MIL11 Q4 MOD4 v1
MIL11 Q4 MOD4 v1
MIL11 Q4 MOD4 v1
Media and
Quarter 4 – Module 4:
Power, Impact, and Implications of
Media and Information
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: “No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other
things, impose as a condition, payment of royalties. Borrowed materials included
in this module are owned by the respective copyright holders. Effort has been
exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from the
respective copyright owners. The publisher and author do not represent nor
ownership over them.
Media and
Quarter 4 – Module 4:
Power, Impact, and Implications of
Media and Information
You have learned in the previous modules that all media messages are
constructed – creators make choices each step of the way, from their work’s
purpose and focus to the point of view they use to relay their message.
Media, as a vehicle of these constructed messages, hold substantial influence
on the opinion or belief of a person or even of the public, as humans are,
intrinsically, easily persuaded by the views or choices of the majority. Moreover,
the revolution in media, information, and technology has had direct implications
in the shaping of a society’s systemic landscape both in positive and negative
In this module, you will further look into the media’s impact and
contribution particularly the opportunities and advancements media and
information puts on the table as well as the risks and challenges that come
with it. In addition, this module will discuss in detail the overall implications of
media and information to you as an individual and to the society as a whole.
Over the years, media has evolved to be more than just a vehicle of
information, but an influential instrument powerful enough to transform
established systems. However, despite the fact the access to information and
knowledge has increased during the last decade, significant challenges and
obstacles still remain. In this lesson, we will look into these opportunities,
challenges, and power of media and information.
What I Know
Direction: In a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct answer.
a. TV and radio c. Books and
1. What composes of the New Media?
b. Internet and Social newspapers
Media d. AIs and robots
1. All are cybercrime offenses EXCEPT
c. Copyright
a. Content-related offenses d. Profile stalking
3. Businesses will always be connecting with customers, both actual and
b. Computer-related
potential ones, and social media enable for a more fast and
offenses mechanism.
a. Cost- c. Amazing
efficient d.
b. Hassle Challenging
4. This refers to the kind of education where students need not attend classes
a. Modular c. Distance
b. Mobile learning
Education d. Summer class
5. The media assists the working of a system through facilitating free
and unrestricted public
a. Unfair d.
6. Refers to ABS-CBN’s citizen journalism Democratic
b. Balanced
c. It’s
a. Ipaglaban Mo! Showtime!
b. Bayan Mo Ipatrol Mo! d. TV Patrol
7. Media, as a vehicle of these targeted contents, brought about action and
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d.
8. What is the revolution in Egypt
c. Ukrainian
a. Libyan Revolution Revolution
b. Arab Spring d. Million People
9. Who was the Philippines President when the Million People March was
a. Erap c. Benigno Aquino
Estrada III
b. Gloria d. Rodrigo Duterte
10. Refers to Arroyo
using business and marketing techniques to encourage people
in adopting certain behaviors that would lead to better physical and mental
health, and eventually to wide-scale social change.
a. Social Marketing c.
b. Business Promotions
Marketing d. Protests
What’s New
Aside from the Web, one of our most accessed source of information is
social media. Study the table below for the challenges and opportunities that
you as a netizen face in the midst of your engagement with social media
In terms of: Challenges/Opportunities
(Liquigan, 2016).
Collaborative Projects enable the joint The joint effort of many actors
projects andChallenges/Opportunities
Table 10.1. The simultaneous leads to
of Social a better outcome
creation of content by than any actor could achieve
many end-users individually.
Wikis-Websites which From a corporate perspective
allow users to add, firms must be aware that
remove, and change collaborative projects are
text-based content e.g., trending toward becoming
online encyclopedia the main source of
Wikipedia currently information for many
available in more than consumers.
230 different languages
Blogs Special types of Many companies are already
websites that usually using blogs to update
display date- stamped employees, customers, and
entries in reverse shareholders on
chronological order. developments they consider
The social media to be important.
equivalent of personal [It is risky because] customers
web pages and can who turn out to be dissatisfied
come in a multitude of with or disappointed by the
different variations, from company’s offerings may
personal diaries decide to engage in virtual
describing the author’s complaints in the form of
life to summaries of all protest websites or blogs
relevant information in which results in the
one specific content availability of potentially
area damaging information in
online space.
