Business Cycle
Business Cycle
Business Cycle
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Features of Business Cycles
4.3 Phases of Business Cycles
4.3.1 Expansion
4.3.2 Contraction
4.4 Identification of Business Cycles
4.5 Business Cycle Indicators
4.5.1 Leading Indicators
4.5.2 Lagging Indicators
4.5.3 Coincident Indicators
4.6 Theories of Business Cycles
4.6.1 Keynesian Theory of Business Cycle
4.6.2 Schumpeter’s Innovation Theory of Business Cycle
4.6.3 Samuelson’s Model of Business Cycle: Interaction between Multiplier and
4.6.4 Real Business Cycle Theory
4.7 Let us Sum Up
4.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After going through the unit you will be able to
explain the concept and features of Business cycle;
identify the various phases of Business cycle;
ascertain the theoretical framework which explains the occurrence of business
distinguish between the monetary and real factors behind business cycle; and
distinguish between the leading, lagging and coincident indicators.
Rapid economic growth witnessed by many developed economies during the past
two centuries has not been a smooth one. There have been periodical ups and
downs in the GDP levels of these countries. Along with output, there have been
fluctuations in various economic aggregates such as income, employment and
prices and their long term trends. These economies have experienced phases of
Dr. Archi Bhatia, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Public Policy, Central
University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala.
Economic Growth expansion and contraction in output and other economic aggregates alternatively.
These alternating phases of upswings and downswings are known as business
Theoretical explanations of business cycles evolved in the early 20th century.
Periods of expansion and contraction in an economy exhibited a remarkable
degree of regularity. The characteristics of these phases are carefully documented
by economists like Wesley Mitchell, Simon Kuznets and Frederick Mills.
Mitchell documented the co-movement of variables over the cycles; Mills
documented the co-movement of prices and quantities over expansions and
contractions, while Kuznets studied the patterns of both growth and fluctuations.
The 1930s was a very active period of business cycle research as the National
Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) continued its program (begun by Mills
and Mitchell) of empirically documenting the features of business cycles.
However, interest in business cycles waned after the publication of Keynes’
General Theory which turned attention away from Business cycles to short run
management of the economy. Interest in business cycles revived in the 1970s
when the prevalent economic crisis in many countries could not be explained by
Keynesian model.
In this unit we first explain the features of business cycles and the various phases
of business cycles. We proceed further to examine how to identify business
cycles and measure the aggregate state of the economy using various economic
series. Subsequently we explain the important theoretical frameworks of business
The major features of business cycles are as follows: Business Cycle
1) Though business cycles do not show the same regularity, they have some
distinct phases such as expansion, peak, recession, trough and recovery.
The duration of cycle can vary between two years to twelve years.
2) Business cycles are synchronic. Depression or contraction occurs
simultaneously in most industries or sectors of the economy. Recession
passes from one industry to another and chain reaction continues till the
whole economy is in the grip of recession. Similarly, expansion spreads
through various linkages between industries or sectors.
3) Fluctuations occur simultaneously in the level of output as well as
employment, investment, consumption, etc.
4) Consumption of durable goods and investment are affected the most by
cyclical fluctuations. As stressed by Keynes, investment is very unstable
as it depends on profit expectations of private entrepreneurs. Any change
in these expectations makes investment unstable. Thus the amplitude of
fluctuation in the case of durable household effects is higher than that of
5) Consumption of non-durable goods and services do not vary much during
the different phases of business cycles. Past data of business cycles reveal
that households maintain a great stability in the consumption of non-
durable goods. Thus the amplitude of fluctuations in the case of non-
durable consumption goods is lower than that of GDP.
6) The immediate impact of recession or expansion is on the inventories of
goods. When recession sets in, inventories start accumulating beyond the
desired level. It leads to cut in production of goods. In contrast, when
recovery starts, the inventories go below the desired level. It encourages
business houses to place more orders for goods which boost production
and stimulates investment.
7) Profits fluctuate more than any other type of income as the occurrence of
business cycles causes lot of uncertainty for the businessmen and makes it
difficult to forecast economic conditions. During depression, profits turn
negative and many businesses go bankrupt.
8) Business cycles are international in character. That is, once started in one
country, they spread to other countries through contagion effect. The
downslide in financial market, for example, in one country spreads
rapidly to other country as financial markets are linked globally through
capital flows. Further, recessions in one country, say the United States
can spread to other country as the imports of the U.S.A. will decline.
Countries which are major exporter to the U.S will witness a decline in
their exports and may witness recession.
Economic Growth upward sloping curve (expansion phase) there is acceleration in growth rate. The
downward sloping segment of the curve indicates the ‘contraction phase’.
In Fig. 4.1 the upward sloping straight line indicates the steady state growth path
or the long run growth path of the GDP. The actual GDP fluctuates around the
steady state growth path due to business cycles.
