, and
in the Baltic region.
Studies of groups of long-livers are a logical extension of
studies of individuals; indeed, the phenomenon of an un­
usual old age cannot be explained even when the numerous
functional, energetic, and data exchange interaction in an
individual organism have been unraveled.
Gerontologists, sociologists, and scientists from many
other fields have combined their efforts in a research project
“Comprehensive biological, anthropological and socioethno-
graphic studies of the peoples and ethnic groups with a
higher than normal percentage of long-lived persons” of the
Ethnography Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences
Ageing and Old Age 331

and the New York Research Institute for the Study of Man
The very existence of distinct “zones of exceptional old
age” suggested the need to recognize the ecological dimen­
sion; this recognition culminated in the ecological hypothesis
which emphasizes that the unusually favorable ecological
conditions are akin to the ecological conditions favoring the
development of the Homo sapiens species. These conditions
are the climate, the chemical composition of the soil and
water, the altitude, the vegetation, and the animal world, in
effect, the entire environment to which man has adapted
and which has shaped some of his physiological qualities.
The ecological theory has very much in common with
the genetic theory which emphasizes the hereditary “ability”
to withstand unfavorable conditions for a long time and
to adapt. True, the “gene of longevity” has not been discover­
ed but some hereditary factors enhanced the resistivity
and immunity to diseases.
Some biological differences between the long-livers and
their relatives, on one hand, and people who live nearby
but do not reach a very old age, on the other, have been
determined. Anthropologically, the long-livers are usually
short and lean. Their physiology is somewhat different as
is, according to the EEGs, the neuro-reflectory activity.
The interdisciplinary studies of the phenomenon also
revealed the importance of psychological factors and culmi­
nated in two more hypothesis, personal psychological and
socio-psychological. The former attributes longevity to the
specifics of the personal psychology. The people who are
likely to live to a very old age are optimistic, easily adapt­
able to changes in their life, and stable under stresses. This
hypothesis is usually combined with the genetic hypothesis.
Indeed, since some psychodynamic traits can be inherited,
so can be the psychological features. The latter hypothesis
332 V. I. Klimova

assumes that longevity is favored by a socio-psychological

environment which assuages the difficulties, conflicts and
stresses. Thus, the habits of mutual help and the traditional
etiquette make the physical and moral strain easier. Some
features of everyday life and the close links between the
old and the people around them favor the reaching of an
old age.
The amount of attention the scientists give to longevity
is quite understandable as is the importance of their find­
ings in the context of this book. It is very important to know
of any effect on the operation of a living self-regulating
complex system of the human organism, be this effect
biological, ecological, psychological or social. This knowl­
edge may help hold back the genetic program of ageing,
“disturb” that program and thus use the reserves of the
organism in an optimal way and give more years to life
and more life to years.

Towards an Active Old Age

The stage of oldness is as natural in human life as any other.
But does this stage necessarily arrive “in proper time”?
The work for extending the healthy and active period
in human life proceeds along two directions: studies of the
secrets behind the old age and search for the physiological
mechanisms of ageing.
The researchers try to follow this process on all levels,
from the molecular to that of the entire organism. Ageing
is seen to be somewhat synonymous with destruction. The
ageing changes the action of the cells, organs and systems
of the entire organism. It disturbs the physiological func­
tions and destabilizes the optimal control and regulation
function, i.e., reduces the adaptability. In what way does
Ageing and Old Age 333

the ageing occur? This article will summarize only the genetic
theory which is now widely recognized as the best possible
embodiment of particular interpretations, experimental
evidence, and diverse reported facts.
The genetic theory presumes that the ageing process is
genetically programmed and is influenced by the rhythmical
processes in the organism, by the operation of the biological
clock deep inside the brain, in the hypothalamus [21.
One variety of the genetic theory assumes that the organ­
ism ages not because the clock stops ticking but owing to
genetic damages to the program which accumulate as the
system cannot cope with them in time.
The adaptation theory, which is supported by ample
experimental evidence and sound theoretical reasoning,
views the ageing as a multistep process in which the adapt­
ability deteriorates [3].
The ageing is believed to result from a reduction in the
potential of the self-regulating mechanism which follows
primary changes in the regulation of the genetic machinery.
However, the ageing is an internally conflicting process
in that degradation and the disturbances of metabolism
and functions go hand-in-hand with a mobilization of all
important adjustment mechanisms.
The organism does not age all at once. Some changes occur
earlier and some later; their intensities are different and
so the organism is capable of getting prepared for self-
defense and creating new adaptation mechanisms. For this
reason ageing is not only a fading of the organism but also
a new way to adapt to the environment and to maintain
Some changes are primary and some are secondary. The
most important changes occur in the nervous activity and
in the neurohormonal regulation. The perfection of adapting
mechanisms depends on the central nervous system. The
334 V. I. Klimova

neurohormonal mechanisms influence the operation of the

genetic machinery; in old age the sequence in the operation
of genes is disturbed and this results in a disturbance in
biosynthesis. The content of some proteins decreases and
that of some others increases, so that the functioning of the
cells, tissues and organs is destabilized.
The adaptation theory does not provide a full explanation
of ageing but succeeds in demonstrating how it proceeds;
what is more, it leads to useful conclusions. To change the
ageing of a living organism is very difficult now but once
the compensating mechanisms of the organism are described,
the “program of ageing” itself can be turned against ageing.
The emerging adaptability of the organism to existence
in a new condition can be amplified in order to increase
the life span. Moreover, there is abundant evidence that
the cells carry substances whicji “repair” the genetic machin­
ery by “removing” the withered and error-distorted parts
and replacing them with renewed ones. Still another tech­
nique is to “revitalize” the “vulnerable” parts in the genetic
machinery chemically.
This theory also accounts for the differences between
age-induced changes in the organisms of different individuals
of the same age. Many people are said to look younger or
older than their age. These differences reflect the biological
age, or the status of age-induced changes and health, which
may deviate from the calendar age.
The rates of ageing depend on the adaptability of the
individual. Slow rates, largely attributable to well-developed
adaptability, are characteristic of normal physiological
ageing. A fast rate, which reflects poor operation of the
adaptive mechanisms, culminates in early oldness.
Consequently, the interaction between ageing and the
compensating adaptive mechanisms dictates the biological
age and the life span. It is the biological rather than the
Ageing and Old Age 335

calendar age that is the reflection of an individual’s health.

