The mission of The Beautiful Mind Foundation is to dispel the stigma and shame of mental illness so people will feel comfortable getting help without feeling judged and ridiculed. We work to empower people with mood and anxiety disorders; by increasing awareness we provide a stronger opportunity for a full, meaningful life.
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The Beautiful Mind Foundation Magazine, September 2015
1. Men Don’t Report
Depression as Often as Women
Does Your Child
Have an Eating Disorder?
You Are Not Alone
Sept 2015
Potomac Village - It Takes a Village
The mission of
The Beautiful Mind
Foundation is to dispel
the stigma and shame of
mental illness so people
will feel comfortable
getting help without
feeling judged and
ridiculed. We work to
empower people with
mood and anxiety
disorders; by increasing
awareness we provide a
stronger opportunity for
a full, meaningful life.
2. Men Don’t Report
Depression as Often as Women
Depression’s Not Just a Women’s Issue
Both men and women feel that symptoms of depression include feeling loneliness, sadness and
hopelessness. While these feelings are common — especially among women — men often show
Men Often Don’t
Recognize Depression
Both men and women feel that symptoms
of depression include feeling loneliness,
sadness and hopelessness. While these
feelings are common — especially among
women — men often show different
symptoms, so they don’t recognize the
Health Risks of Hanging Tough
Men comprise 75 to 80 percent of all suicides in the United States, according to WebMD, and
many of these cases can be traced to the cause of untreated depression.[2] reports that five major health risks that are caused or aggravated by
untreated depression:[3]
Cases of heart disease are more likely among depressed people, and more depressed people
die after suffering heart attacks.
Ÿ Depressed people often eat poorly and develop adult-onset diabetes.
Ÿ People are more likely to ignore symptoms of other disorders when depressed.
Ÿ Depressed people often become obese and face all the health risks of being overweight.
Ÿ Depression can worsen conditions like osteoporosis by affecting calcium deposits, which
weakens bones.
Men have been conditioned to hang tough and externalize their symptoms, which actually
increases the risks to their health instead of providing relief. Instead of reporting their
symptoms of depression, men are more likely to drink alcohol or self-medicate with drugs,
behave recklessly, get into fights or behave aggressively toward their partners or families.
Trying to determine how many people are
affected by clinical depression is
complicated by the fact that men under-
report instances of depression, according to
Even though women are 70 percent more
likely to become depressed, more than six
million men suffer from depression but
seldom get treated, according to Dr. Amit
Men suppress their feelings on many issues
because they’re expected to take risks,
provide for their families, fight wars and
Even though gender barriers are dropping,
many men view talking about their
emotions, stress and depression as
weaknesses that make them less worthy or
masculine than what’s considered “normal.”
Throughout history, men have been
encouraged to “man up,” “bite the bullet.”
and “take one for the team.”Trying to
determine how many people are affected by
clinical depression is complicated by the fact
that men under-report instances of
depression, according to the National
Even though women are 70 percent more
likely to become depressed, more than six
million men suffer from depression but
seldom get treated, according to Dr. Amit
3. Why Men Don’t Recognize or Report Symptoms of Depression
Symptoms of Depression
Men and women might display different symptoms of depression
because women tend to internalize their feelings while men
externalize them. Women often cry for no apparent reason,
compensate by overeating and rehash negative feelings of self-
worth. Women are also susceptible to cycles of depression, which
are based on changes in their bodies caused by menstrual cycles,
Men tend to self-medicate, become obsessive about sex, sports and
Ÿ Sleep disorders
Ÿ Feelings of sadness, anxiety and emptiness
Ÿ Loss of interest in normal activities
Ÿ Fatigue
Ÿ Feeling hopelessness
Ÿ Having difficulty concentrating and remembering details
Ÿ Changes in eating habits
Ÿ Experiencing body aches, cramps, headaches and digestive upsets
Ÿ Thinking about death and suicide
Ÿ Having trouble getting motivated for normal activities
Ÿ Losing interest in sex
Men don’t report their depression
symptoms because of masculine stoicism,
cultural pressures to take adversity in
stride and conditioning not to express
their emotions. However, even
enlightened men may consider
depression to be a women’s disorder or
not recognize the signs, which differ from
women’s internalized soul-searching
Therefore, men are less likely to recognize
depression or seek treatment if they
suspect they have the disorder. The
reasons for not getting treated are
CulturalGenderStereotypes unnecessary risks and bury their feelings in
In the United States and many patriarchal sports, alcohol, drugs, television and excessive
cultures, expressing emotion is sexualpursuits.
consideredafemininetrait. MaleStoicism
Men have been expected to train hard for Men can treat their depression in many ways that
Men Ascribe Symptoms to Physical centuries for sports, warfare and work by include seeking professional therapy, joining a
Causes developingphysicalstrengthandworking support group, volunteering, exercising regularly,
Men often work at demanding physical throughpainanddiscomfortstoically. eating well, getting enough sleep and connecting
jobs and feel that their symptoms are with others socially. Medications may help
caused by physical activities. Instead of EffectsofAging temporarily but don’t usually treat the underlying
recognizing signs of depression, men Men often view their symptoms as normal causes.
report back pain, sexual problems, signs of aging. Gaining weight, getting
sleepingdifficultiesorheadaches. fatigued more easily, developing aches and If anyone suspects that he, she or a friend shows
pains and breaking bones when growing signs of depression, seek medical help or
Sexuality olderareviewedasconsequencesofageand encouragethepersontogetaphysicalexam.
