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Instructions providing desired function and performance

Computer Programs
Data structure that enable program to adequately manipulate information

Associated Documentation
Documents describing operations and use of programs

Both a product and a vehicle for developing a product

Software is engineered not manufactured

Does not wear out but it does deteriorate

Software Engineering/System Engineering

Software Process
set of activities whose goal is development or evolution of software
Specification - what the system should do and its development constraints Evolution changing the software in response to changing demands

Generic activities in all software processes

Development production of software system

Validation - checking that the software is what the customer wants


Software Process Model

Software Crisis

Software Failure Curve

Emergence of Software Engineering

Early Computer Programming

- Exploratory Style - Evolving aspect - Use of intuition of programmers - Use of assembly code - About 100 lines of codes

Emergence of Software Engineering

High Level Language Programming

Larger Programs COBOL, FORTRAN Exploratory Style Few 1000s Lines of Code Unstructured programs (use of goto statement)

Emergence of Software Engineering

Control Flow Based Programming
Flow Chart Technique used

- Focus on Design of Programs

control flow structure

- Structured programming
(only use sequential, selection, iterations)

Emergence of Software Engineering

Data Structure Oriented

Several thousands of Lines of first

Code - Focus given to Data Structure


Emergence of Software Engineering

Unstructured Program Structured Program

If(bal>withdrl){ issue_money = TRUE; goto 110: } elseif (priv_cust == TRUE){ goto 100; else goto 140; activate_cash_dispenser(); print(error);

If(priv_cust||(bal>withdrl){ activate_cash_dispenser(); } else print(error);


Emergence of Software Engineering

Data Flow Oriented Design
- Use of Data Flow Diagrams Represents Data Items and Functions - Program Structure is Designed from DFD

Welcome Msg + Username

Grant Access

Password Database

Emergence of Software Engineering

Object Oriented Design

Objects are identified first

then Relationships between them Code reuse, easy Maintenance


Evolution of Software Design Techniques

Exploratory Style Control Flow Oriented Data Structure Oriented

Data Flow Oriented

Object Oriented

Need of Software Engineering


Attributes of good software?


Software Myths:


Software Myths:


Software Myths:


Software Myths:


Software Application Types:

System software Real time software Business software Engineering and scientific software Embedded software Personal computer software Web based software Artificial intelligence software


How Programs Are Usually Written

Requirements specification was defined like this

The developers understood it in that way

This is how problem was solved before.

This is how problem is solved now

That is program after debugging

This is how program is described by marketing department

This, in fact, is what the customer wanted ;-)


Software Process
set of activities whose goal is development or evolution of software
Specification - what the system should do and its development constraints Evolution changing the software in response to changing demands

Generic activities in all software processes

Development production of software system

Validation - checking that the software is what the customer wants


Umbrella activities (SQA, SCM and management) overlays software process model

Software Process Models

(Software Engineering Paradigm)
Development strategy that covers the

process, methods and tools Software development can be considered as a problem solving loop


Types of software process models :

Linear Sequential Model (Water Fall Model) Prototyping Model RAD Model Evolutionary Model Incremental Model Spiral Model Win-Win Spiral Model Concurrent Development Model Component Based Development Formal Methods Models Fourth Generation Technology Models

1. Waterfall model phases

(Linear Sequential Model)

A systematic, sequential approach to a software engineering which starts at system information engineering level and progresses through analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance phase Modeled after conventional engineering cycles
Theoretical Way of Developing Software??

Waterfall Model Phases

System Information Engineering and Modeling Starts by establishing requirements for all system elements and then allocating some subset of these requirements to software Interfaces with hardware, people database etc apart from software elements

Waterfall Model Phases

a. Software Requirement Analysis Requirement gathering process is intensified and focused specially on software Study of information domain Requirements for system and software must be determined and reviewed with customer

Waterfall Model Phases

b. Design It is a multi step process to address various aspects to be implemented such as data structures , software architecture,
interface representation , procedural (algorithmic details) etc It translates requirements into representation of

the software which can be assessed before the code generation Design document is also a part of the
software configuration

Waterfall Model Phases

c. Code generation Design translated into a machine
readable form

d. Testing It focuses on the logical intervals of the software (all statements) and functional externals of the software , tests to uncover errors Basic objective: Defined input should produce desired output

Waterfall Model Phases

f. Maintenance and Support Corrective Maintenance Perfective Maintenance Adaptive Maintenance
Software Configuration Items (SCI)

Change in user requirements

Source code, Executable, Design documents, SRS, Test cases etc


Waterfall Model (Linear Sequential Model)


Waterfall Model Phases

Drawback : Difficulty of accommodating change after the process is underway Appropriate when requirements are well


Prototyping Model
Customer Developer

What is to be done or what to explain

(objective of software?)

