DR .Aswani Chaudhary
MD,Clinical Pharmacology
Q. A 35 years old male, bus conductor by occupation came to Primary Health Care center with
complaints of productive cough and low grade fever for 3 weeks. He noticed a small amount
of blood in the sputum one day ago. On examination BMI was found to be 18 kg/m 2. Sputum
was sent for microscopy which revealed AFB.
a. Give your probable diagnosis and list other symptoms of the disease. (1+1 =2)
b. Write about the other investigations used to diagnose the disease. (2)
c. Categorize the patient according to DOTS and write the treatment for this case.(3)
d. Discuss the prevention and control of the disease in the community (3)
Q. 35 years old driver presented with the history of cough with fever since last 2 weeks and
he also complained of anorexia and weight loss. His sputum was sent for AFB and was
found positive.
a. What is the probable diagnosis of this case? How can you find out the prevalence of this
disease in a community?
b. Discuss the epidemiology of TB.
c. Make a note on DOTS Regimen.
d. Define following terminology:
Return after default
New case
Treatment failure
Tuberculosis is a specific infectious disease caused by M. tuberculosis.
The disease primarily affects lungs and causes pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB).
It can also affect intestine, meninges, bones and joints, lymph glands, skin
World: A/C to WHO, in 2021 an estimated 10.6 million people fell ill with
TB worldwide and 1.6 million people died from TB.
Nepal: WHO estimates that around 45,000 people develop active TB
every year in Nepal.
Country with highest TB burden in world: India
Natural history of tuberculosis: Determinants of TB:
4. Chest pain
5. Weight loss
Q. Who is a presumptive pulmonary
TB case?
Any person with cough ≥ 2 weeks
Any individual having FEVER or night sweat or appreciable weight loss for ≥
2 weeks
Contact of a smear positive TB patients having cough of any duration.
4. HIV status.
Classification of TB based on history of previous
TB treatment:
New patients: Patients who have never been treated for TB or have taken anti-
TB drugs for less than 1 month.
Previously treated patients: Patients who received anti-TB drugs for ≥ 1 month
in the past:
2. Treatment after failure: Patients who had been treated for TB and their
treatment failed at the end of most recent course of treatment.
3. Treatment after loss to follow-up (treatment after default patients): A
patient who had been treated TB for > 1 month and registered as lost of follow
default patients.
Classification of TB based on on drug resistance:
1. Chest X-ray
3. GeneXpert
5. HIV ( As relevant)
Q. Explain the case finding tools of tuberculosis.
Q. How can you find out the Incidence and prevalence of this disease in a community?
Early morning sputum sample is more likely to contain TB bacilli than one taken
later in the day.
The chances of finding TB bacilli are greater with two samples than with one
Q. Mantoux Test:
AKA: Tuberculin skin test:
Mantoux Test cannot differentiate between current infection and past infection.
Mantoux Test (AKA: Tuberculin skin test): cont.…
Mantoux test may also report false positive or false negative result:
Treatment of MDR:
IP ( Intensive phase) CP(Continuation phage)
Tuberculin syringe
BCG VACCINATION: Bacilli Calmette Guerin
Strain: DANISH-1331
Dose/ Site: 0.05 ml or 0.1 ml, Left deltoid (Intradermally)/R deltoid in Nepal
Efficacy: 0 -80%
Duration: 20 years
Tuberculin syringe
Protective efficacy:
Does not protect Pulmonary TB: 0% Suppurative
Protect Severe form of TB: 50% Lymphadenitis
Leprosy: 30%
BCG immunotherapy is given in superficial Bladder cancer.