Depression and antidepressant notassignsofdepression.
medications can affect sexual desire and It’s helpful to list all the symptoms before seeing a
performance, which men don’t like to Depression carries severe physical and medical or mental health professional postpone
discuss. emotional risks, but the condition is a making any life-changing decisions. Building a
treatable health disorder and not a sign of strong social network for support can help
Men Respond to Symptoms Differently weakness or femininity. Left untreated, depressionvictimstocopewiththedisorder.
thanWomen depressioncandestroyrelationshipsand Encourage anyone with depression not to expect
Women with depression tend to develop cause heart attacks and other serious instant cures but gradual improvements in mood
feelings of worthlessness and sadness medicalconditions. each day. People don’t become depressed
while men become aggressive, irritable or overnight, so they shouldn’t expect to get better
hostile. withoutworkingontheproblem.
4. Schizophrenia:
Over the last few decades, great strides have
been made in understanding and treating
schizophrenia. Hospitalizations are rarer and
briefer than they used to be, and improved
antipsychotic meds have made symptoms
more manageable.
The public is better educated, too, so people
who have schizophrenia are less likely to be
stigmatized. Intelligent, likable and highly
creative people are diagnosed every day.
Although there is no cure, most people who
have the disorder respond well to treatment
and lead happy, productive lives.
Myths and Facts completely unfounded. If untreated, Risk Factors and Diagnosis
symptoms could progress to strange Schizophrenia has genetic roots rather than
behavior, delusions and hallucinations. environmental causes. If one parent has the
Emotional detachment could worsen to disease, his or her children have about a 13
apathy and catatonic states. percent chance of developing it, too. If both
parents have it, the likelihood that their kids
The Importance of Treatment will is around 35 percent.
Since the course of the disease rapidly
gains momentum, the importance of early Onset is usually during the late teens or early
diagnosis and attention can’t be adulthood. About 75 percent of people who
overstated. People with untreated have schizophrenia developed it between
There are a number of misconceptions schizophrenia usually suffer long-term ages 16 and 25; it’s much rarer in people over
about schizophrenia, largely because unemployment or homelessness. They’re age 30. It most commonly occurs along with
of the way it’s been portrayed in the often plagued by drug addiction. Their another mental disorder, such as anxiety or
movies. physical health declines. Their life depression, and abuse of drugs or alcohol can
The name originated from two Greek expectancy is ten to twenty years lower trigger the first appearance of symptoms.
words that mean “split” and “mind.” than that of the general population, and
This doesn’t indicate a splitting of the suicide rates are high. Since there is no medical test for detecting
personality, but a disconnect between schizophrenia, a psychiatrist will take all your
fantasy and reality. However, with therapy, medication and a risk factors into consideration. Be thorough
strong network of support, most patients when you report your physical condition and
People who suffer from schizophrenia cope well. If you’ve noticed marked mental health history, including that of your
have trouble distinguishing what is real changes in your thoughts or emotions, or if family members. The doctor will also rely
from what is unreal. Their thinking is others have expressed concerns about heavily on your symptoms for an accurate
confused, and they may subscribe to your behavior, read on to learn about diagnosis, so write them down before your
bizarre beliefs. They tend to be fearful diagnosis and treatment. consultation.
or paranoid, even when their fears are
5. caused the incarceration in the first place. It’s a
Yet, some progress is providing a glimmer of
hope. Several police departments have received
training in handling the mentally ill; the first
responders may now arrive in plain clothes and,
f you’ve been alive more often than not, take the afflicted to mental
long enough, you have healthfacilitiesratherthanjails.stays. Let’s face it –
Iprobably seen it – a nameless the current state of mental
person wandering down the street, Sure, one might think – that’s great, but can wehealthcareintheUSisincrisis.
screaming at people and things only he afford to treat mental illness at the community
can see. If you stuck around long enough, level? The outcome of these new procedures isThe privatization of mental health care 30
you probably saw the police arrive – and clear – for example, San Antonio recently savedyearsagocreatedamentalhealthdivide:
even though the man has not harmed over $50 million dollars in the last five years after
anyone, the officers begin shouting they implemented a diversion program –Those who could afford care would receive
orders at him he cannot possibly including building and staffing the publictreatment, and Those who could not be
understand. facilities.imprisoned.
He is incapable of complying, so the In the end, so long as mental health care isToday, most people who experience
officers wrestle him to the ground and privatized, mental illness among the middle classmental health issues are largely ignored by
arrest him. As if that wasn’t enough, the andpoorwillbepunishablebylaw.Themyth thatthesystemandoftengountreated.
man can’t afford bail, so he languishes in is treating the mentally ill with community
jail for a month before his case is centers will hit taxpayers in the wallet is simplySo what did we expect when someone
dropped. false–ithasbeenproventimeandagaininrecentbeginssufferingfromamentalhealthcrisis?
years that such facilities actually save taxpayerSans community programs, the police
InAmericatoday,thereareoveraquarter money.become our first line of treatment for
million inmates in prisons that have been everything from schizophrenic episodes to
diagnosed with some form of mental That’s why major cities like Los Angeles and Newpsychotic breaks. In other words, what
illness. Compare that to the 30,000 or so York are organizing tasks forces to eliminate theshould be treated as a medical crisis is now
mentally ill patients in American criminalization of mental illness. Plans includebeingtreatedasacrime.
psychiatric facilities – if the disparity enhanced training for the police and establishing
between the two numbers is shocking to mental health community centers that canAnd it goes downhill from there. Once the
you,well–itshouldbe. provide comprehensive treatment. While thesementally ill enter prison, they are often
plans will save millions, it also saves some ofneglected and abused by both the prison
ThebottomlineisthatAmericahas society’s most vulnerable citizens from thestaff and other inmates. The guards, who
criminalizedmentalillness. current systemic abuse of the poor and mentallyare not trained to deal with a mental health
ill.crisis, often see psychotic symptoms as
A recently released film by Brave New aggressionornon-compliance.
