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Alterian Case Study
Bader Rutter


                                       Delivering practical and profitable social media
                                       monitoring for clients

Company:                               Agency evolution brings success                            a complex business. Our strategic plans have to be
Bader Rutter & Associates, Inc.        Bader Rutter & Associates, Inc. has been providing         driven by quality insights – we needed faster and
                                       integrated marketing communications services to            more comprehensive social web intelligence.”
www.baderrutter.com                    blue-chip clients for 36 years, its track record a         After reviewing several competing social media
                                       testament to its evolution and ability to keep             monitoring tools, Bader Rutter selected Alterian
Headquarters:                          delivering an impressive portfolio of services. Based      SM2. “It was clear it could help measure, analyze and
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA              in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the firm operates primarily       report on activity throughout the entire social media
                                       in the B2B world across a range of industries, counting    eco-system and it was obviously designed for full-service
                                       Dow AgroSciences, GE Healthcare, Pfizer, Generac,          marketing agencies like ours. Alterian SM2 really
Marketing Communications
                                       John Deere and OfficeMax amongst its clients.              spoke our language and was a perfect fit,” explained
Size:                                                                                             Thekan. “Alterian’s customer support network is also
Three offices: Milwaukee, WI,                                                                     impressive – access to first-class support resources
Chicago, IL, and Lincoln, NE                                                                      was important and any issues or queries have been
150 staff and $19m turnover
                                                                                                  consistently and quickly resolved.”
Solution:                                                                                         No-nonsense and affordable monitoring
Alterian SM2                                                                                      Bader Rutter is now able to monitor the entire social
                                                                                                  web in a practical way. Covering the broadest range
Results:                                                                                          of sources, SM2 gathers and evaluates content from
1. More efficient, practical and                                                                  blogs, micro blogs, social networks, wikis, video and
   comprehensive social media                                                                     photo sharing sites, message boards/forums and
   monitoring                                                                                     review sites. Also providing multiple ways to analyze
2. Multiple methods of reporting,                                                                 and visualize search results, SM2 works well with any
                                       The rise of social media in B2B                            agency discipline. Projects for Bader Rutter clients so
   analyzing and sharing results       Digital technologies are increasingly providing more
3. New level of insight supports                                                                  far have included brand audits, corporate marketing
                                       of the foundation for Bader Rutter’s services, as the      and brand building exercises, industry and competitor
   strategic counsel, strengthens      boundaries merge between the agency’s many
   agency/client relationship                                                                     insight, PR and product development.
                                       disciplines, including Brand Strategy, Public Relations,
4. Packaging concept of combining      Media, Relationship Marketing, Advertising, Event          “We were surprised at how straightforward it was to
   SM2 with consultancy creates new    planning and more.                                         create effective search profiles and then have rapid
   client service                                                                                 access to useful results. The way SM2 is built means
                                       Despite the rise of social media being less meteoric       it’s a performance tool too – it’s always accessible
Bader Rutter, an integrated            in B2B markets than B2C, Bader Rutter recognized           and fast,” Thekan continued. “It can also be very cost
marketing communications agency,       the increasing influence of social channels and had        effective as we don’t pay for the number of ‘seats’ or
uses Alterian SM2 to provide insight   been recommending social strategies and tactics to         users but only for the amount of data collected; some
and intelligence for its customers,    clients. The agency also identified that monitoring        listening programs yield few results which can be
often enlightening and informing       was an important early step to social media success        useful information in itself, yet others yield very robust
them of conversations they had no      and its initial approach involved the use of multiple      data sets.”
idea were happening. This insight      free tools.
leads to the ability to proactively
                                       Anticipating that the social web would become even
                                                                                                  No news is good news.
respond and increase engagement                                                                   Bader Rutter first used SM2 to manage an issues
                                       more influential, the agency’s Digital Solutions Group
with customers and prospects.                                                                     management project. A short-term listening
                                       realized that a more comprehensive and efficient
                                                                                                  engagement was set-up to understand what was
                                       approach to monitoring was needed. What’s more,
                                                                                                  being discussed in social channels about a particular
                                       an immediate demand from a client for a major
                                                                                                  topic. After 30 days it was clear that the anticipated
                                       online PR and reputation management engagement
                                                                                                  chatter was not taking place – at least not in significant
                                       meant time was short to find an appropriate solution.
