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Protecting Your Sensitive
       Data in the Cloud
                                     Ed Bottini
  Global Cloud Computing Ecosystem Manager

                                  Jim Zierick
    EVP Strategy and Corporate Development

                                                 June 26, 2012
                  © 1985-2012 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
• IBM Smart Cloud Offering
• The State of the Cloud
• Cloud Security Best Practices
• BeyondTrust Cloud Security
• Next Steps
• Q&A


                   © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Enterprises intend for cloud to improve their business capabilities
How Important are the Following Objectives for Adopting Cloud? % of Respondents

      Increased collaboration with external partners                                                                                                   62%

    Competitive/cost advantages thru vertical integration                                                                                        57%

                                 New delivery channels/markets                                                                               56%

                                New/enhanced revenue streams                                                                                54%

             Competitive differentiation thru specialization

                         Rebalanced mix of products/services                                                                       46%

                                            Flexible pricing models                                                             43%

                        Business Capabilities                        Internal Efficiencies                   Important or Very Important

      Source: 2011 IBM/EIU Cloud Survey Results, Q5: How Important are the Following Objectives for Adopting Cloud?, n= 572

                                   Close to half (42%) of organizations surveyed plan to harness
3                                                                                                                                                 © 2012 IBM Corporation
                                   cloud for radical business model innovation within three years
Adoption patterns are emerging for successfully beginning and
progressing cloud initiatives
    Cut IT expense    Accelerate time   Gain immediate       Innovate
    & complexity      to market with    access with          business
    through a cloud   cloud platform    business solutions   models by
    enabled data      services          on cloud             becoming a
    center                                                   cloud service

4                                                                      © 2012 IBM Corporation
IBM offers clients choice of cloud delivery models…

      FOUNDATION                  SERVICES                  SOLUTIONS

     Private & Hybrid        Managed Services            Business Solutions
      Cloud Enablement       Infrastructure & Platform    Software & Business
        Technologies                as a Service          Process as a Service

             Commitment to open standards and a broad ecosystem
5                                                                        © 2012 IBM Corporation

     Client       Industry     Data and      Workplace    Security    Resilience Enterprise      Partner
    defined       services     analytics      services    services     services applications     services
    services                   services

                                            Application Services

          Application         Application        Application         Application      Integration
           Lifecycle          Resources         Environments         Management

                             Enterprise                          Enterprise+

         Infrastructure       Management            Security         Payment and      Availability and
            Platform          and Support                               Billing        Performance

               Enterprise                        Enterprise                        Enterprise
               data center
                                                                               A                    B

      Managed private cloud                  Hosted private cloud            Shared cloud services

6                                                                                              © 2012 IBM Corporation
Transforming Application Lifecycle Management leveraging Cloud &
    ecosystem partner services

         Project        Requirement       Design        Development    Test        Deployment   Production
         Initiation     Analysis

      Defects loaded in Rational
      Quality Manager and tracked
      through application life cycle
                                          Application Virtualization          Defect Analysis
              Code Analysis & Reporting                          Mobile Device Testing
                                              Performance Testing Services

                                       Workload Portability                 Testing Solutions
     Community of Partners                          Application Virtualization             Testing on Devices

7                                                                                                      © 2012 IBM Corporation
IBM has built and ecosystem to enhance our capabilities and deliver
client value
                           Cloud Application Providers                       Cloud Services Solution Providers

                                    Client    Industry    Data and Workplace Security Resilience Enterprise Partner
                                   defined    services    analytics services services  services applications services
                                   services               services

                                                                   Application Services
                                                                                                                             Cloud Technology
                                        Application      Application      Application    Application        Integration
                                         Lifecycle       Resources       Environments    Management

                                                         Enterprise                      Enterprise+
    Cloud Infrastructure
                                       Infrastructure    Management         Security       Payment        Availability and
                                          Platform       and Support                      and Billing      Performance

                                         Enterprise                       Enterprise                    Enterprise
                                         data center                                                A                 B

                                   Managed private cloud                Hosted private          Shared cloud services

                                                                       Cloud Builders

8                                                                                                                                    © 2012 IBM Corporation
#1 Concern When Moving to the Cloud
Security is the #1 concern when moving deployments to the Cloud

                                                                                     Poneman’s Surveys concluded that:
                                                                                     •       79% of respondents believe that being
                                                                                             able to efficiently manage security in the
                                                                                             cloud is critical.