Films illustrates this crisis and is For more information, make certain to watch the
attempting to raise awareness of the Brave New World film series “CriminalizingIf they are treated in prison, medications
issue and create a public dialog about Mental Health“. New episodes are planned to beand therapy cease after release – often
treatmentoptionsratherthanprison releasedweekly.leading to the return of the symptoms that
oni ot fa Mzil ea nn ti a
6. Warning Signs you could harm yourself or others, and clergy can be valuable
Early signs of schizophrenia include such intensity is rare. Symptoms are s o u r c e s o f
unusual tension or irritability, insomnia usually arrested and managed by e n c o u r a g e m e n t .
and difficulty concentrating. As the antipsychotic drugs. Support programs in
disease progresses, emotions are the mental health
affected. The following symptoms Antipsychotic drugs work by acting on system will teach you
should be taken very seriously: certain brain chemicals, mainly how to cope with
dopamine. This feel-good chemical symptoms that crop up
Ÿ Social withdrawal plays an important role in your unexpectedly. You’ll
Ÿ Dulled emotions perception of pleasure. It’s also learn to monitor your
Ÿ Lack of motivation involved in thinking, learning, own medication and
Ÿ Thoughts that jump rapidly from one motivation, judgment and deciding be alert to unwanted
topic to another what’s important or meaningful. side effects. Sometimes,
Ÿ Hearing or seeing things that aren’t Dopamine even keeps your motor skills living in a group home during the adjustment
there, especially hearing voices sharp. period is recommended.
inside your head
Ÿ Strongly held beliefs or ideas that However, when the dopamine system is You should also adopt a healthy lifestyle.
others find unreasonable overly active and chemical levels are too Nutrition, exercise and quality sleep are
Ÿ Episodes of bizarre behavior that high, thinking can become disordered. excellent for your brain and body and keep your
you couldn’t explain or were later Delusions or hallucinations might result. meds working at top efficiency. Recreational
embarrassed about Antipsychotic drugs correct the imbalance, drugs and alcohol, on the other hand, will
allowing you to think clearly and have negate the drugs’ effects and most likely
Bear in mind that these symptoms don’t peace of mind. trigger psychotic episodes.
reflect on your character. Schizophrenia
is a disease, just like diabetes and Your doctor may have to try a few different Living with schizophrenia is never easy, but
asthma. meds before hitting on the one that’s best with proper care, you can take the reins. Reach
for you, so frequent communication is out for help today.
imperative.Arresting Schizophrenia
Support therapy is also advised. Friends,You will only be hospitalized if
family members, coworkers, teachers andpsychotic episodes are so intense that
People with
usually suffer
or homelessness.
8. Does Your Child
Have an Eating Disorder?
You Are Not Alone
The first, and most important, thing to disordershavethehighestmortalityrate often play a role in the disorder, other factors can
realize is that eating disorders are most ofanymentaldisorder. act as a trigger or cause a much greater chance of
often caused by a confluence of factors – manifestation.
social, genetic, and psychological – that Temperament
fuse into a “perfect storm” and manifest If you’ve been a parent for any amount of SocioculturalFactors
in your child as an eating disorder. The time at all, you probably already realize that Peer pressure – whether delivered in person or
next thing you need to understand is that every child is utterly unique. That being via social media – can cause a child to desire a
itishighlyunlikelythatyoucaused(either said, science has uncovered several more acceptable body appearance. For example,
directly or indirectly) your child’s eating personality traits that seem to be more consider the modern adolescent trend of posting
disorder. Rather, there were most likely prevalent in adolescents with eating picturesonlinetoreceivefeedback.
several factors that contributed to the disorders.Thesetraitsinclude:
diagnosis. FamilyDynamics
Ÿ Competitiveness, In the not-so-distant past, therapists were often
Even today, there is a tendency in society Ÿ Easily influenced by punishments and trained to assess blame for a child’s eating
to dismiss eating disorders as a relatively rewards, disorder on his or her parents. While science
harmless and temporary illness. Nothing Ÿ Perfectionism,and today has largely discredited this notion, the
could be further from the truth – Ÿ Oftendisplaysimpulsivebehavior. family can play an important role in the recovery
consider,forexample: process by becoming a source of empowerment
Of course, just the presence of these traits andemotionalsupport.
Ÿ Almost half of people with diagnosed do not always foreshadow an eating
with eating disorders meet the disorder in the future – but some or all of In the end, it’s important to understand the
criteriaforclinicaldepression. these traits are often found in those source of the eating disorder is almost irrelevant
Ÿ Less than 10% of people with eating afflicted. – rather, parents should focus on identifying the
disorders receive treatment. And of problemandseekingprofessionalhelp.
those that receive treatment, less Genetics
than a third receive holistic in-patient Recent studies have confirmed that While understanding the symptoms and causes
treatment. individuals with a family history of eating of your child’s eating disorder will not stop the
Ÿ In 2014, there were over 30 million disorders are 8-12 times more likely to self-destructive nature of the disease, it will help
people of all ages and genders develop one themselves – in other words, you work with your doctor, nutritionist, and
diagnosed with an eating disorder in eatingdisordersareofteninherited. therapistmoreeffectively.
