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Disruptive Padagogy
Stirring the Status Quo
Richard Branson captures the essence
of disruptive thinking when he says this:
innovation is
not a tactic.
It’s a mindset.”
Luke Williams: Disrupt
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
“One has to passionately believe it is
possible to change the industry, to turn
it on its head, to make sure that it will
never be the same again.”
Developed from “The Story of the Padagogy Wheel” ... so far
Version 4: October 2013
Graduate Attributes
& Capabilities
APP-end-icitisAn illness caused by a
preoccupation with Apps as being
an end in themselves. The sufferer
(aka teacher ) sees Apps as
learning outcomes and not just tools
to enhance learning
• Excessive use of the word “cool”
• Have “app tips and ratings searching” in their daily online routine
• Excessive time searching for the latest and greatest app
• Pedagogy becomes the question to fit the answer already discovered. e.g.
“Wow this app will do this awesome function, how will I use this in class?”
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
The Padagogy Wheel Story so far
It’s a Bloomin’ Better Way to Teach
12 Jul 2012
“How do we show teachers that the pedagogy should drive
the technology and not the other way around?”
The Challenge
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
Build the knowledge - stay connected
Presentation Slide-set Slide-set PDF for annotation
http://tinyurl.com/disruptpad0913 http://tinyurl.com/disruptpadpdf0913
Join the Back Channel: Tweet your comments
and make sure you add all your questions please
Introducing Allan
• Learning Designer and Apple Distinguished Educator
• Two Masters - Education (online) & Interactive Multimedia
• Awarded 2012 OLT National Citation for Outstanding
Contributions to Student Learning
• Awarded 2011 University of Adelaide Award for Excellence
in Support of the Student Experience
• Background in printing, publishing, web development &
educational multimedia
• Worked in corporate & VET sectors
• 20+ countries & led schools in Hawaii, Texas & Paraguay
• Taught communications, market research, print production
& using the internet for education
• Passion for online collaboration & facilitationUniversity of Adelaide, Adelaide South Australia
Telephone: +61 402468777
Tweeter: @allanADL
Email: allan@desingingoutcomes.net
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation
Social Media
Interest in the Wheel Model... so far
PDF Posters Downloaded 44,800
copies to date Wed 290913.
Tweets about the Padagogy Wheel
to end July: 4,000 Average per day: 100
Visits to Blog
May to Date: 34,898 views
A conservative estimate is that the wheel is reaching 80,000 teachers
Treeware has it’s advantages
David White, Assistant Dean of Online Education, Lori Campbell, CAO, Robbie Melton, Associate Vice
Chancellor of Mobilization and Emerging Technologies for the state of Tennessee.
David White
Assistant Dean of Online Education
Walters State Community College Tennessee USA
"The Padagogy wheel makes the
relationship between Blooms Taxonomy
and the use of mobile devices in
teaching and learning clear and easily
understood - a great help to faculty
thinking about flipping their classrooms."
Posters for each academic division and remote campuses ... 200 teachers reminded per month
The Journey so far: The
“Ah Aha” Moments
•This Business of Flipping: What exactly do
we flip?
•Starting with Graduates: When we flip
curriculum were do we start ? Good grief can
we really start at the finish?
• Learning Design Mapping: OK so can we
map backwards?
• Pedagogy First: What do we use to define the
pedagogy, and only then think Apps?
• The Real Core: What is really at the core of
the learning design process?
• Motivation: What will make or break the
teaching and keep students switched on?
•Redefining the Technology: How do we know
we are designing to get the most out of the
activities so students live in the WOW zone?
•Best Practice: How does a teacher quickly use
this tool to help students transform into excellent
•Transformative Teaching and Learning: What’s
the best way to help students focus on the soft
skills and attitudes that will make them excellent
citizens and give them the employable edge?
The Journey so far: The
“Ah Aha” Moments
What’s all the Flipping Fuss
• Flipped thinking: Because shift happens!
Use sound educational modeling
• Flipped planning: Start with the graduate
finish with content
• Flipped syllabus: Assessment first then
plan activities, then insert content in
• Flipped pedagogy: Content delivered
online via JiTT (1999), frees up valuable
face-to-face to focus on interaction and
higher order creativity
Is this Back to the Future or what?
