Production System
Production System
Production System
The production system is that part of an organisation, which produces products of an organisation. It is that activity whereby resources, flowing within a defined system, are combined and transformed in a controlled manner to add value in accordance with the policies communicated by management .
The production system has the following characteristics: 1. Production is an organised activity, so every production system has an objective. 2. The system transforms the various inputs to useful outputs. 3. It does not operate in isolation from the other organisation system. 4. There exists a feedback about the activities, which is essential to control and improve system performance.
Production systems can be classified as Job-shop, Batch, Mass and Continuous production
Job-Shop Production
Job-shop production are characterised by manufacturing one or few quantity of products designed and produced as per the specification of customers within prefixed time and cost. The distinguishing feature of this is low volume and high variety of products. A job-shop comprises of general-purpose machines arranged into different departments. Each job demands unique technological requirements, demands processing on machines in a certain sequence.
Job-shop Production is characterised by 1. High variety of products and low volume. 2. Use of general purpose machines and facilities. 3. Highly skilled operators who can take up each job as a challenge because of uniqueness. 4. Large inventory of materials, tools, parts. 5. Detailed planning is essential for sequencing the requirements of each product, capacities for each work centre and order priorities.
1. Because of general purpose machines and facilities variety of products can be produced. 2. Operators will become more skilled and competent, as each job gives them learning opportunities. 3. Full potential of operators can be utilised. 4. Opportunity exists for Creative methods and innovative ideas.
1. Higher cost due to frequent set up changes. 2. Higher level of inventory at all levels and hence higher inventory cost. 3. Production planning is complicated. 4. Larger space requirements.
Batch Production
American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS) defines Batch Production as a form of manufacturing in which the job pass through the functional departments in lots or batches and each lot may have a different routing. It is characterised by the manufacture of limited number of products produced at regular intervals and stocked awaiting sales.
1. Better utilisation of plant and machinery. 2. Promotes functional specialisation. 3. Cost per unit is lower as compared to job order production. 4. Lower investment in plant and machinery. 5. Flexibility to accommodate and process number of products. 6. Job satisfaction exists for operators.
1. Material handling is complex because of irregular and longer flows. 2. Production planning and control is complex. 3. Work in process inventory is higher compared to continuous production. 4. Higher set up costs due to frequent changes in set up.
Mass Production
Manufacture of discrete parts or assemblies using a continuous process are called Mass Production. This production system is justified by very large volume of production. The machines are arranged in a line or product layout. Product and process standardisation exists and all outputs follow the same path.
1. Higher rate of production with reduced cycle time. 2. Higher capacity utilisation due to line balancing. 3. Less skilled operators are required. 4. Low process inventory. 5. Manufacturing cost per unit is low.
1. Breakdown of one machine will stop an entire production line. 2. Line layout needs major change with the changes in the product design. 3. High investment in production facilities. 4. The cycle time is determined by the slowest operation.
Continuous Production
Production facilities are arranged as per the sequence of production operations from the first operations to the finished product. The items are made to flow through the sequence of operations through material handling devices such as conveyors, transfer devices, etc.
1. Standardisation of product and process sequence. 2. Higher rate of production with reduced cycle time. 3. Higher capacity utilisation due to line balancing. 4. Manpower is not required for material handling as it is completely automatic. 5. Person with limited skills can be used on the production line. 6. Unit cost is lower due to high volume of production.
1. Flexibility to accommodate and process number of products does not exist. 2. Very high investment for setting flow lines. 3. Product differentiation is limited.
INTRODUCTION Product design is the mother of all operations processes in an organisation. The processes for manufacture, the planning of production, the processes and checks for quality depend upon the nature of the product. One may say that it all starts with the design of the product. Even the logistics or plain shipment of the product depends upon how or what the product has been designed for. Design gives the blueprint. When the design engineer keys in the computer aided design or when a product design artist draws lines on a sheet of paper, it starts a train of activities.
PURPOSE OF A PRODUCT DESIGN Is product design a creative designer s fancy? In popular perception, the term designer conjures up images of a maverick yet highly creative artist who in his fits of imagination comes up with a hitherto not seen product. What is design without creativity in it? Indeed, designs are creative in nature and they should be so. However, in an organisational context, the design should serve the organisational objectives while being creative. Since an organisation has a purpose, the product design should help to serve that larger purpose.
Design starts with conceptualisation which has to have a basis. Providing value to the customer the return on investment to the company and the competitiveness of the company should form the basis of the product design effort. What separates a product designer from a freelance artist is the former s orientation towards these organisational objectives.
A product s design has tremendous impact on what materials and components would be used which suppliers will be included what machines or what type of processes will be used to manufacture It where it will be stored how it will be transported.
Since a customer does not necessarily imply an already tied-up customer, but also a potential one, what and how will the general yet target customer community be informed depends upon what the design of the product is. For instance, a simple product like toothpaste which is also designed to act as a mouth freshner needs to be placed, advertised, promoted and priced differently. Thus, marketing is also impacted by product design. A product design reflects a company s overall strategy.
Product development and design is primarily governed by management decisions with respect to quality and pricing policy. A development programme and a market survey can provide information as to market potentialities as well as functional, operational, dependability, and durability requirements and possibilities. Selection of the functional scope and application of standardization, simplification, and specialization principles are closely related to plant efficiency and to its net profit and must therefore be an integral part of management policy. The economics of a proposed new product or new model have to be analyzed in order to establish the market size that would justify production. Aesthetic considerations come normally at an advanced stage, but may sometimes be a dominant factor in design, especially with consumer goods. Finally, product development and design must be carried out with close liaison with the production departments, in order to ensure that the right materials and processes are utilized and that their implications are considered at a fairly early stage.
PRODUCT ANALYSIS Many factors have to be analyzed in connection with development and design, factors varying in character and complexity, factors affiliated with different fields in production and industrial engineering. Some of these may be grouped as follows: 1. Marketing aspect 2. Product characteristics (i) Functional aspect, (ii) Operational aspect, (iii) Durability and dependability aspects, and (iv) Aesthetic aspect. 3. Economic analysis (i) The profit consideration, (ii) The effect of stardardization, simplification, and specialization, and (iii) The break-even analysis. 4. Production aspect
All these factors are interrelated and each presents many issues that have to be carefully considered Market research may guide product engineers in their work to improve existing products or to develop new ones. The design and its characteristics have to undergo an economic analysis and must be studied in the light of available production facilities and techniques. A costing analysis is naturally dependent on the sales volume; hence the suggested design has to be re-evaluated by market research so that a sales forecast can be worked out. This expected sales volume provides the basis for a further study from the production methods aspect, and the economic analysis has to be rechecked and perhaps modified. Thus product development and design is an excellent example of interdependence of a multitude of factors that have to be reconciled and integrated into a final composition.
Marketing Aspect First, it is necessary to establish that the proposed product will satisfy a demand in the market, that what it is supposed to do and the services it can offer are both desirable and acceptable. If no consumption is envisaged, there is no point in proceeding with product design. The demand for the product in the market may already exist, and its volume can then be assessed by consumer research and sales figures for identical or similar commodities. Demand can also be created with the introduction of a new product, either by filling in a gap in the market or by offering new properties, such as novelty, appearance, or some other specific merits.
The volume of such a demand is more difficult to forecast. Market research is a useful tool in these cases, but experience and sound judgment are required to evaluate and apply the results of such research, and in some cases a certain amount of speculation is inevitable. The volume of demand is a function of a multitude of factors, some of which are closely related to local conditions and are sometimes difficult to define or measure. It is therefore essential for an enterprise to keep in touch with the market and feel its trends, especially when this market is remote and different in character from the local one. This is of particular importance to firms depending on export markets for the distribution of their products.
If we analyze, for example, the case of an American manufacturer of automobiles, we shall find that the percentage of output destined for export is rather small, and design policy would therefore be mainly dictated by American tastes and preferences. A British manufacturer, however, who sells a substantial proportion of automobiles outside Great Britain, has to watch carefully the trends in export markets in order to try and amalgamate the requirements and tastes of the various foreign and home markets in an acceptable design.
Should the customer get what he wants or should he be offered what he is supposed to want? Basically this is an economic question. If management wants to achieve maximum satisfaction and sets itself as a target to supply the customer with what he wants, it may be faced with the possibility of having to produce an infinite variety of models to suit every taste. On the other hand, were management to ignore the customer s wishes or to maintain that he does not really know what he wants and should therefore be told what is good for him, the designer s task would become far simpler, but the sales department would have to face an unpredictable market.
In practice, product design is a result of some sort of compromise between infinite variety on one hand and the designer s concept of the ideal design on the other. In order to try selling this compromise to potential customers, management resorts to an advertising campaign the policy of which is dependent on the characteristics of the compromised design and on how far it conforms to, or differs from, the expressed desires of the market to which such a campaign is directed.
Generally, the main objective of advertising is to expand the market, this being achieved by: Providing general information about the existence of the product. Providing technical information about its functional characteristics or utilitarian purposes. Drawing the customer s attention to those attributes of the product which he wants. Winning undecided customers by exhibiting possible attractions (such as colour, design, novelty, and price) that may persuade him to prefer the product to one offered by competitors. Creating demand among a passive population of customers. Educating the customer, or telling him what he should want.
Apart from these direct techniques, management may have some additional aims, such as increasing the prestige of the firm as a whole, banking on the popularity of one product to strengthen or introduce another or to publicize one aspect of the firm s activity for the purpose of raising money or deviating attention from other activities, and so on. Once the design features of a product have been ascertained, appropriate advertising methods can be selected.
FUNCTIONAL ASPECT When the marketing possibilities have been explored, the functional scope of the product has to be carefully analyzed and properly defined. The definition of the objective itself rarely tells us very much about the functional scope envisaged. A washing machine, for example, has a clearly defined objective: to wash clothing. This does not state, however, how the washing should be carried out, whether the machine should be capable of heating the water prior to washing, whether rinsing or drying, or both, are to be done by the machine, and if so by what method, and what should the proportion be between automatic functioning and manual supervision. A functional analysis of this kind obviously affects the design of the machine, its complexity, its appearance, and its price.
Sometimes functional aspects are detachable, and usage can be left to the customers decision. A steam iron is a case in point. The additional function of dampening the cloth when required, prior to or during ironing, is incorporated in the steam iron, the main duty of which is to iron the cloth. The customer can decide whether and when to exploit this characteristic of the apparatus.
There is a trend to offer functional versatility of the product, thereby increasing the range of applications and sometimes combining several tools in one. A food mixer, for example, allows for a large number of attachments to be added for a variety of duties. Basically the mixer housing contains a power unit and a speed regulator, but it has to be designed so as to serve all the attachments, and the customer has to decide and define for himself the functional scope to be compatible with his needs, his taste, and his pocket. Household power-tool sets are designed on very much the same principle: The hand drill is the basic unit, and with attachments it can become a table drill, a lathe, a polisher, a hedge cutter, etc. Versatility of production machinery may quite often result in substantial savings in floor space and capital expenditure, and this may become one of the fundamental factors affecting design policy. Another example of versatility in design is shown in Figure 6.2.
Desk combinations (simplification of design). Variety achieved through standardization: With a limited number of components (one piece table to without joined corners or seams, legs made of seamless steel tubes, and interchangeable drawers) the designer managed to offer 36 possible combinations while exhibiting a pleasant style and functional simplicity
OPERATIONAL ASPECT After determining the functional aspect, the operational aspect has then to be considered. Not only must the product function properly, it must be easy to handle and simple to operate. Sometimes it has to be adaptable to various operational conditions, and very often it is subjected to varying degrees of skill of potential operators. The designers problem becomes all the more critical with the trend for increased versatility because this characteristic implies using basic attachments as elements for building suitable combinations for specific purposes. This requires a certain amount of operator intelligence and skill, which increases with the complexity of the machine. The scarcity of skill is a prohibitive limitation in this respect on the product designer.