                                                                                     •       42% of respondents indicated they would not
                                                                                             know if their organizations' cloud applications
                                                                                             or data was compromised by a security breach
                                                                                             or data exploit

            IDC Enterprise Panel Survey on Cloud challenges


                                            © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Top threats to Cloud Computing

Per Cloud Security Alliance’s “Top Threats to
  Cloud Computing (March 2010)
  – Abuse & Nefarious Use of Cloud Computing
  – Insecure Interfaces and APIs
  – Malicious Insiders
  – Shared Technology Vulnerabilities
  – Data Loss/Leakage
  – Account or Service Hijacking


                 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
The Evolving Threat Landscape
Boldness and inventiveness of hackers is outrunning
companies’ ability to deal with them. Theft of intellectual
property from U.S. companies is occurring at a rate of
$200B a year.
“Organizations continue to struggle with excessive user
privilege as it remains the primary attack point for data
breaches and unauthorized transactions.”
~ Mark Diodati, Burton/Gartner Group
• Cost of security operations outstripping IT budget growth
• Threat surface increases with every new user and every new technology
    – Acceleration of APT activities
    – BYOD/’Consumerization’ of IT a fact of life now
    – Virtualization and the Private Cloud blur create gaps for attack
• Challenges in distinguishing between ‘potential’ and ‘real’ threats


                                   © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
The Problem is Broad and Deep

        • The threat from attacks is a statistical
          certainty and businesses of every type
          and size are vulnerable.

        • Organizations are experiencing multiple
          breaches: 59 percent had two or more
          breaches in the past 12 months.

        • Only 11 percent of companies know the
          source of all network security breaches.


        © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Demystifying Cloud Security

                               You can’t secure ‘The Cloud.’
                               There is no ‘The Cloud.’ If
                               you don’t have a robust
                               security program, cloud
                               computing will make it
                                        Christopher Hoff – Founding member
                                        and technical advisor to the Cloud
                                        Security Alliance


        © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Impact of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Reality – Public, Hybrid or Private
• Increasing scale – from thousands to tens of thousands servers
• Increasing complexity makes configuration and change management
    – Complex directory structures are a major pain point
• Reliability is critical to realizing operational improvement


                             © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Rethink Existing Controls for Clouds
What’s the same
   – Many technical controls are the same
What’s different
   – Massively automated, virtualized, multi-tenant
   – Complex supply chain, multiple-domain security concerns
Necessitates some shifts in security strategy
   – New controls (hypervisor integrity monitoring)
   – Process-related controls (application and data governance)


                        © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Best Practice For Cloud Security
Full Life-Cycle Control of Privileged Users
            Account for All Privileged Users
            Manage Provisioning/De-Provisioning Privileged
            Implement a “Least Privilege” based Control
            Monitor and Reconcile Privileged Activity
            Maintain a High Quality Audit Repository
            Automate Compliance Reporting


               © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Requirements For Enterprise Grade Cloud Security

 • Scalable, enterprise grade fabric
 • Seamless integrations with on-premise and
   cloud directories
 • Allow admins to manage policies not
 • Dynamically react to changes in virtual
 • Quantifiable performance metrics of how
   it’s performing


                       © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Cloud Security with BeyondTrust

BeyondTrust allows companies to extend existing
security infrastructure, policies and compliance
reporting to their private, public and hybrid clouds
such that it is
 • Scalable
 • Elastic
 • Easily installed
 • Easily managed


                      © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
The BeyondTrust Vision
         Security in Context                                                                    Public, Private and Hybrid
Our threat management and policy                                                                Cloud Computing Security
enablement solutions provide zero-gap
visibility and actionable intelligence to reduce                                                Server & Desktop, Physical &
                                                                                               Virtualization Windows, Linux,
risks and close security gaps by integrating                                                                 Unix
providing Security in Context across
vulnerabilities, privilege and data.                                                                    Network
•   Solutions for infrastructure, endpoints,                                                         Device Security
    data and applications
•   Support for physical, virtual, public,                                                            Data Security
    private and hybrid cloud environments                                                           & Leak Prevention
•   Allows IT governance to strengthen
    security, improve productivity, drive                                                           Governance, Risk
    compliance and reduce expense                                                                    & Compliance


                                  © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Context-Aware Security Intelligence
Complete Risk Management for both
Internal and External Threats
    Discovery of all internal and external
     vulnerabilities and threats
    Prioritization of risk according to threats,
     resources, privileges, etc.
    Threat-aware mitigations and
     preventative measures including Patch
     Management, Least Privilege, DLP and
     Endpoint protection.
    Continuous monitoring and measurement
     of threat posture
    Automated compliance reporting


                                © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Context-Aware Security Intelligence
Comprehensive preventative intelligence
       BeyondTrust allows you to discover all your security
        weaknesses across vulnerabilities, privilege and data
        and provides you with the security intelligence you
        need to protect business assets from cyber attacks.

Fully automated and integrated; less resource
       BeyondTrust automates the full spectrum of ongoing
        assets discovery, assessments, policy and compliance
        enforcement for your entire IT infrastructure across
        Desktop, Servers, Mobile, Virtual, Database and

Flexible and Scalable
       Our solutions support distributed deployment across
        the largest organizations around the globe.


                                             © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
BeyondTrust Solutions For Cloud Computing

                 Unix, Linux and Windows Servers
                                                                                                    Policy Based Security

                       Virtualized and
                    cloud environments                                             Flexible Network Configuration

                                                                                                      Highly Scalable
                   Monitor critical databases

                     Activity Directory Bridge                                                  Dynamic Deployment

                              RETINA CS
Purpose built threat assessment and management                                                        Mixed Networks


                                       © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Comprehensive Hybrid Cloud Model
Systems      Servers Virtualization             Identity
Management                                      Services                                           PowerBroker
                                                                                                   Enterprise Fabric
                                                                                                   Flexible Deployment Across Virtual
                                                                                                   and Physical Infrastructure
                                                                                                   •   Programmable
                                                                                                   •   Policy driven
                                                                                                   •   Dynamically Deployed
                                                                                                   •   Context aware and adaptive

                                                                  Operating System


                                                                                                   Easily Configured into Separate
                                                                                                   Security Zones to allow Context
                                                                                                   Aware Cloud Security Policies
   PCI       Financial Systems          HR Systems


                                      © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Next: Learn More About Secure Cloud
          BeyondTrust Resources                                                                     IBM Resources

    Free product
                                                                                  Learn more about
Free whitepaper:                                                                    IBM SmartCloud
  Elevating Cloud                                                                Enterprise and Sign
         Security                                                                 Up for an Account
    with Privilege

                     Find both here:                                                                       Visit:
           www.beyondtrust.com/SmartCloud                                                           www.ibm.com/buycloud


                                       © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Thank You
Join the Conversation!