Ÿ Finally, and most importantly, eating Keep in mind, however, that while genetics
Just How Did My Child Get an Eating Disorder? Disbelief. Embarrassment. Anger.
The verdict is in: your doctor is convinced your child has an eating disorder.
How exactly did this happen? What did you do wrong?
9. The Biggest Misconception
about Bipolar Disorder
t The Beautiful Mind Foundation, disorder causes rapid and dramatic mood irritable the rest of the day. Or conversely –
we believe today there is a great changes in the course of a single day. sometimes you wake up cranky, and something
deal of misconceptions, half- Nothing could be further from the truth – in good happens – perhaps you receive a gift. YourAtruths, and outright rumors circulating fact, the vast majority of bipolar disorder mood quickly improves, but you often feel like
regarding bipolar disorder. A recent study sufferers experience mood swings over youareonanemotionalrollercoaster.
released the National Alliance on Mental weeks,nothours.
Illness (NAMI) showed a great This type of unstable mood
deal of new psychiatric condition can have a
patients believe they have disastrous effect on almost
bipolar disorder, only later all facets of a patient’s life
to be diagnosed with and is often diagnosed as a
something completely personalitydisorder.
different. So, let’s talk about
the biggest misconception about bipolar Personality disorders are chronic and consistent
disorder. patterns of uncontrollable behavior and
So – if you are experiencing rapid mood thoughts.
changes in the course of a day, and they canTo be fair, psychiatrists have a tough job
be linked to stressors, you probably do notproperly diagnosing many personality On the other hand, bipolar disorder is more often
have bipolar disorder. The next question todisorders because they often manifest associated with distinct periods of irritable or
ask yourself is if your mood swings arewith similar symptoms. Accurate elevated moods that can last several days or
impairing your ability to work and thediagnosis is key, however – because weeks.
qualityofyourrelationships.treatments vary widely across the
spectrumofmentaldisorders. In the end, we believe strongly as a society we
Ifso,let’sbreakdownatypicaldayforyouto should have as much compassion and empathy
seeifitresonates:The most common misconception is for someone with a mental illness as we do for
Youwakeupfeelinggreatbutthensomeonepatients who believe that bipolar someonewithaphysicalillnessordisability.
cuts you off on the freeway, and you are
So – if you are experiencing rapid mood changes in
the course of a day, and they can be linked to stressors,
you probably do not have bipolar disorder
11. yan watched warily as his mother But this wasn’t the worst part of his day. thispark;baseball,football,summerbarbecues…
finished her last drink of the Earlier, his girlfriend had admitted to it all seemed so long ago now and just thinking
Revening. It was hard to know how cheating with one of his friends. Also about it hurt. He sat down at a bench overlooking
this time of day would play out – would hanging over him was his latest report card a pond and took the gun out of his pants. He
she start screaming and yelling at him or – he was failing in several of his classes. But studied the revolver intently, stroking the barrel
simply trudge upstairs and sleep it off? so what? They had no money, so no chance andfeelingatearwellingupinhiseye.
Her drinking had always been a problem ofcollegeanyway.
but had gotten much worse since the Ryan is not alone – this scene, or one like it, plays
divorce. Ryan had begun to worry if life was worth outevery15minutesinAmerica.Consider:
the trouble. He was utterly exhausted and
Swaying, she got up from her chair and worn out at the age of sixteen, and Ÿ Nearly 30,000 Americans commit suicide
woozily made her way to her bedroom. wonderedwhatitwouldbeliketojustcheck everyyear.
To Ryan, this was becoming a nightly out.Wouldanybodycare? Ÿ In the U.S., suicide rates are highest during
ritual – sometimes she might stumble, thespring.
and he would rush to help her back up. Ryan picked himself up from his chair and Ÿ Suicideisthe3rdleadingcauseofdeathfor15
Tonight, thankfully, he heard her fall into walked over to his mom’s laptop. He sent an to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-year-
her bed, probably asleep before her head email to his ex-girlfriend and his mom and olds.
hitthepillow. saidgoodbye. Ÿ Each suicide intimately affects at least six
Day by day, he felt his life slipping away – He walked out to the garage and reached
it felt as if the world was sucking the life into his dad’s old toolbox. He pulled out a So there it is – the cold, hard facts about suicide.
rightoutofhim.Hefeltbrokenandalone. small revolver his dad kept there; it was Depression is the primary driver of suicides in
supposed to be a secret, but Ryan had America. The sad truth of the matter is that you
It wasn’t always like this. Before the knownaboutitsincehewastwelve.Hetook or someone you know has likely been affected by
divorce, his mom held a steady job and the gun and placed it in the pocket of his depressionandsuicide.
managed to take care of everything at slacks.
home. Since the divorce, however, she If you know someone who is walking the dark
had turned to the bottle. She had trouble Ryan exited the garage and headed to the road, or if you are personally struggling with
keeping a job as result, and was just neighborhood park. He tried to remember depression, don’t give up hope. Get professional
terminatedtodayfromherlatestgig. all the good times he had with his father in helpassoonaspossible.
13. Can Help Prevent Depression
epression is a serious mental Stanley Safety plan has proven itself as an networks and rely on a specific set of self-care
illness and can be debilitating for effective suicide prevention tool. It is practices. Still, if you aren’t feeling better, the
those who suffer from it. In this currentlyusedinmanylargedepressionand plancanalsohelpyouconnectwithacrisiscenterDarticle, we will provide 4 suicidepreventioninitiatives,including: ormentalhealthprofessionalsinyourarea.
specially created steps of planning with
aimtopreventdepression. Veterans’ Health Administration, State This version of the plan focuses on your emotions
with the goal of preventing you from entering
Begin by documenting your moods prior to a
depressive episode – and also include any
situational triggers that precede or may even
cause your episodes. For example, are you
sleeping more or less? Are you less interested in
Next, list your coping strategies – what can you
do to avoid feeling depressed? Some people find
running or long walks can ease their moods,
others like to treat themselves to something like
manicure, pedicure, or makeover. Don’t worry if
your strategies are superficial – if it makes you
Mental Health Systems (including NY and You may not feel like it, but forcing yourself to
While therapy and drugs can help the Georgia), Military Behavioral Health socialize with other people will probably lift your
majority of those with the illness, Systems, Crisis Hotlines Hospital Emergency spirits. So go for it – pack your calendar with
monitoring and planning for depressive Departments, College Counseling Centers, activities with friends and family. Let’s face it –
episodes can also help maintain a more High School Counseling Outpatient Clinics sometimes there is no cause or trigger for a
healthylifestyle. andPrivatePractices. depressive episode. A busy social life can distract
you from your symptoms and may help keep your
Can you prevent an episode from The plan is progressive and encourages episodeatbay.
occurring?Muchdependsontheseverity participants to lean on their support
of your case, but for many, the
answer is an unqualified “yes”. Next, don’t put off calling in the
Having a plan that helps you experts.
recognize your early symptoms List the names of your mental health
and engages your coping skills can professionals – your doctors and
often prevent the onset of a therapists, along with your pharmacist.
depressiveepisode. Also, remember to include the number
for the National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline.How to Create Your
Depression Prevention
Finally, don’t forget to share your planPlan
with your family and trusted friends –
you’ll appreciate their support andWhile there are many good
guidancewhenyouneeditthemost.preventions plans today, the
Gregory Brown and Barbara
14. Still, coping with a spiral of negative you feel safe – perhaps a favorite chair or remember the feeling of ease, and it will make
thoughtscanharmevenmentallyhealthy sofa, or even in the bathroom. Next, turn on you feel safe enough to explore some of your
people emotionally. When it happens to some relaxing music and try closing your negativityandconfusion.
someone with a mental illness, the eyes. Notice your environment – what
results can be devastating. In the article, temperature is it? What do you hear? What Createacollageofyourfeelingsandthoughts.
we will explain how to deal with painful colorsarepresent?
thoughtsandemotionswithcreativity. You probably did something similar back in
school – page through magazines and
So – what are the best techniques for Next, take a picture of your space and keep newspapers and find images that express your
coping with negative thoughts and ithandy–perhapsuseitasthewallpaperon emotions. Today you can also use Google’s image
emotions? Most of us learned at a very yourphone.Whenyouseeit,youwill search. Print or tear the images out and glue
early age that crying and getting angry is them to a piece of paper. When it’s complete,
simply not acceptable. Once again, our journal or blog about the images you selected.
society often seems to be laser-focused Whataretheytryingtotellyou?
on happiness, while other emotions, like
sadness, anger, and confusion are often
stigmatized. What can we do to best Practiceasymbolicrelease.
deal with negative thoughts and
emotions? In this exercise, you’ll enter your safe place and
write down the things that are bothering you on
First recognize that these emotions strips of colored paper. Once complete, cut out
are part of the normal human each item and place within a jar. Take a second
experience. Dealing with them to look at the paper in the jar, and then burn or
honestly and effectively requires a burythem.Yes,it’ssymbolic–butitworks.
set of healthy techniques to help
you successfully navigate the range
ofyouremotions. In the end, it’s very important to process
While some of the activities below
may seem simplistic, it’s important If these exercises feel too small and
to keep in mind that they are narrow to process your feelings,
designed to identify and deal with try working with a therapist
the root causes of your who integrates art into
negative feelings. Talking their therapy. This
about your feelings can type of therapy is
certainly help, but these p a r t i c u l a r l y
exercises engage you at a effective because it
more rational part of your provides a safe and
mind – a deeper expression, creative backdrop
inotherwords. with which to
e x p l o r e y o u r
This could be any quiet
place in your home that
Nobody likes to be caught
obsessing over negative thoughts
and emotions. After all,
doesn’t our society
constantly remind us
how happiness is our
ultimate goal?
15. Even if you don't take antidepressants, effectscanbediscouraging. over 60% of respondents reported mood
chances are you know someone who elevation after 25-30 minutes of moderate
does. A recent study revealed that 18% of So - if you're not willing to deal with the side activitylikewalkingorgardening.
alladultstakealeastoneantidepressant- effects, or if antidepressants just don't work
a90%increaseinthelastdecade. for you, consider the following low-tech Spendsometimeinthesun
waysofdealingwithyourdepression: In recent years, sunshine has gotten a bad rap.
