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Now Next Near Future
Our Planning Framework for COVID-19 and beyond.
We have produced this playbook to try and help. The marketing
world we all knew is changing rapidly, there is a new normal
emerging. For now, based on what we are doing, what our
clients are doing, what the data is showing us, what we are
thinking and what our experience tells us, we have put the
following playbook together.
We hope that by sharing our observations it will help you
evaluate your approach, possibly learn some new things to keep
your business and marketing e orts healthy and put your brand
in the best place to emerge once a consistent “normal” is
How we can help
There are lots of guides out there, some good,
some bad, some we are not sure about.
We use it to identify the best opportunities for clients,
whether we’re doing a piece of full on strategic
consultancy, monthly media plans or creative ideations
R.O.A.R is our strategic planning process
R.O.A.R. can be used for any category
In essence it is a problem solving method, R.O.A.R
is perfectly placed to help us tackle the current
challenges of coronavirus
We have adapted it to help answer some of the
additional questions you may have now, next and
in the near future
R.O.A.R for COVID-19
Reality Opportunity Action Results
Look at consumer
behaviour and current
channel mix to aid e ective
Plan a response for now,
next and near future.
Work with your partners to
take informed actions and
put in place clear next
steps, with assigned
Optimise, monitor results
and repeat the process for
ongoing improvement.
In this playbook we map out the new reality as we see it, identifying core areas of opportunity
and the actions you may want to consider. Read on to nd out more.
Changing consumer behaviour
When the lockdown rst hit most people focused on
immediate and fundamental physical needs: personal safety,
food and medicine, the safety of family and friends.
As those needs were met we’ve seen a shift to the need for
psychological safety including connection (think the growth
of Zoom for group chats and virtual pub quizzes); community
(neighbourhood volunteering and clapping for the NHS); and
familiarity and comfort (28% of people are watching classic
TV shows, and 52% of 18-24 year olds are seeking familiar
In line with theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we
can expect consumer behaviour to ebb and ow along these
lines as the pandemic progresses. If it worsens expect more
focus on fundamental needs, as things improve, or people get
used to lockdown, expect higher needs to become important.
Sources: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Changing consumer behaviour
With the immediate physiological and psychological
basics dealt with, and as boredom kicked in, people
have turned to other pursuits.
Whether it’s exercise and wellbeing, entertainment,
recipes, home maintenance & improvement, or home
learning, people are actively seeking ways to keep
themselves and their kids occupied and healthy.
While consumers are generally spending less, and some
markets, like travel, have been severely a ected, others
are seeing a signi cant uplift in demand aligned to
changing needs and interests. Online grocery shopping
& streaming services are obvious examples, but amongst
our clients we’ve seen an increase in home & garden,
toys, luxury food, and ecommerce retail.
We’ve also seen signi cant uplift in sales through
voucher code and deal sites as consumers look to save
money when they do shop.
Unsurprisingly most consumers have turned to home
media. For younger audiences this often means music
and video streaming and online or console gaming.
Older audiences are more likely to turn to broadcast TV.
Consumption of online news and social media content
feature highly across most age groups.
Interests Buying Behaviours Media Consumption
These changes present both challenges and opportunities.
A factor that impacts sales of one product, or limits advertising in some channels, opens new opportunities in other areas.
How are brands responding?
Smirno has pledged enough alcohol for 8 million bottles of hand sanitiser
Frontline support Stay home support
Brand activity is falling into four key categories
1 2
Closer to home Whittaker’s Gin has o ered their distillate to help Bradford
Royal In rmary clean medical equipment
Crocs are donating shoes to health care workers across the U.S
The body shop is gifting care packages to NHS care workers
Supermarkets have given priority to key workers at speci c times
Amazon now focuses on essential items including daily household staples,
baby and medical supplies
Net ix Party allows you to watch shows with friends around the world and
discuss in the chat function
Mercedes and Audi published free to download colouring books
Chipotle Together are Zoom lunches to encourage connection while still social
distancing. These include Chipotle inspired presentations, celebrity
appearances and chances to win vouchers for online delivery 
‘Weathering the storm’ from Headspace meditation, sleep and exercise
790,000 children tuned in to the rst of Joe Wicks’ daily live PE lessons.