The get ready stage before the operation proper and the put away time (including cleaning) should be carefully analyzed with respect to the excepted skill of the operator. Too often one finds ingenious gadgets (for example, in the field of household equipment) that are capable of performing an operation in a fraction of the time normally required but which involve such complicated preparations or such lengthy cleaning and put away subsequent operations, that the ratio of net machine time to overall machine time becomes absurdly small. The beneficial features attributed to the gadget in such cases are rather questionable.
Versatility of equipment should also be analyzed in this light. Especially when subsequent operations are to be carried out with the aid of different attachments, the designer should always bear in mind the time required for an operator to perform the change over and should make certain that this time is in reasonable proportion to the operation time.
These are two factors closely related to the selection of materials and class of workmanship and hence to the design of the product and the economical analysis of its cost. Quality is not always a simple characteristic to define, but durability and dependability are two factors that often determine quality and have to be carefully considered by the designer. Durability is defined mainly by the length of the active life, or endurance, of the product under given working conditions, but a measure of the product capability to idle or withstand storage is also often considered in assessing durability. Durability need not always be associated with selection of good materials. The actual working life of a match or a rocket motor may be rather limited, but that does not mean that materials for these articles may be of low quality.
An additional criterion, therefore, has to be considered, that of dependability, or the capability of the product to function when called upon to do its job. Returning to our matches, dependability may be related to the number of duds in a box, and while the manufacturer is eager to reduce this number to a minimum, he need not choose the very best raw materials to ensure that not even one match will fail. Dependability of rocket motors, however, may be more rigidly defined, and first class materials are chosen in spite of the short active life that is envisaged for them in some applications.
Another aspect of durability is that of maintenance and repair. The amount of repair and preventative maintenance required for some products is closely related to quality and design policy. This is of particular importance when the equipment is supposed to operate continuously and when any repair involves a loss of running time.
Problems of convenience and accessibility in operating the equipment have already been discussed, and the same remarks are valid for maintenance and repair. Easy accessibility is a fundamental principle in a sound design, and thorough knowledge on the part of the operational durability, dependability, and maintenance requirements of the product are absolutely essential to ensure a well- balanced design within the policy outlined by higher management.
AESTHETIC ASPECT In what way does the appearance of a product affect its design? In most cases, where the functional scope, durability, and dependability have already been defined, the aesthetics are mainly concerned with molding the final shape around the basic skeleton. This molding of shape may very often be severely limited in scope, and what finally emerges is sometimes termed a functional shape. The view that functional shape is necessarily divorced from aesthetics, especially where engineering structures or equipment are concerned, is well-exemplified by bridges, locomotives, or machines of the late nineteenth or early twentieth century (see, for example, Fig.1. )
However, a study of the gradual changes in shape of these objects in the past few decades would convince us that there has been an increasing recognition of the role of aesthetics in design. This is perhaps partly due to mans aesthetic taste being reconciled to accepting these objects as an integral part of the landscape or everyday life, thereby leading to a modification of the original attitude that these Monstrosities are hopelessly ugly and should be left alone. Functional shape is a concept in its own right among designers. Those who believe in functional shape argue that compatibility of function with shape is logical and should therefore be accentuated and exploited, rather than covered up.
A standard lamp is first and foremost a lamp and not a flying saucer, and there is nothing wrong with its looking like a lamp. This approach is referred to in Fig. 6.2, where the aesthetic aspects are dealt with at the design stage, after all the other aspects of the proposed product have been analyzed. In some cases, however, molding of shape may have financial implications; for instance, when special materials have to be used or added to those basically required from the functional point of view or when additional processes are involved. Such cases will call for a careful cost analysis of the aesthetic aspects.
In extreme cases, aesthetics are the governing factor in design and completely dominate it. This is especially true for many consumer goods, such as automobiles and household equipment, or fashion goods. The functional scope, though more or less defined and accepted, may also be widened to accentuate the novelty of the new model. But the idea of the new design starts with the concept of its shape, from which the idea evolves and grows. The technical considerations have to be somehow fitted in at a later stage, this being in complete contrast to the conventional sequence shown in Fig.1.
When styling is a dominant factor in product design, it is often used as a means to create demand. Changes in fashion and taste, evolution of form, and the introduction of new ideas quickly outdate previous designs. If the market is psychologically receptive and eager to discard former designs in favour of new ones, styling becomes a race against time, a race that determines the salability of the product.