Efficiency of algorithm, adaptability , interfaces ?

Input? Output?


Prototyping Model
Requirements Gathering : Define overall system objective Track all known requirements Outline areas of further development Quick Design Approach: Results in all user visible aspects
(input approach, output formats etc)

Construction of a Prototype : Evaluated by the customer/user Specify refinements in requirements


Prototyping Model


Prototyping Model
* Prototype serves as a tool to identify
software requirements

Working prototypes are built from

existing program fragments or tools , libraries etc

Once done, what to do with working prototypes?


Types of


Open Ended Prototyping Closed Ended Prototyping


Problematic Aspects of Prototyping

I want a working version of my software immediately!! I am not done yet! I only have a prototype ready!!



Problematic Aspects of Prototyping

OK!! Just apply a few fixes to the prototype to make it a working product!!

Ill have to make some

implementation compromise

to get the prototype work quickly



Problematic aspects of Prototyping

Inappropriate OS or programming language may be

used because it is available and known to the developer

Inefficient algorithms may be implemented

The less than ideal choice may become an integral part of the system!!

The RAD Model (Rapid Application Development)

Primarily used for information system applications If requirements are well understood , and modularized , RAD process develops fully functional system within 60 to 90 days


Phases of RAD process

Business Modeling: Models information flow among business functions, various input process, output aspects of information Data Modeling: Phase one is redefined into a set of data objects that takes part in business activity ( information process) Process Modeling: The data objects are transformed thru processing to achieve the information flow Application Generation : RAD model makes use of fourth generation techniques reuses existing a program comp0nents wherever possible any other automated tools to speed up the development process Testing and turn over: Testing overhead is reduced due to reusability only the new components need testing


Phases of RAD process


Drawbacks of RAD Model:

Very High Human resource requirement overhead Customer and developer both should be committed All types of application are not appropriate for development under RAD strategy


Evolutionary Software Process Models:

Linear sequential model is meant for straight line (linear) development approach
(delivers a complete product)

Prototyping helps the customer to understand the system requirements


Evolutionary Software Process Models:

Evolutionary models are inherently iterative in nature It helps to develop increasingly more complete versions of the target software


Evolutionary Software Process Models:

Why models that accommodate product evolution?
Business and product requirement changes as

the development proceeds Straight path to end product becomes unrealistic

Tight market deadline Limited version to be

System requirements are well understood but details of product extensions or system extensions

are not known


Types of Evolutionary Software Process Models:

Incremental Model Spiral Model Win Win Spiral Model Concurrent development Model


Incremental Model
It is a combination of linear sequential model philosophy with the iterative philosophy of prototyping paradigm The model is outlined pictorially as below Example of Incremental Model: Word processing Softrware First Increment: the core product (Basic Word Processing Application Software Basic WP requirements are addressed Supplementary features (Known + unknown) are not delivered Core is used by the customer (undergoes detailed review) Helps to plan next development in order to better meet customers need and delivery of additional features and functionality


Subsequent increments: This process is

repeated each time until the complete product is produced (final version) Each increment is a stripped down version of the final product Each version fulfills users need and provides a platform for evaluation by the user and hence for their development


Benefits: Low manpower requirement Early increments can be implemented with

fewer people Increments can be planned to manage various technical risk (change in hardware platform , OS features etc)



4 b. Spiral Model (Proposed by Bohem)

This evolutionary software process model

combines the iterative nature of prototyping model , the control and systematic aspect of linear sequential model It has potential for rapid development of incremental versions of the software Software is developed in a series of incremental releases
Early stage increments: paper model or prototype Subsequent stage releases: more complete version

of required software

Spiral Model is divided into a number of Frame

Work Activities or Task Regions . There are six task regions or frame work activities: Customer Communication: Task for effective communication between customer and developer ii. Planning : Task is to define resources, timeline and other project related information iii. Risk analysis: the task is to assess technical and management risks iv. Engineering: task required to build one or more representations of the application

