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Abstract. Braid groups comprise an important class of groups in
Group Theory with applications to Knot Theory and Geometry.
Cayley Graphs are a vital tool used to understand group struc-
ture. In this light, we build the Cayley Graph Γ of a well-behaved
subgroup of the Braid Group on four strands with its natural pre-
sentation. Further, we explicitly embed this Cayley Graph into
. We use this result to explore the larger Cayley Graph of the
Braid Group of four strands.
The authors would like to thank Professor Susan Hermiller and Professor Mark Brittenham
for their abundant patience, insight, and support. The authors are also grateful for support
provided by UCARE.
1. Introduction 3
2. Background 5
2.1. Words and Groups 5
2.2. Cayley Graphs 5
2.3. Geodesics of Z ∗ Z2
2.4. Normal Forms and Rewriting Systems 7
3. Building the Cayley Graph of H 12
3.1. Embedding Z ∗ Z2
3.2. Discussion 21
4. Potential Applications 22
Appendix A. Rewriting Rules for B4 24
References 29
1. Introduction
This paper is concerned with the Braid group on four strands given
by the presentation
B4 := a, b, c | aba = bab, cbc = bcb, ac = ca .
We call this presentation of the Braid Group on four strands the natural
presentation, since the generators and relations most naturally describe
the braiding construction of the group.
The braiding construction that naturally generates this group in-
volves braiding four strings together and fixing the endpoints. The
generating elements a, b, and c are described in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1. Generators of B4: a, b, c.
The construction of an element of B4 using the above generators
follows the sequential rule. In particular, the braid is constructed using
a, b, and c sequentially and in the direction of the braid. Figure 2 below
is constructed from left to right, by placing the above generators in the
sequence designated (in this case, ab2
Figure 2. Construction of the element ab2
c ∈ B4 using
the natural generators.
A number of generating sets of the Braid group have been extensively
studied, an example of which is discussed by Charney and Meier in
[2]. We note here that the natural presentation of Bn has been less
rigorously studied, and therefore provides us with an opportunity for
In [12, §3.2], Sabalka builds the Cayley Graph of the Braid Group on
three strands via a well-behaved subgroup. Using the Cayley Graph of
the subgroup, Sabalka forms a disjoint union of cosets of the subgroup
which then connect to form the Cayley graph of B3. In this paper,
we explore the Braid Group on four strands in a similar way. We will
examine a subgroup of B4 and construct its Cayley graph.
Main Result: We explore the Braid Group on 4 strands via a sub-
group H = a2
, b2
, c2
≤ B4. We develop an algorithm ϕ which explic-
itly embeds the Cayley graph of H into (−1, 1)3
⊆ R3
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses fundamental
definitions and concepts, including words and groups, Cayley graphs,
geodesics, normal forms and rewriting systems. This background in-
cludes an exposition of the normal forms and geodesics of the group
Z ∗ Z2
, which plays a vital role in this paper. Then we proceed in
Section 3 to embed the chosen subgroup H into the Euclidean cube
(−1, 1)3
and discuss tools and strategies to construct the Cayley graph
of B4. In the last section, we discuss potential applications of the
results developed in Section 3.
2. Background
2.1. Words and Groups. Let G be a group with presentation A | R ,
where A represents a list of elements that generate G and R represents
a list of relators that the generators satisfy from which all relators can
be derived up to free reduction. Since the elements of A generate G,
we can represent any element of G as a string of symbols from the
alphabet A±1
:= {s±1
| s ∈ A}. In general, we will denote the set of all
strings of symbols from the alphabet A as A∗
. Furthermore, for x ∈ A,
we will often denote x−1
by X. So, each group element g ∈ G can be
represented by an element ˆg ∈ (A±1
. This representation, however,
is not unique. For instance, in the group a, b | ab = ba , the group
element a can be written as the strings ˆa1 = a or ˆa2 = aa−1
a or ˆa3 =
. Notice in the last equation, the group element aaba−1
is equal to the group element a since the relation ab = ba implies that
= (ba)a−1
= 1. This lack of unique representation of
elements g ∈ G in the set of strings (A±1
happens because (A±1
does not respect the group structure of G, namely that inverses should
annihilate one another and relators should vanish.
Definition 1. Let G be a group with presentation A | R . Whenever
a string ˆg ∈ (A±1
represents an element g ∈ G, we call ˆg a word
representing g. Whenever u and v are words in (A±1
that represent
the same group element, we write u ≡ v. For any word w ∈ (A±1
we denote the number of symbols in w as |w|. Any subset L ⊆ (A±1
is called a language in G.
2.2. Cayley Graphs. In this paper, we will use the word graph to
mean a directed, edge-labeled graph. For a graph M, we call the set
of its vertices VM and the set of its edges EM . An edge e ∈ EM from
u ∈ VM to v ∈ VM with label s is denoted e = [u, v, s].
Definition 2. The Cayley Graph Γ = Γ(G, A) for a finitely pre-
sented group G := A | R is a graph with vertices consisting of group
elements and edges labeled by generators. More precisely, VΓ = G and
EΓ = {[g, gs, s] | g ∈ G, s ∈ A±1
}. If a generating set is understood,
we may simply write Γ(G) to denote the Cayley Graph. We call α ∈ A
a positive label in Γ and β ∈ A−1
a negative label. Whenever drawing
or defining Γ, we will neglect the negative labels.
Notice that when we read the edge-labels of a path from the vertex
1 ∈ G to a vertex g ∈ G in Γ, we have read a word from (A±1
that represents g. For this reason, we will not distinguish between the
label of a path from the identity to a vertex g and the corresponding
word that represents g. Furthermore, if we consider each edge in the
Cayley Graph of B4 to have a length of 1 unit, then the length of a
path from the identity to a vertex g is exactly the word length of the
corresponding word representing g. In particular, the set of geodesics,
or shortest paths, in the Cayley Graph of a group is exactly the set
of words that use the minimal number of letters to represent their
corresponding group elements. This prompts the following definition.
Definition 3. In general, for a finitely presented group G = A | R ,
we call the set
Geo(G, A) := w ∈ (A±1
| |w| = min{ |v| | v ≡ w}
the set of geodesics of G with respect to A.
2.3. Geodesics of Z ∗ Z2
. It will become important in this paper to
understand the geodesics of Z ∗ Z2
presented by
x, y, z | xz = zx .
The set of geodesics Geo(Z ∗ Z2
) is well-known (see, for example, [6]
or [9]), and will be instrumental in creating a formula to embed the
Cayley Graph of a particular subgroup of B4 into R3
In order to describe the geodesics of Z ∗ Z2
with respect to A =
{x, y, z}, we must first define three functions:
α : (A±1
→ ({x±1
} ∪ $)∗
induced by x±1
→ x±1
, y±1
→ $, z±1
→ 1
β : (A±1
→ ({y±1
} ∪ $)∗
induced by x±1
→ $, y±1
→ y±1
, z±1
→ $
γ : (A±1
→ ({z±1
} ∪ $)∗
induced by x±1
→ 1, y±1
→ $, z±1
→ z±1
where 1 is used to denote the empty word. We must also construct
three sets:
Ux := {u0$u1$ . . . $un | n ∈ N0, ui ∈ x∗
∪ x−1∗
Uy := {v0$v1$ . . . $vn | n ∈ N0, vi ∈ y∗
∪ y−1∗
Uz := {w0$w1$ . . . $wn | n ∈ N0, wi ∈ z∗
∪ z−1∗
Geo(Z ∗ Z2
) = α−1
(Ux) ∩ β−1
(Uy) ∩ γ−1
by [6] and [9].
In order to gain some intuition about why these are the geodesic
words in Z ∗ Z2
, it is helpful to think of Z ∗ Z2
as a combination of
two “independent” objects: Z and Z2
. That is to say, if one stands at
an element of x, y, z | xz = zx , there are two independent ways to
move. One may move by way of a word from ({x, z}±1
to remain in
the current xz-plane, or one may move by way of a word from ({y}±1
to leap to a new xz-plane. So, a geodesic adventure in Z∗Z2
is one that
is geodesic within each xz-plane and does not backtrack upon leaping
from one plane to the next. This idea manifests itself in the $ dummy
symbol above. The functions α and γ keep track of the x s and z s
respectively and mark transitions between planes by $. The β function
keeps track of the transitions between planes, marking all movement
by x s and z s within the plane as $. So, the set α−1
(Ux) characterizes
the paths in Z ∗ Z2
that keep a consistent x-direction within each xz-
plane. These are the words that, within each xz-plane, contain only
non-negative powers of x or non-positive powers of x but not both
(i.e., there is no backtracking in the x direction for each xz-plane).
Similarly, γ−1
(Uz) characterizes the paths with no backtracking in the
z direction for each xz-plane. The set β−1
(Uy) characterizes the paths
that do not contain a y adjacent to y−1
. This translates to paths that
never jump to a new xz-plane followed by immediately turning around
and jumping right back.
So we see that Geo(Z∗Z2
) characterizes the paths that do not back-
track in the x component of any xz-plane, do not backtrack in the z
component of any xz-plane, and do not wastefully jump back and forth
between any two xz-planes.
2.4. Normal Forms and Rewriting Systems. We discussed in §2.1
that for a group G = A | R and an element g ∈ G, there are many
words in (A±1
that describe g. If we know the geodesics of G, then
we can write g using the fewest possible symbols, but it still may be
possible that there are many ways to write g using the fewest possible
symbols. Think, for instance, of Z2
= a, b | ab = ba . The element
can be written a2
or ab2
abab, with both of these using the
fewest letters from the alphabet {a, b}±1
possible. It is natural to ask
the question: Is it possible to take two words and tell whether they
represent the same group element? In braid groups, the answer to the
question is “yes” by using a rewriting system and its normal forms.
Definition 4. Let G = A | R be a finitely presented group. A set
of normal forms N for G is a language in (A±1
such that every
element of G is represented exactly once in N.
Suppose we have a set of normal forms N for a group G and a way of
inputting any word w ∈ (A±1
and outputting the normal form of the
group element w represents. Then, we can tell if two words represent
the same group element by looking at the normal form representative
for each word and checking to see whether those normal forms are
equal. If the normal forms are equal, then the two words represent
exactly the same group element.
As an example of normal forms, we turn yet again to Z2
= a, b | ab =
ba . A set of normal forms for Z2
is {ai
| i, j ∈ Z}. These normal
forms also happen to be geodesic, but this is not the case in general.
In order to find these normal forms, we observe that the commutation
relation ab = ba suggests an algorithm for writing any element in a
specific form. Since we can always commute any two letters in a word
representing a given element without changing that element, we can
choose to commute all powers of a to the left and all powers of b to the
right. This idea extends to many groups with finite presentation using
the idea of a complete rewriting system.
Additionally, the set of normal forms for Z2
can be used to find a
set of normal forms for the group Z ∗ Z2
mentioned earlier. The set
of geodesics described in §2.3 give representatives for every element of
Z ∗ Z2
written with the fewest possible symbols from {x, y, z}±1
, but
there are many ways to represent elements with the fewest possible
symbols. However, the description of normal forms for Z2
described in
the last paragraph can be used to build a subset of Geo(Z∗Z2
) in which
the elements of the group are represented only once. We accomplish
this by insisting that our words are not only geodesic, but also that
each sub-word over {x, z}±1
is written in normal form in Z2
. In other
words, we have a set of (geodesic) normal forms:
Definition 5. Define the set of normal forms for Z∗Z2
, NF(Z∗Z2
as the set of elements of the form
g1h1 . . . gnhn,
with gi ∈ ({y})∗
∪ ({y−1
and hi = xj
for some j, k ∈ Z, where gi
and hj are not the empty word whenever i = 1 and j = n. Furthermore,
we will denote the normal form for g ∈ Z ∗ Z2
as ˜g.
We will refer to these normal forms heavily in §3 when defining the
vector algorithm.
Definition 6. Let B be a finite set. Let S ⊆ B∗
, where we think of
(u, v) ∈ S as a “rewriting rule” u → v, such that xuy → xvy whenever
u → v for any words x, y ∈ B∗
. Then we call S a rewriting system
over B.
Definition 7. Let S be a rewriting system over B that satisfies the
(1) For every sequence of rewritings u1 → . . ., there is some N ∈ N
such that uN cannot be rewritten. (In other words, every se-
quence of rewritings terminates. Also, we call uN an irre-
ducible word. Termination ensures that we will always rewrite
to a word that can’t be rewritten any further).
(2) Whenever (t1s, r1), (st2, r2) ∈ S, there is some z ∈ B∗
rewritings t1st2 → r1t2
→ z and t1st2 → t1r2
→ z, where
→ y means either x = y or there is some finite sequence of
rewritings x → . . . → y.
(3) Whenever (rst, u), (s, v) ∈ S, then there is some z ∈ B∗
rewritings rst → u
→ z and rst → rvt
→ z. (Properties (2)
and (3) together are called confluence. Confluence ensures
that a word doesn’t rewrite to two different words).
Then we call S a complete rewriting system over B.
Theorem 1. Let S be a complete rewriting system over (A±1
ing the rules aa−1
→ 1 and a−1
a → 1 for every a ∈ A and let G be the
group presented by A | u = v ∀(u, v) ∈ S . Then the set of irreducible
words with respect to S is a set of normal forms for G. (See [8],[10]).
This means that if one can find a complete rewriting system over
the generators of a finitely presented group G, then taking any word
representing g ∈ G and applying the rewriting rules repeatedly will
eventually yield a normal form for g. As mentioned earlier in this
section, these normal forms allow us to compare different words to see
if they represent the same group element. This is a valuable tool for
constructing a Cayley Graph of a group G from the Cayley Graph of
a subgroup.
2.4.1. Shortlex Ordering. From the previous section, we have learned
that complete rewriting systems help to produce normal forms. One
useful tool in the quest to make a rewriting system for a group G =
A|R is to impose an order relation on the set A±1
and make rewriting
rules from the relations so that words rewrite to smaller words with
respect to that order relation. We will give an example of a commonly
used order relation, as well as exhibit its usefulness with an application.
Definition 8. Let v = v1v2 . . . vn and w = w1w2 . . . wm be distinct
words in B∗
where each vi, wj ∈ B. The shortlex ordering is de-
fined in the following way: Since B is finite, we write B = {b1, b2, . . . , bp}
and impose 1 b1 b2 . . . bp, where 1 is the empty word. Then,
we say that v w whenever |v| < |w| or |v| = |w| and vk wk, where
k is the smallest index i for which vi = wi.
So shortlex is an ordering on words according to length, with ties
being broken by looking at the first letter for which the two words differ
and consulting the imposed ordering on those letters. For instance, if
A = {a, b, c} with a b c, then abab abac since b c, but
ccc aaaa since |ccc| = 3 < 4 = |aaaa|. It would be as if the
dictionary were organized by word length with words of a given length
being ordered in the ordinary fashion.
In [1, Chapter 9], one encounters a set D ⊂ B4 that is a list of all of
the nontrivial elements of B4 that correspond to braids where any two
strands cross at most once. It is well-known that the set D is a set of
canonical representatives for S4 in B4. Below is a sketch of a proof of
this fact that relies on shortlex ordering.
Lemma 1. The canonical homomorphism from B4 to S4 restricts to a
bijection from D ∪ {1} to S4.
Proof. (Sketch): Impose the ordering a b c for {a, b, c}. Next,
write down all words of length 1 in shortlex order from smallest to
largest (namely, a b c ). Now, cross out all words that can be reduced
to words that have appeared earlier in the list according to the relations
of B4 or which have strands that cross twice or more ( in this case, there
are no words to cross out). Now, write all length 2 words in shortlex
order by taking each length 1 word that hasn’t been crossed out and
appending a generator to the end to get three length 2 words for each
length 1 word (i.e. we have that a spawns aa, ab, ac ). Now, cross
out all words that can be reduced to a word that has already appeared
in the list according to the relations of B4 or which have strands that
cross twice or more ( in this case, aa gets crossed out since the first
and second braids cross twice).
We proceed in this way so that when we have a shortlex ordered list
of all length n words over {a, b, c} that represent elements of D with
no repetitions, call it Ln, we construct another minimal, exhaustive,
shortlex ordered list of all length n + 1 words that represent elements
of D, call it Ln+1 in the following way: First, append a, b, and c to
each word in Ln to spawn three new words in shortlext order of length
n + 1. Next, cross out words that can be reduced to words that have
already appeared in the list by the relations of B4 or whose braids have
strands that cross twice or more.
Now, we show that Ln+1 is an exhaustive list of all length n + 1
words representing elements of D. Let w be a word over {a, b, c} with
|w| = n + 1. Note that w ∈ {va, vb, vc} where v is a positive word
of length n. Observe that the statement “w represents a braid in D”
implies the statement “v represents a braid in D.” To see this, assume
by contrapositive that v does not represent a braid in D. That means
v represents a braid for which there are two strands that cross twice or
more. So, when we make another crossing by appending a, b,, or c to v,
the situation can only get worse. That is to say, the two strands that
crossed twice or more either still cross twice or more, or cross three
times or more after appending v with a, b, or c. So w ∈ {va, vb, vc}
also represents a braid for which there are two strands that cross twice
or more. Next, let u be a word over {a, b, c} of length n + 1 that
represents a braid in D. Since we are dealing with only positive words
and the relations of B4 preserve word length, there are no words of
shorter length representing the same braid as u (there are no inverses
to cancel, and braid relations cannot make the word shorter). So, u has
not yet appeared in any Li for i < n + 1. Note that u = td where t is a
positive word of length n and d ∈ {a, b, c}. Since u represents a braid
in D, then so does t by the argument earlier in this paragraph. Since
t is a length n word representing a braid in D and Ln is an exhaustive
list of such words with no repeats, then either t ∈ Ln or t was crossed
off because there is exactly one other t ∈ Ln with t ≡ t that appeared
earlier in shortlex order. So, either u is not crossed off or we have that
t d ≡ u, and t d is either in Ln+1 or t d was crossed off because there is a
u ∈ Ln+1 with u ≡ t d ≡ u and u t v u. In any case, the element
that u represents is represented somewhere in Ln+1 (either by t’d or u’
or u). So every braid in D that can be represented by a positive word
of length n + 1 is represented in Ln+1.
Note now that Ln+1 is minimal, since any word that could be reduced
to a word already in Ln+1 was crossed off, so any braid in D represented
by a length n + 1 word over {a, b, c} is represented only once. In the
case of D, this brute force procedure eventually yields an empty list,
where all potential candidates are crossed off. When this happens,
there cannot be any words of higher length in the list, since those
words would fail for the same reasons that all words of the preceding
length failed. With this procedure, we find that
a b c
ab ac bc cb ba
D = aba abc acb bac bcb cba
abac abcb acba bacb bcba
abacb abcba bacba
The algorithm ensures that the list on the right hand side is indeed
an exhaustive list of the elements of D since we have exhausted the
possibilities for elements of D at each word length. So every element
of D is found somewhere in the list. Conversely, one can check that all
elements in the list correspond to positive braids whose strands cross
at most once. So the list represents a set of elements of B4 that is equal
to D. Furthermore, one can check that the list contains no duplicates
by observing that the function from the list on the right hand side to
S4  {1} induced by a → (1 2), b → (2 3), c → (3 4) is a bijection.
We extend this bijection to a bijection from D ∪ {1} to S4 by sending
1 → 1. The resulting function is exactly the canonical homomorphism
from B4 to S4 restricted to D ∪ {1}.
In [7, §3.2], Hermiller and Meier produce a set of rewriting rules
on the list D ∪ {1} from above, where each element is taken as its
own letter rather than as a word over {a, b, c}. This rewriting system
together with a particular order relation yields a complete rewriting
system that can take a word over {a, b, c}±1
and output the normal
form for the corresponding element of B4. These rewriting rules for B4
are listed in Appendix A.
3. Building the Cayley Graph of H
We approach the construction of the Cayley Graph of (B4) by par-
titioning the group into cosets of a subgroup
H := a2
, b2
, c2
which avoids many of the difficulties of B4. In particular, Droms,
Lewin, and Servatius [4, §1 Corollary 3] have shown that
H ∼= Z ∗ Z2
= x, y, z | xz = zx
where the isomorphism is the extension of the mappings
→ x, b2
→ y, and c2
→ z.
3.1. Embedding Z ∗ Z2
. In this section, we define an algorithm ϕ
which we show embeds the Cayley graph Γ of Z ∗ Z2
within the Eu-
clidean cube (−1, 1)3
⊂ R3
3.1.1. The Vector Algorithm.
Definition 9.
(1) Let A be a set and consider the word w = w1w2w3 · · · wn where
each wi ∈ A. A suffix of w is any word w where either w = 1
w = wiwi+1wi+2 · · · wn ∈ A∗
, for some i ∈ {1, . . . , n}.
(2) Let A be a set and consider the word w = w1w2w3 · · · wn where
each wi ∈ A. A prefix of w is any word w where either w = 1
w = w1w2w3 · · · wi ∈ A∗
for some i ∈ {1, . . . , n}.
We will also need to understand some properties of the free product,
defined as follows:
Definition 10. The free product of two groups G and H, written
G ∗ H, consists of elements are of the form
w = g1h1g2h2 . . . gnhn
where gi ∈ G, hi ∈ H, n ∈ N, gi = idG for i = 1, and hi = idH for
i = n. Furthermore, the operation on G ∗ H is reduced concatenation,
where two words are concatenated and then reduced according the rules
of both G and H, eliminating idG and idH from the word, except possibly
at the first and last factors of the word.
We also introduce some notation for convenience:
Definition 11. For an element g ∈ Z∗Z2
and its normal form ˜g given
by Definition 5:
(1) Let px(g) denote the absolute value of the power of x in the
longest suffix of ˜g which does not contain a y±1
(2) Furthermore, let pz(g) denote the absolute value of the power of
z in the longest suffix of ˜g which does not contain a y±1
(3) Let γ(g) denote the length of the longest prefix of ˜g which ends
in a y±1
letter. If no such prefix exists, then define γ(g) = 0.
Since ˜g represents g uniquely, we know that px, pz, and γ are well-
We recursively define the vector form of elements of Z∗Z2
as follows:
(1) First, define the vector form 1 of 1 as 0, 0, 0 and note that
γ(1) = 0.
(2) Assume g is defined for some g ∈ Z ∗ Z2
. Let v ∈ {x, y, z}
where = ±1, and map gv as follows:
(a) If v is x,
g · v := g + · (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1
, 0, 0 .
(b) If v is z,
g · v := g + · 0, (0.5)γ(g)+pz(g)+1
, 0 .
(c) If v is y,
g · v := g + · 0, 0, (0.5)|˜g|+1
3.1.2. Constructing the Cayley Graph of Z ∗ Z2
Definition 12. Let
ϕ : Γ(Z ∗ Z2
) → R3
be the function that maps vertices g to g and edges [g, gs, s] to the
straight line segment connecting g to g · s labeled by s ∈ {x, y, z}. We
call ϕ the vector algorithm.
Lemma 2. The function ϕ is well-defined:
Proof. Consider a factor fi of an arbitrary element g. In other words,
g = g1h2g3h4 . . . gn−1hn,
a factor of g is any gi or hj, and fi(g) is the ith symbol in the above
We know that fi is of the form
x n
or yδ
for , m, n ∈ N0 and δ, , η ∈ {±1}.
Observe that the definition of the free product yields that if two ele-
ments g1 and g2 are equal, then they correspond exactly at every factor,
up to the commutativity relation xz = zx. We claim that ϕ respects
this relation. In other words, we claim
(gx )zη = (gzη)x .
To see this, observe that
(gx ) = g + · (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1
, 0, 0
(gzη) = g + η · 0, (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1
, 0 .
(gx )zη = (g + · (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1
, 0, 0 ) + η · 0, (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1
, 0
= (g + η · 0, (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1
, 0 ) + · (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1
, 0, 0
= (gzη)x .
Thus, ϕ respects the commutativity relation x zη
= zη
x . So the map
g → g is well-defined. Moreover, since ϕ connects edges between well-
defined vertices, the edge placement is also well-defined. Therefore, ϕ
is well-defined.
Definition 13. Define the restriction subgraph, for each g ∈ Z ∗ Z2
Γ |g·Z2
to be the subgraph of Γ(Z ∗ Z2
) consisting of vertices of the form
g · x k
· zηj
for k, j ∈ N0 and , η ∈ {±1}
along with all edges in Γ(Z ∗ Z2
) that connect such vertices.
Definition 14. For each g ∈ Z ∗ Z2
, we denote the g-plane
g := ϕ(Γ |g·Z2 ).
