Evaluation Techniques
Evaluation Techniques
Evaluation Techniques
Assessment - Definition
Assessment is the act of gathering information on a daily basis in order to understand individual students' learning and needs.
Evaluation - Definition
Evaluation is the culminating act of interpreting the information gathered for the purpose of making decisions or judgement about students' learning and needs, often at reporting time.
Purpose of assessment
Improve learning and instruction. Promote learning, build confidence. Helps teacher to plan and adapt for future. Enhance students understanding of own progress.
Purpose of assessment
The main purposes are to guide and improve learning and instruction. Effectively planned assessment and evaluation can promote learning, build confidence, and develop students' understanding of themselves as learners. Assessment data assists the teacher in planning and adapting for further instruction. Teachers can enhance students' understanding of their own progress by involving them in gathering their own data, and by sharing teacher-gathered data with them. Such participation makes it possible for students to identify personal learning goals.
Principles in assessment
Planned and continuous activity
Use variety.
Communicate in advance
Principles in assessment
Fair and equitable
Help students
Assessment and evaluation should be planned, continuous activities which are derived from curriculum objectives and consistent with the instructional and learning strategies. A variety of assessment and evaluation techniques should be used. Techniques should be selected for their appropriateness to students' learning styles and to the intended purposes. Students should be given opportunities to demonstrate the extent of their knowledge, abilities, and attitudes in a variety of ways. Teachers should communicate assessment and evaluation strategies and plans in advance, informing the students of the objectives and the assessment procedures relative to the objectives. Students should have opportunities for input into the evaluation process.
Assessment and evaluation should be fair and equitable. They should be sensitive to family, classroom, school, and community situations, and to cultural or gender requirements; they should be free of bias. Assessment and evaluation should help students. They should provide positive feedback and encourage students to participate actively in their own assessment in order to foster lifelong learning and enable them to transfer knowledge and abilities to their life experiences. Assessment and evaluation data and results should be communicated to students and parents/guardians regularly, in meaningful ways.
Using a variety of techniques and tools, the teacher collects assessment information about students' language development and their growth in speaking, listening, writing, and reading knowledge and abilities. The data gathered during assessment becomes the basis for an evaluation. Comparing assessment information to curriculum objectives allows the teacher to make a decision or judgement regarding the progress of a student's learning.
summative formative
Formative assessment and evaluation focus on the processes and products of learning. Formative assessment is continuous and is meant to inform the student, the parent/guardian, and the teacher of the student's progress toward the curriculum objectives. This type of assessment and evaluation provides information upon which instructional decisions and adaptations can be made and provides students with directions for future learning. Involvement in constructing their own assessment instruments or in adapting ones the teacher has made allows students to focus on what they are trying to achieve, develops their thinking skills, and helps them to become reflective learners.
Summative assessment and evaluation occur most often at the end of a unit of instruction and at term or year end when students are ready to demonstrate achievement of curriculum objectives. The main purposes are to determine knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that have developed over a given period of time; to summarize student progress; and to report this progress to students, parents/guardians, and teachers. Summative judgements are based upon criteria derived from curriculum objectives. By sharing these objectives with the students and involving them in designing the evaluation instruments, teachers enable students to understand and internalize the criteria by which their progress will be determined.
Evaluation process
Assessment Evaluation
In the preparation phase, teachers decide what is to be evaluated, the type of evaluation to be used (diagnostic, formative, or summative), the criteria upon which student learning outcomes will be judged, and the most appropriate assessment techniques for gathering information on student progress.
During the assessment phase, teachers select appropriate tools and techniques, then collect and collate information on student progress. Teachers must determine where, when, and how assessments will be conducted, and students must be consulted and informed.
During the evaluation phase, teachers interpret the assessment information and make judgements about student progress. These judgements (or evaluation) provide information upon which teachers base decisions about student learning and report progress to students and parents/guardians. Students are encouraged to monitor their own learning by evaluating their achievements on a regular basis. Encouraging students to participate in evaluation nurtures gradual acceptance of responsibility for their own progress and helps them to understand and appreciate their growth as readers and writers.
The reflection phase allows teachers to consider the extent to which the previous phases in the evaluation process have been successful. Specifically, teachers evaluate the utility, equity, and appropriateness of the assessment techniques used. Such reflection assists teachers in making decisions concerning improvements or adaptations to subsequent instruction and evaluation.