Ordinal Analysis
Ordinal Analysis
Ordinal Analysis
Types of utility
Cardinal utility
Ordinal utility
Ordinal Utility
• The elaboration of the indifference curves was made by J.R. Hicks and
R.G.D. Allen popularly known as Hicks & Allen.
• Modern economists disgraced the concept of cardinal utility approach.
• According to them a consumer can rank various combinations of goods
& services.
• Ordinal utility is the utility expressed by ranks.
Indifference curve concept
• Indifference curve refers to the graphical representation of various alternative
combinations of bundles of two goods among which the consumer is indifferent.
• It is also known as “Equal Satisfaction Curve”.
Indifference schedule
Combination of Apples Apples Bananas MRS
and Bananas
P 1 15
Q 2 10 5B:1A
R 3 6 4B:1A
S 4 3 3B:1A
T 5 1 2B:1A
Marginal Rate of Substitution
• MRS refers to the rate at which the commodities can be substituted with each
other so that total satisfaction of the consumer remains the same.
Units of Bananas [B] willing to sacrifice
• MRS AB =
Units of Apples [A] willing to Gain
Indifference map
• Indifference map refers to the family of indifference curves that represent
consumer preferences over all the bundles of the two goods.
Higher Indifference
curve represents
higher levels of
IC 3 < IC 2 < IC 1
Budget Line
• Budget Line is a graphical representation of all possible combinations of two goods
which can be purchased with given income and prices such that the cost of each
combination is equal to the money income of the consumer.
Combination Apples [A] [₹4] Bananas [B] [₹2] Money spent =
E 5 0 [5x4] + [0x2] = 20
F 4 2 [4x4] + [2x2] = 20
G 3 4 [3x4] + [4x2] = 20
H 2 6 [2x4] + [6x2] = 20
I 1 8 [1x4] + [8x2] = 20
J 0 10 [0x4] + [10x2] = 20
Consumer’s Equilibrium by
indifference curve analysis
The point of equilibrium or maximum satisfaction is achieved by the study of the indifference map and budget
line together. An indifference map represents every possible indifference curve that the consumer has, which
helps in ranking their preferences. The combination of goods on the higher indifference curve gives a higher
satisfaction level to the consumer. Therefore, the highest of the indifference curves of an indifference map is
preferred by a consumer.