The Linnaean System of Classification 2
The Linnaean System of Classification 2
The Linnaean System of Classification 2
System of
The Linnaean system is a hierarchical classification system used to
organise all living things based on shared characteristics. It was
developed by Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century and is still widely
used today.
Bacteria Archaea Eukarya
These are single-celled organisms Archaea are single-celled Eukarya are organisms that have
that lack a nucleus and other organisms that are similar to cells with a nucleus and other
membrane-bound organelles. bacteria in appearance but are membrane-bound organelles. They
Bacteria are found everywhere, distinct in their biochemistry. They include plants, animals, fungi, and
from the soil to the air to the are often found in extreme protists.
human body. environments, such as hot springs
or salty lakes.
1 Plantae 2 Animalia
The plant kingdom is made The animal kingdom is made
up of multicellular organisms up of multicellular organisms
that are able to produce their that are heterotrophic,
own food through meaning they obtain their
photosynthesis. They include food from other organisms.
trees, flowers, ferns, and They include mammals, birds,
mosses. reptiles, amphibians, fish, and
3 Fungi 4 Protista
Fungi are heterotrophic Protists are a diverse group of
organisms that obtain their mostly single-celled
food from decaying matter. organisms that are neither
They include mushrooms, plants, animals, nor fungi.
yeasts, and molds. They include algae, amoebas,
and slime molds.
These are warm-blooded vertebrates that have hair or fur, produce milk to nourish their young, and have a four-chambered heart.
These are warm-blooded vertebrates that have feathers, lay eggs, and have a four-chambered heart.
These are cold-blooded vertebrates that have scales or scutes, lay eggs, and have a three-chambered heart.
These are cold-blooded vertebrates that have smooth, moist skin, lay eggs in water, and have a three-chambered heart.
These are ray-finned fish that have a bony skeleton, scales, and fins supported by rays.
Primates Carnivora
Primates are a diverse order of Carnivores are mammals that are
mammals that includes monkeys, primarily meat-eaters. They have
apes, and humans. They have large sharp teeth, strong jaws, and claws
brains, five-fingered hands, and five- for hunting.
toed feet.
Passeriformes Perciformes
Passeriformes are an order of birds Perciformes are the largest order of
that includes songbirds, such as fish, containing over 10,000 species.
robins, sparrows, and finches. They They have a spiny dorsal fin and a
have a distinctive three-toed foot variety of other characteristics.
1 Panthera
This genus includes large cats, such as lions, tigers,
leopards, and jaguars. They are all characterized by
their powerful bodies, sharp claws, and loud roars.
2 Homo
This genus includes modern humans and our extinct
ancestors. Homo sapiens is the only surviving species
in this genus.
3 Canis
This genus includes dogs, wolves, coyotes, and jackals.
They are all social animals that live in packs.