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GR 12 Evolusie

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Evolution= Change over

Evolusie= verandering oor
 Biological evolution – Genetic  Biologiese evolusie– Genetiese
changes in ‘n population of living veranderinge in ‘n bevolking wat
organisms that are inherited over oor generasies oorgeerf word, deur
generations due to natural natuurlike seleksie wat nuwe
selection, leading to new species. spesies vorm.
 Fossil – an organism or remains,  Fossiel – ‘n organimse of
imprints or footprint usually oorblyfsels, afdruk of voetspoor
preserved in rock gewoonlik bewaar in klip
 Paleontology – the study of fossils  Paleontologie – die studie van
 fossiele
Paleontologis – scientist studying
fossils  Paleontoloog – wetenskaplike wat
 fosiele bestudeer
Anthropology – study of ancient
cultures and human interaction  Antropologie – die studie van
historiese kulture en menslike
 Artificial selection – The purposeful  Kunsmatige seleksie – die doelbewuste
production of offspring that have produksie van nakomelinge wat
characteristics that are suitable to eienskappe het wat voordelig is vir
humans mense
 Biodiversity – the range of life forms that  Biodiversiteit – die reeks lewensvorm wat
exist on earth op aarde bestaan
 Biogeography – Past and present  Biogeografie -historiese en huidige
distribution of species in specific verspreiding van spesies oor spesifieke
geographical regions geografiese gebiede
 Continuous variation – a range of different  Aaneenlopende variasie – ‘n reeks
phenotypes exist for a particular fenotipes bestaan vir ‘n spesifieke
characteristics (intermediate forms) eienskap( intermediere vorme)
 Discontinuous variation – there is no range  Onderbroke variasie – geen reeks van
of different phenotypes for a verskillende fenotipes nie, het aparte
characteristic; it falls in distinct kategoriee
categories  Uitwissing – die verdwyning van ‘n spesie
 Extinction – elimination of a specie from vanaf die aarde
 Fossil – remains, traces or foot prints of  Fossiele – oorblyfsels, afdrukke en
organisms that have existed in the past voetspore van organisms wat in die
preserved in rock verlede bestaan het en in klip bewaar is
 Fossil record – the accumulation of all  Fossiel record – samevatting van alle
listed and known fossils of different gelyste, bekende fossiele van verskillende
ages that have been discovered by ouderdomme wat deur wetenskaplikes
paleontologists worldwide wereldwyd gevind is
 Geographic isolation – the separation of  Geografiese isolasie – the verdeling van ‘n
a population into two by ‘n geographical bevolking in twee déur ‘n geografiese
barrier such as a river, lake, mountain so versperring soos ‘n rivier, meer, berg
that no gene flow can take place sodat geen geenvloei kan plaasvind nie
 Homologous structures – structures that  Homoloe structure – strukture wat
are similar in build but my be different soortelyk in bou is, al is dit verskillend in
in function and it shows a common funksie, dui op ‘n gesamentlike oorsprong
origin  Hipotese – ‘n toetsbare stelling wat
 Hypothesis – A testable statement that aanvaar of verwerp kan word ( ingeligte
can be accepted or rejected (educated raai)
guess)  Teorie – aanvaarde hipotese gebasseer of
 Theory – Accepted hypothesis based on ondersteunende bewyse, verduidelikings
supporting evidence, explanations and en wette
 Mutation – sudden unexpected change  Mutasie – skielike onverwagse
in the structure of a gene or verandering in die struktuur van ‘n
chromosome geen of chromosoom
