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Basic Concept of Process Control System

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Basic Concept of Process Control system

Two type of control loop system

a) Open loop system-used in very simple application.
 Its out put affected by disturbance and there is no
mechanism by itself to adjust it automatically.
A very simple introductory example of an open-loop system is
that of the clothes washing machine as shown in the block
diagram bellow. Here, the reference signal r(t) designates the
various operating conditions that we set on the ‘‘programmer,’’
such as water temperature, duration of various washing cycles,
duration of clothes wringing, etc. These operating conditions
are carefully chosen so as to achieve satisfactory clothes
• The controller is the ‘‘programmer,’’ whose output u(t) is the control
signal. This control signal is the input to the washing machine and forces
the washing machine to execute the desired operations preassigned in the
reference signal r(t), i.e., water heating, water changing, clothes wringing,
etc. The output of the system y(t) is the ‘‘quality’’ of washing, i.e., how
well the clothes have been washed. It is well known that during the
operation of the washing machine, the output (i.e., whether the clothes
are well washed or not) it not taken into consideration.
• The washing machine performs only a series of operations contained in
u(t) without being influenced at all by y(t). It is clear that here u(t) is not a
function of y(t) and, therefore, the washing machine is a typical example
of an open-loop system. Other examples of open-loop systems are the
electric stove, the alarm clock, the elevator, the traffic lights, the
worldwide telephone communication system, the computer, and the
b) Closed loop

Closed loop system


A controller is a device that receives data from a measurement instrument,

compares that data to a programmed set point, and, if necessary, signals a control
element to take corrective action. Local controllers are usually one of the three
types: pneumatic, electronic or programmable. Controllers also commonly reside in
a digital control system.

Local controllers are usually

one of the three types:
pneumatic, electronic or
programmable. Controllers
also commonly reside in a
digital control system.
Controller type
Controllers may perform complex mathematical functions to
compare a set of data to set point or they may perform simple
addition or subtraction functions to make comparisons. Controllers
always have an ability to receive input, to perform a mathematical
function with the input, and to produce an output signal. Common
examples of controllers include:
• Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)—PLCs are
usually computers connected to a set of
input/output (I/O) devices. The computers are
programmed to respond to inputs by sending
outputs to maintain all processes at set point.
Distributed control systems (DCSs)—DCSs are
controllers that , in addition to performing control
functions, provide readings of the status of the
process, maintain databases and advanced man-
 The correcting or final control element is the part of the control system that
acts to physically change the manipulated variable. In most cases, the final
control element is a valve used to restrict or cut off fluid flow, but pump
motors, louvers (typically used to regulate air flow), solenoids, and other
devices can also be final control elements.
 Final control elements are typically used to increase or decrease fluid flow.
For example, a final control element may regulate the flow of fuel to a burner
to control temperature, the flow of a catalyst into a reactor to control a
chemical reaction, or the flow of air into a boiler to control boiler
combustion. In any control loop, the speed with which a final control element
reacts to correct a variable that is out of set point is very important.
 An actuator is the part of a final control device that causes a physical change
in the final control device when signalled to do so. The most common
example of an actuator is a valve actuator, which opens or closes a valve in
response to control signals from a controller.
 Actuators are often powered pneumatically, hydraulically, or electrically.
Diaphragms, bellows, springs, gears, hydraulic pilot valves, pistons, or electric
motors are often parts of an actuator system.
b) Example of closed loop control system
Water heater: a very simple introductory example of a closed-
loop system is that of the water heater as shown in the bock
diagram below. Here, the system is the water heater and the
output y(t) is the water temperature. The reference signal r(t)
designates the desired range of the water temperature. Let this
desired temperature lie in the range from 65 to 70 oC . In this
example, the water is heated by electric power, i.e., by a resistor
that is supplied by an electric current. The controller of the
system is a thermostat, which works as a switch as follows:.
• when the temperature of the water reaches 70 oC, the switch
opens and the electric supply is interrupted. As a result, the
water temperature starts falling and when it reaches 65 oC ,
the switch closes and the electric supply is back on again.
Subsequently, the water temperature rises again to 70 oC, the
switch opens again, and so on. This procedure is continuously
repeated, keeping th temperature of the water in the desired
temperature range, i.e., between 65 and 70 oC.
• A careful examination of the water heater example shows
that the controller (the thermostat) provides the appropriate
input u(t) to the water heater. Clearly, this input u(t) is
decisively affected by the output y(t), i.e., u(t) is a function of
not only of r(t) but also of y(t). Therefore, here we have a
typical example of a closed-loop system.
 Room temperature control: the following s are schematic and its block diagrams