According to some researchers there are four phases of a business cycle, viz.,
expansion, recession, depression and recovery. The four phases of a business
cycle are also depicted in Fig. 4.1. In fact, the expansion phase comprises both
recovery and expansion. Similarly, the contraction phase consists of both
recession and depression. You should note that the difference between recession
and depression is one degree. In the recession phase there is a deceleration in the
growth rate. In the depression phase, economic growth is below its long run trend
and the economy can witness negative growth rate also.
Similarly, the difference between recovery and expansion is one of degree and
extent. After negative growth, the economy passes through the recovery phase
and then through the expansion phase. The point at which the expansion ends and
a recession begin is called ‘peak’ of a business cycle. The point at which a
depression ends and recovery begins is called a ‘trough’. Thus peak and trough
are ‘turning points’ in a business cycle.
Line of Trough
Time X
You can observe from Table 4.1 that the duration of a cycle is not uniform (see
from trough to trough or from peak to peak).
Secondly, the duration of peak to trough (contraction phase) has been shorter Business Cycle
than the duration of trough to peak (expansion phase).
Economic Growth (vi) Currency: Data on the variable must be available on a reasonable
prompt schedule.
Those series are selected which are similar in timing at peaks and troughs with
business cycles. Business cycle indicators are classified into three groups, viz.,
leading, roughly-coincident and lagging.
One of the most significant leading indicators is the stock market itself, gauged
by an index such as the S&P 500. It will begin to rise before economic
environment seems favourable, and it will begin to decline before economic
conditions seem to warrant it. Another important leading indicator is interest
rates. Low interest rate stimulates borrowing and buying, which favours the
economy. An increase in interest rates shows the economy is doing well, but
eventually rising interest rates lead to a slowdown because less people borrow
money to start new projects.
Economic Growth V. Money, Credit, and Interest
Monetary growth Velocity of money Short-term interest
rates; Change in rates; Bond yields;
liquid assets; Consumer credit
Change in outstanding;
consumer credit; Commercial and
Total private industrial loans
borrowing; Real outstanding
money supply
Note: The selection is based on the U.S. indicators published in Business Conditions
Digest, a monthly report by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of
1) What are the criteria that form the basis for selection of a business cycle
demand depends primarily upon fluctuations in investment demand. Multiplier Business Cycle
plays a significant role in causing magnified changes in income following a
reduction or increase in investment.
Keynesian theory however fails to explain the cumulative character of business
cycle. For example, suppose that investment rises by 100 rupees and that the
magnitude of multiplier is 4. From the theory of multiplier, we know that national
income will rise by 400 rupees and if multiplier is the only force at work that will
be the end of the matter, with the economy reaching a new stable equilibrium at a
higher level of national income. But in real life, this is not likely to be so, for a
rise in income produced by a given rise in investment will have further
repercussions in the economy. This reaction is described in the ‘principle of
accelerator’ (accelerator is the impact of income on investment). Samuelson
combined the accelerator principle with the multiplier and showed that the
interaction between the two can bring about cyclical fluctuations in economic
4.6.2 Schumpeter’s Innovation Theory of Business cycles
Joseph Schumpeter considered trade cycles to be the result of innovation activity
of the entrepreneurs in a competitive economy. Schumpeter calls the equilibrium
state of the economy as a “circular flow” of economic activity which just repeats
itself period after period. The circular flow of economic activity gets disturbed
when an entrepreneur successfully carries out an innovation. According to
Schumpeter, the primary function of an entrepreneur is innovation activity which
yields him/ her real ‘profit’.
According to Schumpeter, introduction of a major innovation leads to a business
cycle. As the innovator-entrepreneur begins bidding away resources from other
industries, money incomes increase and prices begin to rise thereby stimulating
further investment. As the innovation steps up production, the circular flow in the
economy swells up. Supply exceeds demand. The initial equilibrium is disturbed.
There is a wave of expansion of economic activity. This is what Schumpeter calls
the “primary wave”. This primary wave is followed by a “Secondary wave” of
expansion. This is due to the impact of the original innovation on the
competitors. You can imagine the impact of innovation if you relate it to some
real life examples such as the Internet, mobile phone, and on-line transactions.
As the original innovation proves profitable, other entrepreneurs follow it in
“swarm-like clusters”. Innovation in one sector induces innovations in related
sectors. Money incomes and prices rise. As potential profits in these industries
increase, a wave of expansion in the whole economy follows.
This period of prosperity ends as soon as ‘new’ products induced by the waves of
innovations replace old ones. Since the demand for the old products goes down,
their prices fall and consequently their producer-firms are forced to reduce their
output. When the innovators begin repaying their bank loans out of the newly-
earned profits, the quantity of money in circulation is reduced as a result of which
prices tend to fall and profits decline.
Economic Growth In this atmosphere, uncertainty and risks increase. Recession sets in. The
economy cannot continue in recession for long. Entrepreneurs continue their
search for profitable innovations. The natural forces of recovery bring about a
4.6.3 Samuelson’s Model of Business Cycles: Interaction between Multiplier
and Accelerator
Samuelson in his seminal paper convincingly showed that an autonomous
increase in the level of investment raises income by a magnified amount
depending upon the value of the multiplier. This increase in income further
induces the increases in investment through acceleration effect. The increase in
income brings about incr
ease in aggregate demand for goods and services. To
produce more goods we require more capital goods for which extra investment is
undertaken. Thus the relationship between investment and income is one of
mutual interaction; investment affects income which in turn affects investment
demand and in this process income and employment fluctuate in a cyclical
Fig. 4.2 shows how income and output will increase by even larger amount
when accelerator is combined with the Keynesian multiplier.
The model of interaction between multiplier and accelerator can be Business Cycle
mathematically represented as under:
𝒀 𝒕 = 𝑪𝒕 + 𝑰 𝒕 ...(4.1)
𝑪𝒕 = 𝑪𝒂 + 𝒄 (𝒀𝒕 𝟏 ) ...(4.2)
𝑰𝒕 = 𝑰𝒂 + 𝒗 (𝒀𝒕 𝟏 − 𝒀𝒕 𝟐 ) ...(4.3)
where 𝑌 , 𝐶 , 𝐼 stand for income, consumption and investment respectively for
period t, 𝐶 stands for autonomous consumption, 𝐼 for autonomous investment,
c for MPC and v for capital-output ratio or accelerator.
From the above equation it is evident that consumption in a period t is a function
of income of the previous period, 𝑌 . That is, one period lag has been assumed
for income to determine the consumption of a period. As regards induced
investment in period t, it is taken to be a function of the change in income in the
previous period. It means that there are two period gaps for changes in income to
determine induced investment. In the equation (4.3) above, induced investment
equals 𝑣 (𝑌 − 𝑌 ). Substituting equations (4.2) and (4.3) in (4.1), we have
the following:
𝒀𝒕 = 𝑪𝒂 + 𝒄 (𝒀𝒕 𝟏 ) + 𝑰𝒂 + 𝒗 (𝒀𝒕 𝟏 − 𝒀𝒕 𝟐 ) ...(4.4)
Equation (4.4) indicates how changes in income are dependent on the values of
MPC ( c ) and capital-output ratio v, (i.e., accelerator).
By taking different combinations of the values of c and v, Samuelson could
describe different paths which the economy would follow. The various
combinations of the values of c and v are shown in Fig. 4.3.
0 v X
Fig. 4.3 shows the four paths which the economic activity can have depending
upon combinations of the values of marginal propensity to consume (c) and
capital-output ratio (v).
Economic Growth The five paths or patterns of movements in output or income can have depends
upon the combinations of the values of c and v. We depict these paths in Fig. 4,
Panels (a) to (e). When the combinations of c and v lie in the region marked A,
an increase in investment will increase output a decreasing rate. Finally it reaches
a new equilibrium as shown in panel (a) of Fig. 4.4.
(Output New Equilibrium
Initial Equilibrium
0 X
If the values of c and v lie in region B of Fig. 4.3, a change in investment will
generate fluctuations in income which follow the pattern of a series of damped
cycles as shown in panel (b) of Fig. 4.4. It means that the amplitude goes on
declining until the cycles disappear over a period of time.
New Equilibrium
Initial Equilibrium
You should note that region C of Fig. 4.3 represents the combinations of c and v
which are relatively high as compared to the region B. Such values of multiplier
and accelerator bring about explosive cycles as given in panel (c) of Fig. 4.4.
It implies that the fluctuations of income will be successively greater and greater Business Cycle
in amplitude.
Ceiling Output
Initial Equilibrium
0 X
The region D of Fig. 4.3 describes the combinations of c and v which cause
income to move upward or downward at an increasing rate. We have depicted it
in panel (d) of Fig. 4.4.
Initial Equilibrium
0 X
In a special case when values of c and v lie in the region E of Fig. 4.3, they
produce fluctuations in income of constant amplitude and are shown in panel (e)
of Fig. 4.4. You should note that all the above five cases do not give rise to
Economic Growth cyclical fluctuations or business cycles. It is only combinations of c and v lying
in the regions B, C and E that produce business cycles.
Initial Equilibrium
0 X
Fig. 4.4 Panel (a) to (e) shows different patterns of income (output) movements
for various values of c and v which respectively determine the magnitudes of
multiplier and accelerator.
Check Your Progress 1
1) Business cycle consists of recurrent alternating phases of expansion and
contraction in a large number of economic activities.
2) Business cycles are periodic, synchronic and once they start in one
country, they spread to other countries through trade relations between
them. See Section 4.2 for details.
3) There are four phases of a business cycle, viz., expansion, recession,
depression and recovery. See Section 4.3 for details.
Check Your Progress 2
1) A business cycle indicator should fulfil six criteria as described in Section
2) The importance of a lagging indicator is its ability to confirm that a
pattern is occurring. Unemployment is one of the most popular lagging
indicators. If the unemployment rate is rising, it indicates that the
economy has been doing poorly.
Check Your Progress 3
1) You should describe equation (4.4) and draw inferences on the basis of
Fig. 4.3.
2) According to real business cycle theory, supply shocks generate business
cycles. Refer to Section 4.6.4.