Group 2 NSTP 1D
Group 2 NSTP 1D
Group 2 NSTP 1D
National Service Training Program
Mam April Joy Managuelod
R.A 9165
"Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
(June 7, 2002)
-pursue an intensive
and unrelenting
campaign against
the trafficking and
use of dangerous
drugs and other
similar substances
R.A 9165
"Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
(June 7, 2002)
-those who caught
importing, selling,
manufacturing or
using illegal drugs
may be imprisoned
for a minimum of 12
years and worst, life
The World Drug Report by the UN Office on Drugs
and Crime (2015)
"246 million
people ages 15
to 64 used
recreationally in
National Survey on The Dangerous
Drugs Board
Drug Use and (2016)
Health (2016)
"1.8 million drug
"1.4 million users in the
Philippines in
teenagers need 2012"
treatment for an
illicit drug problems
Annual Report of the Majority of the
Philippine Drug Nation's
Enforcement Agency Barangays
(PDEA, 2015) affected by drug
most commonly used
-NCR (92.26%)
drugs are; -Region4A
- shabu (95.47%) CALABARZON
-marijuana (4.29%) -Region 7 Central
-cocaine, ecstacy and Visayas (48.82%)
etc. (0.24%)