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Spring Core
Presentation by
Hung Nguyen Huy
1. What is a Framework?
2. What is Spring Framework?
3. Spring Framework History
4. Spring Framework Architecture
5. Why Spring?
6. Spring Framework Ecosystem
What is a Framework?
What is a Software Framework?
● A set of libraries and classes, which provides built-in generic
functionalities, dealt with standard low-level details of a working system.
● A reusable software environment.
● Can be extended by additional users-written code to provide specific
● Enforces the adherence to a coding standards and consistent design
approaches which are pre-defined by the Framework itself.
What is a Software Framework?
● Each programming language has at least one
universal, reusable framework.
● Frameworks are fully layered workflow
environment. More than just code, they
defines the flow of control for the application.
● They can includes:
○ Libraries
○ APIs
○ Compilers
○ Tool sets
○ Security
○ Caching
○ ...
Software Framework Advantages
● Provides built-in generic functionalities
○ For example: Security, request handling, caching, logging,...
● Reduce overall development effort and time
○ Developers can focus on writing code just for their specific application requirements
● Allows the applications to be implemented in a standard structure
○ This improves the maintainability of applications
Software Framework Disadvantages
● It takes time to learn how to use the framework.
● Using a framework increases the size of the program.
● Need to follow some coding standards in order to utilize the framework.
● It is unsuitable for writing small programs which can be written quickly
without using any framework.
What is Spring Framework?
What is Spring Framework?
● Open source Java application framework (since 2003)
● Supports any kind of Java Applications
○ Special support for J2EE applications
● Foundation: the Core Container
○ Inversion of Control (IoC) container
○ Dependency Injection pattern
● Spring handles the infrastructure, so you can focus on your application.
Spring Framework History
Spring History
● In October 2002, Rod Johnson wrote his famous book.
● First release in June 2003 (Interface21) under Apache license
● First milestone release Spring 1.0 in 2014
● Spring 2.0
○ Simplified XML configuration
● Spring 2.5
○ Annotation configuration
● Spring 3.0
○ Support for Java 7
○ Servlet 3.0 specs
○ Java Configuration
● Spring 4.0
○ Support Java 8
● Spring 5.0 → 2017
○ Featuring a new reactive web framework
Spring History
Spring Boot → 2014
● Makes it particularly easy to create and config a Spring application.
● Automatically configure Spring and 3rd party libraries whenever
● Spring Boot hide so much of what going on under the hood.
● Spring Boot is still Spring under the hood, it bases on the same core
of Spring.
Spring Framework Architecture
Spring Framework Architecture
● Spring Framework consists of features
organized into about 20 modules.
● These modules are generalized into
following layers:
○ Core Container
○ Data Access/ Integration
○ Web
○ AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
○ Instrumentation
○ Test
Core Container
Core and Beans modules
● Provide the fundamental parts of the
framework, including the IoC and Dependency
Injection features.
● The Bean module provides BeanFactory,
which is a sophisticated implementation of the
factory pattern.
● Removes the need for programmatic
● Allows to decouple the configuration and
specification of dependencies from your actual
program logic.
Core Container
Context module
● Builds on the solid base provided by the Core
and Beans modules.
● It is a medium to access any objects defined
and configured.
● The ApplicationContext interface is the focal
point of the Context module.
Core Container
SpEL (Expression Language) module
● Provides a powerful expression language for
querying and manipulating an object graph
at runtime.
● Supports setting and getting property values,
method invocation, logical and arithmetic
operators, named variables, and retrieval of
objects by name from Spring’s IoC container,
Data Access/Integration
● JDBC module provides a JDBC-abstraction layer that removes
the need to do tedious JDBC coding.
● ORM module provides integration layers for popular
object-relational mapping APIs, including JPA, JDO, and
● OXM module provides an abstraction layer that supports
Object/XML mapping implementations for JAXB, Castor,
XMLBeans, JiBX and XStream.
● JMS (Java Messaging Service) module contains features for
producing and consuming messages.
● Transaction module supports programmatic and declarative
transaction management for classes that implement special
interfaces and for all your POJOs.
● Web module provides basic web-oriented integration
features and the initialization of the IoC container
using servlet listeners and a web application context.
● Servlet module contains Spring MVC
implementation for web applications.
● Web-Socket module provides support for
WebSocket-based, 2-way communication between
the client and the server in web applications.
● Web-Portlet module provides the MVC
implementation to be used in a portlet environment.
● AOP module provides an aspect-oriented
programming implementation allowing you to
cleanly decouple code that implements functionality
that should be separated.
● Aspects module provides integration with AspectJ (a
powerful AOP framework).
● Instrumentation module provides class
instrumentation support and class loader
● Messaging module provides support for STOMP as
the WebSocket sub-protocol.
● Test module supports the unit testing and
integration testing of Spring components with JUnit
or TestNG.
Why Spring?
Why Spring?
These 3 are basically the main reasons for Spring’s popularity:
1. Simplicity
2. Testability
3. Loose Coupling
Spring Framework is simple because its non-invasive as it uses POJO and POJI
● POJO (Plain Old Java Objects): A Java class not coupled with any
technology or any framework is called POJO.
● POJI (Plain Old Java Interfaces): A Java interface not coupled with any
technology or any framework is called POJI.
Actually for writing the Spring application,
server (Container) is not mandatory because
it has it own container to run the applications.
Loose Coupling
Spring Framework is loosely coupled because it has
concepts like Dependency Injection, AOP etc.
These features help in reducing dependency and
increasing the modularity within the code.