He is donating all advertising revenue to the NHS
How are brands responding?
Spotify launched the Covid-19 music relief programme to help provide
nancial relief to a ected musicians
Job support Best laid plans support
Brand activity is falling into four key categories
3 4
Aviation gin kicked o #TipYourBartenders with a $15,000 donation to the
United States Bartender’s Guild
Adobe o ers free access to its Creative Cloud for two months to support
remote working
Microsoft has widened the freemium version of Teams
Many brands are making public their plans to support their sta
Virgin Atlantic launched relief ights to get stranded travellers back home
Magpie, a company specialising in artisan wedding inspiration provided
advice for couples on how to mark their postponed wedding day
Why respond?
Consumer expectations
30% want practical, realistic advice while another 18% want brands to reduce
anxiety and understand consumers’ concerns
81% of global consumers think brands should o er free services
83% of consumers globally are in favour of brands responding to the outbreak by
o ering exible payment terms
9% of global consumers think brands should help produce essential supplies
Studies show that consumers expect brands to play an active
role in supporting society’s response to the pandemic, whether
that’s practically, nancially or emotionally.
70% of UK consumers think brands should suspend normal factory production to
help produce essentials during the Coronavirus
Sources: Kantar, Global Web Index
Some of the brands helping to produce essential supplies
Why respond?
The lesson of recession
Research has shown that brands that reduce marketing spend during
times of recession often come out the other end weaker.
It is important to recognise what we are facing is no normal recession,
however as we discuss next, marketing basics still apply, and this data
does o er clues as to what we might expect.
Sources: Milward Brown
Brands that go dark during recessions
su er signi cant brand metrics decline.
NET change
Use Image
Millward Brown evidence:
60% of brands ‘going dark’ decline on at least one key
brand metric (i.e. relationship su ers)
Why respond?
Marketing basics still apply
In his seminal book “how brands grow”, Byron Sharp describes growth as a
matter of mental and physical availability. In short, consumers must recognise
and remember your brand in order to choose your products in a buying
This is achieved by building lasting memory structures through marketing.
Cutting marketing spend arrests this process. Mark Ritson summed this up
brilliantly in a recent article, in which he advised those advertisers that could to
pivot to brand.
The temptation is to dump (slashed marketing budgets) it all into shorter-
term performance marketing and sales promotions. That would be an error.
No amount of hot deals and clever sales activation can stimulate a market
that is currently terri ed, locked inside their homes and unsure of their
Confronted with a 50% cut in marketing budgets, the smarter play is to actually
focus more of it on the longer-term brand building mission… Keep the brand
light burning, because the cost of snu ing it out for the rest of 2020 and then
trying to reignite it next year is gigantic. Mark Ritson, Marketing Week
Sources: Byron Sharp, Marketing Week
New opportunities
Opportunities have inevitably changed from what they were a few
months ago. To help you adapt to the changing marketplace, we’ve
de ned ve areas of focus.
Assuming you are able to keep operating through the crisis, identify which of your
products people are most likely to need and focus your activity there.
We have summarised the behavioral trends that we’ve seen, but every audience and
every business is di erent.
By working to understand what the lockdown means for your speci c customers
you can respond in the most appropriate way for your brand.
Make it easy for people to buy. From removing conversion barriers to o ering credit,
it’s never been more important to help customers get what they need.
We don’t know when, but things will return to something like normal. It may not be the
same normal as before - there may be new health protocols, and lasting changes to
consumer and market behaviours, even some false starts and relapses – but consumers
will begin buying again eventually.
Now is a good time to clear out those items you haven’t got round to before, take
advantage of the time if you have a slow down.
Scenario plan to identify potential opportunities and help mitigate uncertainty. Use this to
make sure you’re ready to launch with media plans, messages and content as soon as
things begin to pick up.
Adapt your messaging: there are ways to be present without being intrusive. Do what you
can to support your customers, employees, suppliers or the wider community, be that
physically, mentally, or emotionally. Either way, a pivot to brand is an e ective way to
“keep the brand re burning” as Mark Ritson puts it and can yield positive results in the
long run.
Adapt your channel mix: lockdown has changed media habits so a change in your media mix
could yield results.
Adapt products: analyse what is at the heart of your brand and products. Are you
well placed to create new or adapted products to meet new needs?
