Business Cycle
Business Cycle
Business Cycle
Business cycles or Trade cycles refer to the continuous fluctuations in economic activity in the
economy as a whole. Fluctuations in economic activity are a feature of every economy and pose a
persistent problem in the short run normally. These short term fluctuations in economic activity, which are
reflected in output and employment levels, are called trade cycles.
So we can say, business cycle is an alternate expansion and contraction in overall business activities.
Itis regular fluctuations in income, output and employment which tend to be self-reinforcing or
It refers to wave like fluctuations and is invariably start in the industrial sector and then spread itself over
the other sectors of the economy quickly because in modern economy, the different sectors are interrelated.
In short business cycle or trade cycles are the ups and downs in economic activities. So business cycles,
boom in one period and slump in the subsequent period, in economic activities are essentially continuous
features of the economic development of a country. Business cycles influence business decisions
tremendously and set the trends for future business.
There are five phases of business cycles namely, Depression, Recovery, Prosperity, Boom and
Recession. As the name suggests, the period of prosperity opens up new and lager opportunities for
investment, employment, and production and promotes business in the economy. On the other hand period
of depression reduces business opportunities and investment as well as employment in the economy.
Features of Trade Cycle
From the above definitions, we can draw the following features:
Cyclical fluctuations are recurring in nature.
A trade cycle contains self-generating forces which tend to terminate one phase and bring the other phase of the cycle.
A trade cycle is cumulative self-reinforcing.
Trade cycles are prevailing in their impacts. They affect virtually every part of the economy.
Keynes pointed out that a trade cycle is characterized by the presence of crisis.
Business cycles by and large follow a pattern of development.
Business cycles occur periodically. It is synchronic in nature which means that changes not occur only in single
industry, but in the whole industry.
Business cycles are international in character.
One of the important features of business cycles is that consumption of non durable goods and services does not
change much during the phases of different trade cycles.
The cycle will not have identical spacing, and thereby, asymmetric nature of the cycle exhibits a different time period of
Most of the macroeconomic variables are affected by the cyclical movement. In the upswing phase, output, prices,
employment, income shows a upward trend, while an opposite trend is observed in downswing phase. Even though the
trend is similar, but the magnitude of impact may be different.
Phases of Business Cycles
Business cycles have shown different phases the study
of which is useful for the proper understanding of
market. In general there are two phases of business
cycle and that is prosperity and depression. But there
are some stages in between two. These are:
Expansion or boom or upswing or prosperity of
business activities
Peak of boom or upper turning point
Recession or contraction or downswing or
Trough, the bottom of depression or lower turning
Expansion and Boom:
The various characteristics of economy in its expansion phase are increase in output, increase in
investment, increase in employment, increase in aggregate demand, and increase in sales, increase in
profits, increase in wholesale and retail prices, increase in per capita output and rise in standard of
There is absence of involuntary unemployment but structural and frictional unemployment prevails in
the economy.
So when expansion gathered momentum we have prosperity in the economy and in this phase gap
between potential GNP and actual GNP is zero. It means in this phase level of production is at maximum.
So in prosperity phase there is a high level of effective demand, employment and income. People enjoy
a high standard of living also.
In the later stages of prosperity, it may happened sometimes that banks start reducing credit or profit
expectations change adversely and trader become doubtful about future state of the economy.
However different economists have different views regarding the possible reasons for the end of boom
phase and start of downswing in economic activity. Some have argued that the contraction in bank
credit may cause downswing and in the eyes of others, sudden collapse of expected rate of profit is a
major cause of downswing.
Recession and Depression: