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                                                                       MANAGEMENT 2.0

NOVEMBER 2011 - JUNE 2012

A collaborative project by the Management Innovation Exchange, Saba,
and the Enterprise 2.0 Conference.

                               3	HARNESSING THE POWER OF
                                  THE WEB TO REINVENT MANAGEMENT	

                               5 	 INTRODUCING THE MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON 	

                               7 	 LIMITS OF MANAGEMENT 1.0	

                               9 	 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 2.0	

                                   INVENT MANAGEMENT HACKS

                               25 	OUR COMMUNITY

                               30 	OUR SOCIAL SOFTWARE PLATFORM: SABA	


Over the last decade, the Internet has had a profound
impact on business. It has spawned countless new
business models and helped make operating models
vastly more efficient.
                                                                                       SO TODAY’S QUESTION FOR ASPIRING MANAGEMENT INNOVATORS IS

Yet it might offer an even more powerful management model. Thanks to the Web,          How can we harness the power of the Web—
we can imagine organizations that are
                                                                                       its technologies, approaches, and underlying
•	   LARGE BUT NOT BUREAUCRATIC                                                        principles—to reinvent management itself?

At a time when every organization must become more resilient, inventive, and           That was the question we aimed to tackle with the Management 2.0 Hackathon,
inspiring in order to thrive, the Web offers a rich diversity of approaches that are   a joint collaborative project launched by the Management Innovation Exchange
uniquely fit for today’s challenges. We don’t have to look far for examples where:     (MIX), Saba, and the Enterprise 2.0 Conference.

•	   Coordination happens without centralization                                       In November, 2011 management innovators from across five continents came
•	   Contribution matters more than credentials                                        together to participate in an intense, online, collaborative effort to explore how
•	   Power flows to those who add value                                                the principles and practical tools of the Web might make our organizations as
•	   The wisdom of the many trumps the authority of the few                            adaptable, innovative, and inspiring as the Web itself.
•	   New ideas get amplified rather than crushed
•	   Performance is judged by peers                                                    Global, online collaboration at this scale was made possible by a social
•	   Contribution is opt-in rather than commanded                                      business platform from Saba. This Web 2.0 platform not only enabled efficient,
•	   The default is to share information rather than hoard it                          asynchronous collaboration from a globally distributed and diverse community
                                                                                       of collaborators, but provided the ideal platform from which the Hackathon
                                                                                       team could apply Management 2.0 principles to its own efforts.

The Management 2.0 Hackathon
was designed to unleash
the collective intelligence
of progressive management
thinkers and doers from around
the world to generate fresh and
radically practical ideas and
And over the months that
followed, 900 people came
together around this shared
purpose—offering perspectives,
generating ideas, leading teams,
contributing hacks.

                                   This is the result of their effort.

In the technology industry, the term hack describes a creative workaround or fix to an
existing problem. A hackathon is an intense, coordinated effort to develop as many
useful and innovative hacks as possible in a short amount of time. Our hacks apply
the same methodology to hacking management.


1                              2                            3                              4
W                              What are the essential       What COMPANIES are already     A
                                                                                            nd ultimately, based on
management 1.0 consistently    management PRINCIPLES        operating on the vanguard of   these discoveries,what
hold back organizations and    of the Web that make it so   management innovation as       specific, creative, low-risk,
keep them shackled to the      adaptive and innovative?     inspired by the Web?           high-reward EXPERIMENTS
status quo?                                                                                can any organization apply—
                                                                                           right now—to effectively hack
                                                                                           management to create more
                                                                                           adaptable, innovative, and
                                                                                           inspiring organizations.


                     NOV-DEC          DEC                    JAN                   FEB-MAR            APR-MAY                JUNE

1                    2                3                      4                     5                  6                      7
ORIENTATION          IDENTIFY         DISTILL                LEARN                 INVENT             CHART                  ENTERPRISE 2.0
                     the limits of    Management 2.0         from the vanguard     management hacks   the path forward       CONFERENCE
                     Management 1.0   principles                                                                             Boston

Why should we hack   What are the     What are the new       How are “bleeding     How would we       What are               What are the most
management, and      pathologies of   management             edge” organizations   build each of      the defining           distinctive ideas
how?                 management-      principles we          embedding radically   these principles   characteristics        from the hackathon?
                     as-usual?        need to create         new principles into   into a company’s   of successful
                                      organizations          their management      core management    organizations in 10-   How do we turn
                     How are these    that are fit for the   practices?            activities?        20 years time?         these ideas into
                     impacting us     future—and for                                                                         real-world impact?
                     today?           human beings?                                How would we       How does a
                                                                                   design low-risk,   company begin
                                      What can we learn                            high-impact        the migration
                                      from the Web?                                experiments to     from Management
                                                                                   test our hacks?    1.0 to 2.0?


One of our first major tasks was to explore the root causes and misconceptions
that hold back management today.


                               1.  NERTIA
                                  I                                     2.  NCREMENTALISM
                                                                           I                                      3. DISEMPOWERMENT

                               Too little experimentation               Too little freedom, time, and             Hypocrisy, bad measurements,
                                                                        resources in the organization             and unhelpful perspectives
                               Organizations are being tested as
                               never before. They face rapidly in-      Radical and repeated innovation is        Nearly every industry faces the
                               creasing competition, pace of change,    rare in established companies. They       challenge of commoditization. The
                               and globalization. Organizations that    rely on easier, more measurable,          knowledge economy is rapidly being
                               survive will be those that adapt. And    short-term results and fail to institu-   replaced with the creative economy.
                               yet, organizations rarely change as      tionalize the mindset and values, as      Companies require employees who
                               fast as the world around them. Many      well as provide the resources, for a      are proactive, inventive, and passion-
                               find it easier to simply do things the   culture of creativity to thrive.          ate. Yet Management 1.0 systems
                               way they’ve always been done.                                                      are dampening creativity rather than
                                                                                                                  unleashing it.



1                      2                         3                         4                      5                           6                       7
Too much power         Monolithic                Too little genetic        Too little              Too little visibility to   Too much emotional      Too much influence
vested in too few      structures                diversity at the top (a   experimentation (not   “strategy decay” and        equity invested in      derived from the
individuals (over-                               tendency to over-         enough strategic       “creeping sclerosis”        legacy strategies       budgets and other
centralization)                                  weight experience)        variety)                                           (denial)                resources individual
                                                                                                                                                      managers control


1                      2                         3                         4                      5                           6                       7
Too few individuals    Allocational rigidities   Too little “slack” in     Too much emphasis      Lack of widespread          Overly conservative     Industry
trained as             (that lead to over-       the organization          on conformance and     accountability for          (risk-averse)           orthodoxies “baked
innovators             investment in             (time and money to        alignment              innovation, and lack        resource allocation     in” to mindsets and
                       incremental, legacy       innovate)                                        of clear innovation         criteria                processes
                       programs)                                                                  metrics


1                      2                         3                         4                      5                           6                       7
Too many people in     Little discretion over    Lack of a compelling      Persistent             Too much                    Too few                 Leaders who aren’t
leadership positions   job design and work       sense of purpose          mismatches             bureaucracy, too            opportunities for       truly accountable to
who aren’t really      environment               (beyond shareholder       between interests      little community            real contribution and   the led
leaders                                          returns)                  and assignments                                    personal growth


Our second major sprint focused the hackers on the principles that make the Web
so adaptive and innovative. Contributors generated more than 40 relevant principles,
along with more than 100 comments and ratings.


                               1. OPENNESS              5. COLLABORATION               9. DECENTRALIZATION

                               2. COMMUNITY             6. MEANING                     10. EXPERIMENTATION

                               3. MERITOCRACY           7. AUTONOMY                    11. SPEED

                               4. ACTIVISM              8. SERENDIPITY                 12. TRUST

1. OPENNESS                                                     4. ACTIVISM
                                The willingness to share information and do business            Tapping into individuals’ desire to stand up, opt in, and
                                out in the open.                                                express themselves.

                                On the Web, information travels quickly and freely.             People have an innate desire to contribute. The Web is
                                Information can’t hide, and the Web never forgets. The          the most powerful tool ever created for people to make
                                traditional boundaries of business are also rapidly             their mark and mobilize toward a common mission.
                                disintegrating—changing the nature of what it means to          When organizations productively cultivate and channel
                                be an employee, customer, or competitor. Organizations          this passion, they will inspire individuals throughout the
                                willing to blur the lines of what lies inside and outside the   organization.
                                business could have a distinct advantage, particularly when
                                its leaders display the humility, kindness, and courage that
                                openness demands.
                                                                                                5. COLLABORATION
                                                                                                The capability of groups of people to work together,
                                                                                                divide tasks, and leverage individual strengths.
                                2. COMMUNITY
                                The ability for people with shared purpose to organize          Perhaps one of the Web’s most defining characteristics
                                and engage.                                                     is creating the means and the tools to allow distributed
                                                                                                collaboration on a global scale. Organizations can also
                                The Web has made it possible for people anywhere in the         leverage the properties of collaboration—both within and
                                world to connect to one another to solve problems that no       outside their organization—to expand their capacity to
                                one person could alone. This new form of organization is        generate ideas and effort.
                                dynamic and built around shared purpose rather than the
                                organization itself. Organizations can leverage peer-to-peer
                                interaction and the power of community to inspire deep
                                engagement.                                                     6. MEANING
                                                                                                The most powerful motivations come from within.

                                                                                                With all the freedom, autonomy, serendipity, contribution,
                                3. MERITOCRACY                                                  and experimentation unleashed by the Web, one enduring
                                An environment where ideas and people succeed                   truth becomes even more true: the most powerful galvaniz-
                                based on the quality of ideas and contributions, not on         ing force is a distinctive and deeply felt sense of purpose.
                                age, sex, color, or existing hierarchy.                         Organizations can tap into a sense of shared purpose and
                                                                                                leverage community principles to increase engagement as
                                On the Web, ideas are open to anyone and the best can rise      never before.
                                to the top—whether through search rankings, retweets, or
                                the number of views on YouTube. Organizations operating as
                                meritocracies may find people to be more motivated when
                                they know that promoted and funded ideas have earned
                                their place fairly and with the support of peers, rather than
                                being dictated from above.

7. AUTONOMY                                                   10. EXPERIMENTATION
                                          The freedom to act on one’s own, making decisions             An environment where ideas can be tested quickly and
                                          without direction or approval from higher levels of           improved continually.
                                                                                                        The Web is always under construction—a perpetual beta
                                          The Web has given more individuals the tools to act           where rapid progress trumps perfection. Here people have
                                          independently. Where in the past management was               an opportunity to create and test online experiences at a
                                          structured around a command-and-control model,                dramatically faster pace and lower cost than ever before.
                                          today’s organizations must provide a deeper and more          Organizations today can leverage the same principles—
                                          powerful principle of freedom for the individuals in          building, testing, failing, improving—all at great speed and
                                          their organizations.                                          with relatively low investment of resources.

                                          8. SERENDIPITY                                                11. SPEED
                                          The occurrence of events by chance in a beneficial way        The unprecedented pace of change and immediacy of
                                          has always played a fundamental role in innovation.           information.

LEARN FROM THE VANGUARD                   The Web is perhaps the greatest serendipity engine in         Because of the Web, vast amounts of knowledge are now
                                          the history of culture, driven by the connective nature of    available at an instant. With mobile technology, access to
We also explored where organizations      hypertext as well as social media’s continuous hunger for     this information is rarely out of arm’s reach. Organizations
are already applying Management 2.0       new things. Organizations should learn from the Web—and       must be able to move at the same pace.
principles. Hackers contributed more      increase the odds of value-creating happenstance—by
than 30 real-world examples, mapped       encouraging more diverse sets of connections to be made
to the principles described.              by diverse groups of people, as often as possible.
                                                                                                        12. TRUST
You can explore the in-depth results of                                                                 An acknowledgement that each of us is acting on
this discovery process on the MIX site:                                                                 good faith and good work will be reciprocated.
http://www.managementexchange.com         9. DECENTRALIZATION
/m20-principles                           Rather than a top-down approach where activity and            The Web and social media are pushing us from a world
                                          decision-making are closely held in small, central ar-        of tight control and ownership to one where generosity,
                                          eas—decentralization allows it to happen anywhere.            openness, and assumed trust are first principles. The
                                                                                                        most successful organizations are built on the most
                                          On the Web, markets can relocate and grow according to        successful human relationships. Organizations must
                                          demand. Likewise, organizations can also distribute power     replace fear with trust to invite people to share their
                                          and resources in more equitable ways, giving individuals      passion, creativity, and effort.
                                          the opportunity to play a role in allocating resources, and
                                          driving accountability and decision-making throughout
                                          the organization.


Hackathon participants worked in teams to invent a series of hacks—developing
experiments that any organization can apply today—and then to narrow the field
to the most viable and innovative.


                                                    Contributed by: Ben Willis, Nyla Reed

“SKILLS 2.0”—
                                                    Most have experienced the power of Web 2.0 tools—Facebook, Wikipedia,
                                                    YouTube, Quora, and others—that empower us like never before to engage with

 LEADING BY                                         and learn from the world around us. Now, new Enterprise 2.0 tools are arriving

 EXAMPLE TO                                         in the workplace promising similar benefits. However, to benefit, organizations

                                                    need to look beyond the technology to the critical mindsets that allow those
                                                    technologies to succeed. They need to embrace Skills 2.0.

 NEW WAY OF                                         This hack proposes an examination of individual skills and behaviors that are critical for success in a

 WORKING                                            new world of work and uses existing employee strengths to drive organizational change.

                                                    This hack includes three core components:
Full Hack on the MIX:
http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/embracing-   1. PREREQUISITES: BELIEVE IN THE BENEFIT OF THESE NEW ENTERPRISE 2.0 MODELS
skills-20                                           Organizations must acknowledge that new business models are emerging, and understand
                                                    how Enterprise 2.0 models can benefit the organization—and believe that individuals can drive
                                                    organizational change.

                                                    2. SELF-EVALUATION: FOCUS ON STRENGTHS
                                                    Individual participants will use this tool to raise awareness of the skills needed to succeed in a Web
                                                    2.0 world and identify their top strengths—including completing an assessment and building an action

                                                    3. TEAM EVALUATION: FOCUS ON ORGANIZATIONAL BENEFIT
                                                    Participants will have the opportunity to help refine individual action plans to ensure they are targeted
                                                    at organizational benefit as well as individual growth/development, and will document and publish the

                                                  Contributed by: Susanne Ramharter, Laurence Lock Lee, Josh Allan Dykstra, Aaron Anderson, Chris Grams

                                                  This hack begins the process of changing a Management 1.0 organization’s
                                                  culture by recognizing that an increase in personal freedom must be

SWAP                                              accompanied by an increase in personal accountability in order for true
                                                  autonomy to emerge. Or, in essence:
Full Hack on the MIX
http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/freedom-   freedom + accountability = a culture of autonomy

                                                  Nothing is more Management 1.0 than an organization where employees feel they have no autonomy.
                                                  In these organizations employees feel disempowered because they do not have the authority to make
                                                  decisions for themselves, to decide how best to use their own time, or to pursue the projects they
                                                  believe will help them most effectively meet their goals.

                                                  This hack provides a small, but very powerful way for individual managers and employees in
                                                  traditional management 1.0 organizations to “think locally” and create islands of autonomy within
                                                  their own teams by designing freedom and accountability questions as a transaction to be negotiated:
                                                  the Freedom/Accountability Swap.

                                                  It works by creating opportunities for an employee to hold open conversations with their manager
                                                  about where the employee feels both most and least accountable and the most and least freedom—
                                                  and uncover where gaps exist. It also may uncover places where freedom and accountability are
                                                  already at their highest. From there both groups can establish a dialog to move both into better state
                                                  of balance.

                                                      Contributed by: David Mason, Alberto Blanco, Ben Biddle, Jonathan Opp

                                                      This hack outlines a process for healthy collaboration that allows people to
                                                      judge ideas and not each other, and helps individuals and groups overcome the

CONVERGE.                                             heuristics and biases that influence thinking and decision making.

Full Hack on the MIX:                                 The goal of this hack is to create a model for collaborating that is more effective (and possibly
http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/collaborate-   disruptive) than traditional processes. This new model would allow people to feel comfortable with
agitate-converge                                      the process of productively scrutinizing ideas to make them better and more resilient—without
                                                      scrutinizing people and harming relationships in the process.

                                                      THE PROCESS IS DIVIDED INTO THREE STAGES:
                                                      1. COLLABORATE. 2. AGITATE. 3. CONVERGE.

                                                      By starting with collaboration, everyone sets out from the same point of departure in search of ideas
                                                      and solutions to the problem at hand. Sanctioning agitation next reminds people that it isn’t personal
                                                      but just the pursuit of the best thinking possible. Finally, converging ensures everyone ends up
                                                      together, no one is left behind or marginalized, and everyone is ready to collaborate together on the
                                                      next challenge. In addition, convergence includes a method for measuring the effectiveness of the
                                                      collaboration from each individual’s point of view.

                                                    Contributed by: Sam Folk-Williams, Jim Stikeleather, Michele Zanini

METER 2.0:
                                                    This hack involves the creation of a dynamic system for measuring an
                                                    individual’s natural leadership, that is, the extent to which their contributions

SPOTTING                                            are seen as valuable, both inside and outside of an organization, and publishing

THE NATURAL                                         these results for all to see. This borrows from the popular reputational capital

                                                    sites like Klout.com and Peerindex.com, as well as from Gary Hamel’s ideas of
                                                    how to identify natural leaders. In addition to providing insight into who are an

IN YOUR                                             organization’s natural leaders, such a system provides motivation for employees

                                                    to make more valuable contributions.

Full Hack on the MIX                                Determining natural leaders requires an attempt to measure influence—the scope, scale, and impact
http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/leader-me-   of peoples’ ideas and actions on each other. How wide and deep does a given person’s influence
ter-20-spotting-natural-leaders-your-company        extend both within the organization and beyond its borders in the industry?

                                                    THIS HACK EXPLORES MEASURABLE CHARACTERISTICS THAT ILLUSTRATE
                                                    INFLUENCE IN THREE PRIMARY CATEGORIES:

                                                    •	 Natural authority: their expertise and the value others place in that expertise.
                                                    •	 Actions and outcomes: the things a person does that lead to significant positive outcomes.
                                                    •	 Audience: who a person reaches through their authority and activities.

                                                     Contributed by: Vlatka Hlupic, Jack Bergstrand, Madhusudan Rao, Stefan Blobelt

                                                     In this hack, hierarchy is reinvented through a contribution-based “points
                                                     system,” linked specifically to how each employee impacts the company’s

HIERARCHY                                            results. This means that anyone can earn more money than their boss and earn

TO REWARD                                            equity linked directly to his or her individual and collective contributions.

CONTRIBUTION                                         In the traditional hierarchy and compensation system, hierarchy became a proxy for contribution, and
                                                     the higher your level, the more prestige and compensation you received—regardless of the specific

IN KNOWLEDGE                                         personal contributions.

                                                     This hack creates a model to reward employees with points when they make valuable contributions.
                                                     The points provide a basis for compensation and perks. In this system, the most valuable contributors
                                                     gain the biggest rewards, only recent contributions count, so employees can not “rest on their laurels”
Full Hack on the MIX:                                since the points lapse after one year, and work becomes more fun as the reward system is open
http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/why-points-   and transparent.

                                                        Contributed by: Alberto Blanco, Ken Everett, Christian Petersen, Terri Griffith, Ron Pels, Kevin Jones

                                                        This hack is designed to embrace openness by unlocking simple yet routine processes.
                                                        One example would be to start with a process as simple as the assignment of office
Full Hack on the MIX                                    supplies. The intent is that this small, quiet experiment leads to larger experiments,
                                                        where the positive results become public.

                                                        Open vs closed decision making requires a fundamental philosophy shift, and shifts in philosophy do not
                                                        happen overnight.

                                                        The path to openness can begin little by little. Locate simple yet routine processes that are relevant to employees,
                                                        even the most mundane annoying processes—vacation periods, sick leave, time clock, travel expenses, office
                                                        supplies—and let people take full control.

                                                        This will help you operate under the radar as well as guide your organization step by step with a radical yet
                                                        practical approach. Once a process has been fully unlocked, find another simple yet routine process and
                                                        repeat the experience. Later, once you’ve seen success opening up routines, you can unlock bigger and more
                                                        complex projects.

                                                      Contributed by: Stephen Danelutti, Keely Nugent, Edna Pasher, Matt Johnson

                                                      This hack is designed to create the methodologies and processes to embed
                                                      co-creation in an organization. Today co-creation is often paid lip service—most

- A NEW MODEL                                         think they’re doing it and aren’t, or don’t realize why they should. For effective

 FOR CREATING                                         co-creation, organizations need simple, repeatable processes that identify
                                                      and drive the right habits and culture—along with social technologies for
SHARED VALUE                                          collaboration and transparency.

Full Hack on the MIX:
http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/co-creation-   When empowered stakeholders co-create, they realize shared value. A simple, unbureaucratic,
in-organisations                                      speedy, and cost-effective methodology is required where important changes in strategy, process,
                                                      or product requires key stakeholder analysis to be conducted. These stakeholders must be involved
                                                      in evolving both the solution and the decision making.

                                                      This hack involves the establishment of a methodology and a set of principles and technologies that
                                                      would help co-creation to be carried out fairly and transparently. Social technologies also serve to
                                                      raise visibility—allowing activities such as ideas and decisions to be rated and tracked and knowledge
                                                      to be shared.

                                                      THE GOAL: FOR CO-CREATION EFFORTS TO BECOME EMBEDDED TO THE POINT
                                                      WHERE THEY BECOME HABIT.

                                                      Contributed by Dina Grasko, Greg Stevenson, David Mason, Jim Stikeleather, Jonathan Opp

                                                      This hack establishes a system to enable company-wide contributions of ideas
                                                      for stated challenges that are uncensored by management and unweighted in

BY THE HIDDEN                                         terms of perceived lack of authority and expertise. Their originators are anony-

HERO                                                  mous, and ideas compete on merit alone.

Full Hack on the MIX:                                 Many individuals within companies are unable to contribute their full value. This could be due to lack
http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/open-contri-   of motivation (as nothing changes), lack of knowledge (only top management knows the challenges
butions-hidden-hero                                   and goals), lack of opportunity (my boss shoots down my ideas), or lack of confidence (I can’t disagree
                                                      with my boss).

                                                      In organizations with steep hierarchies or rigid silos, it can be difficult if not impossible to share ideas
                                                      with decision makers without premature bias as to the ideas value being introduced. Good ideas often
                                                      aren’t given a chance to survive the bureaucracy.

                                                      With this hack, every idea would be clearly visible within the company. And ideas would be judged on
                                                      the merits of the idea—not based on the individual who suggested it. As a result, people who may
                                                      have felt disenfranchised in an organization and felt like their ideas aren’t being heard will now have
                                                      a forum to do so. At a certain point in the process where the idea has enough momentum to stand on
                                                      its own, the originator of the idea may choose to become public—both to reward their contribution
                                                      and to allow the individual to play a role in the ownership of the idea.

TWEETSTORMING                             Contributed by: Alberto Blanco, Robin Deacle, Anish Kumarswamy, Aaron Anderson

- REPROGRAM                               Meetings to brainstorm ideas, whether solving business problems or determin-
                                          ing the way forward, typically take place in conference rooms. This hack asserts
 MEETING                                  that organizations can harness the customs of Twitter to crack the silos and

 DNA TO OPEN                              proximally limiting confines of brainstorming meetings. Anyone with access to
                                          Twitter can participate.
TO ALL                                    Twitter can effectively open up brainstorming to anyone who is thinking about the issue at any given
                                          time. From wherever they are and whenever they like, they can make a new contribution to the flow of
Full Hack on the MIX:
http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/   Using hashtags and @functions, a person can drill into the conversation from the most recent post
tweetstorming                             backward through time to the point of origin. Anyone can sift through existing ideas and then try to
                                          elevate the conversation, all in 140 characters or less. A link to a blog post can capture longer ideas.

                                          In this fashion, everyone from all levels in the organization can participate in the tweetstorm and add
                                          value to the discourse. Even customers and external stakeholders.

JUST-IN-TIME                                        Contributed by: Ben Biddle, Michele Zanini, Jim Stikeleather, Todd Fitch

TEAMS                                               Fixed teams limit knowledge transfers outside of silos and limit connections
                                                    between people. They also lead to monotony. This hack replaces organizational
Full Hack on the MIX:                               silos with networks that more accurately reflect real social interactions and
teams                                               relationships. People are organized around competencies and experience toward
                                                    solving business problems rather than static functions or roles. The result is a
                                                    disruptive model that makes it easier to see old problems in new ways.

                                                    This hack involves using fluid team structures 1) to promote new serendipitous connections and
                                                    innovation, 2) to develop people for competencies rather than prescribed roles, 3) to better match
                                                    those people to business challenges, and 4) to prevent the biases that emerge from authority. It will
                                                    improve the creation and evaluation of ideas and make it easier for people to speak their mind in a
                                                    mutually respectful way.

                                                    The creation of just-in-time teams is designed to disrupt many common, long-held aspects of
                                                    traditional corporate organizational behavior.

MORE HACKS                      Here are some additional great hacks that were generated in the
                                Management 2.0 Hackathon.

                                ADVANCING AUTONOMY A STEP AT A TIME
                                Contributed by: Robin Deacle, Deborah Mills-Scofield

                                ALL WORK CAN BE VIEWED AS A SERVICE
                                Contributed by: Michael Grove

                                LEADING BY LETTING GO
                                Contributed by: Vlatka Hlupic, Stefan Blobelt, Chris Grams, Robin Deacle, Michael Grove, Antonio Galvan Luna

                                Contributed by: Robin Deacle, Christian Peterson, Jan Robert Johnsen, Susanne Ramharter

                                Contributed by: Jack Bergstrand, Vlatka Hlupic, Emil Wentzel, Gianvittorio Zandona, Michael Grove, Stefan Blobelt

                                Contributed by: Ian Stobie, Gianvittorio Zandona

                                SHOW VALUE OF COMMUNITY BY WORKING OUTSIDE IN
                                Contributed by: Ellen Weber, Deborah Mills-Scofield

                                MONITORING 2.0
                                Contributed by: Jack Bergstrand, Vlatka Hlupic, Emil Wentzel, Gianvittorio Zandona, Michael Grove, Stefan Blobelt

                                NESS PLANNING  EXECUTION
                                Contributed by: Matt Johnson


The Management 2.0 Hackathon was a true social
collaborative effort. This report includes the words
and ideas of many different people from around the
world. All shared a common purpose and generously
gave their time and energy to participate in a project
with people they’d never met, using a novel approach.

Thank you and congratulations.
HACK                               Aaron Anderson      Josh Allan Dykstra

                                   Jack Bergstrand     Ken Everett
Success of the Management 2.0
Hackathon is the result of the
generous contributions of the
                                   Ben Biddle          Todd Fitch
following individuals, who each
contributed to at least one of
the full hacks we’ve highlighted
                                   Alberto Blanco      Sam Folk-Williams
in this report.

                                   Stefan Blobelt      Chris Grams

                                   Stephen Danelutti   Antonio Galvan

                                   Robin Deacle        Dina Grasko

Terri Griffith       Deborah Mills-Scofield   Greg Stevenson

                                Michael Grove        Keely Nugent             Jim Stikeleather

                                Vlatka Hlupic        Jonathan Opp             Ian Stobie

                                Jan Robert Johnsen   Edna Pasher              Ellen Weber

                                Matt Johnson         Ron Pels                 Ben Willis

                                Kevin Jones          Christian Petersen       Gianvittorio Zandona

                                Laurence Lock Lee    Susanne Ramharter        Michele Zanini

                                David Mason          Nyla Reed

EDITORIAL                           Ben Biddle         Polly LaBarre

                                    Alberto Blanco     Antonio Galvan
In addition to participating as
hackathon contributors, the
following individuals volunteered
                                    Thomas Butta       Jonathan Opp
to help produce this report
highlighting our work.

                                    Silvia Colombo     Milind Pansare

                                    Chris Grams        Madhusudan Rao

                                    Vlatka Hlupic      Ben Willis

                                    Anish Kumarswamy   Michele Zanini

Pawan Alamchandani   Tadas Karkalas

                                        Andre Almeida        Keri Kellerman
                                        Sameer Bagwe         Francois Knuchel

                                        Gunther Brinkman     Brett Kokot
                                        Nev Brown            Michi Komori
                                        Lal Chandran         Maria Lorna Kunnath

PARTICIPANTS                            Charles Chapman
                                        Brendan Coram
                                        Steve Davies
                                                             Mladen Kvaternik
                                                             Olivier Lavergne
                                                             Gulshan Longani
Thanks also to these people for their   Jacob de Feijter     Jim Lundy
                                        Steve Denning        James Marwood
generous contributions to the success   Amar Dhaliwal        Chris McDuling
                                        Branko Djordjevic    Marco Minghetti
of the hackathon effort.                Susan Domagalski     Lorne Mitchell
                                        CJ Downes            Janine Moon
                                        Brendan Dunphy       Sunil Natraj
                                        Marc Estrella        Derek Neighbors
                                        Amy Eyman-LeBlanc    Joachim Niemeier
                                        Bernie Frey          Dan Oestreich
                                        Robert Gibbon        Milind Pansare
                                        Yilmaz Guleryuz      Bill Park
                                        Jeremy Haines        Hyoun Park
                                        Rachel Happe         Mahesh Patil
                                        Christina Hata       Carlos Primera
                                        Jason Henham         Stephen Remedios
                                        Rob Hermans          Bob Roan
                                        Angela Hey           Arturo Sanchez
                                        Paul Higgins         Martin Schleipfer
                                        Lawrence Hiner       Rudi Sellers
                                        Glenn Holt           Bruce Stewart
                                        Peter Hunter         Marc Strohlein
                                        Vegard Iglebaek      Kartik Subbarao
                                        Rajesh Jain          Lelia Tippit
                                        John Jolley          Deirdre Yee
                                        Zack Kaplan          Pearl Zhu


The MIX Management 2.0 Hackathon uses an enterprise social business process
platform from Saba as its social collaboration platform. Social business software
shares much in common with the social networking tools (e.g. Facebook) that most
of us are already familiar with using. The main difference is that social business
software enables enterprise-grade secure and private online communities within
large extended organizations and delivers that collaboration in the context of people-
centric business processes.

                                Our hackathon community, like           A few of the most interesting benefits    2) Progressive disclosure: another
                                most large organizations, consisted     of the platform included:                 interesting feature was the ability
                                of a globally dispersed team of                                                   to configure the interface with
                                collaborators in different time zones   1) Speed of deployment: Because it       “progressive disclosure.” this meant
                                that made it virtually impossible to    is a “cloud” software solution, there     that we could keep the platform very
                                communicate effectively with just       was no need for us to install or spend    simple by suppressing features when
                                email or voice communications. The      time configuring the software, which      we first rolled it out, making it easier
                                Saba cloud platform enabled us to       enabled us to launch our online           for end users to become acclimated
                                work asynchronously, resorting to       community faster.                         without much training.
                                real-time communications only when
                                absolutely necessary. The decision to
                                use social business process software
                                from Saba ultimately enabled us to
                                innovate faster as a team and stay
                                connected. It allowed us to operate
                                very much in the Management 2.0 way.