Depression is one of the most common While there are certainly risks to prolonged
forms of mental illness and is the largest Tryroserootherb exposure, moderate exposure helps your brain
single cause of suicide in America. A recent study at the University of regulate melatonin and serotonin. A recent study
Antidepressant usage is rising as more Pennsylvania proved the effectiveness of also found that the Vitamin D absorbed by your
people are acknowledging their disorder Rhodiola rosea (roseroot). Besides being skin from the sun reduced depressive symptoms
andturningtomedicationfortreatment. proven as effective as mainstream by20%.
antidepressants, roseroot also produced far
Just a few years ago, mental health fewersideeffects. If you are struggling with your moods and
experts uniformly believed that wondering if you are clinically depressed, start by
depression was rooted in a chemical Practicemindfulness taking a free self-assessment at Mental Health
imbalancein the brain.Today, experts are Mindfulness is all about rewiring your brain America
taking a more holistic approach - the and making it less reactive to negative
prevailing theory proposes that stimulus. It's also the basis of mindfulness-
depression is caused by several factors, based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which was health-screen/patient-health
including nerve problems, life events, recently proven as effective as
genetics, and underlying medical antidepressants in a two-year study in the Next, be brutally honest and ask your friends for
conditions. UnitedKingdom. their opinions. If you've shown signs of
depression, it's very likely they've noticed - but
Antidepressants are now backed by Getoutthere maybehavenotsaidanything.
decades of research and usage, and can Study after study has proven a link between
unquestionably bring some patients out depression and physical activity: the more Finally, spend some time with your family doctor.
of severe depression. That being said, physical you are, the less likely you are to You may be referred to a psychiatrist and therapy
antidepressants simply don't work for becoming depressed. A recent study by the -eitherway,thisisyourfirststep.
everyone, and the high incidence of side University of Toronto reinforced this idea;
Low Tech Alternatives To
16. Looks like the old adage about small town life might have a grain of
truth in it. According to a recent study by Stanford University, people
who live in urban areas are far more likely to suffer from chronic mental
illness - particularly depression.
The good news? The study also found the antidote: get out of your office
and take a walk in the park.
The researchers found that walking in a nature setting reduces
negative thought cycles and other obsessive thoughts that play into
depression and anxiety disorders.
In the study, researchers asked 40 men and women to answer
questions to ascertain their tendency toward obsessive thought
patterns. Next they underwent brain scans targeting a particular region
of the brain that is active during this type of thinking. Finally, the
participants next trekked out on a 90-minute walk either in an urban
area or a nature park.
After the walk, those who walked in the nature setting underwent
another brain scan and revealed a marked decrease in obsessive
thoughts. Those who walked in urban areas, however, experienced no
change in their thought patterns.
The findings, therefore, suggest a direct link between spending time in
nature and mental health.
For those of you who live in urban areas, the study indicated that
spending just a couple of hours each week in the park can improve your
well-being. Another recent British study concluded that simply walking
through green spaces can put your mind into a light state of meditation.
The issue is likely to affect more people in the near future. More than
50% of the world's population lives in cities today, but by 2050 that
number is expected to increase to 70%. As parks and other natural
areas within urban areas continue to be reduced or closed, many
people will have little or no contact with nature.
Do you spend enough time in nature? Do you think it improves your
overall mental health?
City Living May Be Harming
Your Mental Health
City Living May Be Harming
Your Mental Health
Slow Down?
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Heal Slower?
& Even Look Older?
Have you heard of this
safe & simple health breakthrough?
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Dr. David & Wendy Silverman
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FREE TOPICAL GEL SAMPLE, call or e-mail:
Slow Down?
Have More Health Issues?
Heal Slower?
& Even Look Older?
Slow Down?
Have More Health Issues?
Heal Slower?
& Even Look Older?
Eustacio Green
Call for appointment
Can’t Come? No Problem ...
I will come to you.
Coach In Motion
7012 Benjamin St.
McLean, VA 22101
OFFICE: 703-928-7979
19. 12300 Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 250
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Office: 240-669-9094 x1007
Mobile: 301-509-9033
Office 301.907.7600 Cell 301.758.7224
The #3 Agent in the Long & Faster Real Estate, Inc. Bethesda Gateway Office with over $1 BILLION in sales for 2014
Bethesda Gateway Office 4650 East-West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814 301.907.7600
21. Office: 301.634.1411 | Direct: 301.634.1419 | Cell: 855.890.1956
E-Fax: 240.331.6484 | Toll Free: 866.647.5088
Proud Supporter of
The Beautiful Mind Foundation
For all of your legal needs, please call…
Matt Bergman, Esquire
301-255-0529 |
12505 Park Potomac Avenue | Potomac, MD 20854
23. Phone: 240-338-2335 E-mail:
Let your personalities shine through
MBK Photography
Designs By VELMA
The Kennedy Center, Broadway & Notional Tour
8601 Georgia Ave., Suite 1001
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-608-3900
Fax: 301-608-0799
Robin Tripp 301-351-5161
Welcome to Ed Tripp Tennis. Ed Tripp,
USPTA has been teaching and running
programs in Montgomery County for over 27
years. He is widely known for his unique
ability to teach and motivate people of all
ages and levels and cultivate a love for the
game of tennis. Ed’s programs are run year
round at two locations. In the spring,
summer and fall his programs are held at
Westleigh Recreation Club where he has
been the Head Pro and Director for 25 years.
In the winter he runs adult and junior clinics
and teams at Potomac Swim & Tennis. Ed is
a recipient of the Mid-Atlantic Unsung Hero
award from USTA Magazine.
27. Amy Smith and Write Ideas, Inc., applaud new
causes in our community. We wish Stacy Birnbach
and A Beautiful Mind Foundation much success in
raising awareness and helping others.
Amy Smith and Write Ideas, Inc., applaud new
causes in our community. We wish Stacy Birnbach
and A Beautiful Mind Foundation much success in
raising awareness and helping others.
29. We offer:
Core Flow
Yoga for Athletes and Junior Athletes
Healing Yoga
Thai-Yoga Therapy
Myofacial Release Technique
East and West Massage
Ayurvedic Therapy
Nutritional support and counseling
We are currently offering a 10 days for
10.00 special to try all of our classes.
Just use the code: HEALING when you
send us an email.
We aspire to bring your healing potential
to a level you cannot even imagine.
