Securable Network in 3 Party Network
Securable Network in 3 Party Network
Securable Network in 3 Party Network
This work presents combination of classical cryptography (existing) and quantum cryptography (proposed). Two three-party QKDPs, one with implicit user authentication and the other with explicit mutual authentication which is used to make authentication using quantum mechanism
In classical cryptography provides convenient techniques that enable efficient key verification and user authentication but it is not identify eavesdropping. Here, the enhanced key distribution protocol using classical and quantum cryptography will improve the security and authentication
Existing System:
In classical cryptography, three-party key distribution protocols utilize challengeresponse mechanisms or timestamps to prevent replay attacks . However, challengeresponse mechanisms require at least two communication rounds between the TC and participants, and the timestamp approach needs the assumption of clock synchronization which is not practical in distributed systems (due to the unpredictable nature of network delays and potential hostile attacks) . Furthermore, classical cryptography cannot detect the existence of passive attacks such as eavesdropping.
Proposed System:
In quantum cryptography, quantum key distribution protocols (QKDPs) employ quantum mechanisms to distribute session keys and public discussions to check for eavesdroppers and verify the correctness of a session key. However, public discussions require additional communication rounds between a sender and receiver and cost precious qubits.
This section presents a 3AQKDP with implicit user authentication, which ensures that confidentiality is only possible for legitimate users and mutual authentication is achieved only after secure communication using the session key start. The proposed three-party QKDPs are executed purely in the quantum channel, and this work does not consider errors caused by environmental noise.
Project Architecture:
Level1 Key Generation Trusted center
Sender Module Encryption Secret key Authentication Trusted Center Secret Key Verification Session Key Generation Qubit Generation Quantum Key Generation Hashing Key Distribution
Software Specifications:
Software Requirement
Java1.3 or More Java Swing
Hardware requirement
Hard disk RAM Processor : : : 40 GB 128mb Pentium