The Ordinal Approach To Utility Analysis
The Ordinal Approach To Utility Analysis
The Ordinal Approach To Utility Analysis
1. Subjective units for the measurement of utility does not provide any satisfactory
2. The assumption of Constant utility of money is also unrealistic
Utility cannot be measured in any absolute sense. We cannot really say, therefore, by how
much the marginal utility of one good exceeds another. An alternative approach is to use
indifference analysis. This does not involve measuring the amount of utility a person
gains, but merely ranking various combinations of goods in order of preference. In other
words, it assumes that consumers can decide whether they prefer one combination of
goods to another.
The aim of indifference analysis, then, is to analyse, without having to measure utility,
how a rational consumer chooses between two goods. Indifference analysis involves the
use of indifference curves and budget lines.
Indifference curves
An indifference curve shows all the various combinations of two
goods that give an equal amount of satisfaction or utility to a
consumer. In other words, Indifference curve represents a line
showing all those combinations of two goods between which a
consumer is indifferent: i.e. those combinations that give the same
level of utility. Indifference set A table showing the same
information as an indifference curve.
This table is known as an indifference set. It shows alternative combinations of two
goods that yield the same level of satisfaction. From this we can plot an indifference
An Indifference
Assumptions of Ordinal Approach
i) Rationality: Consumers are sane and want to maximize total
utility given money income and prices of the commodities.
Budget line A graph showing all the possible combinations of two goods
that can be purchased at given prices and for a given budget.
Consumption Possibilities for Budget $30 and $40
A change in income :
If the consumer’s income (and hence budget) increases, the budget line will
shift outwards, parallel to the old one.
A change in price :
The relative prices of the two goods are given by the slope of the budget line.
Thus the slope of the budget line equals PX/PY. If the price of either good
changes, the slope of the budget line will change.
Budget Line Showing Income change (left) and price change (right)
The optimum consumption point
We are now in a position to put the two elements of the analysis
together: the indifference map and a budget line. This will enable us
to show how much of each of the two goods the ‘rational’ consumer
will buy from a given budget. The consumer would like to
consume along the highest possible indifference curve. This is
curve IC-3 at point t. Higher indifference curves, such as IC-4
and IC-5 , although representing higher utility than curve IC-3, are
in the infeasible region: they represent combinations of X and Y that
cannot be afforded with the current budget. The consumer could
consume along curves IC-1 and IC-2, between points r and v, and s
and u respectively, but they give a lower level of utility than
consuming at point t.
The optimum consumption point for the consumer, then, is where the
budget line touches (is ‘tangential to’) the highest possible
indifference curve. At any other point along the budget line, the
consumer would get a lower level of utility. If the budget line is
tangential to an indifference curve, they will have the same slope.
(The slope of a curve is the slope of the tangent to it at the point in
question.) But as we have seen:
The slope of the budget line = Px/Py and and the slope of the
indifference curve = MRS = MUx/MUy. Therefore, at the optimum
consumption point:
Px/Py = MUx/MUy
But this is the equi-marginal principle that we established in the first
part of this chapter: only this time, using the indifference curve
approach, there has been no need to measure utility. All we have
needed to do is to observe, for any two combinations of goods,
whether the consumer preferred one to the other or was indifferent
between them.
What constraints or limitations does the consumer face in seeking to
maximize the total utility from personal expenditures? (b) Express
mathematically the condition for consumer equilibrium. (c) Explain the
meaning of your answers to part (b).
a) The indifference curve approach to the study of consumer demand theory can be used as an
alternative to the older utility approach for the purpose of analyzing consumer behavior (such
as equilibrium and exchange) and deriving a consumer demand curve for a commodity.
(b) The basic difference between the utility approach and the indifference curve
approach is that the utility approach rests on the stronger and somewhat
unrealistic assumption that utility is measurable in a cardinal sense, while the
indifference curve approach requires only an ordinal measure of utility or
satisfaction. That is, the indifference curve approach requires only that the
consumer be able to decide whether one basket of goods yields more, equal, or
less satisfaction than other baskets of goods, without the need to attach a specific
number of utils of utility to each basket.