Detection in Gas Turbines
Detection in Gas Turbines
Detection in Gas Turbines
CO2 storage facility consist of 2 tanks of 8 ton capacity. Each tank consist of a
float type level gauge, a safety v/v, a thermometer, a manometer, a 3way v/v with
safety v/v and bursting discs.
Fault light indications are for pressure fault, co2 low level, freon fault, manual
The co2 is stored under pr. of 21 bars at –20deg C.
Accessory compartment: 45 FA- 1A,1B 45 FA- 2A, 2B
Manufacturer- Auxitrol
Turbine compartment: 45 FT- 1A, 2A, 3A 45 FT- 1B, 2B, 3B
Manufacturer- Fenwal
Operating temp. in both the above cases 316 deg C
In case of double automatic or manual fire detection, fire alarm is recorded by
detection rack TAZ 20.
This rack transmits the following information via relays:
a) horn and blinker initiation in the area concerned
b) 48V transmission to the electrovalves
c) initiation of the evacuation pneumatic time lag
d) transmission of the 48V to the main valve skid
Resetting is necessary for restarting the plant. Reset the alarm in LCR. Then in
the block valve skid and then reset the CO2 flow controller which tripped on CO2
Hazardous atmosphere detectors: Manufacturer- Gazalarm
Control system- Seiger 5700
Accessory compartment: 45 HA- 1,2 (gas sensors)
Accessory compartment: 45 HA- 3,4 (liquid sensors)
Turbine compartment: 45 HT- 1, 2 ( gas sensors)
Turbine compartment: 45 HT- 3,4 (liquid sensors)
The control system consists of two sub assembly, control cards and interface
modules. The system can be powered by 24v a.c and/or d.c input.
Overrange indication : when the detector signal input is more than 120% of the
scale full scale deflection(f.s.d) will be indicated till it falls below 100% fsd and
RESET is pressed.
Alarm of low and high can be set between 10% and 100% fsd. Indication are for
high and low level alarms, fault, inhibit and power on status. Alarm relay drives
are inhibited for 20 secs from application of power and following clearance of
fault condition.
The sensors for gas leak detection and liquid leak detection are of the same make.
The gas sensors are calibrated with methane gas whereas the liquid sensors are
calibrated with propane gas.
Low level detection alarm is given when the signal is above 20% LEL(lower
explosive limit). High level alarm is initiated when the leakage is sensed above
40% LEL.