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Livestock and climate change:
can we steer a path between the
devil and the deep blue sea?
Philip Thornton
67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast UK, 29 Aug – 2 Sept2016
• The food challenge
• Impacts of climate change on livestock
• Impacts of livestock on climate change
• Issues around livestock’s goods and bads
• What we need to do
The demand for livestock products to 2050
Rosegrant et al. 2009
Annual per capita
Total consumption
Year Meat (kg) Milk (kg) Meat (Mt) Milk (Mt)
Developing 2002
Developed 2002
The challenge is …
• … to increase food
 in the face of climate change
 whilst reducing the carbon
cost of farming
 but not simply by farming at
lower intensity and taking
more land (because there
isn’t enough)
Livestock messages from the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment
• Prior conclusions confirmed (like crops): more evidence,
higher confidence
• Only limited, semi-robust evidence (unlike crops) for
impacts on livestock systems already: livestock disease,
disease vectors
• For future impacts, widespread negative impacts on forage
quality at both high and low latitudes  impacts on
livestock productivity, production, incomes, food security
• Robust evidence for negative effects of increased
temperature on feed intake, reproduction, performance
across all livestock species
IPCC (2014)
Livestock messages from the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment
• Impacts of increasing climate variability on downside risk, stability
of livestock production, human well-being, have not been robustly
• Summaries of impacts on livestock systems with / without
adaptation still not available
• Many adaptation options possible in livestock systems tailored to
local conditions (like cropping, fishery systems)
• Costs, benefits (social, private) of adaptations not known, although:
• Substantial benefit, particularly if implemented in combination
• Benefits in managing crop-livestock interactions in mixed
IPCC (2014)
Livestock systems in some places face major challenges
related to climate change
• Disease and pest distributions
• Quantity, quality, and
composition of feed
• Increased cost of housing and
• Water availability and quality
• Decreased productivity due to
heat stress
• Impaired reproduction/increased
Livestock production system in areas projected
to undergo over 20 per cent reduction in
Length of Growing Period to 2050
Ericksen et al. (2011)
• Greatest impacts will be felt in grazing systems in arid/semi-arid areas
• Changes in range-fed livestock numbers proportional to change in
annual precipitation
- Several GCMs project precipitation decreases of 10-20% in semi-
arid zones of Africa Areas in East Africa where a) rain per rainy day may
increase by more than 10 per cent and b) rain per rainy
day may decrease by more than 10 per cent
Ericksen et al. 2011
Neil Palmer
Livestock systems in some places face major challenges
related to climate change
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
livestocknumbersHerd evolution in Kenyan rangelands under two scenarios of
climate variability: (1) a drought once every five years, and (2) a
drought once every three years
Thornton & Herrero, 2010
Adult females, 1 in 3
Adult females, 1 in 5
Total #,1 in 3
Total #,1 in 5
Agriculture responsible for
Part of the problem, natural
source for solutions too
Pig Poultry Beef Milk Eggs
Livestock alone is responsible for 8-18% of all
global anthropogenic GHG emissions
Range arises from methodological differences
- Inventories vs. life cycle assessments, attribution of land use to
livestock, omissions, misallocations, …
Source: de Vries and de Boer
Range of GHG intensities for livestock commodities
• Highest variation
occurs for beef, due to
variety of production
• Ruminants require
more fossil energy use,
emit more CH4 per
A food-chain perspective of GHG emissions
• Emissions from feed production
 chemical fertilizer fabrication
 chemical fertilizer application
 on-farm fossil fuel use
 livestock-related deforestation
 C release from ag. soils
• Emissions from livestock rearing
 Methane from enteric fermentation
 Methane and Nitrous Oxide from manure
• Post harvest emissions
 slaughtering and processing
 international transportation
Transport and energy
Industry and energy
Industry and energy
Agriculture / livestock
IPCC attribution
Steinfeld, 2011
• 20 billion domestic animals globally (FAOSTAT 2016)
• 45% of the Earth’s surface (excluding Antarctica)
occupied by livestock systems (Reid et al. 2008)
• 33% of global cropland used for feed production
• 8-18% of global greenhouse gas emissions (FAO 2006,
2013, Herrero et al. 2013, O’Mara 2013)
• 72% of deforestation (Nepstad et al. 2011)
• 30% of global freshwater consumption (Steinfeld et al.
Livestock: some big numbers
What’s on the other side
of the balance?
