E Six Sigma Define
E Six Sigma Define
E Six Sigma Define
April, 2011
› 4th April
– Ericsson presentation
– Statistical tools in manufacturing
› 7th April
– Define
– Measure
› 11th April
– Analyze
› 14th April
– Implement
– Control
D efine
Understand the task
M easure
Develop and execute
A nalyze
Find the root
I mprove
Generate and
C ontrol
Ensure that the
and its financial an appropriate data causes. implement solutions. results will last.
impact. collection method.
• Task selection • Process map • Fishbone diagram • FMEA risk analysis • Documentation,
• Data collection • Correlation • Process map
MR.W.Edwards Deming
“ COPQ are costs that would disappear if the products and processes
of a company would be fail or defect free“
Inspection cost
› CTQ are the product-, subsystem-, parts- or process features that significantly
impact the final cost, performance or reliability of the product or process
› CTQ’s often have effect on several identified targets (Six Sigma Y’s)
Voice of the
Customer/ Features CTQs Measurement
Market Accessible sales staff (no of missed phone-calls)
No errors (did understand (no of loops)
customer needs)
Responsiveness (response-time)
and so on…..
In best situations one could find root causes which could
improve several high level Ys in a positive way. In worse situations
two Ys could go in opposite directions for a common x.
The Y = ƒ(x1, x2, x3… xn) approach can be used in a variety of situations.
From simple limited problem solving cases to big business strategy missions.
› A Business Case includes both costs (project, investments and implementation) and
savings (hard and soft).
› The Business Case give you authority to drive the mission.
› Prioritize to other programs/projects that may conflict.
› Give you a mechanism for judging solutions from a cost/saving ratio
› Summarizes and quantifies company profits.
› Money is a common language.
Measurable What measurements will show that the goal will be fulfilled? How will relevant
progress be tracked? Variable data are always desirable, it facilitate you to track
positive or negative progress trends to the final goal.
Achievable How tough must we set the goal to be challenged to do our best efforts and
more? A tough and very ambitious goal will drive new perspectives and out of the
box thinking. An over ambitious goal will cause de-motivation and lack if
Relevant Do we know that this goal area is what we should put our efforts on? Is it high
enough priority so it won't be down prioritized by other activities?
Not only set up a time when the goal shall be fulfilled but also during what period
Time bounded of time (start and stop time) will measurement will be taken to prove a solid
baseline for goal fulfilment?
Ericsson @ SMID - Define phase | Commercial in confidence | 2011-03-24 | Page 19
Ericsson @ SMID - Define phase | Commercial in confidence | 2011-03-24 | Page 20
Microsoft Excel
Stakeholder analysis
– Set up a communication Area manager A
Individual D
plan for group A-D.
– What media? I.e. meetings,
mail, phone, presentations,
oral, etc.
– When? Weekly, monthly,
quarterly, when ever needed Individual B
or when we meet in other
occasions etc)
Individual F
Individual C
All line-operators
A. What minimal effort is required to keep Group A ticking over?
B. How do we keep Group B informed in a consistent and regular manner?
C. How do we manage Group C engagement in such a way that keeps them satisfied & decreases their ‘wrecking’ potential?
D. How do we engage and delight Group D so that they can help us to engage Group C?
Microsoft Excel
Low Probability Low Probability
High Impact Low Impact
1) Rate the risks within an improvement by the level of impact and level of probability
3) Follow up and update probability and impact when preventive actions are taken
Ericsson @ SMID - Define phase | Commercial in confidence | 2011-03-24 | Page 24
Ericsson @ SMID - Define phase | Commercial in confidence | 2011-03-24 | Page 25
Time schedule