                                                                                                  volumes – a valuable insight for the team. So much
                                       Demand for better intelligence                             so, the project continued for the remainder of the
                                       “In the past, effectively monitoring the social web        year and was recently extended into an ongoing
                                       was too time-consuming as data had to be aggregated        program. Even though it has been one of the longest
                                       from several sources. This method wasn’t                   social media monitoring engagements for Bader
                                       comprehensive enough either, as only a fraction of all     Rutter to date, no action had to be taken.
                                       social sources were covered,” explained Grant Thekan,      “The client was pleased that there were few
                                       Senior Digital Strategist of Bader Rutter’s Digital        conversations taking place and even fewer by those
                                       Solutions Group. “Helping our clients understand,          wielding significant influence or authority. Therefore,
                                       manage and harness the power of the social web is          the issues management plan that was prepared
Alterian Case Study
Bader Rutter

didn’t have to be deployed. By listening in real-time                                                                           Alterian
to members of the industry community, we noted                       Guiding product development                                Alterian (LSE: ALN) enables
only a couple of social ‘hot-spots’ but those voices                 Alterian SM2 is also helping guide new product             organizations to create relevant,
were never loud enough to act upon. Social media                     strategies for a major provider of financial services      effective and engaging experiences
                                                                     for the agriculture sector. A listening profile was        with their customers and prospects
monitoring now plays an ongoing role in this client’s                                                                           through social, digital, and traditional
gathering of business intelligence and market                        developed for the client’s brand, as well as six major
                                                                                                                                marketing channels. Alterian’s Customer
research, helping to inform marketing strategy,”                     competitors, with conversation volumes, share of           Engagement solutions are focused in
explained Thekan.                                                    voice, sentiment and a variety of other parameters         four main areas: Social Media, Web
                                                                     all being monitored. After just a few weeks it came        Content Management, Email, and
Revealing insights                                                   as a surprise to the client to find that while there was   Campaign Management & Analytics.
Since then, Bader Rutter’s social media task-force                   indeed significant conversation taking place about         Alterian technology is utilized either
has worked on a mix of client engagements and new                    issues such as financing for agri-business, little of it   to address a specific marketing
business development opportunities with SM2. The                     involved company and brand names that produced             challenge or as part of an integrated
                                                                     relevant products and services.                            marketing platform, with analytics
first project was all about monitoring present-day
                                                                                                                                and customer engagement with the
conversations but some have been about looking                                                                                  individual at the heart of everything.
                                                                     “There was almost no awareness of any of the
back in time. SM2 is the only monitoring tool with a                                                                            Working alongside a rich ecosystem
                                                                     organizations being monitored,” said Thekan. “The
social media warehouse storing data since 2007. Its                                                                             of partners, Alterian delivers its
                                                                     conversations we observed centered on the issues,          software as a service, or on premise.
database also continues to grow with millions of
                                                                     concerns and demands of the industry but weren’t           For more information about Alterian
pieces of content added every day.
                                                                     routinely associated with any brand names. It was a        visit www.alterian.com or the Alterian
Thekan commented: “When we’re considering a                          major wake-up call for the client, who realized there      blog at www.engagingtimes.com.
new product launch, for example, it’s valuable to                    was an untapped opportunity to raise awareness             UK & European Headquarters
go and see what the reaction was to a previous                       and become front-of-mind with customers. We’re             Alterian
product, or what a competitor did last year and                      now working to take advantage of the insight and           The Spectrum Building
how consumers reacted.”                                              raise our client’s profile in social channels.”            Bond Street
Competitor analysis with SM2 has also uncovered                                                                                 BS1 3LG
some eye-opening moments. One of them took
place during a new business session with an existing,                New agency propositions                                    T +44 (0) 117 970 3200
                                                                                                                                F +44 (0) 117 970 3301
global manufacturing client. Monitoring various client               Bader Rutter’s overall impression of working with
brands and products along with those of its top four                 Alterian SM2 during its first year is that it’s a robust   North American Headquarters
                                                                     tool that can yield significant insights. “The type of     Alterian Inc.
competitors, revealed a significant gap of awareness
                                                                     social data SM2 produces fits our business like a          35 East Wacker Drive
(and resulting share of voice) between the client and                                                                           Suite 200
its competition, in particular markets. The insights                 glove,” Thekan said. “Our clients have an appetite
                                                                                                                                Chicago, IL 60601
gleaned provided valuable business intelligence that                 for metrics and the data we’re now reaping from            USA
was used to help shape marketing strategy and                        social channels provides them with an exciting new         T +1 312 704 1700
communications plans for the year ahead; plans                       way of understanding the organic nature of brands          F +1 312 704 1701
intended to make Bader Rutter’s client more                          and how they’re influenced by the consumer, who
prominent in those verticals.                                        now has an active voice in the disposition and
                                                                     evolution of those brands.”
                                                                     Thekan concludes: “We now we have a powerful
                                                                     tool that when combined with our strategic counsel,
                                                                     allows us to create strategic plans for clients which
                                                                     strengthens their engagement with customers.
                                                                     We’ve been exposing every client to its capabilities;
                                                                     once they see its power and value, Alterian SM2
                                                                     generally sells itself.”

© 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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Bader Rutter and Alterian SM2

  • 1. Alterian Case Study Bader Rutter Client Delivering practical and profitable social media monitoring for clients Company: Agency evolution brings success a complex business. Our strategic plans have to be Bader Rutter & Associates, Inc. Bader Rutter & Associates, Inc. has been providing driven by quality insights – we needed faster and integrated marketing communications services to more comprehensive social web intelligence.” Website: www.baderrutter.com blue-chip clients for 36 years, its track record a After reviewing several competing social media testament to its evolution and ability to keep monitoring tools, Bader Rutter selected Alterian Headquarters: delivering an impressive portfolio of services. Based SM2. “It was clear it could help measure, analyze and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the firm operates primarily report on activity throughout the entire social media in the B2B world across a range of industries, counting eco-system and it was obviously designed for full-service Industry: Dow AgroSciences, GE Healthcare, Pfizer, Generac, marketing agencies like ours. Alterian SM2 really Marketing Communications John Deere and OfficeMax amongst its clients. spoke our language and was a perfect fit,” explained Size: Thekan. “Alterian’s customer support network is also Three offices: Milwaukee, WI, impressive – access to first-class support resources Chicago, IL, and Lincoln, NE was important and any issues or queries have been 150 staff and $19m turnover consistently and quickly resolved.” Solution: No-nonsense and affordable monitoring Alterian SM2 Bader Rutter is now able to monitor the entire social web in a practical way. Covering the broadest range Results: of sources, SM2 gathers and evaluates content from 1. More efficient, practical and blogs, micro blogs, social networks, wikis, video and comprehensive social media photo sharing sites, message boards/forums and monitoring review sites. Also providing multiple ways to analyze 2. Multiple methods of reporting, and visualize search results, SM2 works well with any The rise of social media in B2B agency discipline. Projects for Bader Rutter clients so analyzing and sharing results Digital technologies are increasingly providing more 3. New level of insight supports far have included brand audits, corporate marketing of the foundation for Bader Rutter’s services, as the and brand building exercises, industry and competitor strategic counsel, strengthens boundaries merge between the agency’s many agency/client relationship insight, PR and product development. disciplines, including Brand Strategy, Public Relations, 4. Packaging concept of combining Media, Relationship Marketing, Advertising, Event “We were surprised at how straightforward it was to SM2 with consultancy creates new planning and more. create effective search profiles and then have rapid client service access to useful results. The way SM2 is built means Despite the rise of social media being less meteoric it’s a performance tool too – it’s always accessible Bader Rutter, an integrated in B2B markets than B2C, Bader Rutter recognized and fast,” Thekan continued. “It can also be very cost marketing communications agency, the increasing influence of social channels and had effective as we don’t pay for the number of ‘seats’ or uses Alterian SM2 to provide insight been recommending social strategies and tactics to users but only for the amount of data collected; some and intelligence for its customers, clients. The agency also identified that monitoring listening programs yield few results which can be often enlightening and informing was an important early step to social media success useful information in itself, yet others yield very robust them of conversations they had no and its initial approach involved the use of multiple data sets.” idea were happening. This insight free tools. leads to the ability to proactively Anticipating that the social web would become even No news is good news. respond and increase engagement Bader Rutter first used SM2 to manage an issues more influential, the agency’s Digital Solutions Group with customers and prospects. management project. A short-term listening realized that a more comprehensive and efficient engagement was set-up to understand what was approach to monitoring was needed. What’s more, being discussed in social channels about a particular an immediate demand from a client for a major topic. After 30 days it was clear that the anticipated online PR and reputation management engagement chatter was not taking place – at least not in significant meant time was short to find an appropriate solution. volumes – a valuable insight for the team. So much Demand for better