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CMU-CS 462 - Software Meassurement and Analysis - 2020S - Lecture Slides - 5

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CMU-CS 462:

Software Measurement
and Analysis


Spring 2021-2022
Dr. Anand Nayyar

07/07/2024 1
1. Software measure classification
2. Goal-based paradigms:
 Goal-Question-Metrics (GQM)
 Goal-Question-Indicator-Metrics
3. Applications of GQM and GQIM

07/07/2024 2 2
GQ(I)M: Review
Goal Measurement
GQIM Process Plan

1. Identify business goals  (a list of goals in

2. Identify what you want to know or learn in order to
achieve the goals (what is? who is? in what way is
involved?)  (entity - question checklist)
3. Identify subgoals  (subgoal - question
4. Identify entities and attributes related to subgoals

(entities - attributes)
5. Formalize measurement goals (MGs)  (MG: entity, 3
GQ(I)M: Next Steps /1
6. Identify quantifiable questions and indicators that
will be used to achieve measurement goals.
7. Identify data elements that will be collected to
construct the indicators.
8. Define measures to be used, and make these
definitions operational.
9. Identify actions that will be taken to implement
the measures.
10. Prepare a plan for implementing the measures.

07/07/2024 4
GQ(I)M: Next Steps /2
 The GQ(I)M method begins 1

with identifying business

goals and breaking them 2

down into manageable

subgoals. 3 4
 It ends with a plan for
implementing well-defined
measures and indicators that
support the goals.
 It can also maintain 7
traceability back to the 9 10
business goals.

07/07/2024 5
Step 6: Identify Indicators /1
 What is an indicator?
 Indicator is a display of
one or more measurement
results that is designed to
3 4
communicate or explain
the significance of those 5
results to the user.
 Why is it useful?
 Seeing how measurement
data will be displayed 8 9 10
helps clarify exactly what
must be measured.

07/07/2024 6
Step 6: Identify Indicators /2
How to proceed?
1. Select a measurement goal
2. Identify quantifiable questions related to this
goal that you would like to be answered.
3. Prepare sketches for displays (indicators) that
will help you address your questions.
4. Prioritize the indicators and identify the ones
that will be most useful to you.

07/07/2024 7
Quantifiable Question
 What is quantifiable question?
 How is it different from questions in Step 2?

Question: “Is there sufficient code inspection?”

(addresses a generic class of entities; answer:
not necessarily numeric or logic)
Quantifiable Question: “What percentage of the code
in Module A is inspected?”
(addresses a specific entity; answer: numeric or logic)

07/07/2024 8
Example (cont’d)
Measurement Goal 1: Development Team
 Questions: questions that we would like answered are:

 What are the personality factors of all the development

team members?
 What is the rate at which individual engineers involved in

software development produce software and associated

 What design and analysis techniques are most effective in

product development?
 Is the development team structured to effectively utilize

members’ skills?
 How many years of experience do the team members have and

in what domain? 9
Example (cont’d)
Measurement Goal #9: CASE Tools
 Questions:

 How much would CASE tools cost?

 What percentage of the budget is available for
 Is the increase in productivity offset by the cost
of the tools?
 How long will we have to train employees with
the tools?

07/07/2024 10
Example (cont’d) G9 / Ind. b
Measurement Goal #9:
 How much would CASE tools cost?
Cost 1000 $CDN

Case Tool #1 Case Tool #2 Case Tool #3

07/07/2024 11
Example (cont’d): G9 / Ind. a
Measurement Goal #9:
 What percentage of the budget is available for

Case Tool Requirements



07/07/2024 12
Example (cont’d) G9 / Ind. c &
d Productivity (LOC)
Measurement Goal #9:
 Is the increase in

productivity offset by
the cost of the tools? after

Cost Case
per tool
KLOC cost


without with

07/07/2024 13
Example (cont’d): G9 / Ind. e
Measurement Goal #9:
 How long will we have to train employees with the

Days of

Case Tool #1 Case Tool #2 Case Tool #3

07/07/2024 14
Step 7: Identify Data
this Step we must identify:
 Data elements that must be collected to construct
the indicators identified in Step 6
 Definition of data elements, so that the indicators will
show what they are supposed to show.

07/07/2024 15
Identify Data Elements
 Data elements identification involves:
 Preparing a list of data items (attributes).
 Preparing a checklist cross-referencing data items
and indicators, i.e., which data element is used
by which indicator.
 Definitions for data items including scales,
ranges and precision will be added in the
next step.

07/07/2024 16
Example (cont’d)
 List the data elements vs. the indicators identified in
Step 6.
Required Data Elements Indicators

07/07/2024 17
Step 8: Define Measure /1
 What is a measure
definition? 2
 A measure definition is a
semi-formal specification for 3 4
the object to be measured.
 Why is it useful?
 It is extremely useful to 6
clarify the implicit
assumptions, what is
9 10
included and what is not in 8

the measurement.

07/07/2024 18
Step 8: Define Measure /2
 After the measures are identified they must be
defined clearly
 Definitions must indicate:
 Name and short description
 Scale
 Range of variation
 Precision required
 Implicit and explicit assumptions related to
 Anything else that may help interpret the
measurement procedure and values correctly

07/07/2024 19
Step 8: Example /1
 Measuring the height of school children, between
the ages of 6 and 12
 Measure Definition 1: Height is standing height,
measured in inches.
 Measure Definition 2: Height is standing height ,
measured in inches, bare foot, on a calibrated scale, by
a trained nurse, between 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning.
 Which set of height measurements is expected to be
more reliable, more consistent across schools, and
more fit for interpretation?

07/07/2024 20
Step 8: Example /2
 The same applies to definitions such as:
 The measure for software size is the number of
non-commented, nonblank, executable source
 The measure for cost is the total direct labour
hours from the start of the project.
 These are ill-specified examples of
definitions of measures that definitely lead
to misinterpretations of measurements and
recorded values.

07/07/2024 21
Step 8: Define Measure /3
 Measures can be best
defined using
 Definition checklists
& descriptive forms
 Advantages: Making
explicit many issues,
assumptions and
decisions that usually
go unrecorded.

07/07/2024 22
Example (cont’d)

07/07/2024 23
Example (cont’d)

07/07/2024 24
Step 9: Identify Actions to Implement Measures

 This step is to assemble
information about the
current status and use of
the measures, so as to
3 4
prepare a plan for
implementing the measures 5
defined, through:
 Analysis & 6

 Diagnosis &
 Actions 10
8 9

07/07/2024 25
Step 9.1: Analysis
 Analysis means identifying the measures that the
organization is using now and understanding how it
is collecting them using questions such as:
 What data elements are required for our goal-driven
 Which data elements are collected now?
 How are they collected?
 What are the processes that provide the data?
 How are the data elements stored and reported?

07/07/2024 117
Step 9.2: Diagnosis
 Diagnosis means evaluating the data elements that the
organization is collecting now, determining how well they
meet the needs of new measurements, and proposing
appropriate actions for:
 Using the data, adapting data to the needs, adapting

needs to the data and obtaining what is missing.

 By asking questions such as:
 What existing measures and processes can be used to

satisfy data requirements?

 What elements of measurement definitions or

practices must be changed or modified?

 What new or additional processes are needed?

07/07/2024 27
Step 9.3: Action
 Action means translating the results of the analysis and
diagnosis into implementable steps.
 Action identifies elements that measurement plan will be
built upon. Some pre-planning tasks are:
 Identify sources of data within existing software

 Define methods that will be used to collect and report

 Identify tools that will be required to support collecting,

reporting, and storing data.

 Determine requirements (constraints) for points in

time and frequencies of measurement.

 Document data collection procedures.
07/07/2024 28
Step 9.3: Action Item
 Checklist
Define data elements (Step 8).
 Define frequencies of collection and points in the
process where measurements will be made.
 Define timelines required for moving measurement results
from the points of collection to databases or users.
 Determine who will collect and access data. Assign
responsibilities for these actions.
 Define how data will be analyzed and reported.
 Prepare a process guide for collecting data.
07/07/2024 29
Step 10: Prepare a Plan
 Measurement
implementation plan is 2
based on analysis,
diagnosis and actions 3 4
(Step 9)
 Measurement plan
template includes: 6
1. Objective
2. Description 7
3. Implementation 8 9

4. Sustained operations

07/07/2024 30
Step 10: Plan Template /1
1. Objective
 List the principal objectives of this measurement
implementation effort.
 Identify the measures to be implemented, explain
why they are important to the organization, and
summarize the expected outcomes.

07/07/2024 31
Step 10: Plan Template /2
2. Description
1. Background
 A brief history of the events that have led to or
motivated this plan. Describe the origins of the plan,
the work that has been done to date and who
2. Goals
 List and explain the goals that motivate and guide
the activities under this plan by identifying three
kinds of goals: (a) business goals, (b) measurement
goals, and (c) the goals of this plan.

07/07/2024 32
Step 10: Plan Template /3
2. Description
3. Scope
 Relate the measures that this plan implements to the
measurement goals. Do the measures apply to new
projects only?
 To development projects? To large or small programs?
 To only certain divisions or departments? Who are the
major stakeholders?
 Who will be affected by the measurement practices,
processes, and methods? Who will use the results?