Many tools can be utilized by the designer to bring out aesthetic characteristics. Some of these are: 1. Use of the special materials, either for the parts of the housing or as additional decorations. Notable is the use of chromium strips, plastics, wood, glass, and fabrics for the purpose. 2. Use of colour, either natural colour of the material concerned or by use of paints, plating, spraying, or even lighting. Composition and contrast of colours is of great importance to the industrial designer in facilitating convenient operation and attractive appearance. 3. Texture supplements colour, either by appropriate treatment of the given surfaces or coatings. Surface finish and requirements of brightness as determined by styling may in turn affect the production processes in the finishing stages.
4. Shape denoted by outer contours and similarity to familiar objects. Shape can be exploited to accentuate particular features, to create a sense of spaciousness or illusions of size, richness and dependability. 5. Line is used to break the form, also for the purpose of emphasizing parts of it, or to give a sense of continuity, graciousness, and stability. 6. Scaling the product, either to a blown-up size or to a small size (modeling). This creates novelty and a sense of completeness. The success of styling of some popular small automobiles in Europe may be partly due to the designers talent in creating a feeling of still having the full-size version, with all its features. 7. Packaging, especially for small items. Novelty and attractiveness of packaging is often transferred in the mind of the customer, attributing perhaps non-existent values to the contents. In extreme cases packaging may assume an appreciable portion of the total production costs and become the center of the design project.
Aesthetic molding, especially when governed by the selection of material, colour, texture, and sometimes even line, has great economic advantages, since great variety can be achieved at a comparatively low cost. The basic product remains the same, and variety is obtained by finishing processes alone. Henry Fords maxim that the customer may choose any colour he likes, provided it is black, is no longer valid. Modern production control techniques allow for a vast number of combinations of colours and textures to be offered with little difficulty.
Aesthetics have been fully recognized as an integral part of design, and no designer worth his mettle can afford to ignore their implications, their tools, and their benefits.
Economic Analysis As shown in Figure 1, an economic analysis is the key to management decision in product design policy.
Having obtained sufficient information about customers requirements and market potentialities on the one hand and a detailed study about the functional, operational, and quality aspects of the proposed product on the other, the economic analysis can proceed by seeking an answer to the following questions:
What capital expenditure is required for manufacturing the new product? What total production costs per piece are envisaged? What is the reasonable margin of profit that can be expected? Do the price (= total costs + profit) and the features of the product render it competitive in the market? In what numbers is the product expected to be sold?
Here, again, the interdependence of variables should be strongly emphasized. Not one single question in this list can be isolated and solved independently of the others. The economic analysis is in fact a cyclic and repetitive procedure. Each question is weighted in the light of the answer and the data provided by the previous question, and all the answers are checked when their turn comes again to be re-evaluated in the following cycles, until a state of equilibrium is reached and no further modifications to these answers are required
The measure of competitiveness of the product corresponds to the portion of the market it succeeds in capturing. This is largely dependent on the value the customer is prepared to put on the product, and on the ratio of this value to the price. As customer assessment of value is not universally uniform but subject to preference of features, performance, or taste, ratios of values to prices vary with customers. A state of equilibrium is formed in which the market is divided between different preferences. This equilibrium may change: If the ratio of value to price of the product becomes more favourable, when compared with other products, the product increases its portion of the market and becomes more competitive.
Such an equilibrium is shown in Fig. 3 where the total costs include setup, materials, overheads, storage, and distribution. The total profit is determined by the margin of profit per unit and by the sales volume. If the organization seeks to increase its profit, it can try one of the following methods :
(a) Increase the margin of profit per unit, hence the sales price, but leave the total production to costs unchanged.
If such a course would not affect the sales volume, the total profit would be proportional to the increase in the margin of profit per unit. Such an increase, however, can upset the market equilibrium unfavourably, in that both the ratio of customers value of the product to its price will deteriorate and the products of competitors will become more attractive. The market may shrink, and the total profit, far from attaining the expected value, may in extreme cases fall below its original level.