Understand the new reality for your customers
Now Next Near future
Audit current segmentation of your customer base
in preparation of likely impacts and behaviour
Create a shortlist of data and information sources
to plot incremental changes. Be selective in your
data sets.
Think about your brand response from the
perspective of your customers or customer
Sensitively and respectfully, ask your customers
for feedback; in-store, at point of purchase or
using CRM tools.
Capture insight and apply to CRM and audience
segmentation. Consider how this changes your
current segmentation.
Identify opportunity and risk based on updated
Speak to your media agency and trusted sources
to understand how media consumption has
changed and which channels to have relevant
conversations in.
Understand the long-term impact on consumers
and your customers, particularly around
employment, finances and health as these will
have the biggest impacts on purchasing and
long-term decision making.
Communicate the customers’ point of view to key
stakeholders in your business and your agency
Incorporate all this in to your H2 & 2021 planning.
Sell, when people want to buy
Now Next Near future
Identify the products and services that can still be
delivered. Pause campaigns and update your
shopping feed where your product is not
Update key landing pages to manage customer
expectations about product availability and
delivery. Keep messaging clear!
Identify and understand demand in the market for
your product or service. Ask your PPC team for
insight on what people are searching for.
Understand competitor activity in SERPS. Ask
your Search agency to provide analysis.
Understand competitor activity in other channels.
Ask your twentysix representative to talk through
our Category Benchmark Data.
Consider product pricing vs market and adjust
CPAs to align with commercial team goals.
Collaborate with internal stakeholders and
partners to identify new growth channels and
move budget appropriately.
Understand and anticipate competitor activity for
each period. Use your channel specialists as eyes
and ears.
Understand shifts in your target audience
sentiment. Speak to your strategy partners to
create a relevant audience persona for each
Identify partners that will enhance the customer
buying experience, such as Klarna and Honey.
Agree and communicate relevant channel KPIs
aligned to media mix and commercial goals.
Communicate more regularly with key
stakeholders and partners.
Create a solid measurement foundation for the
new channel mix aligned to the customer journey.
Speak to your Data Science team about
attribution and measurement.
Adapt to meet new needs
Now Next Near future
Be proactive in communicating delivery times,
call centre handling and returns.
Ensure Google My Business has the right
information. Ask your SEO Account Manager for
Speak to your Commercial team about offering
special discounts to Key Workers (NHS discount).
Conduct an audit of creative and user generated
content assets that can support your approach to
social engagement.
Consider using internal video messages from your
CEO as external communications. Speak to your
video production specialist to edit. Sharing your
company values at this time with customers will
be welcomed.
Understand how consumers are researching if
they are unable to buy your product. Speak to
your UX partner about micro conversions.
Contact your display team to execute an
appropriate re-targeting campaign to engage with
non-converting website visitors – with a view on
creating advocates.
Consider adapting your product to meet a new
need. Speak to your strategy partner about a
business case and opportunity cost planning.
Understand how your competitors are adapting.
Use your agency partner to help.
Review brand messaging, is it still relevant, this
could be a shift in your CSR to deliver active help,
or just offering a message of solidarity.
Perhaps focusing on entertainment is an effective
route. Whatever it is, ensure articulation of your
brand remains relevant and honest.
Clear the backlog
Now Next Near future
Ensure FAQ’s are relevant and speak to your SEO
agency about Featured Snippets in SERPS.
Ask your Development team to focus on
implementing the backlog of technical SEO
Conduct a GDPR audit. Speak to one of our client
services team who is fully trained.
Align your Google Analytics goals with on-site
and in-channel goals. Speak to a member of your
Data Science team to ensure this is correct.
Update customer segmentation in CRM and ask
your programmatic partner to test match rates in
delivery channels.
Map your customer’s journey. Use your strategy
partner to consider research online and purchase
offline (ROPO) touch points.
Audit Google Tag Manager to ensure that all
channels are correctly tracked in Google
Analytics. Speak to a member of your Data
Science team to understand how to do this.
Confirm who has responsibility to ensure that
your YouTube channel reflects your brand
Consider using this time for your team to update
their digital knowledge. Speak to your twentysix
representative about channel training
programmes and Google, Facebook and Amazon
Go back through those UX audits or conversion
audits you have done - focus on removing friction
to improve optimisation. If you haven’t done any
contact twentysix to help you do them.