There is still another kind of age, psychological. The
personal view of one’s own age also makes an impact on
one’s health because it dictates the individual’s view of
himself and his mood. A 50- or 60-year-old who, most often
on the strength of tradition, thinks of himself as hopelessly
old and starts to live accordingly would hardly extend his
life. A reduced period of active life spells a shorter life.
The biological approach alone to extending one’s life
and the active period of it thus seems to be insufficient.
Since man is a social being, the ageing depends on the emo­
tional psychological factors and on the social conditions as
well as on the biological mechanisms.
The good old common sense has long formulated proverbs
to the effect that one dies as he lived and the lazy do not
live long. The individual’s health, active old age, and life
span largely depend on the social factors such as the life
style and work. The inseparable unity of the biological
potential and social factors is seen in the original notion
of the life span. There is no such thing as “purely biological”
or “genetically permissible” length of an individual’s life.
Once a person is born, the biological factors are continuously
modified, and to a significant extent, by the conditions of
life, the environment, and many unpredictable events.
The still undetermined life span of man as a species pro­
bably is unlikely to have changed since the stone age and
the medieval time to our times, but the average life span
has grown from 19 to 20-30 and to 73 years, respectively,
thanks to the improvement in the living conditions, the
triumph over numerous diseases, and reduction of the infant
For this reason the ageing is not only biological but also
social phenomenon. In a normal case the social ageing results
from gradual natural exhaustion of the organism’s reserves;
336 V. V. Frolkis, Kh. K. Muradyan

in pathological cases some social factors have accelerated

the ageing.
To recapitulate, it is only in combining different approach­
es to extending human life that tangible results will be
obtained. Man’s life is longer when he uses his biological
reserves sparingly and effectively and minimizes the negative
and undesirable factors which reduce the life of man as a
social being.

1. OeHOMeH floJiro>KHTeJibCTBa. M.: Hayna, 1982.
2. flHJibMaH B. M. Bojibiniie OnojiorHHecKHe nacTH. M.: 3HaHHe, 1982.
3. OpojibKiic B. B. PeryjuipoBaHHe, npiicnoco6jieHHe, cTapemie. JI.:
Hayna, 1970.

Extension of Human Life:

The Biological Dimension and


The tactics of extending the human life is full utilization

of the natural human longevity and the strategic goal is
making the natural life span longer [II. The dramatic
increase in the average life expectancy over the latest
decades is chiefly attributable to the reduction of the infant
mortality and to the successes in combatting infectional
diseases. Still, the forecasts of nearly complete triumph
Extension of Human Life 337

over ageing by the beginning or middle of the 21st century

seem overoptimistic.
A large team of Soviet gerontologists have also issued a
forecast of future successes in this field. Most of them,
65 per cent, believe that no later than by 2010 the average
longevity will approach the ceiling which is the life span
of an individual as a representative of the Homo sapiens
species. According to 30 per cent, the longevity of individ­
uals will extend beyond that limit in the second quarter
of the 21st century, although 58 per cent doubt this. These,
generally optimistic, forecasts assume that the findings of
today’s gerontology will be put to the most effective use.
Some believe that life cannot be extended unless the
ageing mechanisms are unraveled and brought under control.
This view is reasonable, although even to-date we know
quite a lot. Some of these mechanisms which can be in­
fluenced so as to achieve both the tactical and strategic
goals have been explored. Furthermore, on numerous occa­
sions in the history of science, especially of biology and
medicine, important phenomena were indeed brought under
control before the mechanisms behind them had been
unraveled. Finally, experimental studies of ways to extend
life are essential for understanding the mechanisms of
ageing and only experimental modeling can provide sound
criteria for evaluating any theory of ageing.
One of such theories is the adaptation theory which incor­
porates the most important achievements of cybernetics.
As the age advances, the changes which occur in various
parts of the organism may in some cases compensate one
another. The ageing proceeds along with v i t a u c t (from
Latin v i t a , life, and a u c t o , increase), a process which has
been explored in the Gerontology Institute of the USSR
Academy of Medical Sciences and which influences the
activity of all levels, from the molecular and cellular to
338 V. V. Frolkis, Kh. K. Muradyan

that of the entire organism. The genotypical effects of

vitauct are inherited and phenotypical effects are caused
by self-regulation mechanisms.
The primary ageing mechanisms are believed by the advo­
cates of this theory to act through regulation of the genome,
i.e., not through changes in the DNA information on the
structure of proteins but through changes in the mechanisms
which control and execute the DNA information, or gene
Within one century since the first scientifically sound
attempts to extend life abundant data on the effect of
various factors have been reported. For the purposes of
this discussion they could be classified into physical,
chemical, and biological. This classification is largely
conventional because the “force of application” of many
factors of different kinds and the specific mechanism of
their life-extending action may prove more significant
than different factors of the same kind.
Let us take up the effect of biological factors, even though
other life-extending factors exist. Many authors believe
that ageing-retarding factors may include electrical and
magnetic fields, ions of various metals, chelating agents,
lathyrogenes, stabilizers of lysosomal membranes, etc. [2].
The existence of organisms which live for centuries is
ample proof of the immense potential of biological factors.
Today we know too little of these factors to make full
use of them; in experiments the resultant prolongation of
life rarely exceeds 50 per cent.

Calories- and Protein-Deficient Diets

Since a lean diet had been found to increase noticeably the
life expectancy of rats, diets different in the content, nutri­
tional value, and frequency of meals became a widely used
Extension of Human Life 339

subject of research in attempts to model ways to extend

the life of warm-blooded animals. Despite the wide variety
of conditions, in most cases a certain shortage of food result­
ed in increasing the longevity of experimental animals.
What is more, there is a direct relationship between the
degree to which the amount of food is cut and the longevity.
Thus, in rats a reduction of the daily diet by one kcal in­
creased their life span by about four days. This extension
was found to be attributable to a reduction in feeding at
later stages of life, rather than to better keeping or to
reduced mortality at early stages of life (it was higher for
rats whose diet was cut than in control animals).
Calories-deficient feeding is most effective if started in
early ontogeny periods. Once the mature stage has been
reached, the food reduction is less effective and in some
cases even decreases the longevity. Only gradual reduction
results in some longevity increase for mature animals.
Another interesting finding is that the life expectancy is
inversely dependent on the consumed amount only during
the first 200 days in the lives of the animals. As they grew
older, the correlation became less noticeable and from the
age of 400 days the amounts of consumed food did not make
any significant impact on the longevity. On the other
hand, alternation of no-food days with days of unlimited
feeding unexpectedly increased the average longevity of
rats by nearly 80 per cent. The most general explanation
is that limited feeding reduces the metabolic rate, which
reduces the damaging effects [31.
The reader may recall that a negative correlation between
the life span, characteristic of the mammals, and the meta­
bolic rate was demonstrated by Rubner early in this cen­
tury. The life-extending effect of calories-deficient diet is
also believed to result in hormonal changes similar to those
in light stress and activating the vitauct processes [41.
22 *
340 V. V. Frolkis, Kh. K. Muradyan