• Livestock are a significant global asset: value >$1.4 trillion (excluding
infrastructure that supports livestock industries) (Thornton and Herrero
• Livestock industries organised in long market chains that provide
incomes and/or employ at least 1.3 billion people (LID 1999)
• Livestock GDP: 30-40% of agricultural GDP (Nigeria 7%, Tanzania 26%,
Ethiopia 25%). In developing countries, most livestock production is
from ruminants (Nigeria 73%, Eth 93%, TZ 90%)
• Livestock important as a risk management tool, especially for the poor:
~430 million poor livestock keepers (Thornton in FAO/ILRI 2011)
• Livestock are key for nutritional security: 17% of the global kilocalories
and 33% of protein (FAOSTAT 2008); Africa, 8% of calories
Livestock’s socio-economic benefits
African and Asian livelihoods continue to depend on
• E Africa: 40-50% meat comes from pastoral
systems, but transitioning to mixed crop-
• Concentrated in arid/semi-arid zones
• Use of animals for draft power has increased
over most of Africa: from 350,000 to 2 million
oxen in the past 50 years in W Africa alone
FAO 2011
Neil Palmer
Density of “poor livestock keepers” using national
rural poverty lines, 2010
>430 million PLKs globally.
Thornton in Robinson et al. (2011)
19 |
Rufino et al. (2014)
Diversification in low-rainfall areas of East Africa
0º 20º 40º
Climate-induced livelihood transitions out of crops into livestock?
Areas where cropping
of an indicator cereal
may become unviable
between now and 2050
and where farmers
may have to rely more
on livestock as a
livelihood strategy
Jones & Thornton (2008)
Livestock a key ingredient of diverse,
sustainable and healthy diets?
Country Edible protein
to livestock
1000 MT (A)
Edible protein
provided by
livestock 1000 MT
Ethiopia 9 150 16.9
New Zealand 70 709 10.1
India 4,403 1,023 4.3
Brazil 3,304 3,854 1.2
Netherlands 752 773 1.0
China 11,129 8,454 0.8
United States 16,158 8,543 0.5
Steinfeld, based on FAOSTAT (2005-2007 average)
Steering a path between the devil and the deep blue
sea: can we sustainably balance livestock’s goods and
1 Increasing productivity (managing the supply side)
• Sustainably intensify production, e.g. improve ruminant
diets, shifts in which livestock products are produced and
• Decrease GHG emissions intensity of livestock products in
developing countries  reduce livestock numbers
• Carbon sequestration in degraded grasslands: enhances
land productivity, can improve lives of poor livestock
farmers/pastoralists, requires carbon payments and
institutional innovation
Yes, in several (often additive) ways, including:
Domain Size
Domain Size
Domain Size
1 Diet intensification: stover digestibility
2 Diet intensification: grain
3 Diet intensification: use of agroforestry
4 Use of cross-bred dairy animals
Domain Size
Mitigation Potential
Evaluating options by different livestock production systems
Thornton & Herrero (2014)
2 Reducing losses and waste in livestock product value
• Markets, packaging, labelling, avoiding waste
• Methane from liquid waste can be captured and used as a
source of energy (large-scale pig and dairy units)
3 Consuming more sustainable diets (managing the demand
• Modifying what we eat could reduce resource use, reduce
GHG emissions, and have important health and nutritional
• Double burden of malnutrition
Yes, in several (often additive) ways, including:
Peters et al. (2016), Carrying capacity of U.S. agricultural land: Ten diet scenarios. Elementa
Issues to be resolved 1: complexity of quantifying impacts,
costs, benefits
Carrying capacity of different diets in the US
History of cropping (years)
North Pokot
West Pokot
Rufino et al. (2014)
Issues to be resolved 2: the future of livestock systems in
different places
Cropping history in 12 agro-pastoral systems in East Africa
Working with partners to
change opinions and
Working with
partners to
what works
Working with
partners to
make it
Research evidence
Policy and
Institutional Change
”appropriate” agriculture
Issues to be resolved 3: how to provide appropriate incentives
for change for institutions, governance, the private sector?
Issues to be resolved 4: modifying discourses around climate
change and livestock
• Burgeoning literature on global change communications:
framing, psychology, values, attitudes, beliefs, political
ideologies, …
• Tap in to new skills in discourse analysis and understanding
gender norms, addressing beliefs, values, worldviews (both
individual and shared)
• Backed up by appropriate engagement and communications:
getting the message right for different stakeholders
• This will involve combining “softer” social science with
“harder” biophysical science in effective ways (importance of
process and buy-in)
And what about technological game-changers?
Kurzweil, nd
• Artificial meat
• N-fixing cereals
• Ruminants producing
less methane
• …
Steffen et al. (2015)

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Livestock and climate change: Can we steer a path between the devil and the deep blue sea?

  • 1. Livestock and climate change: can we steer a path between the devil and the deep blue sea? Philip Thornton 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast UK, 29 Aug – 2 Sept2016
  • 2. Outline • The food challenge • Impacts of climate change on livestock • Impacts of livestock on climate change • Issues around livestock’s goods and bads • What we need to do
  • 4. The demand for livestock products to 2050 Rosegrant et al. 2009 Annual per capita consumption Total consumption Year Meat (kg) Milk (kg) Meat (Mt) Milk (Mt) Developing 2002 2050 28 44 44 78 137 326 222 585 Developed 2002 2050 78 94 202 216 102 126 265 295
  • 5. The challenge is … • … to increase food production  in the face of climate change  whilst reducing the carbon cost of farming  but not simply by farming at lower intensity and taking more land (because there isn’t enough)
  • 6. Livestock messages from the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment • Prior conclusions confirmed (like crops): more evidence, higher confidence • Only limited, semi-robust evidence (unlike crops) for impacts on livestock systems already: livestock disease, disease vectors • For future impacts, widespread negative impacts on forage quality at both high and low latitudes  impacts on livestock productivity, production, incomes, food security • Robust evidence for negative effects of increased temperature on feed intake, reproduction, performance across all livestock species IPCC (2014)
  • 7. Livestock messages from the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment • Impacts of increasing climate variability on downside risk, stability of livestock production, human well-being, have not been robustly elucidated • Summaries of impacts on livestock systems with / without adaptation still not available • Many adaptation options possible in livestock systems tailored to local conditions (like cropping, fishery systems) • Costs, benefits (social, private) of adaptations not known, although: • Substantial benefit, particularly if implemented in combination • Benefits in managing crop-livestock interactions in mixed systems IPCC (2014)
  • 8. Livestock systems in some places face major challenges related to climate change • Disease and pest distributions • Quantity, quality, and composition of feed • Increased cost of housing and feed • Water availability and quality • Decreased productivity due to heat stress • Impaired reproduction/increased mortality Livestock production system in areas projected to undergo over 20 per cent reduction in Length of Growing Period to 2050 Ericksen et al. (2011)
  • 9. • Greatest impacts will be felt in grazing systems in arid/semi-arid areas • Changes in range-fed livestock numbers proportional to change in annual precipitation - Several GCMs project precipitation decreases of 10-20% in semi- arid zones of Africa Areas in East Africa where a) rain per rainy day may increase by more than 10 per cent and b) rain per rainy day may decrease by more than 10 per cent Ericksen et al. 2011 Neil Palmer Livestock systems in some places face major challenges related to climate change
  • 10. 0 50 100 150 200 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 years livestocknumbersHerd evolution in Kenyan rangelands under two scenarios of climate variability: (1) a drought once every five years, and (2) a drought once every three years Thornton & Herrero, 2010 Adult females, 1 in 3 Adult females, 1 in 5 Total #,1 in 3 Total #,1 in 5
  • 11. Agriculture responsible for 19-29% Part of the problem, natural source for solutions too
  • 12. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Pig Poultry Beef Milk Eggs kgCO2eq/kganimalprotein Livestock alone is responsible for 8-18% of all global anthropogenic GHG emissions Range arises from methodological differences - Inventories vs. life cycle assessments, attribution of land use to livestock, omissions, misallocations, … Source: de Vries and de Boer (2009) Range of GHG intensities for livestock commodities • Highest variation occurs for beef, due to variety of production systems • Ruminants require more fossil energy use, emit more CH4 per animal
  • 13. A food-chain perspective of GHG emissions • Emissions from feed production  chemical fertilizer fabrication  chemical fertilizer application  on-farm fossil fuel use  livestock-related deforestation  C release from ag. soils • Emissions from livestock rearing  Methane from enteric fermentation  Methane and Nitrous Oxide from manure • Post harvest emissions  slaughtering and processing  international transportation Forestry Energy Transport and energy Industry and energy Industry and energy Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture / livestock IPCC attribution Steinfeld, 2011
  • 14. • 20 billion domestic animals globally (FAOSTAT 2016) • 45% of the Earth’s surface (excluding Antarctica) occupied by livestock systems (Reid et al. 2008) • 33% of global cropland used for feed production • 8-18% of global greenhouse gas emissions (FAO 2006, 2013, Herrero et al. 2013, O’Mara 2013) • 72% of deforestation (Nepstad et al. 2011) • 30% of global freshwater consumption (Steinfeld et al. 2006) Livestock: some big numbers
  • 15. 15 What’s on the other side of the balance?