Get ready for the recovery
Now Next Near future
Create a battlecard of your competitors from the
point of view of your target audience(s). Speak to
your sales teams to align.
Create a list of products that will need to be
prioritised, taking into account availability, latent
customer enquiries, orders and seasonality.
Ask your PPC team how to mitigate against data
loss in delivery channels - if activity has been
paused or conversions have dropped significantly.
Define commercial requirements and
expectations for integrated and in-channel KPIs:
Ask your strategic marketing partner to help plan
H2 2020 and 2021 budgets and expectations.
Create a uniform approach to creative messaging
across all channels. Consider what your brand
message with be in H2 2020 and 2021.
Ask your PPC and Programmatic team about
forecasting principles and agree how and when to
do this so it provides meaningful guidance.
Consider how to communicate and collaborate
with internal stakeholders and agency partners on
a regular basis during the upturn. Putting an
actionable plan in place to manage this can be
hard - twentysix can help define and manage this
for you.
Continuous optimisation
The R.O.A.R ethos
For us, R.O.A.R is a continuous activity:
the results de ne the next reality phase
and fuel the next set of opportunities and
actions. And this becomes even more
important during this fast-moving
Whatever action you take, be prepared to
measure and optimise your results, and
reassess your new reality frequently to
identify the next opportunities.
Contact our senior experts.

0800 320 2626
Thanks for reading, hope it helps in the near future.

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Now, next and near future: Our planning framework for Covid-19 and beyond

  • 1. Now Next Near Future Our Planning Framework for COVID-19 and beyond. info@twentysixdigital.com
  • 2. We have produced this playbook to try and help. The marketing world we all knew is changing rapidly, there is a new normal emerging. For now, based on what we are doing, what our clients are doing, what the data is showing us, what we are thinking and what our experience tells us, we have put the following playbook together. We hope that by sharing our observations it will help you evaluate your approach, possibly learn some new things to keep your business and marketing e orts healthy and put your brand in the best place to emerge once a consistent “normal” is restored.  How we can help There are lots of guides out there, some good, some bad, some we are not sure about.
  • 3. Introducing R.O.A.R We use it to identify the best opportunities for clients, whether we’re doing a piece of full on strategic consultancy, monthly media plans or creative ideations R.O.A.R is our strategic planning process R.O.A.R. can be used for any category In essence it is a problem solving method, R.O.A.R is perfectly placed to help us tackle the current challenges of coronavirus We have adapted it to help answer some of the additional questions you may have now, next and in the near future REALITY OPPORTUNITY RESULTS ACTION R.O.A.R
  • 4. R.O.A.R for COVID-19 Reality Opportunity Action Results Look at consumer behaviour and current channel mix to aid e ective planning. Plan a response for now, next and near future. Work with your partners to take informed actions and put in place clear next steps, with assigned owners. Optimise, monitor results and repeat the process for ongoing improvement. In this playbook we map out the new reality as we see it, identifying core areas of opportunity and the actions you may want to consider. Read on to nd out more.
  • 6. Changing consumer behaviour When the lockdown rst hit most people focused on immediate and fundamental physical needs: personal safety, food and medicine, the safety of family and friends. As those needs were met we’ve seen a shift to the need for psychological safety including connection (think the growth of Zoom for group chats and virtual pub quizzes); community (neighbourhood volunteering and clapping for the NHS); and familiarity and comfort (28% of people are watching classic TV shows, and 52% of 18-24 year olds are seeking familiar content). In line with theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we can expect consumer behaviour to ebb and ow along these lines as the pandemic progresses. If it worsens expect more focus on fundamental needs, as things improve, or people get used to lockdown, expect higher needs to become important. ESTEEM LOVE & BELONGING SAFETY NEEDS PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS SELF-ACTUALISATION Sources: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • 7. Changing consumer behaviour With the immediate physiological and psychological basics dealt with, and as boredom kicked in, people have turned to other pursuits. Whether it’s exercise and wellbeing, entertainment, recipes, home maintenance & improvement, or home learning, people are actively seeking ways to keep themselves and their kids occupied and healthy. While consumers are generally spending less, and some markets, like travel, have been severely a ected, others are seeing a signi cant uplift in demand aligned to changing needs and interests. Online grocery shopping & streaming services are obvious examples, but amongst our clients we’ve seen an increase in home & garden, toys, luxury food, and ecommerce retail. We’ve also seen signi cant uplift in sales through voucher code and deal sites as consumers look to save money when they do shop. Unsurprisingly most consumers have turned to home media. For younger audiences this often means music and video streaming and online or console gaming. Older audiences are more likely to turn to broadcast TV. Consumption of online news and social media content feature highly across most age groups. Interests Buying Behaviours Media Consumption These changes present both challenges and opportunities. A factor that impacts sales of one product, or limits advertising in some channels, opens new opportunities in other areas.
