Domains Lecture 2nd 1
Domains Lecture 2nd 1
Domains Lecture 2nd 1
1. General features of ferromagnetic hysteresis curves 2. Affects of anisotropy 3. Affects of domains 4. Some physics of single and multi-domain particles
Magnetic dipoles
2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license.
Origin of magnetic dipoles: (a) The spin of the electron produces a magnetic field with a direction dependent on the quantum number ms. (b) Electrons Electrons orbiting around the nucleus create a magnetic field around the atom.
Antiferromagnetism - Arrangement of magnetic moments such that the magnetic moments of atoms or ions cancel out causing zero net magnetization. Paramagetism- When a field is applied to them they become magnetized, usually much more weakly than ferromagnetic material. The magnetization depends linearly on the field and always disappears when the field is removed. Hard magnet - Ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material that has a coercivity > 104 A . m-1.
Magnetization - The total magnetic moment M per unit volume. G ! H Magnetic susceptibility - The ratio between magnetization and the applied field.
BS Br Hc G 0 r Ms Wh BHmax
Saturation flux density/ induction Remanence; flux density remaining after applied field is removed Coercivity; field required to bring the net flux density to zero. Permeability; = B/H Susceptibility; = M/H Permeability of free space; 4 .10-7 henry per meter Relative permeability, = B/0H Saturation magnetization; BS=0 Ms Energy lost per cycle; often the most important parameter for a soft magnetic material. Energy product; often the most important parameter for a hard magnetic material.
The maximum volume magnetization (Msat) is the total magnetic moment per unit volume:
To convert the value of saturation magnetization M into saturation flux density B in tesla, we need the value of ferromagnetic materials 0M >> 0H and therefore, B Saturation induction in tesla = Bsat =
In 0M.
The effect of the core material on the flux density. The magnetic moment opposes the field in diamagnetic materials. Progressively stronger moments are present in paramagnetic, ferrimagnetic, and ferromagnetic materials for the same applied field.
2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license.
Domain theory
Weiss domain theory - Pierre Weiss (1907) postulated that atoms in
ferromagnetic materials had permanent magnetic moments which aligned parallel to one another over extensive regions of the sample. - The overall magnetization of a block material is the vector sum of the domain magnetization.
Domains - Small regions within a single or polycrystalline material in which all of the magnetization directions are aligned. Bloch walls - The boundaries between magnetic domains.
The formation of domains allows a ferromagnetic material to minimize its total magnetic energy.
Magnetostatic energy of domain in ferromagnetic materials In ferromagnetic materials, exchange interaction leads to an alignment of atomic spins However, this leads to a large external and dipolar magnetic fields which will tend to demagnetize the material. Domains are formed to minimize this effect.
Applied field
Domain walls
2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning is a trademark used herein under license.
(a) A qualitative sketch of magnetic domains in a polycrystalline material. The dashed lines show demarcation between different magnetic domains; the dark curves show the grain boundaries. (b) The magnetic moments in adjoining atoms change direction continuously across the boundary between domains.
Domains Domain size and wall size determined by energy cost, dependent on material and geometry. Ni thin film
Domain Walls Domains have different shapes and orientations Two examples of thin film domain walls: Neel wall (rotation in plane)
J2 J4 cos J ! 1 .... 2 24
To calculation the energy and structure of domain wall Energy is minimized by having a wall of finite width N spins
N T W ani W ex ! JS 2 KNa a N
A = (JS2/a)
K = anisotropy constant a = lattice constant N = number atom per unit cell A =exchange stiffness/ exchange constant
Domain Walls (180) Energy is minimized by having a wall of finite width N spins over d, domain wall is Na
xW total ! 0 p N0 ! T xN d ! Na JS 2T 2 When an energy is minimized for N ! ( 0
The wall thickness is
JS 2 Ka 3
Ku a
N0a } T ( A / Ku )
For iron, J=2.16x10-21, S=1, K=4.2x104 and a=2.86x10-10 d=42 nm (150 lattice constants)
1 ! N d M s2 2
Nd is demagnetizing factor The value of Nd for a cube, in a direction parallel to an edge is 4T/3(cgs) or1/3(SI)
Magnetostatic energy of the crystal per unit area
1 2 ! Ms L 6
Ems ! 0.85M s2 D
D<<L Total energy is the some of magnetostatic and wall energies Ems+Ewall
L E ! 0.85M D W D
2 s
Magnetic domains
In ferromagnetic materials, exchange interaction leads to an alignment of atomic spins. When a magnetic field is applied, these spins are reoriented, leading to hysteresis. H M H
Coercivity (Hc)
What determines shape of hysteresis loop? 1. Coherent rotation determined mainly by Anisotropy 2. Domain formation and domain wall motion
Important principle: Magnetization will lie in direction which is an energy minimum Consider a simple example: M H J U easy axis
Simple example: M H J U
(Stoner-Wohlfarth model)
easy axis
E ! MH cos(J U ) K1 sin 2 (U )
Zeeman energy Find M (U) by condition: Uniaxial anisotropy
xE !0 xU
Magnetic Anisotropy
Anisotropy: preferred (easy axes) and unfavorable (hard axes) directions of magnetization Due to coupling of electronic spins to electronic charge density
For this rotation, as long as spins remain parallel, exchange energy does not change, but dipolar and LS coupling energy will change.
Magnetic Anisotropy
Anisotropy: preferred (easy axes) and unfavorable (hard axes) directions of magnetization Due to coupling of electronic spins to electronic charge density
easy hard
H (G)
Magnetic Anisotropy
Two major types of anisotropy, written in terms of empirical anisotropy coefficients: Uniaxial:
E A ! K1 sin 2 U K 2 sin 4 U
2 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 3
(e.g., Co)
2 1 2 2 2 3
E A ! K1 (E E E E E E ) K 2E E E
Note: cubic lattices can have several easy and hard axes
Domains and Hysteresis Domain formation and domain wall motion affects the shape of hysteresis loop: M
tape/head velocity (v), track width (w), particle/unit volume (n), frequency (f),reproduce signal filter bandwidth (f and film thickness (c)
Fine particles
Some physical and mechanical property is found to be depend on size of particle (size effect). The coercivity Hc shows a marked size effect. For example, the coercivity of elongated iron particles 150 in diameter is some 1014
times that iron in bulk. How the size is divided in relation to the variation of the coercivity with particle diameter.
where a, b are constants 2. single-domain (below critical Ds) the particle of size Ds and small change their magnetization by spin rotation. 3. At particle size decreases below Ds the coercivity decreases (thermal effect)
Where Na is the demagnetizing factor along the short axis and NC along the long axis.