Biomolecules Part1
Biomolecules Part1
Biomolecules Part1
A Seminar on Biomolecules
• Carbohydrates
• Classification of Carbohydrates
• Glucose
• Structure of Glucose
Introduction to Carbohydrates
• Carbohydrates are one of the four major classes of biomolecules,
along with proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. They play critical
roles in energy storage, structural integrity, and cell signalling in
living organisms.
• Primarily produced by plants, form a very large group of
naturally occurring compounds
• Most of them have a general formula of Cx(H2O)y
Carbohydrates are also defined as:
• Optically active polyhydroxy derivatives
• Ketones
• Compounds that produce such units on hydrolysis
Some Carbohydrates, which are sweet in taste, are called sugars
Carbohydrates are also called Saccharides.
Classification of
Carbohydrates are classified based on their behaviour on Hydrolysis
1. Monosaccharides:
The simplest form of saccharides that cannot be hydrolysed further
into simpler carbohydrates.
Ex: Glucose, Fructose, Ribose
2. Oligosaccharides:
• Carbohydrates that yield 2-10 monosaccharide units.
• Further classified as di, tri, tetra,….. Etc. saccharides
• The two units obtained on hydrolysis of disaccharides may be the
same or different, for ex:
Hydrolysis of 1 molecule of Sucrose may give 1 molecule of
Glucose and 1 molecule of Fructose
While Maltose gives 2 molecules of glucose
3 Polysaccharides:
1. Reducing Sugar:
If a monosaccharide contains:
Preparation of Glucose:
1) From Sucrose
Boiling Sucrose with dil. HCl or H2SO4 in alcoholic soln. gives Glucose and
Fructose in equal amounts.
2) From Starch: