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Week 1&2

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Northern Technical University

Technical Engineering College of Kirkuk

4th Grade
Assis.Lec. Goran A.Namuq
Week 1&2
■ Introduction to Digital Control Systems (Basics of continuous vs. digital
controllers, Digital control system structure (A/D and D/A converters))
■ Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversions ( Processes
involved in converting signals between analog and digital forms,
Quantization and conversion methods)
■ Discrete Time Systems (Representations using difference equations, Z-
transforms, and state-space models, Sampled data systems and their
■ Z-Transform ( Mathematical operations in digital control such as time-
shifting and scaling, Properties and applications of Z-transform in control
■ Sample and Hold Circuits (The function of sample-and-hold in digital
systems, used for discretization)
■ Pulse Transfer Functions (Analysis of digital systems with pulse inputs
and the determination of transfer functions)
■ Stability Analysis (Techniques such as Jury’s stability test and Routh-
Hurwitz methods for analyzing system stability in the Z-plane.)
■ State-Space Analysis (Conversion from transfer functions to state-space
representations and vice versa, Solving state equations in discrete systems)
Introduction to Digital Control
■ Digital control systems use digital computers or microcontrollers to
control a dynamic system
■ How it Works: Signals from sensors are converted from analog to
digital, processed by the controller, and then converted back to
analog to drive the system.

Block diagram of Liquid level control system


Block diagram of Liquid level digital control system

■ Contact Information ( gorannamuq@ntu.edu.iq)
■ Degrees Division of total 100% (Midterm 50% ( Activities 10
degree, Practical Exam 10 degree, 30 Degree for quizzes and exams )
, (Final 50 degrees ( 10 degrees for practical exam, 40 degrees for
Theoretical exam)
■ Reference ( Digital control system, Analysis and design By Charlie
Philip and Troy Nagle)
Advantages of digital controllers
over analog controllers

1-Easily reprogrammed (in an analog control circuit, changing resistors /
2-Easier to implement complicated algorithms.
3- Integration with remote systems and digital communications.
4 - cost is going down and speed is going up.
5 - Noise immunity.
Analog -To - Digital conversion (A/D)
ADC- Analog to Digital converter

■ Define/ converts continuous analog signals into digital form for

processing by digital devices or systems.
■ Example/ A temperature sensor, like a thermistor, produces an analog
voltage based on temperature changes. An ADC converts this analog
voltage into digital data, which can be processed by a microcontroller
to display the temperature on a screen or trigger actions like
activating a cooling system.
ADC- Analog to Digital converter
Analog -To - Digital conversion (A/D)
Digital To Analog Converter
■ Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) is an electronic device or circuit
that converts digital signals, typically binary data, into corresponding
analog signals such as voltage or current. DACs are used in systems
where digital information needs to be transformed into a continuous
analog signal for real-world applications, like driving audio speakers or
controlling motors.
■ In a temperature control system, a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
can be used with a heat sensor and a heating element. For example, a
microcontroller receives digital data from a temperature sensor and
determines the required heating level. The DAC converts the digital
control signal into an analog voltage, which is then used to adjust the
power delivered to the heating element, regulating the temperature
based on the sensor readings.
Digital To Analog Converter
Digital To Analog Converter
Digital To Analog Converter
Digital To Analog Converter
Digital To Analog Converter

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