The New Media also allows them to see what potential customer’s
opinions are and network with them as well. It creates a platform for discourse
and lets the business owners respond to customer grievances, questions, and
concerns almost instantly. Businesses will always be connecting with
customers, both actual and potential ones, and social media enable for a
more fast and cost-efficient mechanism.
Media and information have made a radical impact on education
(Gonzales, 2016). Today, learning has never been easier and faster. When
we talk about education, we usually refer to its most technical sense, “the
knowledge, skill, and understanding that you get from attending a school,
college, or university (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary).” In the past decades,
society has been limited with the idea that people can only learn and get
education through sitting and listening lectures in a classroom, passing exams,
or making projects. Today, learning and education has taken a whole new
meaning with media and information.
On the other way around, politics can also have an effect on media as,
at times, although not explicitly, powerful political figures and even the
government can manipulate or influence media’s content. This kind of media
regulation can be best seen in communist systems like of North Korea’s
where the government enforces rules and regulations governing the media
industry and prescribing the kind of information they are allowed to broadcast.
This is one of the challenges of media as an element in politics, the truth or
information the media disseminates may be manipulated by external factors. In
example of this is what we call propaganda, a communication that is primarily
used to influence an audience and further an agenda thus, information may
be made incomplete, twisted or presented selectively.
Source: Gasper, 2016. How Media Affects Social Change. Retrieved from
1. Libyan Revolution – When official media outlets like television and print
media were controlled by the state, social media became the reliable
source of information for the revolutionaries and even a platform used
to distribute information and firsthand accounts of what was going on
within the country. As a result, media tools like tablets and phones played
crucial roles in the revolution.
2. Arab Spring – In 2011, an online frenzy of activity commenced a revolution
in Egypt which saw more than 3 million tweets on Twitter,
hundreds of hours of Youtube video, and countless posts on
Facebook and blogs which told stories of the revolution from
citizens who needed to get their voices heard.
Apart from mass protests, calls for social change may also be in the form
of what we call as social marketing. Social marketing refers to using
business and marketing techniques to encourage people in adopting certain
behaviors that would lead to better physical and mental health, and eventually
to wide-scale social change.
On the other hand, although media has the ability to bring people
together, conversely, it also has the potential to bring people apart, attitude
and ideology-wise. As earlier mentioned, social media and the World Wide
Web offers the audience a wider avenue for intellectual discussion and
productive conversations. However, due to the influx of various differing ideas,
the broadening problem of polarization has been one of the undeniable
challenges in media and information. Because of the differences of views and
opinions of the audience, a culture of social division is becoming evident and is
taking a toll on unity and even social trust.
What’s More
What you will do
Activity 10.1: Fill in this table with your personal view and experience
regarding the opportunities and challenges of media and information in the
following aspects:
Aspect Opportunities Challenges
Activity 10.2: A Look into the Past
August 17, 2013, a day after the Commission on Audit (COA) released a
special report on the Priority Assistance Development Fund (PDAF), saw how
social media became a springboard for a mass protest. Calls for protest began
circulating on Facebook and Twitter after a series of exposés by the Philippine
Daily Inquirer about a mammoth scam involving Congress’ PDAF.
PDAF or more popularly known as the “pork barrel”, the term used to
mean funds allocated to senators and congressmen to be used in their pet
development projects, sparked online outrage from the Filipinos because of how,
by nature, vulnerable it is to corruption and how it has become a fund source for
some legislators. What enraged citizens more was that then-President Benigno
Aquino III earlier maintained that he wanted to keep the PDAF.
This was the Million People March – a tale of how a group of 3’s call to
reform in social media sparked a crusade against corruption, a movement
actualized on the ground.
Instructions: Analyze the cartoon below and answer the guide questions
that follow.
Guide questions:
1. What is the message in this cartoon?
Complete the sentence stem below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of
1. The advancement of media and information brings society countless
opportunities such as
2. However, along with these opportunities are risks and challenges such as
3. The media is considered a powerful catalyst in a way that
What I Can Do
Opportunities Challenges
Additional Activity
In this lesson, you will identify the latest advancements in media and
information technology and realize how they shape people’s media experience
and influence information needs.
What I Know
Let’s see how much you already know before we tackle the next lesson.
