Chapter 3 (3)
Chapter 3 (3)
Chapter 3 (3)
Intervention is the process/way of provision of support for the child, who is eligible for
intervention by the team member of assessment.
Intervention is a multiple service delivery model that can satisfy the most needs of
PWDs and vulnerabilities.
Optimists tend to have better self-esteem and less hostility toward others and tend to use more
adaptive coping strategies than pessimists.
Individuals with optimistic orientations have a faster rate of recovery during hospitalization and
a faster rate of return to normal life activities after discharge.
The family can be either an enabling or a disabling factor for a person with a disabling condition.
Culture includes both material culture (things and the rules for producing
them) and nonmaterial culture (norms or rules, values, symbols, language,
ideational systems such as science or religion, and arts such as dance, crafts,
and humor).
Both the material and nonmaterial aspects of cultures and subcultures are
relevant to the enabling-disabling process.
Common Effects of Disabilities
External environmental modifications can take many forms. These can include
assistive devices, alterations of a physical structure, object modification, and task
1. Mobility aids
Prosthetic limb
Wheelchair (manual and/or motorized)
2. Communication aids
Telephone amplifier
Voice-activated computer
Closed or real-time captioning
Computer-assisted note taker
Print enlarger
Reading machines
Books on tape
Sign language or oral interpreters
Braille writer
3.Accessible structural elements
Ramps elevators
Wide doors
4. Job accommodations
Simplification of task
Flexible work hours
Rest breaks
Splitting job into parts
Sound-reflective building materials
Enhanced lighting
5.Accessible features
Built up handles
Voice-activated computer
6.Differential use of personnel
Personal care assistants
Sign language interpreters
Needs of PWDs & Vs