GENETICS Chapter 10 - From Gene To Protein - Regulation of Gene Expression - EDITING
GENETICS Chapter 10 - From Gene To Protein - Regulation of Gene Expression - EDITING
GENETICS Chapter 10 - From Gene To Protein - Regulation of Gene Expression - EDITING
General principles of gene regulation
• Genes can be regulated at any level, including transcription, RNA
processing, translation, and post-translation.
• Control of transcription is an important mechanism of gene regulation.
• Transcriptional control can be negative (''on unless turned off") or positive
("off unless turned on"); many genes include regulatory regions for both
types of regulation.
• Most genes have multiple, overlapping regulatory mechanisms that
operate at more than one level, from transcription through post-
• In prokaryotes, the genes coding for the enzymes in a metabolic pathway
are often clustered in the genome and controlled jointly by a regulatory
protein that binds with an "operator" region at the 5' end of the cluster.
This type of gene organization is known as an operon.
• In eukaryotes, genes are not organized into operons. Genes at dispersed
locations in the genome are coordinately controlled by one or more
"enhancer" DNA sequences located near each gene that interact with
transcriptional activator proteins that enable transcription of each nearby
gene to occur.
• Level of gene control
▫ Alteration of gene structure
(DNA methylation,
chromatine change …)
▫ Level of transcription for the
cellular economy
▫ mRNA procesing (modified
mRNA can be translated)
▫ RNA stability
▫ Level of translation
▫ Protein processing
• Gene and regulatory elements
▫ Structural genes: produce proteins for the metabolism
▫ Regulatory genes: produce RNA or proteins that interact
with other sequence (regulatory sequence) that affect the
transcription and translation
• DNA-binding proteins
▫ Bind to DNA and influence the expression of DNA
1. Gene regulation in bacterial cell
• Operon structure
▫ Genes that have related function are grouped and
are under control of 1 promoter
▫ Gene are often transcribed into one mRNA
▫ Regulatory gene produces regulatory protein that
binds to regulatory element and control the
expression of the structural gene a,b,c
• Negative and positive control: inducible and
repressible operon
▫ negative control: a regulatory protein acts as a
repressor, binding to DNA and inhibiting
▫ positive control, a regulatory protein acts as an
activator, stimulating transcription.
• Lac mutations – home work
• Positive control and catabolite repression
▫ Bacteria prefer to metabolize glucose when
glucose is present, genes participate in the
metabolism of other sugar are repressed –
catabolite repression
▫ Lac operon is activated only when lactose presents
and glucose is absent
Catabolite activator protein
positively controls more than
20 operons in E.coli
• Alternative splicing
allows a pre-mRNA
to be spliced in
• multiple ways,
generating different
proteins in different
• or at different times
in development
Gene Control Through RNA Stability
• there is great variability in the stability of
eukaryotic mRNA: some persist for only a few
minutes; others last for hours, days, or even
months result in large differences in the
amount of protein that is synthesized.
RNA Silencing
• expression of some genes
may be suppressed
through RNA silencing,
also known as RNA
interference and
posttranscriptional gene
Translational and Posttranslational Control
• The initiation of translation in some mRNAs is regulated
by proteins that bind to the mRNA’s 5 UTR and inhibit
the binding of ribosomes, similar to the way in which
repressor proteins bind to operators and prevent the
transcription of structural genes.
• Many eukaryotic proteins are extensively modified after
translation by the selective cleavage and trimming of
amino acids from the ends, by acetylation, or by the
addition of phosphates, carboxyl groups, methyl groups,
and carbohydrates to the protein) affect the transport,
function, and activity of the proteins and have the
capacity to affect gene expression.