Other examples of closed-loop systems which operate in the same ways

are the refrigerator, the voltage control system, the liquid-level control
system, the position regulator, the speed regulator, the nuclear reactor
control system, the robot, and the guided aircraft.
• There are three kinds of signals that exist for the process industry to transmit the
process variable measurement from the instrument to a centralized control
1. Pneumatic signal
2. Analog signal
3. Digital signal
Pneumatic Signals
• Pneumatic signals are signals produced by changing the air pressure in a signal
pipe in proportion to the measured change in a process variable. The common
industry standard pneumatic signal range is 3–15 psig. The 3 corresponds to the
lower range value (LRV) and the 15 corresponds to the upper range value (URV).
Pneumatic signalling is still common. However, since the advent of electronic
instruments in the 1960s, the lower costs involved in running electrical signal
wire through a plant as opposed to running pressurized air tubes has made
pneumatic signal technology less attractive.
Analog Signals
• The most common standard electrical signal is the 4–20 mA current signal. With
this signal, a transmitter sends a small current through a set of wires. The current
signal is a kind of gauge in which 4 mA represents the lowest possible
measurement, or zero, and 20 mA represents the highest possible measurement.
• For example, imagine a process that must be maintained at 100 °C. An RTD
temperature sensor and transmitter are installed in the process vessel, and the
transmitter is set to produce a 4 mA signal when the process temperature is at
95 °C and a 20 mA signal when the process temperature is at 105 °C. The
transmitter will transmit a 12 mA signal when the temperature is at the 100 °C
setpoint. As the sensor’s resistance property changes in response to changes in
temperature, the transmitter outputs a 4–20 mA signal that is proportionate to
the temperature changes. This
• signal can be converted to a temperature reading or an input to a control device,
such as a burner fuel valve. Other common standard electrical signals include the
1–5 V (volts) signal and the pulse output.
Digital Signals
• Digital signals are the most recent addition to
process control signal technology. Digital
signals are discrete levels or values that are
combined in specific ways to represent
process variables and also carry other
information, such as diagnostic information.
The methodology used to combine the digital
signals is referred to as protocol.
ISA Symbology
• The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society
(ISA) is one of the leading process control trade and
standards organizations. The ISA has developed a set of
symbols for use in engineering drawings and designs of
control loops (ISA S5.1 instrumentation symbol
• In a piping and instrumentation drawings (P&ID), a
circle represents individual measurement instruments ,
such as transmitters, sensors, and detectors.
center of the shape in a single horizontal
line running across the dicates that the
instrument or function is located in a
primary location (e.g., a control room).
Discrete Instruments
A double line indicates that the function is in an auxiliary location (e.g., an
instrument rack).
The absence of a line indicates that the function is field mounted, and a dotted line
indicates that the function or instrument is inaccessible (e.g., located behind a
panel board).

A square with a circle inside represents

instruments that both display
measurement readings and perform some
control function.
Many modern transmitters are equipped with microprocessors that perform control
calculations and send control output signals to final control elements.

A square with a diamond inside represents


valves Two triangles with their apexes contacting

each other (a “bow tie”shape) represent a
valve in the piping. An actuator is always drawn
above the valve.

Directional arrows showing the flow
direction represent a pump
Piping and Connections Piping and connections are represented with
several different symbols as shown in the figure
• A heavy solid line represents piping
• A thin solid line represents process connections
to instruments (e.g., impulse piping)
• A dashed line represents electrical signals
(e.g., 4–20 mA connections)
• A slashed line represents pneumatic signal tubes
• A line with circles on it represents data links
•Other connection symbols include capillary tubing
for filled systems
(e.g., remote diaphragm seals), hydraulic signal
lines, and guided electromagnetic or sonic signals.
Identification letters on the ISA symbols (e.g., TT for temperature transmitter) indicate:
The variable being measured (e.g., flow, pressure, temperature)
The device’s function (e.g., transmitter, switch, valve, sensor, indicator)
Some modifiers (e.g., high, low, multifunction)
The initial letter indicates the measured variable.
The second letter indicates a modifier, readout, or device function.
The third letter usually indicates either a device function or a modifier.
For example, “FIC” on an instrument tag represents a flow indicating controller.
“PT” represents a pressure transmitter.
Numbers on P&ID symbols represent instrument tag numbers. Often
these numbers are associated with a particular control loop (e.g., flow
transmitter 123). See the Figure shown here.

Identification Letters and Tag Number

The following diagram shows the elements of ISA symbology used in a P&ID.
A control algorithm is a mathematical expression of a control function. Using the
temperature control loop example, V in the equation below is the fuel valve
position, and e is the error. The relationship in a control algorithm can be
expressed as:
V = f(± e)
The fuel valve position (V) is a function (f) of the sign (positive or negative) of the
error as shown in the figure bellow.

Control algorithms can be used to calculate the requirements of much more

complex control loops than the one described here. In more complex control
loops, questions such as “How far should the valve be opened or closed in
response to a given change in set point?” and “How long should the valve be held
in the new position after the process variable moves back toward set point?”
need to be answered.
• Controllers automatically compare the value of the PV to the SP to
• determine if an error exists. If there is an error, the controller
adjusts its output according to the parameters that have been set in
the controller. The tuning parameters essentially determine:
• How much correction should be made? The magnitude of the
correction( change in controller output) is determined by the
Proportional(p) mode of the controller.
• How long should the correction be applied? The duration of the
adjustment to the controller output is determined by the integral(I)
mode of the controller
• How fast should the correction be applied? The speed at which a
correction is made is determined by the derivative (D) mode of the
Proportional Mode
• The proportional mode is used to set the basic gain value of the controller. In
electronic controllers, proportional action is typically expressed as proportional
gain. Proportional Gain (K) answers the question: "What is the percentage change
of the controller output relative to the percentage change in controller input?"
• Proportional Gain is expressed as:
Gain, (K) = ΔOutput% Δ /Input %
• Controller Output - In a proportional only controller, the output is a function of
the change in error and controller gain.
Output Change, % = (Error Change, %) (Gain)


• Responds Only to a Change in error - Proportional action responds only to a
change in the magnitude of the error.
• Does Not Return the PV to Set point - Proportional action will not return the PV to
set point. It will, however, return the PV to a value that is within a defined span
(PB) around the PV.
Integral Mode
• Duration of Error and Integral Mode -Another component of error is the duration of the error, i.e., how long
has the error existed? The controller output from the integral or reset mode is a function of the duration of the
• Purpose- The purpose of integral action is to return the PV to SP. This is accomplished by repeating the action
of the proportional mode as long as an error exists. With the exception of some electronic controllers, the
integral or reset mode is always used with the proportional mode.
• Setting - Integral, or reset action, may be expressed in terms of:
• Repeats Per Minute - How many times the proportional action is repeated each minute.
• Minutes Per Repeat - How many minutes are required for 1 repeat to occur.
• Closed Loop With Reset - Adding reset to the controller adds one more gain component to the loop. The
faster the reset action, the greater the gain.