 Gene mutation- change in the  Geen mutasie – verandering in die
sequence of nitrogenous bases (affects volgorde van stikstofbasisse ( affekteer
one characteristic – One gene codes for een eienskap – een geen kodeer vir een
one characteristic) eienskap)
 Chromosomal mutation – change in the  Chromosoom mutasie – verandering in
composition or number of die samestelling of aantal chromosome
chromosomes(affect multiple (affekteer verskeie eienskappe – alle
characteristics – all on affected gene op geaffekteerde chromosoom)
chromosome)  Natuurlike seleksie( Gradualisme) –
 Natural selection (gradualism) – organismis oorleef indien hul
Organisms survive if they have eienskappe het wat hul aangepas in hul
characteristics that make them suited omgewing maak ( survival of the
to the environment (survival of the fittests
 Speciation(Geographic/Allopatric) – the Spesiasie (geografiese/ allopatriese) –
formation of new species over a period die vorming van ‘n nuwe spesie oor tyd
of time
 Spesie – ‘n groep soortgelyke
Species – a group of similar organism
organisms (met dieselfde eienskappe)
(organism with the same
wat kan kruisteel en vrugbare
characteristics) that are able to
nakomelinge produseer
interbreed and produce fertile offspring
 Population – a group of organisms of the Bevolking – ‘n groep organismis van
same specie occupying the same dieselfde spesie, in dieselfde habitat
habitat at the same time in dieselfde tyd
 Community – Many populations of
different species in the same habitat at Gemeenskap - baie bevolkings van
the same time verskillende spesies in dieselfde
habitat in dieselfde tyd
 Punctuated equilibrium – Evolution  Gepunte ewewig – Evolusie gekenmerk
characterized by long periods of little deur lang periodes van min of geen
or no change followed by short periods verandering gevolg deur kort periodes
of rapid change van vinnige verandering
 Radiometric dating – process used to  Radiometriese datering – proses wat die
determine the age of a fossil by ouderdom van fossiele vasstel deur die
measuring the decay of radioactive afbreek van radioaktiewe stowwe soos
substances such as carbon koolstof te meet
 Relative dating – Process used to  Reledatiewe datering – proses om die
determine the order in which organisms volgorde waarin organismes op aarde
appeared on earth in relation to other voogekom het vas te stel in verhouding
fossils and rock layers tot ander fossiele en klip lae
 Transitional fossil – and intermediate  Oorgangsfossiel – intermediere fossiele
fossils showing characteristics of both wat eienskappe van beide voorganger
anscesteral( species that came before) spesie en opvolg spesies bevat (voor en
and decendent species (species that na hulself)
came after)  Bipedalisme – loop reggop of twee
 Bipedalism = act of walking up right on bene(voete)
two feet
Evidence for Evolution Bewyse vir Evolusie
1. Fossils 1. Fossiele
2. Biogeography 2. Biogeografie
3. Genetics 3. Genetika
4. Modification by descent 4. Aanpassing deur afstammeling
Evidence for evolution
Bewyse vir evolusie
1. Fossils 1. Fossiele
 Fossil records  Fossielrekord
 Youngest fossil = extinction date  Jongste fossiel= uitsterf datum
 Oldest fossil = 1st appeared  Oudste fossiel= ontstaan datum
 Radiometric and relative dating  Radiometriese en relatiewe datering
 Gaps in fossil records?  Gapings in fossielrekords?
Give ONE reason why there are Give ONE reason why there are
gaps in the fossil records. gaps in the fossil records.
-Only a few of the ancient organisms are preserved -Nie alle organismes vorm fossiele
as fossils  nie

-because they need to be covered soon after death -hul moet net na dood bedek word
otherwise they will be decomposed by bacteria anders sal hul ontbind word

-Only organisms with a solid and resistant -Slegs organismes met soliede
skeleton are easily preserved skelette sal fossiele vorm

-We have not found all the fossils that exist in the -ons het nog nie al die fossiele op
earth die aarde gevind nie
2. Biogeographical 2. Biogeografies
 The closer organisms are found to one  Hoe nader organismes aan mekaar gevind word
another the closer related they are to one hoe nader is hul aan mekaar verwand
 Uitsondering: Kontinentale skuiwing
 Exception: Continental drift
3.Genetics 3.Genetika
• Protein synthesis process • Proteien sintese proses
• Sequence of genes • Volgorde van gene
• Mitochondrial DNA mutations • Mitochondriale DNS mutasies
• Y – Chromosome mutations • Y – Chromosoom mutasies
4. Modification by descent 4. Aanpassings deur afstammeling
Homologous structures– same structure Homoloe structure – dieselfde structure
(common ancestor) – different functions ( gemeenskaplike voorouer) – verskillende funksies
(adapt to different environments and modes
of life) ( aanpassing vir verskillende omgewings en metodes
van lewe)
Sources of variation Bronne van variasie
 Chromosome Mutations – Cause mutation in  Chromosoom Mutasies– Veroorsaak mutasie
gene sequence – change in genotype result in in die geen volgorde – verandering in genotype
change in phenotype verantwoordelik vir fenotipe
 Crossing over- During prophase 1 of meiosis  Oorkruising – gedurende profase 1 van meiose
non-sister chromatids exchange genetic ruil nie-suster chromatiede hul genetiese
material, resulting in genetically different materiaal uit, wat geneties verskillende
gametes gamete tot gevolg het
 Random arrangement of chromosomes –  Lukrake rangskikking van chromosome–
during metaphase 1 and 2 chromosomes gedurende metaphase 1 en 2 rangskik
arrange randomly on the equator, resulting in chromosome lukraak op die ewenaar, wat tot
chromosomes or chromatids moving to the gevolg het dat chromosome en chromatiede in
pole in different combinations during anafase na pole toe beweeg in verskillende
Anaphase resulting in genetically different kombinasies vir geneties verskillende gamete
 Lukrake paring– Enige een individu kan paar
 Random mating – any one individual can met enige ander individue van dieselfde spesie
mate with any other of the same species wat lei tot verskillende gameet kombinasies
resulting in different gamete combinations
 Lukrake bevruting– enige sperm en enige
 Random fertilization – any sperm can ander eiersel bevrug tydens omgang. Wat
fertilize any egg cell during intercourse verskillende kombinasie van gene in die
resulting in different combinations of genes to nakomelinge tot gevolg het
the offspring
Types of variation Tipes variasie
Continuous variation Aaneenlopende variasie
 Range of different phenotypes for the same  Reeks verskillende fenotipes vir dieselfde
characteristic. Many intermediate forms eg eienskap. Baie intermediere vorme bv Lengte
Onderbroke variasie
Discontinuous variation
 Het intermediere vorme, fenotipes pas in
 Has intermediate forms, phenotypes fit losstaande kategoriee
into distinct categories
Lamarckism Lamarckisme
Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829) Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829)

 Law of use and disuse  Wet van gebruik en ongebruik

Organs become adapted to how frequently Organe pas aan volgens hoe gereeld hul
the are being used gebruik word
• If used more frequently, they become  As hul gereeld gebruik word, word dit
bigger and stronger or changed to work grootter en sterker om beter te werk
better  As nie gebruik word dit kleiner totdat
• If disused become smaller until it dit verdwyn
 Law of inheritance of acquired  Wet van oorerwing van verworwe
characteristics eienskappe
 Acquired characteristics can be passed on  Verworwe eienskappe kan aan nakomelinge
to offspring oorgedra word
Lamarck felt that animals deliberately made Lamarck voel dat diere opsetlik verander om
changes to become adapted to their in hul omgewings aan te pas en dan hierdie
environments and passed this down to the verworwe eienskappe na die volgende geslag
next generation oordra

 Rejection  Verwerping
Organisms evolved not because they Organismes gaan nie deur evolusie omdat
wanted to but in response to the hul wil nie, maar in reaksie op die
environment. omgewing
Acquired characteristics can not be Verworwe eienskappe kan nie aan die
passed on to offspring, only genes nakomelinge oorgedra word nie, slegs
NOV P2 2020 Q1.6
MAY JUNE P2 2019
NOV P2 2019
MAY JUNE P2 2017 Q2.2
Darwinism Darwinisme
Charles Darwin (1809-1882), Theory of Charles Darwin (1809-1882), Teorie van
Natural Selection published in Origin of Natuurlike Seleksie gepubliseer in Origin of
species. species.
Research ship HSM Beagle Navorsing skip HSM Beagle

Bean simulation
 Large number of offspring  Groot aantal nakomelinge
produced geproduseer
 Show great deal of variation  Variasie onder nakomelinge
 There is change in the  Daar is ‘n verandering in die
environment/ selection pressure omgewing/ seleksiedruk
 Some has favourable  Party het gunstige eienskappe en
characteristics and others has ander het ongustige eienskappe
unfavourable characteristics  Ongunstige sterf
 Unfavourable die  Gunstiges oorleef
 Favourable survive  Hulle kan voortplant
 They are able to reproduce  En gunstige allele aan
 And pass favorable alleles to nakomelinge oordra
offspring  In toekomstige generasies sal
 In future generations there will daar meer individue met
be more individuals with gunstige eienskappe wees
favourable characteristics
Natural Selection Application Natuurlike Seleksie Toepassing
Large amount of Large amount of offspring Groot aantal Groot aantal nakomelinge
offspring nakomelinge
Variation There is great amount of Variasie Daar is groot hoeveelheid
variation. Some had long roots variasie. Somiges het lang
and other has short roots wortels en ander het kort wortels
Selection pressure There is drought , water deep in Seleksiedruk Daar is droogte en water is diep
soil in die grond
Favourable and The short roots has unfavourable Gunstige en Die kort wortels het ongunstige
unfavourable characteristic as they could not ongunstige eienskappe, hul kon nie die
reach enough water and therefor water bereik nie en het gesterf.
died. Die lang wortels het gunstige
The Long roots are favourable as eienskappe, hul kon die water
they could reach the water and bereik en het oorleef.
survived. Omdat hul oorleef het kon hul
Reproduce Because they survived the could voortplant
reproduce En hul gunstige gene aan die
Gunstige gene
Favourable genes And pass their favourable genes nakomelinge oordra
on the offspring Soos tyd verloop sal daar meer
Meer gunstig
More favourable Over time there will be more individue met gunstige
individuals with favourable eienskappe voorkom (lang
characteristics (long roots) wortels)
Darwin Natural Selection applications
Darwin natuurlike seleksie toepassings
 Finches on Galapagos islands – More  Vinke op die Galapagos eilande –
than 13 different finch species on 10 meer as 13 verskillende vink spesies
islands. 1 species on South America op 10 eilande. 1 spesie op die Suid-
Mainland Amerikaanse vasteland
 Tortoises of Galapagos islands  Skilpaaie van Galapagos eilande
Lamarckism VS Darwinism
Lamarckism Darwinism Lamarckism Darwinism
Variation in offspring brought Offspring showed variation Variasie in nakomelinge is as Nakomelinge het variasie van
about by individuals in the form the moment of their gevolg van individue in die die oomblik van produksie
population changing production bevolking wat verander

Change brought about Change as a result of Verandering vind plaas omdat Verandering as gevolg van
because individuals in the environmental factors working individue wil verander omgewings faktore en het
population wanted to change randomly on the population lukrake impak op die bevolking

Change brought about by Change brought by nature Verandering as gevolg van Verandering as gevolg van
individuals in the population selecting those that are best individue wat aanpas by die natuur wat organisms wat die
adapting to the environment suited to the environment to omgewing beste aangepas is by die
survive omgewing selekteer om te

Individuals in the population The population as a whole Individue in die bevolking Die bevolking in geheel
change changes verander verander