07/07/2024 33
Step 10: Plan Template /4
2. Description
4. Relationship to other software process improvement
 Describe how the measurement efforts in this plan
relate to other process improvement activities at the
organization, such as the CMM, the Baldrige Award,
or ISO 9000 certification.
5. Relationship to other functional activities
 Describe how the measurement efforts in this plan
relate to other functional groups and activities at the
organization, such as cost estimating, time and effort
reporting, cost accounting, and quality assurance.
07/07/2024 34
Step 10: Plan Template /5
3. Implementation
 Describe the actions that are to be taken to implement
the measures identified in the Description. It includes
detailed information on
 Activities, products, and tasks

 Schedules

 Resources

 Responsibilities

 Measurement and monitoring

 Assumptions

 Risk management

07/07/2024 35
Step 10: Plan Template /6
 3.1 Activities, Products, and Tasks
 Describe how the effort is to be accomplished. Partition the

effort into manageable activities, products, and tasks that

can be used as a basis for planning, reporting, and control.
 3.2 Schedule
 Describe when each activity, product, or task is to be

accomplished. Use PERT charts, to describe sequences and


07/07/2024 36
Step 10: Plan Template /6
 3.3 Resources
 Describe resources that are being allocated to this effort,

such as: personnel, money, facilities, computer resources,

 3.4 Responsibilities
 Name individuals or groups that will be responsible for

overseeing, planning, implementing, managing, approving,

and funding this effort.
 3.5 Measurement and Monitoring
 Describe how the progress of implementing these measures

will be measured, analyzed, and reported. Identify replanning

points and describe how significant schedule deviations or
changes and revised funding needs will be handled.
07/07/2024 37
Step 10: Plan Template /7
 3.6 Assumptions
 Identify key assumptions upon which this plan is based.

 3.7 Risk management

 Describe how you will identify, assess, track, and do

contingency planning for the risk factors associated with

the measurement
 Describe actions that will be taken to monitor the

assumptions, and provide mechanisms for reacting if

assumptions are not met.
 Identify all places where planned schedules and resources

differ from estimates.

07/07/2024 38
Step 10: Plan Template /8
10.4 Sustained operations
 Describe the actions that will be taken to sustain
and use the measures implemented.
 Assign resources and responsibilities and make
provisions for continuing evolution.
 Describe the practices that will be used to evaluate and
monitor the effectiveness of the measures and to assess
their business value and their effects on organizational

07/07/2024 39
Exercise (work in group of 3) /1
 What different attributes might be measured by the
 The number of faults in program P using a set of test
cases created specifically for the program P.
 Failure (rate) intensity
 The number of faults in program P using a standard set
(benchmark) of test data.
 Code efficiency
 The number of faults in program P by programmer A
during 1 hour.
 (Individual) test efficiency

07/07/2024 41
Exercise (work in pairs) /3
(Thảo luận nhóm làm bài tập)
 A study of 1st grade school children found
a high correlation between shoe size and
reading ability, i.e., “the bigger the shoe
size the higher reading ability”. Does this
mean that shoe size is a good measure of
intelligence of 1st grade school children?
Use the concept of scale and
measurement verification to explain why.
07/07/2024 42
Exercise 4 :GQM /1
 Suppose that company X’s main business goal is to “find a
way to deal with fragile customer requirements” – that is,
customer requirements that may be incomplete or that may
change during the software development process. For this
project, we want to create a measurement plan using GQM
technique. During the step of “identify what we want to
know or learn” we must specify the followings:
 Persons affected

 Products and by-products

 Inputs and resources

 Internal artifacts

 Activities and flowpaths

(Làm bài tập theo nhóm)

07/07/2024 44
Exercise 4 :GQM /2
 Ask at least one question for each of the (a)
(e) that will contribute to the goal.
a) Persons affected: Who are the people that will be
affected by this goal?
b) Products and by-products:What are the products covered by
this goal? What resources are potentially
c) Inputs and resources:
involved? What are the artifacts affected?
d) Internal artifacts: What activities are involved?
e) Activities and flowpaths:

07/07/2024 45
Exercise 4 :GQM /3
 Identify at least 3 relevant candidates for each of the
(a) - (e) for this project.
a) Persons affected: Who are the people that will be affected by this
goal? Customers; Project Managers; Programmers; Document
personnel; Testers
b) Products and by-products: What are the products covered by this
goal? Documents; Working system; Budget
c) Inputs and resources: What resources are potentially involved?
People; Computers and development environment; Customers
d) Internal artifacts: What are the artifacts affected?
Prototype applications; Change requests; Project history and
previous metrics
e) Activities and flowpaths: What activities are involved?
Developing; Requirements gathering; Acceptance testing
07/07/2024 46
Exercise /5
 Your organization has just completed a software process
assessment. One of the findings was that your projects are
delivering software functions and documentation on time, but
customers are not as satisfied as you would like them to be.
 The process improvement team has identified “improving
customer satisfaction” as one of its primary goals.
 You are a project manager, and you need a set of measures that
will help your project make progress toward this goal.
 Devise subgoals to achieve this goal.
Start with asking questions about entities of interest
(i.e., inputs and resources; internal artefacts; activities
and flows; products and by- products)

07/07/2024 47
Readings and Assignment 5
 You are required to read the paper in the links below
and Answer the following questions. The answers
will be submitted on e-Learning system (Assignment
5) before 17:00, 25-Mar, 2020.
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cITBn7Nhh9o

 Question 1
 What is Goal Question Metric for Agile?

07/07/2024 48

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