• Integral (Reset) Summary - Output is a repeat of the proportional

• action as long as error exists. The units are in terms of repeats per
• minute or minutes per repeat.
• Advantages - Eliminates error
• Disadvantages - Reset windup and possible overshoot
• Fast Reset (Large Repeats/Min.,Small Min./Repeat) 1.High Gain 2.Fast Return To Setpoin 3.Possible Cycling
• Slow Reset (Small Repeats/Min.,Large Min./Repeats) 1.Low Gain 2.Slow Return To Setpoint
• 3.Stable Loop
Derivative Mode
• The derivative action is initiated whenever there is a change in the rate of change of the error
(the slope of the PV). The magnitude of the derivative action is determined by the setting of the
derivative .
• The Derivative setting is expressed in terms of minutes. In operation, the controller first
compares the current PV with the last value of the PV. If there is a change in the slope of the PV,
the controller determines what its output would be at a future point in time (the future point in
time is determined by the value of the derivative setting, in minutes). The derivative mode
immediately increases the output by that amount.
• Derivative (Rate) Sumary - Rate action is a function of the speed of
• change of the error. The units are minutes. The action is to apply an immediate response that is
equal to the proportional plus reset action that would have occurred some number of minutes I
the future.
• Advantages - Rapid output reduces the time that is required to return PV to SP in slow process.
• Disadvantage - Dramatically amplifies noisy signals; can cause cycling in fast processes
• Settings:
• Large (Minutes)- 1.High Gain 2.Large Output Change 3.Possible Cycling
• Small (Minutes)- 1.Low Gain 2.Small Output Change 3.Stable Loop
Proportional, PI, and PID Control
By using all three control algorithms together, process operators can:
 Achieve rapid response to major disturbances with derivative control
 Hold the process near setpoint without major fluctuations with proportional control
 Eliminate offset with integral control
Not every process requires a full PID control strategy. If a small offset has no impact on
the process, then proportional control alone may be sufficient.
PI control is used where no offset can be tolerated, where noise (temporary error readings
that do not reflect the true process variable condition) may be present, and where
excessive dead time (time after a disturbance before control action takes place) is not a
In processes where no offset can be tolerated, no noise is present, and
where dead time is an issue, customers can use full PID control.
The table shows common types of control loops and which types of
control algorithms are typically used.

Table of Control Loops and Control Algorithms

Examples of Single Control Loops
Generally, flow control loops are regarded as fast loops that respond to changes quickly.
Therefore, flow control equipment must have fast sampling and response times. Because
flow transmitters tend to be rather sensitive devices, they can produce rapid fluctuations or
noise in the control signal. To compensate for noise, many flow transmitters have a damping
function that filters out noise. Sometimes, filters are added between the transmitter and
the control system. Because the temperature of the process fluid affects its density,
temperature measurements are often taken with flow measurements and
compensation for temperature is accounted for in the flow calculation. Typically, a flow
sensor, a transmitter, a controller, and a valve or pump are used in flow control loops shown
the figure below.
Because of the time required to change the temperature of a process fluid, temperature
loops tend to be relatively slow. Feed forward control strategies are often used to increase
the speed of the temperature loop response. RTDs or thermocouples are typical
temperature sensors. Temperature transmitters and controllers are used, although it is not
uncommon to see temperature sensors wired directly to the input interface of a controller.
The final control element for a temperature loop is usually the fuel valve to a burner or a
valve to some kind of heat exchanger. Sometimes, cool process fluid is
added to the mix to maintain temperature ,as shown in the figure bellow.
Multi-Variable Loops
Multivariable loops are control loops in which a primary controller controls one process
variable by sending signals to a controller of a different loop that impacts the process
variable of the primary loop. For example, the primary process variable may be the
temperature of the fluid in a tank that is heated by a steam jacket (a pressurized steam
chamber surrounding the tank). To control the primary variable (temperature), the primary
(master) controller signals the secondary (slave) controller that is controlling steam
The primary controller will manipulate the set point of the secondary controller to
maintain the setpoint temperature of the primary process variable, shown as the figure
When tuning a control loop, it is important to take into account the
presence of multivariable loops. The standard procedure is to tune the
secondary loop before tuning the primary loop because adjustments
to the secondary loop impact the primary loop. Tuning the primary
loop will not impact the secondary loop tuning.

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