Changes brought about by Characteristics are passed on Veranderinge deur Eienskappe word oorgedra
adaptation to the environment form generation to generation aanpassing by die omgewing van generasie tot generasie
are inherited form parent to because they enable the word oorgedra van ouers na omdat hul die individue in staat
offspring individuals to survive in the nakomelinge stel om te oorleef in die
environment omgewing
Similarities Ooreenkomste
 Initially life was simple,  Aan die begin was lewe
becoming more complex eenvoudig , dit word meer
 kompleks
Species constantly change ,
new formed and others  Spesies verander constant,
extinct nuwes vorm en ander word
 uitgewis
Only those individuals best
adapted to environment will  Sleg individue wat die beste
survive by hul omgewing aangepas is
sal oorleef
Nov P2 2019
FEB MRT P2 2018 Q3.2
MAY JUNE P2 2018 Q3.5
NOV P2 2018 Q3.2
MAY JUNE P2 2017 Q2.4
NOV P2 2017 Q2.2
NOV P2 2016 Q3.2
Natural selection = gradualism Natuurlike seleksie = gradulisme
 Evolution takes place through slow  Evolusie vind plaas deur stadige
gradual changes over time. This has many geleidelike verandering oor tyd. Dit het
transitional fossil. baie oorgansfossiele.

Punctuated equilibrium/Gepunteerde ewewig

 Not gradual  Nie geleidelik
 Long periods of little to no change  Lang tydperke met min of geen
 verandering
Followed by short time periods of rapid
change due to natural selection  Opgevolg deur kort periodes van vinnige
 verandering as gevolg van natuurlike
New species are formed in short period of
 Nuwe spesies word gevorm in kort
 No transitional fossils (missing links)
 Geen oorgangsfossiele ( missing links)
Artificial selection Kunsmatige seleksie
 = Selective breeding  = Selektiewe teling
Deliberate breeding of plants and Opsetlike teling van plante en diere vir
animals for characteristics that are eienskappe wat GEWENS is vir mense
DESIRABLE for humans
Natural Selection vs Artificial Selection Natuurlike Seleksie vs Kunsmatige Seleksie
Natural Selection Artificial Selection Natuurlike Seleksie Kunsmatige Seleksie
Nature is selective force Humans are selective force Natuur is seleksiedruk Mens is seleksiedruk
Adaption to the What is desirable to Aanpassing by omgewing Wat is gewens vir mense
environment humans
Benefit survival of organism May only survive in Voordelig vir die oorlewing Kan net in beheerde
controlled environment. van die organisme omgewings oorleef. Nie vir
Not for benefit of organism die voordeel van organisme
MAY JUNE P2 2019 Q 4
NOV P2 2018 Q3.3
NOV P2 2017 Q 3.2
Speciation increase biodiversity
Spesiasie verhoog biodiversiteit

Extinction decrease biodiversity

Uitsterwing verlaag biodiversiteit
Gene pool? / Geenpoel?

Gene flow? / Geenvloei?

Speciation through Spesiasie deur
geographic isolation geografiese isolasie
 Becomes separated by a GEOGRAPHICAL BARRIER  Word geskei deur ‘n GEOGRAFIESE
( sea,river, mountain, lake) VERSPERRING ( see, rivier, berg, meer)
  Die bevolking is in twee verdeel
Then the population splits in two
 There is NO GENE FLOW between the two  Daar is GEEN GEENVLOEI tussen die twee
populations bevolkings nie
 Each population may be exposed to DIFFERENT  Elke bevolking is bloodgestel aan VERSKILLENDE
PRESSURES may be different verskillend wees
each of the two populations van die twee bevolkings plaas
 The individuals of the two populations becomes  Die individue in die twee bevolkings word
DIFFERENT form each other
 Selfs al word die twee bevolkings WEER
 Even if the two populations WERE TO MIX again
 They are now two different species  Hul is nou twee verskillende spesies
African Baobab Madagascar Baobab Australia Baobab