(b) Leave the total costs unchanged, but try to improve the ratio of value
to price and thus widen the market. This can be done (1) by producing a better or more attractive product at the same cost, (2) by launching an intense advertising campaign in order to boost the customers assessment of the product value, or (3) by reducing the sales price at the expense of the margin of profit per unit, in the hope that the market will expand enough to increase total profit. Too marginal a profit per unit is, however, undesirable, as it allows little protection from possible fluctuations in the market, and even slight instabilities may turn a small profit into a sizeable loss.
(c) Reduce the total production costs and pass some of the benefit to customers in the form of reduced sales prices. If both the profit per piece and the size of the market increase, a substantial improvement in total profits will be achieved. This course calls for a continuous search after better methods, better processes, better materials and their utilization, and better management to reduce overheads. There are, however, some limitations to the rate of improvement one can attain, such as
There are, however, some limitations to the rate of improvement one can attain, such as basic labour and material costs and limited resources or credit hampering expenditure on new equipment and machines. Minimum requirements of quality should also be studied and met, as a reduction in price at the expense of quality is easy enough; customers assessment of the product value, however, deteriorates accordingly. But reducing production costs and thereby expanding the market, while sustaining accepted quality standards, offers a challenge to the production engineer. Probably the most characteristic feature of this process is that it is both dynamic and continuous, that each success is a further advance along the spiral of increasing productivity and standard of living (see Figure 4).
The three Ss refer to standardization, simplification and specialization three related subjects that are at the root of any economic analysis of product design. The three Ss can be defined as follows: Standardization is the process of defining and applying the conditions necessary to ensure that a given range of requirements can normally be met with a minimum of variety and in a reproducible and economic manner on the basis of the best current technique. Simplification is the process of reducing the number of types of products within a definite range. Specialization is the process whereby particular firms concentrate on the manufacture of a limited number of products or types of products.
The three processes are usually linked together and develop as a logical sequence. From a wide range of requirements it is first necessary to sort out the essential features, define them, and then work out in a scientific manner, the minimum variety required to meet these essentials. This is a process of standardization, and it is mainly an engineering process. Within a given range, whether covered by standards or not, a process of simplification can be carried out with the view of reducing the variety of products or materials that are produced or purchased. This is both an economic and an engineering process, and specialization is one of its natural outcomes.
STANDARDIZATION Standardization covers a wide field of activity, which may be described by the following main categories: Physical dimensions and tolerances of components within a defined range. Rating of machines or equipment (in units of energy, temperature, current, speed, etc.). Specification of physical and chemical properties of materials. Methods of testing characteristics or performance. Methods of installation to comply with minimum precautionary measures and convenience of use.
The first three categories relate to limitation of the number of sizes or grades and some aspects of quality, one of the important aims being interchangeability of components or assemblies. Adherence to standards of raw materials is one of the fundamentals of product design, since any deviation from the standards in this respect may cause a substantial increase in the cost of materials. Industry is rich with examples in which designers specify special materials whereas the standard grades can do just as well.
Standardization and interchangeability impose certain limitations on the designer and demand higher skill and effort in planning. It is easy enough when designing a new component to decide that no standard really meets the special requirements of the case in hand and that a special part has to be specified. What designers seem to forget is that one of the purposes of standards is to provide solutions to relieve them of the task of having to solve afresh some basic problems, and thereby allow them more time to concentrate on the broader aspects of the design.
Another prerequisite of interchangeability is the precision required of the manufacturing process in order to obtain production within the specified tolerances. This implies that production control has to be tightened so that any deviations from the given standards will be immediately noticed and appropriate action can be taken to avoid the process getting out of control.
Standardization has, however, many advantages, some of which may be briefly listed below: Reduction of material waste and obsolescence. Concentration of effort in manufacturing; hence, simplification and specialization. Reduction in inventories, both of materials, semi finished, and finished products. Reduction in bookkeeping and other paper work. Lowering the grades of skill required in manufacture and assembly. Reduction in price; hence expansion of the market. Reduction of repair and maintenance costs.