As our sprints progressed and we          The Saba platform includes, in
                                needed more functionality (such           addition to social collaboration,
                                as rich web pages and workspaces          social business processes that
                                forauthoring our hacks), we were          includereal-time social meetings
                                able to switch those features on          (web conferencing with HD video),
                                progressively.                            social and formal learning, social
                                                                          and formal talent management
                                While we did occasionally use email       and social recruiting. While the
                                for special alerts, we found that         Management 2.0 Hackathon did
                                using a social software platform that     not need to use and reveal all of the
                                supported a range of collaboration        extensive modules it was great to
                                activities including rapid ideationmade   have the flexibility to add functionality
                                our hackathon more efficient, and         as we progressed in the hackathon.
                                we were able to concentrate on the
                                hacks instead of the technology. The
                                administrative functionality made
                                switching new features on easier, and     More information on the Saba platform
                                the analytics and reporting capability    can be found at www.saba.com
                                allowed us to gauge engagement in
                                the community, helping our community
                                management efforts.





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Management 2.0 Hackathon

  • 1. MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON HARNESSING THE POWER OF THE WEB TO REINVENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT 2.0 SM HACKATHON NOVEMBER 2011 - JUNE 2012 A collaborative project by the Management Innovation Exchange, Saba, and the Enterprise 2.0 Conference. managementexchange.com
  • 3. HARNESSING THE POWER OF THE WEB TO REINVENT MANAGEMENT Over the last decade, the Internet has had a profound impact on business. It has spawned countless new business models and helped make operating models vastly more efficient. SO TODAY’S QUESTION FOR ASPIRING MANAGEMENT INNOVATORS IS Yet it might offer an even more powerful management model. Thanks to the Web, How can we harness the power of the Web— we can imagine organizations that are its technologies, approaches, and underlying • LARGE BUT NOT BUREAUCRATIC principles—to reinvent management itself? • FOCUSED BUT NOT MYOPIC • DISCIPLINED BUT NOT DISPIRITING • DECENTRALIZED BUT NOT CHAOTIC At a time when every organization must become more resilient, inventive, and That was the question we aimed to tackle with the Management 2.0 Hackathon, inspiring in order to thrive, the Web offers a rich diversity of approaches that are a joint collaborative project launched by the Management Innovation Exchange uniquely fit for today’s challenges. We don’t have to look far for examples where: (MIX), Saba, and the Enterprise 2.0 Conference. • Coordination happens without centralization In November, 2011 management innovators from across five continents came • Contribution matters more than credentials together to participate in an intense, online, collaborative effort to explore how • Power flows to those who add value the principles and practical tools of the Web might make our organizations as • The wisdom of the many trumps the authority of the few adaptable, innovative, and inspiring as the Web itself. • New ideas get amplified rather than crushed • Performance is judged by peers Global, online collaboration at this scale was made possible by a social • Contribution is opt-in rather than commanded business platform from Saba. This Web 2.0 platform not only enabled efficient, • The default is to share information rather than hoard it asynchronous collaboration from a globally distributed and diverse community of collaborators, but provided the ideal platform from which the Hackathon team could apply Management 2.0 principles to its own efforts. 3 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 4. The Management 2.0 Hackathon was designed to unleash the collective intelligence of progressive management thinkers and doers from around the world to generate fresh and radically practical ideas and experiments. And over the months that followed, 900 people came together around this shared purpose—offering perspectives, generating ideas, leading teams, contributing hacks. This is the result of their effort.
  • 5. INTRODUCING THE MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON In the technology industry, the term hack describes a creative workaround or fix to an existing problem. A hackathon is an intense, coordinated effort to develop as many useful and innovative hacks as possible in a short amount of time. Our hacks apply the same methodology to hacking management. THE MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON WAS DESIGNED TO DIVE INTO FOUR FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS THROUGH A SERIES OF SPRINTS. 1 2 3 4 hat PATHOLOGIES of W What are the essential What COMPANIES are already A nd ultimately, based on management 1.0 consistently management PRINCIPLES operating on the vanguard of these discoveries,what hold back organizations and of the Web that make it so management innovation as specific, creative, low-risk, keep them shackled to the adaptive and innovative? inspired by the Web? high-reward EXPERIMENTS status quo? can any organization apply— right now—to effectively hack management to create more adaptable, innovative, and inspiring organizations. 5 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 6. THE MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON PROCESS NOV-DEC DEC JAN FEB-MAR APR-MAY JUNE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ORIENTATION IDENTIFY DISTILL LEARN INVENT CHART ENTERPRISE 2.0 the limits of Management 2.0 from the vanguard management hacks the path forward CONFERENCE Management 1.0 principles Boston Why should we hack What are the What are the new How are “bleeding How would we What are What are the most management, and pathologies of management edge” organizations build each of the defining distinctive ideas how? management- principles we embedding radically these principles characteristics from the hackathon? as-usual? need to create new principles into into a company’s of successful organizations their management core management organizations in 10- How do we turn How are these that are fit for the practices? activities? 20 years time? these ideas into impacting us future—and for real-world impact? today? human beings? How would we How does a design low-risk, company begin What can we learn high-impact the migration from the Web? experiments to from Management test our hacks? 1.0 to 2.0? 6 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 7. LIMITS OF MANAGEMENT 1.0 One of our first major tasks was to explore the root causes and misconceptions that hold back management today. WE BEGAN WITH THE PREMISE THAT THE FUNDAMENTAL ROOT CAUSES CAN BE TRACED BACK TO THREE MAIN THEMES: 1. NERTIA I 2. NCREMENTALISM I 3. DISEMPOWERMENT Too little experimentation Too little freedom, time, and Hypocrisy, bad measurements, resources in the organization and unhelpful perspectives Organizations are being tested as never before. They face rapidly in- Radical and repeated innovation is Nearly every industry faces the creasing competition, pace of change, rare in established companies. They challenge of commoditization. The and globalization. Organizations that rely on easier, more measurable, knowledge economy is rapidly being survive will be those that adapt. And short-term results and fail to institu- replaced with the creative economy. yet, organizations rarely change as tionalize the mindset and values, as Companies require employees who fast as the world around them. Many well as provide the resources, for a are proactive, inventive, and passion- find it easier to simply do things the culture of creativity to thrive. ate. Yet Management 1.0 systems way they’ve always been done. are dampening creativity rather than unleashing it. 7 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 8. THE PATHOLOGIES OF MANAGEMENT 1.0 INERTIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Too much power Monolithic Too little genetic Too little Too little visibility to Too much emotional Too much influence vested in too few structures diversity at the top (a experimentation (not “strategy decay” and equity invested in derived from the individuals (over- tendency to over- enough strategic “creeping sclerosis” legacy strategies budgets and other centralization) weight experience) variety) (denial) resources individual managers control INCREMENTALISM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Too few individuals Allocational rigidities Too little “slack” in Too much emphasis Lack of widespread Overly conservative Industry trained as (that lead to over- the organization on conformance and accountability for (risk-averse) orthodoxies “baked innovators investment in (time and money to alignment innovation, and lack resource allocation in” to mindsets and incremental, legacy innovate) of clear innovation criteria processes programs) metrics DISEMPOWERMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Too many people in Little discretion over Lack of a compelling Persistent Too much Too few Leaders who aren’t leadership positions job design and work sense of purpose mismatches bureaucracy, too opportunities for truly accountable to who aren’t really environment (beyond shareholder between interests little community real contribution and the led leaders returns) and assignments personal growth 8 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 9. PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 2.0 Our second major sprint focused the hackers on the principles that make the Web so adaptive and innovative. Contributors generated more than 40 relevant principles, along with more than 100 comments and ratings. TOGETHER, WE SYNTHESIZED OUR LIST TO THE FOLLOWING 12 PRINCIPLES: 1. OPENNESS 5. COLLABORATION 9. DECENTRALIZATION 2. COMMUNITY 6. MEANING 10. EXPERIMENTATION 3. MERITOCRACY 7. AUTONOMY 11. SPEED 4. ACTIVISM 8. SERENDIPITY 12. TRUST 9 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 10. 1. OPENNESS 4. ACTIVISM The willingness to share information and do business Tapping into individuals’ desire to stand up, opt in, and out in the open. express themselves. On the Web, information travels quickly and freely. People have an innate desire to contribute. The Web is Information can’t hide, and the Web never forgets. The the most powerful tool ever created for people to make traditional boundaries of business are also rapidly their mark and mobilize toward a common mission. disintegrating—changing the nature of what it means to When organizations productively cultivate and channel be an employee, customer, or competitor. Organizations this passion, they will inspire individuals throughout the willing to blur the lines of what lies inside and outside the organization. business could have a distinct advantage, particularly when its leaders display the humility, kindness, and courage that openness demands. 5. COLLABORATION The capability of groups of people to work together, divide tasks, and leverage individual strengths. 2. COMMUNITY The ability for people with shared purpose to organize Perhaps one of the Web’s most defining characteristics and engage. is creating the means and the tools to allow distributed collaboration on a global scale. Organizations can also The Web has made it possible for people anywhere in the leverage the properties of collaboration—both within and world to connect to one another to solve problems that no outside their organization—to expand their capacity to one person could alone. This new form of organization is generate ideas and effort. dynamic and built around shared purpose rather than the organization itself. Organizations can leverage peer-to-peer interaction and the power of community to inspire deep engagement. 6. MEANING The most powerful motivations come from within. With all the freedom, autonomy, serendipity, contribution, 3. MERITOCRACY and experimentation unleashed by the Web, one enduring An environment where ideas and people succeed truth becomes even more true: the most powerful galvaniz- based on the quality of ideas and contributions, not on ing force is a distinctive and deeply felt sense of purpose. age, sex, color, or existing hierarchy. Organizations can tap into a sense of shared purpose and leverage community principles to increase engagement as On the Web, ideas are open to anyone and the best can rise never before. to the top—whether through search rankings, retweets, or the number of views on YouTube. Organizations operating as meritocracies may find people to be more motivated when they know that promoted and funded ideas have earned their place fairly and with the support of peers, rather than being dictated from above. 10 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 11. 7. AUTONOMY 10. EXPERIMENTATION The freedom to act on one’s own, making decisions An environment where ideas can be tested quickly and without direction or approval from higher levels of improved continually. management. The Web is always under construction—a perpetual beta The Web has given more individuals the tools to act where rapid progress trumps perfection. Here people have independently. Where in the past management was an opportunity to create and test online experiences at a structured around a command-and-control model, dramatically faster pace and lower cost than ever before. today’s organizations must provide a deeper and more Organizations today can leverage the same principles— powerful principle of freedom for the individuals in building, testing, failing, improving—all at great speed and their organizations. with relatively low investment of resources. 8. SERENDIPITY 11. SPEED The occurrence of events by chance in a beneficial way The unprecedented pace of change and immediacy of has always played a fundamental role in innovation. information. LEARN FROM THE VANGUARD The Web is perhaps the greatest serendipity engine in Because of the Web, vast amounts of knowledge are now the history of culture, driven by the connective nature of available at an instant. With mobile technology, access to We also explored where organizations hypertext as well as social media’s continuous hunger for this information is rarely out of arm’s reach. Organizations are already applying Management 2.0 new things. Organizations should learn from the Web—and must be able to move at the same pace. principles. Hackers contributed more increase the odds of value-creating happenstance—by than 30 real-world examples, mapped encouraging more diverse sets of connections to be made to the principles described. by diverse groups of people, as often as possible. 12. TRUST You can explore the in-depth results of An acknowledgement that each of us is acting on this discovery process on the MIX site: good faith and good work will be reciprocated. http://www.managementexchange.com 9. DECENTRALIZATION /m20-principles Rather than a top-down approach where activity and The Web and social media are pushing us from a world decision-making are closely held in small, central ar- of tight control and ownership to one where generosity, eas—decentralization allows it to happen anywhere. openness, and assumed trust are first principles. The most successful organizations are built on the most On the Web, markets can relocate and grow according to successful human relationships. Organizations must demand. Likewise, organizations can also distribute power replace fear with trust to invite people to share their and resources in more equitable ways, giving individuals passion, creativity, and effort. the opportunity to play a role in allocating resources, and driving accountability and decision-making throughout the organization. 11 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 12. INVENT MANAGEMENT HACKS Hackathon participants worked in teams to invent a series of hacks—developing experiments that any organization can apply today—and then to narrow the field to the most viable and innovative. THE FOLLOWING PAGES FEATURE A SAMPLING OF THE HACKS THAT WERE CREATED. 12 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 13. EMBRACING Contributed by: Ben Willis, Nyla Reed “SKILLS 2.0”— Most have experienced the power of Web 2.0 tools—Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube, Quora, and others—that empower us like never before to engage with LEADING BY and learn from the world around us. Now, new Enterprise 2.0 tools are arriving EXAMPLE TO in the workplace promising similar benefits. However, to benefit, organizations CREATE A need to look beyond the technology to the critical mindsets that allow those technologies to succeed. They need to embrace Skills 2.0. NEW WAY OF This hack proposes an examination of individual skills and behaviors that are critical for success in a WORKING new world of work and uses existing employee strengths to drive organizational change. This hack includes three core components: Full Hack on the MIX: http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/embracing- 1. PREREQUISITES: BELIEVE IN THE BENEFIT OF THESE NEW ENTERPRISE 2.0 MODELS skills-20 Organizations must acknowledge that new business models are emerging, and understand how Enterprise 2.0 models can benefit the organization—and believe that individuals can drive organizational change. 2. SELF-EVALUATION: FOCUS ON STRENGTHS Individual participants will use this tool to raise awareness of the skills needed to succeed in a Web 2.0 world and identify their top strengths—including completing an assessment and building an action plan. 3. TEAM EVALUATION: FOCUS ON ORGANIZATIONAL BENEFIT Participants will have the opportunity to help refine individual action plans to ensure they are targeted at organizational benefit as well as individual growth/development, and will document and publish the results. 13 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 14. THE FREEDOM / Contributed by: Susanne Ramharter, Laurence Lock Lee, Josh Allan Dykstra, Aaron Anderson, Chris Grams ACCOUNTABILITY This hack begins the process of changing a Management 1.0 organization’s culture by recognizing that an increase in personal freedom must be SWAP accompanied by an increase in personal accountability in order for true autonomy to emerge. Or, in essence: Full Hack on the MIX http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/freedom- freedom + accountability = a culture of autonomy accountability-swap Nothing is more Management 1.0 than an organization where employees feel they have no autonomy. In these organizations employees feel disempowered because they do not have the authority to make decisions for themselves, to decide how best to use their own time, or to pursue the projects they believe will help them most effectively meet their goals. This hack provides a small, but very powerful way for individual managers and employees in traditional management 1.0 organizations to “think locally” and create islands of autonomy within their own teams by designing freedom and accountability questions as a transaction to be negotiated: the Freedom/Accountability Swap. It works by creating opportunities for an employee to hold open conversations with their manager about where the employee feels both most and least accountable and the most and least freedom— and uncover where gaps exist. It also may uncover places where freedom and accountability are already at their highest. From there both groups can establish a dialog to move both into better state of balance. 14 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 15. COLLABORATE. Contributed by: David Mason, Alberto Blanco, Ben Biddle, Jonathan Opp AGITATE. This hack outlines a process for healthy collaboration that allows people to judge ideas and not each other, and helps individuals and groups overcome the CONVERGE. heuristics and biases that influence thinking and decision making. Full Hack on the MIX: The goal of this hack is to create a model for collaborating that is more effective (and possibly http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/collaborate- disruptive) than traditional processes. This new model would allow people to feel comfortable with agitate-converge the process of productively scrutinizing ideas to make them better and more resilient—without scrutinizing people and harming relationships in the process. THE PROCESS IS DIVIDED INTO THREE STAGES: 1. COLLABORATE. 2. AGITATE. 3. CONVERGE. By starting with collaboration, everyone sets out from the same point of departure in search of ideas and solutions to the problem at hand. Sanctioning agitation next reminds people that it isn’t personal but just the pursuit of the best thinking possible. Finally, converging ensures everyone ends up together, no one is left behind or marginalized, and everyone is ready to collaborate together on the next challenge. In addition, convergence includes a method for measuring the effectiveness of the collaboration from each individual’s point of view. 15 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 16. LEADER Contributed by: Sam Folk-Williams, Jim Stikeleather, Michele Zanini METER 2.0: This hack involves the creation of a dynamic system for measuring an individual’s natural leadership, that is, the extent to which their contributions SPOTTING are seen as valuable, both inside and outside of an organization, and publishing THE NATURAL these results for all to see. This borrows from the popular reputational capital LEADERS sites like Klout.com and Peerindex.com, as well as from Gary Hamel’s ideas of how to identify natural leaders. In addition to providing insight into who are an IN YOUR organization’s natural leaders, such a system provides motivation for employees COMPANY to make more valuable contributions. Full Hack on the MIX Determining natural leaders requires an attempt to measure influence—the scope, scale, and impact http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/leader-me- of peoples’ ideas and actions on each other. How wide and deep does a given person’s influence ter-20-spotting-natural-leaders-your-company extend both within the organization and beyond its borders in the industry? THIS HACK EXPLORES MEASURABLE CHARACTERISTICS THAT ILLUSTRATE INFLUENCE IN THREE PRIMARY CATEGORIES: • Natural authority: their expertise and the value others place in that expertise. • Actions and outcomes: the things a person does that lead to significant positive outcomes. • Audience: who a person reaches through their authority and activities. 16 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 17. WHY POINTS Contributed by: Vlatka Hlupic, Jack Bergstrand, Madhusudan Rao, Stefan Blobelt TRUMP THE In this hack, hierarchy is reinvented through a contribution-based “points system,” linked specifically to how each employee impacts the company’s HIERARCHY results. This means that anyone can earn more money than their boss and earn TO REWARD equity linked directly to his or her individual and collective contributions. CONTRIBUTION In the traditional hierarchy and compensation system, hierarchy became a proxy for contribution, and the higher your level, the more prestige and compensation you received—regardless of the specific IN KNOWLEDGE personal contributions. ORGANIZATIONS This hack creates a model to reward employees with points when they make valuable contributions. The points provide a basis for compensation and perks. In this system, the most valuable contributors gain the biggest rewards, only recent contributions count, so employees can not “rest on their laurels” Full Hack on the MIX: since the points lapse after one year, and work becomes more fun as the reward system is open http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/why-points- and transparent. trump-hierarchy 17 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 18. OPEN UP CLIP Contributed by: Alberto Blanco, Ken Everett, Christian Petersen, Terri Griffith, Ron Pels, Kevin Jones BY CLIP This hack is designed to embrace openness by unlocking simple yet routine processes. One example would be to start with a process as simple as the assignment of office Full Hack on the MIX supplies. The intent is that this small, quiet experiment leads to larger experiments, http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/open-clip-clip where the positive results become public. Open vs closed decision making requires a fundamental philosophy shift, and shifts in philosophy do not happen overnight. The path to openness can begin little by little. Locate simple yet routine processes that are relevant to employees, even the most mundane annoying processes—vacation periods, sick leave, time clock, travel expenses, office supplies—and let people take full control. This will help you operate under the radar as well as guide your organization step by step with a radical yet practical approach. Once a process has been fully unlocked, find another simple yet routine process and repeat the experience. Later, once you’ve seen success opening up routines, you can unlock bigger and more complex projects. 18 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 19. CO-CREATION IN Contributed by: Stephen Danelutti, Keely Nugent, Edna Pasher, Matt Johnson ORGANIZATIONS This hack is designed to create the methodologies and processes to embed co-creation in an organization. Today co-creation is often paid lip service—most - A NEW MODEL think they’re doing it and aren’t, or don’t realize why they should. For effective FOR CREATING co-creation, organizations need simple, repeatable processes that identify and drive the right habits and culture—along with social technologies for SHARED VALUE collaboration and transparency. Full Hack on the MIX: http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/co-creation- When empowered stakeholders co-create, they realize shared value. A simple, unbureaucratic, in-organisations speedy, and cost-effective methodology is required where important changes in strategy, process, or product requires key stakeholder analysis to be conducted. These stakeholders must be involved in evolving both the solution and the decision making. This hack involves the establishment of a methodology and a set of principles and technologies that would help co-creation to be carried out fairly and transparently. Social technologies also serve to raise visibility—allowing activities such as ideas and decisions to be rated and tracked and knowledge to be shared. THE GOAL: FOR CO-CREATION EFFORTS TO BECOME EMBEDDED TO THE POINT WHERE THEY BECOME HABIT. 19 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 20. OPEN Contributed by Dina Grasko, Greg Stevenson, David Mason, Jim Stikeleather, Jonathan Opp CONTRIBUTIONS This hack establishes a system to enable company-wide contributions of ideas for stated challenges that are uncensored by management and unweighted in BY THE HIDDEN terms of perceived lack of authority and expertise. Their originators are anony- HERO mous, and ideas compete on merit alone. Full Hack on the MIX: Many individuals within companies are unable to contribute their full value. This could be due to lack http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/open-contri- of motivation (as nothing changes), lack of knowledge (only top management knows the challenges butions-hidden-hero and goals), lack of opportunity (my boss shoots down my ideas), or lack of confidence (I can’t disagree with my boss). In organizations with steep hierarchies or rigid silos, it can be difficult if not impossible to share ideas with decision makers without premature bias as to the ideas value being introduced. Good ideas often aren’t given a chance to survive the bureaucracy. With this hack, every idea would be clearly visible within the company. And ideas would be judged on the merits of the idea—not based on the individual who suggested it. As a result, people who may have felt disenfranchised in an organization and felt like their ideas aren’t being heard will now have a forum to do so. At a certain point in the process where the idea has enough momentum to stand on its own, the originator of the idea may choose to become public—both to reward their contribution and to allow the individual to play a role in the ownership of the idea. 20 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 21. TWEETSTORMING Contributed by: Alberto Blanco, Robin Deacle, Anish Kumarswamy, Aaron Anderson - REPROGRAM Meetings to brainstorm ideas, whether solving business problems or determin- ing the way forward, typically take place in conference rooms. This hack asserts MEETING that organizations can harness the customs of Twitter to crack the silos and DNA TO OPEN proximally limiting confines of brainstorming meetings. Anyone with access to Twitter can participate. BRAINSTORMING TO ALL Twitter can effectively open up brainstorming to anyone who is thinking about the issue at any given time. From wherever they are and whenever they like, they can make a new contribution to the flow of ideas. Full Hack on the MIX: http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/ Using hashtags and @functions, a person can drill into the conversation from the most recent post tweetstorming backward through time to the point of origin. Anyone can sift through existing ideas and then try to elevate the conversation, all in 140 characters or less. A link to a blog post can capture longer ideas. In this fashion, everyone from all levels in the organization can participate in the tweetstorm and add value to the discourse. Even customers and external stakeholders. 