Protea, South African,

Australia, South America Galapagos finches
Galapagos tortoises
Reproductive isolation Reproduktiewe isolasie
 Breeding at different times of the year  Voortplanting verskillende tye van die
 jaar/Seisonale isolasie
Specie specific courtship behavior
 Spesie spesifieke hofmakery
 Adaptions to different pollinating agents
 Aanpassings by verskillende bestuiwers
 Prevention of fertilization
 Fisiese voorkoming van voortplanting
 Infertile offspring
 Onvrugbare nakomelinge
Evolution in present times Evolusie in huidige tye
 Malaria mosquitoes resistance to DDT  Malaria muskiete weerstandig teen DDT
insecticide inskedoder
 TB resistance  TB weerstandigheid
 HIV resistance  HIV weerstandigheid
 Galapagos finches  Galapagos vinke
 Mosquitoes produce a large number of  Muskiete produseer ‘n groot aantal
offspring nakomelinge
 There is a great deal of variation among the  Daar is ‘n baie variasie in die nakomelinge
offspring  ‘n klein aantal muskiete is weerstandig teen
 A small number of mosquitoes were resistant DDT
to DDT  Tydens toediening van DDT is meeste muskiete
 On DDT application most mosquitoes were not dood wat nie weerstandig wees nie
resistant and died  Net weerstandige muskiete kon oorleef en
 Only resistant mosquitoes were able to survive voorplant
and reproduce  Hulle het hul weerstandigheid aan hul
 They were able to carry their resistance over nakomelinge oorgedra
to their offspring  In die opkomende generasies was al hoe meer
 in the next generations more mosquitoes muskiete weerstandig teen DDT, tot die mate
were resistant to DDT, until the DDT dat DDT as insekdoder heeltemal oneffektief
insecticide became completely ineffective in geraak het
killing mosquitoes
NOV P2 2020 Q 3.3
NOV P2 2020 Q 3.4
NOV P2 2019 Q 3.3
MAY JUNE P2 2018 Q 4
NOV P2 2018 Q 1.5
FEB MRT P2 2017 Q 4
MAY JUNE P2 2017 Q 4
NOV P2 2017 Q 2.2
NOV P2 2016 Q 3.3
Human Evolution Menslike Evolusie
Phylogenetic tree =
evolutionary relationship

Cladogram = Evolutionary
relationship with
Hominid = Family Hominidea =
modern humans, gorillas,

Hominin = modern and extinct

human species ,
Genus: Ardipithecus

Evidence for common Bewyse vir gemeenskaplike
ancestory of Hominids voorouers van Hominids
 Fossil evidence  Fossiel bewyse
 Radiometric and relative dating  Radiometriese en relatiewe datering
 Modification by descent – homologous  Modifikasie met afstammeling - homoloe
 Cranium size, position of foramen magnum,  Kranium grootte, posissie van foramen magnum,
brow ridges ect wenkbrouriwwe ens
 Cultural  kultureel
 Tools, weapons, language  Gereedskap, wapens, taal
 Genetics  Genetika
 DNA structure  DNS struktuur
 Sequence of genes  Volgorde van gene
 Mutations on mitochondrial DNA  Mutasies in Mitochondriale DNS
Similarities between Ooreenkomste tussen
humans and African apes mense en Afrika ape
 Large cranium compared to rest of skeleton –  Groot cranium in vergelyke met res van skelet,
shows improved brain function dui op verhoogte brein funksie
 Binocular/ stereoscopic vision, cones for colour  Binokulere/ Stereoskopiese visie, keeltjies vir
vision kleur visie
 Freely rotating arms  Vrylik roterende arms
 Long upper arms  Lang bo-arms
 Elbow joint allow rotation of forearm  Elmboog-gewrig laat rotasie van voorarm toe
 5 fingers, Nails instead of claws, naked finger  5 vingers, naels in plek van kloue, naak
tips vingerpunte
 Opposable thumb – power grip  Opponeerbare duime - kraggreep
 Upright posture  Regop postuur
 Sexual dimorphism  Geslags dimorfisme
 2 tits with mammary glands  2 tiete met melkkliere
Differences between apes and humans Verskille tussen ape en mense
Apes Humans Apes Humans
Small cranium/brain Large cranium accomodates Klein kranium/brein Groot kranium huisves
brain brein
Cranial ridge No cranial ridge Kraniale riwwe Geen kranial riwwe
Brow ridges well Brow ridges not well Goed ontwikkelde Nie goed ontwikkelde
developed developed wenkbrou-riwwe wenkbrou riwwe nie
C-shaped spine - S-shaped spine – Balance C-vormige ruggraat- S-vormige ruggraat- balans
quadrupedal and upright posture - kwadrupleeg en regop postuur-Bipedaal
Bipedal Arms langer as bene, swak Arms korter as bene, sterk
Arms longer than legs, Arms shorter than legs, knie gewrigte knie gewrigte
weak knee joints strong knee joints Lang nou pelvis Kort bree pelvis –
Long narrow pelvis Short wide pelvis – support ondersteun gewig van
weight of upper body liggaam
Foramen magnum in Foramen magnum in more Foramen magnum in Foraman magnum meer
backward position forward position – spinal agtertoe posisie vorentoe posisie – ruggraat
cord enters skull vertically kom skedel vertikaal
Large canines Small canines binne