Note here that Γ |g·Z2 (and hence Z2
g) is uniquely defined by g, up to
a suffix x k
We use ϕ to map the Cayley graph of Z∗Z2
into R3
. In Section 3.1.3,
we will show that ϕ is an embedding. We proceed to demonstrate a
small portion of ϕ(Γ), and then we display a more complete picture of
We begin by constructing the plane Z2
1 of the Cayley graph, which
corresponds to the z = 0 plane of the cube as follows:
Figure 3. Embedding Z2
1 in R3
The mnemonic in the upper left corner of the above figure encodes the
directed orientation of the edges in Z2
1: in particular, the horizontally
oriented edges are labeled by “x”, and the diagonally oriented edges are
labeled by “z”. We proceed to show that the above figure is a picture
of Z2
1. Observe that
γ(x k
· zηm
) = 0 ∀k, m ∈ N0 and , η ∈ {±1}
from the definition of γ. Moreover, recall that for all i, n ∈ N0, we have
px(x i
· zηn
) = i and pz(x i
· zηn
) = n.
x k · zηm = ·
, η ·
, 0 .
So, for any vertex g ∈ 1·Z2
, g is mapped into (−1, 1)×(−1, 1)×{0},
0.5 + 0.25 + 0.125 + · · · =
converges to 1.
We next define a larger subset of ϕ(Γ), which we call S, as the union
of Z2
1 and Z2
y, pictured in Figure 4 below:
Figure 4. Taking the union of Z2
1 and Z2
y to obtain S.
Notice that this portion of the construction now expands to include
only elements of the form
w := y · x k
· zηm
, where k, m ∈ N, , η ∈ {±1}.
The order of x, y, z in the above word determines that the vertical
edge y ∈ S represents the longest prefix of the word x k
· zηm
contains a y. So
γ(y · x k
· zηm
) = 1.
Moreover, note that
px(y · x k
· zηm
) = k and pz(y · x k
· zηm
) = m.
y · x k · zηm = ·
(0.5) +i+1
, η ·
(0.5) +j+1
, 0.5 .
We can perform this same procedure from any point on Z2
1, not just
the origin. For x k
, where , η ∈ {±1} and k, j ∈ N0, we can produce
a picture analogous to S except with Z2
x kzηjy
playing the role of Z2
except scaled by a factor of (0.5)k+j
. For any g ∈ Z∗Z2
and its normal
form ˜g, we can proceed in this way to produce pictures analogous to
S starting at any point in Z2
g with Z2
gy playing the role of Z2
y except
scaled by a factor of (0.5)|˜g|
Thus, ϕ fully maps Γ(Z ∗ Z2
) into R3
. In particular,
w = ϕ(Γ(Z ∗ Z2
)) ⊂ (−1, 1)3
Now that we’ve observed a portion of the construction, we present a
more complete Cayley Graph of Z ∗ Z2
⊆ (−1, 1)3
⊂ R3
Figure 5. The Cayley Graph Γ of Z ∗ Z2
mapped into
under ϕ.
3.1.3. Proof that ϕ is an Embedding.
Theorem 2. Let Γ be the Cayley graph of Z ∗ Z2
with respect to the
generating set {x, y, z}. The map
ϕ : Γ → (−1, 1)3
⊂ R3
is an embedding.
Proof. Since ϕ maps vertices to vectors and edges to line segments,
then the pre-image of any open set in R3
is open in Γ with its usual
graph topology. So ϕ is continuous. For injectivity, the proof will be
split into two smaller steps. First, we will show that the vertices V of
Γ map into (−1, 1)3
. Then we prove that the edges described in the
vector algorithm do not contain any points which are the images of the
vertices V under the vector algorithm ϕ, except the edges’ endpoints,
and we will show that the edges do not intersect one another except at
vertices which are their endpoints.
(1) Suppose that v ∈ Z ∗ Z2
. Then we can write
ϕ(v) = (v1, v2, v3) with vj ∈ R for j ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
By the construction algorithm, we have that
< vj <
for all j ∈ {1, 2, 3}. But
= 1.
−1 < vj < 1 for j ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
Therefore, ϕ(v) ∈ (−1, 1)3
for all v ∈ Z ∗ Z2
, since v was
arbitrarily chosen.
(2) We will show that in the vector algorithm ϕ, words that are not
equal generate subgraphs that do not intersect.
Definition 15. We will use the term subgraph generated
by g to mean
{ϕ(gg ) | g ∈ Z ∗ Z2
, ˜g a prefix of gg }
along with the edges connecting these vertices.
Note that for two elements g1 = g2, there are maximal pre-
fixes ˜g1 and ˜g2 of g1 and g2, respectively, for which ˜g1 = ˜g2
(we call this maximal prefix ˜g). Now let ˆg1 and ˆg2 be the corre-
sponding suffixes of g1 and g2, respectively. In particular, define
ˆg1 and ˆg2 so that
˜g ˆg1 = g1 and ˜g ˆg2 = g2.
Note that
( ˆg1) <
i=| ˜g1|
and ( ˆg2) <
i=| ˜g2|
where is the physical length of the corresponding path in R3
defined by the elements g1 and g2.
Observe that the first factors of ˆg1 and ˆg2 must be different,
since ˜g1 and ˜g2 were chosen to be maximal. Therefore, WLOG,
suppose that the first letter of ˆg1 is y and the first letter of ˆg2
is x. Note that
ϕ(˜gy) = ϕ(˜gx),
and the paths corresponding to appending y and x do not inter-
sect. Call the first edges in these paths e1 and e2, respectively.
Note that these edges correspond to the edges connecting ˜g to
˜gy and ˜g to ˜gx, respectively. Then define ρ1 and ρ2 as arbitrary
elements of the subgraph generated by ˜gy and ˜gx, respectively.
Note that
(ρ1) <
i=| ˜g1|+1
(ρ2) <
i=| ˜g2|+1
(e1) =
= (e2).
In order for the subgraph generated by ˜gy to intersect the sub-
graph generated by ˜gx, the lengths of the paths from ˜gy and
˜gx which intersect must add up to at least the geodesic taxicab
distance from ˜gy to ˜gx. But the geodesics taxicab distance from
˜gy to ˜gx is exactly
= 2 ·
the horizontal distance plus the vertical distance. But the
length of any path from ˜gy or ˜gx is bounded above by
This follows from the bound on ρ1 and ρ2, which are arbitrary
words in the subgraphs generated by ˜gy and ˜gx, respectively.
So then for any two paths p1 and p2 in the subgraphs generated
by ˜gy and ˜gx,
(p1) + (p2) < 2 ·
i=| ˜g1|+2
= 2 ·
2| ˜g1|+1
Thus, since the above inequality is strict, it must be that the
subgraphs generated by ˜gy and ˜gx do not intersect. In particu-
lar, we have shown that the subgraph generated by y does not
intersect the subgraph generated by x.
All that is left to show is that the subgraphs generated by x
and z are identical, which we know by construction, and that
generates a subgraph which does not intersect the sub-
graphs generated by y or x. But this is true by symmetry
in the above argument.
Therefore, ϕ embeds Z∗Z2
into (−1, 1)3
, and the embedding respects
the geometric encoding of Z ∗ Z2
found in its Cayley Graph Γ(Z ∗
3.2. Discussion. The subgroup H = a2
, b2
, c2
≤ B4 can potentially
tell us a great deal about the structure of B4. Let Λ be the Cayley
Graph of B4 with respect to its natural presentation. From the embed-
ding algorithm in §3.1, we have a complete description of the Cayley
Graph of H that sits inside Λ. That is to say, every edge in Γ(H) is
really two edges in Λ since an edge in Γ(H) corresponds to a transi-
tion by an element of {a2
, b2
, c2
rather than {x, y, z}±1
. So Γ(H)
corresponds to the subgraph of Λ that looks like Γ(H), except with all
of its edges subdivided. Similarly, any coset of H is associated with a
copy of Γ(H) that sits inside Λ that is a translation of the subgraph
corresponding to H. Since the cosets of H partition B4, every vertex
in Λ is accounted for when taking the union of all of the subgraphs cor-
responding to the cosets of H. For any coset, the associated subgraph
contains all of the edges in Λ that connect elements of that coset to
other elements of the coset. So, when taking the union of all of the
subgraphs associated with the cosets of H, there are no vertices miss-
ing, and the only edges missing are those that connect elements from
one coset to a different coset.
So in order to build Λ, we must understand where an element of
a coset goes when a generator is applied that takes it to a different
coset. This would tell us exactly what the missing edges we need to
characterize Λ are. With the rewriting system from Appendix A, we
have a way to compute whether two words represent the same element
of B4. Armed in this way, we may be able to find a pattern to connect
the missing edges between the cosets of H.
4. Potential Applications
The results of this paper take great steps towards describing the
Cayley Graph of B4 with respect to its natural presentation. Once
found, the Cayley Graph of B4 can be used to characterize its geodesics:
Geo(B4, {a, b, c}) := w ∈ ({a, b, c}±1
| |w| = min{ |v| | v ≡ w} .
To motivate the importance of this endeavor, we explore a result for
Bn taken from Charney and Meier in [2].
We will refer to the language given in [2] as the Garside language of
Bn. This language is constructed as follows:
Definition 16. The Garside Language of B4 is the set of divisors D of
the Garside element ∆, which we describe as a full twist of the braids:
∆ := abacba
Figure 6. The full twist on 4 strands: ∆ = abacba
A simple computation reveals the set of divisors to be the following:
a b c
ab ac bc cb ba
D := aba abc acb bac bcb cba
abac abcb acba bacb bcba
abacb abcba bacba
Note that the set D is exactly the set D discussed in §2.4.
In Charney and Meier, the chief result is the following theorem:
Theorem 3 (1, Cor.). The language of geodesics for the braid group
Bn, with respect to the generating set of simple divisors of either ∆ or
δ, is regular.
In the above theorem, δ is the braid which crosses the first strand
of Bn over the remaining strands. In [2, Question 1.1] the authors ask
whether the above theorem holds for Bn with its natural presentation.
The only known braid group for which this question has been answered
is B3 as proved in [12]. Sabalka shows in [12, §1, Theorem 1.2] that
the set of geodesics for B3 with respect to the natural generating set
is indeed regular, satisfying the conclusion of the above theorem. The
constructions developed in this paper will be useful in answering this
question for B4, and perhaps in discovering a pattern that can be gen-
eralized to all Braid groups with natural presentation.
Appendix A. Rewriting Rules for B4
→ 1 (abacba)−1
(abacba) → 1
ab → (ab) ba → (ba)
(ab)a → (aba) b(ab) → (aba)
a(ba) → (aba) (ba)b → (aba)
ac → (ac) ca → (ac)
bc → (bc) cb → (cb)
(bc)b → (bcb) c(bc) → (bcb)
(cb)c → (bcb) b(cb) → (bcb)
(bacb)a → (bacba) a(bc) → (abc)
(ab)c → (abc) a(cb) → (acb)
(ac)b → (acb) b(ac) → (bac)
(ba)c → (bac) (cb)a → (cba)
c(ba) → (cba) (aba)c → (abac)
a(bcb) → (abcb) (abc)b → (abcb)
(acb)a → (acba) (bac)b → (bacb)
(bcb)a → (bcba) (aba)(cb) → (abacb)
(abac)b → (abacb) (ab)(cba) → (abcba)
(abcb)a → (abcba) (ba)(cba) → (bacba)
(bac)(ba) → (bacba) (abacb)a → (abacba)
(abacb) → (bacba)(abacba)−1
(ab)(cb) → (abcb)
(bac)(abac) → (ba)(abcba) (abacba)−1
(ab) → (cb)(abacba)−1
(abac)(ba) → (abacba) (abac)c → (abc)(ac)
(abacba)b → b(abacba) (abacba)(bc) → (ba)(abacba)
(ac)(ba) → (acba) (acba)b → a(acba)
(ac)c → c(ac) (aba)a → b(aba)
(aba)(ab) → (ba)(aba) c(aba) → (acba)
(acba)(bc) → a(abcba) (cba)(bc) → (abcba)
(aba)(ac) → b(abac) (ba)2
→ b(aba)
(ba)(bc) → (abac) (abc)(ba) → (abcba)
(ac)(aba) → a(acba) (bc)(aba) → (bacba)
(abc) → (cba)(abacba)−1
(aba)b → a(aba)
(aba)(ba) → (ab)(aba) (ab)2
→ a(aba)
(aba)(bc) → a(abac) (abacba)a → c(abacba)
(abc)(aba) → (abacba) (abac)a → b(abac)
b(acba) → (bacba) (bacba)(bc) → (ba)(abcba)
(abac)(aba) → b(abacba) (ac)(cba) → c(acba)
(bac)(cba) → (bc)(acba) (ac)(ab) → a(acb)
(ac)a → a(ac) (bc)a → (bac)
(bac)c → (bc)(ac) (ab)(ac) → (abac)
(abacba)(ab) → (cb)(abacba) (abcb)(ab) → (abacba)
(abacba)(ac) → (ac)(abacba) (aba)(cba) → (abacba)
(abac)(ab) → b(abacb) (aba)(acba) → b(abacba)
(ab)(acba) → (abacba) a(cba) → (acba)
b(abc) → (abac) a(bac) → (abac)
(bacba)(cba) → (bc)(abacba) (bc)(ab) → (bacb)
(abacba)(cba) → (abc)(abacba) (cba)b → (acba)
(abcb) → (acba)(abacba)−1
(abcba)b → (abacba)
(bacba)b → (ba)(acba) (bacba)(bac) → (bacb)(abac)
(acba)(bac) → (acb)(abac) (bac)(aba) → (ba)(acba)
a(bacba) → (abacba) (ab)(abc) → a(abac)
(aba)(abc) → (ba)(abac) (ba)(bac) → b(abac)
(aba)(bac) → (ab)(abac) (ac)(bac) → (abcba)
(acba)a → (cb)(aba) (acba)(ab) → (cba)(aba)
(acba)c → (abcba) (abacba)−1
(abcba) → (abcba)(abacba)−1
(abcba)(ba) → c(abacba) (abacba)c → a(abacba)
(aba)(abcba) → (ba)(abacba) c(ab) → (acb)
b(acb) → (bacb) (ab)(acb) → (abacb)
(aba)(acb) → b(abacb) (cb)(ab) → (acba)
(cba)(ba) → (cb)(aba) (bc)(ba) → (bcba)
(bcba)b → (bacba) (bacba)a → c(bacba)
(bacba)(ab) → (cba)(acba) (bacba)c → (abacba)
(bacba)(ac) → c(abacba) (abacba)−1
(abac) → (bcba)(abacba)−1
(ba)(bcba) → (abacba) (abacba)(bcba) → (abac)(abacba)
(bcba)(bac) → c(abacba) (bcba)2
→ (bc)(abacba)
(aba)(bcba) → a(abacba) (bcb)(ab) → (bacba)
(bcba)(ba) → c(bacba) (bcb)c → b(bcb)
(bcb)(ac) → b(bcba) (acba)(bcba) → (ac)(abacba)
(ac)(bc) → (abcb) (bc)2
→ b(bcb)
(bcb)b → c(bcb) (bcb)(ba) → c(bcba)
(bcb)(aba) → c(bacba) (abacba)−1
(bac) → (bac)(abacba)−1
(bacba)(bcba) → (bac)(abacba) (abacb)b → (bc)(abcb)
b(cba) → (bcba) a(bcba) → (abcba)
(bcba)(bacba) → (bcb)(abacba) c(abac) → (abcba)
(abcba)(bacba) → (abcb)(abacba) b(abcb) → (abacb)
a → c(abacba)−1
(bacba) → (abacb)(abacba)−1
c(bac) → (bcba) (abac)(bac) → a(abacba)
(abacb)(ba) → (bc)(abcba) (abacb)(aba) → (bc)(abacba)
(abacb)(bc) → (bacb)(bcb) (abacba)−1
(bc) → (ba)(abacba)−1
(bcba) → (abac)(abacba)−1
b(abcba) → (abacba)
(ab)(abcba) → a(abacba) (ac)(bcba) → c(abcba)
(bcb)(abcba) → (bc)(abacba) (bc)(bac) → b(bcba)
(ac)(abac) → a(abcba) (bc)(abac) → (abacba)
(abacba)(bacba) → (abacb)(abacba) (abacba)−1
b → b(abacba)−1
→ (abacba) (abacba)(bac) → (bac)(abacba)
(bcb)(acb) → b(bacba) (abc)(bacb) → (ab)(bacba)
(cb)(ac) → (bcba) (cb)2
→ c(bcb)
(bcb)(bc) → (cb)(bcb) (ba)(bcb) → (abacb)
(aba)(bcb) → a(abacb) (bcb)(cb) → (bc)(bcb)
(bacb)(ab) → (ba)(acba) (ba)(cb) → (bacb)
a(bacb) → (abacb) (ba)(bacb) → b(abacb)
(aba)(bacb) → (ab)(abacb) (ac)(bacb) → (abacba)
(bacba)(ba) → (bacb)(aba) (bcba)(bc) → (abacba)
(bac)(bacba) → (bc)(abacba) (bacba)(bcb) → (ba)(abacba)
(abacba)(aba) → (bcb)(abacba) (abacba)−1
(bcb) → (aba)(abacba)−1
(abac)(bacba) → (abc)(abacba) (bacb)c → (abacb)
(bacb)(ac) → (abacba) (abcba)(bcba) → (abc)(abacba)
(abcba)(abac) → (cba)(abacba) (cba)(bcb) → (abacba)
(abcba)a → (cb)(abac) (abcb)c → (ab)(bcb)
(abcb)(ac) → (ab)(bcba) (abacba)−1
(ac) → (ac)(abacba)−1
(abcb)(abac) → (ac)(abacba) (abacba)−1
(acb) → (acb)(abacba)−1
(abacba)(acb) → (acb)(abacba) (bacba)(acb) → (cb)(abacba)
(aba) → (bcb)(abacba)−1
(acba) → (abcb)(abacba)−1
(abacba)(bcb) → (aba)(abacba) (abcb)(bc) → (acb)(bcb)
(acb)c → (abcb) (acb)(ac) → (abcba)
(ba) → (bc)(abacba)−1
c → a(abacba)−1
(abcb)(aba) → c(abacba) (abcb)(cb) → (abc)(bcb)
(abc)(bc) → (ab)(bcb) (abac)(bc) → a(abacb)
(abcba)(bc) → a(abacba) (abacb)c → a(abacb)
(bac)(bc) → (abacb) (abacb)(ac) → a(abacba)
(abacb)(cb) → (abc)(abcb) (bacb)(cb) → (bc)(abcb)
→ a(abacb) (cba)(cb) → (bacba)
c(abc) → (abcb) (ac)(abc) → a(abcb)
(bc)(abc) → (abacb) (bacb)(abc) → (ba)(abcba)
(bacb)(cba) → (bc)(abcba) (abcb)(ba) → c(abcba)
(acb)(acba) → c(abacba) (abc)a → (abac)
(abc)(ab) → (abacb) (cba)2
→ c(bacba)
(abcb)(abacb) → (acb)(abacba) (ac)(cb) → c(acb)
(bacba)(cb) → b(abacba) (acb)(ab) → a(acba)
(acb)(cb) → c(abcb) (bac)a → (ba)(ac)
(bac)(ab) → (ba)(acb) (bac)(abacb) → (ba)(abacba)
(cba)c → (bcba) (bcba)a → (cba)(ac)
(bcba)(ab) → (cba)(acb) (bcba)(aba) → (cba)(acba)
(cb)(abc) → (abcba) (cb)(acb) → (bacba)
(cb)(cba) → c(bcba) (ab)(abcb) → a(abacb)
(aba)(abcb) → (ba)(abacb) (ac)(bcb) → c(abcb)
(bacb)(abcb) → (ba)(abacba) (acba)2
→ (cb)(abacba)
(bacb)(acba) → (bc)(abacba) (cb)(abcb) → (abacba)
(abc)(bac) → (ab)(bcba) (acba)(ba) → (acb)(aba)
(acb)(abc) → a(abcba) (acba)(cb) → (abacba)
(acba)(bcb) → a(abacba) (bcba)c → b(bcba)
(bcb)(abc) → (abacba) (bcba)(cb) → b(bacba)
(bcba)(bcb) → b(abacba) (abacb)(ab) → b(abacba)
(abcba)c → (ab)(bcba) (abcb)(abc) → a(abacba)
(abcba)(cb) → (ab)(bacba) (abcba)(bcb) → (ab)(abacba)
(abacba)(ba) → (bc)(abacba) (ac)(abacb) → a(abacba)
(abacb)(abc) → (ba)(abacba) (abacba)(cb) → (ab)(abacba)
(abacb)(abcb) → (aba)(abacba) (abcba)(ab) → (cb)(abacb)
(abcba)(aba) → (cb)(abacba) (ba)(bacba) → b(abacba)
(aba)(bacba) → (ab)(abacba) c(bacb) → (bacba)
c(abacb) → (abacba) (bc)(bacb) → b(bacba)
(bc)(abacb) → b(abacba) (bac)(bacb) → b(abacba)
(ac)(bacba) → c(abacba) (cba)(bacba) → (cb)(abacba)
(cba)(bcba) → c(abacba) (bacba)(acba) → (bcb)(abacba)
(acba)(bacba) → (acb)(abacba) (cb)(acba) → c(bacba)
(acba)(cba) → c(abacba) (abcba)(bac) → (ac)(abacba)
(cba)(bac) → (cb)(abac) (bacba)2
→ (bacb)(abacba)
(acba)(abcba) → (cba)(abacba) (acb)2
→ (abacba)
(bacb)(acb) → b(abacba) (bacba)(abcba) → (bcba)(abacba)
(abacb)(acb) → (ab)(abacba) (abac)(bacb) → (ab)(abacba)
(abac)(cb) → (abc)(acb) (abac)(bcb) → (abc)(abcb)
(abac)(cba) → (abc)(acba) (abac)2
→ (ba)(abacba)
(acb)(abcb) → a(abacba) (acba)(ac) → (cb)(abac)
(abcba)(cba) → (abc)(bacba) (abcb)(acb) → (ab)(bacba)
(abc)(abac) → a(abacba) (bcb)(abac) → c(abacba)
(bcb)(bac) → (cb)(bcba) (bcb)(bacb) → (cb)(bacba)
(bcb)(abacb) → (cb)(abacba) (bcb)(cba) → (bc)(bcba)
(bcb)(abcb) → b(abacba) (bcb)(acba) → (bc)(bacba)
(bacba)(bacb) → (bacb)(abacb) (abc)(abacb) → (ab)(abacba)
(bac)(cb) → (bc)(acb) (bac)(bcb) → (bc)(abcb)
(bac)(bcba) → (bc)(abcba) (bac)(abc) → (ba)(abcb)
(cb)(abcba) → c(abacba) (cba)(bacb) → (cb)(abacb)
(abac)(abc) → (ba)(abacb) (abcb)b → c(abcb)
(acb)(cba) → c(abcba) (abcb)(cba) → (abc)(bcba)
→ (ab)(abacba) (abcb)(acba) → (abc)(bacba)
(abcb)(abcba) → (abc)(abacba) (acba)(bacb) → (acb)(abacb)
(acb)(abcba) → (ac)(abacba) (bacb)(abcba) → (bac)(abacba)
(bcba)(cba) → (bc)(bacba) (bcba)(bacb) → (cb)(abacba)
(abacb)(cba) → (abc)(abcba) (abac)(abacb) → (aba)(abacba)
(abacb)(acba) → (abc)(abacba) (abcb)(bac) → (acb)(bcba)
(abcb)(bacb) → (acb)(bacba) (abacb)(abcba) → (abac)(abacba)
(bcba)(abac) → (cba)(abcba) (bcba)(abacb) → (cba)(abacba)
(abac)(bcba) → (abc)(abcba) (abacb)2
→ (bacb)(abacba)
(abacba)(abacb) → (bacba)(abacba) (acba)(abc) → (cba)(abac)
(acba)(abcb) → (cba)(abacb) (abcba)(abc) → (cba)(abacb)
(abcba)(abacb) → (acba)(abacba) (acba)(acb) → (cb)(abacb)
(bacba)(abc) → (cba)(abcba) (bacba)(abcb) → (cba)(abacba)
(abacba)(abac) → (bcba)(abacba) (abacba)(abc) → (cba)(abacba)
(abacb)(abac) → (bac)(abacba) (abacba)(abcb) → (acba)(abacba)
(abacba)(acba) → (abcb)(abacba) (abacba)(bacb) → (bacb)(abacba)
(abacba)(abcba) → (abcba)(abacba) (abcba)(bacb) → (acb)(abacba)
(bacb) → (bacb)(abacba)−1
(bcba)(abc) → (cba)(abcb)
(cb) → (ab)(abacba)−1
(cba) → (abc)(abacba)−1
(abacb)(bac) → (bacb)(bcba) (abacb)(bacb) → (bacb)(bacba)
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  • 1. AN EXPLORATION OF THE CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF THE BRAID GROUP ON FOUR STRANDS CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE Abstract. Braid groups comprise an important class of groups in Group Theory with applications to Knot Theory and Geometry. Cayley Graphs are a vital tool used to understand group struc- ture. In this light, we build the Cayley Graph Γ of a well-behaved subgroup of the Braid Group on four strands with its natural pre- sentation. Further, we explicitly embed this Cayley Graph into R3 . We use this result to explore the larger Cayley Graph of the Braid Group of four strands. The authors would like to thank Professor Susan Hermiller and Professor Mark Brittenham for their abundant patience, insight, and support. The authors are also grateful for support provided by UCARE. 1
  • 2. 2 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Background 5 2.1. Words and Groups 5 2.2. Cayley Graphs 5 2.3. Geodesics of Z ∗ Z2 6 2.4. Normal Forms and Rewriting Systems 7 3. Building the Cayley Graph of H 12 3.1. Embedding Z ∗ Z2 13 3.2. Discussion 21 4. Potential Applications 22 Appendix A. Rewriting Rules for B4 24 References 29
  • 3. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 3 1. Introduction This paper is concerned with the Braid group on four strands given by the presentation B4 := a, b, c | aba = bab, cbc = bcb, ac = ca . We call this presentation of the Braid Group on four strands the natural presentation, since the generators and relations most naturally describe the braiding construction of the group. The braiding construction that naturally generates this group in- volves braiding four strings together and fixing the endpoints. The generating elements a, b, and c are described in Figure 1 below: Figure 1. Generators of B4: a, b, c. The construction of an element of B4 using the above generators follows the sequential rule. In particular, the braid is constructed using a, b, and c sequentially and in the direction of the braid. Figure 2 below is constructed from left to right, by placing the above generators in the sequence designated (in this case, ab2 c).
  • 4. 4 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE Figure 2. Construction of the element ab2 c ∈ B4 using the natural generators. A number of generating sets of the Braid group have been extensively studied, an example of which is discussed by Charney and Meier in [2]. We note here that the natural presentation of Bn has been less rigorously studied, and therefore provides us with an opportunity for discovery. In [12, §3.2], Sabalka builds the Cayley Graph of the Braid Group on three strands via a well-behaved subgroup. Using the Cayley Graph of the subgroup, Sabalka forms a disjoint union of cosets of the subgroup which then connect to form the Cayley graph of B3. In this paper, we explore the Braid Group on four strands in a similar way. We will examine a subgroup of B4 and construct its Cayley graph. Main Result: We explore the Braid Group on 4 strands via a sub- group H = a2 , b2 , c2 ≤ B4. We develop an algorithm ϕ which explic- itly embeds the Cayley graph of H into (−1, 1)3 ⊆ R3 . The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses fundamental definitions and concepts, including words and groups, Cayley graphs, geodesics, normal forms and rewriting systems. This background in- cludes an exposition of the normal forms and geodesics of the group Z ∗ Z2 , which plays a vital role in this paper. Then we proceed in Section 3 to embed the chosen subgroup H into the Euclidean cube (−1, 1)3 and discuss tools and strategies to construct the Cayley graph of B4. In the last section, we discuss potential applications of the results developed in Section 3.
  • 5. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 5 2. Background 2.1. Words and Groups. Let G be a group with presentation A | R , where A represents a list of elements that generate G and R represents a list of relators that the generators satisfy from which all relators can be derived up to free reduction. Since the elements of A generate G, we can represent any element of G as a string of symbols from the alphabet A±1 := {s±1 | s ∈ A}. In general, we will denote the set of all strings of symbols from the alphabet A as A∗ . Furthermore, for x ∈ A, we will often denote x−1 by X. So, each group element g ∈ G can be represented by an element ˆg ∈ (A±1 )∗ . This representation, however, is not unique. For instance, in the group a, b | ab = ba , the group element a can be written as the strings ˆa1 = a or ˆa2 = aa−1 a or ˆa3 = aaba−1 b−1 . Notice in the last equation, the group element aaba−1 b−1 is equal to the group element a since the relation ab = ba implies that (ab)a−1 b−1 = (ba)a−1 b−1 = 1. This lack of unique representation of elements g ∈ G in the set of strings (A±1 )∗ happens because (A±1 )∗ does not respect the group structure of G, namely that inverses should annihilate one another and relators should vanish. Definition 1. Let G be a group with presentation A | R . Whenever a string ˆg ∈ (A±1 )∗ represents an element g ∈ G, we call ˆg a word representing g. Whenever u and v are words in (A±1 )∗ that represent the same group element, we write u ≡ v. For any word w ∈ (A±1 )∗ , we denote the number of symbols in w as |w|. Any subset L ⊆ (A±1 )∗ is called a language in G. 2.2. Cayley Graphs. In this paper, we will use the word graph to mean a directed, edge-labeled graph. For a graph M, we call the set of its vertices VM and the set of its edges EM . An edge e ∈ EM from u ∈ VM to v ∈ VM with label s is denoted e = [u, v, s]. Definition 2. The Cayley Graph Γ = Γ(G, A) for a finitely pre- sented group G := A | R is a graph with vertices consisting of group elements and edges labeled by generators. More precisely, VΓ = G and EΓ = {[g, gs, s] | g ∈ G, s ∈ A±1 }. If a generating set is understood, we may simply write Γ(G) to denote the Cayley Graph. We call α ∈ A a positive label in Γ and β ∈ A−1 a negative label. Whenever drawing or defining Γ, we will neglect the negative labels. Notice that when we read the edge-labels of a path from the vertex 1 ∈ G to a vertex g ∈ G in Γ, we have read a word from (A±1 )∗ that represents g. For this reason, we will not distinguish between the
  • 6. 6 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE label of a path from the identity to a vertex g and the corresponding word that represents g. Furthermore, if we consider each edge in the Cayley Graph of B4 to have a length of 1 unit, then the length of a path from the identity to a vertex g is exactly the word length of the corresponding word representing g. In particular, the set of geodesics, or shortest paths, in the Cayley Graph of a group is exactly the set of words that use the minimal number of letters to represent their corresponding group elements. This prompts the following definition. Definition 3. In general, for a finitely presented group G = A | R , we call the set Geo(G, A) := w ∈ (A±1 )∗ | |w| = min{ |v| | v ≡ w} the set of geodesics of G with respect to A. 2.3. Geodesics of Z ∗ Z2 . It will become important in this paper to understand the geodesics of Z ∗ Z2 presented by x, y, z | xz = zx . The set of geodesics Geo(Z ∗ Z2 ) is well-known (see, for example, [6] or [9]), and will be instrumental in creating a formula to embed the Cayley Graph of a particular subgroup of B4 into R3 . In order to describe the geodesics of Z ∗ Z2 with respect to A = {x, y, z}, we must first define three functions: α : (A±1 )∗ → ({x±1 } ∪ $)∗ induced by x±1 → x±1 , y±1 → $, z±1 → 1 β : (A±1 )∗ → ({y±1 } ∪ $)∗ induced by x±1 → $, y±1 → y±1 , z±1 → $ γ : (A±1 )∗ → ({z±1 } ∪ $)∗ induced by x±1 → 1, y±1 → $, z±1 → z±1 , where 1 is used to denote the empty word. We must also construct three sets: Ux := {u0$u1$ . . . $un | n ∈ N0, ui ∈ x∗ ∪ x−1∗ } Uy := {v0$v1$ . . . $vn | n ∈ N0, vi ∈ y∗ ∪ y−1∗ } Uz := {w0$w1$ . . . $wn | n ∈ N0, wi ∈ z∗ ∪ z−1∗ }. Then Geo(Z ∗ Z2 ) = α−1 (Ux) ∩ β−1 (Uy) ∩ γ−1 (Uz) by [6] and [9]. In order to gain some intuition about why these are the geodesic words in Z ∗ Z2 , it is helpful to think of Z ∗ Z2 as a combination of
  • 7. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 7 two “independent” objects: Z and Z2 . That is to say, if one stands at an element of x, y, z | xz = zx , there are two independent ways to move. One may move by way of a word from ({x, z}±1 )∗ to remain in the current xz-plane, or one may move by way of a word from ({y}±1 )∗ to leap to a new xz-plane. So, a geodesic adventure in Z∗Z2 is one that is geodesic within each xz-plane and does not backtrack upon leaping from one plane to the next. This idea manifests itself in the $ dummy symbol above. The functions α and γ keep track of the x s and z s respectively and mark transitions between planes by $. The β function keeps track of the transitions between planes, marking all movement by x s and z s within the plane as $. So, the set α−1 (Ux) characterizes the paths in Z ∗ Z2 that keep a consistent x-direction within each xz- plane. These are the words that, within each xz-plane, contain only non-negative powers of x or non-positive powers of x but not both (i.e., there is no backtracking in the x direction for each xz-plane). Similarly, γ−1 (Uz) characterizes the paths with no backtracking in the z direction for each xz-plane. The set β−1 (Uy) characterizes the paths that do not contain a y adjacent to y−1 . This translates to paths that never jump to a new xz-plane followed by immediately turning around and jumping right back. So we see that Geo(Z∗Z2 ) characterizes the paths that do not back- track in the x component of any xz-plane, do not backtrack in the z component of any xz-plane, and do not wastefully jump back and forth between any two xz-planes. 2.4. Normal Forms and Rewriting Systems. We discussed in §2.1 that for a group G = A | R and an element g ∈ G, there are many words in (A±1 )∗ that describe g. If we know the geodesics of G, then we can write g using the fewest possible symbols, but it still may be possible that there are many ways to write g using the fewest possible symbols. Think, for instance, of Z2 = a, b | ab = ba . The element a3 b4 can be written a2 bab3 or ab2 abab, with both of these using the fewest letters from the alphabet {a, b}±1 possible. It is natural to ask the question: Is it possible to take two words and tell whether they represent the same group element? In braid groups, the answer to the question is “yes” by using a rewriting system and its normal forms. Definition 4. Let G = A | R be a finitely presented group. A set of normal forms N for G is a language in (A±1 )∗ such that every element of G is represented exactly once in N.
  • 8. 8 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE Suppose we have a set of normal forms N for a group G and a way of inputting any word w ∈ (A±1 )∗ and outputting the normal form of the group element w represents. Then, we can tell if two words represent the same group element by looking at the normal form representative for each word and checking to see whether those normal forms are equal. If the normal forms are equal, then the two words represent exactly the same group element. As an example of normal forms, we turn yet again to Z2 = a, b | ab = ba . A set of normal forms for Z2 is {ai bj | i, j ∈ Z}. These normal forms also happen to be geodesic, but this is not the case in general. In order to find these normal forms, we observe that the commutation relation ab = ba suggests an algorithm for writing any element in a specific form. Since we can always commute any two letters in a word representing a given element without changing that element, we can choose to commute all powers of a to the left and all powers of b to the right. This idea extends to many groups with finite presentation using the idea of a complete rewriting system. Additionally, the set of normal forms for Z2 can be used to find a set of normal forms for the group Z ∗ Z2 mentioned earlier. The set of geodesics described in §2.3 give representatives for every element of Z ∗ Z2 written with the fewest possible symbols from {x, y, z}±1 , but there are many ways to represent elements with the fewest possible symbols. However, the description of normal forms for Z2 described in the last paragraph can be used to build a subset of Geo(Z∗Z2 ) in which the elements of the group are represented only once. We accomplish this by insisting that our words are not only geodesic, but also that each sub-word over {x, z}±1 is written in normal form in Z2 . In other words, we have a set of (geodesic) normal forms: Definition 5. Define the set of normal forms for Z∗Z2 , NF(Z∗Z2 ), as the set of elements of the form g1h1 . . . gnhn, with gi ∈ ({y})∗ ∪ ({y−1 })∗ and hi = xj zk for some j, k ∈ Z, where gi and hj are not the empty word whenever i = 1 and j = n. Furthermore, we will denote the normal form for g ∈ Z ∗ Z2 as ˜g. We will refer to these normal forms heavily in §3 when defining the vector algorithm.
