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The Cold War


. ORIGINS OF THE COLD WAR Cold War  - a definition The Situation in Europe:  – “Iron Curtain”, Soviet Satellites” Cooperation and Security? NATO, Warsaw Pact, United Nations Containment: Truman Doctrine; Marshall Plan; Berlin Airlift The Situation in Asia : Communism in China; Division of Korea                             






After the War Global re-organization and reconstruction


In the last half of the 20 th  century, Western European nations worked cooperatively for security and prosperity


Post World War II Europe Threat of Soviet expansion …… Communist  satellites  were installed in Eastern Europe


Post World War II Europe The United States becomes leader of the “Free World”


Post World War II Europe 50 million people dead as a result of the war. War left millions homeless and starving Cities,  factories, schools, and hospitals lay in ruins




The Cold War Definition fear distrust paranoia arms race Competition Athletics influence space race MOVIES INDIRECT WARS                                               


I hope the Russians love their children too. “ Russians” by Sting                                        




1946 Truman Doctrine 1948 Berlin Airlift 1949 China becomes Communist 1949 NATO fromed 1950 Korean War 1954 US detonates Hydrogen bomb 1955 Russia detonates the Hydrogen bomb 1957 Sputnik launched by mother Russia 1961 Berlin Wall is built 1962 Cuban Missle Crisis 1965 Vietnam War 1972 Détente – a cooling of Cold War tensions                                               


1946  1948  1949 1949 1950  1954 1955  1957 1961  1962 1965 1972                                                


Post World War II Europe Communist Bloc  Truman Doctrine Berlin Airlift Marshall Plan Berlin Wall  NATO Warsaw Pact


YALTA CONFERENCE Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agree to jointly govern postwar Germany  Feb 1945                             






OCCUPIED ZONES OF BERLIN                                                              


THE UNITED NATIONS   Organization that watches over world affairs in order to promote cooperation and peace. June 1945                             


THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL   Organization that watches over world affairs in order to promote cooperation and peace.                             


The Iron Curtain  Speech


THE IRON CURTAIN SPEECH March 5, 1946 Great Britain’s Prime Minister Winston  Churchill phrase “iron curtain” represented Europe’s division between democratic Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe                             




NATO N.A.T.O Organization in which member nations contribute air, land, naval forces for mutual self-defense .




THE IRON CURTAIN SPEECH March 5, 1946 Great Britain’s Prime Minister Winston  Churchill phrase “iron curtain” represented Europe’s division between democratic Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe                             


  THE WARSAW  PACT - 1955 An alliance between Russia and its  satellites  to crush democratic movements in Eastern Europe                             


Balance of Power N.A.T.O Warsaw Pact




The Truman Doctrine


THE TRUMAN DOCTINE March 12, 1946 A request for $400 million in aid from Congress to combat communism in  Greece and Turkey. CONTAINMENT!!                               


THE MARSHALL PLAN     A massive aid program to rebuild Europe from the ravages of World War II. Nearly $13 billion in U.S. aid was sent to Europe from 1948 to 1952 . June 1947                             


THE BERLIN AIRLIFT From June 1948 to May 1949, U.S. and British planes airlift 1.5 million tons of supplies to the residents of West Berlin.                                 


THE BERLIN AIRLIFT Rail and barge traffic begins to stack up as the blockage  begins in earnest. Before the currency reform, black-market activity was common throughout Germany                               


OCCUPIED ZONES OF BERLIN                                                              




Berlin Blockade


Miniature parachutes can be seen dropping from Halvorsen's C-54 as he brings the plane in for a landing at Tempelhof

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The Cold War

  • 2. . ORIGINS OF THE COLD WAR Cold War - a definition The Situation in Europe: – “Iron Curtain”, Soviet Satellites” Cooperation and Security? NATO, Warsaw Pact, United Nations Containment: Truman Doctrine; Marshall Plan; Berlin Airlift The Situation in Asia : Communism in China; Division of Korea                             
  • 3.  
  • 4.  
  • 5. After the War Global re-organization and reconstruction
  • 6. In the last half of the 20 th century, Western European nations worked cooperatively for security and prosperity
  • 7. Post World War II Europe Threat of Soviet expansion …… Communist satellites were installed in Eastern Europe
  • 8. Post World War II Europe The United States becomes leader of the “Free World”
  • 9. Post World War II Europe 50 million people dead as a result of the war. War left millions homeless and starving Cities, factories, schools, and hospitals lay in ruins
  • 10.                                            
  • 11. The Cold War Definition fear distrust paranoia arms race Competition Athletics influence space race MOVIES INDIRECT WARS                                            
  • 12. I hope the Russians love their children too. “ Russians” by Sting                                        
  • 13.                                            
  • 14. 1946 Truman Doctrine 1948 Berlin Airlift 1949 China becomes Communist 1949 NATO fromed 1950 Korean War 1954 US detonates Hydrogen bomb 1955 Russia detonates the Hydrogen bomb 1957 Sputnik launched by mother Russia 1961 Berlin Wall is built 1962 Cuban Missle Crisis 1965 Vietnam War 1972 Détente – a cooling of Cold War tensions                                            
  • 15. 1946 1948 1949 1949 1950 1954 1955 1957 1961 1962 1965 1972                                            
  • 16. Post World War II Europe Communist Bloc Truman Doctrine Berlin Airlift Marshall Plan Berlin Wall NATO Warsaw Pact
  • 17. YALTA CONFERENCE Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agree to jointly govern postwar Germany Feb 1945                             
  • 18.  
  • 19.  
  • 20. OCCUPIED ZONES OF BERLIN                                                              
  • 21. THE UNITED NATIONS Organization that watches over world affairs in order to promote cooperation and peace. June 1945                             
  • 22. THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL Organization that watches over world affairs in order to promote cooperation and peace.                             
  • 24. THE IRON CURTAIN SPEECH March 5, 1946 Great Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill phrase “iron curtain” represented Europe’s division between democratic Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe                             
  • 26. NATO N.A.T.O Organization in which member nations contribute air, land, naval forces for mutual self-defense .
  • 27.  
  • 28. THE IRON CURTAIN SPEECH March 5, 1946 Great Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill phrase “iron curtain” represented Europe’s division between democratic Western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe                             
  • 29. THE WARSAW PACT - 1955 An alliance between Russia and its satellites to crush democratic movements in Eastern Europe                             
  • 30. Balance of Power N.A.T.O Warsaw Pact
  • 31.  
  • 33. THE TRUMAN DOCTINE March 12, 1946 A request for $400 million in aid from Congress to combat communism in Greece and Turkey. CONTAINMENT!!                             
  • 34. THE MARSHALL PLAN A massive aid program to rebuild Europe from the ravages of World War II. Nearly $13 billion in U.S. aid was sent to Europe from 1948 to 1952 . June 1947                             
  • 35. THE BERLIN AIRLIFT From June 1948 to May 1949, U.S. and British planes airlift 1.5 million tons of supplies to the residents of West Berlin.                             
  • 36. THE BERLIN AIRLIFT Rail and barge traffic begins to stack up as the blockage begins in earnest. Before the currency reform, black-market activity was common throughout Germany                             
  • 37. OCCUPIED ZONES OF BERLIN                                                              
  • 38.  
  • 40. Miniature parachutes can be seen dropping from Halvorsen's C-54 as he brings the plane in for a landing at Tempelhof