     © 1985-2012 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved

More Related Content

IBM and BeyondTrust Presents: Protecting Your Sensitive Data in the Cloud

  • 1. Protecting Your Sensitive Data in the Cloud Ed Bottini Global Cloud Computing Ecosystem Manager IBM Jim Zierick EVP Strategy and Corporate Development BeyondTrust June 26, 2012 © 1985-2012 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 2. Agenda • IBM Smart Cloud Offering • The State of the Cloud • Cloud Security Best Practices • BeyondTrust Cloud Security • Next Steps • Q&A 2 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 3. Enterprises intend for cloud to improve their business capabilities How Important are the Following Objectives for Adopting Cloud? % of Respondents Increased collaboration with external partners 62% Competitive/cost advantages thru vertical integration 57% New delivery channels/markets 56% New/enhanced revenue streams 54% Competitive differentiation thru specialization 51% Rebalanced mix of products/services 46% Flexible pricing models 43% Business Capabilities Internal Efficiencies Important or Very Important Source: 2011 IBM/EIU Cloud Survey Results, Q5: How Important are the Following Objectives for Adopting Cloud?, n= 572 3 Close to half (42%) of organizations surveyed plan to harness 3 © 2012 IBM Corporation cloud for radical business model innovation within three years
  • 4. Adoption patterns are emerging for successfully beginning and progressing cloud initiatives Cut IT expense Accelerate time Gain immediate Innovate & complexity to market with access with business through a cloud cloud platform business solutions models by enabled data services on cloud becoming a center cloud service provider 4 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 5. IBM offers clients choice of cloud delivery models… FOUNDATION SERVICES SOLUTIONS Private & Hybrid Managed Services Business Solutions Cloud Enablement Infrastructure & Platform Software & Business Technologies as a Service Process as a Service Commitment to open standards and a broad ecosystem 5 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 6. SERVICES Client Industry Data and Workplace Security Resilience Enterprise Partner defined services analytics services services services applications services services services Application Services Application Application Application Application Integration Lifecycle Resources Environments Management Enterprise Enterprise+ Infrastructure Management Security Payment and Availability and Platform and Support Billing Performance Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise data center A B Managed private cloud Hosted private cloud Shared cloud services 6 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 7. Transforming Application Lifecycle Management leveraging Cloud & ecosystem partner services Project Requirement Design Development Test Deployment Production Initiation Analysis Defects loaded in Rational Quality Manager and tracked Maintain through application life cycle Application Virtualization Defect Analysis Code Analysis & Reporting Mobile Device Testing Performance Testing Services Workload Portability Testing Solutions Community of Partners Application Virtualization Testing on Devices 7 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 8. IBM has built and ecosystem to enhance our capabilities and deliver client value Cloud Application Providers Cloud Services Solution Providers Client Industry Data and Workplace Security Resilience Enterprise Partner defined services analytics services services services applications services services services Application Services Cloud Technology providers Application Application Application Application Integration Lifecycle Resources Environments Management Enterprise Enterprise+ Cloud Infrastructure Providers Infrastructure Management Security Payment Availability and Platform and Support and Billing Performance Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise data center A B Managed private cloud Hosted private Shared cloud services cloud Cloud Builders 8 © 2012 IBM Corporation
  • 9. #1 Concern When Moving to the Cloud Security is the #1 concern when moving deployments to the Cloud Poneman’s Surveys concluded that: • 79% of respondents believe that being able to efficiently manage security in the cloud is critical. • 42% of respondents indicated they would not know if their organizations' cloud applications or data was compromised by a security breach or data exploit IDC Enterprise Panel Survey on Cloud challenges 9 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 10. Top threats to Cloud Computing Per Cloud Security Alliance’s “Top Threats to Cloud Computing (March 2010) – Abuse & Nefarious Use of Cloud Computing – Insecure Interfaces and APIs – Malicious Insiders – Shared Technology Vulnerabilities – Data Loss/Leakage – Account or Service Hijacking 10 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 11. The Evolving Threat Landscape Boldness and inventiveness of hackers is outrunning companies’ ability to deal with them. Theft of intellectual property from U.S. companies is occurring at a rate of $200B a year. “Organizations continue to struggle with excessive user privilege as it remains the primary attack point for data breaches and unauthorized transactions.” ~ Mark Diodati, Burton/Gartner Group • Cost of security operations outstripping IT budget growth • Threat surface increases with every new user and every new technology – Acceleration of APT activities – BYOD/’Consumerization’ of IT a fact of life now – Virtualization and the Private Cloud blur create gaps for attack • Challenges in distinguishing between ‘potential’ and ‘real’ threats 11 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 12. The Problem is Broad and Deep • The threat from attacks is a statistical certainty and businesses of every type and size are vulnerable. • Organizations are experiencing multiple breaches: 59 percent had two or more breaches in the past 12 months. • Only 11 percent of companies know the source of all network security breaches. 