  • 9. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 9 Definition 6. Let B be a finite set. Let S ⊆ B∗ ×B∗ , where we think of (u, v) ∈ S as a “rewriting rule” u → v, such that xuy → xvy whenever u → v for any words x, y ∈ B∗ . Then we call S a rewriting system over B. Definition 7. Let S be a rewriting system over B that satisfies the following: (1) For every sequence of rewritings u1 → . . ., there is some N ∈ N such that uN cannot be rewritten. (In other words, every se- quence of rewritings terminates. Also, we call uN an irre- ducible word. Termination ensures that we will always rewrite to a word that can’t be rewritten any further). (2) Whenever (t1s, r1), (st2, r2) ∈ S, there is some z ∈ B∗ with rewritings t1st2 → r1t2 ∗ → z and t1st2 → t1r2 ∗ → z, where x ∗ → y means either x = y or there is some finite sequence of rewritings x → . . . → y. (3) Whenever (rst, u), (s, v) ∈ S, then there is some z ∈ B∗ with rewritings rst → u ∗ → z and rst → rvt ∗ → z. (Properties (2) and (3) together are called confluence. Confluence ensures that a word doesn’t rewrite to two different words). Then we call S a complete rewriting system over B. Theorem 1. Let S be a complete rewriting system over (A±1 )∗ includ- ing the rules aa−1 → 1 and a−1 a → 1 for every a ∈ A and let G be the group presented by A | u = v ∀(u, v) ∈ S . Then the set of irreducible words with respect to S is a set of normal forms for G. (See [8],[10]). This means that if one can find a complete rewriting system over the generators of a finitely presented group G, then taking any word representing g ∈ G and applying the rewriting rules repeatedly will eventually yield a normal form for g. As mentioned earlier in this section, these normal forms allow us to compare different words to see if they represent the same group element. This is a valuable tool for constructing a Cayley Graph of a group G from the Cayley Graph of a subgroup. 2.4.1. Shortlex Ordering. From the previous section, we have learned that complete rewriting systems help to produce normal forms. One useful tool in the quest to make a rewriting system for a group G = A|R is to impose an order relation on the set A±1 and make rewriting rules from the relations so that words rewrite to smaller words with respect to that order relation. We will give an example of a commonly used order relation, as well as exhibit its usefulness with an application.
  • 10. 10 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE Definition 8. Let v = v1v2 . . . vn and w = w1w2 . . . wm be distinct words in B∗ where each vi, wj ∈ B. The shortlex ordering is de- fined in the following way: Since B is finite, we write B = {b1, b2, . . . , bp} and impose 1 b1 b2 . . . bp, where 1 is the empty word. Then, we say that v w whenever |v| < |w| or |v| = |w| and vk wk, where k is the smallest index i for which vi = wi. So shortlex is an ordering on words according to length, with ties being broken by looking at the first letter for which the two words differ and consulting the imposed ordering on those letters. For instance, if A = {a, b, c} with a b c, then abab abac since b c, but ccc aaaa since |ccc| = 3 < 4 = |aaaa|. It would be as if the dictionary were organized by word length with words of a given length being ordered in the ordinary fashion. In [1, Chapter 9], one encounters a set D ⊂ B4 that is a list of all of the nontrivial elements of B4 that correspond to braids where any two strands cross at most once. It is well-known that the set D is a set of canonical representatives for S4 in B4. Below is a sketch of a proof of this fact that relies on shortlex ordering. Lemma 1. The canonical homomorphism from B4 to S4 restricts to a bijection from D ∪ {1} to S4. Proof. (Sketch): Impose the ordering a b c for {a, b, c}. Next, write down all words of length 1 in shortlex order from smallest to largest (namely, a b c ). Now, cross out all words that can be reduced to words that have appeared earlier in the list according to the relations of B4 or which have strands that cross twice or more ( in this case, there are no words to cross out). Now, write all length 2 words in shortlex order by taking each length 1 word that hasn’t been crossed out and appending a generator to the end to get three length 2 words for each length 1 word (i.e. we have that a spawns aa, ab, ac ). Now, cross out all words that can be reduced to a word that has already appeared in the list according to the relations of B4 or which have strands that cross twice or more ( in this case, aa gets crossed out since the first and second braids cross twice). We proceed in this way so that when we have a shortlex ordered list of all length n words over {a, b, c} that represent elements of D with no repetitions, call it Ln, we construct another minimal, exhaustive, shortlex ordered list of all length n + 1 words that represent elements of D, call it Ln+1 in the following way: First, append a, b, and c to
  • 11. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 11 each word in Ln to spawn three new words in shortlext order of length n + 1. Next, cross out words that can be reduced to words that have already appeared in the list by the relations of B4 or whose braids have strands that cross twice or more. Now, we show that Ln+1 is an exhaustive list of all length n + 1 words representing elements of D. Let w be a word over {a, b, c} with |w| = n + 1. Note that w ∈ {va, vb, vc} where v is a positive word of length n. Observe that the statement “w represents a braid in D” implies the statement “v represents a braid in D.” To see this, assume by contrapositive that v does not represent a braid in D. That means v represents a braid for which there are two strands that cross twice or more. So, when we make another crossing by appending a, b,, or c to v, the situation can only get worse. That is to say, the two strands that crossed twice or more either still cross twice or more, or cross three times or more after appending v with a, b, or c. So w ∈ {va, vb, vc} also represents a braid for which there are two strands that cross twice or more. Next, let u be a word over {a, b, c} of length n + 1 that represents a braid in D. Since we are dealing with only positive words and the relations of B4 preserve word length, there are no words of shorter length representing the same braid as u (there are no inverses to cancel, and braid relations cannot make the word shorter). So, u has not yet appeared in any Li for i < n + 1. Note that u = td where t is a positive word of length n and d ∈ {a, b, c}. Since u represents a braid in D, then so does t by the argument earlier in this paragraph. Since t is a length n word representing a braid in D and Ln is an exhaustive list of such words with no repeats, then either t ∈ Ln or t was crossed off because there is exactly one other t ∈ Ln with t ≡ t that appeared earlier in shortlex order. So, either u is not crossed off or we have that t d ≡ u, and t d is either in Ln+1 or t d was crossed off because there is a u ∈ Ln+1 with u ≡ t d ≡ u and u t v u. In any case, the element that u represents is represented somewhere in Ln+1 (either by t’d or u’ or u). So every braid in D that can be represented by a positive word of length n + 1 is represented in Ln+1. Note now that Ln+1 is minimal, since any word that could be reduced to a word already in Ln+1 was crossed off, so any braid in D represented by a length n + 1 word over {a, b, c} is represented only once. In the case of D, this brute force procedure eventually yields an empty list, where all potential candidates are crossed off. When this happens, there cannot be any words of higher length in the list, since those
  • 12. 12 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE words would fail for the same reasons that all words of the preceding length failed. With this procedure, we find that a b c ab ac bc cb ba D = aba abc acb bac bcb cba abac abcb acba bacb bcba abacb abcba bacba abacba. The algorithm ensures that the list on the right hand side is indeed an exhaustive list of the elements of D since we have exhausted the possibilities for elements of D at each word length. So every element of D is found somewhere in the list. Conversely, one can check that all elements in the list correspond to positive braids whose strands cross at most once. So the list represents a set of elements of B4 that is equal to D. Furthermore, one can check that the list contains no duplicates by observing that the function from the list on the right hand side to S4 {1} induced by a → (1 2), b → (2 3), c → (3 4) is a bijection. We extend this bijection to a bijection from D ∪ {1} to S4 by sending 1 → 1. The resulting function is exactly the canonical homomorphism from B4 to S4 restricted to D ∪ {1}. In [7, §3.2], Hermiller and Meier produce a set of rewriting rules on the list D ∪ {1} from above, where each element is taken as its own letter rather than as a word over {a, b, c}. This rewriting system together with a particular order relation yields a complete rewriting system that can take a word over {a, b, c}±1 and output the normal form for the corresponding element of B4. These rewriting rules for B4 are listed in Appendix A. 3. Building the Cayley Graph of H We approach the construction of the Cayley Graph of (B4) by par- titioning the group into cosets of a subgroup H := a2 , b2 , c2 which avoids many of the difficulties of B4. In particular, Droms, Lewin, and Servatius [4, §1 Corollary 3] have shown that H ∼= Z ∗ Z2 = x, y, z | xz = zx where the isomorphism is the extension of the mappings a2 → x, b2 → y, and c2 → z.
  • 13. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 13 3.1. Embedding Z ∗ Z2 . In this section, we define an algorithm ϕ which we show embeds the Cayley graph Γ of Z ∗ Z2 within the Eu- clidean cube (−1, 1)3 ⊂ R3 . 3.1.1. The Vector Algorithm. Definition 9. (1) Let A be a set and consider the word w = w1w2w3 · · · wn where each wi ∈ A. A suffix of w is any word w where either w = 1 or w = wiwi+1wi+2 · · · wn ∈ A∗ , for some i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. (2) Let A be a set and consider the word w = w1w2w3 · · · wn where each wi ∈ A. A prefix of w is any word w where either w = 1 or w = w1w2w3 · · · wi ∈ A∗ for some i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. We will also need to understand some properties of the free product, defined as follows: Definition 10. The free product of two groups G and H, written G ∗ H, consists of elements are of the form w = g1h1g2h2 . . . gnhn where gi ∈ G, hi ∈ H, n ∈ N, gi = idG for i = 1, and hi = idH for i = n. Furthermore, the operation on G ∗ H is reduced concatenation, where two words are concatenated and then reduced according the rules of both G and H, eliminating idG and idH from the word, except possibly at the first and last factors of the word. We also introduce some notation for convenience: Definition 11. For an element g ∈ Z∗Z2 and its normal form ˜g given by Definition 5: (1) Let px(g) denote the absolute value of the power of x in the longest suffix of ˜g which does not contain a y±1 letter. (2) Furthermore, let pz(g) denote the absolute value of the power of z in the longest suffix of ˜g which does not contain a y±1 letter. (3) Let γ(g) denote the length of the longest prefix of ˜g which ends in a y±1 letter. If no such prefix exists, then define γ(g) = 0.
  • 14. 14 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE Since ˜g represents g uniquely, we know that px, pz, and γ are well- defined. We recursively define the vector form of elements of Z∗Z2 as follows: (1) First, define the vector form 1 of 1 as 0, 0, 0 and note that γ(1) = 0. (2) Assume g is defined for some g ∈ Z ∗ Z2 . Let v ∈ {x, y, z} where = ±1, and map gv as follows: (a) If v is x, g · v := g + · (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1 , 0, 0 . (b) If v is z, g · v := g + · 0, (0.5)γ(g)+pz(g)+1 , 0 . (c) If v is y, g · v := g + · 0, 0, (0.5)|˜g|+1 . 3.1.2. Constructing the Cayley Graph of Z ∗ Z2 . Definition 12. Let ϕ : Γ(Z ∗ Z2 ) → R3 be the function that maps vertices g to g and edges [g, gs, s] to the straight line segment connecting g to g · s labeled by s ∈ {x, y, z}. We call ϕ the vector algorithm. Lemma 2. The function ϕ is well-defined: Proof. Consider a factor fi of an arbitrary element g. In other words, if g = g1h2g3h4 . . . gn−1hn, a factor of g is any gi or hj, and fi(g) is the ith symbol in the above sequence. We know that fi is of the form x n zηm or yδ for , m, n ∈ N0 and δ, , η ∈ {±1}.
  • 15. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 15 Observe that the definition of the free product yields that if two ele- ments g1 and g2 are equal, then they correspond exactly at every factor, up to the commutativity relation xz = zx. We claim that ϕ respects this relation. In other words, we claim (gx )zη = (gzη)x . To see this, observe that (gx ) = g + · (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1 , 0, 0 and (gzη) = g + η · 0, (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1 , 0 . Therefore, (gx )zη = (g + · (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1 , 0, 0 ) + η · 0, (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1 , 0 = (g + η · 0, (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1 , 0 ) + · (0.5)γ(g)+px(g)+1 , 0, 0 = (gzη)x . Thus, ϕ respects the commutativity relation x zη = zη x . So the map g → g is well-defined. Moreover, since ϕ connects edges between well- defined vertices, the edge placement is also well-defined. Therefore, ϕ is well-defined. Definition 13. Define the restriction subgraph, for each g ∈ Z ∗ Z2 , Γ |g·Z2 to be the subgraph of Γ(Z ∗ Z2 ) consisting of vertices of the form g · x k · zηj for k, j ∈ N0 and , η ∈ {±1} along with all edges in Γ(Z ∗ Z2 ) that connect such vertices. Definition 14. For each g ∈ Z ∗ Z2 , we denote the g-plane Z2 g := ϕ(Γ |g·Z2 ). Note here that Γ |g·Z2 (and hence Z2 g) is uniquely defined by g, up to a suffix x k zηj . We use ϕ to map the Cayley graph of Z∗Z2 into R3 . In Section 3.1.3, we will show that ϕ is an embedding. We proceed to demonstrate a small portion of ϕ(Γ), and then we display a more complete picture of ϕ(Γ).
