This document proposes an efficient regulatory model for fiber network deployment across Europe. The model would provide incentives for operators to install fiber networks across entire countries while maximizing household connections. It suggests applying the same geographic cost averaging used for copper networks, where higher-cost rural lines are subsidized by lower-cost urban lines. This would allow a uniform fiber access price for ISPs. The model estimates the costs and subsidies needed for a national fiber rollout in France as an example. It concludes that the model could deploy fiber to all households at the lowest possible public cost while ensuring a reasonable profit level for operators.
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1. I-1.35: From copper to fibre: an optimal regulatory policy
Anh Tuc NGUYEN, Consultant, TERA Consultants, Denis BASQUE, Parner, TERA
Consultants, Laurent Benzoni, professor of Economy, founder and associate of Tera
The role of fibre is very important towards connecting to ultra-fast broadband, one of the key action
areas of the Digital Agenda. But, Europe is late in its fibre deployment, especially when compared
to other advanced economies such as the United States or Japan. At the same time, however,
there is still no standard for a European fibre strategy: public as well as private stakeholders are
having very different approaches in local FTTx deployment sometimes leading to a waste in private
and public funds and being mainly focused on dense areas. This article aims to propose an efficient
model for fibre network deployment that can be applied to all European Member States. The model
provides high-margin incentives for operators to install fibre network across the whole country,
while maximising households’ fibre connection rate through an automatic migration scheme. In a
period of weak growth and budget restrictions, the catch-up in ultra-fast broadband internet
requires more than ever an efficient policy to maximise the deployment of FTTH at the lowest cost
possible to the public. The proposed model serves as an ideal choice given this context.
In February 2009, Commissioner Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European
Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, talking about the fibre deployment
situation in Europe, admitted that “The current rate of new connections – now
down to 25,000 a day – is simply not enough to meet our 2020 targets”1
. Indeed,
Europe is late in its fibre rollout: the penetration rate of FTTH/B in Europe, at
17.4%, is quite low compared to that of Japan or the US, at 39% and 33%
. However, it is very important for the European society and economy
to have all households connected to the new technology. In a period of weak
growth and budget restrictions, the catch-up in ultra-fast broadband internet
requires more than ever an efficient policy to maximise the deployment of FTTH at
the lowest cost possible to the public. The choice of an appropriate regulatory
model is therefore essential. This article describes such an optimal model by
taking the French experience as a case study for numerical illustration. Lessons
from this French experience remain obviously true for other European countries.
The historical model for the copper network
What is the starting point? In Europe in general, a copper network deployed by the
incumbent operator makes telephone service available across the whole country.
The Commissioner’s speech at the Fibre to the Home Council Europe Conference, Milan, 10 February 2011.
Source: IDATE, FTTx 2011 Market & Trends, Facts & Figures.
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This network has supported the development of the low-speed and then high-
speed internet. Internet service providers (ISPs) pay an access price to the copper
network that is mostly regulated and fixed by National Regulatory Authority (NRA).
The price is currently at €8.55/line/month in Europe3
. This unique access price in
each European country conceals a reality of very different costs depending on the
geographical situation of all the lines the countries. Indeed, the lower the
population density, the higher the cost of the line.
In France, for example, where the access price to the copper network of France
Telecom is at €9.00/line/month, a geographical averaging of costs by which 24
million lines finance 8 million lines is in place. These 24 million lines, whose cost is
less than €9.00/line/month, incur a profit of €420 million/year and thus subsidise
the 8 million lines whose cost is higher than its price4
. This is an internal transfer
within France Telecom. It allows an overall economic balance that leaves France
Telecom with, among others, a comfortable margin5
(see figure 1 below). The
situation is similar for other incumbents in Europe.
Figure 1: Geographical averaging of costs between lines in the copper network in France
8 million deficit-
making lines
24 million profit-making lines
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of lines in order
of increasing cost
(millions of lines)
Price paid
by ISP
The cost of the line increases as the
population density decreases
Profit Loss
Subsidy: €420 million/year
Source: Tera Consultants.
Source: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European
Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Progress Report on the Single European
Electronic Communications Market (15th report). The prices are of October 2009 and excluding tax.
These figures are TERA Consultants’ calculations based on ARCEP’s data published in 2005 (see ARCEP’s
decision no. 2005-0834). ARCEP is the French telecoms regulator.
Cost of capital at 10.4% determined by ARCEP on the basis of assets evaluated using the current cost with
economic depreciation approach.
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This system allows French ISPs to buy an access to the copper network that let
them sell ultra-fast broadband internet at around €32/line/month including tax6
where competition is feasible. It should be noted that 6 million lines or 20% of total
lines in France cannot access these offers due to the copper network structure and
the viability of local loop unbundling (LLU). Similar situation arises in other
European countries, for example, in the UK only 85% of total lines are enabled by
at least one LLU operator.
A transition from copper to FTTH: the efficient regulatory model
Let us consider the total replacement of the copper network by the FTTH network.
