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q1-w6.1 Greek Gods, Goddesses, and Titans

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The Greek

Titans, Gods,
and Goddesses
Immerse, dark
void CHAOS
Goddess of the
God of Darkness Erebus Nyx Night

God of the
Tartar Doo Fa Sle Drea Neme
d us m te ep ms sis
God of love and
procreation Eros
the Heavenly the Earthly
Ether Light Light Day
The Earth Gaia
Ourea Pontus
God of the God s
of the
God of the Sea
Mountains Heavens
The Titans
The Titan God of the
Harvest. Cronus,
although the
youngest of the 12
Titans, became the
ruler of the world
after overthrowing
his father, Uranus.
The Titan Goddess of
Fertility and
Generation. She
determines the flow
of things and her
name literally means
“the one that flows”
in Greek
The Titan God of the
Oceans. He was the
eldest son of Uranus
and Gaia. His
dominion extended
in every corner of
the earth and all
parts of the horizon.
The Titan Goddess of
the Rivers and Fresh
Water. She is the
mother of more than
3,000 River Gods,
the Oceanids, and
the Nephelai.
The Titan God of
Light. His dazzling
light shone in all
directions. His name
means “ the one
who goes above the
earth” in Greek. He
symbolized eternal
The Titan Goddess of
the Aether. Theia
bore the Titan
Hyperion three
shining children:
Helios (the sun), Eos
(the Dawn), and
Selene (the Moon).
The Titan God of Mortal
Life. He symbolized
mortality and the
mortal life-span. He
fathered the titans
Atlas, Prometheus, and
Epimetheus. He
personified the west
The Titan God of
Constellations. His
name in Greek
means “ram” and it
shows his
connection with the
constellation Aries.
The Titan God of
Intellect. He was also
considered the
embodiment of the
celestial axis around
which the heavers
revolve. He married his
sister, Phoebe.
The Titan Goddess of
Prophecy and Oracular
Intellect. Phoebe bore
the Titan Coeus two
children, Leto and
Asteria. The Titaness
Leto later copulated
with Zeus and bore the
The Titan Goddess of
Divine Law and
Order. She also had
the ability to predict
the future and thus,
she later became
one of the Oracles of
The Titan Goddess of
Memory. She was
generally regarded as
the personification of
memory and
remembrance. Later,
Zeus slept with
Mnemosyne for nine
The Gods
Recognized as the father
of gods and humans. He
held the lightning bolt
with one hand and the
scepter with the other,
which had an eagle at
the top. He was known
as the ‘Lord of Justice’.
the Greek goddess of
agriculture and protected
the trees, plants and
grains. She was the first
to make the earth fruitful
and taught people how to
grow wheat, barley and
other plants. Mother of
Persephone, who was

One of the six children of

Cronus and Rhea and
brother of Zeus. He was
allotted the kingdom of the
sea but he was also
considered the god of
horses and earthquakes.
This is why he was called
The brother of Zeus and Poseidon
and the god of the Underworld. He
was allotted this kingdom when
the three brothers took a draw to
decide who will take each of three
(heavens, sea and the
Underworld). He liked to live in the
dark and shadowed world of the
dead and was rarely seen on
Olympus. The guard of his realm is
his favorite pet, the Cerberus. In
order for your soul to cross the
Hera symbolized and
protected the sacred
institution of marriage. She
blessed and helped the
women in labor. Greek
mythology presents Hera as
a modest, measured and
faithful woman, but at the
same time very jealous. She
had a strong female
The goddess of domestic life,
home and hearth, the flame that
kept a family’s home warm. She
was the eldest daughter of Cronus
and Rhea, and the eldest sister of
Zeus. The worship of Hestia was
connected with the worship of
Zeus who protected the strangers-
travelers. Goddess Hestia was the
first to invent the construction of
houses, taught it to people and
became the protector of family
The goddess of
wisdom and
strategic warfare.
Athena was the
beloved daughter of
Zeus. Her mother
was the Titaness
One of the most important
and complex Greek gods. He
is the god of light, music and
poetry, healing and
prophecy. He was the one
that established the great
Oracle of Delphi, which was
considered the center of the
ancient world. He was the
teacher of the nine Muses
Apollo's twin sister, was the
goddess of hunting, wild
animals and the wilderness.
She spent her time in the
woods, accompanied by the
Nymphs, hunting, with her
bow and arrows. She was a
virgin goddess and protector
of young girls. She was also
worshipped as one of the
The goddess of beauty and
passion. She was born from
the foam of the sea when
Uranus’ blood fell on it after
his defeat by Cronus. This
fact makes her the eldest
among the Olympian Gods.
Her name literally means
“risen from the foam”. She
could inspire love in the
the god of war, was the
son of the Greek gods
Zeus and Hera. He was
always followed by two of
his faithful sons and
followers, the gods Deimos
and Phobos. Ares was
handsome and strong,
young and well-armed. He
The god of wealth, trade, thieves
and travelers. He was also known
as the Messenger God, being the
herald of the Olympians and
carrying messages between them.
He was the son of Zeus and Maia,
daughter of Titan Atlas. He was a
clever, inventive and arrogant god.
Hermes wore winged sandals and
held the caduceus, his wand which
had two serpents twined around it.
He was the one who accompanied
the god of fire and
blacksmiths. He was born ugly
and that is why his mother,
the goddess Hera, unable to
nourish him, threw him out of
Olympus. Since then, he has
been limping. Hephaestus fell
into the sea, where he was
picked up by the Nereids and
raised by them. Growing up,
He is a demi-god that
managed to win the heart of
the gods and his place on
Mount Olympus! As a god of
wine, viticulture ritual
madness and religious
ecstasy, he was very beloved
among the people and was
considered a very important
god. He was the son of God

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