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  Chandra Kumar Raman  Lead – Quality / Master Black Belt – HP President – SPIN Chennai [email_address]
Chandra Kumar Raman Engineering graduate with P.G Diploma in Management Certified Master Black belt from ISI  ISO 9000 Lead Auditor Scrum Master Lean Leader ITIL V3.0  professional 21 years of experience in Quality Process/ Delivery excellence . Adept in the application of ISO, CMM, CMMi, PCMM and Six Sigma Currently associated with HP in their Quality operations as a Programme Manager and driving the initiatives President of SPIN Chennai Program Chair ASQ chennai Member of the board of studies of ICTAT Syllabus revision committee member : Reviewed the PG syllabus of ME (Quality) of Anna University and designed syllabus for Lean Sigma and Quality Assurance and Business Excellence models Advisory board member and jury for various conferences /conventions   Brief on me…
SPIN Chennai  SPIN, Chennai  ( Software Process Improvement Network ) is a forum of Software Professionals for the free and open exchange of software process improvement experiences and ideas. The organization serves as a source of educational, scientific and practical information for its members, other SPIN organizations, and the general software community. The SPIN Group aims to be a leadership forum for free and open exchange of SPI experiences and ideas, covering all aspects of how an organization improves the way it develops and maintains software and delivers software intensive services. SPIN organizes a variety of meetings, all aimed at mutual self-help for practitioners.  SPIN Chennai was formed as early as 1994 and was one of the earliest SPIN chapters in India. It has been functioning as a voluntary body of Software professionals since then. Since its inception it has held numerous talks featuring many interesting topics on Software Process improvement featuring some outstanding personalities viz..  Dr. Watts Humphrey  (SEI),  Mr. Steve Masters  (SEI),  Mr. David Reo  (European Software Institute),  , Mr. Terry Rout , International Office - Griffith University,  Mr. Lakshmi Narayanan  - CTO, Cognizant Technology Solutions,  Mr. Steve Shook , AIS Inc.  FAQ – SPIN : Refer     http://www.sei.cmu.edu/collaborating/spins/faq.html  Visit  www.spinchennai.org  for more details
Est ablish a leadership forum for open exchange of software process improvement experiences and ideas  Promote achieving higher levels of process maturity and software quality . Mission & Vision
Monthly Knowledge sharing sessions  Annual conference  Best Practices sharing  Academia collaboration  Collaboration with other professional forums  Activities
IT-BPO Sector revenue USD 88.1 Billion(FY2011) Direct Employment- 2.5 million Indirect Employment- 8.3 million 6.4% of India’s GDP 14% of total exports 10 % of India’s service sector revenues
Indian IT Industry  CAGR: 21% IT-BPO Industry size $28.1 Bn $37.4 Bn $47.9 Bn $62.9 Bn $69.4 Bn $73.1 Bn The industry continues to be an export led sector with foreign providers accounting for over 30% of the total market
IT Industry Impact on Indian Economy Source: Nasscom Areas Impact Employment Creation 45% of new urban jobs created (1995-2005) Contribution to Education 6-7x fold increase in tertiary education in  exporting states Diversity and Global Exposure Women in the workforce estimated to be 30%; new entrants-45% 30% of delivery outside India Contribution to Exports Exports offset close to 65% of India’s cumulative net oil imports over past decade
Global IT spending  Worldwide IT spending is forecast to total $3.67 trillion in 2011, a 7.1 percent increase from $3.43 trillion in 2010, according to the latest outlook – Gartner
Gaining laurels : Indian IT services  India’s IT spending is likely to double between 2007 and 2012 , touching $110bn – Gartner
Gartner @ Economic times Nov 28, 2008 How about the competitors   India’s Outsourcing Rating Criterion Rating  Language  Very good  Government support  Excellent  Labor pool Excellent  Infrastructure  Fair Education system  Very good  Cost Very good  Political and Economic Environment  Very good  Cultural compatibility  Good Global and Legal Maturity Very good  Data and Intellectual property, Security and privacy Good
Our Pie in IT Outsourcing    The global outsourcing industry, including offshoring and onshoring, is estimated to reach $464 billion in 2011,  Revenue of the off shoring segment to amount to $144.8 billion. India will capture 42.5 % of the offshore market to reach $61.5 billion in revenues,  China will continue to lag India with revenues reaching $45.7 billion equivalent to 31.5 % of  the market The Philippines will still hold the third spot with estimated revenue of $10.7 billion capturing 7.4 %. Source : Canadian-based ICT research and advisory think tank, XMG Global – 27 th  July 2011
Competition  China also has a stronger hold in the domestic BPO market. In 2010, more than 75 percent of service outsourcing revenue is from the domestic market. Chinese companies are looking at outsourcing locally as an option to compete globally Indian outsourcers are also starting to realize the importance of the growing domestic market. Indian service providers, which used to shun the domestic Indian market three to four years ago in favor of higher revenues from the US and UK, are now looking to diversify their client base. The Philippines is likewise taking steps to gain more of the offshoring market share from non-English speaking countries. The Board of Investments announced in July 2011 that it would be teaming up with IBM Philippines to conduct research and implement programs to build the multi-lingual talent pool of the country for business process outsourcing Vives concluded, “Given the continued growth of competition and increasing demand from other countries besides the US and Europe, XMG Global expects a sustained displacement and redistribution of market share not only between India and China but in other emerging outsourcing destinations such as Brazil, Mexico and Malaysia .”
