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Module 3 Part 2

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Module 3: Part 2
Topic: Development Function
Dr. Shreya Mishra, BIMTECH
What is Training & Development?
Learning/Training and Development is a
systematic process to enhance an
employee’s skills, knowledge, and
competency, resulting in better
performance in a work setting.
Specifically, learning is concerned with
the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and
attitudes. Development is the broadening
and deepening of knowledge in line with
one’s development goals.
How do you think these Synonymous
Words differ from each other?




Learning The acquisition of knowledge, skills, or attitudes through
experience, study, or teaching. Training, development, and
education all involve learning.

Training Training is aimed at teaching immediately applicable

knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be used in a specific job.
Training may focus on delivering better performance in the
current role or to overcome future changes

Developmen Development is aimed at the long term. It revolves around

the broadening or deepening of knowledge. This has to fit
t within one’s personal development goals and the (future)
goals of the organization

Education Education is a more formal way to broaden one’s

knowledge. Education is often non-specific and applicable
for a long time and is especially relevant when a person has
little experience in a certain area.
What entails the Training and
Development Process?
The Training and Development
The Training Process
needs assessment
to determine what
training is
necessary to

shaping employee
assessing how
behavior based on
effective the
learning theories so
training was at
that we can
developing the
change employee
needed skills
behavior to improve

Selecting the determine which

appropriate training methods
delivery we will use to
method shape employee
Phase 1- Assessing need for
How do you assess need for
Assessing needs for training?

Organizational Analysis

Function & Task Analysis

Person Analysis

Resource Analysis
Needs Assessment
It is the process of analyzing the difference between what is currently occurring within a job or jobs
and what is required—either now or in the future— based on the organization’s operations and
strategic goals. While analyzing the differences the HR manager would look into three things.

Organizational Analysis: i.e. identifying whether training supports the company’s

strategic direction
In the case in hand the organizations strategic direction was to increase new vehicle sales volume and parts
and accessories revenue growth with exciting new vehicles being introduced but employees working in the
corporate office and making decisions on programs or policies impacting their dealers lacked a full
understanding of the retail automotive environment and what goes on in a dealership.
Function & Task Analysis: detailed study of the job to determine what specific skills to
perform the task, which is currently lacking in employees
In the case in hand the new and current employees felt performance support was needed to assist them in
becoming skilled in individual roles
Person Analysis: helps to identify employees who need training, that is, whether
employees’ current performance or expected performance indicates a need for
training. The need for training may result from the pressure points, including
performance problems,
In the case in hand changes
the employees felt thatinthe
the job, or
learning use
curve oftoo
was new technology.
steep, and learners complained that
it took too much time for an individual to get up to speed.

Resource Analysis: to check is the current resources available to train are adequate or
In the case in hand the employees felt that the information on processes, systems, resources, etc. was
either not available, not well documented, or not in an easily accessible format for every employee in the
Phase 2- Selecting ways to
Shape Behaviour
How do determine ways of
shaping behaviour?
Prerequisite for selecting ways to Shape

Creating Learning objectives through training KPIs

Assess the learning styles of employees

Task Analysis to understand the type of material

Creating Reinforcement Mechanisms
Shaping behaviour
So Once the gap is identified through needs assessment the team
needs to see what kind of training resources will work for the
employees to be able to learn the new skill. To do this, trainers have
Now there are different theories which provides insights into the ways of learning, however
we understand how people learn.
not dive into it.

What we need is that individuals have different learning styles and hence while designing
and delivering the training programs the one needs to keep this in mind, and design

For instance some people learn better by watching videos, some by reading, some learn
better if they are listen to a lecture on it, while some by actually doing it.

Apart from the learning styles of the employees the training team should take into account
the task to be learned, some tasks cannot be learned by just reading about it. You have to
actually do it, for instance developing an app.

Apart from identifying the ways of learning it is also important to ensure that the training
actually changes behaviour. This could be done using different ways of reinforcement. For
instance, by rewarding if the person performs the task in the way he/she is trained which is
positive reinforcement. On the other hand it could be negative reinforcement like given
some kind of punishment.
Phase 3&4 - Designing &
Delivering the Training
In what ways can training be
designed & delivered?
Designing Training Focus


Designing Training
In this phase, the teaching material and learning method are
determined. This is where the choices about the training material,
teaching method, and learning activities are made. This is often done
together with an external trainer or training provider, and ideally also
with involvement from the trainee.

In addition to learning methods, techniques, pacing, setting, and many

more factors are determined.

Training can be trainer-centered or trainee-centered. Trainer-centered

methods include seminars, presentations, lectures, keynotes, and lessons.
Trainee-centered methods are more interactive and include case studies,
role-playing, self-directed lessons, on-the-job training, simulation, games,
and so on. Effective training usually includes a mix of methods.
Ways of Delivering
On the Job Training
- Job Instructional training
- Apprentice Program
- Job Rotation
- Mentoring
- Coaching

Off the Job Training

- Classroom lectures
- Case studies/Role Plays
- Audio-Visual Based Training/ self-directed
- Simulation Training
- Vestibule Training
On the Job
Job Refers to list each job’s basic tasks, along with the key points, in
Instructional order to provide step-by-step training for employees. The steps in
training such a training sheet show trainees what to do, and the key points
show how it’s to be done—and why..
Apprentice It is a structured training program of longer duration, particularly
Program for learning technical knowledge, where the trainee is assigned to
an expert. These types of trainings are generally paid. It can also
include some element of off the job training like notes and self-
directed material.
Job Rotation When the trainee is assigned different tasks within a department
on a rotation basis so that he/she can learn the overall functioning
of the department.
Coaching It is a method in which an individual is supervised by a superior
person to improve his competencies and capabilities towards a
task. It is often short term and is focused on performance of the
Mentoring Here experienced person guides and motivates a less experienced
Off the Job
Classroom Also known as the lecture method, classroom lectures often train white-
Lectures collar or management-level employees. This type of off-the-job training
takes place in a classroom-like environment and involves a trainer
providing instruction in a lecture format.
Case With this method, trainees receive a situation or problem in the form of
Studies/Role a case study that pertains to their field. In other words, they receive a
plays written description of a real situation that previously occurred. They're
then instructed to analyze the situation and provide their conclusions in
a written format. While in roleplay they actually enact a situation.
Audio-Visual Trainees who receive off-the-job training through an audio-visual
method learn the material through the use of various media such as
films, television, video and presentations. These materials are often
self-directed in nature.
Simulation With the simulation method of off-the-job training, trainees get trained
through equipment or a machine that resembles what they'd use in the
field or on the job. The simulation method helps them prepare for
handling the equipment and machines in real life
Vestibule Technical staff, office staff and employees who handle tools and
Training machinery typically undergo vestibule training. Trainees learn about the
Phase 5 – Assessing and
Critical Questions to answer at this

Did employees learn what they were supposed to

Are they able to apply new knowledge in their
Was the business goal achieved?

Was the Training worth the investment?

Assessing Training Effectiveness

Measure Training KPIs – e.g Customer Conversion


Administer Assessments – Pre-training, Mid-Training,


Observe Employee behaviour during the job

Ask for feedback from trainee

So in this video we covered…..

What it Training and Development

The process of training


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