Week 1&2
Week 1&2
Week 1&2
Technical Engineering College of Kirkuk
4th Grade
Assis.Lec. Goran A.Namuq
Week 1&2
■ Introduction to Digital Control Systems (Basics of continuous vs. digital
controllers, Digital control system structure (A/D and D/A converters))
■ Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversions ( Processes
involved in converting signals between analog and digital forms,
Quantization and conversion methods)
■ Discrete Time Systems (Representations using difference equations, Z-
transforms, and state-space models, Sampled data systems and their
■ Z-Transform ( Mathematical operations in digital control such as time-
shifting and scaling, Properties and applications of Z-transform in control
■ Sample and Hold Circuits (The function of sample-and-hold in digital
systems, used for discretization)
■ Pulse Transfer Functions (Analysis of digital systems with pulse inputs
and the determination of transfer functions)
■ Stability Analysis (Techniques such as Jury’s stability test and Routh-
Hurwitz methods for analyzing system stability in the Z-plane.)
■ State-Space Analysis (Conversion from transfer functions to state-space
representations and vice versa, Solving state equations in discrete systems)
Introduction to Digital Control
■ Digital control systems use digital computers or microcontrollers to
control a dynamic system
■ How it Works: Signals from sensors are converted from analog to
digital, processed by the controller, and then converted back to
analog to drive the system.