Challenges  Be competitive by Sustaining the cost advantage  Moving up in the value chain Sustaining the present credentials in the Quality of the deliverables  Availability of competent and quality resources Time to Train the Resources  Training Cost  35 % of the Graduates only  can be productively employed – Economics times
Shift in focus  Focus is shifting to attracting to huge investments, and engaging employees  to understand  customers customer  From becoming   employable  to  deployable
The world has changed  X to Y Gen
Theory X With Theory X assumptions, management's role is to coerce and control employees. People have an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it whenever possible. People must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment in order to get them to achieve the organizational objectives. People prefer to be directed, do not want responsibility, and have little or no ambition. People seek security above all else..
Theory Y With Theory Y assumptions, management's role is to develop the potential in  employees and help them to release that potential towards common goals. Work is as natural as play and rest. People will exercise self-direction if they are committed to the objectives (they are  NOT lazy). Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement. People learn to accept and seek responsibility. Creativity, ingenuity, and imagination are widely distributed among the population. People are capable of using these abilities to solve an organizational problem. People have potential.
Stake holders   Who are the stake holders ?
Customer-Organization- Employee Customer Organization Employee Product/ Service  Quality Cost  Cost of Delivery  Productivity Top line  Earnings and Learnings Work Life Balance Brand
Mfg vs IT cost frame work  Mfg Industry  RM Plant Machinery  Salaries Over heads  Profit  IT Industry  Salaries  Building and other Overheads  Profit
Salaries vs Profit  Salaries    Other  OH Profit  55-60   X  18-22 Above numbers are in %   Salaries  Other OH Profit  Say  55 25 20 Y1 55+6=61 25 14 Y2 67 25 8 Y3 73 25 2 Y4 80 25 -5
Cost of Error /Defect
Human Errors Lack of process knowledge Lack of tools knowledge Lack of system knowledge Lack of domain knowledge  Introduced with other repair  Change coordination Individual mistake Communication problem  Is it possible to prevent ?
Why we need a process ? To be  cost  competitive  Quality  To do the Right things first  ( To minimize the rework/ COPQ) Consistency  Measure the process and product Quality  To prevent the defect  Optimize  COQ  To provide consistent  deliverables  ( Language/ Culture / Country )  To meet  Stake holder  needs  To meet  Statutory / Regulatory  Requirements  Process : The means by which people, procedures, methods, equipment and tools are integrated to produce a desired end result Industry is growing  – X% - YOY  Churn in the human resources
Process flow Software Engineering Process Project Management Process Software Development
Can good technical knowledge on basics alone fetch you the job?  Would knowledge on SW Engineering Processes increase your employability? Why do we need to understand the Organisation needs? How would understanding of customer needs benefit me?  Is it required to understand the different Types of Projects ( Development / Maintenance / Support) in IT? Points to Ponder
Recommendation to Shift FROM TO Any Academic Projects Projects on Emerging Technologies /Business  Areas Focus merely on Technical learning Soft Skill Sheer Class-room lectures Application of Technical knowledge Academic Qualification Promotion of Additional Certifications Aligning to curriculum Forums of Industry (i.e. ASQ, SPIN , IEEE, CSI, PMI etc) Faculties to look forward to academicians To Industrialists to bring the needs to lecture hall
Models and Methodologies  ISO Standards  CMMi  PCMM Six Sigma  Lean  ITIL  Frame work  PSP /TSP Knowledge Management  Learning's from the past experience  Sharing the best practices  Driving factor : The desire to deliver added value and value for money to the customer
In Summary . . .  Understanding the  Software Engineering / Project Management Process  and it’s Importance is as important as Technical skills. Understand the Customer Expectation than the Specifications.  See the big picture and meet the industry expectation  Emerging  Quality Models / Skills will be a big plus, which will give a competitive edge
Thank you ! Coordinates:  Raman Chandra Kumar   [email_address] 9840712755

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  • 1. Chandra Kumar Raman Lead – Quality / Master Black Belt – HP President – SPIN Chennai [email_address]
  • 2. Chandra Kumar Raman Engineering graduate with P.G Diploma in Management Certified Master Black belt from ISI ISO 9000 Lead Auditor Scrum Master Lean Leader ITIL V3.0 professional 21 years of experience in Quality Process/ Delivery excellence . Adept in the application of ISO, CMM, CMMi, PCMM and Six Sigma Currently associated with HP in their Quality operations as a Programme Manager and driving the initiatives President of SPIN Chennai Program Chair ASQ chennai Member of the board of studies of ICTAT Syllabus revision committee member : Reviewed the PG syllabus of ME (Quality) of Anna University and designed syllabus for Lean Sigma and Quality Assurance and Business Excellence models Advisory board member and jury for various conferences /conventions Brief on me…
