Reporting Gec6.1701579387697
Reporting Gec6.1701579387697
Reporting Gec6.1701579387697
-David Perkins
- Make inferences. Read context and what you know figure out meaning. Read and listen
between the lines.
- Make predictions. Anticipate information to com. Make logical guesses about what will
happen. Make a hypothesis.
- Personalize. Relate new concepts to your own life, to your experiences, knowledge,
beliefs and feelings.
- Use your senses. Use images by creating an actual or mental image to understand
-Use sounds. Say or read aloud a word, a sentence or a paragraph
to help your understanding.
means on how you adjust your thinking
process to help you learn better.
According to Waterloo Student Success Office here are
Metacognitive skills:
1. KNOWING YOUR LIMITS - it is very important here to be honest and
accurate evaluation of what you know and what you do not know.
2. MODIFYING YOUR APPROACH - It begins with recognition that your
strategy is not appropriate with the task or that you do not comprehend the
learning experience successfully.
3. SKIMMING - This is basically browsing over the material and keeping an
eye on keywords, phrase or sentence.
4. REHEARSING - This is not just all about repeatedly talking, writing or
doing what you have learn but trying also to make a personal interpretation
or summary of your learning experience.
5. SELF-TEST - This is to test your comprehension of your leaming
experience or skill you have acquired during learning.
Other strategies:
-asking questions about your methods
-finding a mentor or support if
-thinking out loud
"welcoming errors" for clarification
-Having more positive towards
You can identify four types of metacognitive
leamers such as: