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USF Research Essay
The public University I choose to research was the University of South Florida. USF was one of the two universities I choose to pursue my
undergraduate degree my first choice was UF (University of Florida). USF has the same mascot as my high school, which are the Bulls. Founded in
1956, USF is the fourth–largest public university in the state of Florida. The University of South Florida is a major metropolitan research university
located in the heart of Tampa Bay. USF has three campuses, which serves nearly 48,000 students at its institutions combine and has about 1,700
instructional facilities.
The Vision of Student Affairs is to empower USF students for lifelong success. Their mission is to cultivate student engagement,...show more content...
VPSA has personnel who report directly to him starting with Executive Director of Student Health Service (Dr. Joe Puccio), Student Ombuds (Jennifer
Schneider), Special Assistant for Strategic Initiatives (Carmen Goldsmith), Executive Director of Shared Services Center (Harold Bower). Also, five
Assistant Vice President (Danielle McDonald, Diane Zanto, Ana Hernandez, Guy Conway, & Russ Coughenour). USF categorize their Student Affairs
Assistant Vice President into section by departments, so base on where a particular department falls that would determine which AVP a department
head would report to. Community Development & Student Engagement oversaw by Danielle McDonald (Assistant Vice President & Dean of
Students). Health & Wellness supervised by Diana Zanto (Interim Assistant Vice President). Residential Experience & Learning managed by Ana
Hernandez (Assistant Vice President) Student Services & Facilities overseen by Guy Conway (Assistant Vice President). Career Services oversaw by
Russ Coughenour (Assistant Vice President). Each Assistant Vice President has departments that correspond to their respective section. One thing I
was fascinated about was the highest degree that any of the Assistant Vice Presidents holds is Master in their respective
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The United States of America Essay
The United States of America Founded under the concept of a Republic (a government without a monarch, who's elected representatives are
responsible to the governed) the founding fathers some 235 years ago set out declare its independence and establish a new nation claiming their own
sovereignty and rejecting any allegiances to the British Monarch. This of course sparked the Revolutionary War in April of 1775 that lasted until
September of 1783. I am amazed that 38 men and later others could during a time of war come together and develop governing rules that would create
the greatest (not perfect) nation in modern times. These men had known just how over reaching most government in the world had become and
intended to prevent that from...show more content...
The Senate on the other hand is straight forward with two Senators for each state, elected in a state wide election. The House has the sole Power of
Impeachment, and is the origination site for all bills to raise revenues. The Senate has sole power to try all impeachments. The other powers of
Congress are outlined in section 8 of Article I of which taxes, coining money the power to raise Armies and maintain a Navy and the power to
declare war are the most notable. All votes by either House on any question shall be by Yeas and Nays and as such be entered into that Houses
Journal. All legislation must pass both Houses be for going to the President for his approval/signature and before becoming law. This in it's self is a
significant check and balance within the legislative branch. However the use of deeming a bill passed rather than a recorded vote has significantly
eroded these checks as well as the confidence of the electorate. The executive branch consists of an elected President and Vice President (successor to
the President if he becomes unable to perform his responsibilities) whose powers include Commander in Chief, the power to grant pardons, enter into
treaties and appoint federal judges with the consent of the Senate. The President holds the power to veto a bill and return the legislation with
comments to congress. This then becomes the Presidents checks and balance over Congress. However congress can over ride the
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Personal Narrative: USF
USF is a big place with a lot of new people to meet, however, the same can be said of my previous high school. The main difference here is that
people are more free to be who ever they want to. What excites me is that there so much to learn of how the world works that I have yet to figure
out and how USF is a such concentrated culmination of unique people each with different ideas. For example, I learned last week at USF that
some people prefer to use the pronoun "they" instead of the conventional "he" or "she" when spoken of. Honestly, its really overwhelming how
much I want to do and have to do to accomplish my goals but if I actually plan my time responsibly I do believe I have the ability to do it all. I have
also made a few really smart
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USF Experience
After graduating USF last fall, I can firmly look back and say that it was worth it. The gained knowledge, the many gained relationships and overall
experience have enriched my life but also left me feeling like I've just scratched the surface.