Flipping the Curriculum Design
1.Graduate Attributes: What do you want
your graduate to look like? Also ask your
2.Learning Outcomes: When they finish
course what do you want students to
have learnt?
3.Authentic Assessment: How will you
know they have?
4.Learning Activities: What do they need
to do to ensure they are ready for the
5.Contextual Content: Which content to
use and where it goes in the learning
It’s All About the Students
Their engagement, their learning, their
outcomes and their future success
The CAMERA Method
“Using the Camera Method, teachers in
Higher Education put the learning outcomes
and pedagogy first and adopt an integrated
approach to embedding mobile technology
into the curriculum to enhance learning”
Capabilities and Attributes Mapping for
Educational Results inspiring Achievement
Allan Carrington
Learning Designer
Designing Outcomes
Adelaide Australia
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
There’s a map for that
Benjamin S. Bloom
The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom, B., Englehart, M. Furst, E., Hill, W., &
Krathwohl, D. (1956). Taxonomy of educational
objectives: The classification of educational
goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New
York, Toronto: Longmans, Green.
1956 2001
Anderson, L. & Krathwohl (Eds.). (2001). A
Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and
Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of
Educational Objectives. New York: Longman.
Bloom’s Taxonomies
Andrew Churches
Curriculum Manager Computer Studies
& Senior School Learning Innovator
Kristin School, Albany Auckland
Email: achurches@kristin.school.nz
Blog: http://edorigami.edublogs.org
Twitter: @achurches
Developed by
Allan Carrington
Designing Outcomes
This Taxonomy wheel, without the apps, was first discovered on the website of Paul
Hopkin’s educational consultancy website mmiweb.org.uk That wheel was produced
by Sharon Artley and was an adaption of Kathwohl and Anderson’s (2001) adaption
of Bloom (1956). The idea to further adapt it for the pedagogy possibilities with
mobile devices, in particular the iPad, I have to acknowledge the creative work of
Kathy Schrock on her website Bloomin’ Apps
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/bloomsblog.
The Padagogy
Wheel V1.0
This Taxonomy wheel, without the apps, was first discovered on the website of Paul
Hopkin’s educational consultancy website mmiweb.org.uk That wheel was produced
by Sharon Artley and was an adaption of Kathwohl and Anderson’s (2001) adaption
of Bloom (1956). The idea to further adapt it for the pedagogy possibilities with
mobile devices, in particular the iPad, I have to acknowledge the creative work of
Kathy Schrock on her website Bloomin’ Apps
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/bloomsblog.
V1.0 Published 080712
•Integrated Web 2.0
activities e.g. blogging
•Added 62 iPads and
organized them by
how they could be
used by the activities
1. Having energy, passion and enthusiasm
2. Being willing to give credit to others
3. Empathising & working productively with diversity
4. Being transparent and honest in dealings with others
5. Thinking laterally and creatively
6. Being true to one’s values and ethics
7. Listening to different points of view before coming to a decision
8. Understanding personal strengths & limitations
9. Time management skills
10. Persevering
11. Learning from errors
12. Learning from experience
13. Remaining calm when under pressure
14. Being able to make effective presentations to different groups
15. Identifying from a mass of information the core issue/opportunity
Graduate Capabilities from Industry
Please visit the blog post and
listen to the podcast episode at:
“If you exercise these capabilities..
you will be employed!”
Requested by CEO's and executives .... the people that hire,
what they desire to see in graduates from higher education.
Prof. Geoff Scott
Tech allows for the creation of new
tasks, previously inconceivable
Tech allows for significant task
Tech acts as a direct tool substitute,
with functional improvement
Tech acts as a direct tool substitute,
with no functional change
Ruben R. Puentedura, Ph.D.
SAMR Model
Video: 1.59 mins
V2.0 Published 280513
The Padagogy
Wheel V2.0
This Taxonomy wheel, without the apps, was first discovered on the website of Paul
Hopkin’s educational consultancy website mmiweb.org.uk That wheel was produced
by Sharon Artley and was an adaption of Kathwohl and Anderson’s (2001) adaption
of Bloom (1956). The idea to further adapt it for the pedagogy possibilities with
mobile devices, in particular the iPad, I have to acknowledge the creative work of
Kathy Schrock on her website Bloomin’ Apps
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/bloomsblog.
