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Cronbach Alpha

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Explaining Cronbachs Alpha

Kirk Allen Graduate Research Assistant kcallen@ou.edu University of Oklahoma Dept. of Industrial Engineering
School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

What is alpha and why should we care?

Cronbachs alpha is the most commonly used measure of reliability (i.e., internal consistency). It was originally derived by Kuder & Richardson (1937) for dichotomously scored data (0 or 1) and later generalized by Cronbach (1951) to account for any scoring method. People know that a high alpha is good, but it is important to have a deeper knowledge to use it properly. That is the purpose of this presentation.

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

Other types of reliability

The same test is taken twice.

Equivalent Forms
Different tests covering the same topics Can be accomplished by splitting a test into halves

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

Cronbachs basic equation for alpha

n Vi = 1 n 1 Vtest
n = number of questions Vi = variance of scores on each question Vtest = total variance of overall scores (not %s) on the entire test
School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

Cronbachs alpha

Cronbach's alpha is an index of reliability associated with the variation accounted for by the true score of the "underlying construct." Allows a researcher to measure the internal consistency of scale items, based on the average inter-item correlation

Indicates the extent to which the items in your questionnaire are related to each other Indicates whether a scale is unidimensional or multidimensional

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

Interpreting scale reliability

The higher the score, the more reliable the scale is. A score of .70 or greater is generally considered to be acceptable .90 or > = high reliability .80-.89 = good reliability .70-79 = acceptable reliability .65-.69 = marginal reliability lower thresholds are sometimes used.

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

How alpha works

Vi = pi * (1-pi)
pi = percentage of class who answers correctly This formula can be derived from the standard definition of variance.

Vi varies from i 0 to 0.25 i pi 1-p V

0 0.25 0.5 1 0.75 0.5 0 0.1875 0.25

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

How alpha works

Vtest is the most important part of alpha

n Vi = 1 n 1 Vtest

If Vtest is large, it can be seen that alpha will be large also:

Large Vtest Small Ratio Vi/Vtest Subtract this small ratio from 1 high alpha
School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

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High alpha is good. High alpha is caused by high variance. But why is high variance good?
High variance means you have a wide spread of scores, which means students are easier to differentiate. If a test has a low variance, the scores for the class are close together. Unless the students truly are close in ability, the test is not useful.

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

What makes a question Good or Bad in terms of alpha?

SPSS and SAS will report alpha if item deleted, which shows how alpha would change if that one question was not on the test. Low alpha if item deleted means a question is good because deleting that question would lower the overall alpha. In a test such as the SCI (34 items), no one question will have a large deviation from the overall alpha.
Usually at most 0.03 in either direction

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

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What causes a question to be Bad? Questions with high alpha if deleted tend to have low inter-item correlations (Pearsons r).

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

How Negative Correlations affect alpha

0.025 R2 = 0.9828 0.02 Change in Alpha (positive=good) 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 -0.2 -0.1 -0.005 -0.01 -0.015 -0.02 Average Inter-Item Correlation 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

What causes low or negative inter-item correlations?

When a question tends to be answered correctly by students who have low overall scores on the test, but the question is missed by people with high overall scores. The wrong people are getting the question correct.

Quantified by the gap between correct and incorrect students Correct students: average score 15.0 Incorrect students: average score 12.5 Gap = 15.0 12.5 = 2.5

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

Change in Alpha vs. "Gap"

0.025 0.02 Change in Alpha (positive=good) 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 -5 -0.005 -0.01 -0.015 -0.02 Score of Correct Minus Score of Incorrect 0 5 10 15 R2 = 0.7699

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

If a question is bad, this means it is not conforming with the rest of the test to measure the same basic factor (e.g., statistics knowledge).
The question is not internally consistent with the rest of the test.

Possible causes (based on focus group comments)

Students are guessing (e.g., question is too hard). Students use test-taking tricks (e.g., correct answer looks different from incorrect answers). Question requires a skill that is different from School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma the rest of the questions (e.g., memory recall

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How does test length inflate alpha? For example, consider doubling the test length:
Vtest will increase by a power of 4 because variance involves a squared term. However, Vi will only double because each Vi is just a number between 0 and 0.25. Since Vtest increases faster than Vi (recall that high Vtest is good), then alpha will increase by virtue of lengthening the test.

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma


Kuder & Richardson, 1937, The Theory of the Estimation of Test Reliability (Psychometrika v. 2 no. 3) Cronbach, 1951, Coefficient Alpha and the Internal Structure of Tests (Psychometrika v. 16 no. 3) Cortina, 1993, What is coefficient alpha? An examination of theory and applications (J. of Applied Psych. v. 78 no. 1 p. 98-104) Streiner, 2003, Starting at the Beginning: An Introduction to Coefficient Alpha and Internal Consistency (J. of Personality Assessment v. 80 no. 1 p. 99-103)

School of Industrial Engineering - The University of Oklahoma

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