Site index conversion equations for mixed trembling aspen and white spruce stands in northern British Columbia
Nigh G. (2002). Site index conversion equations for mixed trembling aspen and white spruce stands in northern British Columbia. Silva Fennica vol. 36 no. 4 article id 521.
White spruce and trembling aspen are two important commercial species in British Columbia. They often grow in association, particularly in the Boreal White and Black Spruce and Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zones. Site index conversion equations are useful for estimating the site index of one species from the site index of another species. This study fills a need for site index conversion equations for mixed spruce/aspen stands. Seventy 0.01 ha study plots were established in mixed spruce/aspen stands. One site tree of each species was selected from each plot. The height and breast height ages of the site trees were measured and the site index was estimated with these data. The correlation between the site index of spruce and aspen was 0.6. Geometric mean regression was used to estimate the parameters of a linear site index conversion equation. The analysis did not reveal any differences in the conversion equations across the three major biogeoclimatic units (BWBSmw1, BWBSmw2, and SBS) that were sampled. Therefore, only one conversion equation is required.
site index;
mixed species;
trembling aspen;
white spruce
Received 25 June 2001 Accepted 24 September 2002 Published 31 December 2002
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