• [+ voice]:
b, d, g, m, n, ŋ, v, ð, z, ӡ , r, l, w, j
• [- voice]:
p, t, k, f, θ, s, ʃ, h
Places of Articulation
• Bilabial (Lt: labia): made with two lips (pie, buy,
• Labiodental: lower lip and upper front teeth
(fie,vie; fan, van)
• Dental (Lt: dentes) : tongue tip or blade and upper
front teeth (thigh, thy)
• Alveolar: tongue tip or blade and the alveolar ridge
(tie, die, nigh, sigh, zeal, lie)
• Retroflex: tongue tip and the back of the alveolar
ridge (rye, row, ray)
• Palato-Alveolar: tongue blade and the back of the
alveolar ridge → /ʃ/ in (shy, she, show), / ʒ / in
measure, / tʃ / in (choke)
• Palatal: front of the tongue and hard palate (you)
• Velar: back of the tongue and soft palate (hang)
Pl aces of Arti cu lati on
• To form consonants, the air stream must be
obstructed in some way.
The primary articulators that cause obstruction
: lips, tongue tip and blade, back of tongue.
• Speech gestures using the lips → labial
• Those using the tip or blade of the tongue →
coronal articulation
• Those using the back of the tongue →
dorsal articulation
•Complete closure of the articulators involved so that
the air stream cannot escape through the mouth.
Two types of stop:
•Oral stop : articulatory closure in the mouth; the soft
palate is raised so that the nasal tract is blocked off.
includes :
bilabial closure (pie,buy),
alveolar closure (tie,dye),
velar closure (kye,guy)
•Nasal stop : the air is stopped in the oral cavity; soft
palate is down; the air can go out through the nose.
bilabial closure (my);
alveolar closure (nigh);
velar closure (sang)
Fri cative
• Close approximation of two articulators;
the air stream is partially obstructed;
turbulent airflow is produced.
• Hissing sounds may be likened; the wind
whistles around the corner.
• Labiodental [f, v] in (fie,vie)
• Dental [θ, ð] in (thigh, thy)
• Alveolar [s, z] in (sigh, zoo)
• Palato-alveolar [ ʃ, ӡ] in (shy, measure)
The higher-pitched sounds with a more obvious
hiss (sigh, shy) are called sibilant
(C entral) A pproxim ant