Write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
a. Distance
1. Another term for MOOC. c. Online Information
Learning Hub
b. E-school d. Internet School
2. It refers to the model delivering content online to any person who want to
take a course, with no limit to attendance.
a. Electronic c. Paperless
Society Society
b. Internet Society d. Digital Society
8. Which of the following is not an element of the 3D
a. Heigh c.
t Length
b. Width d.
9. Which of the following is not an example ofDepth
modern wearable
a. Smart c.
Watches Smartphones
b. Fitness d. Headsets
10. Refers to aTrackers
type of learning that happens anytime, anywhere, and
with anyone.
a. Ubiquitous c. Wide Learning
Learning d. None of the
b. Global Learning Above
What’s In
In Lesson 10, you have learned that media and information open both
opportunities and challenges for you as an individual and to the society in
general. Media as well carry with them meaning – even powerful ones – that
can influence media and information consumers’ attitudes, behavior, and
views. As a digital native and a media and information literate individual, you
are expected to manage its challenges and make the best use of its
opportunities. In this lesson, we will focus on these developments, specifically
the current trends of media and information and how it plays a role in the Digital
What’s New
Activity 11.1
What you will do
Example of a MOOC from course provider title
Registration link
Course description
Course objectives
Screenshot from edX Online Course: How to Write an Essay (Retrieved from
essay) May 30, 2020
Instructions: Answer the questions briefly in your own words. Write your
answers in a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the impact of MOOC in information access?
2. Can MOOCs replace the traditional mode of information and
knowledge delivery? Expound your answer.
3. Are MOOCs potentially harmful to copyright? Why or why not?
Wearable Technology
Also known as wearables or fashion technology, wearable technology is a
general term which encompasses a field of smart devices that are worn on the
body. This technology is also considered as a trend in media and information
as with it, people and access information through media in a much faster
1. Smartwatch
3. Smartglasses
No longer do your specs just help you see
things more clearly: smart glasses can link up
with your phone, control the volume of your
music and even take photographs (Stevens,
launch this technology in 2013. Basically, it brings wireless connectivity and
imaging into the frames and lenses of our eyewear, controls that we can only
usually do on our smartphones and computers. So instead of a keyboard or
mouse, you can control smart glasses by tapping or swiping control built into
the frame or even verbalizing your commands as you do with Alexa and Siri.
4. Hearables
5. VR Headsets
Ubiquitous Learning
Ubiquitous Learning or u-learning is a kind of e-learning experience that
“implies a vision of learning which is connected across all the stages on which
we play out our lives. Learning occurs not just in classrooms, but in the home,
the workplace, the playground, the library, museum, and nature center, and in
our daily interactions with others (Bruce, 2009).” Compared to mobile learning
and e-learning, it is a more context-based approach and more adaptive to the
needs and pacing of the learner.
Instructions: Answer the questions briefly in your own words. Write your
answers in a separate sheet of paper.
1. How has wearable technology revolutionized the way people
access information?
2. How does a 3D environment affect the audience’s media experience?
3. How does ubiquitous learning (u-learning) impact the traditional
mode of learning?
Paperless Society
A call for faster transactions and greener mechanisms brought
paperless transactions as a viable and useful practice in society. A paperless
society is a society where communication and transactions are done
electronically or digitally and all forms of printed communication have become
obsolete. It is characterized by the shift from letters to e-mails, newspapers to
news web pages, books to e-books, and so on (Gonzales, 2016). Paperless
transactions also include cashless dealing which are often done through credit or
debit cards or through virtual wallets like PayMaya and GCash.
However, for a country like the Philippines where many places are
still without electricity, even more so Internet, going entirely paperless is
still a far-fetched aim. Bureaucracy in several companies and organizations,
both public and private, also hamper the actual realization of a paperless
society. Despite such, societies are positively gearing towards going paperless
as places and people who are capable of carrying it out have already
adapted such procedures.
Screenshot from Coursera Online Course: Journalism Skills for Engaged Citizens (Retrieved
from May 30, 2020
Activity 11.4 Matrix
Component Answer
1. Course title
2. Course brief description
3. Course provider
4. Host institution
5. Course instructor/s
6. Course duration
7. Cost of enrollment
Instructions: In the table below, write down what you think are the pros
(advantages) and cons (disadvantages) of the previously discussed trends
in media, information, and technology.
1. MOOCs
3. 3D
4. U-Learning
What I Have Learned
Additional Activity