21 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 22. JUST-IN-TIME Contributed by: Ben Biddle, Michele Zanini, Jim Stikeleather, Todd Fitch TEAMS Fixed teams limit knowledge transfers outside of silos and limit connections between people. They also lead to monotony. This hack replaces organizational Full Hack on the MIX: silos with networks that more accurately reflect real social interactions and http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/just-time- teams relationships. People are organized around competencies and experience toward solving business problems rather than static functions or roles. The result is a disruptive model that makes it easier to see old problems in new ways. This hack involves using fluid team structures 1) to promote new serendipitous connections and innovation, 2) to develop people for competencies rather than prescribed roles, 3) to better match those people to business challenges, and 4) to prevent the biases that emerge from authority. It will improve the creation and evaluation of ideas and make it easier for people to speak their mind in a mutually respectful way. The creation of just-in-time teams is designed to disrupt many common, long-held aspects of traditional corporate organizational behavior. 22 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 23. MORE HACKS Here are some additional great hacks that were generated in the Management 2.0 Hackathon. ADVANCING AUTONOMY A STEP AT A TIME Contributed by: Robin Deacle, Deborah Mills-Scofield http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/advancing-autonomy-step-time ALL WORK CAN BE VIEWED AS A SERVICE Contributed by: Michael Grove http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/all-work-can-be-viewed-service LEADING BY LETTING GO Contributed by: Vlatka Hlupic, Stefan Blobelt, Chris Grams, Robin Deacle, Michael Grove, Antonio Galvan Luna http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/leading-letting-go UNCLOG YOUR PIPES WITH THE AUTONOMY (REALITY) CHECK Contributed by: Robin Deacle, Christian Peterson, Jan Robert Johnsen, Susanne Ramharter http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/unclog-your-pipes USING “TRADITIONALLY VIRTUAL” ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Contributed by: Jack Bergstrand, Vlatka Hlupic, Emil Wentzel, Gianvittorio Zandona, Michael Grove, Stefan Blobelt http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/using-traditionally-virtual-organizational-structure 23 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 24. SECURE DIGITAL COLLABORATION Contributed by: Ian Stobie, Gianvittorio Zandona http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/secure-digital-collaboration SHOW VALUE OF COMMUNITY BY WORKING OUTSIDE IN Contributed by: Ellen Weber, Deborah Mills-Scofield http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/show-value-community-working-outside SYSTEMIC/HOLISTIC MANAGEMENT: CONNECTING THE DOTS WITH PROJECT MONITORING 2.0 Contributed by: Jack Bergstrand, Vlatka Hlupic, Emil Wentzel, Gianvittorio Zandona, Michael Grove, Stefan Blobelt http://www.managementexchange.com/hack/systemic-holistic-management FAR TOO MANY PLANS FAIL: REVERSE THE CURSE WITH COLLABORATIVE BUSI- NESS PLANNING EXECUTION Contributed by: Matt Johnson http://www.mixhackathon.org/hack/far-too-many-plans-fail-reverse-curse-collaborative-planning- execution 24 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 25. OUR COMMUNITY The Management 2.0 Hackathon was a true social collaborative effort. This report includes the words and ideas of many different people from around the world. All shared a common purpose and generously gave their time and energy to participate in a project with people they’d never met, using a novel approach. Thank you and congratulations.
  • 26. HACK Aaron Anderson Josh Allan Dykstra CONTRIBUTORS Jack Bergstrand Ken Everett Success of the Management 2.0 Hackathon is the result of the generous contributions of the Ben Biddle Todd Fitch following individuals, who each contributed to at least one of the full hacks we’ve highlighted Alberto Blanco Sam Folk-Williams in this report. Stefan Blobelt Chris Grams Stephen Danelutti Antonio Galvan Robin Deacle Dina Grasko 26 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 27. Terri Griffith Deborah Mills-Scofield Greg Stevenson Michael Grove Keely Nugent Jim Stikeleather Vlatka Hlupic Jonathan Opp Ian Stobie Jan Robert Johnsen Edna Pasher Ellen Weber Matt Johnson Ron Pels Ben Willis Kevin Jones Christian Petersen Gianvittorio Zandona Laurence Lock Lee Susanne Ramharter Michele Zanini David Mason Nyla Reed 27 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 28. EDITORIAL Ben Biddle Polly LaBarre COMMITTEE Alberto Blanco Antonio Galvan In addition to participating as hackathon contributors, the following individuals volunteered Thomas Butta Jonathan Opp to help produce this report highlighting our work. Silvia Colombo Milind Pansare Chris Grams Madhusudan Rao Vlatka Hlupic Ben Willis Anish Kumarswamy Michele Zanini 28 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 29. Pawan Alamchandani Tadas Karkalas ADDITIONAL Andre Almeida Keri Kellerman Sameer Bagwe Francois Knuchel KEY Gunther Brinkman Brett Kokot Nev Brown Michi Komori Lal Chandran Maria Lorna Kunnath PARTICIPANTS Charles Chapman Brendan Coram Steve Davies Mladen Kvaternik Olivier Lavergne Gulshan Longani Thanks also to these people for their Jacob de Feijter Jim Lundy Steve Denning James Marwood generous contributions to the success Amar Dhaliwal Chris McDuling Branko Djordjevic Marco Minghetti of the hackathon effort. Susan Domagalski Lorne Mitchell CJ Downes Janine Moon Brendan Dunphy Sunil Natraj Marc Estrella Derek Neighbors Amy Eyman-LeBlanc Joachim Niemeier Bernie Frey Dan Oestreich Robert Gibbon Milind Pansare Yilmaz Guleryuz Bill Park Jeremy Haines Hyoun Park Rachel Happe Mahesh Patil Christina Hata Carlos Primera Jason Henham Stephen Remedios Rob Hermans Bob Roan Angela Hey Arturo Sanchez Paul Higgins Martin Schleipfer Lawrence Hiner Rudi Sellers Glenn Holt Bruce Stewart Peter Hunter Marc Strohlein Vegard Iglebaek Kartik Subbarao Rajesh Jain Lelia Tippit John Jolley Deirdre Yee Zack Kaplan Pearl Zhu 29 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 30. OUR SOCIAL SOFTWARE PLATFORM: SABA The MIX Management 2.0 Hackathon uses an enterprise social business process platform from Saba as its social collaboration platform. Social business software shares much in common with the social networking tools (e.g. Facebook) that most of us are already familiar with using. The main difference is that social business software enables enterprise-grade secure and private online communities within large extended organizations and delivers that collaboration in the context of people- centric business processes. Our hackathon community, like A few of the most interesting benefits 2) Progressive disclosure: another most large organizations, consisted of the platform included: interesting feature was the ability of a globally dispersed team of to configure the interface with collaborators in different time zones 1) Speed of deployment: Because it “progressive disclosure.” this meant that made it virtually impossible to is a “cloud” software solution, there that we could keep the platform very communicate effectively with just was no need for us to install or spend simple by suppressing features when email or voice communications. The time configuring the software, which we first rolled it out, making it easier Saba cloud platform enabled us to enabled us to launch our online for end users to become acclimated work asynchronously, resorting to community faster. without much training. real-time communications only when absolutely necessary. The decision to use social business process software from Saba ultimately enabled us to innovate faster as a team and stay connected. It allowed us to operate very much in the Management 2.0 way. 30 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 31. As our sprints progressed and we The Saba platform includes, in needed more functionality (such addition to social collaboration, as rich web pages and workspaces social business processes that forauthoring our hacks), we were includereal-time social meetings able to switch those features on (web conferencing with HD video), progressively. social and formal learning, social and formal talent management While we did occasionally use email and social recruiting. While the for special alerts, we found that Management 2.0 Hackathon did using a social software platform that not need to use and reveal all of the supported a range of collaboration extensive modules it was great to activities including rapid ideationmade have the flexibility to add functionality our hackathon more efficient, and as we progressed in the hackathon. we were able to concentrate on the hacks instead of the technology. The administrative functionality made switching new features on easier, and More information on the Saba platform the analytics and reporting capability can be found at www.saba.com allowed us to gauge engagement in the community, helping our community management efforts. 31 MANAGEMENT 2.0 HACKATHON
  • 32. MANAGEMENT 2.0 SM HACKATHON managementexchange.com SM