•Added to the core of
the wheel: Graduate
Attributes and
•Added SAMR Model of
technology integration
Skills & Attributes of Today’s Learners
•Critical thinking & problem-solving
•Collaboration across networks and
leading by influence
•Agility and adaptability
•Initiative and entrepreneurialism
•Effective oral and written
•Accessing & analyzing information
•Curiosity and imagination
•Empathy & Global Stewardship
•Hope and Optimism
•Self Regulation
Tony Wagner’s Seven Survival Skills
as defined by business leaders in their own words
Jackie Gerstein
Sudbury Valley School
• Founded 1968
• Now 35 schools based
on the Sudbury model
• USA, Denmark, Israel,
Japan, Netherlands,
Belgium and Germany
• Educational Freedom
• Democratic governance
• Personal responsibility
• 80% graduate from
Massachusetts USA
“To view a child as any less
competent to make decisions for
themselves than adults is ridiculous!”
Daniel Greenberg: Staff member
1.33 mins 9.14 mins
Graduate Attributes & Capabilities
Critical thinking and problem-solving
Collaboration across networks and
leading by influence
Agility and adaptability
Initiative and entrepreneurialism
Effective oral and written communication
Accessing and analyzing information
Curiosity and imagination
Global Stewardship
Grit (Perseverance)
Hope & Optimism
Energy, passion and enthusiasm
Willing to give credit to others
Empathising & working productively
with diversity
Transparent and honest
Thinking laterally and creatively
True to one’s values and ethics
Listening to different points of view
before coming to a decision
Understanding personal strengths &
Time management skills
Learning from errors
Learning from experience
Remaining calm when under pressure
Updated Padagogy Wheel
Tackles The Problem of
Motivation in Education
“The new version of the Padagogy Wheel
tackles a major question that is lurking in the
back of everyone’s mind. If it’s not …
it should be. It’s about the problem of
motivation in education. How do we motivate
students, teachers, parents, and everyone
else to get excited about learning? How do
you stay motivated? What works and what
Jeff Dunn
Editor Edudemic
The Puzzle of Motivation
• Autonomy
• The urge to direct our own lives
• Mastery
• The desire to get better and
better at something that matters
• Purpose
• The yearning to do what we do
in the service of something
larger than ourselves
Daniel Pink
TED Global
Oxford England July 2009
Video: 18.36 mins
Clip: 3.25 mins
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
Developed by Allan Carrington
Designing Outcomes
Adelaide South Australia
Email: allan@designingoutcomes.net
The Padagogy
Wheel V3.0
V3.0 Published 090613
This Taxonomy wheel, without the apps, was first discovered on the website of Paul
Hopkin’s educational consultancy website mmiweb.org.uk That wheel was produced
by Sharon Artley and was an adaption of Kathwohl and Anderson’s (2001) adaption
of Bloom (1956). The idea to further adapt it for the pedagogy possibilities with
mobile devices, in particular the iPad, I have to acknowledge the creative work of
Kathy Schrock on her website Bloomin’ Apps
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/bloomsblog.
•Expanded emphasis on
Graduate Attributes
and Capabilities
•Added a scientifically
supported model of
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation
Grey-Matter Grids
What do you expect an excellent graduate of a program is to “look like” i.e. what is it that a
graduate is and does that makes them and their communities define them as successful?
The Attributes Grid
This is the “By the time you finish this workshop/seminar/lesson you should be able to
<choose and action verb> by <then choose an activity or outcome>.” type of thinking.
The Blooms Grid
How does the learning environment and activity experience I am
building, give the learner autonomy, mastery and purpose?
The Motivations Grid
With learning objectives and outcomes sorted, now think about technology aka apps.
How can this technology serve your pedagogy?
The Technology Enhancement Grid
Is there any task you can build into the activity that without
the technology would not be possible?
The SAMR Grid
“Getting the best use out of the
Padagogy Wheel Model”
Turning a Graphic into a Mindset Model
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
Learning: Start
at the Core of
the Wheel
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
Attributes & Motivation
Develop a course/program specific profile of what is expectated graduates should “look like”
Choose 10 of the 25 attributes that best describe the excellent graduate then prioritize them.
Include these in context to help describe your graduate.
Develop an Excellent Graduate Profile
“Getting the best use out of the
Padagogy Wheel Model”
Developing a profile of excellence with student commitment
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
Set up personal learning contracts with students. Have them commit to doing all possible
to fill that profile when they graduate.
Establish Learning Contracts
Recruit Student Participation
Make the profile definition a group assignment, asking students to
contribute to the definition. Possibly use a wiki to build knowledge.
Request Feedback on Profile
Have students reflect on the profile and comment on it. ask them do they see this as personally
attainable i.e. can they master it and does it it help their purpose for doing the course.
Some Suggested Tactics ... will they work?
At the Padagogy Wheel Core:
•Improves engagement
•Tests & models
attributes & capabilities
•Challenges, choice &
•The big picture
Learning Targets
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
Getting Started
Step 1: Identify the specific problem or
issue that needs to be fixed.
Step 2: Envision the desired experience.
What is the outcome you are looking for?
Step 3: Determine the timeline in
which this experience takes place.
e.g. A week-in-the-life?
Authoring Immersive
Learning Micro
Simulations ILMS’
Getting Started
Step 4: Define success. How is success
going to be measured in the experience?
What are the learning objectives?
Step 5: Add conflict.
Step 6: Finish the story. After you finish
the core narrative then add branches
later if you like.
Authoring Immersive Learning
Micro Simulations ILMS’
Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
Simulation Authoring
Job Aid
• Four page questionnaire
• For Designers and SMEs
• Two approaches
• Analytical
• Story Telling
• Help break the blank paper
Ken Spero
The Regis Company
Philadelphia USA
The Big Questions
waiting to happen
• What do these capabilities and
attributes look like by discipline?
• How do you map them to courses?
• Can we design assessments and
activities for them?
• How do we motivate the learners?
• Will all this help the learning outcomes
and graduate employability?
• Is this transformative education?
Please connect and continue the conversation?

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Disruptive Padagogy Presentation

  • 1. Disruptive Padagogy Stirring the Status Quo Richard Branson captures the essence of disruptive thinking when he says this: “Disruptive innovation is not a tactic. It’s a mindset.” Luke Williams: Disrupt Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory. “One has to passionately believe it is possible to change the industry, to turn it on its head, to make sure that it will never be the same again.” Developed from “The Story of the Padagogy Wheel” ... so far Version 4: October 2013
  • 3. APP-end-icitisAn illness caused by a preoccupation with Apps as being an end in themselves. The sufferer (aka teacher ) sees Apps as learning outcomes and not just tools to enhance learning SYMPTOMS • Excessive use of the word “cool” • Have “app tips and ratings searching” in their daily online routine • Excessive time searching for the latest and greatest app • Pedagogy becomes the question to fit the answer already discovered. e.g. “Wow this app will do this awesome function, how will I use this in class?” Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
  • 4. The Padagogy Wheel Story so far It’s a Bloomin’ Better Way to Teach 12 Jul 2012 “How do we show teachers that the pedagogy should drive the technology and not the other way around?” The Challenge Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
  • 5. Build the knowledge - stay connected Presentation Slide-set Slide-set PDF for annotation http://tinyurl.com/disruptpad0913 http://tinyurl.com/disruptpadpdf0913 Join the Back Channel: Tweet your comments and make sure you add all your questions please #disruptpad
  • 6. Introducing Allan • Learning Designer and Apple Distinguished Educator • Two Masters - Education (online) & Interactive Multimedia • Awarded 2012 OLT National Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning • Awarded 2011 University of Adelaide Award for Excellence in Support of the Student Experience • Background in printing, publishing, web development & educational multimedia • Worked in corporate & VET sectors • 20+ countries & led schools in Hawaii, Texas & Paraguay • Taught communications, market research, print production & using the internet for education • Passion for online collaboration & facilitationUniversity of Adelaide, Adelaide South Australia Telephone: +61 402468777 Tweeter: @allanADL Email: allan@desingingoutcomes.net
  • 9. Interest in the Wheel Model... so far PDF Posters Downloaded 44,800 copies to date Wed 290913. Tweets about the Padagogy Wheel to end July: 4,000 Average per day: 100 Visits to Blog May to Date: 34,898 views A conservative estimate is that the wheel is reaching 80,000 teachers
  • 10. Treeware has it’s advantages David White, Assistant Dean of Online Education, Lori Campbell, CAO, Robbie Melton, Associate Vice Chancellor of Mobilization and Emerging Technologies for the state of Tennessee. David White Assistant Dean of Online Education Walters State Community College Tennessee USA "The Padagogy wheel makes the relationship between Blooms Taxonomy and the use of mobile devices in teaching and learning clear and easily understood - a great help to faculty thinking about flipping their classrooms." Posters for each academic division and remote campuses ... 200 teachers reminded per month
  • 11. The Journey so far: The “Ah Aha” Moments •This Business of Flipping: What exactly do we flip? •Starting with Graduates: When we flip curriculum were do we start ? Good grief can we really start at the finish? • Learning Design Mapping: OK so can we map backwards? • Pedagogy First: What do we use to define the pedagogy, and only then think Apps? • The Real Core: What is really at the core of the learning design process?
  • 12. • Motivation: What will make or break the teaching and keep students switched on? •Redefining the Technology: How do we know we are designing to get the most out of the activities so students live in the WOW zone? •Best Practice: How does a teacher quickly use this tool to help students transform into excellent graduates? •Transformative Teaching and Learning: What’s the best way to help students focus on the soft skills and attitudes that will make them excellent citizens and give them the employable edge? The Journey so far: The “Ah Aha” Moments
  • 13. What’s all the Flipping Fuss • Flipped thinking: Because shift happens! Use sound educational modeling • Flipped planning: Start with the graduate finish with content • Flipped syllabus: Assessment first then plan activities, then insert content in context • Flipped pedagogy: Content delivered online via JiTT (1999), frees up valuable face-to-face to focus on interaction and higher order creativity Is this Back to the Future or what?
  • 14. Flipping the Curriculum Design 1.Graduate Attributes: What do you want your graduate to look like? Also ask your students. 2.Learning Outcomes: When they finish course what do you want students to have learnt? 3.Authentic Assessment: How will you know they have? 4.Learning Activities: What do they need to do to ensure they are ready for the assessment? 5.Contextual Content: Which content to use and where it goes in the learning sequences? It’s All About the Students Their engagement, their learning, their outcomes and their future success
  • 15. The CAMERA Method “Using the Camera Method, teachers in Higher Education put the learning outcomes and pedagogy first and adopt an integrated approach to embedding mobile technology into the curriculum to enhance learning” Capabilities and Attributes Mapping for Educational Results inspiring Achievement Allan Carrington Learning Designer Designing Outcomes Adelaide Australia Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
  • 16. There’s a map for that
  • 17. Benjamin S. Bloom 1913-1999 The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom, B., Englehart, M. Furst, E., Hill, W., & Krathwohl, D. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York, Toronto: Longmans, Green. 1956 2001 Anderson, L. & Krathwohl (Eds.). (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longman.
  • 18. Bloom’s Taxonomies Andrew Churches Curriculum Manager Computer Studies & Senior School Learning Innovator Kristin School, Albany Auckland Email: achurches@kristin.school.nz Blog: http://edorigami.edublogs.org Twitter: @achurches http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/
  • 19. The Padagogy Wheel Developed by Allan Carrington Designing Outcomes This Taxonomy wheel, without the apps, was first discovered on the website of Paul Hopkin’s educational consultancy website mmiweb.org.uk That wheel was produced by Sharon Artley and was an adaption of Kathwohl and Anderson’s (2001) adaption of Bloom (1956). The idea to further adapt it for the pedagogy possibilities with mobile devices, in particular the iPad, I have to acknowledge the creative work of Kathy Schrock on her website Bloomin’ Apps Standing on the Shoulders of Giants The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/bloomsblog.
  • 20. The Padagogy Wheel V1.0 This Taxonomy wheel, without the apps, was first discovered on the website of Paul Hopkin’s educational consultancy website mmiweb.org.uk That wheel was produced by Sharon Artley and was an adaption of Kathwohl and Anderson’s (2001) adaption of Bloom (1956). The idea to further adapt it for the pedagogy possibilities with mobile devices, in particular the iPad, I have to acknowledge the creative work of Kathy Schrock on her website Bloomin’ Apps Standing on the Shoulders of Giants The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/bloomsblog. V1.0 Published 080712 •Integrated Web 2.0 activities e.g. blogging •Added 62 iPads and organized them by how they could be used by the activities
  • 21. 1. Having energy, passion and enthusiasm 2. Being willing to give credit to others 3. Empathising & working productively with diversity 4. Being transparent and honest in dealings with others 5. Thinking laterally and creatively 6. Being true to one’s values and ethics 7. Listening to different points of view before coming to a decision 8. Understanding personal strengths & limitations 9. Time management skills 10. Persevering 11. Learning from errors 12. Learning from experience 13. Remaining calm when under pressure 14. Being able to make effective presentations to different groups 15. Identifying from a mass of information the core issue/opportunity Graduate Capabilities from Industry Please visit the blog post and listen to the podcast episode at: “If you exercise these capabilities.. you will be employed!” Requested by CEO's and executives .... the people that hire, what they desire to see in graduates from higher education. Prof. Geoff Scott UWS
  • 22. Redefinition Tech allows for the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable Enhancement Transformation ICTintheclassroom Modification Tech allows for significant task redesign Augmentation Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with functional improvement Substitution Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change Ruben R. Puentedura, Ph.D. SAMR Model Video: 1.59 mins
  • 23. V2.0 Published 280513 The Padagogy Wheel V2.0 This Taxonomy wheel, without the apps, was first discovered on the website of Paul Hopkin’s educational consultancy website mmiweb.org.uk That wheel was produced by Sharon Artley and was an adaption of Kathwohl and Anderson’s (2001) adaption of Bloom (1956). The idea to further adapt it for the pedagogy possibilities with mobile devices, in particular the iPad, I have to acknowledge the creative work of Kathy Schrock on her website Bloomin’ Apps Standing on the Shoulders of Giants The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/bloomsblog. •Added to the core of the wheel: Graduate Attributes and Capabilities •Added SAMR Model of technology integration
  • 24. Skills & Attributes of Today’s Learners •Critical thinking & problem-solving •Collaboration across networks and leading by influence •Agility and adaptability •Initiative and entrepreneurialism •Effective oral and written communication •Accessing & analyzing information •Curiosity and imagination •Empathy & Global Stewardship •Grit •Resilience •Hope and Optimism •Vision •Self Regulation Includes: Tony Wagner’s Seven Survival Skills as defined by business leaders in their own words Jackie Gerstein
  • 25. Sudbury Valley School • Founded 1968 • Now 35 schools based on the Sudbury model • USA, Denmark, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany • Educational Freedom • Democratic governance • Personal responsibility • 80% graduate from college Massachusetts USA “To view a child as any less competent to make decisions for themselves than adults is ridiculous!” Daniel Greenberg: Staff member 1.33 mins 9.14 mins Wikipedia
  • 26. Graduate Attributes & Capabilities Critical thinking and problem-solving Collaboration across networks and leading by influence Agility and adaptability Initiative and entrepreneurialism Effective oral and written communication Accessing and analyzing information Curiosity and imagination Global Stewardship Grit (Perseverance) Resilience Hope & Optimism Vision Self-Regulation Energy, passion and enthusiasm Willing to give credit to others Empathising & working productively with diversity Transparent and honest Thinking laterally and creatively True to one’s values and ethics Listening to different points of view before coming to a decision Understanding personal strengths & limitations Time management skills Learning from errors Learning from experience Remaining calm when under pressure 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/disruptsurvey170713
  • 27. Updated Padagogy Wheel Tackles The Problem of Motivation in Education “The new version of the Padagogy Wheel tackles a major question that is lurking in the back of everyone’s mind. If it’s not … it should be. It’s about the problem of motivation in education. How do we motivate students, teachers, parents, and everyone else to get excited about learning? How do you stay motivated? What works and what doesn’t?” Jeff Dunn Editor Edudemic