  • 8. How are brands responding? Smirno has pledged enough alcohol for 8 million bottles of hand sanitiser Frontline support Stay home support ADAPTING MANUFACTURING Brand activity is falling into four key categories 1 2 Closer to home Whittaker’s Gin has o ered their distillate to help Bradford Royal In rmary clean medical equipment Crocs are donating shoes to health care workers across the U.S DISCOUNTS & FREE PRODUCTS The body shop is gifting care packages to NHS care workers Supermarkets have given priority to key workers at speci c times PRIORITY SHOPPING Amazon now focuses on essential items including daily household staples, baby and medical supplies NECESSITIES Net ix Party allows you to watch shows with friends around the world and discuss in the chat function ENTERTAINMENT Mercedes and Audi published free to download colouring books Chipotle Together are Zoom lunches to encourage connection while still social distancing. These include Chipotle inspired presentations, celebrity appearances and chances to win vouchers for online delivery CONNECTION & COMMUNITY ‘Weathering the storm’ from Headspace meditation, sleep and exercise WELL BEING 790,000 children tuned in to the rst of Joe Wicks’ daily live PE lessons. He is donating all advertising revenue to the NHS
  • 9. How are brands responding? Spotify launched the Covid-19 music relief programme to help provide nancial relief to a ected musicians Job support Best laid plans support SUPPORTING THOSE WHO CAN’T WORK Brand activity is falling into four key categories 3 4 Aviation gin kicked o #TipYourBartenders with a $15,000 donation to the United States Bartender’s Guild Adobe o ers free access to its Creative Cloud for two months to support remote working WORKING FROM HOME Microsoft has widened the freemium version of Teams Many brands are making public their plans to support their sta EMPLOYEE SUPPORT Virgin Atlantic launched relief ights to get stranded travellers back home GETTING BACK HOME Magpie, a company specialising in artisan wedding inspiration provided advice for couples on how to mark their postponed wedding day POSTPONED WEDDINGS
  • 10. Why respond? Consumer expectations 30% want practical, realistic advice while another 18% want brands to reduce anxiety and understand consumers’ concerns EMOTIONAL SUPPORT 81% of global consumers think brands should o er free services FINANCIAL SUPPORT 83% of consumers globally are in favour of brands responding to the outbreak by o ering exible payment terms 9% of global consumers think brands should help produce essential supplies PRACTICAL SUPPORT Studies show that consumers expect brands to play an active role in supporting society’s response to the pandemic, whether that’s practically, nancially or emotionally. 70% of UK consumers think brands should suspend normal factory production to help produce essentials during the Coronavirus Sources: Kantar, Global Web Index Some of the brands helping to produce essential supplies
  • 11. Why respond? The lesson of recession Research has shown that brands that reduce marketing spend during times of recession often come out the other end weaker. It is important to recognise what we are facing is no normal recession, however as we discuss next, marketing basics still apply, and this data does o er clues as to what we might expect. Sources: Milward Brown -13 -6 Brands that go dark during recessions su er signi cant brand metrics decline. NET change Decrease Increase -24 +11 -28 +22 Use Image Millward Brown evidence: 60% of brands ‘going dark’ decline on at least one key brand metric (i.e. relationship su ers)
  • 12. Why respond? Marketing basics still apply In his seminal book “how brands grow”, Byron Sharp describes growth as a matter of mental and physical availability. In short, consumers must recognise and remember your brand in order to choose your products in a buying situation. This is achieved by building lasting memory structures through marketing. Cutting marketing spend arrests this process. Mark Ritson summed this up brilliantly in a recent article, in which he advised those advertisers that could to pivot to brand. The temptation is to dump (slashed marketing budgets) it all into shorter- term performance marketing and sales promotions. That would be an error. No amount of hot deals and clever sales activation can stimulate a market that is currently terri ed, locked inside their homes and unsure of their future. Confronted with a 50% cut in marketing budgets, the smarter play is to actually focus more of it on the longer-term brand building mission… Keep the brand light burning, because the cost of snu ing it out for the rest of 2020 and then trying to reignite it next year is gigantic. Mark Ritson, Marketing Week Sources: Byron Sharp, Marketing Week “ ”
  • 14. New opportunities Opportunities have inevitably changed from what they were a few months ago. To help you adapt to the changing marketplace, we’ve de ned ve areas of focus. UNDERSTAND THE NEW REALITY FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS Assuming you are able to keep operating through the crisis, identify which of your products people are most likely to need and focus your activity there. SELL, WHEN PEOPLE WANT TO BUY 1 2 We have summarised the behavioral trends that we’ve seen, but every audience and every business is di erent. By working to understand what the lockdown means for your speci c customers you can respond in the most appropriate way for your brand. Make it easy for people to buy. From removing conversion barriers to o ering credit, it’s never been more important to help customers get what they need. CLEAR THE BACKLOG We don’t know when, but things will return to something like normal. It may not be the same normal as before - there may be new health protocols, and lasting changes to consumer and market behaviours, even some false starts and relapses – but consumers will begin buying again eventually. GET READY FOR THE RECOVERY 4 5 Now is a good time to clear out those items you haven’t got round to before, take advantage of the time if you have a slow down. Scenario plan to identify potential opportunities and help mitigate uncertainty. Use this to make sure you’re ready to launch with media plans, messages and content as soon as things begin to pick up. Adapt your messaging: there are ways to be present without being intrusive. Do what you can to support your customers, employees, suppliers or the wider community, be that physically, mentally, or emotionally. Either way, a pivot to brand is an e ective way to “keep the brand re burning” as Mark Ritson puts it and can yield positive results in the long run. Adapt your channel mix: lockdown has changed media habits so a change in your media mix could yield results. Adapt products: analyse what is at the heart of your brand and products. Are you well placed to create new or adapted products to meet new needs? ADAPT TO MEET NEW NEEDS3
  • 16. Understand the new reality for your customers Now Next Near future Audit current segmentation of your customer base in preparation of likely impacts and behaviour changes. Create a shortlist of data and information sources to plot incremental changes. Be selective in your data sets. Think about your brand response from the perspective of your customers or customer segment. Sensitively and respectfully, ask your customers for feedback; in-store, at point of purchase or using CRM tools. Capture insight and apply to CRM and audience segmentation. Consider how this changes your current segmentation. Identify opportunity and risk based on updated segmentation. Speak to your media agency and trusted sources to understand how media consumption has changed and which channels to have relevant conversations in. Understand the long-term impact on consumers and your customers, particularly around employment, finances and health as these will have the biggest impacts on purchasing and long-term decision making. Communicate the customers’ point of view to key stakeholders in your business and your agency partners. Incorporate all this in to your H2 & 2021 planning.
  • 17. Sell, when people want to buy Now Next Near future Identify the products and services that can still be delivered. Pause campaigns and update your shopping feed where your product is not available. Update key landing pages to manage customer expectations about product availability and delivery. Keep messaging clear! Identify and understand demand in the market for your product or service. Ask your PPC team for insight on what people are searching for. Understand competitor activity in SERPS. Ask your Search agency to provide analysis. Understand competitor activity in other channels. Ask your twentysix representative to talk through our Category Benchmark Data. Consider product pricing vs market and adjust CPAs to align with commercial team goals. Collaborate with internal stakeholders and partners to identify new growth channels and move budget appropriately. Understand and anticipate competitor activity for each period. Use your channel specialists as eyes and ears. Understand shifts in your target audience sentiment. Speak to your strategy partners to create a relevant audience persona for each segment. Identify partners that will enhance the customer buying experience, such as Klarna and Honey. Agree and communicate relevant channel KPIs aligned to media mix and commercial goals. Communicate more regularly with key stakeholders and partners. Create a solid measurement foundation for the new channel mix aligned to the customer journey. Speak to your Data Science team about attribution and measurement.