SIMPLIFICATION Simplification is a constant source of disagreement between the sales department and the production personnel. A production engineer prefers little variety, minimum set ups, and long runs (Figure). Simplification enables the production department to improve planning, achieve higher rates of production and machine utilization, and simplify control procedures. The salesman, on the other hand, strives to satisfy the customer by giving him a choice or by offering him the nearest to what he wants. The pros and cons simplification are given in the accompanying listing.
The last point in favour of variety deserves, perhaps, some further clarification. Some sales people claim that variety encourages consumption and that, especially where consumer goods are concerned, the psychological effect of plenty creates demand. Furthermore, market research by some firms seems to suggest that in some cases similar products tend to capture roughly the same portion of a given market.
The prospects of increasing total demand on the one hand and the firms portion of the market on the other, may have been the main causes for boosting variety to the extent found nowadays in industry. From the customers point of view this is a very unsatisfactory state of affairs. A flood of variety confuses the customer, who ceases in many cases to appreciate the fine differences between similar products and has either to make a haphazard choice or to invest effort, time, and study (and quite often money) to enable him to make an intelligent choice.
This is undesirable for the firm as well. Apart from missing all the advantages listed above when simplification is applied, an analysis of the market sometimes shows that variety has long passed the saturation point and that an increase in variety will not be even noticed in the market. Also, the division of the market between too large a number of products makes each portion so small that prices have to be kept at high levels to avoid losses.
When a great variety exists, a sales analysis can be made to establish the salability of the products. When the accumulative sales income is plotted against the number of products offered for sale, it is very often revealed that a comparatively small number of products contributes very little in this respect (Figure 6.5). This is sometimes referred to in industry as the 25% to 75% relationship because in many cases it was found that 25 per cent of the products brought in 75 per cent of the income, although in some extreme cases studies revealed as small as 10 to 90 per cent relationships.
This leads to unnecessary drain of the firms efforts, which should be directed to promoting the more profitable products. A more desirable situation is when responsibility for income is more evenly distributed between products (i.e., when the curve is flat as is the lower one in (Figure 6.6), which is achieved through reduction of variety.
The effect of quantity on the profit contribution of the product is illustrated in Figure. 6.6, where the sales income is represented by the straight line bQ, in which Q is the quantity sold and b is the income per unit. The costs to the firm consist of: Fixed costs F, which are independent of the quantity produced and include executive salaries, depreciation of plant and equipment, etc. Variable costs aQ, where a respresents the constant total costs per unit, including materials, labour, and other direct costs that vary with the plant activity. The variable costs are shown in Figure 6.7 by the straight line aQ.
The division into fixed and variable costs represents only an approximate interpretation of the total costs function and may not be valid for a very wide range of Q. The total costs are given by the summation of fixed and variable costs (F + aQ), and the point of intersection of this line with that of sales income is the break-even point (BEP) corresponding to a sales volume Q1 gives profit. At the point of intersection,
The break-even chart may be either on a monthly (Figure 6.8) or yearly (Figure 6.8) basis. A low BEP is hightly desirable because it increases the safety margin of the product. From Eqn.(6.1) it is obvious that the BEP can be lowered by three methods (see also Figure 6.9) as follows: Reduce the fixed costs from F to F , thus lowering the BEP to
A similar diagram to the break-even chart, called the profit-volume chart is shown in Figure 6.10, where the fixed costs are marked as a negative quantity on the ordinate. The BEP is given by the intersection of the income line with the abscissa. Operation below the abscissa incurs a loss; operations above it, a profit.
THE ECONOMICS OF A NEW DESIGN When the launching of a new design or model is contemplated, a careful analysis of the economics of the proposed project has to be undertaken. The purpose of introducing a new model to the market may be two fold: 1. To increase the profit of the organization. 2. To avoid decline in sales of an existing model due to serve competition. Such a situation calls for incorporating novelty and new features in the companys products; even when no immediate increase in the profit is envisaged, it is aimed to achieve such an increase on a long-term basis.
where Q1 is the number of pieces sold. If a new design is to be put into production, preparation costs incurred will include: Design and engineering. Production planning. Tooling, jigs, and fixtures; resetting of machines, etc. Purchase of special machines or equipment. Changes in layout.