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Team 7
Lalit Jain
Lipsa Panda
Sameer Goel


 Data Points that deviates from what is standard ,normal or expected or do not
conform an expected pattern.This seems easy, why even worry about it?


The answer is yes if the following three conditions are met.
1. You have labeled training data
2. Anomalous and normal classes are balanced ( say at least 1:5)
3. Data is not auto correlated. ( That one data point does not depend on earlier data
points. This often breaks in time series data).


 Anomalies can be classified as Point , Collective or Contextual .
 Point Anomaly
 If an individual data
instance can be
considered as anomalous
with respect to the rest
of the data (e.g. purchase
with large transaction
 Collective Anomaly
 If a collection of related data
instances is anomalous with
respect to the entire data
set, but not individual
values (e.g. breaking rhythm
in ECG)
 Contextual Anomaly
 If a data instance is anomalous
in a specific context, but not
otherwise ( anomaly if occur at
certain time or certain region.
e.g. large drop at middle of
month in consumption)


Application Domains
Intrusion Detection
Fraud Detection
Traffic Analysis
Anomaly Type
Nature of Data
Problem Characteristics
Anomaly Detection
Research Areas:
Machine Learning
Mining Statistics
Theory Spectral


 Our datasets contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by European
cardholders, where there are 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions.
Note: Dataset was provided us already pre processed and PCA transformed due to
confidentiality issues.
Target Variable: Class
0  Normal Transactions (Non-Fraud)
1  Fraud Transactions (Fraud)


 The data is highly skewed, the
positive class (frauds) account
for only 0.172% of all


1) Data sampling:
In which the training instances
are modified in such a way to
produce a more or less balanced
class distribution that allow
classifiers to perform in a similar
manner to standard
classification. Oversample the
minority class, Undersample the
majority class, Synthesize new
minority classes.
EasyEnsemble, BalanceCascade,


2) Algorithmic modification: This procedure is oriented towards the adaptation of base
learning methods to be more attuned to class imbalance issues
3) Cost-sensitive learning: This type of solutions incorporate approaches at the data
level, at the algorithmic level, or at both levels combined, considering higher costs for
the misclassification of examples of the positive class with respect to the negative class,
and therefore, trying to minimize higher cost errors
E.g. CostSensitiveClassifier.


Generating artificial anomalies
 New rare class examples are
generated inside the regions of
existing rare class examples
 Artificial anomalies are
generated around the edges of
the sparsely populated data
regions Classify synthetic
outliers vs. real normal data
using active learning
Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique


Credit Card Fraud Detection - Anomaly Detection


Looks highly accurate model with model
accuracy of ~89%.
However for Anomaly Detection, we should consider
following metrics
The Area Under the ROC curve (AUC) is a good
general statistic. It is equal to the probability that a
random positive example will be ranked above a
random negative example.
The F1 Score is the harmonic mean of precision and
recall. It is commonly used in text processing when an
aggregate measure is sought.
Cohen’s Kappa is an evaluation statistic that takes
into account how much agreement would be expected
by chance.


Credit Card Fraud Detection - Anomaly Detection


Changing the threshold from a range of 0 to 0.5 and checking the AUC.


1  Fraud Transactions
0  Non-Fraud Transactions
We were able to predict 98% of the credit
card fraud at the same time maintaining a
high precision and recall.


Credit Card Fraud Detection - Anomaly Detection


One Class SVM is an Azure implementation for
Anomaly detection
This module is used when it is easy to obtain training
data from one class, such as acceptable transactions,
but difficult to obtain sufficient samples of the
targeted anomalies.
For example, if you need to detect fraudulent
transaction, you might not have enough examples of
fraud to train the model, but have many examples of
good transactions.
Source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn913103.aspx


Credit Card Fraud Detection - Anomaly Detection


1. Live Credit Card Fraud Detection – (RF-SMOTE)
2. Single Transaction – (One Class SVM)
3. Batch Execution


1. (G.E.A.P.A. Batista, R.C. Prati, M.C. Monard, A study of the behaviour of several
methods for balancing machine learning training data, SIGKDD Explorations 6 (1)
(2004) 20–29. doi: 10.1145/1007730.1007735, N.V. Chawla, K.W. Bowyer, L.O. Hall, W.P.
Kegelmeyer, SMOTE: synthetic minority over-sampling technique, Journal of Artificial
Intelligent Research 16 (2002) 321–357. doi: 10.1613/jair.953).
2. (B. Zadrozny, C. Elkan, Learning and making decisions when costs and probabilities are
both unknown, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining (KDD’01), 2001, pp. 204–213.).
3. (P. Domingos, Metacost: a general method for making classifiers cost–sensitive, in:
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (KDD’99), 1999, pp. 155–164., B. Zadrozny, J. Langford, N. Abe, Cost–sensitive
learning by cost–proportionate example weighting, in: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM’03), 2003, pp. 435–442.)
4. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2016/03/practical-guide-deal-imbalanced-