Additionally, if anyone
signs up for an autopay
membership we will
be giving
Cell:+1 (240) 444-0101 fax: +1 (202) 478-5196
Office: +1 (301) 299-1013
At one Aum we strive to bring a fresh voice to a timeless tradition, Healing.
The owners Sean.FM and Shannon Sharma are siblings that have united
their love of family, healing and yoga and bodywork. They have a proven
success record for over 10 years. They are firmly rooted in tradition, lineage
and community. The two of them have a total of over 30 years of working in
the field of healing and wellness
Shannon Sharma is the teacher’s teacher of the Potomac, Maryland area. If
you have taken yoga in Potomac, most likely you are studying with one of her
former or current students. She believes in building a community of great
teachers and leaders and devotes her life to cultivating greatness in others.
In addition to Sean and Shannon, our teacher’s and therapists are trained at
the highest level with the greatest depth of knowledge and warm loving hearts.
Our style is an interdisciplinary approach towards healing and wellness.
Consequently, all of our members and coworkers share the numerous variety of
services we offer. We stand upon the continued growth, healing and love that
Maryland has show us and we say, Yes!
At one Aum we strive to bring a fresh voice to a timeless tradition, Healing.
The owners Sean.FM and Shannon Sharma are siblings that have united
their love of family, healing and yoga and bodywork. They have a proven
success record for over 10 years. They are firmly rooted in tradition, lineage
and community. The two of them have a total of over 30 years of working in
the field of healing and wellness
Shannon Sharma is the teacher’s teacher of the Potomac, Maryland area. If
you have taken yoga in Potomac, most likely you are studying with one of her
former or current students. She believes in building a community of great
teachers and leaders and devotes her life to cultivating greatness in others.
In addition to Sean and Shannon, our teacher’s and therapists are trained at
the highest level with the greatest depth of knowledge and warm loving hearts.
Our style is an interdisciplinary approach towards healing and wellness.
Consequently, all of our members and coworkers share the numerous variety of
services we offer. We stand upon the continued growth, healing and love that
Maryland has show us and we say, Yes!
30. 7361 Calhoun Place Suite 590 Rockville, Maryland 20855
Email: T : (301) 742-9000
Phone: 917.566.4388 Sbemail:
37. Directions in Art is a full service corporate
& residential Art Consulting firm that
specializes in art advisory services
for the commercial, hospitality,
residential, and private collection market.
For a complimentary consultation,
contact us at
Art Visual Art ArtSolutions Design Selection Placement
www.Directions .cominArt
Joanne Spielman
Julie White
1028 33RD STREET NW, SUITE 320, WASHINGTON, DC 20007 | 202.236.0749
39. Finding the perfect
summer experience for
your child is easy as:
Talk to an expert, a friendly Summer 365
Counselor with knowledge on over 500
sleepaway camps and summer programs.
Discover the perfect match based on
budget, location, timetable, programs,
or interests.
That’s right, Summer 365 is a
complimentary service. There’s no fee!
Andrea Grinspoon,
301.520.5430 |
40. The Judith A. Lese Breast
Cancer Foundation, Inc.
100% of contributions are disbursed
“in the pursuit of education and cure for breast cancer”
16012 Chester Mill Terrace, Silver Spring, MD 20906
Web: | Email:
Phone: 301-774-6719 | 501(c)(3) Organization | CFC Code: 53302
Saphira is the first company to bring the minerals
of the Dead Sea to the world of hair care.
The Dead Sea is rich with 26 essential minerals,
twelve of which are unique to this invaluable
landmark.These minerals nourish the scalp,
activate circulation and enhance relaxation,
repairing the hair and protecting it from stress
and environmental damage.
53. Robin Tripp, Personal Stylist with J.
Hilburn Luxury Menswear
What a Personal Stylist Can Do For You
I'm Robin Tripp, Personal Stylist with J. Hilburn Luxury Menswear. Passion for design and fashion is
my driving force. I'm here to assist the guy who doesn't have the time (or, perhaps, the inclination) to
find clothes that fit his lifestyle or body type. And whether that means helping decipher a dress code or
select the most flattering suit, I'll always shoot straight. Delivering quality is my business, and I am
excited about helping my clients look great and feel great about the way they dress!
In memory of Sylvester Jackson who committed
suicide on January 14, 1995. He reached out for
help on a few occasions but unfortunately he did
not get the help he really needed that would have
helped him with coping with everyday life.
54. Enlightened Medicine
Alan R.Vinitsky, MD
Internist, Pediatrician & Environmental Medicine
902 Wind River Lane
Suite 201
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
P: 301.840.0002, A: 866.961.6802
F: 301.417.0262
55. 3202 Tower Oaks Boulevard, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: (301) 468-1001 Fax: (301) 468-1101
At NSI we offer highly personalized and
comprehensive evaluation and treatment for any
mental health disorders. We are also a clinical
research company and conduct cutting edge
research for new medications and therapies in
collaboration with NIH, academic institutions
and pharmaceutical companies.
56. Send an email for appointment to
Are you looking to support a healthy lifestyle through a holistic approach which is QUICK, NON INVASIVE,
SAFE, and EFFECTIVE. Then NES Health's unique system of healthcare is for you. Imagine the human body as
a computer, a computer software is prone to Bugs and Glitches, which affect the hardware, so is the body's
information system effected by stress, trauma and illness, creating distortions and errors.