Some of the most satisfying and beneficial parts of my BFA experience were discovering, practicing, and debating art with a close group of peers and
skilled instructors. To be part of a group of like–minded people who are interested in honing in on challenging one's own perceptions and
preconceptions has been invaluable to me and possibly not replicated in a different way. Creating bonds with equally serious and focused classmates in
graduate school is something I'm looking forward to. During my visit to UNC, Hong–An Truong gave me a tour of the facilities and included me in
one of the grad critiques. I could feel the supportive atmosphere and openness between the students and teachers. The program at UNC would be such
a fitting environment for me and a place where I would be able to really take my ambition to the next level and to hone my ideas conceptually as...show
more content...
During the last couple years, I've been fortunate enough to have an active role in the emerging Tampa Bay art community. After assisting the founder
of Tempus Projects last year, I was asked to be one of the 14 members of the all–women's art collective, Cunst Haus. I am also an organizer and one of
the 8 members of Quaid Gallery. All three of these establishments work to support local, national and international artists. Being a member of Cunst
Haus and Quaid has served as a significant career template and I'm happy to be a part of these collectives that are so dedicated and passionate about
supporting our local art community and helping to make the visual arts more accessible to everyone. I anticipate the next step in my life and finding
my place in a new art
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Usf Case Labeling
Standard operating procedures are built around detailed actions and functions within any operation. Although USF has a documented standard
operating procedure, it is an injustice to both the membership and the company when employees are not trained in the detailed methodologies for
which they are to perform.
During the week of the audit, many order selectors were observed performing tasks above and beyond those stated in the company's documented
preferred methods.
For example,
Order Selection – While conducting studies, employees were not following the documented methodology of labeling cases during each obtain. Case
labeling is to be performed as an internal motion while the selector approaches each selection location and handles it...show more content...
The true cause of one's substandard performance must be identified and researched as to the effect of any system errors which may have occurred
during the production week, and to ensure all down time has been allocated for the employee throughout the time period in question. Employees may
be at no fault when put into a working environment for which they have no control, especially if placed into a situation where the work load is not
reflective of the conditions the standard was meant to represent. Members that are performing tasks that are not a part of their regular bid positions are
most susceptible, and are more likely to be hindered by these working conditions. There is a very high probability that if one is put into these
conditions that the delay allowance especially during the summer months could in fact be much greater than the frequencies and allowances are meant
to represent for that period of time. Members and Local 104 should request all documentation and validate the information in reference to any discipline
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Shriner's Children Hospital
1.At the beginning of the semester when service was mentioned I was assuming we would have to perform an act to assist Shriner's Children
Hospital. However, this was not the type of service we were doing and I was perfectly okay with that. During the tour of the Shriner's Children
Hospital I learned that the land was not given to the hospital by USF, yet they paid a dollar a year, if I understood that correctly. I also got the jist of
the time and effort that goes into making prosthetics limbs for a young child. The amount of pride and effort that these staff put in for this sick
children are the most heartwarming thing. I really appreciate the love the employees have for the job. While I really enjoyed this experience, I was
bummed out as the tour guide did not speak...show more content...
Every individual in my class brought an item or two to donate to the patients of the hospital. Although it was not a big thing, I am hoping it means a lot
to a sick patient. Therefore, I anticipate to make a positive impact on the children and hopefully can brighten their day.
4.With being a USF student and the hospital being directly on campus, I think the students of the university should get involved more with the hospital.
As they might already, I am unaware because I am not in the health field and I am only a freshman. Possibly for Christmas, the student body could
start a toy drive to be able to donate the toys to the sick children. While the hospital visit was a great learning experience, my next service project
would most likely be at an animal shelter. My love for the pets and my condolences for the homeless animals' aids in my decision for future plans.
