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Chapter 1 - Introduction To The Module

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Intercultural Management

Differentiate the different concepts and
Differentiate theories of culture (norms, values, stereotypes,

Identify the various situations of intercultural /

multicultural / cross-cultural phenomena.

Analyze and measure the effects of different

Analyze and
cultures coming into contact with each other.
(Misunderstandings, synergy, etc.)

Recommend good practices in managing

Recommend intercultural phenomenon in the work place.
(Communication and etiquette)
• The course examines the complex
challenges that culture poses in
international business today.

• Among the topics covered are:

1. culture’s influence on conducting global
2. cultural values and management
communication styles,
3. managing multicultural teams,
4. building trust across cultures,
5. international negotiations, and
6. conflict resolution.
Group activity
● On a piece of paper,
brainstorm about what you
think “What Intercultural
Management” could be.

● … and how it could contribute

to you in the future…

● 15 minute time

● Afterwards present to class (I

will select the groups ☺)
Involving two or more
• Different language
• Different customs and
• Attitudes
• Motivation
• Perspectives
Visible Cultural Differences

Invisible Cultural Roots

World is becoming a global village

Same activity Accepted in one, not

different meanings. accepted in another.
Managing Culture and
Prime Necessity in a Global Company
Intercultural Management

• Managing people from different culture in a way that minimizes

misunderstanding and conflict.
Intercultural management can therefore be defined as a set of

principles and tools which offer individuals and companies

intercultural solutions leading to a greater efficiency in the
international integration process, negotiations, sales, work activities
and commercial relations with people or companies from different
countries and cultures.

(Knap-Stefaniuk & Sorribes, 2022)

Some major principles of ICM
1. Diversity
2. Individualization
3. Acceptance
4. Non-Judgemental attitude
5. Inclusion and equality
6. Cultural competence
7. Conflict resolution
8. Collaboration
Why does it matter?
• The multicultural composition of teams in organizations is nowadays
an increasingly common phenomenon.
• Internationalization of economic activity undertaken by
• Globalization.
• Liberalization
• Free market and many more
But.. Contemporary managers :
• Lacks skills / knowledge and
experience in managing culturally
diverse teams.

• Lacks adequate training.

• Are ethnocentric (evaluating other

peoples and cultures according to
the standards of one's own culture)
• Attitudes
• Behaviors
Employers require new skills and competencies
Interdisciplinary Learning and Information, Life and career
skills Innovation skills Media, skills
• Global • Creativity and Technology skills • Flexibility &
awareness Innovation • Information Adaptability
• Financial, • Critical Thinking Literacy • Initiative & Self
economic, and Problem • Media Literacy Direction
business and Solving • ICT Literacy • Social & Cross-
entrepreneurial • Communication Cultural Skills
literacy • Collaboration • Productivity &
• Civic literacy Accountability
• Leadership &

Source: P21 (2018)

• https://youtu.be/rJ4IbhXrqnc
Cultural Intelligence
• “Cultural Intelligence is the ability to adapt to new
cultural settings.”

• Professors Christopher Earley and Soon Ang

• Cultural Intelligence is also known as Cultural Quotient (CQ),

which is derived from IQ.
• People with high CQ aren't experts in every kind of


• They have the skills to go into new environments with

confidence, and to make informed judgments based on
observations and evidence.

• These people excel at understanding unfamiliar or

ambiguous behavior.
• They recognize shared influences among particular groups,
and this allows them to identify the impact of a particular

• They also know that cultural influences are complex and


• They're aware that while culture is significant, factors such

as business roles and individual personalities can have a
powerful effect on behavior, too.
Group Activity: Field Observation
• Find a place at IIMS premises or outside IIMS where you can
observe a group of people
• Observation lengths +/- 15 min
• Each group observe a group of people (not in classroom)
• Analyze conversations, facial expressions and gestures
(respect privacy)
• Make notes of your observation. (At least 10 points)
• Present/Share in the class.
Assessment and Timeline
Assessment Task Weight Due Date

Assessment Task 1: 20% Week 3

Online Assessment
Assessment Task 2: 30% Week 7
Case study, group
Assessment Task 3: 40% Week 5
Case Study, Role
Assessment Task 4: 10% Week 7
Reflective Writing
Late Submission
• Will not be entertained.
• You need to attend a counselling session (1hour) mandatorily.
• Collect forms from respective lecturers.
• You will receive quiz assessment every week in your MyTimes. It is
mandatory for you to attempt quiz.
See you in

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