Research Presentation _20241121_080024_0000
Research Presentation _20241121_080024_0000
Research Presentation _20241121_080024_0000
Before gathering data, the researcher sought approval of the permit from
the Dean of Graduate Studies of SPC. Upon approval, this was sent to the
Schools Division Superintendent of Cagayan de Oro City to access data
from the respondents. From there, the researcher facilitated the
questionnaire distribution to the Grade 12 EIM students at East Gusa
National High School, Senior High was arranged, coded, tabulated, and
submitted to the statistician for analysis and interpretation.
Problem 1. What is the level of competence among senior high school students on electrical installation
maintenance in terms of: Perform Roughing-in Wiring and Cabling Works, Installing Electrical Protective
Devices, Install Wiring devices.
Table 1: Perform Roughing-in Wiring and Cabling works
Descriptors Mean SD Interpretation
1. Interpret electrical wiring diagrams and mechanical drawings 3.42 0.89 Very competent
4. Practice proper handling of materials, tools, and equipment 3.72 0.76 Very competent
8. Apply methods and techniques in various type of wiring wires 2.26 0.80 Less competent
9. Follow procedures in bending radius and loop tolerances for cables. 2.66 0.86 Competent
It garnered an overall Mean of 3.19 (SD=0.80), equivalent to the Competent level. Seven
(7) out of 10 (70%) of the indicators were at a Very Competent level, and one out of 10
(10%) was at a Competent level, while one (1) out of 10 was at a Less Competent level.
This means that the student's level of competence in terms of roughing in wiring and
cabling works is at the Competent level. This implies that the students understand the
termination of the wire installations at the respective ends.
Table 4 Level of Competence in Electrical Installation and Maintenance
Perform Roughing in Cabling and
3.19 0.80 Competent
The variable with the highest level is "Installing Wiring Devices," with a Mean of
3.33(SD=0.78), equivalent to the Very Competent level. This means that most
respondents show command in installing wiring devices compared with the other
indicators. This means that the school provides good hands-on facilities such as
mock-ups, electrical tools and equipment that are beneficial to the learning and
hands-on experiences of the students.
1. The respondents are less competent level on performing Roughing Cabling and
Wiring. This means there are still areas in the program that require additional efforts
and attention to achieve the highest level of competence. Thus, remedial activity
can be provided to address such issues.
2. Students' performance was very satisfactory level while few at fairly satisfactory.
The students were able to achieve the high- est level of performance. This indicates
that basic concepts and methods were mastered.
2. The teachers must assist students with low performance so they can continue to
improve themselves. Furthermore, the teachers must also keep abreast of various
teaching strategies so that the teaching and learning process between the teacher
and the students are up to date and according to the standards set for the EIM