Another interesting fact is that the same effect is obtained

by using a protein-deficient diet containing a normal amount
of calories. What is more, reduction of the protein in the
diet or of some essential aminoacids such as tryptophane,
has been found very effective.
The rate of RNA and protein synthesis was found to drop
and the lifetimes of these macromolecules was observed
to increase in cells of most various types in response to
shortage of aminoacids or energy. A probable explanation
is that the rate of macromolecule degradation and synthesis
falls and the cell starts using the genetic information more
sparingly; the damage of DNA reduces and the longevity of
an individual cell and the entire organism increases.
The life of starving animals can be extended by reducing
the body temperature by two or three degrees. Starvation
may be viewed as a good physiological way to reduce the
body temperature so as to slow down the metabolic processes.
Indeed, neither the calories-deficient diet nor the protein-
deficient diet increase the longevity of many warm-blooded
species whereas a temperature reduction has a pronounced
life-extending effect.
Whatever the exact mechanisms behind it, the effect of
starvation seems to work in humans as well as in laboratory
animals. This view is supported by the experiments started
in the Gerontology Institute. In aged people whose food
has been short on calories for a long time the pathological
changes in the cardiovascular system and in the lipid (fat)
exchange are less pronounced.

Enterosorption and Antioxidants

Since the time of Elie Metchnikoff one school of thought
relates the ageing to accumulation of damaging factors such
as toxins. Nowadays this factor is seen as just one of many
Extension of Human Life 341

processes leading to ageing. The increased sensitivity of

tissues to these factors in the old age is at least as important
as the possible increase in the concentration of toxins.
After this was understood, we developed enterosorption,
an essentially new way to increase longevity. The human
stomach produces eight to nine liters of gastric juice much
of which is not used in digestion and is sucked back into
blood. By adding sorbents which bind certain molecules
the toxic agents are removed from the organism. In our
experiments with rats enterosorption increased the life
span by 30 to 40 per cent through maintaining the optimal
rate of protein synthesis, slowing down the metabolic and
structural disorders, blocking changes in the lipid meta­
bolism, and delaying significant pathological changes. In
livers of the animals the content of the R-450 cytochrome,
an enzyme whose amount is usually well-correlated with the
content of toxic agents in the organism, was found to
One advantage of enterosorption is that, unlike most
other life-extending techniques, it is most effective at late
stages of the ontogeny when intoxication poses a real threat
to life because of lower resistivity. This line of research is
in its infancy and so the possible range of its protective
action cannot be fully appreciated. When more effective
and highly specific sorbents are available, enterosorption
will hopefully become one of the most reliable and access­
ible methods of retarding the advent of the old age and
extending human life.
The sorption methods extend life mostly by increasing
the protective potential of specific organs at the cellular
level, the use of antioxidants, or substances which react
with and “quench” free radicals is another effective approach
to life extension. The free radicals are known to be very
reactive thanks to the presence of an unpaired electron,
342 V. V. Frolkis, Kh. K. Muradyan

and capable of damaging functionally important macro­

molecules such as nucleic acids and proteins.
Studies of the effect of antioxidants on the life span and
the rate of age-induced changes in various metabolic charac­
teristics have become a major line of gerontologic research.
A significant contribution was made by D. Harman, an
American researcher, and N.M. Emanuel, full member of
the USSR Academy of Sciences, and other authors who
found that in some cases the antioxidants increase the life
span of animals by 40 to 50 per cent.
Similar studies were carried out in the Gerontology
Institute. Dextramine was found to be an effective antioxi­
dant. It was important to determine the “price” of extending
life, or what changes occurred in the functional parameters
of the organism. The age-induced changes in the motoric
activities, behavioral responses, and the basal and lipid
metabolisms occurred eight to nine months later than in
control rats.
In trying to unravel the possible mechanisms of the life­
extending action of anti-oxidants we found that they signific­
antly changed the concentration of the pituitary, adrenal
gland, and thyroid hormones which are known to have a
significant impact on the ageing rate and the life span.
In other words, the antioxidants probably reduce the amount
of free radicals through changes in the hormonal content
rather than directly. Other authors have also suggested the
existence of such a mechanism.

Physical Activity

The effect of physical exercises on the life span proved very

difficult to assess.
The oxygen consumption of insect in flight is 40 to 60-fold
Extension of Human Life 343

that at rest. This might be expected to reduce the life span

considerably. Indeed, when they are placed in a glass with
a maze of partitions, flies live two to three times longer
than usual. On the other hand, the life of very active mutants
is noticeably shorter under these conditions. No clear
inverse dependence of these variables was observed, how­
ever, in the work of several experimenters with seven strains
of drosophilae.
Only individually optimal amounts of exercises may
effectively stimulate the restoration processes. In experi­
ments the life is shortened significantly by both hypokinesis
and physical overstrain while reasonable physical activity
such as voluntary or enforced walking or running increased
the life span of experimental rats. In some experiments this
effect is more pronounced in males and in other experi­
ments, in females. The results also varied with the age. In
experiments with 120-, 300-, 450-, and 600-days-old rats
who were made to run the exercise increased the life span
of animals younger than 450 days and reduced it in older
These findings suggest that there is an “age threshold”
above which physical exercises make a negative impact
on the organism. This assertion was, however, criticized
because the same enforced exercise may prove an unbearable
strain in unfit and old animals.
Since obesity reduces the life expectancy and trained
animals have a lower weight and store less fat, the life­
extending effect could be naturally attributed to reduction
of obesity in experimental animals. Besides, vigorous activ­
ity may retard the development of numerous pathological
processes, notably in the cardiovascular system. Optimal
exercise increases the stability to shortage of oxygen which
is the cause of numerous pathologies.
I.A. Arshavsky, who compared numerous physiological
344 V. V. Frolkis, Kh. K. Muradyan

and morphological variables in closely related species

(rabbit—hare, cow—horse, ra t—squirrel) which differ in
the amount of physical exercises and longevity, believes
that an increased amount of physical efforts, especially the
dynamic component of the muscular efforts, can significantly
increase the longevity. His experiments have demonstrated
that the optimal exercise reduces, not enhances, the basal
metabolism by 40 to 60 per cent and increases the content
of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and protein, the mem­
braneous potential, and some other important indica­