Credit Card Fraud Detection - Anomaly Detection


Credit Card Fraud Detection - Anomaly Detection

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Credit Card Fraud Detection - Anomaly Detection

  • 1. Team 7 Lalit Jain Lipsa Panda Sameer Goel
  • 2.  Data Points that deviates from what is standard ,normal or expected or do not conform an expected pattern.This seems easy, why even worry about it?
  • 3. The answer is yes if the following three conditions are met. 1. You have labeled training data 2. Anomalous and normal classes are balanced ( say at least 1:5) 3. Data is not auto correlated. ( That one data point does not depend on earlier data points. This often breaks in time series data).
  • 4.  Anomalies can be classified as Point , Collective or Contextual .  Point Anomaly  If an individual data instance can be considered as anomalous with respect to the rest of the data (e.g. purchase with large transaction value)  Collective Anomaly  If a collection of related data instances is anomalous with respect to the entire data set, but not individual values (e.g. breaking rhythm in ECG)  Contextual Anomaly  If a data instance is anomalous in a specific context, but not otherwise ( anomaly if occur at certain time or certain region. e.g. large drop at middle of month in consumption)
  • 5. Application Domains Intrusion Detection Fraud Detection Traffic Analysis Labels Anomaly Type Nature of Data Output Problem Characteristics Anomaly Detection Technique Research Areas: Machine Learning Data Mining Statistics Information Theory Spectral Theory
  • 6.  Our datasets contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by European cardholders, where there are 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions. Note: Dataset was provided us already pre processed and PCA transformed due to confidentiality issues. Target Variable: Class 0  Normal Transactions (Non-Fraud) 1  Fraud Transactions (Fraud)
  • 7.  The data is highly skewed, the positive class (frauds) account for only 0.172% of all transactions.
  • 8. 1) Data sampling: In which the training instances are modified in such a way to produce a more or less balanced class distribution that allow classifiers to perform in a similar manner to standard classification. Oversample the minority class, Undersample the majority class, Synthesize new minority classes. E.g. SMOTE, ROSE, EasyEnsemble, BalanceCascade, etc
  • 9. 2) Algorithmic modification: This procedure is oriented towards the adaptation of base learning methods to be more attuned to class imbalance issues 3) Cost-sensitive learning: This type of solutions incorporate approaches at the data level, at the algorithmic level, or at both levels combined, considering higher costs for the misclassification of examples of the positive class with respect to the negative class, and therefore, trying to minimize higher cost errors E.g. CostSensitiveClassifier.
  • 10. Generating artificial anomalies  New rare class examples are generated inside the regions of existing rare class examples  Artificial anomalies are generated around the edges of the sparsely populated data regions Classify synthetic outliers vs. real normal data using active learning Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique
  • 12. Looks highly accurate model with model accuracy of ~89%. However for Anomaly Detection, we should consider following metrics The Area Under the ROC curve (AUC) is a good general statistic. It is equal to the probability that a random positive example will be ranked above a random negative example. The F1 Score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It is commonly used in text processing when an aggregate measure is sought. Cohen’s Kappa is an evaluation statistic that takes into account how much agreement would be expected by chance.
  • 14. Changing the threshold from a range of 0 to 0.5 and checking the AUC.
  • 15. 1  Fraud Transactions 0  Non-Fraud Transactions We were able to predict 98% of the credit card fraud at the same time maintaining a high precision and recall.
  • 17. One Class SVM is an Azure implementation for Anomaly detection This module is used when it is easy to obtain training data from one class, such as acceptable transactions, but difficult to obtain sufficient samples of the targeted anomalies. For example, if you need to detect fraudulent transaction, you might not have enough examples of fraud to train the model, but have many examples of good transactions. Source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn913103.aspx
  • 19. Demo 1. Live Credit Card Fraud Detection – (RF-SMOTE) 2. Single Transaction – (One Class SVM) 3. Batch Execution
  • 20. 1. (G.E.A.P.A. Batista, R.C. Prati, M.C. Monard, A study of the behaviour of several methods for balancing machine learning training data, SIGKDD Explorations 6 (1) (2004) 20–29. doi: 10.1145/1007730.1007735, N.V. Chawla, K.W. Bowyer, L.O. Hall, W.P. Kegelmeyer, SMOTE: synthetic minority over-sampling technique, Journal of Artificial Intelligent Research 16 (2002) 321–357. doi: 10.1613/jair.953). 2. (B. Zadrozny, C. Elkan, Learning and making decisions when costs and probabilities are both unknown, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD’01), 2001, pp. 204–213.). 3. (P. Domingos, Metacost: a general method for making classifiers cost–sensitive, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD’99), 1999, pp. 155–164., B. Zadrozny, J. Langford, N. Abe, Cost–sensitive learning by cost–proportionate example weighting, in: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM’03), 2003, pp. 435–442.) 4. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2016/03/practical-guide-deal-imbalanced- classification-problems/