  • 16. 16 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE We begin by constructing the plane Z2 1 of the Cayley graph, which corresponds to the z = 0 plane of the cube as follows: Figure 3. Embedding Z2 1 in R3 . The mnemonic in the upper left corner of the above figure encodes the directed orientation of the edges in Z2 1: in particular, the horizontally oriented edges are labeled by “x”, and the diagonally oriented edges are labeled by “z”. We proceed to show that the above figure is a picture of Z2 1. Observe that γ(x k · zηm ) = 0 ∀k, m ∈ N0 and , η ∈ {±1} from the definition of γ. Moreover, recall that for all i, n ∈ N0, we have px(x i · zηn ) = i and pz(x i · zηn ) = n. Thus, x k · zηm = · k i=1 (0.5)i+1 , η · m j=1 (0.5)j+1 , 0 . So, for any vertex g ∈ 1·Z2 , g is mapped into (−1, 1)×(−1, 1)×{0}, since 0.5 + 0.25 + 0.125 + · · · = ∞ i=1 1 2i converges to 1. We next define a larger subset of ϕ(Γ), which we call S, as the union of Z2 1 and Z2 y, pictured in Figure 4 below:
  • 17. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 17 Figure 4. Taking the union of Z2 1 and Z2 y to obtain S. Notice that this portion of the construction now expands to include only elements of the form w := y · x k · zηm , where k, m ∈ N, , η ∈ {±1}. The order of x, y, z in the above word determines that the vertical edge y ∈ S represents the longest prefix of the word x k · zηm that contains a y. So γ(y · x k · zηm ) = 1. Moreover, note that px(y · x k · zηm ) = k and pz(y · x k · zηm ) = m. Therefore, y · x k · zηm = · k i=1 (0.5) +i+1 , η · m j=1 (0.5) +j+1 , 0.5 . We can perform this same procedure from any point on Z2 1, not just the origin. For x k zηj , where , η ∈ {±1} and k, j ∈ N0, we can produce a picture analogous to S except with Z2 x kzηjy playing the role of Z2 y except scaled by a factor of (0.5)k+j . For any g ∈ Z∗Z2 and its normal form ˜g, we can proceed in this way to produce pictures analogous to S starting at any point in Z2 g with Z2 gy playing the role of Z2 y except scaled by a factor of (0.5)|˜g| . Thus, ϕ fully maps Γ(Z ∗ Z2 ) into R3 . In particular, w∈Z∗Z2 Z2 w = ϕ(Γ(Z ∗ Z2 )) ⊂ (−1, 1)3 .
  • 18. 18 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE Now that we’ve observed a portion of the construction, we present a more complete Cayley Graph of Z ∗ Z2 ⊆ (−1, 1)3 ⊂ R3 : Figure 5. The Cayley Graph Γ of Z ∗ Z2 mapped into R3 under ϕ. 3.1.3. Proof that ϕ is an Embedding. Theorem 2. Let Γ be the Cayley graph of Z ∗ Z2 with respect to the generating set {x, y, z}. The map ϕ : Γ → (−1, 1)3 ⊂ R3 is an embedding.
  • 19. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 19 Proof. Since ϕ maps vertices to vectors and edges to line segments, then the pre-image of any open set in R3 is open in Γ with its usual graph topology. So ϕ is continuous. For injectivity, the proof will be split into two smaller steps. First, we will show that the vertices V of Γ map into (−1, 1)3 . Then we prove that the edges described in the vector algorithm do not contain any points which are the images of the vertices V under the vector algorithm ϕ, except the edges’ endpoints, and we will show that the edges do not intersect one another except at vertices which are their endpoints. (1) Suppose that v ∈ Z ∗ Z2 . Then we can write ϕ(v) = (v1, v2, v3) with vj ∈ R for j ∈ {1, 2, 3}. By the construction algorithm, we have that − ∞ n=1 1 2n < vj < ∞ m=1 1 2m for all j ∈ {1, 2, 3}. But ∞ i=1 1 2i = 1. Hence, −1 < vj < 1 for j ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Therefore, ϕ(v) ∈ (−1, 1)3 for all v ∈ Z ∗ Z2 , since v was arbitrarily chosen. (2) We will show that in the vector algorithm ϕ, words that are not equal generate subgraphs that do not intersect. Definition 15. We will use the term subgraph generated by g to mean {ϕ(gg ) | g ∈ Z ∗ Z2 , ˜g a prefix of gg } along with the edges connecting these vertices. Note that for two elements g1 = g2, there are maximal pre- fixes ˜g1 and ˜g2 of g1 and g2, respectively, for which ˜g1 = ˜g2 (we call this maximal prefix ˜g). Now let ˆg1 and ˆg2 be the corre- sponding suffixes of g1 and g2, respectively. In particular, define ˆg1 and ˆg2 so that ˜g ˆg1 = g1 and ˜g ˆg2 = g2.
  • 20. 20 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE Note that ( ˆg1) < ∞ i=| ˜g1| 1 2i and ( ˆg2) < ∞ i=| ˜g2| 1 2i , where is the physical length of the corresponding path in R3 defined by the elements g1 and g2. Observe that the first factors of ˆg1 and ˆg2 must be different, since ˜g1 and ˜g2 were chosen to be maximal. Therefore, WLOG, suppose that the first letter of ˆg1 is y and the first letter of ˆg2 is x. Note that ϕ(˜gy) = ϕ(˜gx), and the paths corresponding to appending y and x do not inter- sect. Call the first edges in these paths e1 and e2, respectively. Note that these edges correspond to the edges connecting ˜g to ˜gy and ˜g to ˜gx, respectively. Then define ρ1 and ρ2 as arbitrary elements of the subgraph generated by ˜gy and ˜gx, respectively. Note that (ρ1) < ∞ i=| ˜g1|+1 1 2i , and (ρ2) < ∞ i=| ˜g2|+1 1 2i . Furthermore, (e1) = 1 2|˜g|+1 = (e2). In order for the subgraph generated by ˜gy to intersect the sub- graph generated by ˜gx, the lengths of the paths from ˜gy and ˜gx which intersect must add up to at least the geodesic taxicab distance from ˜gy to ˜gx. But the geodesics taxicab distance from ˜gy to ˜gx is exactly 1 2|˜g|+1 + 1 2|˜g|+1 = 2 · 1 2|˜g|+1 , the horizontal distance plus the vertical distance. But the length of any path from ˜gy or ˜gx is bounded above by ∞ i=|˜g|+2 1 2i .
  • 21. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 21 This follows from the bound on ρ1 and ρ2, which are arbitrary words in the subgraphs generated by ˜gy and ˜gx, respectively. So then for any two paths p1 and p2 in the subgraphs generated by ˜gy and ˜gx, (p1) + (p2) < 2 · ∞ i=| ˜g1|+2 1 2i = 2 · 1 2| ˜g1|+1 . Thus, since the above inequality is strict, it must be that the subgraphs generated by ˜gy and ˜gx do not intersect. In particu- lar, we have shown that the subgraph generated by y does not intersect the subgraph generated by x. All that is left to show is that the subgraphs generated by x and z are identical, which we know by construction, and that y−1 generates a subgraph which does not intersect the sub- graphs generated by y or x. But this is true by symmetry in the above argument. Therefore, ϕ embeds Z∗Z2 into (−1, 1)3 , and the embedding respects the geometric encoding of Z ∗ Z2 found in its Cayley Graph Γ(Z ∗ Z2 ). 3.2. Discussion. The subgroup H = a2 , b2 , c2 ≤ B4 can potentially tell us a great deal about the structure of B4. Let Λ be the Cayley Graph of B4 with respect to its natural presentation. From the embed- ding algorithm in §3.1, we have a complete description of the Cayley Graph of H that sits inside Λ. That is to say, every edge in Γ(H) is really two edges in Λ since an edge in Γ(H) corresponds to a transi- tion by an element of {a2 , b2 , c2 }±1 rather than {x, y, z}±1 . So Γ(H) corresponds to the subgraph of Λ that looks like Γ(H), except with all of its edges subdivided. Similarly, any coset of H is associated with a copy of Γ(H) that sits inside Λ that is a translation of the subgraph corresponding to H. Since the cosets of H partition B4, every vertex in Λ is accounted for when taking the union of all of the subgraphs cor- responding to the cosets of H. For any coset, the associated subgraph contains all of the edges in Λ that connect elements of that coset to other elements of the coset. So, when taking the union of all of the subgraphs associated with the cosets of H, there are no vertices miss- ing, and the only edges missing are those that connect elements from one coset to a different coset.
  • 22. 22 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE So in order to build Λ, we must understand where an element of a coset goes when a generator is applied that takes it to a different coset. This would tell us exactly what the missing edges we need to characterize Λ are. With the rewriting system from Appendix A, we have a way to compute whether two words represent the same element of B4. Armed in this way, we may be able to find a pattern to connect the missing edges between the cosets of H. 4. Potential Applications The results of this paper take great steps towards describing the Cayley Graph of B4 with respect to its natural presentation. Once found, the Cayley Graph of B4 can be used to characterize its geodesics: Geo(B4, {a, b, c}) := w ∈ ({a, b, c}±1 )∗ | |w| = min{ |v| | v ≡ w} . To motivate the importance of this endeavor, we explore a result for Bn taken from Charney and Meier in [2]. We will refer to the language given in [2] as the Garside language of Bn. This language is constructed as follows: Definition 16. The Garside Language of B4 is the set of divisors D of the Garside element ∆, which we describe as a full twist of the braids: ∆ := abacba Figure 6. The full twist on 4 strands: ∆ = abacba A simple computation reveals the set of divisors to be the following:
  • 23. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 23 a b c ab ac bc cb ba D := aba abc acb bac bcb cba abac abcb acba bacb bcba abacb abcba bacba abacba. Note that the set D is exactly the set D discussed in §2.4. In Charney and Meier, the chief result is the following theorem: Theorem 3 (1, Cor.). The language of geodesics for the braid group Bn, with respect to the generating set of simple divisors of either ∆ or δ, is regular. In the above theorem, δ is the braid which crosses the first strand of Bn over the remaining strands. In [2, Question 1.1] the authors ask whether the above theorem holds for Bn with its natural presentation. The only known braid group for which this question has been answered is B3 as proved in [12]. Sabalka shows in [12, §1, Theorem 1.2] that the set of geodesics for B3 with respect to the natural generating set is indeed regular, satisfying the conclusion of the above theorem. The constructions developed in this paper will be useful in answering this question for B4, and perhaps in discovering a pattern that can be gen- eralized to all Braid groups with natural presentation.