intelligence so, the project continued for the remainder of the “In the past, effectively monitoring the social web year and was recently extended into an ongoing was too time-consuming as data had to be aggregated program. Even though it has been one of the longest from several sources. This method wasn’t social media monitoring engagements for Bader comprehensive enough either, as only a fraction of all Rutter to date, no action had to be taken. social sources were covered,” explained Grant Thekan, “The client was pleased that there were few Senior Digital Strategist of Bader Rutter’s Digital conversations taking place and even fewer by those Solutions Group. “Helping our clients understand, wielding significant influence or authority. Therefore, manage and harness the power of the social web is the issues management plan that was prepared
  • 2. Alterian Case Study Bader Rutter didn’t have to be deployed. By listening in real-time Alterian to members of the industry community, we noted Guiding product development Alterian (LSE: ALN) enables only a couple of social ‘hot-spots’ but those voices Alterian SM2 is also helping guide new product organizations to create relevant, were never loud enough to act upon. Social media strategies for a major provider of financial services effective and engaging experiences for the agriculture sector. A listening profile was with their customers and prospects monitoring now plays an ongoing role in this client’s through social, digital, and traditional gathering of business intelligence and market developed for the client’s brand, as well as six major marketing channels. Alterian’s Customer research, helping to inform marketing strategy,” competitors, with conversation volumes, share of Engagement solutions are focused in explained Thekan. voice, sentiment and a variety of other parameters four main areas: Social Media, Web all being monitored. After just a few weeks it came Content Management, Email, and Revealing insights as a surprise to the client to find that while there was Campaign Management & Analytics. Since then, Bader Rutter’s social media task-force indeed significant conversation taking place about Alterian technology is utilized either has worked on a mix of client engagements and new issues such as financing for agri-business, little of it to address a specific marketing business development opportunities with SM2. The involved company and brand names that produced challenge or as part of an integrated relevant products and services. marketing platform, with analytics first project was all about monitoring present-day and customer engagement with the conversations but some have been about looking individual at the heart of everything. “There was almost no awareness of any of the back in time. SM2 is the only monitoring tool with a Working alongside a rich ecosystem organizations being monitored,” said Thekan. “The social media warehouse storing data since 2007. Its of partners, Alterian delivers its conversations we observed centered on the issues, software as a service, or on premise. database also continues to grow with millions of concerns and demands of the industry but weren’t For more information about Alterian pieces of content added every day. routinely associated with any brand names. It was a visit www.alterian.com or the Alterian Thekan commented: “When we’re considering a major wake-up call for the client, who realized there blog at www.engagingtimes.com. new product launch, for example, it’s valuable to was an untapped opportunity to raise awareness UK & European Headquarters go and see what the reaction was to a previous and become front-of-mind with customers. We’re Alterian product, or what a competitor did last year and now working to take advantage of the insight and The Spectrum Building how consumers reacted.” raise our client’s profile in social channels.” Bond Street Bristol Competitor analysis with SM2 has also uncovered BS1 3LG UK some eye-opening moments. One of them took place during a new business session with an existing, New agency propositions T +44 (0) 117 970 3200 F +44 (0) 117 970 3301 global manufacturing client. Monitoring various client Bader Rutter’s overall impression of working with brands and products along with those of its top four Alterian SM2 during its first year is that it’s a robust North American Headquarters tool that can yield significant insights. “The type of Alterian Inc. competitors, revealed a significant gap of awareness social data SM2 produces fits our business like a 35 East Wacker Drive (and resulting share of voice) between the client and Suite 200 its competition, in particular markets. The insights glove,” Thekan said. “Our clients have an appetite Chicago, IL 60601 gleaned provided valuable business intelligence that for metrics and the data we’re now reaping from USA was used to help shape marketing strategy and social channels provides them with an exciting new T +1 312 704 1700 communications plans for the year ahead; plans way of understanding the organic nature of brands F +1 312 704 1701 intended to make Bader Rutter’s client more and how they’re influenced by the consumer, who prominent in those verticals. now has an active voice in the disposition and evolution of those brands.” Thekan concludes: “We now we have a powerful tool that when combined with our strategic counsel, allows us to create strategic plans for clients which strengthens their engagement with customers. We’ve been exposing every client to its capabilities; once they see its power and value, Alterian SM2 generally sells itself.” © 2010 Alterian. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.