  • 18. Adapt to meet new needs Now Next Near future Be proactive in communicating delivery times, call centre handling and returns. Ensure Google My Business has the right information. Ask your SEO Account Manager for support. Speak to your Commercial team about offering special discounts to Key Workers (NHS discount). Conduct an audit of creative and user generated content assets that can support your approach to social engagement. Consider using internal video messages from your CEO as external communications. Speak to your video production specialist to edit. Sharing your company values at this time with customers will be welcomed. Understand how consumers are researching if they are unable to buy your product. Speak to your UX partner about micro conversions. Contact your display team to execute an appropriate re-targeting campaign to engage with non-converting website visitors – with a view on creating advocates. Consider adapting your product to meet a new need. Speak to your strategy partner about a business case and opportunity cost planning. Understand how your competitors are adapting. Use your agency partner to help. Review brand messaging, is it still relevant, this could be a shift in your CSR to deliver active help, or just offering a message of solidarity. Perhaps focusing on entertainment is an effective route. Whatever it is, ensure articulation of your brand remains relevant and honest.
  • 19. Clear the backlog Now Next Near future Ensure FAQ’s are relevant and speak to your SEO agency about Featured Snippets in SERPS. Ask your Development team to focus on implementing the backlog of technical SEO recommendations. Conduct a GDPR audit. Speak to one of our client services team who is fully trained. Align your Google Analytics goals with on-site and in-channel goals. Speak to a member of your Data Science team to ensure this is correct. Update customer segmentation in CRM and ask your programmatic partner to test match rates in delivery channels. Map your customer’s journey. Use your strategy partner to consider research online and purchase offline (ROPO) touch points. Audit Google Tag Manager to ensure that all channels are correctly tracked in Google Analytics. Speak to a member of your Data Science team to understand how to do this. Confirm who has responsibility to ensure that your YouTube channel reflects your brand experience. Consider using this time for your team to update their digital knowledge. Speak to your twentysix representative about channel training programmes and Google, Facebook and Amazon certifications. Go back through those UX audits or conversion audits you have done - focus on removing friction to improve optimisation. If you haven’t done any contact twentysix to help you do them.
  • 20. Get ready for the recovery Now Next Near future Create a battlecard of your competitors from the point of view of your target audience(s). Speak to your sales teams to align. Create a list of products that will need to be prioritised, taking into account availability, latent customer enquiries, orders and seasonality. Ask your PPC team how to mitigate against data loss in delivery channels - if activity has been paused or conversions have dropped significantly. Define commercial requirements and expectations for integrated and in-channel KPIs: CPA, ROI and ROAS. Ask your strategic marketing partner to help plan H2 2020 and 2021 budgets and expectations. Create a uniform approach to creative messaging across all channels. Consider what your brand message with be in H2 2020 and 2021. Ask your PPC and Programmatic team about forecasting principles and agree how and when to do this so it provides meaningful guidance. Consider how to communicate and collaborate with internal stakeholders and agency partners on a regular basis during the upturn. Putting an actionable plan in place to manage this can be hard - twentysix can help define and manage this for you.
  • 22. Continuous optimisation The R.O.A.R ethos For us, R.O.A.R is a continuous activity: the results de ne the next reality phase and fuel the next set of opportunities and actions. And this becomes even more important during this fast-moving situation. Whatever action you take, be prepared to measure and optimise your results, and reassess your new reality frequently to identify the next opportunities. REALITY OPPORTUNITY RESULTS ACTION R.O.A.R
  • 24. CONTACT DETAILS Contact our senior experts. IF YOU’D LIKE TO DISCUSS HOW YOU CAN APPLY THIS THINKING TO YOUR CURRENT SITUATION PLEASE GET IN TOUCH. WE’RE HERE TO HELP IN ANY WAY WE CAN DURING THIS CRISIS. OUR EXPERTISE AND KNOWLEDGE IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. Telephone Email Linkedin Web 0800 320 2626 info@twentysixdigital.com www.linkedin.com/company/twentysix www.twentysixdigital.com
  • 25. Thanks for reading, hope it helps in the near future.