This new network is based, like the copper network, on a point-to-point architecture
which facilitates fibre unbundling. This network also links the optical distribution
frame (ODF) with a minimum capacity of 2000 lines, which is an essential element
that allows for a full-fledged competition among all the ISPs across the whole
country, including the lines that currently do not enjoy the best of broadband
internet. The same profit as the copper network (same WACC) could be applied.
The access price to the fibre network paid by ISPs would be the national average
cost of all the lines. In this system, with the same geographic averaging as for the
copper network, there will be profit-making lines, whose cost is lower than the
average price, and loss-making lines, whose cost is higher than the average price.
A fund with contributions from profit-making areas should assure the subsidy of
loss-making areas. The operating principles of such a fund have already been
tested as in the universal telecommunications service.
The FTTH connection rate under this system is automatically 100% since the
switch off of the copper network is planned through a mandatory migration similar
to that currently in place for the Digital Terrestrial Television for example, or to the
successful change from 110 to 220 volts in electrical networks. This further
guarantees the profitability of FTTH by maximising economies of scale. The
system can also allow residential subscribers who opt for the telephone service
only on their fibre access to keep their current price plan, which is €15/line/month
VAT included for the European average7
, by introducing a subsidy for non-internet
subscribers by ultra-fast broadband internet subscribers. On the other hand, all
internet subscribers would be migrated over ultra-fast broadband internet based on
Price charged by alternative operators Bouygues Telecom and SFR in May 2011 (2€ more for France
Telecom, the incumbent, and Free, another alternative operator, includes unlimited calls to mobile for 38€).
European Commission 15th report, figures of September 2009.
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In order to ensure that the FTTH is deployed in the most efficient manner, a
competition for the market could be introduced to choose the most efficient FTTH
network operator at the local level.
When this model is applied in France, total investment needed including connection
to each accommodation is estimated at €36 billion that is supposed to pay off within
35 years with the same level of profitability as the copper network at 10.4%8
. The
access price to the fibre line paid by ISPs would be at €15.00/line/month excluding
tax vs. €9.00/line/month for the copper network. Given geographic averaging, 20
million lines, or 60% of the total, would cost lower than their average price and thus
incur a profit of €800 million/year that would compensate the loss arising from the
12 million loss-making lines (see figure 2 below).
For ISPs’ consumers, the retail fibre monthly rental charge would then stand
between €38 and €39/line/month, equivalent to a 20% price increase compared to
the standard broadband over copper monthly rental charge. In return, these
consumers would enjoy symmetric internet access at a higher speed of up to 50
times and the possibility to choose any ISP and to have access to any internet
service regardless of where they live.
Figure 2: The cost, average price and subsidy for an efficient national FTTH deployment
20 million profit-making lines 12 million loss-making lines
Price paid
by ISP
Subsidy: €800 millions/year
The cost of the line increases as the
population density decreases
Number of lines in order
of increasing cost
(millions of lines)0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Tera Consultants’ calculations. These costs include investments of vertical and horizontal deployments, cost
of connecting to apartments in building as well as to one-off houses. Other costs that were taken into account
are : operational costs (cable maintenance), the lease costs of civil engineering of France Telecom or sewers,
municipality costs (5.78% according to ARCEP’s decision 2005-0834), the client connection costs and the
costs of vertical deployment, shared between operators with an investment depreciated in 35 years (source:
ARCEP’s decision 2005-0834), with a cost of capital at 10.4% (ARCEP: 2005-0834) and 32 million lines
(source: Notice explicative de l’outil de simulation de la tarification du génie civil de boucle locale en conduite
de France Télécom - May 2010).
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Source: Tera Consultants.
The errors of the model chosen nowadays
The efficient model above can be applied to any other country, in Europe as well as
elsewhere. However, this has not been chosen as a European standard. In fact,
there is currently no European standard at all. A host of different initiatives has
sprung up: in Switzerland, the incumbent Swisscom and the utility operator EWZ
work together to construct the fibre network in largest cities, in Italy, alternative
operators have teamed up for the deployment, in Sweden, the Netherlands or
Germany, the municipalities and the incumbents have led the way, in France, on
the other hand, both the incumbent and alternative operators have built their own
infrastructure, thus leading to a duplication of fibre networks, etc. As a result of
these “unorganised” and diverse initiatives, market players and NRAs must now
think about how to encourage investment in fibre deployment and migration from
copper to fibre. For example, the European Commission issued an NGA
Recommendation in 2010 that requires regulator to take into account an investment
risk premium to allow for an increase in wholesale access price to the new fibre
. Also, the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association
(ETNO) and the European Competitive Telecommunications Associations (ECTA),
two imminent trade associations in telecoms, have proposed contradicting
measures. While ETNO recommended the same pricing method for both the fibre
and copper network, ECTA indicated that access price to copper should be cut
substantially to create enough incentive for incumbents to invest in fibre10
. But, if
the efficient model presented above had been chosen, these questions would be
irrelevant since migration would be automatic for all households, plus profitability of
FTTH network would be guaranteed with a comfortable margin.
