Chapter3purposivecom 201108134308
Chapter3purposivecom 201108134308
Chapter3purposivecom 201108134308
?? ?
I am the biggest alphabet, as I contain the most water in the
world. Who am I?
I had big Limbs in my left arm and long fingers in my right arm.
What am I?
I'm in you, but not in him, I go up, but not down, I'm in the colosseum,
But not a tower, I'm in a puzzle, but not a riddle.
The beginning of evening, the end of time and space, the beginning of
every end, and the end of every place.
What letter is it?
“Isolated cultures stagnate; cultures that communicate with
other evolve.”
communication is a tradition-
🞂 High-context
linked communication system which adheres
strongly to being indirect. Low-context
communication is a system that works on
straightforward communication.
🞂 Thefollowing guidelines may help you
enhance your ability to communicate
effectively across cultures (Gamble & Gamble,
1.Recognize the validity and differences
of communication styles among people.
2.Learn to eliminate personal biases
and prejudices.
3.Strive to acquire communication
skills necessary in a multicultural world.
🞂 Thespoken mode is often associated with
everyday registers while the written mode is
strongly associated with academic registers.
However, this is not always true. For instance, in
everyday communication, face to face
conversations are usually supplemented by text
messaging. In academic contexts, significant
forms of oral communication are used along with
written communication. Significantly, both every
day and academic communications are
characterized by multi-modality or the use of
multiple modes of communication, including
spoken, written modes and images, music,
videos, gestures, etc.
🞂 Lin
(2016) presents the following nature of
language variation as prescribed by most
linguists based on the ideas of Mahboob
a. Frozen
🞂 We,
the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the
aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and
humane society, and establish a Government that
shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote
the common good, conserve and develop our
patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our
posterity, the blessings of independence and
democracy under the rule of law and a regime of
truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace,
do ordain and promulgate this Constitution
(Preamble, 1987 Constitution)
b. Formal/Academic
🞂 This
language is used in formal setting and is
one-way. This use of language usually follows a
commonly accepted format. It is generally
impersonal and formal. It is often used to show
respect. Word selection is more sophisticated,
and certain words are always or never used
depending on the situation. In a formal register,
the story structure focuses on the plot: It has a
beginning and ending and it weaves sequence,
cause and effect, characters, and consequences
into the plot.