Construction and release: task to construct, test, install and provide support (documentation, training etc)
Customer evaluation: task is to obtain

customer feedback or evaluation (engineering stage versus implementation stage) Spiral model handles the software development process in phase manner, each phase being treated as a project work Spiral model divides the development process into four projects:


Each region is populated by a series of tasks

specific to the nature of the project In all cases , umbrella activities are applied (SCM and SQA) All the stages iterative in nature: First Iteration: Results in production of product specification Second Iteration: Results in production of product prototype Next Iteration: Results in production of progressively more sophisticated versions of the software

Each pass thru the planning region two results in

adjustment to the project plan Cost and schedule adjusted on the basis of customer evaluation Project manager adjusts the number of iterations to complete the software Classical model ends when the software is delivered. Spiral model can be applied thru out the life of the software Each project in the Spiral model has a starting point in the project entry point axis, which represents the start of a different type of project Spiral model remains active until the software retires

Spiral model is a realistic approach to development of large

scale projects Spiral model uses Prototyping as a Risk Reduction mechanism. Prototyping is applied at any stage of the product It incorporated systematic approach as suggested by classical life cycle of software in an iterative way (frame-work) It demands direct consideration of technical risk Discussions: Difficult to convince customer that evolutionary approach is controllable High expertise is required to assess considerable risk This is a new model not used widely as linear sequential development approach It will take number of years before the effectiveness of this model is known


4 c.

Win-Win Spiral Model

Spiral model suggests customer communication to

decide upon project requirements form customer Developer asks what is required and customer provides necessary details In reality, developer negotiates with customer for functionality , performance, and other product /system features against cost and time to market Negotiation is successful at Win-Win state: Customer wins by getting a product /system that satisfies majority of his requirements Developer wins by deadline target and achievable budget



Negotiation takes place at the beginning

of each pass around the spiral , involving the following activities: Identification of the key stake holders of the system/sub systems
Determination of the stake holders win

condition Negotiation of the stake holders win condition to fit into a set of Win-Win conditions

for all concerned (including software development project team)


4 d. Concurrent Development Model (by Davis and Sitaram)

Project managers tracking status of major phases of a project have no idea of project status since

personnel are associated with more than one activity - might be writing SRS , doing design , coding , testing etc. all simultaneously This shows existence of concurrency of activities occurring in any one phase (requirements change during late development) which can be represented by notations to represent the state of a process (state chart) Existence of concurrency of activities affect the time bound nature of software development process



Representation: Any state of a concurrent process model can be represented

schematically as a series of major technical activities, tasks and associated states e.g. analysis, activity can be represented as shown All activities resides concurrently but resides in different states For a Spiral Model : When customer communication activity completed the first iteration and is in state three the analysis activity makes a transition from state one to state two. Now as a part of customer communication activity , the customer signals a change in requirement , analysis activity makes a move to state three Concurrent process model defines a series of events that will trigger transition from state to state for each software engineering activity In general this model is used as a paradigm for client server applications which comprises of a set of functional components

Concurrent development model defines

client/server applications in two dimensions: System Dimensions: involves three activities (design, assembly, use)
Component dimensions: involves two

activities (design and realization)

Concurrency is achieved in two ways: i. System and component activities can

be concurrently taking place (a state oriented approach) ii. Design and realization of many components can take place concurrently

Comments: Applicable to all types of software

developments Helps to figure out the actual picture of the state of the project Instead of showing software engineering activities as a sequence of tasks it defines a network of activities existing simultaneous with other activities Events generated in one activity may trigger a state transition of an activity

5. Component Assembly Model

Component Assembly model is based on the

principle of Object Oriented Technology OOT emphasizes creation of class that encapsulates both data and the algorithm (code) that are used to manipulate the data OOT provides very high level of reusability Component assembly model resembles spiral model It is evolutionary in nature and uses iterative approach to develop software It composes applications from prepackaged software components (class)


Accomplished by examining the data that are to be manipulated by the application and the algorithms that will be applied to accomplish manipulation these data and code are packaged to form a software component or a class Old classes are stored in class libraries This model leads to software reuse Reusability provides measurable benefits to

software engineering processes QSM Inc. report indicates: 70% reduction in development cycle time 84% reduction in project cost 26.2% productivity index versus 16.9 as industry norm

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