Gerontology owes the first wave of loud appreciation of

gerontological experiments and subsequent bitter disappoint­
ment to attempts to use hormones in slowing down the age­
ing. The failure of rejuvenation by hormones in 1920s
brought about a standstill in this kind of research which
did not resume on any significant scale until 1950s and
The injection of testosterone was found to reduce some­
what the life span of castrated male and female mammals
while estradiol increases it, but only for males. Castration
itself increased the longevity of males and had no signifi­
cant impact on that of females. When males and females
were kept together their longevity increased by almost
a quarter over that in separate keeping.
The thyroid hormones are unambiguously known to reduce
the longevity. If thyroxine is injected for a long time, the
mortality noticeably increases but falls to the normal value
once the injections are discontinued. The calories-deficient
diet, which increases the life span, inhibits thyroid secretion.
Extension of Human Life 345

In rats which were kept at low temperatures (this regimen

increased the rat mortality) the secretion of these hormones
was found to increase.
Some researchers believe that reduced impact of tropic
pituitary hormones may increase the longevity. This effect
was indeed confirmed in refined experiments with animals
whose pituitary was removed.
The life span is increased by using corticoids, in partic­
ular prednisolone, as demonstrated in extensive experiments
with mice. Neurohormonal shifts are known to dictate the
mechanisms of responses to stresses. H. Selye was the first
to suggest that ageing results from repeated stresses. The
actual picture is, however, much more complicated. Strong,
especially repeated, stressors can indeed significantly shorten
the life but regular mild stressors may increase it maintain­
ing the tonus through neurohormonal regulation. This view
is confirmed by alternating-starvation experiments and by
studies of the direct impact of “soft stresses” on the life
duration. In these experiments 600-days-old rats lived up
to 1,110 days while control animals, only 938.
The growth hormone has been found to have no significant
effect on the ageing processes.
Noticeable changes are known to occur in both the feed­
forward and the feedback loops of neurohormonal regula­
tion. In particular, “hypothalamic misinformation” occurs.
Hypothalamus, essential in regulation of the organism’s
homeostasis, becomes less sensitive to the incoming signals
and this results in inadequate perception of the signals.
For this reason search for hormonal preparations which
would normalize the data perception in the hypothalamus
is an important line of research.
346 V. V. Frolkis, Kh. K. Muradyan

Inhibitors of Protein Biosynthesis

and of Energy Transformation Processes

A vast majority of researchers link the primary ageing

mechanisms to molecular-biological changes in the genome.
However, until very recently attempts to extend life by
modifying functional characteristics of the genome were
scarce. This modification is made possible by inhibitors
of transcription and translation.
Inhibitors are substances which retard or nearly stop
the synthesis of RNA and enzymes thus reducing the meta­
bolism. The studies of the effect of inhibitors on the life
span started with drosophila flies. Addition of optimal con­
centrations of transcription inhibitors into the nutrient
medium of drosophilae reduced the rate of RNA and protein
synthesis and increased the longevity by 20 to 30 per cent.
Optimal amounts of translation and energy transformation
inhibitors had approximately the same effect. In all cases
suboptimal amounts had no effect and larger-than-optimal
amounts drastically reduced the longevity.
First such experiments with mammals were staged in the
physiology laboratory of the Gerontology Institute. Repeat­
ed injections of olivomicin, a transcription inhibitor, into
the organisms of 600-days-old rats increased their average
longevity to 35.6 months compared to 30.9 months in control
animals, the maxima being 47.1 and 38.3 months, respective­
ly. In the experimental animals the age-induced reduction
of oxygen consumption was retarded, the erythrocytes
became less stable to hemolysis, and the lipid exchange
was disturbed. Olivomicin was found to reduce the content
of basal lipid and cholesterol in blood serum, myocardium,
brain, liver, and especially in the muscles. Th e concentration
of unetherified fat acids decreased in all tissues other than
liver. In experimental modeling of atherosclerosis oiivo-
Extension of Human Life 347

micin also had a positive impact. Biochemical and mor­

phological analyses revealed that the preparation signifi­
cantly slowed the RNA and protein synthesis in the cerebral
cortex, hypothalamus, liver, and especially in the muscles
whereas in the pituitary and the myocardium the rate of
biosynthetic processes increased.


Evidently the most hopeful way to increase the longevity

is to reduce the body temperature. Easily modeled only for
animals whose temperature is not internally thermostated,
such as hibernating animals and those whose thermal regula­
tion is primitive, e.g., the echydna and platypus, this
technique may increase the longevity by a factor of tens.
Thus, drosophilae flies whose incubation temperature was
lowered from 35 to 15°C lived 50 times (sic) longer on the
average. In the range of optimal temperatures the longevity
was obviously inversely dependent on the rate of RNA
and protein synthesis and oxygen and food consumption.
This effect has been found similar, qualitatively and,
in most cases, quantitatively, in multicelullar organisms
and the culture of cells of various origins, including human
cells. These results suggest that the temperature reduction
acts through basal subcellular structures which are identical
in all species.
One of the possible explanations of this effect is that
because of the high activation energy the rate of damaging
processes (chiefly stochastic chemical processes) is reduced
more than that of the vitauct processes (chiefly enzymatic).
In other words, as the body temperature reduces, the ratio
of vitauct and damaging processes increases in favor of the
former, which may result in increased longevity.
348 V. V. Frolkis, Kh. K. Muradyan

Unfortunately, reducing the temperature of warm-blooded

animals proved to be a difficult task. Thus far their tem­
perature cannot stay reduced for more than several days.
But according to computation, a reduction of two to three
degrees can double the longevity of mammals, and a reduc­
tion by 10°C, increases it 15-fold. Consequently, the search
for ways which would directly influence the temperature
regulating centers in the hypothalamus or other elements
of the thermal control system so as to obtain extensive
temperature reduction seems to be a most promising way
to increase the longevity of warm-blooded animals.