  • 24. 24 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE Appendix A. Rewriting Rules for B4 (abacba)(abacba)−1 → 1 (abacba)−1 (abacba) → 1 ab → (ab) ba → (ba) (ab)a → (aba) b(ab) → (aba) a(ba) → (aba) (ba)b → (aba) ac → (ac) ca → (ac) bc → (bc) cb → (cb) (bc)b → (bcb) c(bc) → (bcb) (cb)c → (bcb) b(cb) → (bcb) (bacb)a → (bacba) a(bc) → (abc) (ab)c → (abc) a(cb) → (acb) (ac)b → (acb) b(ac) → (bac) (ba)c → (bac) (cb)a → (cba) c(ba) → (cba) (aba)c → (abac) a(bcb) → (abcb) (abc)b → (abcb) (acb)a → (acba) (bac)b → (bacb) (bcb)a → (bcba) (aba)(cb) → (abacb) (abac)b → (abacb) (ab)(cba) → (abcba) (abcb)a → (abcba) (ba)(cba) → (bacba) (bac)(ba) → (bacba) (abacb)a → (abacba) (abacba)−1 (abacb) → (bacba)(abacba)−1 (ab)(cb) → (abcb) (bac)(abac) → (ba)(abcba) (abacba)−1 (ab) → (cb)(abacba)−1 (abac)(ba) → (abacba) (abac)c → (abc)(ac) (abacba)b → b(abacba) (abacba)(bc) → (ba)(abacba) (ac)(ba) → (acba) (acba)b → a(acba) (ac)c → c(ac) (aba)a → b(aba) (aba)(ab) → (ba)(aba) c(aba) → (acba) (acba)(bc) → a(abcba) (cba)(bc) → (abcba) (aba)(ac) → b(abac) (ba)2 → b(aba) (ba)(bc) → (abac) (abc)(ba) → (abcba) (ac)(aba) → a(acba) (bc)(aba) → (bacba) (abacba)−1 (abc) → (cba)(abacba)−1 (aba)b → a(aba) (aba)(ba) → (ab)(aba) (ab)2 → a(aba) (aba)(bc) → a(abac) (abacba)a → c(abacba) (abc)(aba) → (abacba) (abac)a → b(abac) b(acba) → (bacba) (bacba)(bc) → (ba)(abcba) (abac)(aba) → b(abacba) (ac)(cba) → c(acba) (bac)(cba) → (bc)(acba) (ac)(ab) → a(acb) (ac)a → a(ac) (bc)a → (bac) (bac)c → (bc)(ac) (ab)(ac) → (abac)
  • 25. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 25 (abacba)(ab) → (cb)(abacba) (abcb)(ab) → (abacba) (abacba)(ac) → (ac)(abacba) (aba)(cba) → (abacba) (abac)(ab) → b(abacb) (aba)(acba) → b(abacba) (ab)(acba) → (abacba) a(cba) → (acba) b(abc) → (abac) a(bac) → (abac) (bacba)(cba) → (bc)(abacba) (bc)(ab) → (bacb) (abacba)(cba) → (abc)(abacba) (cba)b → (acba) (abacba)−1 (abcb) → (acba)(abacba)−1 (abcba)b → (abacba) (bacba)b → (ba)(acba) (bacba)(bac) → (bacb)(abac) (acba)(bac) → (acb)(abac) (bac)(aba) → (ba)(acba) a(bacba) → (abacba) (ab)(abc) → a(abac) (aba)(abc) → (ba)(abac) (ba)(bac) → b(abac) (aba)(bac) → (ab)(abac) (ac)(bac) → (abcba) (acba)a → (cb)(aba) (acba)(ab) → (cba)(aba) (acba)c → (abcba) (abacba)−1 (abcba) → (abcba)(abacba)−1 (abcba)(ba) → c(abacba) (abacba)c → a(abacba) (aba)(abcba) → (ba)(abacba) c(ab) → (acb) b(acb) → (bacb) (ab)(acb) → (abacb) (aba)(acb) → b(abacb) (cb)(ab) → (acba) (cba)(ba) → (cb)(aba) (bc)(ba) → (bcba) (bcba)b → (bacba) (bacba)a → c(bacba) (bacba)(ab) → (cba)(acba) (bacba)c → (abacba) (bacba)(ac) → c(abacba) (abacba)−1 (abac) → (bcba)(abacba)−1 (ba)(bcba) → (abacba) (abacba)(bcba) → (abac)(abacba) (bcba)(bac) → c(abacba) (bcba)2 → (bc)(abacba) (aba)(bcba) → a(abacba) (bcb)(ab) → (bacba) (bcba)(ba) → c(bacba) (bcb)c → b(bcb) (bcb)(ac) → b(bcba) (acba)(bcba) → (ac)(abacba) (ac)(bc) → (abcb) (bc)2 → b(bcb) (bcb)b → c(bcb) (bcb)(ba) → c(bcba) (bcb)(aba) → c(bacba) (abacba)−1 (bac) → (bac)(abacba)−1 (bacba)(bcba) → (bac)(abacba) (abacb)b → (bc)(abcb) b(cba) → (bcba) a(bcba) → (abcba) (bcba)(bacba) → (bcb)(abacba) c(abac) → (abcba) (abcba)(bacba) → (abcb)(abacba) b(abcb) → (abacb) (abacba)−1 a → c(abacba)−1 (abacba)−1 (bacba) → (abacb)(abacba)−1 c(bac) → (bcba) (abac)(bac) → a(abacba) (abacb)(ba) → (bc)(abcba) (abacb)(aba) → (bc)(abacba) (abacb)(bc) → (bacb)(bcb) (abacba)−1 (bc) → (ba)(abacba)−1 (abacba)−1 (bcba) → (abac)(abacba)−1 b(abcba) → (abacba) (ab)(abcba) → a(abacba) (ac)(bcba) → c(abcba)
  • 26. 26 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE (bcb)(abcba) → (bc)(abacba) (bc)(bac) → b(bcba) (ac)(abac) → a(abcba) (bc)(abac) → (abacba) (abacba)(bacba) → (abacb)(abacba) (abacba)−1 b → b(abacba)−1 (bac)2 → (abacba) (abacba)(bac) → (bac)(abacba) (bcb)(acb) → b(bacba) (abc)(bacb) → (ab)(bacba) (cb)(ac) → (bcba) (cb)2 → c(bcb) (bcb)(bc) → (cb)(bcb) (ba)(bcb) → (abacb) (aba)(bcb) → a(abacb) (bcb)(cb) → (bc)(bcb) (bacb)(ab) → (ba)(acba) (ba)(cb) → (bacb) a(bacb) → (abacb) (ba)(bacb) → b(abacb) (aba)(bacb) → (ab)(abacb) (ac)(bacb) → (abacba) (bacba)(ba) → (bacb)(aba) (bcba)(bc) → (abacba) (bac)(bacba) → (bc)(abacba) (bacba)(bcb) → (ba)(abacba) (abacba)(aba) → (bcb)(abacba) (abacba)−1 (bcb) → (aba)(abacba)−1 (abac)(bacba) → (abc)(abacba) (bacb)c → (abacb) (bacb)(ac) → (abacba) (abcba)(bcba) → (abc)(abacba) (abcba)(abac) → (cba)(abacba) (cba)(bcb) → (abacba) (abcba)a → (cb)(abac) (abcb)c → (ab)(bcb) (abcb)(ac) → (ab)(bcba) (abacba)−1 (ac) → (ac)(abacba)−1 (abcb)(abac) → (ac)(abacba) (abacba)−1 (acb) → (acb)(abacba)−1 (abacba)(acb) → (acb)(abacba) (bacba)(acb) → (cb)(abacba) (abacba)−1 (aba) → (bcb)(abacba)−1 (abacba)−1 (acba) → (abcb)(abacba)−1 (abacba)(bcb) → (aba)(abacba) (abcb)(bc) → (acb)(bcb) (acb)c → (abcb) (acb)(ac) → (abcba) (abacba)−1 (ba) → (bc)(abacba)−1 (abacba)−1 c → a(abacba)−1 (abcb)(aba) → c(abacba) (abcb)(cb) → (abc)(bcb) (abc)(bc) → (ab)(bcb) (abac)(bc) → a(abacb) (abcba)(bc) → a(abacba) (abacb)c → a(abacb) (bac)(bc) → (abacb) (abacb)(ac) → a(abacba) (abacb)(cb) → (abc)(abcb) (bacb)(cb) → (bc)(abcb) (abc)2 → a(abacb) (cba)(cb) → (bacba) c(abc) → (abcb) (ac)(abc) → a(abcb) (bc)(abc) → (abacb) (bacb)(abc) → (ba)(abcba) (bacb)(cba) → (bc)(abcba) (abcb)(ba) → c(abcba) (acb)(acba) → c(abacba) (abc)a → (abac) (abc)(ab) → (abacb) (cba)2 → c(bacba) (abcb)(abacb) → (acb)(abacba) (ac)(cb) → c(acb) (bacba)(cb) → b(abacba) (acb)(ab) → a(acba) (acb)(cb) → c(abcb) (bac)a → (ba)(ac) (bac)(ab) → (ba)(acb) (bac)(abacb) → (ba)(abacba) (cba)c → (bcba) (bcba)a → (cba)(ac)
  • 27. CAYLEY GRAPH AND GEODESICS OF B4 27 (bcba)(ab) → (cba)(acb) (bcba)(aba) → (cba)(acba) (cb)(abc) → (abcba) (cb)(acb) → (bacba) (cb)(cba) → c(bcba) (ab)(abcb) → a(abacb) (aba)(abcb) → (ba)(abacb) (ac)(bcb) → c(abcb) (bacb)(abcb) → (ba)(abacba) (acba)2 → (cb)(abacba) (bacb)(acba) → (bc)(abacba) (cb)(abcb) → (abacba) (abc)(bac) → (ab)(bcba) (acba)(ba) → (acb)(aba) (acb)(abc) → a(abcba) (acba)(cb) → (abacba) (acba)(bcb) → a(abacba) (bcba)c → b(bcba) (bcb)(abc) → (abacba) (bcba)(cb) → b(bacba) (bcba)(bcb) → b(abacba) (abacb)(ab) → b(abacba) (abcba)c → (ab)(bcba) (abcb)(abc) → a(abacba) (abcba)(cb) → (ab)(bacba) (abcba)(bcb) → (ab)(abacba) (abacba)(ba) → (bc)(abacba) (ac)(abacb) → a(abacba) (abacb)(abc) → (ba)(abacba) (abacba)(cb) → (ab)(abacba) (abacb)(abcb) → (aba)(abacba) (abcba)(ab) → (cb)(abacb) (abcba)(aba) → (cb)(abacba) (ba)(bacba) → b(abacba) (aba)(bacba) → (ab)(abacba) c(bacb) → (bacba) c(abacb) → (abacba) (bc)(bacb) → b(bacba) (bc)(abacb) → b(abacba) (bac)(bacb) → b(abacba) (ac)(bacba) → c(abacba) (cba)(bacba) → (cb)(abacba) (cba)(bcba) → c(abacba) (bacba)(acba) → (bcb)(abacba) (acba)(bacba) → (acb)(abacba) (cb)(acba) → c(bacba) (acba)(cba) → c(abacba) (abcba)(bac) → (ac)(abacba) (cba)(bac) → (cb)(abac) (bacba)2 → (bacb)(abacba) (acba)(abcba) → (cba)(abacba) (acb)2 → (abacba) (bacb)(acb) → b(abacba) (bacba)(abcba) → (bcba)(abacba) (abacb)(acb) → (ab)(abacba) (abac)(bacb) → (ab)(abacba) (abac)(cb) → (abc)(acb) (abac)(bcb) → (abc)(abcb) (abac)(cba) → (abc)(acba) (abac)2 → (ba)(abacba) (acb)(abcb) → a(abacba) (acba)(ac) → (cb)(abac) (abcba)(cba) → (abc)(bacba) (abcb)(acb) → (ab)(bacba) (abc)(abac) → a(abacba) (bcb)(abac) → c(abacba) (bcb)(bac) → (cb)(bcba) (bcb)(bacb) → (cb)(bacba) (bcb)(abacb) → (cb)(abacba) (bcb)(cba) → (bc)(bcba) (bcb)(abcb) → b(abacba) (bcb)(acba) → (bc)(bacba) (bacba)(bacb) → (bacb)(abacb) (abc)(abacb) → (ab)(abacba) (bac)(cb) → (bc)(acb) (bac)(bcb) → (bc)(abcb) (bac)(bcba) → (bc)(abcba) (bac)(abc) → (ba)(abcb) (cb)(abcba) → c(abacba) (cba)(bacb) → (cb)(abacb) (abac)(abc) → (ba)(abacb) (abcb)b → c(abcb)
  • 28. 28 CHARLES LARRIEU AND JORDAN WIEBE (acb)(cba) → c(abcba) (abcb)(cba) → (abc)(bcba) (abcb)2 → (ab)(abacba) (abcb)(acba) → (abc)(bacba) (abcb)(abcba) → (abc)(abacba) (acba)(bacb) → (acb)(abacb) (acb)(abcba) → (ac)(abacba) (bacb)(abcba) → (bac)(abacba) (bcba)(cba) → (bc)(bacba) (bcba)(bacb) → (cb)(abacba) (abacb)(cba) → (abc)(abcba) (abac)(abacb) → (aba)(abacba) (abacb)(acba) → (abc)(abacba) (abcb)(bac) → (acb)(bcba) (abcb)(bacb) → (acb)(bacba) (abacb)(abcba) → (abac)(abacba) (bcba)(abac) → (cba)(abcba) (bcba)(abacb) → (cba)(abacba) (abac)(bcba) → (abc)(abcba) (abacb)2 → (bacb)(abacba) (abacba)(abacb) → (bacba)(abacba) (acba)(abc) → (cba)(abac) (acba)(abcb) → (cba)(abacb) (abcba)(abc) → (cba)(abacb) (abcba)(abacb) → (acba)(abacba) (acba)(acb) → (cb)(abacb) (bacba)(abc) → (cba)(abcba) (bacba)(abcb) → (cba)(abacba) (abacba)(abac) → (bcba)(abacba) (abacba)(abc) → (cba)(abacba) (abacb)(abac) → (bac)(abacba) (abacba)(abcb) → (acba)(abacba) (abacba)(acba) → (abcb)(abacba) (abacba)(bacb) → (bacb)(abacba) (abacba)(abcba) → (abcba)(abacba) (abcba)(bacb) → (acb)(abacba) (abacba)−1 (bacb) → (bacb)(abacba)−1 (bcba)(abc) → (cba)(abcb) (abacba)−1 (cb) → (ab)(abacba)−1 (abacba)−1 (cba) → (abc)(abacba)−1 (abacb)(bac) → (bacb)(bcba) (abacb)(bacb) → (bacb)(bacba)
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