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Corporate Profile
CPFL Energia is a holding company that, through its subsidiaries,                After the (IPO) in September 2004, CPFL Energia became the first
distributes, commercializes and generates energy in Brazil,                      private Brazilian company to simultaneously trade on the São Paulo
standing as the largest private group in the Brazilian electric                  Stock Exchange (Bovespa Novo Mercado) and on the NYSE as Level
sector. Its subsidiaries are widely recognized for its excellence and            III ADR, both requiring the highest levels of Corporate Governance
the sustainability of their business practices and are regarded as               practices.
benchmarks in management, quality and operating efficiency.

Corporate Structure

                                                                                                                                     Free Float
                      25.7%                      31.1%                                         12.7%                                   30.5%



             90.15%                                      89.81%

             87.80%                                                                                             90.15%

                                                                                                                            59.93% Paulista Lajeado

                                                                                                                                            5.91% Investco

    Includes Camargo Correa S.A. stake
Service Territory

Dividends                                         Dividends and Dividend Yield
                                                      Declared Dividend¹                      Dividend Yield²                    CPFL Price
On April 30, 2009, dividends for the 2H08, on         (R$ million)                            (last 12 months)                   ($/ON) - Average
the amount of R$ 606 million, corresponding                                                                                     35.99       36.11       33.38
to R$ 1.26 per share, were paid . Adding the                                                                         31.74
dividends for the 1H08 (paid in Sep/08), the                                       23.33
                                                                       18.85                                          842
total declared amount for the full year of 2008              16.58                                         722                    719
                                                                                               612                                           602        606
was R$ 1.2 billion, which corresponds to R$                             401
2.52 per share approximately. This dividend                   140

represent 95% of CPFL net profit, a measure
which surpasses the current dividend policy                 2H04        1H05       2H05       1H06        2H06       1H07        2H07       1H08       2H08
                                                                                                          9.6%       10.9%       9.7%
which stipulates a payout of not less than 50%                                     9.1%        8.7%
                                                                        6.5%                                                                7.6%        7.3%
of net income adjusted half-yearly.                          3.7%
The 2H08 dividend yield, calculated on the
average share price in the period (R$ 33.38) is   Since the IPO (2H04), CPFL Energia’s dividend yield has already reached 64.3%3
                                                  Payment in the next half year | 2Considering last two half-year’s dividends yield | 3IPO price per share: R$ 17.22
7.3% (last 12 months).
Fact Sheet 1Q09 | CPFL Energia

      Value Creation Agenda                                                                                   Goals                  Strategies
                                                                                                                                     Operational Efficiency
      CPFL Energia’s success is supported by clearly defined                                                  Value                  Synergic Growth
      business strategies and by management excellence                                                        Liquidity              Financial Discipline
      criteria directed to the sustained growth of its                                                        Security               Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility
      businesses.                                                                                                                    Differentiated Corporate Governance

Total Energy Sales – GWh1
                                                                                                             Sales by Customer Class2 – 1Q09
           11,253                    11,661
                                                                                                                                                              33.6% Residential

            9,168                    9,333                                                                                                                    20.0% Commercial
                                                             Captive Market                                                                                   18.4% Others
            2,085                    2,328                   Free Market
                                                                                                                                                              28.0% Industrial
            1Q08                     1Q09

    Excluding transactions between group’s companies (consolidation accouting criteria), CCEE and generation sales (except to the free market) | 2 Captive Market

Financial Performance
        Net Revenue (R$ million)                                                 Ebitda (R$ million)                                            Net Income (R$ million)

                    2,484                                                                                                                                        6.5%
                                                                                                                659                                                        283
                                              2,392                                  646                                                               265

                    1Q08                      1Q09                                   1Q08                      1Q09                                 1Q08                  1Q09
       Note: Numbers already incorporate the impacts of Law 11,638/07 and PM 449/08

Adjusted Net Debt/EBITDA3 (R$ billion)                                                                                    Debt breakdown - 1Q09

            Adjusted Net Debt                                Net Debt /EBITDA
                                                                                                                           51.4% CDI
                                                                                                                                                                          57.4% CDI
                                                      5.09        5.65        5.59
     4.39                                    4.42
                    3.78      3.70                                                                                         29.0% TJLP
                                                                                           1.77: excluding
                                                                                                                                                                          30.4% TJLP
                                                                                           Foz do Chapecó
    2.85            2.25                                                                      HPP debt
                              1.74           1.57     1.53
                                                                  2.01        1.98                                         15.7% IGP                                      10.2% IGP
    2003            2004      2005           2006     2007        2008        1Q09                                         3.2% Dollar     *
                                                                                                                                                                           2.0% Dollar*

