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Q1W5 Affixes

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Quarter 1 Week 5
Most Essential Learning
• Identify meanings of unfamiliar words
through structural analysis (words and
affixes: prefixes and suffixes)

• Know the meanings of different affixes

• Understand that affixes affect the meaning
of a word
• Give examples of words with affixes
Read each paragraph. Tell whether it is a Descriptive Text,
Problem-Solution Text, or Procedural Text.

Both bats and birds can fly. You

might see them on a rooftop. In other
ways, bats and birds are very different.
Birds have feathers. Bats have fur. Birds

have beaks. Bats have teeth. Bats hang
upside-down when they rest. Birds
never do that. Bats and birds are very
Read each paragraph. Tell whether it is a Descriptive Text,
Problem-Solution Text, or Procedural Text.

Emily knew she had to get to school on

time, but her mother said she couldn’t
drive her. Emily decided to leave early
and walk to school.
Read each paragraph. Tell whether it is a Descriptive Text,
Problem-Solution Text, or Procedural Text.

Mrs. Lapid wanted to buy a fresh

mango for her pie. The store near their
house did not have any fresh ones, so
she went to another store and bought it
Read each paragraph. Tell whether it is a Descriptive Text,
Problem-Solution Text, or Procedural Text.

One sunny morning, Ben wanted to fry

an egg. When he was finished heating
the pan with oil, he found out that they
have no more eggs. So, he fried a fish
instead. He was so happy that he could
eat his breakfast already.
Read each paragraph. Tell whether it is a Descriptive Text,
Problem-Solution Text, or Procedural Text.

In a small non-stick pan placed over

medium heat, melt butter (or heat oil).
Procedural Text
Then, crack egg into pan. Next, cook for
3 minutes, or until white is completely
set. Finally, remove the egg from pan
and season with salt and pepper.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND
Unlocking of Difficulties
Match the word in Column A to its meaning in Column B.

• passionate • having or showing grace or elegance

• essence • an event or contest in which people
• graceful compete

• champion • showing or caused by strong feelings

or a strong belief
• competitio
n • the intrinsic nature or indispensable
quality of something, especially
something abstract
• a person who has defeated or
surpassed all rivals in a competition,
The Real Champion
by: France Elle

Aya Shanelle is a graceful dancer. She loves to join

events such as dancing competitions. There are times that
she ends up being the loser of the event. But that didn’t
stop her from becoming more passionate about her craft.
She continuously joins more exciting dance competitions.
Win or lose, it didn’t matter. What matter most are the
lessons learned and friends gained in every contest. That is
the true essence of being a real champion.
Let us see how well you understood the story.

1. Who is Aya Shanelle?

2. What is her talent?
3. Does she win all her dance competitions attended?
4. What attitude is shown by Aya Shanelle every time she
5. If being champion does not mean always on top, then what is
the essence of being a real one?
Read the following sentences. Study the underlined

1.Dream becomes impossible if you think

that way.
2.Life makes us laugh, sometimes cry and
that makes it colorful.
Let’s pay attention to these
impossible colorful

• are letters added at the

beginning or at the end of a
base word
• can change the meaning of
a word
• could be a prefix or a suffix
Affixes have two types.

1. Prefix is composed of letters added before a root word.

im + possible = impossible

2. Suffix is composed of letters added after a root word.

color + ful = colorful
Prefix Meaning Sample word and Sample Sentence

in- means “not” incorrect- means It is incorrect to play

“not correct” or while you are eating.

im- means “not” Improper- means It is improper to play

“not proper” while you are eating.
Prefix Meaning Sample word and Sample Sentence
un- Means “not” Unhealthy- means It is unhealthy to eat junk
“not healthy” foods.
re- Means Reuse- means “to To prevent land pollution,
“again” or to use again we should reuse our
do the action plastic bags.
Prefix Meaning Examples
a-, an- without, lack of, amoral, acellular, abyss,
not achromatic, anhydrous
anti- against, anticlimax. antiaircraft,
opposite of antiseptic, antibody
auto- self, same autopilot, autobiography,
automobile, autofocus
co- with, together co-pilot, co-worker, co-
exist, co-author
de- down, off, away devalue, deactivate,
from debug, degrade, deduce
dis- not, apart, away disappear, disagreeable,
disbar, dissect
ex- out of, from, former extract, exhale, excavate,
extra- beyond, outside, extracurricular,
more than extramarital, extravagant
hetero- different, other heterosexual, heterodox,
homo-, same, alike homonym, homophone,
homeo- homeostasis
hyper- over, more, hyperactive, hypersensitive
il-, im-, not, without illegal, immoral, inconsiderate,
in-, ir- irresponsible
inter- between, among intersect, interstellar, intervene,
intra-, within, inside intravenous, intragalactic,
intro- introvert
macro- large, prominent macroeconomics,
macrostructure, macrocosm
micro- very small microscope, microcosm, microbe
mono- one, single, monocle, monologue,
alone monogamy, monotony
non- not, without nonentity, nonaggressive,
nonessential, nonfiction
post- after, behind postmortem, posterior,
postscript, postoperative
pre-, before, precede, predict, project,
pro- forward prologue
sub- under, lower submarine, substandard
sym-, same time, symmetry, symposium,
syn- together synchronize, synapse
tele- from or over a distance telecommunications,
telemedicine, television,
tri- three, every third tricycle, trimester,
triangle, triathlon
un- not, lacking, opposite of unfinished, unskilled,
ungraceful, unfriendly
uni- one, single unicorn, unicellular,
unicycle, unilateral
up- to the top or north, upbeat, updo, upgrade,
higher/better upload, uphill, upstage,
upscale, up-tempo
Suffix Meaning Sample word and meaning Sample Sentence

ful “full of” fearful- means “full of fear”Ben is fearful in the

dark. He cries and
asks help from his
less “without” fearless- means without fear Ken is fearless in the
dark. He will just smile
and sing his favorite
Suffix Meaning Example

-ate become regulate,

-en become lighten, awaken,
-ify, -fy make or become terrify, satisfy,
rectify, exemplify
-ize, -ise* become civilize, humanize,
socialize, valorize
Suffix Meaning Example
-able, -ible capable of being edible,
-al pertaining to regional,
emotional, coastal
-ish having the quality fiendish, childish,
of snobbish
-ive having the nature creative, punitive,
of divisive, decisive
-less without endless, ageless,
lawless, effortless
-y characterized by hasty, greasy,
Suffix Meaning Example
-acy state or quality privacy, fallacy,
-al act or process of refusal, recital,
-ance, -ence state or quality of maintenance,
-dom place or state of freedom, kingdom,
being boredom
-er, -or one who trainer, protector,
-ism doctrine, belief communism,
Suffix Meaning Example
-ity, -ty quality of inactivity, veracity,
parity, serenity
-ment condition of argument,
-ness state of being heaviness, sadness,
rudeness, testiness
-ship position held fellowship,
ownership, kinship,
-sion, -tion state of being concession,
Prefix Suffix

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