5.I highly recommend this course continue to require service learning as a component of Academic Foundations. It is never a bad idea to get the
students involved on campus and get them familiar with the facilities we have located on campus. Getting involved with the community and
individuals active is a positive aspect of this
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USF Personality Report
The thing that excites me the most about being a new student here at USF is the diversity within the student body. In my high school the predominant
race was white, and although there is nothing wrong with this, I like the idea of being able to meet individuals with different cultural backgrounds.
Here at the University of South Florida it is evident that there is a vast amount of diversity within the campus which can simply be seen by looking
around the campus. I am definitely most nervous about making new friends on campus because I am a huge introvert, which can be backed up with the
personality test report that I took about a month ago. When I took the personality test on myplan.com, the results showed that I was 87% introverted
and only
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USF Job Analysis
I have been working with Jessica Davis, my advisor, since I've been attending USF. When I finally saw my grades, we spoke about different
options for me. We decided to try the petition process to see if it would help my gpa. We are also in the process of switching majors to something I
would be more able to handle. I am grateful for her help as she is very patient and understanding of my situation. I plan to work with her until the day
that I walk across the stage!
Dr Helga has been absolutely extraordinary throughout this entire process. She was the third counselor here at USF that I went to. She understood
every part of my struggles. Sometimes I miss appointments with her but she makes sure to take the appropriate measures to make sure that...show more
I am taking full responsibility for the consequences that I am faced with. With that I am asking for a second chance. This summer has been
monumental for me! My family was able to get back on track financially and everyone's healthy. I was able to quit my job at Busch Gardens and get
a low stress job at the Bookstore on campus. With this job, I have access to discounted textbooks and materials I need to succeed. My second job as a
Student Recruiter for USF Education Abroad has given me the opportunity to network with many advisors, professors and even Judy Genshaft! I am
also headlining as the Student Director for the new USF Study Abroad program for athletes!
With all these great opportunities, there are many more that are waiting! I want to join more clubs on campus, be an Orientation Leader, volunteer
abroad and even join a community service sorority. I will not be able to do these things with these classes affecting my gpa. It has gotten to the point
where I will not be able to afford to attend classes in the Fall due to loss in scholarship from my gpa. I understand that I made a mistake. I am asking
for a second chance so that I can better myself, my campus and my
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USF Research Essay

  • 1. USF Research Essay The public University I choose to research was the University of South Florida. USF was one of the two universities I choose to pursue my undergraduate degree my first choice was UF (University of Florida). USF has the same mascot as my high school, which are the Bulls. Founded in 1956, USF is the fourth–largest public university in the state of Florida. The University of South Florida is a major metropolitan research university located in the heart of Tampa Bay. USF has three campuses, which serves nearly 48,000 students at its institutions combine and has about 1,700 instructional facilities. Mission/Values/Vision The Vision of Student Affairs is to empower USF students for lifelong success. Their mission is to cultivate student engagement,...show more content... VPSA has personnel who report directly to him starting with Executive Director of Student Health Service (Dr. Joe Puccio), Student Ombuds (Jennifer Schneider), Special Assistant for Strategic Initiatives (Carmen Goldsmith), Executive Director of Shared Services Center (Harold Bower). Also, five Assistant Vice President (Danielle McDonald, Diane Zanto, Ana Hernandez, Guy Conway, & Russ Coughenour). USF categorize their Student Affairs Assistant Vice President into section by departments, so base on where a particular department falls that would determine which AVP a department head would report to. Community Development & Student Engagement oversaw by Danielle McDonald (Assistant Vice President & Dean of Students). Health & Wellness supervised by Diana Zanto (Interim Assistant Vice President). Residential Experience & Learning managed by Ana Hernandez (Assistant Vice President) Student Services & Facilities overseen by Guy Conway (Assistant Vice President). Career Services oversaw by Russ Coughenour (Assistant Vice President). Each Assistant Vice President has departments that correspond to their respective section. One thing I was fascinated about was the highest degree that any of the Assistant Vice Presidents holds is Master in their respective Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. The United States of America Essay The United States of America Founded under the concept of a Republic (a government without a monarch, who's elected representatives are responsible to the governed) the founding fathers some 235 years ago set out declare its independence and establish a new nation claiming their own sovereignty and rejecting any allegiances to the British Monarch. This of course sparked the Revolutionary War in April of 1775 that lasted until September of 1783. I am amazed that 38 men and later others could during a time of war come together and develop governing rules that would create the greatest (not perfect) nation in modern times. These men had known just how over reaching most government in the world had become and intended to prevent that from...show more content... The Senate on the other hand is straight forward with two Senators for each state, elected in a state wide election. The House has the sole Power of Impeachment, and is the origination site for all bills to raise revenues. The Senate has sole power to try all impeachments. The other powers of Congress are outlined in section 8 of Article I of which taxes, coining money the power to raise Armies and maintain a Navy and the power to declare war are the most notable. All votes by either House on any question shall be by Yeas and Nays and as such be entered into that Houses Journal. All legislation must pass both Houses be for going to the President for his approval/signature and before becoming law. This in it's self is a significant check and balance within the legislative branch. However the use of deeming a bill passed rather than a recorded vote has significantly eroded these checks as well as the confidence of the electorate. The executive branch consists of an elected President and Vice President (successor to the President if he becomes unable to perform his responsibilities) whose powers include Commander in Chief, the power to grant pardons, enter into treaties and appoint federal judges with the consent of the Senate. The President holds the power to veto a bill and return the legislation with comments to congress. This then becomes the Presidents checks and balance over Congress. However congress can over ride the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Personal Narrative: USF USF is a big place with a lot of new people to meet, however, the same can be said of my previous high school. The main difference here is that people are more free to be who ever they want to. What excites me is that there so much to learn of how the world works that I have yet to figure out and how USF is a such concentrated culmination of unique people each with different ideas. For example, I learned last week at USF that some people prefer to use the pronoun "they" instead of the conventional "he" or "she" when spoken of. Honestly, its really overwhelming how much I want to do and have to do to accomplish my goals but if I actually plan my time responsibly I do believe I have the ability to do it all. I have also made a few really smart Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. USF Experience After graduating USF last fall, I can firmly look back and say that it was worth it. The gained knowledge, the many gained relationships and overall experience have enriched my life but also left me feeling like I've just scratched the surface. Some of the most satisfying and beneficial parts of my BFA experience were discovering, practicing, and debating art with a close group of peers and skilled instructors. To be part of a group of like–minded people who are interested in honing in on challenging one's own perceptions and preconceptions has been invaluable to me and possibly not replicated in a different way. Creating bonds with equally serious and focused classmates in graduate school is something I'm looking forward to. During my visit to UNC, Hong–An Truong gave me a tour of the facilities and included me in one of the grad critiques. I could feel the supportive atmosphere and openness between the students and teachers. The program at UNC would be such a fitting environment for me and a place where I would be able to really take my ambition to the next level and to hone my ideas conceptually as...show more content... During the last couple years, I've been fortunate enough to have an active role in the emerging Tampa Bay art community. After assisting the founder of Tempus Projects last year, I was asked to be one of the 14 members of the all–women's art collective, Cunst Haus. I am also an organizer and one of the 8 members of Quaid Gallery. All three of these establishments work to support local, national and international artists. Being a member of Cunst Haus and Quaid has served as a significant career template and I'm happy to be a part of these collectives that are so dedicated and passionate about supporting our local art community and helping to make the visual arts more accessible to everyone. I anticipate the next step in my life and finding my place in a new art Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Usf Case Labeling Standard operating procedures are built around detailed actions and functions within any operation. Although USF has a documented standard operating procedure, it is an injustice to both the membership and the company when employees are not trained in the detailed methodologies for which they are to perform. During the week of the audit, many order selectors were observed performing tasks above and beyond those stated in the company's documented preferred methods. For example, Order Selection – While conducting studies, employees were not following the documented methodology of labeling cases during each obtain. Case labeling is to be performed as an internal motion while the selector approaches each selection location and handles it...show more content... The true cause of one's substandard performance must be identified and researched as to the effect of any system errors which may have occurred during the production week, and to ensure all down time has been allocated for the employee throughout the time