                                                                                                                                                1Q08               1Q09
    Last 12 monts EBITDA.                                                                                                  *
                                                                                                                               Hedge Natural.
Fact Sheet 1Q09 | CPFL Energia

Corporate Governance                                                                 Sustainability and
                                                                                     Corporate Responsibility
CPFL Energia adopts differentiated practices of Corporate                            CPFL Energia believes that the pursuit of sustainability is a process
Governance, based on the principles of transparency, fair                            that demands the constant and innovative management of economic,
ness, accountability and corporate responsibility.                                   environmental and social impacts together with the maintenance of
                                                                                     ethical and transparent relationships with all its stakeholders.
      Shares are listed on Bovespa’s Novo Mercado and ADS’s                          The company has a management model structured on a diversity of
      Level III on the New York Stock Exchange                                       programs classified in the following groups:
      100% of Common Shares with 100% of Tag Along
      Free Float of 30.5%                                                                               Environmental education for the communities
      Subsidiary Companies’ Bylaws aligned to CPFL Energia Bylaws                    Environment        Conservation of biodiversity
      Financial Statements in compliance with US GAAP and BR                                            Conscientious corporate consumption.
      GAAP standards                                                                                    New Clean Development Mechanism
      Report in consensus with Global Reporting Initia tive - GRI                                       Technologies and Projects (MDL)
      Board of Directors consists of seven members, one being
                                                                                     Community          CPFL Program of Volunteerism
                                                                                                        Municipal Council Support Program for the
      3 Board Advisory Committees to the Board of Directors                                             Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA)
      Board of Directors and Fiscal Council self-evaluation                                             The CPFL Program for the Revitalization of
      Review of Ethics and Corporate Conduct based on recom                                             Philanthropic Hospitals
      mendations in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
      CPFL complies with section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act                       Internal           Program of Reflection and Ethical Management
                                                                                     Personnel          Respect for Diversity Program

                                                                                                        Value Network
                                                                                     Value Chain
                                                                                                        The Tear Program

                                                                                     Knowledge          CPFL Culture
                                                                                     Management         Communications for Sustainability

Shares’ Information1
                                            CPFE3 (R$)     CPL (US$)           Ownership breakdown
    Shares Price                                 31.50         40.57
    Maximum – 52 weeks                           41.95         76.40                                                    69.5% Controlling block
    Minimum – 52 weeks                           26.83         35.27
                                                                                                                        30.5% Free-float
    Market Cap                           R$ 15.1 Billion
                                         US$ 6.5 Billion

    Market Cap                             479,910,938
    Exchange Rate 2                        R$/US$ 2.32
    Without income adjustments | 2Dollar Ptax

Investor Relations
CPFL Energia – Rodovia Campinas Mogi-Mirim, km 2,5 | Zip Code 13088.900 | Campinas | SP
Phone: 55 19 3756-6083 | Fax.: 55 19 3756-6089 | www.cpfl .com.br/ir | ri@cpfl.com.br

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Fact Sheet 1Q09

  • 1. Corporate Profile CPFL Energia is a holding company that, through its subsidiaries, After the (IPO) in September 2004, CPFL Energia became the first distributes, commercializes and generates energy in Brazil, private Brazilian company to simultaneously trade on the São Paulo standing as the largest private group in the Brazilian electric Stock Exchange (Bovespa Novo Mercado) and on the NYSE as Level sector. Its subsidiaries are widely recognized for its excellence and III ADR, both requiring the highest levels of Corporate Governance the sustainability of their business practices and are regarded as practices. benchmarks in management, quality and operating efficiency. Corporate Structure Free Float 25.7% 31.1% 12.7% 30.5% 99.95% 25.01% 99.99% 48.72% 96.56% 90.15% 89.81% 87.80% 90.15% 89.75% 59.93% Paulista Lajeado 5.91% Investco 1 Includes Camargo Correa S.A. stake
  • 2. Service Territory Dividends Dividends and Dividend Yield Declared Dividend¹ Dividend Yield² CPFL Price On April 30, 2009, dividends for the 2H08, on (R$ million) (last 12 months) ($/ON) - Average the amount of R$ 606 million, corresponding 35.99 36.11 33.38 to R$ 1.26 per share, were paid . Adding the 31.74 30.05 28.25 dividends for the 1H08 (paid in Sep/08), the 23.33 18.85 842 total declared amount for the full year of 2008 16.58 722 719 612 602 606 498 was R$ 1.2 billion, which corresponds to R$ 401 2.52 per share approximately. This dividend 140 represent 95% of CPFL net profit, a measure which surpasses the current dividend policy 2H04 1H05 2H05 1H06 2H06 1H07 2H07 1H08 2H08 9.6% 10.9% 9.7% which stipulates a payout of not less than 50% 9.1% 8.7% 6.5% 7.6% 7.3% of net income adjusted half-yearly. 3.7% The 2H08 dividend yield, calculated on the average share price in the period (R$ 33.38) is Since the IPO (2H04), CPFL Energia’s dividend yield has already reached 64.3%3 Payment in the next half year | 2Considering last two half-year’s dividends yield | 3IPO price per share: R$ 17.22 1 7.3% (last 12 months).
  • 3. Fact Sheet 1Q09 | CPFL Energia Value Creation Agenda Goals Strategies Operational Efficiency CPFL Energia’s success is supported by clearly defined Value Synergic Growth business strategies and by management excellence Liquidity Financial Discipline criteria directed to the sustained growth of its Security Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility businesses. Differentiated Corporate Governance Market Total Energy Sales – GWh1 Sales by Customer Class2 – 1Q09 3.6% 11,253 11,661 33.6% Residential 9,168 9,333 20.0% Commercial Captive Market 18.4% Others 2,085 2,328 Free Market 28.0% Industrial 1Q08 1Q09 1 Excluding transactions between group’s companies (consolidation accouting criteria), CCEE and generation sales (except to the free market) | 2 Captive Market Financial Performance Net Revenue (R$ million) Ebitda (R$ million) Net Income (R$ million) -3.7% 2.0% 2,484 6.5% 659 283 2,392 646 265 1Q08 1Q09 1Q08 1Q09 1Q08 1Q09 Note: Numbers already incorporate the impacts of Law 11,638/07 and PM 449/08 Adjusted Net Debt/EBITDA3 (R$ billion) Debt breakdown - 1Q09 Adjusted Net Debt Net Debt /EBITDA 51.4% CDI 57.4% CDI 5.09 5.65 5.59 4.39 4.42 3.78 3.70 29.0% TJLP 1.77: excluding 30.4% TJLP Foz do Chapecó 2.85 2.25 HPP debt 1.74 1.57 1.53 2.01 1.98 15.7% IGP 10.2% IGP 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1Q09 3.2% Dollar * 2.0% Dollar* 1Q08 1Q09 3 Last 12 monts EBITDA. * Hedge Natural.
  • 4. Fact Sheet 1Q09 | CPFL Energia Corporate Governance Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility CPFL Energia adopts differentiated practices of Corporate CPFL Energia believes that the pursuit of sustainability is a process Governance, based on the principles of transparency, fair that demands the constant and innovative management of economic, ness, accountability and corporate responsibility. environmental and social impacts together with the maintenance of ethical and transparent relationships with all its stakeholders. Shares are listed on Bovespa’s Novo Mercado and ADS’s The company has a management model structured on a diversity of Level III on the New York Stock Exchange programs classified in the following groups: 100% of Common Shares with 100% of Tag Along Free Float of 30.5% Environmental education for the communities Subsidiary Companies’ Bylaws aligned to CPFL Energia Bylaws Environment Conservation of biodiversity Financial Statements in compliance with US GAAP and BR Conscientious corporate consumption. GAAP standards New Clean Development Mechanism Report in consensus with Global Reporting Initia tive - GRI Technologies and Projects (MDL) Board of Directors consists of seven members, one being Community CPFL Program of Volunteerism independent Municipal Council Support Program for the 3 Board Advisory Committees to the Board of Directors Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA) Board of Directors and Fiscal Council self-evaluation The CPFL Program for the Revitalization of Review of Ethics and Corporate Conduct based on recom Philanthropic Hospitals mendations in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act CPFL complies with section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Internal Program of Reflection and Ethical Management Personnel Respect for Diversity Program Value Network Value Chain The Tear Program Knowledge CPFL Culture Management Communications for Sustainability Shares’ Information1 03/31/2009 CPFE3 (R$) CPL (US$) Ownership breakdown Shares Price 31.50 40.57 Maximum – 52 weeks 41.95 76.40 69.5% Controlling block Minimum – 52 weeks 26.83 35.27 30.5% Free-float Market Cap R$ 15.1 Billion US$ 6.5 Billion Market Cap 479,910,938 Exchange Rate 2 R$/US$ 2.32 1 Without income adjustments | 2Dollar Ptax Investor Relations CPFL Energia – Rodovia Campinas Mogi-Mirim, km 2,5 | Zip Code 13088.900 | Campinas | SP Phone: 55 19 3756-6083 | Fax.: 55 19 3756-6089 | www.cpfl .com.br/ir | ri@cpfl.com.br