Genetic Factors
The existence of species of the same class whose life spans
differ by a factor of tens or even hundreds speaks for the
utmost importance of genetic factors. Genetics, notably
genetic engineering, may offer immense possibilities of
increasing the life span but now only one genetic phenomenon
is known which leads to a longer life. This is heterosis, or
the increased viability and fertility of the first generation
of hybrid animals.
All attempts to obtain long-living strains of animals by
genetic modifications have been futile. During the millenia
of evolution all possible traits that favor the longest possible
life have probably been found and so reduced the probability
that new such traits will ever be obtained. Most mutations
involving the metabolic and regulation processes in cells
or in larger subsystems of the organism have decreased the
longevity, in most cases by a large margin. The probability
of deriving a high-longevity strain is so low that even pur­
poseful selection proved futile [5].
Nevertheless, an increasing amount of evidence suggests
Extension of Human Life 349

that at least many species have improved their longevity

in the course of evolution. R. Cutler has demonstrated that
59 species of ungulates and 32 species of carnivores have
significantly increased their longevity, especially since the
Paleogene before which the life span of carnivores averaged
nine years. During the Paleogene it was 14 years, during the
Neogene, 17 years, and after the Neogene, 21 years; the
corresponding values for ungulate species were 10, 15, 21
and 30 years.
A similar increase has been found in primates other
than Hominidae for whom the increase was much larger.
Thus, the maximal potential longevity of man has increased,
according to comparative physiological data, by 14 years
over the last 100,000 years.
* * *

Serious discussions in many countries of ways to extend

the longevity and attempts to develop scientifically sound
life-extending techniques for man and vegetative and animal
objects mark a new important stage in biology as a whole
as well as in gerontology. Because this subject is very com­
plicated and there are numerous theoretical and experi­
mental differences, it is very difficult to assess all possible
lines of research and consequences of possible solutions to
this problem. Some theoreticians illegitimately extend
the results to objects of other levels of biological organiza­
tion, and neglect the importance of dosage, concentration,
and duration of using the life-extending factors. Hence, the
predictions for the future range from unjustified rosy opti­
mism to equally unjustified murky pessimism.
The research in this important field has encountered and
will encounter difficulties, unexpected problems, successes,
and disappointments. What is certain is that the organism
350 V. V. Frolkis, Kh. K. Muradyan

becomes older as a complex biological self-regulating

system. The ageing processes are triggered and develop
through numerous parallel and largely autonomous com­
munication channels which make the system highly reliable.
The ageing of cells entails an increasing amount of change
in the mechanisms of storage, transmission and execution of
genetic information. In an organism as an entity the dis­
orders in the neurohormonal systems which receive, analyze,
and transmit regulation signals become especially impor­
tant. This is seen in reduced ability to perceive and transmit
information in the brain, vegetative ganglia, peripheral
systems, and in feedback loops. For this reason the attempts
to increase longevity by offsetting the action of some damag­
ing factors which amount to a “disturbing signal” in one or
several communication channels do not result in increasing
the characteristic longevity of a species to any significant
degree. More significant and stable results are obtained by
using comprehensive factors such as the diet or temperature.
What is also important is that the ageing has been regarded
as progressive damaging and weakening of the organism’s
viability. But biological objects are essentially not “one
way” systems. Indeed, every cell possesses a mechanism,
perfect in many respects, whereby nearly all kinds of damage
are restorable. It is also capable of supercompensation. The
vitauct process which has been improving during the evolu­
tion, counters the reduction of viability and acts to in­
crease the longevity. What it does is not simply restoration
of the initial stage but creation of a new kind of adaptation
Life duration is determined by the interaction of two
processes: the destructive ageing, and the counteracting
process of vitauct.
Extrapolation of the experimental findings on life exten­
sion to man is an important and delicate matter. First of
Extension of Human Life 351

all, the “price” for life extension should be assessed. For

this reason the effect of life extenders on the biological age
and functional integrity as well as on the longevity is being
tenaciously studied. Numerous interactive indicators have
been found which will make it possible to forecast the longe­
Furthermore, the life extending factors are ineffective
unless applied for a sizable part of the subject’s life. In
rats whose life span is short this amounts to tens of months
but in man it may take years and years for these factors
to have an impact, and the possible side effects are unpredict­
In the Soviet Union the world’s first comprehensive
research project “Life Extension” is underway in which
tens of institutes and scientists from numerous scientific
disciplines such as medicine, biology, demography, chemis­
try, physics, etc., join their efforts to unravel the basic
ageing mechanisms and to develop life-extending tools.
In the framework of this project experiments with entero-
sorption, protein biosynthesis inhibitors, mild stresses, etc.
have been carried out.
The consequences of longer life have recently become
a point of contention. Some argue that the population tends
to get older even without increasing the longevity. But the
experimental findings of our team and by other researchers
suggest that life extension puts off the disorders and pathol­
ogies of the old age and so extends the active period in
human life. This effect will be beneficial for society.

1. OpojibKHc B. B. Enje pa3 o6 aflairraiuioHHo-peryjiHTOpHHx Mexa-
HH3Max CTapeHHH.— B kh.: TepoHTOJiorHH ii repnaTpHH. KneB:
IlHCTHTyT repoHTOJioniH AMH CCCP, 1979.
352 V. D. Pekelis

2. For discussion of the effect of physical and chemical factors, see:

OpojibKiic B. B., MypaAHH K. X. npoAJiemie >kii3hh b aKciiepn-
MeHTe.— B kh.: On3nojiornHecKne MexaHii3Mbi CTapemiH. JI.:
Hayna, 1982.
3. ApmaBCKHH M. A. MexaHH3Mu, onpeAeJiHiomne upoAojiHuiTeJib-
HOCTb >kii3hh Kpwc, pa3BHBaiomiixcH b ycjioBHHX orpaHimeHHoro
Kajiopawa b CBeTe HeraHTponiiMHon Teopim 0HT0reHe3a.— B kh.:
TepoHTOJiorHH h repnaTpHH. KneB: MncTiiTyT repoHTOJiorim AMH
CCCP, 1979.
4. H hkhthh B. H. Bhoxhmii3m ii aHAoKpiiHHan ciiTyaiuin opraHH3Ma
JiaGopaTopHbix >khbothmx npn oncnepiiMeHTajibHOM npoAJieHim
>kii3hh CAepwHBaiomiiM HHTamieM.— B kh.: reponTOjiornH n repn-
aTpiiH. KneB: MHCTiiTyT repoHTOJiornn AMH CCCP, 1979.
5. Lints F. A., Stoll J., Grawez G., Lints C. V. An attempt to select
for increased longevity in Drosophila melanogaster. Gerontology,
1979, Vol. 25.

Overhaul of Man
We are proud rulers of nature. The power of our intelligence
and the successes scored by science are such that we can
rule to a significant degree the human organism, influence
its operation and replace some of its parts.
Until very recently spare organs, similar to spare parts
of various machinery, were utterly unthinkable.
In cooperation with other scientific disciplines medicine
has worked numerous technological miracles:
—artificial teeth;
—joints made of metal, plastics, resins, and nylon;
—artificial spinal columns;
—lower jaws made of silastic;
—synthetic hips;
—muscles made of elastic plastic fibers;
Overhaul of Man 353

—scull shape-correcting prosthetic plates;

—tantalum and nylon nets serving as internal prosthetic
parts of the abdomenal cavity;
—prosthetic esophaguses and tracheas;
—blood vessels woven or knit of biologically inert plastic
—artificial mitral valves;
—electrical pacemakers of multiyear service time, adapt­
ing to the physiological load;
—synthetic skin, permeable for water and gases and
compatible with live tissues;
—glues for damaged organs and tissues;
—a bioelectrically controlled hand and microelectronic-
ally controlled limbs;
—a portable artificial kidney;
—an artificial pancreas;
—an artificial liver;
—alloplastic cornea;
—an acrylate lens.
Several models of a “vision prosthesis”, an artificial eye,
have been developed.
An electronic ear hears three quarters of what the natural
ear does.
Artificial vocal cords can be implanted surgically.
Artificial blood is now in existence.
Engineers, not miracle workers, have developed artificial
When the human heart aches, is tired, or wanis repair­
ing, it is disconnected; the blood, in this event, is pum­
ped by an artificial heart which stays outside the orga­
Still, medical researchers are not satisfied. They succeeded
in developing a mini-heart which has operated for as long
as weeks inside a human organism.
23 -09 1 3
354 V. D. Pekelis

An “atomic” heart has been developed which is powered

by a compact radio-isotope source which converts heat
into mechanical energy.
A recent sensation was a mechanical heart of metal and
plastics, powered by compressed air from an external source.
Implanted in Barney Clark, a 61-year-old American,
it beat for 111 days, seven hours, and 53 minutes, and
made 12,912,400 beats at a rate of about 100,000 every
This world-famous experiment marked the start of earnest
efforts to develop and test a device which would reliably
operate for a long time and be capable of acting as a real
What may seem quite fantastic, an electronic prosthesis
of human short-term memory to control simple but vital
behavior programs, is now a feasible proposition as are
electronic “nervous prostheses” facilitating the functioning
of some organs which are perturbed when the spinal cord
is damaged. Polymers, compatible with human tissue,
not interfering with the metabolic processes will in time
replace damaged tissues.
Some prostheses of the future, perhaps biochemical, will
have no analogs in nature. Hormone and enzyme con­
centrates will be injected from small capsules into the
organism by an electronically controlled pump. Such units
will replace faulty endocrinal glands.
The conventional ambulance service will probably be
supplemented by a repair service where the surgeon’s dream
of replacing any faulty organ will come true. Indeed, by
1974 about 200,000 pacemakers and an unknown number
of other artificial devices have been implanted.
It is believed that by the end of this century every organ
other than the brain and central nervous system will be
replaceable by artificial devices.
Overhaul of Man 355

One outstanding surgeon has said that when the archeol­

ogists dig up the material remains of our culture, say
200 years later, they will find a hip joint of stainless steel,
a teflon mitral valve, a synthetic polyester aorta, and an
acrylate lens.
Some medical researchers and biologists go as far as
visualizing a “bionic man” most of whose systems will con­
sist of artificial human-like elements.
Another trend in man’s overhaul is using donor organs.
V.P. Demikhov, an authority in pathophysiology, be­
lieves that today every irreversibly damaged organ can be
replaced by a donor organ and this is a major life preserving
Our life span is limited. Timely and skillful “mainten­
ance”, medium repair or “overhaul” will extend the patient’s
In the same organism different parts may be “of different
physiological age”. The heart and liver of a 40-year-old
may be of a 50-year-old individual, the muscles 30, and the
brain 99. A thorough clinical study of an apparently healthy
17-year-old girl revealed that her heart was like that of a
woman of 50 and brain, like that of a woman of 75.
At the World Congress of Surgeons in Vienna in 1967
two patients with pancreas transplants were demonstrated.
Cases of successful transplantation of donor lungs and
livers were discussed. Kidney transplants had ceased to be
a sensation. Some surgeons have performed scores of such
operations. Some patients have been living for years with
implanted kidneys. Parts of the heart such as the mitral
valve taken from a pig or sheep have been implanted in
quite a few patients.
By 1971 over 5,000 liver, over 100,000 lung, over 30 pan­
creas and one heart-and-lung transplant surgeries had been
performed in the world. By 1975 19,000 kidneys had been
356 V. D. Pekelis

implanted. Nine thousand such patients are alive. One of

them has a kidney implanted nearly 20 years ago.
Transplantations are performed now on a mass scale.
Back in 1974 surgeons predicted that by 1980 about a mil­
lion donor pancreases would be needed in the USA
It was a world sensation when the first heart transplant
operation was performed on December 3, 1967. A man of
50 received a young strong heart of a woman of 20. A donor
heart beat in him for days. He died but this surgery de­
monstrated that an “overhaul” was a realistic proposition.
Other heart transplant operations followed. By the end
of 1968 86 such surgeries had been performed. On two
patients the surgery was repeated. In one man even the
second transplant heart had to be replaced. The man who
had four hearts in his life, including his own one, may be
still alive.
A 14-year-old boy had a donor heart which supplemented
his own, which was very weak. When it stopped beating,
his own heart was removed and another donor heart im­
planted. So, he had two (sic) donor hearts beating side by
Philip Bliberg, the famous patient of Professor Christian
Barnard, lived 19 months and a half, or 584 days, with a
donor heart.
According to foreign press, by 1971 forty people had
lived with donor hearts for more than a year and six people
for more than two years. Louis Russel, 43, and Charles
P. Johnson, 61, who lived with donor hearts for more than
six years were known as the miracles of the 20th century.
Betty Anique, 50, was alive with somebody else’s heart
for almost eight years and a half. In April 1980 Dorothy
Fisher of Capetown celebrated the eleventh anniversary of
the surgery. William Beuren, an American, was 50 in
Overhaul of Man 357

1970 when he received a donor heart. In April 1983 he was

reported alive and in good shape. “The eldest” of all such
patients as of November 27, 1982, was Emmanuel Vitria,
a Frenchman, whose heart was replaced in November
Of course the reader has noted that I use the past tense.
It is because I do not know what happened to these people
since then.
James Greenal who lives with a donor heart is 32. He had
a healthy child 16 months after the surgery. He works and
lives like anybody else.
By 1974 two hundred and nineteen heart transplants
operations had been performed. By that time 36 of these
patients remained alive. By 1975 two hundred and seventy
one such surgeries had been performed; 47 patients were
alive, of whom 14 for more than three years and eight for
at least five years.
Within ten years, from 1967 to 1977, over 300 heart
transplant operations were performed, 63 patients, or every
fifth patient, were alive. The post-surgery longevity aver­
aged 300 days.
According to Professor Christian Barnard, the pioneer
of such surgeries, the probability of living one year after
the transplantation was seven per cent; of living two years,
five per cent; and of living five years, more than three
per cent.
Fifteen years after this prediction was made, 42 per cent
of those operated for heart transplantation lived for more
than five years in 1982.
Tens and hundreds of people who would have been doom­
ed a few years ago are now alive thanks to transplanta­
The man of Phoenix who had himself frozen to be resusciat-
ed in the 21st or 22nd century failed simply because he
358 V. D. Pekelis

died. However, Sazio Suida, a Japanese physician, succeeded

in bringing back to life several animal hearts that had
been kept frozen for two years. Some people were rescued
after deep freezing. Vegard Slettemuen, a five-year-old
Norwegian boy, was revived after an hour of clinical death.
Vladimir Khorin, a Soviet tractor driver of 24, who had
been frozen in the steppe, was clinically dead for hours
before doctors pulled him back to life. This is a record-
breaking event in itself.
Now biologists, chemists, and physicists study the thermo­
regulatory mechanisms in hibernating animals in order to
find such ways of cooling that living organisms could be
brought back to normal functioning.
The hibernation-initiating substance, which was isolated
in animals, will make it possible to store transplant organs
for a long time. New ways of freezing live cells (a subject
of research in the entire world) make it possible to store
plant seeds, skin tissues, cornea, and embryos.
Attempts are made to use vitrification, i.e., transform­
ation of a liquid first into a viscous and then glass-like
state, so as to avoid crystallization which destroys living
tissues. If this research succeeds, live tissues could be frozen
for long-term storage.
Even so, the potential of our organism is not infinite
and it is improbable that life functions could be restored,
or “resuscitation from the dead” can be achieved after
decades of freezing.
It is hard to say now whether donor organs or artificial
organs will be preferred for man’s “overhaul”.
Because “spare parts” should be available for transplanta­
tion, in particular for heart transplantations, surgeons call
for setting up “banks of human organs”. Some inter-city and
international banks of this kind exist now. But if the rate
of transplantation increases, which seems to be the case,
Overhaul of Man 359

no storage “banks” will cope with the demand. Therefore,

artificial “spares” will probably be preferred. Breakthroughs
are quite possible very soon. Miniaturization and high
sensitivity and reliability of new devices (the weight of
heart pacemakers has dropped from 275 to 75 g within
15 years) will most probably result in harmless, easily
implantable spares, ranging from vision and auditory pros-
theses to artificial hearts and lungs capable of operating
for quite a long time.
Still another possibility is offered by “live prostheses”.
Theoretically, nothing prevents us from learning in time
to grow a new limb (as in experimentation with frogs).
Regeneration is known in man, too. The hair, nails, skin,
and even the muscles, cornea, and liver cells are either
regenerated or grow anew. Reptiles such as salamanders and
tritons are capable of regenerating parts of eyes and other
organs, notably the heart, as well as the extremities and
tail. Biological methods have been developed which restore
the regenerating ability in some organs and tissues such
as injured scull bones in mammals and man. New bone
tissue is formed by the organism in this case by some, thus
far unknown, mechanism.
By stimulating the regeneration the healing of injuries
in the heart muscle may be accelerated. Experiments are
underway with tissue transplantation into the patient’s
brain. Cells of the patient’s own adrenal gland were
transplanted in order to replenish the store of the brain
Professor L.V. Polezhaev, a widely known expert in
organ regeneration, agrees that the very idea of growing
a new leg or arm may seem fantastic now but says that
research and experimentation may make this dream come
true in a not-too-distant future.
If scientists succeed in determining how the cells are
360 V. D. Pekelis

differentiated and how they connect into tissues, these

processes will be carried out in the tissue culture. When a
child is born early in the 21st century, a fraction of the
placenta will be placed frozen on cold storage. Whenever
the individual needs a new heart or kidney, the necessary
organ will be grown from the placenta cells and then im­
planted. There will be no need in donors, and biological
compatibility will cease to be a problem.
About the Authors

Igor M. MAKAROV, Corresponding Member of the USSR

Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Scientific Board on
Robotics under the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Academician Yuri A. OVCHINNIKOV, Vice-President of
the USSR Academy of Sciences, Director of the M.M.. She-
myakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry.
Professor Nikolai V. TIMOFEEV RESOVSKY (1900-
1981), D.Sc. (Biol.), scientific advisor at the Institute of
Medico-Biological Sciences of the USSR Ministry of Public
Academician Aleksandr A. BAEV, Academician-Secretary
to the Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Chemis­
try of Physiologically Active Compounds at the USSR
Academy of Sciences.
Genrikh R. IVANITSKY, Corresponding Member of the
USSR Academy of Sciences, Director of the Scientific
Center for Biological Research of the USSR Academy of
Sciences in Pushchino and of the Institute of Biological
Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences.
Professor Valentin I. KRINSKY, D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.),
Director of the Laboratory of Autowave Excitation Processes
at the Institute of Biological Physics, USSR Academy of
Oleg A. MORNEV, junior researcher in the Laboratory
of Autowave Excitation Processes at the Institute of Biolog­
ical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences.
362 About the Authors

Aleksei A. LYAPUNOV (1911-1973), Corresponding Mem­

ber of the USSR Academy of Sciences, carried out research
in control theory, in particular, in cybernetic aspects of
Mikhail V. VOLKENSHTEIN, Corresponding Member
of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Director of the Laboratory
of Biopolymer Physics at the Institute of Molecular Biology,
USSR Academy of Sciences: Director of the Department for
Physics for Biomolecular Structures at the Institute of
Biological Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences.
Professor Yuri M. SVIREZHEV, D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.),
Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Biology, the
USSR Academy of Sciences Computing Center.
Academician Viktor G. AFANASYEV, philosopher, Edi-
tor-in-Chief of P r a v d a .
Professor Boris V. BIRYUKOV, D.Sc. (Philosophy),
senior researcher in the Scientific Council on the Comprehen­
sive Program “Cybernetics” under the Presidium of the
USSR Academy of Sciences.
Boris F. LOMOV, Corresponding Member of the USSR
Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the USSR
Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Psychology
Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences.
Academician Pyotr K. ANOKHIN (1898-1974), a special­
ist in the brain physiology, the author of the theory of
functional systems.
Professor Aleksandr B. KOGAN, D. Sc. (Biol.), Director
of the Institute of Neurocybernetics of the North-Caucasian
Scientific Center.
Valery N. REUSHKIN, Cand. Sci. (Med.).
Vadim S. ROTENBERG, D. Sc. (Med.), senior researcher
of the Psychophysiology and Psychodiagnostics Department,
1st Moscow Medical Institute.
Valentina I. KLIMOVA, member of the USSR Journalists
About the Authors 363

Union, member of the K a l e i d o s k o p t e k h n i k i editorial board.

Academician Arkady B. MIGDAL, theoretical physicist,
Head of Department at theL.D. Landau Institute of Theoret­
ical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences.
Yelena V. NETYOSOVA, historian, researcher in science
Professor Simon E. SHNOL, D. Sc. (Biol.), Director of
Laboratory for Physical Biochemistry at the Institute of
Biological Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor
of the Biophysics Department of the Physics Faculty of
Moscow University.
Professor David I. DUBROVSKY, D. Sc. (Philosophy),
Philosophy Faculty of Moscow University, member of the
editorial board and head of the department of dialectic
materialism, logic, and philosophical problems in natural
sciences of F i lo s o f s k ie n a u k i journal.
Academician Yuri V. GULYAEV, Deputy Director of
the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, USSR
Academy of Sciences.
Eduard E. GODIK, D. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Director of
Laboratory for Biomedical Radioelectronics at the Institute
of Radio Engineering and Electronics, USSR Academy of
Viktor L. VVEDENSKY, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.),
researcher in the Laboratory of Physical Properties of
Materials at the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy.
Professor Valery I. OZHOGIN, D. Sc. (Phys.-Math.),
Head of the Laboratory of Physical Properties of Materials
at the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Professor
of the Solid State Physics Department at the Moscow Insti­
tute of Radio Engineering, Electronics, and Automation.
Vsevolod S. TROITSKY, radio physicist and radio
astronomer, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy
of Sciences, Director of Department at the Radio Engineer-
364 About the Authors

ing Research Institute of the RSFSR Ministry of Public

Health and the USSR Academy of Sciences (Gorky), member
of the International Astronomical Union and the Internation­
al Telecommunications Union.
Boris M. VELICHKOVSKY, Cand. Sci. (Psychology),
Assistant Professor of the General Psychology Department
of Moscow University, experimental psychologist, special­
izes in psychology of cognitive processes.
Pavel V. SIMONOV, Corresponding Member of the USSR
Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Higher
Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, USSR Academy
of Sciences.
Vladimir F. FROLKIS, Corresponding Member of the
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Experimental
Department at the Gerontology Institute of the USSR Aca­
demy of Medical Sciences.
Khachik K. MURADYAN, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), senior
researcher in the Physiology Laboratory at the Gerontology
Institute of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.
Viktor D. PEKELIS, an essayist, member of the USSR
Writers Union.

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Cybernetics Today:
A c h ie v e m e n ts , C h a lle n g e s , P r o s p e c ts
Edited by I. Makarov,
Corr. Mem. USSR Acad. Sc.

Approaching the subject from various points of view, the

contributors to this book examine the key problems of
cybernetics, both theoretical and applied. In doing so, they
draw upon a wide range of disciplines related to cybernetics
in one way or another. Ample space is devoted to the econ»
omic aspects of informational technology, man-machine sys­
tems and interactions, and the prospects of cybernetics in
the future, notably the creation of artificial intellect novel
for computers, and advanced robots. All this—and more—
comes as first-hand information from men in the forefront
of present-day science.
Contents. From Discussions of Different Years. The State
of the Art. Artificial Intelligence:^|^s and Cons. On Some
Control Problems. The Fine Arts and Cybernetics. From a
New Angle. Foreseeing the Future.
Cybernetic Medley
V. Pekelis

This book, by the well-known Soviet science writer, Victor

Pekelis, is basically an introduction to cybernetics, the
science that has to do with a comparative study of up-to-
date electronic computers and the human nervous system.
The book deals with origins, development, state-of-the-art,
actual potentialities and foreseeable bounds of application.
Much space has been allotted to the immence contributions
of cybernetics to modern science and engineering.
Contents. Thirty Years Later. Strolling Through Exhibi­
tions. Man/Machine Dialog. Are Leaves and Soil in Need
of Formulae? Automation of Automata. The Last Episode
from the Life of Robots. Crime and Punishment. Experience
with Telepathy. Machines at the Chess-board. Leonardo da
Vinci of the 21st Century. Information Explosion. Is Cyber­
netics Used in Sports? Old Age and Cybernetics. The Ma­
chine as a Teacher. Dredges of Science. Will Cybernetics
Kill Invention? A Horse Named Charley. Machines and
Foresight. War and Cybernetics. Wiener and America.
This Chancy, Chancy, Chancy World
L . R a s t r i g i n , D. Sc. (Phys.-Math.)

A book for young readers on the role and meaning of

chance, accident, the fortuitous, and stochastic processes in
life and science.
In this first effort at popularization Prof. Rastrigin raises,
and hazards answers to many problems. Why is there chaos?
Why is control needed? What happens in a random situa­
tion? How can we get around the inconveniences arising
from accidental interference in our Jives? What is the Monte
Carlo method? Why is training necessary? What is the role
of chance in evolution and progress?
Contents. Part. I. Chance the Obstacle. Chance at the
Cradle of Cybernetics. Control. The History of Control. The
Battle with Chance Interference. Alternatives, Risk and
Decision. Part II. Welcome Chance. Sherlock Holmes Speaks
His Mind at Last. The Monte Carlo Method. Chance in Ga­
mes. Learning, Conditioned Reflexes, and Chance. Chance
and Recognition. Chance, Selection, and Evolution. Self­
adjustment. Search (Paths and Wanderings).
The book has been written by a team o f leading
Soviet authorities in the field of cybernetics,
among them Academicians Yu. Ovchinnikov,
A. Baev, V. Afanasyev, P. Anokhin, A. Migdal,
Yu. Gulyaev.
The contributors discuss the latest achievements
in biology from the viewpoint o f cybernetics,
describe multiple functions that constitute
living matter, the basis o f brain reliability, the
psychics modeling limits, and the mathematical
methods in psychology. Also, they examine
the problems relating to life and age, death and
im m ortality, and the experimental ways of
making life longer.
The book w ill undoubtly be o f interest to all
those interested in, or concerned with,
cybernetics or allied fields.

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