2.Bend the right knee and place it on the left thigh. Make sure
that the sole of the feet point upward and the heel is close to the
4.With both the legs crossed and feet placed on opposite thighs,
place your hands on the knees in mudra position.
3. Align the center of your right heel with the center of your left foot's arch
Inhale deeply
4. Raise your right hand straight above your head, parallel to your right ear
Exhale and bend your torso at the waist, to your left side
5. At the same time, slide your left arm down along your left leg till your fingers
are at your ankle.
DHANURASANA (BOW 1. Lie on your stomach with your feet slightly apart and
forehead on the floor
POSE) 2. Bend your knees and bring your feet up behind you
Stretch your arms backward and grab your ankles.
SARVANGASANA 1.Lie on your back with your feet together and hands by your sides
5.Bend your elbows and move your hands up your back toward your
shoulder blades
6.Straighten your back and legs while pressing your elbows down to the
floor and your hands into your back
7.Keep your weight on your shoulders and upper arms, not your head and
8.Hold the pose for 30 seconds to three minutes while breathing in
Benefits of Sarvangasana (Shoulder
•Stimulates the
thyroid and parathyroid glands and
normalizes their functions
•Strengthens the arms and shoulders and
keeps the spine flexible
•Nourishes the brain with more blood
•Stretches the heart muscles by returning
more venous blood to the heart
•Brings relief from constipation, indigestion
and varicose veins
1. Lie on your stomach with your forehead on the ground,
toes stretched out, and legs together
3. Inhale deeply, press your palms into the floor, and slowly
raise your upper body off the ground
4. Lift your chest and hips, but keep your pelvis on the floor
5.When you feel balanced, lift your arms straight above your head.
6.Hold the pose while taking a deep breath periodically.