period in question. Employees may be at no fault when put into a working environment for which they have no control, especially if placed into a situation where the work load is not reflective of the conditions the standard was meant to represent. Members that are performing tasks that are not a part of their regular bid positions are most susceptible, and are more likely to be hindered by these working conditions. There is a very high probability that if one is put into these conditions that the delay allowance especially during the summer months could in fact be much greater than the frequencies and allowances are meant to represent for that period of time. Members and Local 104 should request all documentation and validate the information in reference to any discipline Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Shriner's Children Hospital 1.At the beginning of the semester when service was mentioned I was assuming we would have to perform an act to assist Shriner's Children Hospital. However, this was not the type of service we were doing and I was perfectly okay with that. During the tour of the Shriner's Children Hospital I learned that the land was not given to the hospital by USF, yet they paid a dollar a year, if I understood that correctly. I also got the jist of the time and effort that goes into making prosthetics limbs for a young child. The amount of pride and effort that these staff put in for this sick children are the most heartwarming thing. I really appreciate the love the employees have for the job. While I really enjoyed this experience, I was bummed out as the tour guide did not speak...show more content... Every individual in my class brought an item or two to donate to the patients of the hospital. Although it was not a big thing, I am hoping it means a lot to a sick patient. Therefore, I anticipate to make a positive impact on the children and hopefully can brighten their day. 4.With being a USF student and the hospital being directly on campus, I think the students of the university should get involved more with the hospital. As they might already, I am unaware because I am not in the health field and I am only a freshman. Possibly for Christmas, the student body could start a toy drive to be able to donate the toys to the sick children. While the hospital visit was a great learning experience, my next service project would most likely be at an animal shelter. My love for the pets and my condolences for the homeless animals' aids in my decision for future plans. 5.I highly recommend this course continue to require service learning as a component of Academic Foundations. It is never a bad idea to get the students involved on campus and get them familiar with the facilities we have located on campus. Getting involved with the community and individuals active is a positive aspect of this Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. USF Personality Report The thing that excites me the most about being a new student here at USF is the diversity within the student body. In my high school the predominant race was white, and although there is nothing wrong with this, I like the idea of being able to meet individuals with different cultural backgrounds. Here at the University of South Florida it is evident that there is a vast amount of diversity within the campus which can simply be seen by looking around the campus. I am definitely most nervous about making new friends on campus because I am a huge introvert, which can be backed up with the personality test report that I took about a month ago. When I took the personality test on myplan.com, the results showed that I was 87% introverted and only Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. USF Job Analysis I have been working with Jessica Davis, my advisor, since I've been attending USF. When I finally saw my grades, we spoke about different options for me. We decided to try the petition process to see if it would help my gpa. We are also in the process of switching majors to something I would be more able to handle. I am grateful for her help as she is very patient and understanding of my situation. I plan to work with her until the day that I walk across the stage! Dr Helga has been absolutely extraordinary throughout this entire process. She was the third counselor here at USF that I went to. She understood every part of my struggles. Sometimes I miss appointments with her but she makes sure to take the appropriate measures to make sure that...show more content... I am taking full responsibility for the consequences that I am faced with. With that I am asking for a second chance. This summer has been monumental for me! My family was able to get back on track financially and everyone's healthy. I was able to quit my job at Busch Gardens and get a low stress job at the Bookstore on campus. With this job, I have access to discounted textbooks and materials I need to succeed. My second job as a Student Recruiter for USF Education Abroad has given me the opportunity to network with many advisors, professors and even Judy Genshaft! I am also headlining as the Student Director for the new USF Study Abroad program for athletes! With all these great opportunities, there are many more that are waiting! I want to join more clubs on campus, be an Orientation Leader, volunteer abroad and even join a community service sorority. I will not be able to do these things with these classes affecting my gpa. It has gotten to the point where I will not be able to afford to attend classes in the Fall due to loss in scholarship from my gpa. I understand that I made a mistake. I am asking for a second chance so that I can better myself, my campus and my Get more content on HelpWriting.net