12 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 13. Demystifying Cloud Security You can’t secure ‘The Cloud.’ There is no ‘The Cloud.’ If you don’t have a robust security program, cloud computing will make it worse.” Christopher Hoff – Founding member and technical advisor to the Cloud Security Alliance 13 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 14. Impact of Cloud Computing Cloud Computing Reality – Public, Hybrid or Private • Increasing scale – from thousands to tens of thousands servers • Increasing complexity makes configuration and change management challenging – Complex directory structures are a major pain point • Reliability is critical to realizing operational improvement 14 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 15. Rethink Existing Controls for Clouds What’s the same – Many technical controls are the same What’s different – Massively automated, virtualized, multi-tenant environment – Complex supply chain, multiple-domain security concerns Necessitates some shifts in security strategy – New controls (hypervisor integrity monitoring) – Process-related controls (application and data governance) 15 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 16. Best Practice For Cloud Security Full Life-Cycle Control of Privileged Users Requirements:  Account for All Privileged Users  Manage Provisioning/De-Provisioning Privileged Credentials  Implement a “Least Privilege” based Control System  Monitor and Reconcile Privileged Activity  Maintain a High Quality Audit Repository  Automate Compliance Reporting 16 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 17. Requirements For Enterprise Grade Cloud Security • Scalable, enterprise grade fabric • Seamless integrations with on-premise and cloud directories • Allow admins to manage policies not infrastructure • Dynamically react to changes in virtual environment • Quantifiable performance metrics of how it’s performing 17 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 18. Cloud Security with BeyondTrust BeyondTrust allows companies to extend existing security infrastructure, policies and compliance reporting to their private, public and hybrid clouds such that it is • Scalable • Elastic • Easily installed • Easily managed 18 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 19. The BeyondTrust Vision Security in Context Public, Private and Hybrid Our threat management and policy Cloud Computing Security enablement solutions provide zero-gap visibility and actionable intelligence to reduce Server & Desktop, Physical & Virtualization Windows, Linux, risks and close security gaps by integrating Unix providing Security in Context across vulnerabilities, privilege and data. Network • Solutions for infrastructure, endpoints, Device Security data and applications • Support for physical, virtual, public, Data Security private and hybrid cloud environments & Leak Prevention • Allows IT governance to strengthen security, improve productivity, drive Governance, Risk compliance and reduce expense & Compliance 19 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 20. Context-Aware Security Intelligence Complete Risk Management for both Internal and External Threats  Discovery of all internal and external vulnerabilities and threats  Prioritization of risk according to threats, resources, privileges, etc.  Threat-aware mitigations and preventative measures including Patch Management, Least Privilege, DLP and Endpoint protection.  Continuous monitoring and measurement of threat posture  Automated compliance reporting 20 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 21. Context-Aware Security Intelligence Benefits Comprehensive preventative intelligence  BeyondTrust allows you to discover all your security weaknesses across vulnerabilities, privilege and data and provides you with the security intelligence you need to protect business assets from cyber attacks. Fully automated and integrated; less resource intensive  BeyondTrust automates the full spectrum of ongoing assets discovery, assessments, policy and compliance enforcement for your entire IT infrastructure across Desktop, Servers, Mobile, Virtual, Database and Cloud. Flexible and Scalable  Our solutions support distributed deployment across the largest organizations around the globe. 21 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 22. BeyondTrust Solutions For Cloud Computing Unix, Linux and Windows Servers Policy Based Security Virtualized and cloud environments Flexible Network Configuration Highly Scalable Monitor critical databases Activity Directory Bridge Dynamic Deployment RETINA CS Purpose built threat assessment and management Mixed Networks 22 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 23. Comprehensive Hybrid Cloud Model Systems Servers Virtualization Identity Management Services PowerBroker Enterprise Fabric Flexible Deployment Across Virtual and Physical Infrastructure • Programmable • Policy driven • Dynamically Deployed Application • Context aware and adaptive Database Operating System Hypervisor Easily Configured into Separate Security Zones to allow Context Aware Cloud Security Policies PCI Financial Systems HR Systems 24 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 24. Next: Learn More About Secure Cloud Deployments BeyondTrust Resources IBM Resources Free product evaluation Learn more about Free whitepaper: IBM SmartCloud Elevating Cloud Enterprise and Sign Security Up for an Account with Privilege Delegation Find both here: Visit: www.beyondtrust.com/SmartCloud www.ibm.com/buycloud 25 © 1985-2010 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved
  • 25. Thank You Join the Conversation! 800-234-9072 818-575-4000 www.beyondtrust.com © 1985-2012 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved