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SlideShare a Scribd company logo
YouTube wasone of the most importantmediatechnologiesinourwhole projectaswe useditfor
At the start of the projectwe useditto gaininspirationforourinitial ideas.We knew thatwe
wantedtogo intothe indie rockgenre butwe didn’treallyhave anywhere tostartoff at. Once we
lookedatalreadyexistingmediaproductswe knew we hadastartingpointthat we coulduse to get
Photoshopwasusedforbothof our ancillarytasks,the digipakandadvert,andithelpeduscreate
visuallyattractive imagesthatwe thoughtmade ourphotoslookbettersetforour products. The
advertwas the firstto be finishedbutasyoucan see,itdidnot lookas goodas we had firsthoped.
We realisedthatwe hadmade the fontat the bottomof the advert toobig andwe couldhave
includedalotmore informationatthe bottomof the screenthatwe hadmissedbecause of the huge
fontsize. We addedvarioussmall elementstothe bottomof the advertlike adding the name of our
companyas well asmakingthe fontsmallerwhichwe feltwouldlookbetteronce blownuptoa
We usedSlideshare togetall of the documentswe createdforour bloggerontothe actual blogger
site.Thisallowedustoinclude imagesonourdocumentsanditwasveryeasyto linkto websiteslike
blogger,the site we neededtoincorporate withourfinishedmediaproduct.
We usedBloggerforthe majorityof the projectas a place to store and presentall of our work.This
included all of the research,planning,constructionandevaluationquestionsthatmake upthe
course.It wasverysimple touse as we useditboth yearsfor ASand A2. It wasimportantthat this
was setout ina clear fashionsothatpeople viewingourworkwould notstruggle tofindeach
individualpartof our work.
Final Cutis the editingsoftware thatwe usedtoeditall of the roughcuts and the final cut of our
video.The editingsoftware wasveryeasytouse andthishelpedme create the videorelatively
quickly.Ihadneverusededitingsoftwarebeforebutitwasreallysimple topickupand everything
was laidoutso that everythingwasina place where itwasneeded.

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Question 4 Draft

  • 1. Question4Draft YouTube wasone of the most importantmediatechnologiesinourwhole projectaswe useditfor variousthings At the start of the projectwe useditto gaininspirationforourinitial ideas.We knew thatwe wantedtogo intothe indie rockgenre butwe didn’treallyhave anywhere tostartoff at. Once we lookedatalreadyexistingmediaproductswe knew we hadastartingpointthat we coulduse to get betterandbetterideas. Photoshopwasusedforbothof our ancillarytasks,the digipakandadvert,andithelpeduscreate visuallyattractive imagesthatwe thoughtmade ourphotoslookbettersetforour products. The advertwas the firstto be finishedbutasyoucan see,itdidnot lookas goodas we had firsthoped. We realisedthatwe hadmade the fontat the bottomof the advert toobig andwe couldhave includedalotmore informationatthe bottomof the screenthatwe hadmissedbecause of the huge fontsize. We addedvarioussmall elementstothe bottomof the advertlike adding the name of our companyas well asmakingthe fontsmallerwhichwe feltwouldlookbetteronce blownuptoa biggerimage. We usedSlideshare togetall of the documentswe createdforour bloggerontothe actual blogger site.Thisallowedustoinclude imagesonourdocumentsanditwasveryeasyto linkto websiteslike blogger,the site we neededtoincorporate withourfinishedmediaproduct. We usedBloggerforthe majorityof the projectas a place to store and presentall of our work.This included all of the research,planning,constructionandevaluationquestionsthatmake upthe course.It wasverysimple touse as we useditboth yearsfor ASand A2. It wasimportantthat this was setout ina clear fashionsothatpeople viewingourworkwould notstruggle tofindeach individualpartof our work. Final Cutis the editingsoftware thatwe usedtoeditall of the roughcuts and the final cut of our video.The editingsoftware wasveryeasytouse andthishelpedme create the videorelatively quickly.Ihadneverusededitingsoftwarebeforebutitwasreallysimple topickupand everything was laidoutso that everythingwasina place where itwasneeded.