  • 3. SPIN Chennai SPIN, Chennai ( Software Process Improvement Network ) is a forum of Software Professionals for the free and open exchange of software process improvement experiences and ideas. The organization serves as a source of educational, scientific and practical information for its members, other SPIN organizations, and the general software community. The SPIN Group aims to be a leadership forum for free and open exchange of SPI experiences and ideas, covering all aspects of how an organization improves the way it develops and maintains software and delivers software intensive services. SPIN organizes a variety of meetings, all aimed at mutual self-help for practitioners. SPIN Chennai was formed as early as 1994 and was one of the earliest SPIN chapters in India. It has been functioning as a voluntary body of Software professionals since then. Since its inception it has held numerous talks featuring many interesting topics on Software Process improvement featuring some outstanding personalities viz.. Dr. Watts Humphrey (SEI), Mr. Steve Masters (SEI), Mr. David Reo (European Software Institute), , Mr. Terry Rout , International Office - Griffith University, Mr. Lakshmi Narayanan - CTO, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Mr. Steve Shook , AIS Inc. FAQ – SPIN : Refer  http://www.sei.cmu.edu/collaborating/spins/faq.html Visit www.spinchennai.org for more details
  • 4. Est ablish a leadership forum for open exchange of software process improvement experiences and ideas Promote achieving higher levels of process maturity and software quality . Mission & Vision
  • 5. Monthly Knowledge sharing sessions Annual conference Best Practices sharing Academia collaboration Collaboration with other professional forums Activities
  • 6. IT-BPO Sector revenue USD 88.1 Billion(FY2011) Direct Employment- 2.5 million Indirect Employment- 8.3 million 6.4% of India’s GDP 14% of total exports 10 % of India’s service sector revenues
  • 7. Indian IT Industry CAGR: 21% IT-BPO Industry size $28.1 Bn $37.4 Bn $47.9 Bn $62.9 Bn $69.4 Bn $73.1 Bn The industry continues to be an export led sector with foreign providers accounting for over 30% of the total market
  • 8. IT Industry Impact on Indian Economy Source: Nasscom Areas Impact Employment Creation 45% of new urban jobs created (1995-2005) Contribution to Education 6-7x fold increase in tertiary education in exporting states Diversity and Global Exposure Women in the workforce estimated to be 30%; new entrants-45% 30% of delivery outside India Contribution to Exports Exports offset close to 65% of India’s cumulative net oil imports over past decade
  • 9. Global IT spending Worldwide IT spending is forecast to total $3.67 trillion in 2011, a 7.1 percent increase from $3.43 trillion in 2010, according to the latest outlook – Gartner
  • 10. Gaining laurels : Indian IT services India’s IT spending is likely to double between 2007 and 2012 , touching $110bn – Gartner
  • 11. Gartner @ Economic times Nov 28, 2008 How about the competitors India’s Outsourcing Rating Criterion Rating Language Very good Government support Excellent Labor pool Excellent Infrastructure Fair Education system Very good Cost Very good Political and Economic Environment Very good Cultural compatibility Good Global and Legal Maturity Very good Data and Intellectual property, Security and privacy Good
  • 12. Our Pie in IT Outsourcing   The global outsourcing industry, including offshoring and onshoring, is estimated to reach $464 billion in 2011, Revenue of the off shoring segment to amount to $144.8 billion. India will capture 42.5 % of the offshore market to reach $61.5 billion in revenues, China will continue to lag India with revenues reaching $45.7 billion equivalent to 31.5 % of the market The Philippines will still hold the third spot with estimated revenue of $10.7 billion capturing 7.4 %. Source : Canadian-based ICT research and advisory think tank, XMG Global – 27 th July 2011
  • 13. Competition China also has a stronger hold in the domestic BPO market. In 2010, more than 75 percent of service outsourcing revenue is from the domestic market. Chinese companies are looking at outsourcing locally as an option to compete globally Indian outsourcers are also starting to realize the importance of the growing domestic market. Indian service providers, which used to shun the domestic Indian market three to four years ago in favor of higher revenues from the US and UK, are now looking to diversify their client base. The Philippines is likewise taking steps to gain more of the offshoring market share from non-English speaking countries. The Board of Investments announced in July 2011 that it would be teaming up with IBM Philippines to conduct research and implement programs to build the multi-lingual talent pool of the country for business process outsourcing Vives concluded, “Given the continued growth of competition and increasing demand from other countries besides the US and Europe, XMG Global expects a sustained displacement and redistribution of market share not only between India and China but in other emerging outsourcing destinations such as Brazil, Mexico and Malaysia .”
  • 14. Challenges Be competitive by Sustaining the cost advantage Moving up in the value chain Sustaining the present credentials in the Quality of the deliverables Availability of competent and quality resources Time to Train the Resources Training Cost 35 % of the Graduates only can be productively employed – Economics times
  • 15. Shift in focus Focus is shifting to attracting to huge investments, and engaging employees to understand customers customer From becoming employable to deployable
  • 16. The world has changed X to Y Gen
  • 17. Theory X With Theory X assumptions, management's role is to coerce and control employees. People have an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it whenever possible. People must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment in order to get them to achieve the organizational objectives. People prefer to be directed, do not want responsibility, and have little or no ambition. People seek security above all else..
  • 18. Theory Y With Theory Y assumptions, management's role is to develop the potential in employees and help them to release that potential towards common goals. Work is as natural as play and rest. People will exercise self-direction if they are committed to the objectives (they are NOT lazy). Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement. People learn to accept and seek responsibility. Creativity, ingenuity, and imagination are widely distributed among the population. People are capable of using these abilities to solve an organizational problem. People have potential.
  • 19. Stake holders Who are the stake holders ?
  • 20. Customer-Organization- Employee Customer Organization Employee Product/ Service Quality Cost Cost of Delivery Productivity Top line Earnings and Learnings Work Life Balance Brand
  • 21. Mfg vs IT cost frame work Mfg Industry RM Plant Machinery Salaries Over heads Profit IT Industry Salaries Building and other Overheads Profit
  • 22. Salaries vs Profit Salaries Other OH Profit 55-60 X 18-22 Above numbers are in %   Salaries Other OH Profit Say 55 25 20 Y1 55+6=61 25 14 Y2 67 25 8 Y3 73 25 2 Y4 80 25 -5
  • 23. Cost of Error /Defect
  • 24. Human Errors Lack of process knowledge Lack of tools knowledge Lack of system knowledge Lack of domain knowledge Introduced with other repair Change coordination Individual mistake Communication problem Is it possible to prevent ?
  • 25. Why we need a process ? To be cost competitive Quality To do the Right things first ( To minimize the rework/ COPQ) Consistency Measure the process and product Quality To prevent the defect Optimize COQ To provide consistent deliverables ( Language/ Culture / Country ) To meet Stake holder needs To meet Statutory / Regulatory Requirements Process : The means by which people, procedures, methods, equipment and tools are integrated to produce a desired end result Industry is growing – X% - YOY Churn in the human resources
  • 26. Process flow Software Engineering Process Project Management Process Software Development
  • 27. Can good technical knowledge on basics alone fetch you the job? Would knowledge on SW Engineering Processes increase your employability? Why do we need to understand the Organisation needs? How would understanding of customer needs benefit me? Is it required to understand the different Types of Projects ( Development / Maintenance / Support) in IT? Points to Ponder
  • 28. Recommendation to Shift FROM TO Any Academic Projects Projects on Emerging Technologies /Business Areas Focus merely on Technical learning Soft Skill Sheer Class-room lectures Application of Technical knowledge Academic Qualification Promotion of Additional Certifications Aligning to curriculum Forums of Industry (i.e. ASQ, SPIN , IEEE, CSI, PMI etc) Faculties to look forward to academicians To Industrialists to bring the needs to lecture hall
  • 29. Models and Methodologies ISO Standards CMMi PCMM Six Sigma Lean ITIL Frame work PSP /TSP Knowledge Management Learning's from the past experience Sharing the best practices Driving factor : The desire to deliver added value and value for money to the customer
  • 30. In Summary . . . Understanding the Software Engineering / Project Management Process and it’s Importance is as important as Technical skills. Understand the Customer Expectation than the Specifications. See the big picture and meet the industry expectation Emerging Quality Models / Skills will be a big plus, which will give a competitive edge
  • 31. Thank you ! Coordinates: Raman Chandra Kumar [email_address] 9840712755

Editor's Notes

  1. Sources: India Inc.: An Overview of the Indian IT-BPO Industry – NASSCOM (Apr 2010) Indian IT-BPO Industry 2009: NASSCOM Analysis – NASSCOM (Feb 2009) Asia-Oceania Vision 2020: Enabling IT leadership through collaboration – KPMG (2009)
  2. India Inc. - An Overview of the Indian IT-BPO Industry – NASSCOM, April 2010 Perspective 2020: Transform Business, Transform India – NASSCOM