  • 16. • Livestock are a significant global asset: value >$1.4 trillion (excluding infrastructure that supports livestock industries) (Thornton and Herrero 2008) • Livestock industries organised in long market chains that provide incomes and/or employ at least 1.3 billion people (LID 1999) • Livestock GDP: 30-40% of agricultural GDP (Nigeria 7%, Tanzania 26%, Ethiopia 25%). In developing countries, most livestock production is from ruminants (Nigeria 73%, Eth 93%, TZ 90%) • Livestock important as a risk management tool, especially for the poor: ~430 million poor livestock keepers (Thornton in FAO/ILRI 2011) • Livestock are key for nutritional security: 17% of the global kilocalories and 33% of protein (FAOSTAT 2008); Africa, 8% of calories Livestock’s socio-economic benefits
  • 17. African and Asian livelihoods continue to depend on livestock • E Africa: 40-50% meat comes from pastoral systems, but transitioning to mixed crop- livestock • Concentrated in arid/semi-arid zones • Use of animals for draft power has increased over most of Africa: from 350,000 to 2 million oxen in the past 50 years in W Africa alone FAO 2011 Neil Palmer
  • 18. Density of “poor livestock keepers” using national rural poverty lines, 2010 >430 million PLKs globally. Thornton in Robinson et al. (2011)
  • 19. 19 | Rufino et al. (2014) Diversification in low-rainfall areas of East Africa
  • 20. 0º 20º -20º 0º 20º 40º Climate-induced livelihood transitions out of crops into livestock? Areas where cropping of an indicator cereal may become unviable between now and 2050 and where farmers may have to rely more on livestock as a livelihood strategy Jones & Thornton (2008)
  • 21. Livestock a key ingredient of diverse, sustainable and healthy diets? Country Edible protein fed to livestock 1000 MT (A) Edible protein provided by livestock 1000 MT (B) Ratio (B/A) Ethiopia 9 150 16.9 New Zealand 70 709 10.1 India 4,403 1,023 4.3 Brazil 3,304 3,854 1.2 Netherlands 752 773 1.0 China 11,129 8,454 0.8 United States 16,158 8,543 0.5 Steinfeld, based on FAOSTAT (2005-2007 average)
  • 22. Steering a path between the devil and the deep blue sea: can we sustainably balance livestock’s goods and bads?
  • 23. 1 Increasing productivity (managing the supply side) • Sustainably intensify production, e.g. improve ruminant diets, shifts in which livestock products are produced and where • Decrease GHG emissions intensity of livestock products in developing countries  reduce livestock numbers • Carbon sequestration in degraded grasslands: enhances land productivity, can improve lives of poor livestock farmers/pastoralists, requires carbon payments and institutional innovation Yes, in several (often additive) ways, including:
  • 24. Domain Size Adoption Potential Production Impact Mitigation Potential Feasibility Domain Size Adoption Potential Production Impact Mitigation Potential Feasibility Domain Size Adoption Potential Production Impact Mitigation Potential Feasibility 1 Diet intensification: stover digestibility improvement 2 Diet intensification: grain supplementation 3 Diet intensification: use of agroforestry species 4 Use of cross-bred dairy animals Domain Size Adoption Potential Production Impact Mitigation Potential Feasibility 0 1 2 3 Evaluating options by different livestock production systems Thornton & Herrero (2014)
  • 25. 2 Reducing losses and waste in livestock product value chains • Markets, packaging, labelling, avoiding waste • Methane from liquid waste can be captured and used as a source of energy (large-scale pig and dairy units) 3 Consuming more sustainable diets (managing the demand side) • Modifying what we eat could reduce resource use, reduce GHG emissions, and have important health and nutritional benefits • Double burden of malnutrition Yes, in several (often additive) ways, including:
  • 26. Peters et al. (2016), Carrying capacity of U.S. agricultural land: Ten diet scenarios. Elementa Issues to be resolved 1: complexity of quantifying impacts, costs, benefits Carrying capacity of different diets in the US
  • 27. 523 655 658 717 787 827 875 898 935 1058 1061 1205 Annualaveragerainfall(mm) History of cropping (years) 0 Machakos Masaka Nebbi North Pokot Mbarara Kishapu Singinda Kwale West Pokot Baringo Kajiado Samburu Rufino et al. (2014) Issues to be resolved 2: the future of livestock systems in different places Cropping history in 12 agro-pastoral systems in East Africa
  • 28. Working with partners to change opinions and worldviews Working with partners to understand what works Working with partners to make it happen Research evidence Policy and Institutional Change Implementing ”appropriate” agriculture Issues to be resolved 3: how to provide appropriate incentives for change for institutions, governance, the private sector?
  • 29. Issues to be resolved 4: modifying discourses around climate change and livestock • Burgeoning literature on global change communications: framing, psychology, values, attitudes, beliefs, political ideologies, … • Tap in to new skills in discourse analysis and understanding gender norms, addressing beliefs, values, worldviews (both individual and shared) • Backed up by appropriate engagement and communications: getting the message right for different stakeholders • This will involve combining “softer” social science with “harder” biophysical science in effective ways (importance of process and buy-in)
  • 30. “Technological singularity” And what about technological game-changers? Kurzweil, nd • Artificial meat • N-fixing cereals • Ruminants producing less methane • … Steffen et al. (2015)