  • 28. The Puzzle of Motivation • Autonomy • The urge to direct our own lives • Mastery • The desire to get better and better at something that matters • Purpose • The yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves Daniel Pink TED Global Oxford England July 2009 Video: 18.36 mins Clip: 3.25 mins Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
  • 29. Developed by Allan Carrington Designing Outcomes Adelaide South Australia Email: allan@designingoutcomes.net The Padagogy Wheel V3.0 V3.0 Published 090613 This Taxonomy wheel, without the apps, was first discovered on the website of Paul Hopkin’s educational consultancy website mmiweb.org.uk That wheel was produced by Sharon Artley and was an adaption of Kathwohl and Anderson’s (2001) adaption of Bloom (1956). The idea to further adapt it for the pedagogy possibilities with mobile devices, in particular the iPad, I have to acknowledge the creative work of Kathy Schrock on her website Bloomin’ Apps Standing on the Shoulders of Giants The Padagogy Wheel by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/bloomsblog. •Expanded emphasis on Graduate Attributes and Capabilities •Added a scientifically supported model of motivation •Autonomy •Mastery •Purpose
  • 31. Grey-Matter Grids What do you expect an excellent graduate of a program is to “look like” i.e. what is it that a graduate is and does that makes them and their communities define them as successful? The Attributes Grid This is the “By the time you finish this workshop/seminar/lesson you should be able to <choose and action verb> by <then choose an activity or outcome>.” type of thinking. The Blooms Grid How does the learning environment and activity experience I am building, give the learner autonomy, mastery and purpose? The Motivations Grid With learning objectives and outcomes sorted, now think about technology aka apps. How can this technology serve your pedagogy? The Technology Enhancement Grid Is there any task you can build into the activity that without the technology would not be possible? The SAMR Grid “Getting the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel Model” Turning a Graphic into a Mindset Model Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
  • 32. For Transformative Learning: Start at the Core of the Wheel Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
  • 33. Attributes & Motivation Develop a course/program specific profile of what is expectated graduates should “look like” Choose 10 of the 25 attributes that best describe the excellent graduate then prioritize them. Include these in context to help describe your graduate. Develop an Excellent Graduate Profile “Getting the best use out of the Padagogy Wheel Model” Developing a profile of excellence with student commitment Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory. Set up personal learning contracts with students. Have them commit to doing all possible to fill that profile when they graduate. Establish Learning Contracts Recruit Student Participation Make the profile definition a group assignment, asking students to contribute to the definition. Possibly use a wiki to build knowledge. Request Feedback on Profile Have students reflect on the profile and comment on it. ask them do they see this as personally attainable i.e. can they master it and does it it help their purpose for doing the course. Some Suggested Tactics ... will they work?
  • 34. At the Padagogy Wheel Core: •Improves engagement •Tests & models attributes & capabilities •Challenges, choice & consequences •The big picture Immersive Learning Targets Engagement Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory. Bullseye!
  • 35. Getting Started Step 1: Identify the specific problem or issue that needs to be fixed. Step 2: Envision the desired experience. What is the outcome you are looking for? Step 3: Determine the timeline in which this experience takes place. e.g. A week-in-the-life? Authoring Immersive Learning Micro Simulations ILMS’
  • 36. Getting Started Step 4: Define success. How is success going to be measured in the experience? What are the learning objectives? Step 5: Add conflict. Step 6: Finish the story. After you finish the core narrative then add branches later if you like. Authoring Immersive Learning Micro Simulations ILMS’ Disruptive Padagogy Presentation by Allan Carrington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at http://tinyurl.com/padwheelstory.
  • 37. Simulation Authoring Job Aid • Four page questionnaire • For Designers and SMEs • Two approaches • Analytical • Story Telling • Help break the blank paper barrier Ken Spero The Regis Company Philadelphia USA
  • 38. The Big Questions A RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY... waiting to happen • What do these capabilities and attributes look like by discipline? • How do you map them to courses? • Can we design assessments and activities for them? • How do we motivate the learners? • Will all this help the learning outcomes and graduate employability? • Is this transformative education? Please connect and continue the conversation?