Spring Framework Ecosystem
Introduction to Spring Framework

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Introduction to Spring Framework

  • 2. Content 1. What is a Framework? 2. What is Spring Framework? 3. Spring Framework History 4. Spring Framework Architecture 5. Why Spring? 6. Spring Framework Ecosystem
  • 3. What is a Framework?
  • 4. What is a Software Framework? ● A set of libraries and classes, which provides built-in generic functionalities, dealt with standard low-level details of a working system. ● A reusable software environment. ● Can be extended by additional users-written code to provide specific functionalities. ● Enforces the adherence to a coding standards and consistent design approaches which are pre-defined by the Framework itself.
  • 5. What is a Software Framework? ● Each programming language has at least one universal, reusable framework. ● Frameworks are fully layered workflow environment. More than just code, they defines the flow of control for the application. ● They can includes: ○ Libraries ○ APIs ○ Compilers ○ Tool sets ○ Security ○ Caching ○ ...
  • 6. Software Framework Advantages ● Provides built-in generic functionalities ○ For example: Security, request handling, caching, logging,... ● Reduce overall development effort and time ○ Developers can focus on writing code just for their specific application requirements ● Allows the applications to be implemented in a standard structure ○ This improves the maintainability of applications
  • 7. Software Framework Disadvantages ● It takes time to learn how to use the framework. ● Using a framework increases the size of the program. ● Need to follow some coding standards in order to utilize the framework. ● It is unsuitable for writing small programs which can be written quickly without using any framework.
  • 8. What is Spring Framework?
  • 9. What is Spring Framework? ● Open source Java application framework (since 2003) ● Supports any kind of Java Applications ○ Special support for J2EE applications ● Foundation: the Core Container ○ Inversion of Control (IoC) container ○ Dependency Injection pattern ● Spring handles the infrastructure, so you can focus on your application.
  • 11. Spring History ● In October 2002, Rod Johnson wrote his famous book. ● First release in June 2003 (Interface21) under Apache license ● First milestone release Spring 1.0 in 2014 ● Spring 2.0 ○ Simplified XML configuration ● Spring 2.5 ○ Annotation configuration ● Spring 3.0 ○ Support for Java 7 ○ Servlet 3.0 specs ○ Java Configuration ● Spring 4.0 ○ Support Java 8 ● Spring 5.0 → 2017 ○ Featuring a new reactive web framework
  • 12. Spring History Spring Boot → 2014 ● Makes it particularly easy to create and config a Spring application. ● Automatically configure Spring and 3rd party libraries whenever possible. ● Spring Boot hide so much of what going on under the hood. ● Spring Boot is still Spring under the hood, it bases on the same core of Spring.
  • 14. Spring Framework Architecture ● Spring Framework consists of features organized into about 20 modules. ● These modules are generalized into following layers: ○ Core Container ○ Data Access/ Integration ○ Web ○ AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) ○ Instrumentation ○ Test
  • 15. Core Container Core and Beans modules ● Provide the fundamental parts of the framework, including the IoC and Dependency Injection features. ● The Bean module provides BeanFactory, which is a sophisticated implementation of the factory pattern. ● Removes the need for programmatic singletons ● Allows to decouple the configuration and specification of dependencies from your actual program logic.
  • 16. Core Container Context module ● Builds on the solid base provided by the Core and Beans modules. ● It is a medium to access any objects defined and configured. ● The ApplicationContext interface is the focal point of the Context module.
  • 17. Core Container SpEL (Expression Language) module ● Provides a powerful expression language for querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime. ● Supports setting and getting property values, method invocation, logical and arithmetic operators, named variables, and retrieval of objects by name from Spring’s IoC container, etc...
  • 18. Data Access/Integration ● JDBC module provides a JDBC-abstraction layer that removes the need to do tedious JDBC coding. ● ORM module provides integration layers for popular object-relational mapping APIs, including JPA, JDO, and Hibernate. ● OXM module provides an abstraction layer that supports Object/XML mapping implementations for JAXB, Castor, XMLBeans, JiBX and XStream. ● JMS (Java Messaging Service) module contains features for producing and consuming messages. ● Transaction module supports programmatic and declarative transaction management for classes that implement special interfaces and for all your POJOs.
  • 19. Web ● Web module provides basic web-oriented integration features and the initialization of the IoC container using servlet listeners and a web application context. ● Servlet module contains Spring MVC implementation for web applications. ● Web-Socket module provides support for WebSocket-based, 2-way communication between the client and the server in web applications. ● Web-Portlet module provides the MVC implementation to be used in a portlet environment.
  • 20. Miscellaneous ● AOP module provides an aspect-oriented programming implementation allowing you to cleanly decouple code that implements functionality that should be separated. ● Aspects module provides integration with AspectJ (a powerful AOP framework). ● Instrumentation module provides class instrumentation support and class loader implementations. ● Messaging module provides support for STOMP as the WebSocket sub-protocol. ● Test module supports the unit testing and integration testing of Spring components with JUnit or TestNG.
  • 22. Why Spring? These 3 are basically the main reasons for Spring’s popularity: 1. Simplicity 2. Testability 3. Loose Coupling
  • 23. Simplicity Spring Framework is simple because its non-invasive as it uses POJO and POJI models. ● POJO (Plain Old Java Objects): A Java class not coupled with any technology or any framework is called POJO. ● POJI (Plain Old Java Interfaces): A Java interface not coupled with any technology or any framework is called POJI.
  • 24. Testability Actually for writing the Spring application, server (Container) is not mandatory because it has it own container to run the applications.
  • 25. Loose Coupling Spring Framework is loosely coupled because it has concepts like Dependency Injection, AOP etc. These features help in reducing dependency and increasing the modularity within the code.