An example of inefficient model is the case in France, where the duplication of
FTTH networks takes place in areas classified as "very dense" (148 municipalities
and 5.5 million households according to ARCEP). This duplication disrupts
economies of scale and leads to an average price of access to FTTH twice as high
in very dense areas: it will amount to around €20/line/month vs. €10/line/month if
the network had not been replicated. Outside very dense areas, economic
rationality reasserts itself: only one operator can reasonably be expected to deploy
Commission Recommendation of 20 September 2010 on regulated access to Next Generation Access
Networks (NGA) [2010/572/EU]
ETNO’s position is based on a study by Plum Consulting available at; ECTA’s proposal is based on the WIK’s study available at
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the FTTH network, France Telcom11
. The current model entails an increase of
access prices by about 35% in total at the national level compared to the efficient
model. 30 million lines, or 94% in total, and the corresponding number of French
households will have to pay higher prices compared to the efficient model,
equivalent to an additional expenditure of nearly €1.7 billion per year12
Figure 3: Cost, disruption and "digital divide" in the current system, the example of France
8 million lines
Price paid
by ISP
Number of lines in order
of increasing cost
(millions of lines)
Non-regulated access price to FTTH line
Breakdown of
economies of scale
Other areas
30 million lines with very high cost
24 million lines
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
€1.7 billion
Source: TERA Consultants.
In addition, several incumbents in Europe deploy nowadays a FTTH network with
the Passive Optical Network (PON) architecture such as France Telecom, Telenor
of Norway, Telecom Italia, and A1 Telekom of Austria. This is a technical choice
that makes it expensive and difficult to open their network to competing ISPs in the
future. In Europe, since no constraint is imposed on the minimum size of the ODF,
the incumbent will be free to completely close the market by creating small ODF
that the alternative operators will not be able to serve due to low economies of
For more on this subject read opinion 10-A-07 of 17 March 2010 of the French Competition Authority relative
to the opinion requested by the Minister for the economy, industry and employment and by the Minister for
industry relative to the national “ultrafast broadband” programme, available online at
Segmentation between the very dense areas and others will then create absurd local disruptions.
Municipalities with FTTH network duplication will experience an access cost of up to €21/line/month, 40%
higher than that in the municipalities where FTTH network is not duplicated and yet where population density is
lower (see Figure 3). Obviously, these two types of municipalities can be next-door neighbours: imagine the
source of misunderstanding for the families and the consequences for the politicians under such a system.
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scale. Service-based competition will be all the more weakened since ex ante
regulation of offers enabling access to FTTH networks is still at a hypothetical
stage in many European countries. Instead, it should be decided a priori and not a
late remedy to address certain malfunctions.
Obviously, in the current models in Europe, there is no longer any guarantee of a
deployment of FTTH to all households, especially since the deployment cost in
non-urban areas could be very high. For instance, in France, outside very dense
areas, FTTH access prices vary depending on the municipalities, from €12 to
€34/line/month. This risk is increasing the digital divide whereas in fact, people
living in rural areas would benefit more from FTTH than city dwellers because
internet connection speed on fibre does not decrease with distance, contrary to the
copper case. On top of this, even if fibre deployment would perhaps be extended to
rural areas, there would be no guarantee of homogenous price in all areas of the
country. This is already the case in the Netherlands –one of the most dense and
homogeneous country from a geographic point of view in Europe-, where fibre
deployment is in an advanced stage compared to other European countries but
where access price to fully unbundled ODF varies between €12.14/month and €
. The efficient model presented above will not only prevent these
effects (no fibre in rural areas and/or geographically de-averaged prices) but will
also ensure a very profitable the investment in FTTH (cost of capital at around
10%, like for copper). It is to be noted that, outside Europe, the Australian
government is choosing a similar approach by organising the deployment of a
nationwide FTTH network with a uniform wholesale access price whereby national
solidarity is preserved14
Conclusion: an absolute necessity to revise the models adopted in Europe
There exist circumstances where competition cannot work. Lawyers call that
“essential facility”, economists “natural monopoly”. In these circumstances,
regulation is needed. The situation of the local loop of wired telecommunications
networks falls within this issue: the duplication of infrastructure increases the costs
to such an extent that no gain in competitive efficiency is able to offset the cost of
this duplication. The replacement of copper by fibre does not change the technical
and economic fundamentals of wired local loop. Why? This is due to the fact that
most of the fixed costs of this local loop consist of civil work, construction,
engineering and labour, items not subjected to the digital technology progress.
Source: for the Netherlands: KPN 4
quarter results 2010, page 73, available at
Source : NBN co limited, Corporate Plan 2011 – 2013, 17 December 2010, page 13
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It is therefore indispensable to have a comprehensive review of current regulatory
model in order to overcome the digital divide, to ensure the maximum FTTH
deployment in Europe with the lowest cost possible by introducing effective
competition everywhere and to promote the dissemination of innovations in the
digital economy of the future. The digital divide must be resolved and must not be
turned into an economic abyss.