NES works to correct the control system of the body, rebalance, support, optimize and enhance its information
transfer and energy systems resulting in a healthier body. The program starts with a NES scan (a body field
assessment) which is safe, simple, non-invasive and effective using a palm size scanner device, which
involves simply resting your hand on the palm size scanner device for 20 seconds, your Human Body-Field is
then scanned monitoring the quality of its responses and then prioritizing the results. The scan reports over
150 factors about your health including nutritional, emotional and environmental issues, NES research reveals
that if your body field is not responding well, then it is not properly working to regulate the energy and
information flow your body needs to do its job of keeping you healthy and well.
The NES scan reports are addressed using NES infoceutical drops. These specially encoded infoceuticals
interact directly with the Human Body Field and remove or resolve blockages caused by shock, traumas,
emotional issues, illness and injury, the infoceuticals returns your body field to its natural functioning by
enhancing your body's own natural maintenance, repair and self-healing capabilities.NES has proved to be
highly effective in supporting people with many health issues and significant positive changes including
- Improved health
- Deep, restful sleep
- More energy
- Improved skin condition
- Improved digestion
- Reduced pain & discomfort
- Improved blood-sugar regulation
- Heightened mental clarity
- Calmer emotions
- Better tolerance to stress
Address: Photography by John Keith, Jollys Farm,
Town Lane, Much Hoole, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 4GJ
Phone: 01772 614 979 Mobile: 07436 262 233
Studio and location photographer located
near Preston and working across Lancashire
Photography by John Keith is a friendly,
family-run business with more than 20
years of experience behind us. Our studio is
in Much Hoole, between Preston and
Southport and has plenty of parking nearby.
We are specialists in studio and location
portrait, wedding, 'cherub' and
fashion/boudoir photography; with our
location giving us the flexibility to
photograph you in our studio or in our
beautiful outdoor settings.
Photography is our passion and we pride
ourselves on the personal service that we
provide; from the initial consultation and
photo shoot, right through to the viewing
and final presentation of the completed
Reader & Adviser
Specializing in Spiritual Healing & Tarot,
Energy Readings.
10120 Falls, Rd Potomac Md
301-637-9116 410-336-9081
Call for Appointments Today!
I have been a Life/Love Coach for over 15 years,
I specailize In Relationship, Career, Finances & Health.
I am a Psychic/Meium Who can help you
understand your PastPresent and Future
63. Phone 202.338.1146 1120 20th Street NW Suite # 101 Washington, D.C. 20036
with every
71. The Manor Montessori School
PO Box 60691
Potomac, MD 20859
(301) 299-7400
Founded in 1962, The Manor Montessori School was the first Montessori school
established in the State of Maryland. It is also one of the few Montessori schools to have
constructed its own facility, in Potomac, which was specifically designed for children
working in a Montessori environment. The Manor Montessori School provides a warm
and nurturing atmosphere for children between the ages of two and nine.
Learn to love to do
well and you shall
72. Phobias and Fear:
Acupuncture from Brad Hill cured my irrational fear of the power of water. Since buying a boat 4 years ago, I have
not been able to enjoy it, until this summer. It used to be that every time I got onto the boat, I knew that my 2 children,
my husband, and I were going to die, and no one could convince me otherwise. I'm a very cerebral person; I can
almost always reason myself out of (and into) anything. This unreasonable terror got worse every summer, until I
just stopped going with my family on the boat. This was unacceptable to me... we live on the coast of Maine, for
crying out loud! I finally accepted that I needed someone else's help with overcoming this debilitating emotion.
I first tried 10 months (boating off-season) of polarity therapy and had only positive expectations that following
summer. The first day out, on semi-choppy water, I totally panicked. I was so angry with myself for failing at this.
This experience proved to me, without a doubt, that my issue was not a matter of "mind over matter;" I had started
the season with 100% confidence that polarity therapy had erased my terror. My failure was shocking to me.
I then tried 10 months of acupuncture from Brad Hill the following off-season, because it couldn't hurt. And when I
stepped onto our boat this summer, I was NOT filled with confidence. Why should I trust acupuncture, after I trusted
polarity therapy, and had no success? But I had to get on the boat, because we had guests. It was a particularly
choppy day. I assumed my position: shotgun, white-knuckling the dashboard, and holding my breath. I refrained
from donning my lifejacket, which I usually do, so I wouldn't scare our guests. After about 2 minutes, I realized I
wasn't holding my breath, and that I wasn't feeling like we were all going to die, as I was completely prepared to feel.
I found this very curious. I thought about the situation. I looked around, a bit surprised. I let go of the dashboard. I did
not panic. I took a really deep breath (usually totally impossible for me on the boat), and still did not panic. We
bounced to our destination, and I was ecstatic!
Although I did not enjoy myself on the bumpy ride, I DID NOT FEEL LIKE I WAS GOING TO DIE. I knew that the
acupuncture treatments had worked on a very deep level, in a very subtle and powerful way, to get me over my
hump. The rest of my recovery will involve baby-stepping my way to total
comfort and ultimately, joy. -Anonymous
Pain and Stress:
Curiosity was the reason I first decided to try acupuncture and it was results
that kept me coming back for over two years. I am an Osteopathic Physician
who appreciates the concept of mind, body and spirit medicine. The results
that have occurred give me a great trust in Brad and his application of the
therapy. I have experienced resolution of many middle-aged male aches and
pains and no longer need to use Advil on a daily basis. Most importantly, I am
a calmer person and don't feel like I am going to die anymore.
I have a professionally stressful life and during the past five years I have seen
my marriage dissolving. The despair I felt was as if I was dying. After a few
months of treatment with brad, I regained my balance of mind-body-spirit and
the feelings dissipated. I am now receiving maintenance therapy and life is
much richer. - Dr. J.R.