Thin tooth enamel Thick tooth enamel Groot slagtande Klein oogtande

Long rectangular palate Small rounded palate Dun tandemalje Dik tandemalje

Large jaws, More Small jaw, less protruding/ Lang reghoekige Klein geronde verhemelte
Significance Belang
Adaption Significance Aanpassing Belang
Cranium Accommodates Larger brain – Kranium Huisves Grootter brein– prossesseer
volume process more information faster, volume meer inligting vinniger, prosesseer
process larger amount of groter hoeveelheid inligting, taal
information, language development, ontwikkeling, Beter koordinasie=
better co-ordination= higher hoer intelligensie
intelligence Bipedaal Hande vry om kos, gereedskap en
Bipedalism Hand free for carrying food, tools, babas te dra
babies Beter sig van omgewing, kos en
Better view of surroundings, food predators
and predators Meer effektiewe beweging
More efficient movement Liggaam koel vinniger af – minder
Faster cooling of body – less exposed bloodstelling aan direkte sonlig
to direct sunlight Stel geslagsorgane ten toon vir
Display sex organs as part of paringsgedrag
courship Prognatisme Beweeg van eet van rou kosse na
Prognathous Move from eating raw food to en tande gaar kosse
and dentition cooked food Wenkbrou en Geen spiervashegting vir sterker
Brow and Muscle attachment for stronger jaws kraniale kake
cranial ridges not needed riwwe Geen versterking vir kragbyt
No increased strength for forceful
Fossils, sites and palaeontologist
Via Africa
Out of Africa hypothesis/ Uit Afrika hipotese
 Ardipithecus – fossils found ONLY in Africa/ Ardipithecus – Fossiele SLEGS in Afrika
 Australopithecus – fossils found ONLY in Africa – Karabo, Little foot, Taung child, Mrs
Ples/ Australopithecus – Fossiele SLEGS in Afrika gevind – Karabo, Little foot, Taung
kind, Mev Ples
 Homo – Homo habilis – Fossils found ONLY in Africa/ Homo – Homo habilis – Fossiele
SLEGS in Afrika gevind
-H. erectus – OLDEST found in Africa, YOUNGER found in other parts of
world/ H. erectus – OUDSTE fossiel in Afrika gevind, JONGER gevind in ander
dele van die wereld
 Mutations in mitochondrial DNA – Female ancestor 150 000 years ago in Africa/
Mutasies in Mitochondriale DNS – vroulike voorouer 150 000 jaar gelede in Afrika
 50 000 years ago in rest of world/ 50 000 jaar gelede in die res van die wereld

 Great rift valley & cradle of human kind/ Groot skeurvalley & wieg van die
NOV P2 2020 Q 3.1 & 3.2
MAY JUNE P2 2019 Q 1.6
NOV P2 2019 Q 3.1
FEB MRT P2 2018 Q 1.5
FEB MRT P2 2018 Q 2.3
MAY JUNE P2 2018 Q 1.5
MAY JUNE P2 2018 Q 3.3
NOV P2 2018 Q 3.1
FEB MRT P2 2017 Q 1.4
FEB MRT P2 2017 Q 2.1
MAY JUNE MRT P2 2017 Q 1.4
NOV P2 2017 Q 3.1
NOV P2 2016 Q 1.6
NOV P2 2016 Q 4

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